Stuck installing TWRP w/ Kindle Fire Utility 0.9.1 - Kindle Fire General

Here's what I'm seeing...I've restarted the Kindle 4 times now and nothing is happening.
Any ideas?
Here's a link the pic :[dot]png

What are you seeing on your Kindle now? Are you in fastboot (Yellow Triangle with fire)?

I don't have FireFireFire installed. Basically I ran the Kindle Fire Utility and did a Permanent Root (after I unrooted using BurritoRoot)...and then ran latest install of TWRP....and everytime it gets to the actually instal part...I see that screen....
and when I restart my kindle (like it says to do in Kindle Fire Utility) it just restarts normally and then goes to USB connected screen.

1. Download this .img for twrp.
2. Place it in the adb folder. (where ever you have to cd to)
3. Do the following commands:
adb shell
idme bootmode 4002
4. Download fastboot and place it in the adb folder and do:
fastboot -i 0x1949 boot twrp-blaze-2.0.0RC0.img
5. Enjoy your newly added recovery.

I'm now stuck in fastboot (yellow triangle with fire)
I tried to just press the power butter to load into recover but it didn't work.
I tried adb reboot, but it says no device is found...
Any ideas?
Edit: I saw a post that I need to re-install the drivers?
Which one:

did you do
idme bootmode 4000
to get it to boot normal?

adb commands arent i need to reinstall the drivers? if so which gives me three choices...
ADB interface
Bootloader Interface
Composite ADB Interface...
I'm assuming once I get adb commands working again...then I can use idme bootmode 4000 to get into regular boot mode again.
Edit: I tried chaning to Normal boot with Kinde Fire Utility...didn't work...
Really wondering if I should reinstall the drivers and try agian...but the KFU doesn't really seem to be playing nice with my device.

Not to say KFU is bad but I never used it. If you started with the directions that came with twrp we might not need so many topic about twrp help.

I just ran into the same problem!
ADB and fastboot commands don't work for me too, and I also tired to reinstall the drivers and still didn't work..
edit: try using KFU on another computer, and then changing to normal boot!
that seemed to work for me!

try to uninstall old/faulty drivers:
disconnect kf and use:
connect KF and select the last installed driver (which you installed by running "install_drivers.bat") manually (check the date/time on selection)

Yeah, the KFU has just been a headache for me.. I finally got it working though, i have to use burrito root everytime I want to do anything after a reboot in KFU, but it works perfectly fine after that. Make sure you have good drivers installed under android phone also! Don't use the install_drivers.bat from KFU, just caused me more headaches...

i used the drivers from kfu - but after a cleanup - that seems to be the point
the difference is they are te only ones with entries for device 18D1 you'll nedd in fastboot mode or you can add the entries to your drivers under "kindle" or "kindle fire" or what it is called in your android_winusb.inf:
%SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0100
%CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB\VID_18D1&PID_0100&MI_01

Well I was assuming they used a root method that already had them set up their own driver files etc. already.

no they don't - they try to provide drivers that are working in every bootmode - i've made corrections in the driver installer script for non english os which vashipooh implemented off ver. .9 - i have also device 18D1 in my adb_usb.ini - if it helps ? - but there's no downside

Maybe I'm just too tired (its 4:30 AM here) But I don't understand what you said... And the current version of KFU has a bad install_drivers.bat, it replaces the mass USB storage driver and it made my ADB stop working...

i think it don't replace the mass storage driver, it just reinstalls it - that's not they'r fault - it's the tool they are using from microsoft (devcon) to update existing drivers - devcon seems to be working this way - good or not ? - who know's ?

Wait, are you talking about the most current 9.1 or 9.0? Because 9.0 works fine, the new 9.1 kills USB storage, and for me ADB which kind of destroys the point.

9.0 - will download 9.1 and take a look - perhaps i can help to sort the problems out and contact vashi to correct the issue - thanks for the hint !!!

No problem, haha I knew there was something missing in that conversation, hope you guys can figure it out!

tec2030 said:
adb commands arent i need to reinstall the drivers? if so which gives me three choices...
ADB interface
Bootloader Interface
Composite ADB Interface...
I'm assuming once I get adb commands working again...then I can use idme bootmode 4000 to get into regular boot mode again.
Edit: I tried chaning to Normal boot with Kinde Fire Utility...didn't work...
Really wondering if I should reinstall the drivers and try agian...but the KFU doesn't really seem to be playing nice with my device.
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Here is how to manually install the drivers step by step.. If you think you may have a problem with the drivers that you have on your computer it would be smart to get download another .android folder and put it on the root of your c:drive just to be sure that nothing is wrong with it before you attempt this
- Go to start Menu and right click on computer, Click manage
- In computer Management hit device manager
- I am guessing that you see your kindle connected in there with a yellow ! by it
- Right click on kindle and update driver software
- Click Browse my computer for driver software
- Click let me pick from the list of device drivers on my comp
- Click Next
- Click Have Disk
- Click Browse
- Navigate to your user folder in that window/ or wherever your .android folder is
- Double click on .android folder
- Double click on Driver Folder
- Now Click open
- Now click ok
- Click Next
- ClickInstall driver software anyway
Hope that helps..!


Rooted KF not started This device cannot start. (Code 10).

Could REALLY do with some help here ... starting to pull my hair out. Rooted my KF with the steps from Got through the root and the process hung on the recovery install.
Now my KF just shows the Kindlefire booting screen. I've tried loads of edits to the drivers re-installed many times, etc ..
In device manager, I see the device as Android Phone / Android Composite ADB Interface. The problem is that the device status always stays at: This device cannot start. (Code 10).
adb returns nothing. It's like I can't connect to the device at all.
Can ayone please help?
i think its stuck in fast boot??
Tried the various restarts as suggested in the thread. No luck.
Device Manager still has a problem with the device. KFU can't connect or see the device.
I've tried re-installing the drivers several times, but always get the same result. Searched the threads for a similiar problem and it seems most issues are when people get to the the Yellow Triangle page. I'm not getting that far.
Seems to me to be a driver problem, but I can't trick Windows into figured it out.
follow and join this thread:
i don't want to write everything twice
Still not working. tried that link and everything in it. Been struggling woudl this for a few days now, so any help would be appreciated.
When kf is pluged in right click my computer then click manage then device manager there should be a yellow ! Next to a device. What device does it show next to it
Edit; sorry answers in the question. Lol
Keep it plugged in. Hold down power for 30 secs turn back on
What does your pc say
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium
NewKindleUser said:
Still not working. tried that link and everything in it. Been struggling woudl this for a few days now, so any help would be appreciated.
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some more information would be helpful
os/bit of computer ?
have you tried to remove the old drivers ?
which drivers have you used ?
in the meantime there is a new kfu available 0.9.2 which has a new driver installer.
would download it, extract to c:\ and rename to "kfu" cause it don't likes spaces in the pathname - sometimes. run install_drivers.bat
then run the utility with run.bat and try to set bootmode to normal (option 1)
the 3 status messages from kfu may also be helpful for us
this post from vashypooh might also be helpful:
Thanks for direction and feedback.
I had previously installed the drivers with kfu 0.8 and 0.9.1.
I'm using Win7 x64 running in a VM (I have a MAC) as well as WinXP 32.
I've downloaded and installed the drivers from the latest KFU. When I connect the KF, it appears under the USB Controllers Group in Device Manager with a Yellow Warning Triangle. KFU cannot connect:
ADB Status: Offline
ADB Rooted: No
Boot Status: Unknown
NewKindleUser said:
Thanks for direction and feedback.
I had previously installed the drivers with kfu 0.8 and 0.9.1.
I'm using Win7 x64 running in a VM (I have a MAC) as well as WinXP 32.
I've downloaded and installed the drivers from the latest KFU. When I connect the KF, it appears under the USB Controllers Group in Device Manager with a Yellow Warning Triangle. KFU cannot connect:
ADB Status: Offline
ADB Rooted: No
Boot Status: Unknown
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are both win systems running on the mac ?
that will not function - someone ported kfu to mac - will try to find it for you
here it is:
The WinXp isn't on the MAC. But the Win7 one is.
I'll try the MAC port as well.
NewKindleUser said:
The WinXp isn't on the MAC. But the Win7 one is.
I'll try the MAC port as well.
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then you have 2 options:
1. try the mac port
2. use winxp machine and be prepared for a little hassle with the drivers
good luck !
I've seen it show up as unknown USB device before. You can't install the drivers when it's in this state. Usually doing a hard reset on the device (hold power for ~20 seconds to turn off then turn it back on) fixes the device and it will show up as either Amazon Kindle with a yellow exclamation (without drivers) or as ADB Device or some such if you do have the drivers. If it shows up as Amazon Kindle without drivers, install them (right click, update drivers, browse your pc, point it to the drivers folder inside KFU). You should then be able to run KFU option 1 and select Bootmode Normal.
If you can't get that to work, download the android SDK on your Mac, use the SDK manager to download the Android platform-tools, open up a Terminal, cd to that platform-tools directory, and run
./fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode normal
Which should get you back in normal mode.
I registered just to say that I thought I had bricked my KF (it was just stuck in fast-boot). I tried all of the driver fix stuff but the Kindle Fire Utility still said that no Kindle could be found. I tried your suggestion, skourg3, and it worked perfectly. (slight addendum for the uninitiated: the command is fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode normal).

[solved using linux]Noob Help Kindle Fire stuck on yellow triangle screen

I have installed Kindle Utility and TWWP and succesfully loaded CM7
I then tried to restore a backup in TWWP but I changed the title of the backuo by adding KF to the end of the folder name.
TWWP said the Backup had loaded succesfully and I rebooted. I am now stuck on the yellow triangle screen.
My computer recognises the kindle being plugged in but about 5 seconds later it disappears.
The ADB status on KFU is offline.
can anyone identify the issue and how to solve it ?
I have looked all over XDA but can't find exactly the same issue.
You need to install TWRP I don't know where you got TWWP
Sorry I Meant TWRP
have you tried to cold-reset (hold pwr ~20sec) then power on again ?
tried that I'm afraid. I also tried getting it to normal mode via KFU by pressing the number in the 5 second window that the computer recognises the fire. KFU says it sent the command then the screen goes black momentarilly then back to the yellow triangle.
Any help would really be appreciated
first you can try to use kfu option 1 - set bootmode to normal
the same manual:
go to the tools directory of kfu and open an (elevated command prompt)
isue following commands:
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
fastboot -i 0x18d1 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x18d1 reboot
fastboot oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot reboot
one of them should work
is your kf correctly recognised in device manager ?
normal boot mode -> android composite adb interface
fastboot mode -> android adb interface
if not you can try:
uninstall everything with kindle, adb or unknown device in device manager
click search new hardware and reinstall the drivers
-choose browse my computer for driver software
-Then select have disk
-Then select browse
-direct to where you downloaded the usb driver
-Select ok and ok
Thanks for your help I really appreciate people trying to help someone who is out of their depth.
I tried option 1 in the KFU. I did this in the 5 second window that the computer actually recognises the KF. It says it was telling the KF to do something and the KF screen momentarily goes black then back to the yellow triangle and nothing else happens.
I think my issue is that the computer recognises the Kindle fire for about 5 seconds then it disconnects. this happens three times and then it isn't recognised at all.
that says to me the drivers are there but for some reason the KF is breaking the connection. I will reinstall the drivers but if that doesn't work is there any other way to get the computer (running windows 7 if that makes any difference) to recognise the Kindle.
Also any idea of the official name for this fault (stuck on yellow triangle) as this will help me search for solutions.
first can you get into twrp by pressing the power button at startup repeatently till it gets orange ?
that sounds really like a driver issue - ther are a lot of ways
since it seems that your kf is recocnised for a short ammount of time and fastboot is really quick try following:
power down (hold pwr ~20sec) the kf and disconnect
go to the tools directory of kfu and open an (elevated command prompt)
isue following commands:
"fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000" if you want to normal boot
"fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 5001" if you want to recovery (twrp)
it will say <waiting for device>
connect kf without powering on (does it by itself)
at some point the fastboot command should be done and you can cold-reset the kf
nevertheless you should try to solve your driver issue
you can disconnect the kf and clean up your drivers:
uninstall everything regarding kindle and adb
here is an alternate driver set:
run install.bat and then update the driver
that's only a loose description that you see how it is done:
if you' asked for a driver:
-choose browse my computer for driver software
-Then select have disk
-Then select browse
-direct to where you downloaded the usb driver
-Select ok and ok
if you'r not asked and want to update the driver:
-Go to device manager
-right click on the exclamation mark kindle
-Choose update driver software
-choose browse my computer for driver software
-choose let me pick from a list of devices on my computer
-Then select have disk
-Then select browse
-direct to where you downloaded the usb driver
-Select ok and ok
to power down the computer and power up sometimes helps (no restart - the comp still thinks the kf is connected)
if your not able to figure this out you can try this:
since it seems that your kf is recocnised for a short ammount of time and fastboot is really quick try following:
power down (hold pwr ~20sec) the kf and disconnect
go to the tools directory of kfu and open an (elevated command prompt)
isue following commands:
"fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000" if you want to normal boot
"fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 5001" if you want to recovery (twrp)
it will say <waiting for device>
connect kf without powering on (does it by itself)
at some point the fastboot command should be done and you can cold-reset the kf
Thanks for taking the time to help me on this. If I ever get it sorted is there a way i can donate funds to you - or a charity of your choice.
I'm in the UK so at work and will try all this later but in the meantime could you clarify a few things (Sorry !)
i have tried holding down the power button until it goes yellow and it still stays at the yellow triangle (is this the same as pushing it constantly). If not I will try the other way
I've also tried using KFU option 1 in the 5 second window that the Kindle is connected and it says it has sent the command and the yellow triangle goes off momentarily and comes back - should I have cold reset the kindle at this point (how do I do that ?)
If KFU option1 doesn't work is there still a chance that the command line will work ? If so I will try it.
I will try and delete the drivers but the only time I see them is in the window of 5 seconds when the kindle connects. I will look on msn to see how else I can do this.
If I do all this succesfully and it still doesn't work then is my best bet your linux solution ?
Thanks for helping
wigsey said:
Thanks for taking the time to help me on this. If I ever get it sorted is there a way i can donate funds to you - or a charity of your choice.
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no - i do this cause i like to help others if i can and what is xda for - thank's
i have tried holding down the power button until it goes yellow and it still stays at the yellow triangle (is this the same as pushing it constantly). If not I will try the other way
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holding don't work for most people
I've also tried using KFU option 1 in the 5 second window that the Kindle is connected and it says it has sent the command and the yellow triangle goes off momentarily and comes back - should I have cold reset the kindle at this point (how do I do that ?)
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you can start the kfu command - it says <waiting for device> and runs some minutes before timing out - cold reset is holding the power button till it turns off (~20 sec)
If KFU option1 doesn't work is there still a chance that the command line will work ? If so I will try it.
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yes - because you have better control - i prefer to do things manually
I will try and delete the drivers but the only time I see them is in the window of 5 seconds when the kindle connects. I will look on msn to see how else I can do this.
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read the microsoft article i provided in my last post - it's exactly how to do this
If I do all this succesfully and it still doesn't work then is my best bet your linux solution ?
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if you can't get rid of the windows drivers - yes
I will try and delete the drivers but the only time I see them is in the window of 5 seconds when the kindle connects. I will look on msn to see how else I can do this.
read the microsoft article i provided in my last post - it's exactly how to do this
I read the article but it's for windows xp. I've been working on a windows 7 machine. is it the same for that.
If notthen I do have an XP machine I could try from scratch as it has no drivers on it (or if it has I can take them off with the articles help]. In that case will KFU run on a windows xp machine in the same way as on windows 7 [i.e paste the folder on the C drive]. That may be an easier option if so.
Finally so if the Fastboot says it's worked do I have to do the soft reset [ie wait for the fastboot to say it's sent then hold the power button in for 20 secs - which I haven't done yet] or will it automatically reset (which it hasn't done previously).
wigsey said:
I read the article but it's for windows xp. I've been working on a windows 7 machine. is it the same for that.
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it should be the same for 7
If notthen I do have an XP machine I could try from scratch as it has no drivers on it (or if it has I can take them off with the articles help]. In that case will KFU run on a windows xp machine in the same way as on windows 7 [i.e paste the folder on the C drive]. That may be an easier option if so
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xp will be the better choice cause you don't have to hassle with 32/64 bit drivers
and the uac (user access control) - means you don't have to run the shell as administrator
Finally so if the Fastboot says it's worked do I have to do the soft reset [ie wait for the fastboot to say it's sent then hold the power button in for 20 secs - which I haven't done yet] or will it automatically reset (which it hasn't done previously).
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if you did with kfu it should automatically reset - look exactly at the output of kfu - anyway-a manual reset after a minute will not harm in this case
that is what i mean if i say i like to do things manually cause of better control ...
i doubt kfu is doing the command correctly ...
Tried all the above (except Linux which I'm now trying).
I managed to delete the drivers but couldn't reinstall any as the kindle is detected for 3 seconds then stops being detected.
Is there any way to put a driver in without the device being there ?
wigsey said:
Tried all the above (except Linux which I'm now trying).
I managed to delete the drivers but couldn't reinstall any as the kindle is detected for 3 seconds then stops being detected.
Is there any way to put a driver in without the device being there ?
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that's not possible - what about the xp machine ?
On XP it shows as Unknown Device.
In XP I have run the Bat file but no adb seems to appear anywhere. When I try to install the kindle drivers it says that they are not suitable.
Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong.
There has been one slight change in that I ran the command prompt to go to recovery (before I deleted the driver) and now the Kindle is still stuck on the yellow triangle but the switch goes orange two seconds after turning on.
Could this means I have more than a fastboot issue and if so is Linux likely to fix it ?
if you used the alternative driver set the install.bat ensures only a correct adb_usb.ini in the .android folder
this is from post #6 and what to do now:
uninstall everything with kindle, adb or unknown device in device manager
click search new hardware and reinstall the drivers
-choose browse my computer for driver software
-Then select have disk
-Then select browse
-direct to where you downloaded the usb driver
-Select ok and ok
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if it tells the drivers are not signed -> install anyway
the kf has to be detected correctly in every bootmode, regardless if it's recovery, fastboot or normal
to have the necessary commands on the computer you have to copy KFU to something like c:\kfu - the commands (adb, fastboot) are in the tools folder
I will look at this tonight but can I clarify
1) What does "install.bat ensures only a correct adb_usb.ini in the .android folder" mean. Do I need to do this or is it not necessary. If I need to do it where does it appear in XP
2)Where do the commands come into it. This isn't a driver issue is it. Is this simply to know where to run them from in the command prompt ?
3) I didn't uninstall the unknown device. Do I need to do uninstall or can i just delete it ? If I uninstall does the Fire need to be unplugged.
4)Once I've done 3 do i Do i search new hardware, find the recently uninstalled unknown device and point it at the KFU DFrivers folder.
Many thanks
1. if you used the drivers i provided they should be in "c:\kindle fire drivers"
2. the kindle fire utility should be in "c:\kfu"
1) What does "install.bat ensures only a correct adb_usb.ini in the .android folder" mean. Do I need to do this or is it not necessary. If I need to do it where does it appear in XP
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the install.bat copies a correct adb_usb.ini to your .android folder under c:\documents and settins\username\. this folder with a correct ini file is necessary for adb to work - and yes you have to do this
then you have to install/update the drivers form "c:\kindle fire drivers"
the file responsible for driver installation is android_winusb.inf and has also all necessary entries
2)Where do the commands come into it. This isn't a driver issue is it. Is this simply to know where to run them from in the command prompt ?
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in first place you have still a driver issue - if you did the above correctly then your kf is correctly recognised by your computer - if this is done then you think about any commands:
if you have kfu in c:\kfu then you can simply double click "run.bat" in "c:\kfu" and do option 1 and set bootmode to normal
or you can open a command promt and cd to "c:\kfu\tools" - there are all necessary commands - you can test to what your kf is responding (depends on the current bootmode of the kf)
"adb devices" - if it returns a number then you can work with adb commands:
"fastboot -i 0x1949 getvar product" - when it returns "kindle" then you can work with fastboot commands
tell me to what it is responding to know how to do further ...
3) I didn't uninstall the unknown device. Do I need to do uninstall or can i just delete it ? If I uninstall does the Fire need to be unplugged.
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that's the same - and you don't need to unplug
4)Once I've done 3 do i Do i search new hardware, find the recently uninstalled unknown device and point it at the KFU DFrivers folder.
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YES !!!
Got the drivers in but the Kindle still connects and then disconnects.
I used the kfu to tell it to go normal mode and now it sits with the green light on and yellow triangle stuck on screen.
If I tell it to go to to recovery through KFU it sits with the yellow light on the on off button and the yellow triangle stuck
I'm beginning to think I may have bigger issues here than fastboot. What do you think
I have very similar issue. I open KFU go to boot mode, then connect my kindle fire and press 1 (normal mode) very fast (it looks like the computer recognizes the device for a couple of seconds only) then triangle disappears and...... I see kindle fire words. I start jumping of joy (for 2 seconds maybe) then the triangle shows up again and nothing happens.
So sad

Kindle fire not seen

Ok so I am new hear and I was reading in THIS POST about installing TWRP using the Kindle Fire Utility. So I installed the drivers as directed and I see in my device manager "android ADB device" and in my taskbar I can eject the kindle. In File Manager I do not see the Kindle fire and the Kindle Fire Utility is not seeing my Kindle Fire. I am stuck and cannot post in the above forum because I have not made enough posts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I would like to install Cynogen Mod to my Kindle fire to be able to access the full capabilities of this wonderful device.
Thank you
a good method to start is using kfu as you suggested but there are some tricks to get it running:
- place it to c:\ and rename it to "kfu" (it don't like spaces in pathname)
- try to install the correct drivers by running install_drivers.bat else install/update them manually:
- pay attention on the driver verification level:
- the drivers are in c:\kfu\drivers\kindle
- right drivers for each mode:
normal & recovery boot -> android composite adb interface
fastboot -> android adb interface
once you got rid of the drivers you have to update the run.bat of kfu to work with burritoroot3:
now you should be good to go ...
Thank you BB3 I will give this a try later tonight. appreciate the help
man install buritoroot and TWRP(which installs and FireFireFire) by yourself when i tried with the kindle fire utility all got were errors, but when i installed it by myself everythink went smooth. Just find separate guide for every step
2.TWRP and FireFireFire
I'm having the same problem as you and it sucks I just want to root it
Hate to necro post, but I'm having the same issue and none of the posted suggestions work. I have the ADB drivers installed (the Kindle is detected as "Android Composite ADB Interface"), but I did not install the drivers using the KFU batch file; I could never get it to stop producing the unsigned error, no matter what system settings I chose for unsigned drivers. I ended up doing a manual driver install and directing the installer at the driver files that came with KFU. Now KFU refuses to "see" the Kindle connected to my system and therefore I can't do a thing with it. I am able to browse the Kindle files in Windows Explorer (should I be able to? I've seen conflicting answers to this), but KFU always reports its ADB status as "Offline". Soft disconnecting the Kindle (hitting the "Disconnect" button on the Kindle) doesn't change anything, except removes my ability to browse the Knidle files (no surprise there).
This is a fully updated (6.3) Kindle and Windows XP. I did attempt to manually do what KFU does automagically prior to finding out about KFU, but that effort produced similar results; the Kindle was never detected by the SDK tools, despite the drivers loading properly. I have also tried multiple USB ports on my system, but they all produced the same results. About the only thing I haven't tried is a different USB cable, but if the Kindle is able to be "seen" by the OS correctly, I don't think the cable is a problem.
Have you tryed rebooting your computer? or nat3mil gives good instruction it helps to watch the video do the step while paused then move onto the next its how I did it the first time the second time I just used the utility was easy peasy cause drivers were already installed and functional
Yeah, I followed those exact instructions and video, with no results. Reboot doesn't make any difference, KFU still can't see the device.
cogadh said:
Yeah, I followed those exact instructions and video, with no results. Reboot doesn't make any difference, KFU still can't see the device.
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If you followed the instructions to the t like not plugging in your device until you have the drivers installed .then you may have something on your computer preventing adb try the 6.2.2 method or just keep looking for something that works cause people miss steps all the time sometimes its persistence or trial and error that gets results I'm very surprised your not seeing anything in device manager that applies to your kindle mine installed some drivers immediately when I connected it I had to change them to root it but it did show up in the list of devices as well as appearing next to my c drive as a kindle for SD card access but I'm on windows seven anything I connect does something.
No, Device Manager sees everything fine, it's KFU that refuses to see it. I am getting both a Kindle storage device and an Android ADB device in Device Manager, as well as seeing the Kindle as a removable drive in Windows Explorer. The old 6.2.2 instructions are of no help, that's what I tried the first time I attempted to root the device before the 6.3 update and I got the same exact results. I don't know what on my machine could possibly be interfering, this is a very barebones XP, I don't even run anti-virus on it.
cogadh said:
No, Device Manager sees everything fine, it's KFU that refuses to see it. I am getting both a Kindle storage device and an Android ADB device in Device Manager, as well as seeing the Kindle as a removable drive in Windows Explorer. The old 6.2.2 instructions are of no help, that's what I tried the first time I attempted to root the device before the 6.3 update and I got the same exact results. I don't know what on my machine could possibly be interfering, this is a very barebones XP, I don't even run anti-virus on it.
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Could be your machine but don't use the utility and when you do put twrp on if ya get there use 2.0 the older version people are having trouble with the new one this is done through cmd without utility. Original thread here
About all the advice I can give you all else fails use another computer windows 7 machine things are more straight forward than xp
Edit: just a side note a lot of people are bricking their devices I keep remembering the Christmas story be careful you'll shoot your eye out also some people I believe are having success opening kfu attaching thier fire while off then powering up the kindle
I read somewhere that the utility doesn't work for xp wish I could find the post I think you need to push the files the old way using command prompt and you will get it sounds like your drivers are there but utility is useless
If your device isn't recognized it is a driver issue, regardless of whether your computer says they are installed or not.
Scrap your current drivers and start fresh using the tutorial posted here:
Forget about KFU, get Android SDK and set up the drivers yourself. Learn to use fastboot to manually change your bootmode manually through command prompt. It will save you hours of heartache in the future.
Reinstall your (non KFU) drivers and try again.
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda premium
Thanx soup better said than what I was trying
if you want to test to see if your drivers and adb are correctly installed plug your kindle in to your computer type cd c:\kindleadb then hit enter then type adb devices hit enter mine said adb server out of date. killing...
*dameon started successfully*
list of devices attached
42220600000000001 device
this is all in command prompt at this point I could paste in commands and root my kindle run this test to verify drivers are correctly installed if you dont see this try again on driver installation.
First time i've ever rooted a kindle and i had the same problem.
To fix this just go to device manager and uninstall the driver and then unplug and replug in your kindle then run the utility.
oh no trouble at all rooting rooted rommed and rockin here took the 6.3 ota this morning with 5 mins I was rooted with fff twrp then went back to 1 of my restore points of cm7 after a backup of 6.3 thanx tho
soupmagnet said:
If your device isn't recognized it is a driver issue, regardless of whether your computer says they are installed or not.
Scrap your current drivers and start fresh using the tutorial posted here:
Forget about KFU, get Android SDK and set up the drivers yourself. Learn to use fastboot to manually change your bootmode manually through command prompt. It will save you hours of heartache in the future.
Reinstall your (non KFU) drivers and try again.
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda premium
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If all newbs do no other work but learn to use fastboot and adb it would save save a lot of grief for them and the ones helping them. jes sayin..
Thepooch said:
if you want to test to see if your drivers and adb are correctly installed plug your kindle in to your computer type cd c:\kindleadb then hit enter then type adb devices hit enter mine said adb server out of date. killing...
*dameon started successfully*
list of devices attached
42220600000000001 device
this is all in command prompt at this point I could paste in commands and root my kindle run this test to verify drivers are correctly installed if you dont see this try again on driver installation.
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This will only work if the device is booted to a point where it will receive adb commands. Otherwise, use "fastboot devices". Sometimes if you are stuck at the bootloader it helps to shut your device down completely and restart before issuing fastboot commands.
Beyond that, it's a driver issue.
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using xda premium
I had that same problem., but then I uninstalled the current drivers for my kindle altogether, and disabled them, then I ran install_drivers .bat again, then it worked.
Kindle Fire running KANG CM9
New developer, working on my own custom rom

[HELP]Bricked kindle fire very hard

i bricked my kindle fire ... like flash and then my fatal mistake i reboot kindle then i was bricked so hard please help me
a bit few information !
what exactly have you done ?
what display on kf ?
fff & twrp installed ?
kfu available ? - and moved and renamed to c:\kfu ?
status in device manager ?
os/bit ?
i install from kindle fire utility
then i reboot. it sticks on second kindle fire logo whit lower light ,no TWRP,no fff
that means you tried to restore it to pure stock
do you want to return it ?
if not gimme a pm and we can try to get to fastboot mode - reinstall fff & twrp - then it's possible to reinstall a rom of your choice
if it's not possible to get to fastboot then you'r up to a factory cable - sorry
can u give me skype on pm i will show you
Hey i have a sort of similar problem but i had installed MIUI 4 on my kindle fire 6.2.2 and now it is bricked. Im stuck on the yellow triangle and cannot go into recovery mode. also my usb doesnt work and my device wont show up as kindle, only android phone. Someone plzz help. Im new btw
Sweetoz97 said:
Hey i have a sort of similar problem but i had installed MIUI 4 on my kindle fire 6.2.2 and now it is bricked. Im stuck on the yellow triangle and cannot go into recovery mode. also my usb doesnt work and my device wont show up as kindle, only android phone. Someone plzz help. Im new btw
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Sweetoz97 said:
Hey i have a sort of similar problem but i had installed MIUI 4 on my kindle fire 6.2.2 and now it is bricked. Im stuck on the yellow triangle and cannot go into recovery mode. also my usb doesnt work and my device wont show up as kindle, only android phone. Someone plzz help. Im new btw
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Follow the following after you KF to your PC:
Adb kill-server
Adb start-server
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
adb shell idme bootmode 4000
adb shell reboot
Good luck
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
I have had the same problem, but I think mine lies in the drivers. I have been trying to get Windows 7 x64 to recognize my KF as anything, but a mass storage system. It says that the usb driver that comes with SDK isn't compatible with any of the sub devices listed under Kindle fire in Devices and Printers. I'm about ready to toss the KF to the side and buy an iPad if I can't get this working.
Anyone got any ideas to get the drivers working?
josh24923 said:
I have had the same problem, but I think mine lies in the drivers. I have been trying to get Windows 7 x64 to recognize my KF as anything, but a mass storage system. It says that the usb driver that comes with SDK isn't compatible with any of the sub devices listed under Kindle fire in Devices and Printers. I'm about ready to toss the KF to the side and buy an iPad if I can't get this working.
Anyone got any ideas to get the drivers working?
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Try to use KFU to install Windows driver and changing the booting mode to normal
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
josh24923 said:
I have had the same problem, but I think mine lies in the drivers. I have been trying to get Windows 7 x64 to recognize my KF as anything, but a mass storage system. It says that the usb driver that comes with SDK isn't compatible with any of the sub devices listed under Kindle fire in Devices and Printers. I'm about ready to toss the KF to the side and buy an iPad if I can't get this working.
Anyone got any ideas to get the drivers working?
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maybe this helps:
furthermore check the adb_usb.ini in the .android folder in your personal folder
it should include 0x1949 (and i use to add 0x18d1 also)
would not use the sdk at all - you can save a lot of space and the drivers of the sdk don't have all the necessary entries
the sdk also messes around with the adb_usb.ini and deletes your allready made entries
would recommend to use kfu only (like in the linked in post) - you don't even have to run it but:
- the drivers are in c:\kfu\drivers\kindle and have all necessary entries
- the tools directory (c:\kfu\tools) has all commands you'll ever need (you can run all your adb and fastboot commands from here manually)
I'll try these suggestions out. I've done a wide array of changing in the .android fold and keying in the 01x.... but it hasnt been to any avail. I'll try it in the order that you've introduced.
I've tried the above mentioned and was looking in the actual driver android_winusb file and I can see that the hardware id listed on it and the actual hardware id that my kindle shows are different. It has the same VID but the PID ends in 005 instead of the 006 that is supposed to.
So I created a copy of this and altered the driver file to reflect the PID as 005, and was able to get the driver file to eventually show up as an ADB Device in the hardware description with the driver, but it still would not interact with ADB itself.
adb_usb.ini usually reflects the vid only and is necessary for adb to work
the only other vid's i'hv read that some had success are 0x006 and 0x0e79
you may add them also to adb_usb.ini - if it don't help it don't harm
furthermore would recommend to kill the adb server every time if you have changed something at the drivers with "adb kill-server"
So far, I've gotten Windows to recognize the kindle as and ADB device. Trying to get the .android file to reflect the change hasn't worked at all. The VID isn't really much of and an issue. It's the PID that seems to be different from any post that I have seen. I wish that I could force ADB to recognize the connection, but that's a bar above me. I'm an amateur at best compared to some of the people.
I'm really vying on the power of XDA here; because, this problem is so similar to the other issues that are similar with the driver issue, being stuck at the kindle fire homescreen. However when I tried the update in twerp of the file, it somehow screwed the pooch on my adb. I have a backup both on the kindle and my computer. I just can't do anything until I get ADB to recognize my KF.
maybe give firekit a try ? no windows - no drivers
Try to use another computer. If this impossible, Install new Windows in VMWare and connect Kindle to virtual machine. Then use KFU.
Well, I've tried firekit, and ubuntu wouldn't even recognize my kindle fire... I'm half tempted to use the usb trick, but I really dont want to start taking the kindle fire apart if i dont have to.
Tried a different computer and still have had no luck whatsoever... I'm really getting discouraged and think this is something that might not be fixed solely with a keyboard and basic ingenuity. I just hope I dont have to buy another kindle.
josh24923 said:
Tried a different computer and still have had no luck whatsoever... I'm really getting discouraged and think this is something that might not be fixed solely with a keyboard and basic ingenuity. I just hope I dont have to buy another kindle.
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What exactly do you see when you start up your KF? The stock "kindle fire" logo or the yellow triangle logo? Does the screen ever go black before getting "stuck" on the logo?
If all you ever see is one of these logos without it ever going black, it's in fastboot mode. You'll never get adb to recognize your KF in this state regardless of what drivers are on your machine. adb will only see your device when it's in recovery or booted into the OS. In fastboot mode, you can only issue fastboot commands to the KF.
You say in post #15 that you've gotten Windows to recognize it as an ADB device. What device is shown in the the device manager when you connect it? Please be specific.

[Q] Kindle has been wiped in TWRP and Windows only displays device as Unkown

My nephew managed to get into TWRP and somehow wiped the entire thing clean. I purposely keep a recovery .zip in there but even that's gone. When the Kindle is turned on it displays the Fire triangle but then the screen goes black and stays like that. I can boot into TWRP but can't use the mount option or adb because my computer, and the three others I've tried, refuses to recognize the Kindle. It shows up in Device Manager as Unknown and I can't manually install the driver. I've tried every combination of booting it with the computer off or on, uninstalling the Unknown driver, everything. Can you kind folks please save my butt? Thanks in advance for your responses.
wiped in TWRP and Windows only displays device as Unkown
Lance Uppercut,
Have you tried starting adb services and going back through the FireFireFire Utility, this has fixed a lot of boot errors that I had in the pass?
Let me know if you need help with starting adb services.
Thanks for your reply
Can you please elaborate on this a bit more? Maybe I'm not understanding correctly but I thought starting adb services wouldn't do anything in this instance since it wouldn't recognize the Kindle as being there at all? For instance, when I run Kindle Fire Utility it shows adb devices as being offline. If I could get the Kindle to show up as anything other than Unknown I'm certain I could just update the driver to an android device and have KFU take it over from there.
wiped in TWRP and Windows only displays device as Unkown
Lance Uppercut,
Did you root your Kindle "adb devices"
and the following commands?
adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp
adb install Burritoroot3.apk
or did you download a file from the market to get root?
if you did it the above way with adb commands from a terminal would be great.
Either way lets set the driver, download the Kindle Fire Utility extract it to your desktop. or take note where you extracted it. Then go to your device manager and right click on the Kindle (unknown device) look for update driver and browse the the Kindle Fire Utility folder double click on the drivers folder and let it update the right driver you need for your OS (XP,Vista, 7 x86 or 64). Once it finds the right driver Open up a command prompt by going to start run and typing cmd and hitting enter. Once that is done download the KindleADB files and place them in the C:\ (drag and drop should be fine here ) go back to your command prompt and do the following commands:
** urname** C:\ " cd KindleADB " then hit enter
and then do " adb devices " it may or may not come back with your device sn but as long as it has started is what we are looking for.
Once that is done go back to your desktop leaving everything open and look through the Kindle Fire Utility until you find a file named Run.bat double click and hit run this will reinstall twrp and allow it to be remount-able. If you need a stock Kindle rom with update 6.2.2 I have a back up I can share with you.
I hope this helps but if it does not let me know and we can go back over the the driver section.
I've attempted installing the driver manually many times like you stated and on different PCs all containing KFU and the modified .ini file in the .android folder and the message I get when I attempt to manually update the driver is "The folder you specified doesn't contain a compatible software driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver, make sure it is designed to work with Windows for x64-based systems." When I first got the message I attempted to do it in an x86 system and the driver would still not install. My inability to get ANY computer to read the kindle as anything other than Unknown is the main issue. Even if I could make it read as the default "kindle" with the exclamation point it would be enough for me to fix it. But if I can't get a driver to load I'm hopeless to fix it in any way.
Use Android composite driver on your PC to get adb working. Once the adb is working, there multiple ways to boot or install a new ROM. I recommend to start doing the following commands:
Fastboot mode.
Try these ADB commands:
fastboot -i 0x1949 oem idme bootmode 4000
fastboot -i 0x1949 reboot
adb shell idme bootmode 4000
adb shell reboot
Ng you have an Android phone, connect to you PC first to see if adb is working using composite ad driver for Windows operating system
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
I can't use android composite driver. Every time I attempt to install the driver manually I get the error listed above. No matter what I do I can't get the Kindle to be anything other than Unknown
i had a problem where i could only get the fire symbol screen computer would not recognize. I had to start the kindle fire utility plug my kindle into the computer then turn it off, then have kfu install latest twrp again when it says waiting for device turn device on and it will reinstall that and get you back to the recovery. so maybe you can do the same with obtain stock update. not really sure to the kindle. my computer would recognize kindle fire for a few seconds and thats how i could install new twrp
about drivers:
if you can't get rid of the drivers:
nevertheless i would never install the original stock rom cause you loose fff,twrp and root
use one of the prerooted stock roms instead:
I had this exact same problem and ended up with a bricked kindle for a few weeks. I tried everything on the forum...uninstalling/reinstalling drivers/sdk/etc. At the end of it all I had the drivers installed properly (which was a real pain in the keyster) but my computer still would not recognize my device.
I found 2 posts that finally helped me:
1) in the .android file for adb_usb.ini, you need to add in 0x006 in another line. Also dont forget to add the 3-line code @ [Google.NTx86] and [Google.NTamd64]
Here is a link. This link has just about everything else you need to do to solve this issue.
2) manually mount the drive and flash For some reason my kindle got locked in fastboot, then when i switched it to normal it would get stuck on the loading animation. If this happens you probably need to flash and start over.
Here is that process.
hope this helps and good luck
Help me save my kindle fire
I used KFU to install TWRP and up to CM9. But after that i restore to rom stock 6.2.
But after kindle start the error sorry loop in screen . I can not access to kindle. force close
We try to connect and re install TWRP but not successfull. when i connect kindle to my pc (XP and window 7) it only recognize kindle as disk driver (athough i try to uninstall and setup manual driver )..
Help me urgent.
Thanks alot
mhb1509 said:
I had this exact same problem and ended up with a bricked kindle for a few weeks. I tried everything on the forum...uninstalling/reinstalling drivers/sdk/etc. At the end of it all I had the drivers installed properly (which was a real pain in the keyster) but my computer still would not recognize my device.
I found 2 posts that finally helped me:
1) in the .android file for adb_usb.ini, you need to add in 0x006 in another line. Also dont forget to add the 3-line code @ [Google.NTx86] and [Google.NTamd64]
Here is a link. This link has just about everything else you need to do to solve this issue.
2) manually mount the drive and flash For some reason my kindle got locked in fastboot, then when i switched it to normal it would get stuck on the loading animation. If this happens you probably need to flash and start over.
Here is that process.
hope this helps and good luck
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This comment gave a ton of hope since I have tried everything that has been mentioned already except for adding 0x006 but sadly it did not work. There's absolutely nothing I can do to get out of the Unknown state. I've never had my ass kicked this hard by a piece of hardware. I surrender.
maybe this as a last resort:
b63 said:
maybe this as a last resort:
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I was reading through that earlier and it was a little too intimidating. I'm just going to sit here and cry for a couple of minutes.
Kindle still recognize as disk driver
I try to do something but adb not working (device not found because it recognize as normal disk driver). My pc use window xp professional.
How can i solve this
My kindle still recognize as normal disk driver
I try to test on some computers (xp, win7) but unfortunately, my kindle still recognize as normal usb only. (not adb device).
So i don know how to fix this problem
Please help me, or give me a hint
xp is a good choice - you don't have to care about the uac (user acces control)
have you checked according to my post #12 above ?
to shorten things up i could take a look with teamviewer if you like
just gimme a pm ...
Have you added the second vendor and the second set of USB command lines in your google/extras folder? If not add those turn off the kindle then turn it back on do "fastboot devices" then put the in your platform-tools folder then push the update to your kindle to be flashed by twrp. The command for that would be "advt push /sdcard/" you can have the kindle already in twrp by this point. Also when all is over you will have to reroot and reinstall fff and twrp. If you need help send me a message.
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
Hard reset on main-board KF
My KF is frozen. I try to do hard reset by hold pw button 20s, but not effected.
So i've just open back-slide my KF, and see KF main-board.
Have hard reset trick on this main-board.
Help me please.
