Display problem with Netflix 1.4+ - Xoom General

Greetings. I have a Motorola Xoom and when I run Netflix, the first time it looks fine. After that, When I run it again, the Netflix menu looks huge and I cannot really navigate around it. The only way to fix the problem is to either clear the Netflix cache and data every time before I use it (requiring me to log back in each time), or installing version 1.3 (which then annoyingly prompts me to upgrade every time I launch it).
Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a fix?

Nobody else has this problem? Really?

I run Netflix on Xoom quite often but I don't have the problems you describe. My issues are usually with the app locking up and needing to force close it and restart. It was definitely running much better in the older versions.

I have the exact same problem, but I can't solve it even if I clear the cache. It's somehow showing the "stretched" phone UI instead the tablet UI. It's just unusable now.

Same problem here.....it went away for awhile, but it is back. Even tried facotry reset, didn't work.

I was able to install an HD version on Xoom running ics ROM
May fix your problem but I doubt it. This should just change the buffering.

I had netflix issues too with honeycomb. It wouldn't even load to even log in.
Flashing the EOS nightly ICS rom fixed it.

What I did is uninstall find version 1.3 install that and visit the market it sees the old version and updates it.
Working fine now.
I have 1.3 if you need it I think but its the one found in xda forums
Sent from my MZ604 using xda premium


[Q] Words with Friends Problem Acer A500

I have just bought Acer Iconia A500 and when I play Words WF the tray tiles keep shuffling until I place one, running Honeycomb 3.1, is this a problem with the tablet or software ? I have tried turning the rotation off any ideas please
I play the game myself on my tablet and do not have this problem.. Are you running the Tablet version of the app of the phone version? I have no issues at all witht he tablet version.
I expect the tablet version I downloaded from market with the tablet I did not need to specify so believe should be right I have got the ap on an Optus Tablet works fine, thanks for your reply ????????????
If you got it through the market as opposed to installing an APK manually then you should have the right version. I am at a loss as to why you are experiencing the problem you describe though. Not experiencing this issue at all myself.
try to uninstall, then reinstall, may be a bad apk u installed
Hi. Your accelerometer is what's causing the issue. It's reporting the Z axis to be 0 to + 18 instead of -9.6 to +9.6.
I have the exact same issue. It's not a bad install or APK. You'll have the same problems in games like ATilt 3D Labyrinth, and anything else that relies on Z-axis. Have been looking for a fix or an update that fixes this but so far nothing.
I've tried multiple roms so far. My next attempt is going to revert back to stock (unrooted) 3.0 and try the OTA updates.
Update: Just reverted back to stock rom, issue is present in words with friends and also ATilt 3D Labybrinth. However, it's not present in Labyrinth Lite. Odd. updating now to stock 3.1
Update: Just updated to stock 3.1 via OTA. Words with friends now working/not constantly changing tiles.
I had the same problem. Constant shuffling in WWF. Updated to 3.1 and seems to be gone. They should've put a way to turn off shake-to-shuffle (which is what causes the problem). Honestly who would shake their tablet (or phone) to shuffle when there is a button right there?
Hi thanks for your really detailed reply you obviously know your stuff but as I am very new to tablets I have no idea what or how to update etc. Tablet tells me 3.01, Kernel and build 1.016.04.
What is rooted etc, sorry if I seem a bit thick but struggling with the terminology and process, I therefore probably am a bit thick....LOL thanks for your assistance, Phil

[Q] YouTube HD playback constantly buffering

I didn't want to make a thread for this specific issue but after searching I can't seem to find a definitive answer!
Does anyone else suffer from constant buffering with HD playback on the YouTube app and is this something that can be fixed??
Firstly I have a 60Mb/3Mb connection with a good strong wireless signal. We have numerous wireless devices around the house and none of them seem to be affected by this problem. I can have my Nexus 7 within 1 metre of my router and i'm lucky if I can get through 10 seconds of HD playback without it buffering, my laptop however will happily stream 1080p whilst i'm sitting in the garden!?
The Transformers movie on the play store has no problems at all, it plays smoothly no matter where I am in the house. It can even handle me skipping through sections and resumes playback almost instantly. I'm convinced the problem is with YouTube but don't really know how/if i can fix it. I have tried clearing the cache, reverting to a previous version and completely removing it and reinstalling yet the problems persist. SD playback is vastly better but it still has it's problems from time to time.
My device is completely stock running 4.1.2 (upgraded earlier today OTA). Apart from this issue I love the Nexus and don't really have any desires to root at present. I'm 31 with 2 children and my own business so I don't have the time to put into learning it all and keeping up with everything, 10 years ago things would have been very different!
Any help would be greatly appreciated as this was one of the main reasons I bought the tablet.
I have the same problem. It's very embarrassing when you try to show off the tablet to friends :-\
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I also get this on most of my devices, seems like a YouTube problem.
Same here
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Just glad I'm not the only one. Thought it was my connection.:what:
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda app-developers app
I also have experienced this problem. It only happens with the YouTube on the N7. It doesn't happen on my iPhone or my laptop. I wish there was some way to fix it.
Sent from my Paranoid Nexus 7
i have the same problem it really sucks
Look at post #267. A combination of SmoothROM and Bricked Kernel, both of which I've used in the past and are great, resolved the issue for one user.
It's somewhat comforting knowing i'm not suffering with this alone. . . This can't be right though surely!?
Whilst trying to fix the issue last night I did manage to stream a full HD 10 min video with no buffering, something that hasn't happened for a while. Strangely it worked right after using the speedtest.net app to test my connection. I don't even know if it's possible for one app to affect the other but the same video had buffering issues minutes before I ran the test. It's probably just a well timed coincidence but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I guess now we have to hope that Google get their act together and fix the site/app. They certainly receive enough in ad revenue, which always play flawlessly
Just Some Atoms said:
It's somewhat comforting knowing i'm not suffering with this alone. . . This can't be right though surely!?
Whilst trying to fix the issue last night I did manage to stream a full HD 10 min video with no buffering, something that hasn't happened for a while. Strangely it worked right after using the speedtest.net app to test my connection. I don't even know if it's possible for one app to affect the other but the same video had buffering issues minutes before I ran the test. It's probably just a well timed coincidence but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I guess now we have to hope that Google get their act together and fix the site/app. They certainly receive enough in ad revenue, which always play flawlessly
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I'm on stock 4.1.2 after a full reinstall, I can't recreate the issue. Out of curiosity can you go to settings > apps > all > youtube and clear the cache, does it help at all?
Turbotab said:
I'm on stock 4.1.2 after a full reinstall, I can't recreate the issue. Out of curiosity can you go to settings > apps > all > youtube and clear the cache, does it help at all?
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It's no different after clearing the cache unfortunately, that's one of the first things I tried. I'm guessing the next step is a full reinstall too. I'll have to look into backup options without root, which i'm guessing is pretty limited?
First world problems eh? :laugh:
Same Problem. I noticed the only way to get the vids to move is to toggle between hd and regarding when it freezes up. Very annoying to say the least. I just use the browser now. No probs.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
I thought that I have problem with my router. Guess not. BTW I found "solution" which works for me. As soon as video starts buffering, turn off the screen, then on, unlock and press play on video and enjoy your video without buffering.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Anyone figure out a fix for this?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
no solution, but the same problem. Bugs the hell out of me. My workaround has been to switch to SD which of course is a bit crap. When I get within reach of a wifi connection I'll try clearing cache/uninstalling updates etc. Not keen on rooting and installing new Rom/kernel as a solution to be honest.
simonr43 said:
no solution, but the same problem. Bugs the hell out of me. My workaround has been to switch to SD which of course is a bit crap. When I get within reach of a wifi connection I'll try clearing cache/uninstalling updates etc. Not keen on rooting and installing new Rom/kernel as a solution to be honest.
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Running 4.2 now makes no difference I'm afraid. Cleared cache and data, left updates. Still buffers uncontrollably. That said, the tip earlier tint he thread of turning off the screen, turning it back on and unlocking, then playing the video worked very well. It played HD video for 3 minutes straight with no buffering. Then a small/short buffer (acceptable) and now buffering again for the remained of the video @ 7 minutes. does this lend any information to lead to a root cause? Willing to work for a solution .
I wanted to update my situation seeing as I started this thread.
I recently moved home and changed internet provider and all of my issues with YouTube have gone away. I have gone from a 60Mb down / 3Mb up fibre optic service with Virgin Media (where I had nothing but issues). Now on a 4Mb down / .3Mb up ADSL service with Sky.
HD YouTube videos play flawlessly from everywhere I want to use my Nexus! It's not just YouTube though as pretty much everything that works from the internet is running a lot faster on my device now. I wish I could offer more of a solution but I can only say that I don't think it's a problem with the Nexus 7/YouTube app.
Yep. I found solution in some other thread. You gotta change modem or update firmware on it. I called my ISP requesting modem firmware update, they came and put new modem instead. Even better. Wish I knew about this solution before I bought new router. Oh well...at least now I have dual band so its not total waste of money.
So was the problem your modem, router or actual ISP? While my VDSL2 modem is capable of being a router, I have it setup in pass-through (bridge) mode to my DLINK DIR-655 router which handles everything. What exactly in the firmware is causing the slow-down just for youtube on the N7 (and not other computers)?

[Q] Anyone else having camera problems?

I was wondering if anyone else has run into this issue on the N10 as well or if I just got a fluke.
Front / Back camera worked for first 5 minutes out of the box. After going to a different application and trying to get back to camera, camera app fails to connect. Restart tablet, same problem. Force close gallery/camera app, wipe data/cache for the app and re-open. Same error, camera no longer displays at all.
Factory reset, camera works for a few minutes, try to open it again after leaving, crashes the same way. No third party apps can access camera either. Tried many factory resets, even with only gApps installed same camera prob.
Waiting for RMA now, but has anyone else run into this or something similar? :crying:
HS_Clutch said:
I was wondering if anyone else has run into this issue on the N10 as well or if I just got a fluke.
Front / Back camera worked for first 5 minutes out of the box. After going to a different application and trying to get back to camera, camera app fails to connect. Restart tablet, same problem. Force close gallery/camera app, wipe data/cache for the app and re-open. Same error, camera no longer displays at all.
Factory reset, camera works for a few minutes, try to open it again after leaving, crashes the same way. No third party apps can access camera either. Tried many factory resets, even with only gApps installed same camera prob.
Waiting for RMA now, but has anyone else run into this or something similar? :crying:
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I had this exact problem on my galaxy nexus. I finally pinned it down to an app that controlled the LED (like a flashlight, or torch app). I removed it and it worked fine after that.
Yup looks to be a 3rd party app since it works after factory reset. I would reset it again but choose not to have it reinstall the apps automatically. Then just do the process of elimination until you find the problomatic app. Worth a shot.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the advice but I've factory reset multiple times and have only gApps installed, same thing happens :laugh:
I'm having the same problem, both front and back camera are not working properly. I'll try factory reset later this day.
Do you have the cameras working already?
I'm having the same issue too. Today's the first day with my Nexus 10, and right out of the box the Camera doesn't work. Never loaded even once.
Has anyone else had this issue and was able to fix it?
Same problem here! Do you think rooting and flashing CM might solve the issue?
Same here. It seems its only the stock camera tho. I installed 2 different cameras from Play Store & both those work perfect. Camera ICS+ & HDR+ both worked for me.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
djd338 said:
Same here. It seems its only the stock camera tho. I installed 2 different cameras from Play Store & both those work perfect. Camera ICS+ & HDR+ both worked for me.
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk 2
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I tried these apps but it's still not working for me. Hope it's not hardware related. It worked the first day I had my nexus.
EDIT: Installing CyanogenMod solved the issue =)
EDIT 2: Well it actually solved it for just a day or two, now it's back!
I'm also having this issue too it seems. Created a post about it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2251337 and thought it was related to my rooting of the tablet since it worked okay before I tried that. Currently on 4.2.0 stock and OEM locked and the issues is still there, starting to think it's a hardware issue.
GabrialDestruir said:
I'm also having this issue too it seems. Created a post about it here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2251337 and thought it was related to my rooting of the tablet since it worked okay before I tried that. Currently on 4.2.0 stock and OEM locked and the issues is still there, starting to think it's a hardware issue.
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Definitely a hardware issue. I did an RMA with Google ...the new device they sent me has no issues.
Try that if your device is still under warranty! Google is pretty good at getting replacements sent to you within a week!
Turns out it wasn't a hardware issues, the problem I was having was apparently related to the sync of contacts which for some reason completely disabled the camera until such a time as the contacts were synced.

[Q] Strange glitch in Play Store when updating apps

Hi all,
I have a problem with the Play Store on my Nexus 7 what is bugging me since I got the device and that I never experienced on any other Android device I own(ed). This problem has been present from the beginning with any version of Android (got the Nexus 7 with 4.2.1 and got the 4.2.2. update quickly) and Play Store. Even the brand new 4.0 version that has been rolled out just yesterday (the bright one with the new tile design) showns this error.
The problem is this: in 3 of 4 cases when I hold my device in portrait mode and start play store and update an app, the screen constantly "flashes" every second while downloading, it´s that graphical "zoom in" effect that you get when you open an app. The problem is that I can´t leave this screen with the "back" button, it simply doesn´t work and the page keeps on flickering and showing that strange effect. Only the "home" button helps. After downlaoding and installing the update, everything woks fine.
What I already tried to get rid of the problem (none of them did help, though..):
- deleted cache and data from paly store, uninstalled update of play store, so Android reinstalled updates
- tried new version 4.0 of play store
- deleted, rebooted and reinstalled gmail account on Nexus 7
Anyone experienced this glitch? Any hints on how to solve this?
Thanks a lot,
Try stopping Downloads and Download Manager in Apps > All and clearing cache and data for them. Then reboot and try Play again.
My nexus been doing the same thing since new but in landscape mode only, annoying, but never bothered me too much. I just try to remember to keep portrait mode while updating.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
Exact same issue here's. No idea what's causing it
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
samo samo
Kusie said:
Hi all,
I have a problem with the Play Store on my Nexus 7 what is bugging me since I got the device and that I never experienced on any other Android device I own(ed). This problem has been present from the beginning with any version of Android (got the Nexus 7 with 4.2.1 and got the 4.2.2. update quickly) and Play Store. Even the brand new 4.0 version that has been rolled out just yesterday (the bright one with the new tile design) showns this error.
The problem is this: in 3 of 4 cases when I hold my device in portrait mode and start play store and update an app, the screen constantly "flashes" every second while downloading, it´s that graphical "zoom in" effect that you get when you open an app. The problem is that I can´t leave this screen with the "back" button, it simply doesn´t work and the page keeps on flickering and showing that strange effect. Only the "home" button helps. After downlaoding and installing the update, everything woks fine.
What I already tried to get rid of the problem (none of them did help, though..):
- deleted cache and data from paly store, uninstalled update of play store, so Android reinstalled updates
- tried new version 4.0 of play store
- deleted, rebooted and reinstalled gmail account on Nexus 7
Anyone experienced this glitch? Any hints on how to solve this?
Thanks a lot,
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mine does same thing, portrait or landscape. every time the download pct increases, causes flash on right-side text. also did in v.3 of store.
PIA! Tried clearing cache and data, no change.
dond624 said:
mine does same thing, portrait or landscape. every time the download pct increases, causes flash on right-side text. also did in v.3 of store.
PIA! Tried clearing cache and data, no change.
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This still happening for you all? Mine is pretty bad on my new nexus 7. Never noticed it before.
belogical said:
This still happening for you all? Mine is pretty bad on my new nexus 7. Never noticed it before.
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I've been playing with roms and kernels lately, settling on Buttered Grouper 4.2.2 with Franco kernel r65. Just noticed the other day that Play Store flickering is gone. Coincidence?
This has been happening since I got the Nexus on release day. Thought it was normal behavior LOL. Completely stock -> Stock 4.3 ROM rooted/M-Kernel a61.
belogical said:
This still happening for you all? Mine is pretty bad on my new nexus 7. Never noticed it before.
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Wow, it´s still present on the NEW Nexus 7 ? Unbelievable, maybe time to jump off the Nexus bandwagon ... most people think it´s a huge advantage to have a nexus and always the newest android version, but to me it´s more and more a disadvantage. When 4.3 came out half of my apps stopped working, and i had to wait several days and even weeks (heck, some are STILL not compatible with 4.3) to use them again...

Trouble with Hulu App?

I've never really had a problem with hulu in the past, but within the last week, the Hulu app on the Shield has been giving tons of problems with buffering content.
Almost every show on there now seems to lock up and buffer like crazy. The only way to get it to stop is to force close and clear cache for the Hulu App.
Anyone else having this problem or am I going crazy?
Have you recently performed any updates? Try clearnig the cache and possibly data of the app. If that doesn't fix it, it's a problem with the app version (possibly updated itself, I've noticed the market updates sideloaded apps) or the 1.4 rom update possibly giving you problems.
I'm on the 1.4 Update. I noticed it a day or two before the update though.
I've already updated the Hulu app and I've tried clearing both Cache and Data. The only way to get it ot stop stuttering and freezing is to clear the cache each time before loading the app.
I've been running into this with my Nexus Player and Kindle Fire HDX tablet lately as well. I think a recent update has caused some issues.
Hi '
This problem is nothing but a timing .Sometime it occurs so you should update and clear your device.and then will be ok.Go to the playstore and download latest and update browser.
Hulu locks up or goes to black screen!!
zeebone said:
I've never really had a problem with hulu in the past, but within the last week, the Hulu app on the Shield has been giving tons of problems with buffering content.
Almost every show on there now seems to lock up and buffer like crazy. The only way to get it to stop is to force close and clear cache for the Hulu App.
Anyone else having this problem or am I going crazy?
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I have the same issue!!! Using Shield TV Pro on Android 6 (Marshmallow) NOT Rooted... I have to clear the cache as well, but it's something wrong with app. I don't know what, but a previous version doesn't have these issues. I'm a network engineer, so I'm pretty sure it is not an issue with my internal LAN, but can't fully rule out the WAN because of access restrictions past my service connection...lol. Well not legally that is...lol

