Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0 SDK out for download. - Atrix 4G General

The ICS 4.0 sdk is out for download on the android site. Just wanted to give everyone who develops here a heads up.

the emulator runs pretty slow。But i run it under 256 ram。I think anydevice can run gingerbread can run 4.0 too。btw,there are two new sensors:temperature and humidity。


Android source officially released!

Ok so google has now officially released the android source code and SDK. So now there are endless possibilities to what can be done with it, it can be ported to any device.
I'll leave the devs to think about that but till then heres the link: Info about the source Download SDK from here.

Android 2.3 Gingerbread's source code now available!

How soon it gonna port to our Magic?

New OTA Update

Didn't see a post about it yet. Just got a surprised new update.
Kernel: [email protected] #1.
Not sure what has changed.
Nothing new. It came with the latest .21 build. Let's hope they release ice cream sandwhich next.

Ice Cream Sandwich for NVIDIA Tegra2 DevKits is up and rolling

So ladies and gentlemens --- let's get cooking ​
nVidia finely release all the tools we need for our beloved Tegra2 for ICS

[request] developers can someone develop java emulator for ICS and Jelly Bean

Why no one is interested in java emulator development for ICS and Jelly Bean. Plz developer atleast port jed to ICS.

