Touchscreen problems (phone off local classifieds) - Atrix 4G General

Recently upgraded from a Captivate. Picked up an Atrix for $240 ish off Kijiji, and after trying out in the car for a quick phone call seemed fine.
Until i got home, and realized that the screen is done.
No box just the phone and cable so not sure if i can send it in for warranty. Thus i figured i can either sell the phone for a loss and grab a much crappier phone. OR i can repair it and just use it.
So there's a certain panel at the bottom that doesn't seem to be too reactive, and doesn't register touch from time to time, as well as towards the top corners of the screen any pressure would result in random touches being registered towards the bottom of the screen - seen using touchtest app off the market today to pinpoint my touch problems.
Video illustrates my problems - sorry about quality - video taken using a piece of .... blackberry.
I figure the digitizer is seated wrong wondering if a seating is needed or a whole new one? Or if it's a different problem all together.
I figured it's more viable i just repair it, as the phone is quite fast if it weren't for the stupid screen I'd love it (also lack of case and screen protector is annoying - but I already ordered them!) .
Any advice would be great!


help. My screen keeps misaligning very often.

My touch screen has been getting out of alignment quite often. 3 or 4 times a day. I'll go to use it after leaving it on standby, and the touch screen alignment will be off by a half centimeter or more. its making very difficult to use. Sometimes very difficult to even get to the settings screen to realign it. I'm using a screen protector and to use my fingers instead of the stylus often. could have of this be having an affect? or does anyone have any idea whats goign on? thank you for any help you can give me.
I had a similar problem as well. Its kinda scary. Do you think its a software error? or could it be hardware *gulp*
I had this problem with some devices I issued out at work. I put screen protectors on them, and all kind of weirdness happened, and the screen getting out of alignment was one of them. I removed the screen protectors, and the problem went away.
Wizard platform has often that claim from many users. I'm not sure if working without screen protector is suitable for you and don't know it will help. In my case it did not.
The problem of kJAMs is related to the screens HTC used on this version. Unfortunately there is not software remedy. Some users attempted to change their devices under guarantee. Some are telling newer ROMs make the error less frequently.
You may also use "fire button + messaging button" combination as a shortcut to screen alignment page if you must live with this. Better than nothing ?!
fixed my qtek 9100
Well my wizard used to go out of alignment a lot. But I basically ruined it when I stuck it in my golf bag one day and let it get partially crushed while half-open...
The screen started to flicker a lot (in addition to not registering touch inputs). after a week it was unusable except by me since I knew where to push to get it to work.
Anyways, I gave up and asked around Hong Kong for people who can fix these PDAs. I found a store that offered to bring it to a specialist (no name given) for $380 hkd (~$50USD). Figured I had nothing to lose.
It actually works almost like new now. The slider is tighter, and the screen doesn't go out of alignment at all. I'd almost say its perfect except the "specialist" "broke" my volume slider when fixing it. Its not major so I decided against taking it back to the store for further repairs (3 month warranty on their work). But it took 3-4 days for them to fix.
I figure someone with the screwdrivers and stuff can probably fix your problem. But I didn't have the guts to try it myself...
Four things you can do to help
1. After time dust etc... gets under the rim of the screen and adds to the misalignment problem. Get a piece of paper and put the corner under the rim and get all the dirt out.
2. Sometimes software causes the misalignment - in my case it was using vjtoggletoday - so check or your software particular ones that change your today screen e.g. wisbar etc...
3. You could do a hard reset and try device in factory state for a while to see if it is a software or hard ware problem
4. Update to the latest rom.
Thanks for your help guys. Even though i didn't like your answers. I tried cleaning dust from under the border of the screen. It worked well for now. but it hasn't been more than 12 hours. I hope it continues. If i cant get it to stop i might have to sell my phone on ebay. they seem to go for only 50 dollars less on ebay than i payed for it in the first place. I hate to ask this question. but what could i replace this phone wiht that wont have this problem. and has windows? Basically what would you suggest as a replacement. And not the TytTn because i dont think i'll be able to afford that one.
Thank you.
lets hope that i dont have to fish dust out of my phone every day.

Phantom Tapping Bad Mainboard - Parting Out

I had recently purchased this phone off of ebay when one of the screen alignment issues cropped up a few weeks later. Mine was the phantom tap in the upper right hand corner. If you do have this symptom do not bother with the business card trick or jam shims between the screen and the housing. I tried all that. Unfortunately AT&T would not grant me an exception to the non transfreable warranty - never hurts to ask - so I opened her up. The problem is definitly a mainboard issue. This is an interesting read For me, cooling the processor area when the sympoms were present made the phantom tapping stop. Unfortunately when testing this further, I misaligned the battery pack - doh! -this will kill the mainboard. I get a red light charging with no battery installed but otherwise it's unresponsive (and yes I've tried it all). As it was never going to work propery anyhow, I'll chalk it up to another unreliable batch of Hermes. This was a HT648.
So I'm going to part it out. The housing is in excellent shape. The screen+digitizer is in very good shape with 6 <1mm marks(4 in the perimiter and a 4mm airline scratch. Most of these occured trying to shim or gasket remove for the phantom tap issue.
Any part I can take off I'm selling. Just PM me.
I'm already, perhaps foolishly, in the market for another 8525, perhaps the at&t labeld ones have it all worked out....I refuse to do a 2 yr commitment with at&t, saving that for the 8925.

Touchscreen not responding, backup question

Hi all,
Looks like my Sprint Vogue is flaking out on me. The touchscreen is suddenly and without warning not working at all. Everything else works (all other buttons, activesync, all functions). I'd like to do a hard reset before giving up on it, but I'd really like to sync my contacts/messages/photos/etc before doing that. So here's the problem- I use Dashwire to sync, and I'm unable to hit the "SYNC NOW" button!
Any ideas on how to switch to and activate the bottom left and bottom right menu buttons without being able to touch them? For example, the Inbox and Menu buttons on the Mail app screen, or Album/Slideshow on the Photos and Videos screen? If I can get to those I'll be able to activate the sync. Any help would be great!
There is a application called "MyMobiler" which allows you to control your phone over ip/usb/bluetooth. If i remember correctly launching the installer on your pc while your phone is connected to activesynch will install it without having to press anything.
Awesome, thank you. That did exactly what I needed it to!
Once it finishes sync'ing I'll give the reset a shot and see if the screen is really borked or not.
No problem glad i could help. If the touchscreen refuses to work you might wanna try replacing it. The part is called a digitzer and they go for 15-20 dollars online. I bought one and it wasn't difficult at all to replace.
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
bogus83 said:
Yeah, that's the plan. Hard reset didn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing that part is busted. Between this site and PPCG I found the guide for taking apart the phone, so it's looking like I'll be doing some minor surgery in a few days.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How would the touch screen instantly not work?
maybe someone let it fall and put it back to normal like nothing happened
and i know what u mean.I dont wanna give up my vogue. EVER,
but im the time im 30, i wont remember what vogue is.LOL.
Actually, it seems to have developed a very small air bubble in the very upper left corner. I'm pretty sure that's causing the digitizer to think there's constant pressure in that area, evidenced by the "Start" menu occasionally activating when I turn on the phone. I ordered a new digitizer anyway- the set of torx screwdrivers I'd need to open the case cost the same as a new digitizer and the screwdriver I need. I don't really understand how the air bubble formed (or even what it is contained in), but one way or another I'll resolve the problem next week.
And I just turned 26- I'm sure by the time I'm 30 I'll be sporting a Touch Pro 4 running Windows Mobile 8.5
Well, the digitizer and tools came much faster than I'd anticipated (I won the auction on eBay on Friday, paid same day, and got it in the mail today, shipped from CA to NY!). So I dove right in. It was a straightforward affair- remove the four torx screws from the back under the cover, remove the speaker, pry open the front from the mainboard, disconnect the keypad circuit board from the mainboard and the digitizer from the keypad board, push out the old digitizer, swap in the new one and hook it all back up.
Not for the faint of heart to be sure, but for someone who likes to tinker it was a lot of fun. Took maybe 15 minutes because prying the case from the mainboard was difficult. More accurately, the top plastic case is extremely thin and fragile- if you do this you'll almost definitely crack it in at least one place. If not, you'll crack it pushing the digitizer out from behind. But I'm not that worried about cosmetics, I got my Vogue second-hand off-contract, refurbished, so it wasn't exactly mint to begin with.
On the plus side, the repair worked like a charm! I tested every touch feature I could think of and as many areas of the screen as I could, it actually seemed to respond better than when I initially got the phone. The odd part is I could still see the air bubble in the old screen, and couldn't flatten it out even by squeezing on both sides of it. I wish I knew how it formed so I could prevent it from happening again, but I'll just have to be careful.
So to anyone considering this project:
If you're worried about damaging the casing and have insurance or a warranty or something like that, take it to the phone company to get it repaired.
For anyone else, the $15 bucks for the screen and three tools is a lot cheaper than buying a new phone. Plus you get the geek cred for repairing your own phone.

[Q] Should I send it back?

Got a Nexus 7, 8GB, SSN starts with C60.
I can clearly tell that when I push down on the left side of the screen, there's a little bit of give. Sometimes I can wait and hear the sticky tape let go also. ...So I have the screen separation problem, right?
Also, sometimes when I'm using it and it starts to warm up, the screen becomes less responsive. VERY frustrating in NOVA3 when I can't even keep moving straight forward because the screen stops thinking that I'm touching it. ...So I have the overheating digitizer issue too, right?
I contacted Google and they sent me out a replacement (this SSN also starts with C60). Everything about the order said "new", but I swear the box has been re-taped. Is this a "new" device? Also, lo and behold, the screen issue is exactly the same on the replacement!! I looked online and found a YouTube video that shows separation that the owner calls "slight" and it is WAY worse than mine. I'm just a perfectionist and I thought Google and Asus would have been too.
I haven't even turned the thing on but I'm wondering if I keep my first one or keep the second one...
1. Is the replacement truly new?
2. Which SSNs are supposed to have had the separation issue resolved?
3. Is my screen separation completely normal?
4. Are my digitizer problems completely normal also?
Thanx in advance. I only have a couple weeks to return one of them....
Well it doesn't seem like anybody cares so far but after rooting and configuring the new one I've decided to keep it. It doesn't seem to get slower when playing games and the screen has remained responsive the whole time.
Thanx for your help everybody!

[Q] Touchscreen Randomly Stopped Working

Ok, so first thing's first. I've been researching this for a few days now before creating this post. The touchscreen issues I'm finding online, are similar to what I'm experiencing, but the solutions have already been done, or my phone is not responding to them. I'm making this thread to see if anyone else has experienced the same issues or has any new news before I a) return my phone to stock, b) replace the digitizer, or c) buy a new one or upgrade to the G3.
My G2 was rooted, but kept on stock ROM with only small tweaks here and there. After the latest update, I noticed my work G2 had much better reception, so I returned my phone to stock to download the update. After updating, I re-rooted the phone, this time, the only thing I changed was the keyboard which I replaced with the G3 keyboard. Everything was fine for months until about a month ago.
It started with not being able to pull down the notification shade on the right half. No biggie, but after a week or so, it got worse. While using instagram, I noticed that the confirm button was sporadically responsive. Sometimes it worked fine, other times it didn't work at all. It began to progressively get worse on an almost daily basis. I decided to see what was going on and enabled both input options in the developer options menu. I found that the entire right side, about 1/8" was not responding to touch, the area not covered by glass screen protector( i removed it later while trying to troubleshoot). The upper right area showed about a half inch block that wasn't responding (the area where the data ribbon is). I was ok with that as instagram was really the only thing I used being affected.
About a week ago, the mid left screen area started being errratic. It began to get worse and started to affect the front touch screen buttons ( the area where the other data ribbon is). I enabled the input options again and saw that I now had a good portion of my left side of the screen was unresponsive. Even though I didn't drop it, I thought maybe the data ribbons had come loose as those 2 areas are where they are. I opened and disassembled the phone and re-sat the connctions after inspecting them. I double-checked all the other connections and LDIs in case humidity was the culprit. Everything looked good. Didn't fix the problem.
I've had to set my phone to unlock by facial recognition to ensure I don't get locked out, and changed my pin to use numbers not affected. I'm going to replace the digitizer, but wanted to see if anyone else had the same issue, or knew if it was, indeed, a software issue before I spend $75 (I will be replacing the digitizer and LCD to get it working sooner rather than risk damaging the LCD while replacing the digitizer and having to wait another week). I don't want to send it in to LG because I bought it on ebay and have no proof of purchase for warranty, and I want it working sooner.
One thing I noticed that may help with diagnosing, the screen now looks different when off. Before, in direct sunlight, you could see the dotted matrix from the digitizer, and that was it. Now, I can see the retangular pattern across the entire screen. I checked my work G2 which I just received a few months ago and the rectangular pattern is only visible on the edges of the screen, the center is black with only the dotted matrix visible. Keep in mind, this is in direct sunlight. In shade, the rectangles are visible on both.
I'm hoping it's a software issue, but I'm wondering if the digitizer is starting to separate from the LCD. I don't see any acutal separation though.
Thanks for reading the book, and for any feedback. Also, because it will probably come up, I want to avoid upgrading if I can because the G3 is just a little too big.
I restored the phone to stock with the most up to date software. Still doesn't work. It appears to be a hardware issue. I really thought it was software because the dead spots word for a split second after turning on the phone. Oh well. Guess I'm going to order a new digitizer or LCD combo.

