Where is the development? - Windows 8 General

I've been looking through these threads periodically for weeks now and I have to ask where are the developers? We see updates from major companies like Mozilla and Google about their development plans but what about the smaller user made softwares to hack and customize metro, or more metro apps from home developers?
Within days of release of the official Windows 7 beta users had created programs allowing you to mod and hack the OS to your hearts desire, I really haven't seen this so far in 8CP. Is anyone working on anything?

yeah, haven't seen any metro app or port yet these months...

nobody wants to give their programs away for free when there will be 400 million potential customers in the first year for the windows 8 store.

moved to general - not dev


WM Marketplace on Xperia?

Hi all,
I've heard a lot about Microsoft setting up WM Marketplace this summer. My main question is:
1. Does anyone know if this will be accessible on the SE Xperia?
From what i've read, the Touch Diamond 2 and Touch Pro 2 have been mentioned. Is this only going to be accessible through WM 6.5?
2. What does everyone think about the WM Marketplace?
I think it's been a long time coming, but maybe its too little too late. I've hated the iPhone since it came out but after spending a week with my uncles iPhone i've grown envious of the applications which are on the market for it. Its maybe not the most configurable or indepth phone but there are so many great and useful applications out there for the iPhone. Eventhough WM has been around for so many more years and there are more applications out there for WM, I think it sucks that WM have taken so long to move forward with applications and finally the UI (WM6.5). There are lots of sites from which you can buy WM applications but why are the quality of the programs the same which we saw 3 or 4 years ago - extremely bad. When you are using an expensve touch screen phone like the Xperia, you want applications readily available and also user friendly. If WM had invested more time and effort into getting developers involved then the iPhone would be nothing today. I just feel my X1 is going to waste without the applications which would really utilize the hardware of the Xperia!
3. What do you think about the pricing of applications in the WM Marketplace?
Currently lots of apps for WM cost stupid prices, upto £20 a pop! I think approaching this again like Apple would be to provide free limited versions of the application and charge you £2 or £3 for the full version. This would mean more people would be willing to try out different apps.
Anyways sorry for the long post!
I love forward to reading your replies!
1. I heard that the WM Marketplace would be compatible with WM 6.1+ devices. It's just a link to a website? I'm not to sure.
2/3. Personally I think it's a good idea. I never ever understood why cell phone applications should cost $10+. Some cost $20+, which I would never pay for. I feel like if more developers can market their applications to wider audience via the WM Marketplace, this would drive down the cost of applications.
After browsing the website, it looks like most of the items are sold via Handango which is already on our Xperia's. I hope the marketplace will catch on, but I doubt it.
I personally think that Marketplace will catch on for WM users.
You see so many adverts for the apps on the iPhone and i'm sure theres loads of people like me who would like to see some of those apps bought to WM.
It's a case of Microsoft encouraging developers to start making these apps by making a centralised Marketplace where they can sell their ideas.
But is it too little too late?
It is "built-in" in Itje´s 6.5 and is just a shortcut to https://client.marketplace.windowsmobile.com which is not ready.
I think that wm will change a lot with the new market , but im agree with your opinion , maybe the important changes comes to late . ive read that wm will include much iphoneapps in their market and that the market will available for wm6.0 and 6.1 devices too but i think that it also will be possible to upgrade your x1 up to 6.5 . so i can wait , i have to wait -.-
I REALLY hope that wind mobile 6.5 does come to the XPERIA
Is it possible to run iPhone apps on WM? maybe they will bring "iPhone style" apps, but its always going to be perceived as Microsoft copying Apple once again!
Is it possible to eventually run iPhone apps on WM? Through an emulator or other software?
comeradealexi said:
I REALLY hope that wind mobile 6.5 does come to the XPERIA
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WM Marketplace doesn't require WM6.5.
I am pretty satisfied with the current development scene but I think the WMMP will spur a new "age" and I really hope it does.
Microsoft is known for being sloppy though.


Has anyone noticed how ridiculously expensive and overpriced applications are in the Windows Mobile Marketplace?
For one, their selection of applications are terrible. So far they're just a bunch of badly designed generic apps that don't feed any real purpose. The games are horrible too.
The only decent application I wanted to buy was Pac Man, but that's like £5 !!! for a measly game that probably only has 5 levels and I'm only going to play when I'm bored.
. I just want a decent Twitter application that has kinetic scrolling and doesn't show that horrid side-bar control.
. A decent media player with visualisations and coverflow.
. A few nicely designed touchscreen games including ones like Tweeter that makes use of the G-sensor.
It makes no sense for Windows to release all these devices and advertise that WM is a social device when their marketplace is a bunch of bollocks.
ilabstudios said:
. I just want a decent Twitter application that has kinetic scrolling and doesn't show that horrid side-bar control.
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I agree. I am very disapointed with the marketplace myself. I was expecting thousands of high quality cheap and free apps but that's not what we have yet. I am hoping that this is only due to the fact that it's been 10 days since its release and must be hard to get thousands of apps ready to go in the first few months. I am confident though that microsoft is ready to compete with android and iphone so must surely have something more in mind than they currently have.
Unfortunately it has nothing to do with Microsoft. The WinMo software companies haven't adjusted yet to that fact that there is a central place for the average user to hit and find their competition. Something like SPB could be as pricey as it wanted, because it could take the average user forever to find any quality alternatives. They have the advertising dollars, placement on carrier websites, etc. Now there's a spot for a smaller competitor to get the same exposure. But it'll take time for them to pop up.
$30 for any mobile app is retarded. I'm really disappointed that since release day, I'm only seeing 10 new apps in the store. Maybe the "what's new" button is broken, but there's a couple on the results page I installed day 1 of Marketplace being open
The lack of apps is probably not helped by the fact that, as I understand it, Microsoft charge an extra $10 or so for each country to list the app in (and require that the app be localized for that country) so I'd assume that a good chunk of people developing apps in the US aren't going to push their apps beyond the US (I'm no developer so haven't read the full pricing details but that's the gist of what I've seen in some MS developer forums with people questioning why their apps aren't available)
It'll especially be true for free or cheap apps - if you've made a free app, would you pay out to make it available to other countries?
The only reason I can see for restricting apps to a country is if they are purely regional - TV schedules for a particular country, or train schedules or something.
Well, I'm in the US, so not really an issue. Trust me, not missing much if they are actually holding out on pushing to other countries.
I'd also guess the word is out to developers that Marketplace is a good spot for their software to turn freeware and end up on a torrent so perhaps they are holding off until Microsoft fixes the security.
Jesus shoe tapping finger clicking Christ, give it a chance its only just started. I have already seen a lot on there for free and under 70p... just wait and be a bit patient.
give it a chance its only just started
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I would if that were the case. Unfortunately, Marketplace has been exposed to developers months before it was officially released, which is why I am confused as to why there are so many cheap applications. I'm sure that there will be more applications coming soon, but I'm more concerned about the pricing and quality of applications. When I watched the first keynote last year on the coming of Marketplace I had higher hopes than his.
I realise that some iPhone developers have investment from other companies and some of them even have a development team working on the apps, but still.. look at the type of stuff Android have compared with Windows, it's ridiculous. It's as if no real developer wants to develop on the WM platform.
I feel that their advertising campaigns are misleading. They're trying to get across the fact that WM is now social and more application orientated when so far all I can find on the marketplace are overpriced applications that seem like it was developed for WM5.
Personally I don't think 6.5 is going to be a huge success, TechCrunch has already given it a bad review. WM7 better be different.
Btw. In the world of technology, there's no room for 'Oh give it a chance' type attitude. Technology companies usually have once chance of pulling something off. Hence the reason why companies like Google or Apple spend millions of dollars on market resource, trial testing and development research.
Marketplace? Pah!
I've been relying on the RSS feed from this fine site for the past couple of years or so, since my original TyTN, TyTN II and now my Touch Pro 2. It's a great site, has introduced me to great programs like NoniGPSPlot, has new applications all the time and finally - it's all free (and not warez free, but genuine software).
Great stuff - Microsoft saw what Apple were doing too late and have done too little me thinks to succeed.
I love my Windows Mobile phone; but Apple's iPhone taught Microsoft and other mobile developers how important eye candy in a phone OS was. Google's Android OS will be taking the lions share of future mobile phone sales and I see Android phones surpassing the iPhone.
Unless Microsoft do something right, not many peeps will want a Windows Mobile device in a few years time...
So far the only good to come out of the app store is Zenonia...badass rpg... 10 bucks though But well worth it in my opinion! If you like old school snes hack and slash rpg's, this game is for you. Full sound, decent story, just great overall. For me, there's point in playing my old favorite snes games on my phone because with sound, to me its pointless. and not using sound is the only way to get an snes emulator to run smooth; regardless of which one it is ( morphgear, smart-whatever its called, or pocketsnes
Paulplex said:
Great stuff - Microsoft saw what Apple were doing too late and have done too little me thinks to succeed.
I love my Windows Mobile phone; but Apple's iPhone taught Microsoft and other mobile developers how important eye candy in a phone OS was. Google's Android OS will be taking the lions share of future mobile phone sales and I see Android phones surpassing the iPhone.
Unless Microsoft do something right, not many peeps will want a Windows Mobile device in a few years time...
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I see plenty of commercials for iPhones and Google phones on TV but absolutely none for WinMo phones. MS really needs to start promoting itself in this market.
How about the annoying fact that I don't get a chance to choose where to intstall the app. They all go directly to device memory. That sucks balls!
Paulplex said:
I've been relying on the RSS feed from this fine site for the past couple of years or so, since my original TyTN, TyTN II and now my Touch Pro 2. It's a great site, has introduced me to great programs like NoniGPSPlot, has new applications all the time and finally - it's all free (and not warez free, but genuine software).
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nice one !
Theres a cab floating around here to fix that...
moSess said:
How about the annoying fact that I don't get a chance to choose where to intstall the app. They all go directly to device memory. That sucks balls!
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mpicart said:
Theres a cab floating around here to fix that...
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@Paulplex - Thanks for the link. I know I can get free applications quite easily, that's what I've done so far. However most of them aren't to 6.5 standards, the majority of them are still coded for use on old WM5 phones.
When you spend hundreds on a phone you expect to install applications on it that are intended for such a high-end device. The only application which is worth installing is the Myspace and Facebook app, and even those aren't great.
I regard my phone as my house in a way. When we buy a house, we intend to fill it up with furniture, usually the more expensive the house, the higher quality the furniture. The same should apply to phones, in that instead of furniture we require high quality applications. But where are they? SPB is the only one I can think of.
do you people think that bill gates and the people at microsoft are just gonna sit around and allow apple to dominate the app frenzy in the market for pdas and devices? dont u think that most people at microsoft all have winmo devices? do u really think any employee would have an apple iphone?...so of coursse thousands of new gsensor apps are on their way of being placed on the marketplace or in development...obvious with android showing that they have developers also who are pumpin out apps for them..microsoft is doin the same thing..give them time the winmo app store just came out..and a gsensor phone for a winmo device first showed up only a yr ago..so they have a bit of software catching up to do with these new devices. HTC thank god...droped 6 new phones for the north american market just this month alone..with the tp2 being the first in september..(htc pure,htc hero,htc tilt 2,htc imagio,htc mytouch) so basically with 6.5 also droped...htc has done their part by stacking microsoft with a heavy set and multy array of phones to crush the competition i.e iphone 3gs or whatever version its at now. microsoft is not gonna sit around and allow apple to dominate the app market..and they sure as hell arent gonna let android..a new OS that has no business gettin their OS on htc devices, surpass them either...remembr bill tried to buy out google but they rejected a couple yrs ago. And u all know bill gates has a winmo devices,prolly a htc touch hd or the new imagio...dont u think he wants a huge selection of apps himselve? trust..were not the only ones on the heals of microsoft to get these developers in line..and get these apps rolled out...plus half the apps apple has for the iphone are useless and they are just puttin them in commercials to show that they have a **** load of apps...half the apps they have could be bunddled up with other apps like how a spb traveler or mobile shell app is but they are just tryin to show off how many apps they have..plus most of all the developers for apple just have the change a couple scripts around in their apps and all the same apple apps could be made into cabs and become winmo apps...so the **** isnt hard..the microsoft winmo team execut8ves or w/e u wanna call them need to get their marketing department working full throttle and start shipping new apps with these new phones...i repeat HTC has done their part..now its time for the software to catch up...
"Windows" isn't a device, "Windows" doesn't release devices, and "Windows" doesn't sell devices. "Microsoft" isn't any of those things, either. Microsoft is a company that produces an OS that runs on LOTS of devices (some phones, some PDAs, and a whole lot of things that are neither).
Plenty of time for this thing to get up to snuff.
But that said, the real problem is that while there aren't that many WM OS out there, (5, 6, 6.1, 6.5) and most apps will pretty much install in either, the different hardware config makes it a different ballgame, especially with games, no pun intended. Some phones have buttons, some don't. Some games will work only in landscape, some will not, some will work on both. And not all phones are exactly finger friendly. They're meant to be used with a stylus for the most part, the finger's a secondary thing.
So yea, these developers will have their hands full, unless of course they want to limit their market to particular devices only.
So that being said, my gripe is that none of these apps are telling me they're to be used in a particular hardware platform.
@moegdaog, I'm a developer myself, so I realise the number of new applications that will come soon, however that's not what I was specifically talking about.
I'm more concerned about the level of development on applications and games. Why so many developers opt to develop for iPhone isn't because of a bias view-point, it's because the tools they provide mean that they can develop a high-end application and start earning money as soon as it's in the marketplace.
However the type of developers are not the same. iPhone developers are usually younger, multimedia orientated so they probably have skills in web, graphics and illustration, where as Microsoft developers are usually a lot older and more prone to developing utility (function) based apps and have very limited skills in anything else. Most developers aren't able to outsource and so they are left with a rubbish application.
My worry is that yes there will be many applications within marketplace but will they actually be worth all that money and will any investors support the development of these apps. Also how will these applications differ from what we have seen on Android and iPhone.

Typical micro$oft !!!??? poor app selection ...

today a friend of mine bought his new Htc hero into work and showed me all the brilliant FREE apps available on his android (google) based phone ..... and dont even get me started on the 90,000 odd iphone apps available to iphone users. so i went off and looked on the M$ marketplace on my HD2 .......what did i find ...bugger all and they even have the cheek to charge £6 odd for crappy old games like pacman !!!!!!!!!!!
Errr... yeah, where shall I start?
Okay, first of all: There are currently about 30,000 applications for WM available. That's twice as many as you find for Android.
I also estimate that 80% of all apps available for the iPhone are useless. If only 33% of the WM apps are useless, that means you get the same amount of useful applications for WM as you get for the iPhone.
Secondly: Marketplace has opened only two months ago. Sure, there should be more applications in there, considering the 30,000 applications that are available for WM outside the Marketplace. But other application stores have opened with even less apps available.
Nothing stops you from getting your applications from other sources, outside the Marketplace. There are also lots of FREE apps available for Windows Mobile, just look at what people are doind in this forum.
In fact, it's an advantage for us that Microsoft doesn't limit distribution of applications to their marketplace like Apple and Google do. This way, we and the developers have more freedom and applications are not banned (like Google Voice for the iPhone, to name one famous example - but there are hundreds).
So, in this sense, Microsoft is BETTER than Apple and Google.
EDIT: Please change your thread title to something useful (i.e. one should see from the title what the thread is about).
Who cares about Marketplace? As maati said, there's plenty of other places to get applications from.
i just think m$ are missing out on making their platform content rich.... i know most of the apps are useless but some are fun and the games are good....i was only stating a simple observation. everyone on the forum seems so darn serious !!!
And I gave you the actual reason for your observation
I also had hoped for more apps available from the beginning, but the number will grow for sure. I don't think that Android had 800 applications after only two months, did it?
And you don't have to rely on Marketplace, so there's nothing wrong...
...okay, there is something wrong, but that's another story: The 800 apps are only in the US, every country gets its own Marketplace and that's really a stupid thing. Well, let's hope they fix that - if you want to have a look at the US American Marketplace, then there's a 'hack' for you - just search the forum for it.
Thread closed: OP is uninformed.
Windows Mobile exist for a decade, plenty of apps available outside the brand new marketplace.
The marketplace still has several issues, non the least the protection scheme issue. (which allows a cracker to crack ALL programs in one go with a small bit of universal code)
This is why some developers are hesitant to publish on the marketplace.

No metro apps on the net why?

Well win8 been out some time one would expect some demo metro apps to be out there or the least here but nothing?
I know MS will not start win8 marketplace for some time to come but when was that an issue?
I can't find any METRO UI apps on the web too...
You will have to wait til after the deadline of the MS challenge. There will be some cool apps coming up soon.
ruscik said:
Well win8 been out some time one would expect some demo metro apps to be out there or the least here but nothing?
I know MS will not start win8 marketplace for some time to come but when was that an issue?
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Is there a date for developers when the marketplace "beta" will go live, so we can publish our apps or at least test the marketplace integration ?
The reason for "no Metro apps on the web" is just simple.
There is not even a beta online of Windows 8 which means that a beta store would be useless for now. So no one can develop apps right now.
Serial Thrilla said:
The reason for "no Metro apps on the web" is just simple.
There is not even a beta online of Windows 8 which means that a beta store would be useless for now. So no one can develop apps right now.
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Yyy developer preview + win8 SDK was clearly released for one reason only to develops apps and test them.
Even though people may have been working on applications for the Windows 8 metro library, it isn't commercially available, and most people who are currently using it are other developers or technical enthusiasts who won't be interested in their angry birds port or something stupid like that. And I've found one or two out there myself, but they're mostly just stupid calculator apps or calendar apps, stuff that's already included in the ISO, essentially.
At least that's my opinion.
Horvaticus said:
Even though people may have been working on applications for the Windows 8 metro library, it isn't commercially available, and most people who are currently using it are other developers or technical enthusiasts who won't be interested in their angry birds port or something stupid like that. And I've found one or two out there myself, but they're mostly just stupid calculator apps or calendar apps, stuff that's already included in the ISO, essentially.
At least that's my opinion.
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Where did you find apps?
Beta apps could be released for enthusiasts to test. I am not talking angry birds. A unit converter or calculator that is on metro as tile ready to use and so on.

Windows 8 and Windows phone 8

Hi some time ago when windows 8.1 was still called blue there were some rumours that Micro$oft will merge its two platforms. Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 would share she same Metro apps. This move should give M$ edge over Apple where you could have best of both worlds on single device. It seems now that this idea has been lost somewhere in 8.1 changelog.
So I was looking for revolution but it seems that we will receive just evolution. Oh and for most of the portals major change is the start button! Really?!
You seem to be suffering from some keyboard defect. I suggest you look into that. In the meantime, get back under your bridge.
Hi. Thank you for your reply. My post was to start a discussion about the features of new update and about lack of some expected ones (which maybe still will be announced).
And what was the purpose of your reply?
It was never said that wp8 and w8 would become one and the same. You have misunderstood. Some of the new windows runtime features are coming to windows phone and the services offered were to be merged, but the operating systems themselves were to remain seperate.
>Some of the new windows runtime features are coming to windows phone and the services offered were to be merged, but the operating systems themselves were to remain desperate.
that way I had to misunderstood this (would be a great idea thou). Sort of like universal apps shared between iphone and ipad) I seen few apps which are being announced as both windows 8 and windows phone 8 (check co-pilot or halo) which probably kept me in believing in this. Oh well we will see where windows 8 will evolve.
Andrew_j said:
that way I had to misunderstood this (would be a great idea thou). Sort of like universal apps shared between iphone and ipad) I seen few apps which are being announced as both windows 8 and windows phone 8 (check co-pilot or halo) which probably kept me in believing in this. Oh well we will see where windows 8 will evolve.
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iPhone and iPad share apps simply because they are the same operating system. The iPad is just a giant iPhone. its the same as how one android phone and another share apps, they are the same thing.
Windows phone and windows 8 are not.
The desperate thing I said above, may be true but autocorrect fail, wrote it from my nexus this morning.
Andrew_j said:
Hi. Thank you for your reply. My post was to start a discussion about the features of new update and about lack of some expected ones (which maybe still will be announced).
And what was the purpose of your reply?
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Purpose of his post is that you stop using that $ instead of S.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Oh. I am sorry I didn't know that I hurt his / yours religious feelings.
Unless of course this gentleman refers to his home as "under the bridge" I read his post as simple attempt to offend.
In light of recent E3 news (xbox one- drm management, activation fees, price, Internet connection requirement to work, always-on camera pointing your face and listening all the time which you cannot just unplug) I thing that using $ instead of S is good way to comment the situation.
To end this pointless conversation - unless there there is a XDA rule which prohibits me to do so then please stop trolling and trying to offend other forum members.
Now coming back to 8.1 - is this correct what I understood from brief installation description that if you install this release you will have to reinstall all the programs if you would like to install final release?
"M$" and similar (and I'd apply this statement even to, for example, "$ony" which is a company I personally detest) is most commonly used as trolling behavior online. This is doubly true in a forum devoted to discussing Microsoft products. It's possible you had, and still have, a legit intention to create a meaningful discussion. However, it looked (and to an extent, still looks) like you're merely trying to stir up trouble.
I agree that the XbOne restrictions are nasty, but I have no intention of buying one, and this forum has nothing to do with that product.
The only hint I ever saw regarding merging the app models was a job posting about installing both XAP and APPX packages on the same platform. That's interesting, and does imply a merged app platform, but there's no guarantee it was even going to happen, much less when. To the best of my knowledge, Microsoft never officially said anything to the effect of "we will do this" although there's been rampant speculation since the Win8 beta days.
You are right. I has never been said officially thus my expectations and hopes to see any bits of confirmation during the press conference. When I haven seen any I asked the question here. Still must say I am looking forward this update (probably not for first public beta - if the rumours are true that you will have to reinstall all your applications).
Personally I believe that The Redmond company will need stronger impact to conquer more market right now windows 8 is getting the love it should receive as is being designed for touch but mostly is being use on non-touchscreen laptops and PC. Marked wasn't ready for this. So right approach would be IMO to get more tablet users on their side (look at the latest adverts windows 8 vs iPad). If 8" tablets market is good for win8 is another discussion thou.
But coming back to subject. Has this been confirm that win 8.1 final version cannot be I painless way installed on top of preview?
In practice, it's pretty much always possible to do an in-place upgrade via tweaking a few files in the installer or a value in the registry. However, in-place upgrades are a bad enough idea even when they're supported; I really can't endorse doing it on your main system. I may well install the preview in a VM, though.
I think in this case I will rather wait for official final release. Hdd restrictions will not allow me to have more fun on vm. I am already running win8 on bootcamp so no more complications are required
Also partially as an answer to my initial question it has been announced that new halo game for win 8 and win phone 8 will not be a cross buy. These will be two independent apps so no one unified system for now at least.
Yeah, that's been the case for a number of games already. On the plus side, the games *can* still share data between platforms if you have it on boath, and you can earn achievemnts on both... which would matter more if I gave a damn about gamerscore (I've got like 3500, LOL) but some people really care.
Hi all. There is still light at the end of the tunnel (hope it's not a train

