Asus vodafone v1520 hard restet - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hello all,
My brother gave me this asus, I insert simcard and can making calls. Unfrtunately,
there is no settings option, no message option. I was trying to hard reset (pin in hole on the left side + power button) But is nothing happen What can I do else?
Kind regards
Don't forget to hit the THANKS button

Thanks friend!!! Now everything is working!
Kind regards


A few handy hints

Hi All,
Just two points that i had to search for on the XDAII, thought i'd share...
How to disconnect GPRS - Hold down the call disconnect button (1.66 ROM)
How to hard reset - While holding down the power button, use the stylus to press the sort reset button
** Not this will erase all of your applications and data on your XDA
Hope this helps someone, somewhere, someday.
what should i do when my unit hangs up and cannot be SOFT reseted? what should i do? how can i sort of "RESET" it in someways without erasng my data in my unit?
Please check my post about my troubling experience with the hungs ups!
Thanks alot!

hard reset urgent

Im a newbi and would be really grateful if anyone could tell me how to hard reset my universal with the buttons cause the screen has hung up.Thanks in advance. :?
quick answer
Hold the two action buttons
(The one's that shows on the screen) and press the reset button on the with your Stylis in your mouth
Then choose erase all on the menu
Thanks Skillie that managed to solve my problem,really appreciate your quick response.

help me in reseting phone

hey guys, please help me...i bought imate jam used one form some of my i want to hard reset ...can anyone tell me how can i do that...and one more thing lets say i hard reset it, will it setup automatically or do i have to put everything on my behalf....please help me....
Push the bottom button and quickly hold the Power button
If that doesn't work, try the other buttons. I think it is the power button.
It will setup and runs nicely as a phone. No worries.
Its the power button. Hold your power button and soft-rest your device for a Hard reset. Yu will then be prompted with a screen saying your device will be customized automatically in 3secs. If you want to save space, skip that by a soft-reset again.

Wizard phone Locked (not Sim or CID) User Lock

I just bought WIZARD from Norway and I cant do anything, because it is locked. But it is not SIM or CID locked it requires user code, wich I dont know.
Is it possible to unlock it!
Hardreset the phone.
search for 'hard reset'
i already did that. With comm button, voice button and reset.
It doesnt work.
If you are sure you have a Wizard and pressing the right button, you may have got it wrong. Or in worst case, one of the button is faulty.
Anyway, detail steps.
Hold your fingers on both buttons, and poke the reset button. INSTANTLY, hold both the button until you see something on the screen. There should be a message saying something like.. press 'send' to restore to factory default.
Thanks henmin.
I did wron hard reset, I didnt holt those two buttons for long enough.
Now it works.
Thanks again.

Help! device locked out!

Hey guys
I recently installed phone pad international on my phone. It worked fine at first then for some reason the T9 wouldn't spell english words correctly. I decided to remove Phone pad from the program menu
When I did it asked if I would like to reset, which I said yes. when the phone tried to re boot it got stuck on a white screen which I can't get passed.
I have tried to do a hard reset in each of the following ways:
Hold power & reset together - but this doesn't work
Press Power & camera together which just gets me to the boot loader but with no prompts to take me further.
I would be most grateful if anyone could suggest a solution
(the only other thing that springs to mind is perhaps loading a new ROM but i'm not sure how to do that either)
Thanks guys!
This is hard reset:
hold both softkey buttons, and use the stylus to press the 'Reset' button on the bottom.
hey that was quick, thanks!
which buttons are the soft keys?
phil_fenton said:
hey that was quick, thanks!
which buttons are the soft keys?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The ones above the answer (green) and end (red).
