How to recover wpa key on symbol mc70 - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Yeah, I know the Wpa key is encoded and thus not readable... But hang on, there's more to come.
At our work we use Symbol Mc7090 pda's which connect to the wifi network. The Mc7090's are setup with Symbol pocket browser 2.0 and symscript running on WM 5.
Recently I copied the contents of the Mc70 with a clone program to my own Mc70.
So far, so good. My personal device perfectly connects to the wifi network at my work, and I can use all functions and programs on the pda.
The other day I discovered that mostly all of the software the pda uses is webbased. So in fact it can be used with all devices that can make a connection to the wifi network.
Cool! what if I can find the Wpa key and enter it into my Ipad? That would be rather nice wouldn't it...
I started to dig into the guts of the pda:
When starting "Wireless launch" - Manage profiles - I can see the profile Wise.
This is the right profile. When I try to edit this profile I can see the ESSID (which I already found and tried to connect with my Ipad), Encryption is TKIP and passkey is ************. I expected that.
I installed PocketAsterisk, but this tiny prog isn't showing anything else then the damn asterisks....
So this is going nowhere...
back to "wireless launch".
When choosing options, there's "export". Here you can choose between "Export options" & "Export all profiles".
When choosen both options you get 2 files: WCS_PROFILES.reg & WCS_OPTIONS.reg.
I kinda expected to find a hex key or similar in either one of these files. But was I wrong or... I attached both files.... It must contain the key as far as I know.
Who can help me? Is it possible to find the key, or not? Am I wasting my time?

Is there no one who knows the answer?


REQ: Tool/shortcut o switch from 3g to GSM and back

I tried this in another thread a while ago but as nobody even replied I thought I should try it again before I completely give up
Is there a tool (or can someone code one maybe?) to switch between 3G and GSM without going the "normal" route of
Settings-Phone-Options-Band(or whatever it´s called in the english version) and then change it to either WCDMA, GSM or Auto. Of course you will have to disconnect any active connection before you can do that.
A tool to accomplish the same thing would really help in improving battery life as with it you could switch to 3g only if needed (websurfing) and leave it in GSM mode most of the time.
If a tool is impossible to create, a shortcut to make the procedure above easier would help. too.
Yep i would love this too any takers :>
You could try writing a macro using mortscript - it can simulate taps on the
screen. And yes, I'd like to have such a tool, too..
Thanks for the Mortscript hint. I managed to write a tiny little scriptlet (it´s ridiculous really, but it does the job) that does the following through stylus tap simulation and app calls:
- Open the Phonepad
- open the options dialog
- select the "Band" tab
- change the band selection from 3g to GSM without clicking OK
- call a subscript which disconnects the current connection (otherwise a bandchange is not possible). The subscript is necessary as Mortscript will not process any command that comes after a "Disconnect"
- here I would like to click OK. But for the love of god...I can´t find the right coordinates on my Trion. Can anyone help?
- here I would like to close the phonepad again
Same stuf in a second script for GSM to 3g of course.
I´m pretty sure most of it can be done through SendTab/SendDown etc. Figured that out a little too late. Might clean it up a bit to make it less resolution-dependent.
Even without the last two steps it is rather useful. When you call the script it will do everything except press OK for you.
Band Tab
I upgraded to the Cingular (1.34) rom and now I do not have the "Band" tab on the phone settings. Has anyone else experienced this? I would love to have the utility to switch back and forth as the battery drain is too fast in
3G mode.
See this page for details:
"... If you do not see the “Band” tab, please download this CAB file and execute on your device. After executing this CAB file...
The above CAB file contains a registry change for your device. No special application is installed when you execute the above CAB file..."
Please note: login is required to download.
Alternatively, you can enable "Band" selection tab using registry editor.
BixbySpartan said:
I upgraded to the Cingular (1.34) rom and now I do not have the "Band" tab on the phone settings. Has anyone else experienced this? I would love to have the utility to switch back and forth as the battery drain is too fast in
3G mode.
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SecureGSM -
The CAB file worked flawlessly. I appreciate the information and your assistance.
Ok, I cleaned up the two Mortscript scriplets to just use sendkeys. No more stylus tap simulation, makes it a lot more reliable.
Executing either script will now open the phonepad, go to options-band, diconnect the current connection and then change the band.
Unfortunately closing the phonepad doesn´t work riliably as it will leave the phonepad screen in the foreground and the UI will freeze.
Maybe someone a little more gifted can make this more interactive (e.g. ead what app is active and switch back to it after the band change or something).
For me it is good enough for now.
If anyone wants it, let me know.
What the heck. Maybe someone can make use of it.
VERY clumsy and thrown together in a couple of minutes. Should work on any Trion etc.
You will have to edit the window captions and paths as I did this on a German ROM.
"Telefon" is "phone" or whatever the phonepad caption/link to the phonepad is called.
Works on my Trion. Improvements as mentioned above more than welcome.
Latest Mortscript beta needed. Can be found here:
uhmm.. just my 2 cents. there is slightly better way of doing this:
step #1: change band selection to GSM or to WCDMA directly in registry
step#2: flick device radio to flight mode on and then off
Also, step #2 will restart the radio regardles of established connection is present or not.
alternitevely if you would like to close data connection gracefully:
call datadisconnect.exe located in \windows. nice utility btw. it surely has CLI mode as well.
any C / C++ programmer should be able to get this project done in few hours at most.
SecureGSM said:
uhmm.. just my 2 cents. there is slightly better way of doing this:
step #1: change band selection to GSM or to WCDMA directly in registry
step#2: flick device radio to flight mode on and then off
Also, step #2 will restart the radio regardles of established connection is present or not.
alternitevely if you would like to close data connection gracefully:
call datadisconnect.exe located in \windows. nice utility btw. it surely has CLI mode as well.
any C / C++ programmer should be able to get this project done in few hours at most.
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Great! As I said before, I just did this to have something (not much, I know).
Wouldn´t the "disadvantage" be, though, that you would have to enter your pin every time flightmode is turned off?
Do you know what registry entries this would be?
Is it HKLM,Software\OEM\UMTS,OpMode ? And if so, what would be the values for 3g, GSM and Auto?
EDIT: Think I found it. Auto=0, GSM=1, 3g=2
Is this correct?
Plus, is there any shortcut you can run to toggle flightmode? If so, these two things could be put into another Mortscript scriptlet (it can change the registry).
did a test over the last day I disabled incoming beams (which I've had ticked all the time apparently ) and I manually put the phone into 2g mode but had it connected all the time to gprs. man the battery life more than doubled I've still got 70% battery left after a heavy days of usage.
but I miss 3g speeds for web browsing tho. so I think a tool for 2g to 3g and back would be most appreciated preferably not using mortscript and with a message saying "switching to Xg mode" or something. unfortunately my programming skills are nearly non existant.
Install Flightmode.exe from and run it via MortScript.
RegWriteDWord HKLM,Software\OEM\UMTS,OpMode,2
sleep 500
Run "\Programme\FlightMode\Flightmode.exe"
sleep 3000
Run "\Programme\FlightMode\Flightmode.exe"
Use OpMode, 1 for GSM only and 0 for Auto.
Thanks, but it was me posting this to ppc-welt
bball said:
Thanks, but it was me posting this to ppc-welt
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I wasn't claiming to be the author, just wanted to share the information here. Usually it's the other way round, sharing information from the Developers in other forums. Hope it helps and, yes, bball appearently is the Author.
Nono, I didn´t take it like that, I was just surprised and thought it was quite funny to see my solution to this in the thread I originally asked for it
bball said:
Nono, I didn´t take it like that, I was just surprised and thought it was quite funny to see my solution to this in the thread I originally asked for it
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Yeah, it is funny indeed. But the solution you found yourself hasn't been posted here so I was thinking it should be added so people in this forum can find it. This is the international forum to share information at.
Anyway, thank you for the great solution! It really works fine and I still have the great runtime of my Trion together with fast UMTS where I need/want it. I think this has a high value!
GSM & 3G switching via Skschema Scripts
Hi folks,
I know some of you have beens using Mortscript to change the network band in the registry and subsequently switch to 3G or GSM by clicking.
Well I had a look at seeing if I could do something similiar using a SKschema script.
This is what I have come up with so far.
Skschema has commands which allow it to switch the radio(gsm) on/off as well as writing and deleting values/keys to the registry. (Tested on the Hermes)
This script Writes to registry the value "1" for OpMode, pauses 1 second, turns radio off, turns radio on and connects to your data connection(GPRS ONLY).
#r(#rgset) #p(HKLM;\SOFTWARE\OEM\UMTS;OpMode;DWORD;1) #sleep(1000)
This script Writes to registry the value "0" for OpMode, pauses 1 second, turns radio off, turns radio on and connects to your data connection(Auto - if 3G present it will connect to that).
#r(#rgset) #p(HKLM;\SOFTWARE\OEM\UMTS;OpMode;DWORD;0) #sleep(1000)
You could assign both these Skschema scripts to a hardware buttons, even better if you use the voice notes button on the Hermes you could use one script for [press] and the other for [press & hold].
This script I have tried to add some intelligence into the script, I wanted to use a script for 1 hardware button and for just one [press] to switch to GSM then a second [press] to 3G - so it really toggles between the two modes.
To achieve this I used a little bit of logic and an extra key in the registry.
#r(#rgget) #p(HKCU;\Software\sk\schema\rad;Gsense;DWORD;0)
#r(#iftrue) #p(set2G)
#r(#rgset) #p(HKLM;\SOFTWARE\OEM\UMTS;OpMode;DWORD;0)
#r(#rgset) #p(HKCU;\Software\sk\schema\rad;Gsense;DWORD;0)
#r(#goto) #p(act)
#r(#label) #p(set2G)
#r(#rgset) #p(HKLM;\SOFTWARE\OEM\UMTS;OpMode;DWORD;1)
#r(#rgdelkey) #p(HKCU;\Software\sk\schema;rad)
#r(#goto) #p(act)
#r(#label) #p(act)
#r(#disconnect) #sleep(1000)
#r(#gsmoff) #sleep(1000)
This is how the script works the "rad" key which I have put in the Skschema registry path, is completely functionless - It's merely there as a check.
The script firstly checks to see if this key exists?
If it does then the script moves along to the "set2G" line.
If it doesn't then the script continues, The OpMode value is changed to "0" - enables AUTO mode. Then the "rad" key is created and the script moves along to the "act" label.
following along from above at the "set2G" label, OpMode value is changed to "1" - enables GSM mode only. Then the "rad" key is deleted and the script moves along to the "act" label.
At the "act" label the current data connection (if present or not) is disconnected, a pause before doing this of 1 second, the radio is switched off with another pause of 1 second, followed by switching the radio back on. Finally the data connection is re-connected.
The "rad" key is used to enable the script to decide which switching is required to GSM or to 3G.
Maybe a similar toggle action in one script could be done in Mortscript?
For anybody with Skschema I have attached the 3 script files.
checkout Skschema tutorials
enable Band selection
SecureGSM said:
Alternatively, you can enable "Band" selection tab using registry editor.
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Can someone tell me which registry keys to change, to enable Band selection using registry editor? The cab file mentioned did nothing on my device when I clicked on it.
I looked in WM5_Tweaks_Other and saw nothing refering to band selection. Thanks.
Hi. I am doing a program with a botton icon to do this.
to activate only gprs:
1) Change the registry.
2) turn radio off.
3) turn radio on.
but only when i turn off the radio using comm panel the system "refresh" its data from registry and then it works. Any idea?

P4350 small issues

I dont like annoying sound of opening/closing Start menu or choosing a menui item. To avoid it, I have to uncheck "Events (warning, system events)" item in Sounds&Notifications screen. However then I miss sound of warnings and system events I guess. How to disable sound for Start menu only?
When I ActiveSync with Exchange, ActiveSync keeps synchronizing endlessly. Its status is "Looking for changes", then "Synchronizing" and the same again and again without any limit. I just synchronize emails from Outlook folders. No matter if "DirectPush" or "Synchronize during"="When new items arrive" is turned on/off.
On the forums, is being distributed. It doesn't work. I wonder what the file actually is. Original BatteryStatus tool has another filename and version as well.
smsOrganizer needs to activate using code from authors web. If you make a mistake (thats what I PROBABLY did), it will never run, even after reinstalling. Not nice. I can just wonder in what file or regkey the author stores the key:/
htCustom tool (tested version 1.4 and 1.5) completely not functional, throwing exceptions everywhere.
Any plugins to see Herald files in FAR manager (preferable) or Total Commander?
Any idea how to import VCF containing more items (not just one)? Seems Windows and Nokias have this problem. I already splitted one big VCF to 300 small VCFs and wonder how I'm going to import them. Clicking on them will take years..
My VCFs which Im going to import contain more mobile phones. Windows generally doesnt support it. In the address book, there is no option to add new field like on Symbians. How do you solve this situation? What do you do if you want to store more mobile phones? Of course lot of people have more mobile phones!
Why you use Rapidshare to store files? Please don't support those ****!
Great phone anyways. I dont care about money and this is the best phone I could find. Nasty size, high stability (wow, no single crash), fast synchronization, freaky keyboard (with sym.txt to be easily altered). Very happy with it
any hints??
Well i got you a hint for the last point (rapidshare):
Uploads all your files to 4 Sharedhoster automatically.
xsign said:
Well i got you a hint for the last point (rapidshare):
Uploads all your files to 4 Sharedhoster automatically.
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and some xda-dev user made an own host for the xda community. I don´t remember the mirror at the moment. But i will search.
no thanks, I actually DONT want to support ANY of filehosting services. I strictly say NO to making business from sharing files. Use torrents or whatever instead.
any help for other points (except 3 which I found out why)?
more points
what i found negative also is
- alarm can use only WAV files (no chance to wake up)
- M$ formats forced (WMAs everywhere, no details about MP3 songs in Info)
- regurarly, when i type with hw keyboard, arrows stop to work
- sometimes storage card disappears (+ had "StorageCard2" problem)
- low quality loudspeaker, people just cant hear me
- use a program
- use coreplayer
- not true
- not true
- not true
xsign said:
- use a program
- use coreplayer
- not true
- not true
- not true
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- ok im using a huge slow tool now, just to set the system scheduler...
- no problem
- true, even with remote control from Windows desktop, arrows stop working after some typing
- true, every morning, my scheduled events dont happen because the storage card is missing. but actually i see it's working, even if the drive is not corrupted (also happens sometimes)
- true, very bad speaker and microphone. loudspeaker is screaming and you actually dont hear voice. also people hear twice. also people dont hear you well generally. also, even with quietspeaker, people can hear you properly.
To your first problem I think all you have to do is uncheck screen taps. I had the same problem with activesync also. The problem turned out to be my firewall. Had to turn it off in order for the device to sync even if i set a permission first.
And if your still using WM5 I found this in the wiki:
Improve Sound Quality of Speaker Phone
You might have observed that when you turn on speaker while during a call, the other person has complained of too much disturbance on the line and can hear more of static then your voice. Here's a fix to improve mic sensitivity:
where (x) = none, 0, 1, 2
You can find most of the reg edits from HTCustom and just do em yourself.
Heres the actual e-mail pertaining to the activesync problem. This can also be found on the Microsoft Website.
Good afternoon
We are aware of the HTC P4350 memory card corruption problem Farooq. We believe that Windows Mobile 6 will fix this issue that you are experiencing. We are expecting this update to be available for download through the HTC eClub on our website at the end of July.
With regards to your ActiveSync problem, there are many things which could be causing active sync to not synchronise
with your computer. One possible cause could be your anti-virus software and
your firewall.
To solve firewall issues, please open up your firewall program and navigate to
the exceptions section. Here you can set the firewall to allow certain programs
and ports. You will need to make sure your firewall is set to "allow
exceptions", then in the allowed programs list you will need to have four
programs related to active sync allowed. the filenames are as follows, however
they may be called different names in this list.
Also you will need to allow the following ports:
Inbound TCP
Outbound UDP
Once these ports and programs have been added to the exception list, you should
find that Active Sync will now work with your computer. If you are still
experiencing problems, then try disabling your anti-virus software as this can
sometimes conflict with Active Sync. If you still cannot synchronise then
please phone our call centre and one of our agents can troubleshoot your setup
with you in order to solve this issue.
Thank you for your enquiry, Should you have any other problem, please do not hesitate to call us. Your Local number can be found at
Best regards,
HTC Europe
[email protected]
Hope that helps.
neptune, thank you very much for your reply. i have fixed most of my issues (they start with √).
(1) of course i have "screen tap" off, but Start menu still beeps loudly!
(2) √ FIXED somehow the problem disappeared - maybe by altering AllowLSP reg value, which was required to route internet from home PC to PPC.
(3) √ FIXED
(4) √ OBSOLETE - i dont care, will not search for some registry key to use the tool
(5) √ OBSOLETE still crashing - will not use the tool. I use ASergOptimize pack instead.
(6) would like to know. I heard TC plugin exists.
(7) √ OBSOLETE: i did it manually. it was really complicated job with lot of hacks, using regexp search/replace and manual import of all contacts one by one. I wish I never change platform again...
(8) √ OBSOLETE: again lot of hacking, I mapped Symbian fields to funny Outlook fields (e.g. "Mobile 2" -> "Car", "Mobile 3" -> "Radio")
(a) √ OBSOLETE I will use some tool. (I hate using separate tool for alarm. Why Windows doesnt have normal one.. I tried Gentimer tool, very slow one, crashing my phone on each event!)
(b) √ OBSOLETE - will use some tool
(c) BIG PROBLEM 1 arrows!!!
(d) BIG PROBLEM 2 morning schedules!!!
(e) wow thanks for this, will try it
overall, transfer from Symbian to Windows is not easy... a lot of work I had to do... however I feel much happier with it.
one note: interestingly, i find WM programs to be very small and take very small memory!
I sometimes had the same problem with the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Maybe you can fix the problem temporary if you switch to the Todayscreen and back again to your application where you type. For me this fixed it most of the time.
Dont know if i only was lucky because i did not got the problem often.
beowulf6 said:
I sometimes had the same problem with the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Maybe you can fix the problem temporary if you switch to the Todayscreen and back again to your application where you type. For me this fixed it most of the time.
Dont know if i only was lucky because i did not got the problem often.
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I get this problem very often, basically when I type any SMS and that's not acceptable.. It can happen several times when writing one SMS. That's toooo much. I want it to be fixed somehow..
never encountered a keyboard problem such as this in the past. If you havent tried changing the keyboard then i'm not sure what it is.
never had any of the issues written about here with my p4350
either with wm5 or wm6
maybe I have missed something, but have you guys tried the wm5 ruu update for p4350? (
thats a norwegian ruu, but im sure you can get it from your provider..or wait for the wm6
sorry if im stating the obious here


My wifi keeps teeling my that I am using the wrong wep key to access my network. It says that the key is the wrong length, I use a text entry which the hermes doesn't appear to deal with and demands a hex key. Any ideas please?
leswaller said:
My wifi keeps teeling my that I am using the wrong wep key to access my network. It says that the key is the wrong length, I use a text entry which the hermes doesn't appear to deal with and demands a hex key. Any ideas please?
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That's OK use an online converter to convert your text to Hexadecimal.
Like this one:
What router/WiFi AP are you using
as it should show you the Hex key
I know my linksys one does, i can put in a password and it converts it to in the Hex and show me the Hex so i can copy it to my wifi devices
I would give this a read
I have just upped all my Wifi to WPA-TKIP
Had to upgrade the drivers on the laptop so that it would work with WPA-TKIP
I tried that and ended up with a much longer key than was showed by the series of ***** in my laptop wifi adapator. Tried it anyway, but it didn't work. Incidentally should I key in spaces between the hex values when entering the key?
Unfortunately my laptop adaptor just shows a series of **** for the hex code after I enter the text key.
I am aware that WEP has been cracked, but If I change everything to WPA-TKIP will it be any easier to configure
leswaller said:
Unfortunately my laptop adaptor just shows a series of **** for the hex code after I enter the text key.
I am aware that WEP has been cracked, but If I change everything to WPA-TKIP will it be any easier to configure
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What spaces??
And you cannot count the the ** as these are often programmed by design NOT to match the number of letters/numbers underneath.
I use 128 WEP encrytion which will always give a 26 digit Hexadecimal key.
Don't overcomplicate matters use the web page above.
It can be easier to have someone read it out as you type it in.
You cannot copy and paste the wep key on hermes stanard input so you have to take great care to enter correctly.
Also the Hermes can be a little temperamental getting the key in first time around. It sometimes helps to delete the network card in settings>connections and start afresh if you have been having several failed attempts. This cleans it out ready to start afresh.
Edit: It will NOT be easier to configure WPA-TKIP
wpa dont waste your time with hex it drives you nuts
wpa dont waste your time with hex it drives you nuts
Thanks Mike
You were right I was trying to be to complicated, using the onscreen converter worked first time. Many thanks again

WM6 Typhoon bugs and issues

It would be may be good to create a list of known bugs and other problems with the WM6 ROM for Typhoon. Please post here if you know about some bugs or strange behaviour.
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
lot of software incompability, mostly games,
-bug tcmp looks like the same most games have; there is sound but the screen will freeze in a few seconds (sound continues )
..tried to add T9 language according to instructions described at Ronswens pages for WM5. During writing sms I can choose the new language, but after choosing it only beep occurs when pressing a key. I suppose there should be changed also some another key in we have some experiences already with the T9 languages on this WM6 rom?
Netopjer said:
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
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I have this problem too and I back to wm2k3
r0c0 said:
lot of software incompability, mostly games,
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I have found the decision:
We open "exe" a file with game in any HEX-editor, we find gx.dll and it is replaced on g0.dll
We clean the signature from a file by means of SignRemv and it is done new by means of Signed tool
To place the changed file back, and a file g0.dll to place in folder Windows
or 2) To replace a file gx.dll in folder Windows, in any a file-manager to put "read only" and restart (there can be problems with other programs)
As example Bustem
PS: forgive for my bad English
Netopjer said:
I have been using this rom since yesterday and after few restarts, the phone remains stuck for about 3 minutes in the "mobile operator" screen during start up. Eventualy it asks for pin code, but after typing in, the time, operator and appointments information is missing in the home screen. I have flashed WM6 once again, but this phenomenon occurred again after application unlock and installation of basic software (xbar 2.5, pocket controller, Binaries smart explorer, auto keylock, smart time sync) + few restarts. Now I am searching for the reason if this is caused by some registry entry or by an incompatible software installed...At present I removed all the software but problem still present. Ready to make registry clean or hard reset...
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how do you make application unlock on wm6 ?
is there Java support with this WM6 ROM? I can't seem to find it. Very useful for Opera Mini and Gmail standalone app.
sebip said:
how do you make application unlock on wm6 ?
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Use regeditSTG2.exe to modify the following phone registry keys:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001001 = 1 (that will enable the rapi_config, 1 means full access to rapi config, 2 means user controlled access)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001005 = 40 (that disallows the check for security cirtificate etc)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies0001017 = 144
Run SDA_ApplicationUnlock.exe from the PC with the phone connected via ActiveSync. This will unlock the phone.
Disconnect and switch the phone off then back on again.
I can't use voice talk (via handset bluetooth) before in wm2k3 and wm5 i have the fonction to add voice command with contact, but now no.
It is normal ?
...I also revealed interresting behaviour when you are trying to connect to internet via GPRS. There sometimes occurrs error message that it couldnt be established GPRS connection because of missing GPRS coverage. (the "G" is also missing in homescren icon bar). But I am sure there is no GPRS coverage problem in my location.
So in this case you have to go into the phone settings and choose your network again. Afterwards when you are re-registerd in your network, the symbol G is present in iconbar and you can run the GPRS connection. Sometimes prolongomenous procedure...
I had pretty much the same thing as a few of the others.
WM5 - WM6
It flashed all ok, the phone booted all good and worked fine - but then after around 15 min of running, reciving one call and 3 failed attempts at sycning it died.
Well - actually, I re-booted it for something and it never came right after that.
These are the issues which appeared;
Contacts wouldn't open (yet the proccess was fired),
Calendar threw a 'missing file' error,
Start menu wouldn't work (no response from the button),
GPRS service was dropped ("no service available" - even though there was and the phone could see it if you seeked for it),
Yet the phone recived text messages while in this state and while calling the phone it just wouldn't do anything - yet to the caller it would appear to just ring and ring (not a provided service).
An interesting thing - I found that by making a change to the home screen or theme would allow the start menu too function as it should and the the clock to be displayed on the home screen.
Could be an area worth investigating....
I've had a taste now.... I want WM6!!!
What can I do to help? also would be interresting to know whether there is a possibility to run the USB modem - I couldnt find it in start menu/accesories nor in the windows folder...
How to install for QTEK 8020 (T-Mobile SDA) joystick? please help... fuctional joystick in WM06 (my english low sorry)... right is up, left is down and left not functional and right... ???
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I am also wondering why nobody who is capable enough tries to make a "joystick-version" of the Typhoon WM6 - that work would be highly appreciated by so many people...
DoctorT said:
I am also wondering why nobody who is capable enough tries to make a "joystick-version" of the Typhoon WM6 - that work would be highly appreciated by so many people...
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Because WM6 for Typhoon Error on Dumprom.
WM6 looks fantastic, however...
I also have a few disappointments the most important of which are:
- No "Headset" option in the profiles menu!!!
- No STK menu!!!
- Very easily crashing on games and some progs (hope to fix it as stated above)
and the camera is definately worse than in 2003SE
..various language t9 cab files - I tried it and it works fine on WM6
do anyone try the standard calculator in wm6 ? It show error in my c500 so I have to use other calculator program looks that my calculator works properly...

Full WM6 or 6.1 on Shift

This is one of my first posts. I have been reading the threads on this and cannot make heads or tails of what's going on. I have a Shift for eval purposes and after playing around with it, I think it's a pretty amazing device. HTC has crippled the phone capability in the US versions because they haven't certified it for voice use with the FCC yet. If we can access "file explorer" and some of the other features of WM6, I think a lot can be done to modify it or even to use it for voice. Has anybody made any headway as far as a new ROM that enables all of this functionality?
nobody has yet developed the crack. The reason is because nobody has the machine yet. Can u comment a bit about the battery life. Is it very disappointing?
well, now that several people actually have the device in-hand, could somebody please confirm that the ability to expose full WM6 exists as described by Pawel062:
Pawel062 said:
hmm dont really understand the last part about snapvue. the snapvue for athena is snapvue from shift with a small mod to re enable the softkeys and start menu. it will work on shift and also re enable the soft keys and start menu making the shift's wm6 "Full" again
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This is the only thing holding me back from ordering one myself!
This is the only thing holding me back from ordering one myself!
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Me too!
So Any luck running/installing any other programs on SnapVue?
what about athena projects rom? that rom is actually from shift right?
snapvue is actually a today plugin pretty much. it hides the soft keys and start menu of the original wm6. then from the plugin u have access to messaging, settings, and other basic stuff.
this is ment so u use vista but with only 2hrs max battery on vista many people would like to use the less power hungry wm6. i am working with paul from on re enabling the full wm6 by putting a modded dll that will unhide the start menu. after that ull be able to get into file explorer and get a reg editor to re enable the soft keys.
heres the challlenge:
--no usb port like regular htc phones to sync the shift and get the dll on their. only usb host
--no bluetooth in snapvue/wm6 side
--no wifi in snapvue/wm6 side
--no ir in wm6 side
--vista device central doesnt see the wm6 side
--cant save files from email to windows folder
and i cant remember now the other blockades. i will continue working on it though.
Seems like that there is some kind of file transfer, it uses it when you install a certificate in shift control center, but how to crack it open or replicate the process for other files, and then execute the file on snapvue site ....
Think its time for a "taskforce thred" where all info is posted so everyone can work on it.
Sounds a lot more difficult then I first imagined....
(No BT??? OMG! had no idea!)
Sounds like I have to be a bit more patient...
This doesnot sound like it´s gonna be solved in a couple of days....
It´s great that you´re workin on it guys!
thanks Pawel062, I appreciate your efforts in trying to find a way to get this to work!
Just saw if you edit a contact and then try to attach a picture, you can browse the WM6 folders.
Unfortunately you can only see the pictures, because it's using the picture manager from HTC..
Silly thought: The miniUSB connector on the dongle formally is only meant to provide additional power to devices that otherwise would not be detected (External Harddrives etc). Would it be a silly thought to assume that the same miniUSB port could somehow allow us to access the SnapVue part? The miniUSB port is located at the back next to the cable leading back to the Shift.
I hadn't even noticed that.
I just plugged mine in for the first time, the only drivers Vista installs are for a Generic USB Hub and a USB to Ethernet Adaptor. There doesn't seem to be anything else hidden in there.
If anyone needs anything tested on a shift dont hesitate to ask. Full WM6 functionality would be greatly appreciated and would turn snapview from a gimick into a usefull tool.
OK so thanks to Michael who commented on Browsing using Contacts and Pictures, I managed to gain access to the Windows Mobile File Explorer and other software on the device.
First step is to create a new email.
From the menu Insert - Picture.
Using the browse capability go to the Windows folder
Locate Start Menu and press Ctrl C
Browse to Settings
Press Ctrl V
Go to Snapvue homescreen and goto Settings
Start Menu will be visible and you can then access File Explorer etc.
Hope this helps....
Excellent. I have sent myself the executable of's regedit, saved it into my documents, and am now able to access and edit the registry!
Wiz said:
Excellent. I have sent myself the executable of's regedit, saved it into my documents, and am now able to access and edit the registry!
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Great! Any possibilty to enable blocked things like office or is it not installed?
Also in my limited investigations, I have managed to almost access Windows Vista from the Windows Mobile side.
Using Resco's Explorer with its Network Access functionality, I performed the following.
Under Windows Vista, run the ShagCtrl application.
Install a Certificate, this can be any file you like.
You will see the progress bar appear and drop up and down. If you listen you will hear the sound of a new device being added.
Do NOT click OK when prompted as this will remove the device.
If you load up Device manager, you will see an "NDIS shared Internet connection" (or something similar) appear under network connections.
If you open CMD and run an IPConfig, you will see that this connection has an IP Address of and a gateway and DHCP server of
From the Windows Mobile side, load Resco Explorer and goto Menu - File - Network - Map Drive
In the dialog that appears, you should see Computers near Me (or similar) and under here should be your Vista machine.
If you share a drive, or select the Vista computer and put \c$ on the end, it should try to connect.
This is as far as it gets me so far. Was a late one, but I couldnt get it to actually connect.
So close yet so far.
In Addition, if you try to run a cab file it will error. This is because HTC have remove the Open command file association for Cab files.
Using your favourite WM registry editor goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command\.
Under Default type
wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete
cab files will now install correctly.
Hope this helps...
I ama anew user of Shift. I am did not understand clearly what did you mean about full WM6 or 6.1. Knows somebody how can we have a full WM6 on it? Pls help me I really need a full WM6 system also.
Ok, so I've accessed the Start menu using Vs1979s instructions, and I've found that Windows Live messenger is on the device and works ok. I'd like to try and install Opera, but I need a registry editor that isn't a CAB file in order to add back in the registry key to support CAB files - can someone point me in the direction of one?
Vs1979 said:
Also in my limited investigations, I have managed to almost access Windows Vista from the Windows Mobile side.
Using Resco's Explorer with its Network Access functionality, I performed the following.
Under Windows Vista, run the ShagCtrl application.
Install a Certificate, this can be any file you like.
You will see the progress bar appear and drop up and down. If you listen you will hear the sound of a new device being added.
Do NOT click OK when prompted as this will remove the device.
If you load up Device manager, you will see an "NDIS shared Internet connection" (or something similar) appear under network connections.
If you open CMD and run an IPConfig, you will see that this connection has an IP Address of and a gateway and DHCP server of
From the Windows Mobile side, load Resco Explorer and goto Menu - File - Network - Map Drive
In the dialog that appears, you should see Computers near Me (or similar) and under here should be your Vista machine.
If you share a drive, or select the Vista computer and put \c$ on the end, it should try to connect.
This is as far as it gets me so far. Was a late one, but I couldnt get it to actually connect.
So close yet so far.
In Addition, if you try to run a cab file it will error. This is because HTC have remove the Open command file association for Cab files.
Using your favourite WM registry editor goto HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Cabfile\Shell\Open\command\.
Under Default type
wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete
cab files will now install correctly.
Hope this helps...
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How did you load Resco Explorer on Snapvue?

