Screen light up when receiving notifications. How to ? - Desire HD General

Does anyone how to get the screen to light up whenever you get notifications I.e. Twitter, text etc ? Is there a app or a setting for this ?

Almost any alternate SMS from the Market can do this, along with the option to disable it. Handcent, ChompSMS..

That's only for sms though. I want it for all notifications.


Disable factory SMS (messaging)

I ve installed the CHOMPSMS and wonder how can i disable the factory messaging program (i installed ASTRO). I tried to change the LED Blink colour in ChompSMS but it doesn work, i need to set the light from Factory Messaging.
Please help
p.s. Does anyone know if there is an app that i can add the A-Z alpha onto my contact phone list so that i dun have to scroll around.
You can turn off the notifications on the stock app by going into the apps settings and scrolling to the bottom unchecking the box that says "notifications."
I hope this answers your question, and as far as changing the LED color, you need to be rooted in order to do that.
thank you!
I have rooted but i am unable to adjust the LED colour from ChompSMS, only can do it in factory messaging.
Uncheck the notification only not showing the icon right? does it disable the app permenatly?
scgolfer7 said:
You can turn off the notifications on the stock app by going into the apps settings and scrolling to the bottom unchecking the box that says "notifications."
I hope this answers your question, and as far as changing the LED color, you need to be rooted in order to do that.
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I use handsent sms but also have sms popup. I have the notification off on the default and handsent. I use the sms popup because it lets me use trackball for different color for different contacts. Extra work but it works for me.
jerrycycle said:
I use handsent sms but also have sms popup. I have the notification off on the default and handsent. I use the sms popup because it lets me use trackball for different color for different contacts. Extra work but it works for me.
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I quit using Handcent a while back because I wasn't using any of the features. I haven't used it since I got my N1 actually. I used to do a lot of work with the Dev on it. With SMS popup I can't get the trackball to work at all. You're using the LED setting right?
This is how I have the N1 set for trackball notification. 1st I have missed reminder install. I have the red selected for missed sms and blue for calls.I use handset for default sms but have the notification off, also the default messaging notifications off. I then have sms popup. Sms popup is enabled,for the quick yes or now replies, under the contacts notifications have different colors selected for contacts.
jerrycycle said:
This is how I have the N1 set for trackball notification. 1st I have missed reminder install. I have the red selected for missed sms and blue for calls.I use handset for default sms but have the notification off, also the default messaging notifications off. I then have sms popup. Sms popup is enabled,for the quick yes or now replies, under the contacts notifications have different colors selected for contacts.
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You're using the "LED" selections right? I'm trying it and none of them are lighting the trackball.
dumbestcrayon said:
You're using the "LED" selections right? I'm trying it and none of them are lighting the trackball.
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In what application? Please be more explicit.
I have the same setup as jerrycycle (coincidence) and for example using SMS Popup - Notification | Default Notifications | Enable Notifications (disable notification in the standard messaging app) and then go the the Led Configuration section and set your options. Now, use the Test Notification function to test your LED's.
You need a custom ROM but you should not use any LED mod for this.
The led will work for the chompsms and handcent. The custom option has to me the chosen option and the time has to be set. There is a 3 second delay before the custom colors work. I can't say what to set it on without reconfiguring my phone to test.

How can I disable vibrations for some apps, but enable for others?

I can't seem to make this work. I know that there is a per-app setting for vibrating notifications. The main apps I use are the LG stock SMS app, Google Hangouts, GroupMe and GMail. I want SMS and GMail to vibrate, and I do not want Hangouts or Groupme to vibrate (because of high message volume). I do want all of the apps to be allowed to create notifications and turn on the LED notification light -- just not vibrate. Right now it seems like ALL notifications are set to vibrate. Btw my phone is in vibrate mode, where all ringtones and alert tones are off. How can I achieve this?

Text message LED

I don't get led notifications when I get texts. It works when I get Facebook notifications or other things like email. But not text. Anyone know how to fix that? Without 3rd party apps
HTCMDA said:
I don't get led notifications when I get texts. It works when I get Facebook notifications or other things like email. But not text. Anyone know how to fix that? Without 3rd party apps
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Using Samsung's messaging app my LED notification is blue and pulses every 6 seconds approximately. In Settings > Display I have the LED indicator option to "On". Then inside the messaging app click 'More" in the top right hand corner, then click Settings and make sure Notifications are "On". That's how mine is set up and LED is working fine.

Small guide and workarounds on making Light Flow work on Galaxy S7/Edge

- Install Light Flow Legacy (but also keep the regular Light Flow, this is mandatory).
- Now the LEDs will work even with Always-On screen on, and the annoying permanent notification from the notification bar will disappear.
- It will prompt you to disable the regular Light Flow. It will also generally work better.
- Enable Samsung workaround in Light Flow, when prompted.
- For Gmail and Google Apps email, replace Gmail app with Google Inbox app (it will probably replace Gmail anyway one day). Unfortunately Gmail does not work with Light Flow, unless you disable notifications altogether in Gmail's settings (in which case you get LED notifications from Light Flow but no notification bar notifications - you don't want this, or maybe you do if you really like Gmail over Inbox).
- In Google Inbox, set the "Pulse Notification Light" to Off for each account.
- Unfortunately, the Samsung Email app does not seem to work with Light Flow. But other email clients may work if you have work email accounts.
- You can either use Samsung's SMS app (which turns on the screen on every message and this can't be disabled so it's not for me) or Textra (works, tested) or other SMS app.
- Hangouts doesn't work with Light Flow in SMS mode. Google Messenger (the new SMS messaging app from Google) does not work with Light Flow (which is a pity because it's very nice and clean).
Other messaging systems:
- Whatsapp and Hangouts work with Light Flow already (but Hangouts does not work with LightFlow for SMS messages if you set it that way). Make sure you disable the notification light in their settings.
Facebook, Instagram:
- Not tested, maybe someone else will
Hopefully this helps someone.
You can set up Lightflow to work correctly with Gmail, albeit with a slight kludge. And the built-in messaging app doesn't light up the screen on every message for me.
After some conversations with the developer, this is what works for me to get LF working:
1. Download and install the regular paid version. Don't bother to set up any notifications.
2. Download and install Lightflow Legacy (it's free). It will alert you that you need to disable, but not delete, the full version, and offer to disable it for you. Accept that option. This is NOT the same as disabling an app in the application manager. Don't disable it in the application manager.
3. At some point, it will prompt to to enable the Samsung workaround. Choose that setting.
4. Do NOT turn on administrators, even when Lightflow prompts you to do so.
5. In device Settings, go to Accessibility, scroll all the way down, and make sure Light Flow Legacy in On.
6. Back to Lightflow Legacy: In General settings, check (or make sure these are checked): Enable Light Flow, Show LED in Priority Mode, Accessibility check.
7. Go to Lightflow Legacy and set up your notifications. For some apps you'll need to check the Switch screen on and Wake screen when in pocket options to get notifications to work. To avoid the issue with screen locking and needing to use a PIN to unlock the screen, choose "Phone screen default length" as the value for Screen on length. The drawback to this is that your screen will light up for 5 to 10 seconds when you get a notification for these apps, but it's the only way to avoid having the phone prompt for a pin or password when you turn on the screen after getting a notification from one of these apps. NOTE: This won't work correctly with Always On Display or Night Clock turned on. Both of these options prevent Lightflow from turning on the screen, so you'll get the default blue flashing LED.
7b. Apps I know require these settings are Gmail, E-mail (Samsung's app),
8. For the built-in SMS app, uncheck the boxes for Monitor SMS Conversations, and check the option for Monitor notification bar.
9. Finally, go back to device Settings, choose Notifications, click Advanced, scroll down to Light Flow (not Legacy), and and turn off notifications. Make sure notifications are ON for Light Flow Legacy. (You might not see an option for regular Lightflow. That's OK.)
10. In device Settings / Display, make sure LED indicator is set ON.
With these settings, everything seems to be working for me, with the only drawback being the screen turns on for notifications from Gmail and Email. If you set up notifications for an app and just get the regular Blue LED instead of what you've programmed, follow step 7 for that app.
The Hangouts thing is very disappointing. Thanks for the info though!
It's really a shame to have to choose between a useful feature like AOD and getting the right LED color.
halo0 said:
The Hangouts thing is very disappointing. Thanks for the info though!
It's really a shame to have to choose between a useful feature like AOD and getting the right LED color.
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Try setting up the screen on workaround (Step 7) for Hangouts
It doesn't work because I use always on display.
meyerweb said:
You can set up Lightflow to work correctly with Gmail, albeit with a slight kludge. And the built-in messaging app doesn't light up the screen on every message for me.
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You can only set LightFlow to work with Gmail if you are willing to either disable all notifications in Gmail, or set the display in LightFlow to turn on for a bit on every received email. Both are unacceptable for me.
As for the Samsung SMS app, mine always turns on the screen upon receiving a message. If you look on forums, everybody complains about this for every Samsung device and there is no workaround.
For me at least, having the screen turn on on notifications is completely unacceptable.
Cst79 said:
You can only set LightFlow to work with Gmail if you are willing to either disable all notifications in Gmail, or set the display in LightFlow to turn on for a bit on every received email. Both are unacceptable for me.
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But you're not the only person using this device, are you? For some this will be an acceptable tradeoff.
As for the Samsung SMS app, mine always turns on the screen upon receiving a message. If you look on forums, everybody complains about this for every Samsung device and there is no workaround.
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Have you looked at the settings in the app? There's an option to turn off (or on) pop-ups. Have you tried turning it off? As I said, I get no screen on when I receive an SMS, so it's simply not true that "everybody" complains about this.
For me at least, having the screen turn on on notifications is completely unacceptable.
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And I repeat, my steps work, and will be acceptable for many. XDA doesn't exist to satisfy only you.
meyerweb said:
But you're not the only person using this device, are you? For some thois will be an acceptable tradeoff.
Have you looked at the settings in the app? There's an option to turn off (or on) pop-ups. Have you tried turning it off? As I said, I get no screen on when I receive an SMS, so it's simply not true that "everybody" complains about this.
And I repeat, my steps work, and will be acceptable for many. XDA doesn't exist to satisfy only you.
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Actually, have *you* tried to turn off the obvious pop-up setting in the default SMS app to see how the screen behaves ? Do you think that people would complain on forums with no solution in sight, if it was a simple setting ?
As for the rest of the nonsense, not worth getting into.

Notifications, some do not appear

Hey guys
Somehow my missed calls, new text messages or also skype do not appear in the notifications, even though I did activate the skype notifications. I could not find any setting for the phone/text messages.
It works well for FB-messages, whats app and other apps.
Does anybody have an idea why?
