Stock Netflix.apk needed - Eee Pad Transformer General

I'm trying to upgrade my rooted TF101 to and every zipI use complains on an assert failure for /system/app/Netflix.apk. Oddly, I can't get Ti backup to restore it, so I tried downloading it and putting it in that directory. This doesn't work. Does anyone have the stock Netflix.apk they can post so I can move past this? thx!!

Here ya go!
Title says it all.

Thanks! But no cigar!
I tried that, but it gives me the following error when I attempt to apply the zip from the sd card:
ClockworkMod Recovery v3.2.0.1 roach2010-tf101-r1
-- Installing: /sdcard/
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Installing update...
Verifying current system...
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/Netflix.apk", "459b736ea95188dd3500005f621b4fa22291c40c", "58c70e894dfc98166d16c64cb9555a7e83ceb7e4")
E:Error in /sdcard/
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
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Any suggestions out there in the development community? I didn't think that uninstalling Netflix would cause such a hassle later on. Is there a different version of the .apk I can try? Or a different way of installing it (I just copied it over after remounting /system/app as rw).
Alternatively, can I unroot, then download the update, then re-root? Anybody have any practice with that, or will the Netflix.apk package.
Thank you! Have a nice day (or evening).

crinis said:
I tried that, but it gives me the following error when I attempt to apply the zip from the sd card:
Any suggestions out there in the development community? I didn't think that uninstalling Netflix would cause such a hassle later on. Is there a different version of the .apk I can try? Or a different way of installing it (I just copied it over after remounting /system/app as rw).
Alternatively, can I unroot, then download the update, then re-root? Anybody have any practice with that, or will the Netflix.apk package.
Thank you! Have a nice day (or evening).
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That wasn't a zip file, it was an apk. And you don't flash those in recovery. Just put it in /data/app directory, then restart the tablet. Or you can try to execute it, and it will automatically install to the appropriate folder.

I solved it!
Yes, I just copied it over using scp (after remounting /system as rw). I'm no noob!
Here's what I did to get it to work.
I unzipped the rooted zip file, edited the updater-script to remove references to Netflix.apk (three of them), then rezipped it up, copied it to the sdcard , rebooted to recovery, then flashed it. Worked! Here's the exact steps took:
On my linux latop:
mkdir /tmp/ics-us-
cd /tmp/ics-us-
unzip ~/Download//tmp/
vi ./META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script
# /Netflix\.apk finds the lines, I deleted two, and modified the third to remove the reference.
zip -r /tmp/ *
scp /tmp/ics-us- [email protected]:/Removable/MicroSD
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From there it's all Clockwork.
Thanks so much for the help of this forum. I love xda developers!


ROM Upgrade Seems to be Impossible!

Yes, I am fairly new to this, but not a noob by any means. I've been upgrading ROM's for a long time, albeit Windows mobile.
I have rooted my Hero - confirmed by installing several ROOT only apps from the market, and accessing commands from su, # prompts.
I can't seem to upgrade my [otherwise stock] Sprint hero despite trying different approaches.
Hugely frustrating, a history of my attempts:
I copied the latest backup recovery file 1.5.2 to the root of my SD card.
I have installed ADB tools
So I open a command prompt and go into Android SDK/tools:
adb shell
# flash_image recovery /sdcard/ [recovery file name]
I then type 'reboot recovery' the phone reboots and I have the screen with phone image and large triangle with yellow '!' in it.
I hold 'HOME' and 'END' togerther to access menu of system recovery utility and I can only select 3 options:
reboot system now [Home+back]
apply [Alt+S] * see below)
wipe data/factory rest [Alt+w]
At the bottom of the screen I have the error (which I have investigated and found that no-one seems to be able to explain, yet it doesn't seem to hinder most folks in flashing roms):
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
I initially expected to have MORE options as the first thing I wanted to do was create a Nandroid backup, but gave up on trying to do this!
*So I rename the fresh 1.1 rom zip to '' and copy to the root of my SD card.
I 'reboot recovery' again, my phone restarts, I choose the 'Apply' option and then it begins to install:
Install from sdcard....
Finding update package....
Opening update package....
Verifying update package....
E:No signature (599 files)
E:Verification failed
Installation aborted
I've tried updating different ROM's with similar negative results - and yes, I have checked the MD5 to ensure ROM's are 'good'
BTW - I still also have the error:
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
Get the fresh kitchen and run the auto root feature.
I would agree get the kitchen try the auto root because to me it sounds like there was a problem in your root process. screen that you are getting into is just the fastboot also what I have found to make life easier is rename the RA-Recovery-heroc-1.5.2.img to just recovery.img makes my life a whole lot easier as I mess with my phone so much I have had to RUU several times and that just makes rooting manualy a little faster.
As far as installing the Fresh ROM, I know I had an issue because I was using a MAC and when I downloaded the Zip file, the MAC would unzip it. I finally had to download the Zip file right to my phone and it worked fine.
raylusk said:
As far as installing the Fresh ROM, I know I had an issue because I was using a MAC and when I downloaded the Zip file, the MAC would unzip it. I finally had to download the Zip file right to my phone and it worked fine.
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That's because you aren't supposed to unzip a rom.

Question about changing Recovery

Hi, I have a friend who currently has
Android Recovery System <2e> on his droid. Wanting to know if there's a way to change from that to Amons? Also, while using the <2e> any zip he tries to install comes up with the error E: Can't open /cache/recovery/command
If he scrolls down to Apply sdcard: he gets:
--Install from sdcard...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
E:failed to open /sdcard/ (No such file or directory)
E:signature verification fialed
Installation aborted.
This happens when trying to open .zip's such as Evil Eris 2.0 or any other zip. I have Amon's recovery and these zips work fine for me.
Any and all help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
was anything changed within the .zip files?... because if so that will cause it. Also i know if you rename the .zip file you will also recieve the problem because they signed with that specific name. Otherwise, i suggest deleting it from you SD and downloading the .zip again and do a wipe data/dalvik and reflash. But remember to do a nand backup! Lemme know what you get....
No files/names have been changed. If I could get Amon's recovery I could mod his phone for him. I have Amon's and do not have this issue. It is prbably something I am not doing due to being unfamiliar with the recovery he has. Basicaly I think all I really need is a way to get his recovery to read Amon's and I'm good.
andrew8806 said:
was anything changed within the .zip files?... because if so that will cause it. Also i know if you rename the .zip file you will also recieve the problem because they signed with that specific name. Otherwise, i suggest deleting it from you SD and downloading the .zip again and do a wipe data/dalvik and reflash. But remember to do a nand backup! Lemme know what you get....
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Are you certain about that, or is that unique to that specific recovery menu?
I rename my's and ROM's after they've been signed and don't run into issues.
If his phone is rooted just download rom manager from the market, open it, scroll all the way to the bottom and hit flash alternative recovery.
That should do it.
.mak said:
Are you certain about that, or is that unique to that specific recovery menu?
I rename my's and ROM's after they've been signed and don't run into issues.
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I change the name of and it always fails to verify.

Modifying the update to keep root

Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper and temp unroot before updating (you can try it without temp unroot but it has caused some problems for other users). This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root. You should now temp unroot. Users who did not temp un-root have had issues with su access after updating.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
9. Use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
Original Message
So I would like to modify the new OTA so I get the updates without losing root and my current recovery. It is my understanding that the file: \META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script contains the instructions for how the update should run. Can I simply modify this script so that it won't delete root or overwrite my recovery or boot and then flash it in CWR? It looks like it would be pretty straight forward but it would be nice to get some information from someone more knowledgeable so that I don't mess something up and brick my TpT. One obvious line to remove would be where it deletes superuser.apk and su. There is also a section where it patches the boot image, I'm not sure what this patch does but I am worried that maybe somehow they might lock the bootloader. EDIT: I updated, and still have CWR so the bootloader didn't get locked. The other lines I would remove are the ones that reference recovery. If someone with knowledge of android would be willing to help me with this then I will upload my modified (assuming it works) so that others can avoid the hassle.
So I think that the process would be to delete the current \META-INF\ folder, then put in my modified updater script in \META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and sign the update with SignApk.jar? Is this the correct process? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I attached the original updater-script below for anyone interested in taking a look.
I appreciate you posting the file. I've never worked with Android code and this was a great intro.
I'm not sure this will work. Although I'm not super knowledgeable in this.
I did find these two threads.
Of course, the latter is in respect to the Galaxy Nexus, and I am sure most of those people have unlocked bootloaders, etc. So again, not sure if those shed any more light on it, but am also curious on a process like this.
The update popped up on my tablet last night and I clicked "more info" and from what it lists, does not seem to be very many fixes
So I successfully updated in ClockworkMod Recovery without losing CWR and without deleting my Superuser.apk and su files by modifying the updater-script in the Unfortunately it still messed up my superuser permissions somehow and I ended up having to use ADB while booted into CWR to push and symlink the proper files to get su working again (OTA Rootkeeper wasn't functioning properly because the files were there but the permissions were messed up). I have modified the so that now it deletes the superuser.apk and su files but keeps clockworkmod recovery. With this and OTA Rootkeeper I think you should be able to update while keeping CWR and restoring root. I will also provide directions here for those seeking to make their own modifications and possibly improve upon my efforts, but proceed with caution.
So what I did was open the zip in winrar and extracted the updater-script. I then edited some lines of code using Notepad++, deleting the ones that referred to deleting recovery or installing a new recovery as well as the lines to delete superuser.apk and /system/bin/su and /system/xbin/su. I also commented out a couple lines at the beginning (assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "Indigo") because I was getting an error code status 7 when it was trying to perform this check while using clockwork mod. I checked my build.prop and it does say Indigo so I don't know why the check failed but just removing the check was easier for me than figuring out the problem (generally it is not good to remove such checks but I was sure I had the right file). In Notepad++ you must select save as and choose type all files then just save it with the same name. Then replace the updater-script in your zip file with the modified one, I used winrar and chose the compression to just be store (ie no compression). Then you need to delete the CERT.RSA, CERT.SF, and MANIFEST.MF files in the META-INF folder of your and you sign the using testsign.jar. Then your new modified is ready to go.
I think that the reason things did not work out for me is that there are a bunch of lines in the updater script about symlinking and setting permissions for stuff in /system and I think /system/bin/su was originally symlinked to /system/xbin/su which is the real file so things got messed up and I had the files still but the symlink and or permissions were messed up. I eventually fixed this by booting into CWR mounting system and using adb to repush /system/xbin/su and setting permissions and making the new symlinked su file in /system/bin just like the last lines of Dan's Thinkpad root bat file did.
Here is a modified that should delete your Superuser files but keep your ClockworkMod Recovery. I think that with this file you can use OTA Rootkeeper to make a root backup, temp unroot, then boot into CWR and update to the new OTA then you should be able to reboot and use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root and download Superuser from the market, while keeping CWR through the entire process.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
That being said I think it will work. I followed this guide to sign my update.
Original updater-script
Modified updater-script in the linked above (this one deletes Superuser /system/bin/su and /system/xbin/su but keeps CWR)
Modified updater-script that I flashed on my tablet (this one messed up my su but doesn't delete the files)
If you need a good online file locker join Dropbox here and we'll both get an extra 250mb of space.
Unfortunately that didn't work for me, game me an error in CWR.
Is the other method, replacing the update scrip in the OTA and trying it ?
freezepop said:
Unfortunately that didn't work for me, game me an error in CWR.
Is the other method, replacing the update scrip in the OTA and trying it ?
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Depending on the error you can likely edit the updater-script yourself and successfully installed. Most errors are due to changes in system apps causing them to fail checks. If you remove an app check you should probably remove the corresponding patch for that app in the updater script. What error did you have?
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper and temp unroot before updating (you can try it without temp unroot but it has caused some problems for other users). This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root. You should now temp unroot. Users who did not temp un-root have had issues with su access after updating.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
9. Use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
jhankinson said:
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper just in case something goes wrong but don't temp unroot before updating and see if root still works after the update. This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root (just in case), you shouldn't need to temp unroot though with this update.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
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Thank you for your work. I have ROW version and waiting OTA2 for that, but still now I know how to modify update-script. I have a question, why not to remove any unneeded software from update and remove check for installed software which are already removed?
redbaron said:
Thank you for your work. I have ROW version and waiting OTA2 for that, but still now I know how to modify update-script. I have a question, why not to remove any unneeded software from update and remove check for installed software which are already removed?
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Different people have removed different apps so one person may want the patch while another might want it skipped. I was just posting a generic version here that works for stock system apps. If others want to further customize their script then they are welcome improve upon it or customize it for their own system.
jhankinson said:
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper just in case something goes wrong but don't temp unroot before updating and see if root still works after the update. This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root (just in case), you shouldn't need to temp unroot though with this update.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
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I flashed this zip. It didn't delete su or Superuser.apk, yet apps cannot get root access afterward. any suggestions?
mandrsn1 said:
I flashed this zip. It didn't delete su or Superuser.apk, yet apps cannot get root access afterward. any suggestions?
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That is what happened to me originally, it can be fixed though. Did you make a backup with OTA Rootkeeper? If so open Android Terminal emulator and type:
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
chown root /system/xbin/su
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
Then reboot your tablet. I believe this should fix your root access. If you don't have a backup I think you can also fix it by running adb while booted into CWR. I can give you those instructions if this doesn't work.
Apparently you should temp un-root before installing my update then restore your su backup with OTA Rootkeeper after updating.
You wear the crown
Thanks for posting the fix, too. Waiting for reboot to finish.
Really appreciate all your hard work. The instructions you posted for me in thinkpad forums worked perfectly and I learned a lot in the process.
toenail_flicker said:
Thanks for posting the fix, too. Waiting for reboot to finish.
Really appreciate all your hard work. The instructions you posted for me in thinkpad forums worked perfectly and I learned a lot in the process.
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Did the fix work for you?
Still waiting for reboot. I waited about 20 minutes and rebooted manually. So far it still hasn't made it in for me to try the fix.
---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------
jhankinson said:
Did the fix work for you?
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Fix not yet working. Got this far
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
error message
cp: applet not found
Any ideas?
toenail_flicker said:
Still waiting for reboot. I waited about 20 minutes and rebooted manually. So far it still hasn't made it in for me to try the fix.
---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------
Fix not yet working. Got this far
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
error message
cp: applet not found
Any ideas?
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busybox cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
may have to type busybox before some of the other commands too if they give an error.
So my line would be
busybox cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
cp: applet not found
Just a quick note of thanks for getting me through this. Root is wonderful!
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
fails, use
dd if=/system/su-backup of=/system/xbin/su
jhankinson said:
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper just in case something goes wrong but don't temp unroot before updating and see if root still works after the update. This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root. You should now temp unroot. Users who did not temp un-root have had issues with su access after updating.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
9. Use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
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Thx jhankinson, this work for me. my TPT 1838 US.

US OTA ICS won't update after root...

I rooted my TPT with the yet another root exploit method while on version 0089_US, and it worked great. Then I installed RootKeeper and temporarilly unrooted. My TPT is not and never has been modified in any other way, no CWR, no apps deleted, nothing.
When I try to install the OTA ICS update, it will start to install, and then fail with some kind of assert failed error message that mentiones busybox, and then say error in /cache/
Anybody know what's going on???
I had the same issues with the ROW update. I followed this thread (thoroughly) and got ICS with root intact.
I'm confused. The fix was:
"Restored busybox from the same file mentioned before and it worked."
How do I "restore" busybox?
userno69 said:
I'm confused. The fix was:
"Restored busybox from the same file mentioned before and it worked."
How do I "restore" busybox?
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Here's what I needed to do to get busybox restored and access to my stock recovery again:
1. Downloaded a previous update from Lenovo's site. (had to go two versions prior to find one with a busybox file in it).
2. Extract the Busybox file from the archive (system/xbin Directory)
3. Copy the file to your tablet
4. Using ES File Explorer or Astro, copy this Busybox over to the system/xbin Directory on your device. Note: I had trouble here with permissions that came down to a few settings in ES File Explorer (system access, write permissions, etc).
5. Reboot into recovery by pushing Vol + a few times after Lenovo appears.
Hope this helps.
Both ES File Explorer and File Manager fail when attempting to overwrite the existing busybox.
Any suggestions?
garypen said:
Both ES File Explorer and File Manager fail when attempting to overwrite the existing busybox.
Any suggestions?
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Can you verify your ES file explorer root settings (Root Explorer and Mount file system enabled). These settings are required to make changes to system files.
EpsilonTheGreat said:
Can you verify your ES file explorer root settings (Root Explorer and Mount file system enabled).These settings are requibe able to overwrite busybox.
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Thanks! That enabled me to overwrite busybox. Now, I am crossing my fingers that the OTA update works.
It started downloading directly from the "check for update" page, rather than quickly saying an update was available, and asking to reboot and install, as it had been doing. So, perhaps it checks busybox before even DLing the update.
It's taking a while to DL. I'll post results after the next reboot ad install attempt.
garypen said:
Thanks! That enabled me to overwrite busybox. Now, I am crossing my fingers that the OTA update works.
It started downloading directly from the "check for update" page, rather than quickly saying an update was available, and asking to reboot and install, as it had been doing. So, perhaps it checks busybox before even DLing the update.
It's taking a while to DL. I'll post results after the next reboot ad install attempt.
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I saw the exact same thing after fixing busybox. Glad it worked for you (so far)!
Worked like a champ. Rocking ICS on my TPT with root.
It's really not a huge diff from HC. But, lots of little things that I had become accustomed to on my ICS phone.
The tpt does seem a little faster now. Play store is working better, too.
I just wish I could replace that stupid Lenovo quick app icon with the android app launcher icon, like on my nexus. Why do they locate the apps icon at the very top corner? Makes no sense.
I've tried all the busyboxes that I can find and still no update. Can someone post a working one?
I used the one from the 0086US update.
I found one, I used the OTA OTA A310_02_0039_0086_US
Also, I kept root.
assert(file_getprop("/system/build.prop", "") == "Lenovo/ThinkPadTablet/Indigo:4.0.3/ThinkPadTablet _A400_03/0065_0128_US:user/release-keys" || file_getprop("/system/build.prop", "") == "Lenovo/ThinkPadTablet/Indigo:4.0.3/ThinkPadTablet _A400_03/0069_0130_US:user/release-keys")
Error in /tmp/sideload/
Summonabeeeetch!!!! I noticed its the first step of the script... any ideas? Anyone? Maybe Ian not destined for ics :-( any ideas?
daswahnsinn said:
I found one, I used the OTA OTA A310_02_0039_0086_US
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You can get it directly from Lenovo:
Busybox is located in the system/xbin folder.
garypen said:
You can get it directly from Lenovo:
It's located in the system/xbin folder
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For some strange reason I couldn't get any of the ones from the lenovo site to work, Thank though this should help someone else for sure.
I was able to update to ICS with CW by editing the updater-script. I commented out the verification check.
ScotchtapeLoser said:
I was able to update to ICS with CW by editing the updater-script. I commented out the verification check.
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Which ones did you comment out?
Your Tablet may vary....
I started with
Anything starting with Google...
I would comment out the line, add the new updater-script to the zip file. Try it. When it threw out an error I would comment out that line... rinse and repeat
After a time I just became annoyed and comment out all of the apply_patch_check (around 450 lines). I do not advise using this shotgun approach.
bigsnack said:
Which ones did you comment out?
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ICS OTA install busybox error
Hey guys I didn't want to start another thread because this one is very similar to the issue I am having now. My tablet asks me to install an OTA update but once its about half way done in recovery in spits out some kind of error(check attachment). When it comes to tablets Im a noob but I was wondering if you guys can give me some solid instructions on how to get past it?
Thanks in advance.
Reference this thread:

How to update to JB using DLPKGFILE and KEEP ROOT! Works!

Right, so, through a bit of trial and error using guidance from the forums, this is how I updated to JB and kept root for WW after the update originally failed.
download BOTH files from here (massive thanks to ch3mn3y):
then extract the .zip file.
download the command file from here (massive thanks to krabappel2548):
extract it.
place the dlpkgfile and command file, both unzipped onto your tab. Use a root explorer to paste the command file into /cache/recovery and the dlpkgfile (the actual file, not the folder) to /cache.
go to Voodoo OTA Rootkeeper and temp unroot.
turn off the tab.
boot into recovery with Vol - and power, then when it says to press volume up to boot into RCK, do it.
You'll see the android with the blue wires and it will go through the install process if you have done it right. let it do its thing.
obviously, when it has settled, restore root with Voodoo.
If you get the android with red exclamation mark, i reccomend downloading the ICS zip of your current firmware and SKU and sticking it on a micro SD card, and letting it restore any programmes you've deleted.
rickykemp said:
Right, so, through a bit of trial and error using guidance from the forums, this is how I updated to JB and kept root for WW after the update originally failed.
download BOTH files from here (massive thanks to ch3mn3y):
then extract the .zip file.
download the command file from here (massive thanks to krabappel2548):
extract it.
place the dlpkgfile and command file, both unzipped onto your tab. Use a root explorer to paste the command file into /cache/recovery and the dlpkgfile (the actual file, not the folder) to /cache.
go to Voodoo OTA Rootkeeper and temp unroot.
turn off the tab.
boot into recovery with Vol - and power, then when it says to press volume up to boot into RCK, do it.
You'll see the android with the blue wires and it will go through the install process if you have done it right. let it do its thing.
obviously, when it has settled, restore root with Voodoo.
If you get the android with red exclamation mark, i reccomend downloading the ICS zip of your current firmware and SKU and sticking it on a micro SD card, and letting it restore any programmes you've deleted.
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Will your last line lose root on us, or will voodoo root keeper save it via that or does it wipe/reset the entire system?
Ashcunak said:
Will your last line lose root on us, or will voodoo root keeper save it via that or does it wipe/reset the entire system?
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When i ran ran the zip of .30 i did lose root, but it was easily restored using 1 click transformer root.
I tried it twice but it always failed at about 1/3 of the process... Hopefully I can reboot w/ any damage...
WHY!?? :'(
Btw here's the part of the log where it shows the failure in installation:
I:Enable RSA key verification.
Installing update...
Finding update package...
I:Update location: /cache/dlpkgfile
Opening update package...
I:1 key(s) loaded from /res/keys
Verifying update package...
I:comment is 1682 bytes; signature 1664 bytes from end
I:whole-file signature verified against key 0
I:verify_file returned 0
Installing update...
Check : blob size = 13104069
Verifying current system...
file "/system/lib/" doesn't have any of expected sha1 sums; checking cache
failed to stat "/cache/saved.file": No such file or directory
failed to load cache file
script aborted: assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/lib/", "ed4c7834196831836c73d0374529a0278c2fa91c", "a52756f5a63c9827632587d025ee28f67739bd97")
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/lib/", "ed4c7834196831836c73d0374529a0278c2fa91c", "a52756f5a63c9827632587d025ee28f67739bd97")
E:Error in /cache/dlpkgfile
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.
I:result_code: 410
Check and format /storage to vfat if needed...
Mount /btmac successfully
Btw the command file is just a file with content --update_package=/cache/dlpkgfile in it.
You can create it with notepad, save as .txt, and remove the .txt
rickykemp said:
When i ran ran the zip of .30 i did lose root, but it was easily restored using 1 click transformer root.
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OH, wow, im so outa date thanks, i rooted on the first revision that came out and havent really watched whats out there for root options. i see this now thanks so much i was worried id have to all sorts of downgrading. link for anyone else whos "outa it" like me
WIIstpM said:
file "/system/app/Music2.apk" doesn't have any of expected sha1 sums; checking cache
failed to stat "/cache/saved.file": No such file or directory
failed to load cache file
script aborted: assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/Music2.apk", "c9bc168a88b5106e0e04f8e70023a4c33009021b", "cbb199983ab1cb9beee6b20ec4db659ccd49d757")
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/Music2.apk", "c9bc168a88b5106e0e04f8e70023a4c33009021b", "cbb199983ab1cb9beee6b20ec4db659ccd49d757")
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Maybe u delete or freeze Music2.apk? First time when i forget to unfreeze /system apps my update failed too (but i dont remember when).
ch3mn3y said:
Maybe u delete or freeze Music2.apk? First time when i forget to unfreeze /system apps my update failed too (but i dont remember when).
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I think I found the problem: I remember I pushed jelly bean's music2.apk in system/app! Restored the original music app.
Gonna try update again!
Now it the turn of ...
Going to give it a try.
Just to make sure, is this for WW version, right?
ch3mn3y said:
Maybe u delete or freeze Music2.apk? First time when i forget to unfreeze /system apps my update failed too (but i dont remember when).
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MM the Music app problem is resolved.. but now the same thing happens but with "/system/lib/"
Tequila.CZ said:
Going to give it a try.
Just to make sure, is this for WW version, right?
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Looking good., but got this error:
file "/system/app/EmailWidget.apk" doesn't have any of expected sha1 sums; checking cache
failed to stat "/cache/saved.file": No such file or directory
failed to load cache file
script aborted: assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/EmailWidget.apk", "5655101db862ccc0b2e60bd8ee276192f80e0ac7", "25adaa94e23e2aa87a7dd7f01956ccbabbb960fc")
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/EmailWidget.apk", "5655101db862ccc0b2e60bd8ee276192f80e0ac7", "25adaa94e23e2aa87a7dd7f01956ccbabbb960fc")
E:Error in /cache/dlpkgfile
Already got this before my update notification stopped working.
I deleted Email app, returned it back to system but seems I dont have the right version. (found in someones dropbox posted here)
Also reflashed Ww. 30 hoping this would overwrite the widget with correct version. Obviously it did not...
Would be glad for any help.
As it is MY dlpkgfile it can need MY files. I could upload /system, but first its strange to copy/paste whole android and second it is 624mb and third it will work only for rooted and at least fourth i updated my pad.
If it helps my pad was reflashed to .30 using wolfs method cos i had screen issue.
Sent using tf300t - stock JellyBean (rooted)
ch3mn3y said:
As it is MY dlpkgfile it can need MY files. I could upload /system, but first its strange to copy/paste whole android and second it is 624mb and third it will work only for rooted and at least fourth i updated my pad.
If it helps my pad was reflashed to .30 using wolfs method cos i had screen issue.
Sent using tf300t - stock JellyBean (rooted)
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Could you please try to upload just the EmailWidget?
When I tried using OTA I got an error on Email.apk first. Then I downloaded it from dropbox and it passed. But EmailWidget did unfortunately not.
Also trying to find a tool that could extract the .30blob file. I guess the apps should be there. Found something but probably Linux only so no go for me.
You guys made my day! I had the red triangle and couldn`t get the update anymore. Tried everything, nothing worked.
Now I just followed your guide, dl. your files and all went fine.
So sad I was ony able to hit the Tanks-button once. Thank you thousand times!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
Here is emailwidget .apk and .odex but from jb not ics cos i didnt made a backup. But i think that it wasnt changed.
Sent using tf300t - stock JellyBean (rooted)
ch3mn3y said:
Here is emailwidget .apk and .odex but from jb not ics cos i didnt made a backup. But i think that it wasnt changed.
Sent using tf300t - stock JellyBean (rooted)
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Oh man. I love you. Here I come on JB!
The EmailWidget was the missing piece.
Big thanks to rickykem, ch3mn3y and overyone who helped to create this workaround!
y17dt said:
You guys made my day! I had the red triangle and couldn`t get the update anymore. Tried everything, nothing worked.
Now I just followed your guide, dl. your files and all went fine.
So sad I was ony able to hit the Tanks-button once. Thank you thousand times!
Sent from my ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T using Tapatalk 2
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Can someone post the original /system/lib/ pleeease...
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
WIIstpM said:
Can someone post the original /system/lib/ pleeease...
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
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I only have it from JB. Unfortunately it seems the file was updated together with the system so it will most probably be useless.
Don't have a libs backup from WW.30
WIIstpM said:
Can someone post the original /system/lib/ pleeease...
Sent from my LG-P970 using xda premium
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Here you go, from ICS:
Trimis de pe ASUS Transformer Pad TF300T

