Nexus One > Ice Cream Sandwich - Nexus One General

What do you think, will the Google Nexus One get the love of Ice Cream Sandwich from Google officially?

If not from Google directly, I have no doubt someone at some point will ROM hack it for the Nexus One.

I wonder if the N1 will have enough system space to handle ICS initially. I'm sure someone will eventually figure out some sdcard trickery that will make it work either way. The sdcard on my Xoom with Honeycomb 3.2 works very differently than on the N1 and apps must use the Android MediaStore API to detect everything. My guess is there will be some app growing pains around this bit like there has been with the tablet apps.

Nexus S isn't much more powerful than Nexus One. Nexus S will get ICS, so nexus One too

Both will get... Why? Becuz our phones are under Google... So we might be getting otas from google... By the time it releases...
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA CM7.1.0 FINAL

I hope they don't have the same issues they had with gingerbread releasing 2-3 months later
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

I would be more concerned with whether they drop to AOSP quickly, like they did with froyo.

The last i heard Google already confirmed Nexus One will get ICS since theres no hardware requirement anyways...

I heard the same news too, and it came out of my ass. How about yours?

XIAOMI anounced a few weeks ago they will launch a MIUI ICS, and will continue to provide support to other devices.

as of GRK39F /system has only 15MB available, so I don't think the N1 will get it officially. We'll have to wait to see if they can fit it in 145MB but I don't think so.

spamlucal said:
as of GRK39F /system has only 15MB available, so I don't think the N1 will get it officially. We'll have to wait to see if they can fit it in 145MB but I don't think so.
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They could have at least twice that amount of space to work with if they drop the frequently unwanted bundled apps like Twitter, Facebook, and Books. If I want them I know where to get them.

I guess it will be the same? Becuz if official cm9 is release, the rom size should be 89-94 mb....
Sent from my Nexus One using Oxygen v2.3.1

lolobabes said:
The last i heard Google already confirmed Nexus One will get ICS since theres no hardware requirement anyways...
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This is how bull**** lies get spread.
No you did NOT hear Google confirm ****, because they never have. Stop with the lies, it does the community no good.

woop woop
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App

Maybe cyanogenmod rom will be available for the N1. CM9 maybe. I didn't hear that they will have one for N1 but I heard that CM will work on the next Gen CM Tom.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

I hope that Cyanogen makes a cooked-up rom to mirror ICS for the N1.

sl8125 said:
Maybe cyanogenmod rom will be available for the N1. CM9 maybe. I didn't hear that they will have one for N1 but I heard that CM will work on the next Gen CM Tom.
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Considering that the htc dream/G1 can run CM7, i would be extremely surprised if the nexus one wouldnt get ICS on CM9

I doubt, google will release some kind of OTA, but there will be some mods


New phone April - Not Ice Cream - But has Android 2.4

Another phone looks to be coming in April, (via BGR). Hopefully we also get 2.4 as soon as this launches, and that we don't have to wait...
uhhhhhhh... interesting to see ViewSonic coming to the battleground
they used to be famous for their Displays and Monitors... i wonder if they plan to release their own screens to fight against Samsung & Sony
AllGamer said:
uhhhhhhh... interesting to see ViewSonic coming to the battleground
they used to be famous for their Displays and Monitors... i wonder if they plan to release their own screens to fight against Samsung & Sony
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Should be interesting. Also, I had not heard of a ViewSonic phone before this article, and I am not sure if I am liking its design.
Nonetheless, based on what you said, it's good to see others come along and hopefully compete with Samsung, especially since so many people do not like or want a Samsung phone - other than to have Samsung's beautiful phone screen.
Bmerz said:
Should be interesting. Also, I had not heard of a ViewSonic phone before this article, and I am not sure if I am liking its design.
Nonetheless, based on what you said, it's good to see others come along and hopefully compete with Samsung, especially since so many people do not like or want a Samsung phone - other than to have Samsung's beautiful phone screen.
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that's exactly my problem
I love their screens, but not so much their bugged phones
AllGamer said:
that's exactly my problem
I love their screens, but not so much their bugged phones
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Ditto. There are a few other interesting forays into the smartphone market this year like vizio. Ill add a link when I get back to my computer
Sent from my Darkginger CM7 Google Nexus S!
Would the nexus s get the update before its released on another phone?
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
If they don't update us before or at the same time the phone releases, this will be my last android device.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
meetagrawal said:
If they don't update us before or at the same time the phone releases, this will be my last android device.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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it doesn't work that way you see...
we on SNS got 2.3 before any body else
including the old HTC N1 which are still stuck on 2.2 officially
unofficial ROM cooks of course released 2.3
so chances are we'll see the same with 2.4 or 3.0
benifactor said:
Would the nexus s get the update before its released on another phone?
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I've seen two(2) videos showing 2.4 in the NS.
One of them showed 2.4 build GRI06B.
I'm not sweating...
Look in the I9023 thread.
Worst case: more fragmentation with I9020 2.3 and I9023 with 2.4...both being NS. haha
AllGamer said:
it doesn't work that way you see...
we on SNS got 2.3 before any body else
including the old HTC N1 which are still stuck on 2.2 officially
unofficial ROM cooks of course released 2.3
so chances are we'll see the same with 2.4 or 3.0
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Well, the way they're treating N1 owners right now is rubbing me the wrong way, but I'm willing to give them benefit of the doubt. In fact, they could be just waiting till 2.4 is ready to give it to both Nexus 1 and Nexus S. We buy the Nexus phones partly because we are supposed to be given updates on a first priority basis. If Google decides to hold back 2.4 from us for another phone, they will have lost an Android supporter in me.
AllGamer said:
uhhhhhhh... interesting to see ViewSonic coming to the battleground
they used to be famous for their Displays and Monitors... i wonder if they plan to release their own screens to fight against Samsung & Sony
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They already have an Android Device the "g Tablet". Although from what I have read the reviews say the screen sucks (poor viewing angle), surprises me since that is what they do. On another note the g Tablet has Android 2.2 and nVidia Tegra 2
meetagrawal said:
Well, the way they're treating N1 owners right now is rubbing me the wrong way, but I'm willing to give them benefit of the doubt. In fact, they could be just waiting till 2.4 is ready to give it to both Nexus 1 and Nexus S. We buy the Nexus phones partly because we are supposed to be given updates on a first priority basis. If Google decides to hold back 2.4 from us for another phone, they will have lost an Android supporter in me.
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I'd bet my meager reputation that we get it before.
Sent from my Darkginger CM7 Google Nexus S!
I'd be shocked if we didn't get the 2.4 update, at the time of its launch. Especially since 2.4 doesn't seem to be Ice Cream, but rather a touch of Honey glazed over Gingerbread.
While I am kind of new to Android (and smart phones in general), I cannot see Google keeping this update from us NS users. Although, I am a little surprised that the N1 hasn't seen Gingerbread yet (OTA from Google that is).
Just curious, how many updates did the N1 get from the time of its launch, and what Android version did it start with (Eclair or Froyo?).
I'm really surprised the N1 hasn't seen GB officially yet. I would be curious to see 2.4
Bmerz said:
I'd be shocked if we didn't get the 2.4 update, at the time of its launch. Especially since 2.4 doesn't seem to be Ice Cream, but rather a touch of Honey glazed over Gingerbread.
While I am kind of new to Android (and smart phones in general), I cannot see Google keeping this update from us NS users. Although, I am a little surprised that the N1 hasn't seen Gingerbread yet (OTA from Google that is).
Just curious, how many updates did the N1 get from the time of its launch, and what Android version did it start with (Eclair or Froyo?).
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N1 came with eclair and then got froyo 2 months later I believe.
Sent from my Darkginger CM7 Google Nexus S!
Not liking the Viewsonic design. I thought it was an external HDD.
I hope that the Nexus S gets its update, well if not at the same time as the release of the Viewsonic phone, at least a week or two after.
Bmerz said:
I'd be shocked if we didn't get the 2.4 update, at the time of its launch. Especially since 2.4 doesn't seem to be Ice Cream, but rather a touch of Honey glazed over Gingerbread.
While I am kind of new to Android (and smart phones in general), I cannot see Google keeping this update from us NS users. Although, I am a little surprised that the N1 hasn't seen Gingerbread yet (OTA from Google that is).
Just curious, how many updates did the N1 get from the time of its launch, and what Android version did it start with (Eclair or Froyo?).
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the phone started with Eclair and it was approximately 6 months until OTA Froyo.
kenvan19 said:
N1 came with eclair and then got froyo 2 months later I believe.
Sent from my Darkginger CM7 Google Nexus S!
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More like 6 months later for the official OTA.
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krohnjw said:
More like 6 months later for the official OTA.
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When did the first phone with Froyo launch? Or was N1 the 1st to get it?
terra_droid said:
Not liking the Viewsonic design. I thought it was an external HDD.
I hope that the Nexus S gets its update, well if not at the same time as the release of the Viewsonic phone, at least a week or two after.
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that's exactly what i though as well when i first saw the picture. LOL

ICS and i9000 - a little history

I'm not going to ask if Samsung would relase ICS for i9000. I'll just refresh my memory with a little bit of history.
December 6th 2010 - SDK 2.3
December 17th 2010 - The source code 2.3
February 13th 2011 - SGS2 announced
February 25th 2011 - 2.3 OTA for N1 and NS
April 16th 2011 - 2.3 "OTA" for SGS1 (5+ months after 2.3 SDK came out).
So, if the history repeats itself, we won't get 4.0 before April of 2012th, if ever. More possible scenario would be SGS2 is getting 4.0 in April, and SGS1 stays on 2.3 due to "memory problems".
Anyone remembers 1st Samsung Galaxy (i7500?). It received 1.6 six months after Donut SDK came out and stayed on 1.6 due to memory problems ...
I'll be buying SGS2 HD LTE soon anyway.. can't resist
I to do not think we'll get it from Samsung but do hope CM hooks us up with CM9 soon after source code is out.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Nexus S is getting ICS, and there have been reports that even the NEXUS 1 will get it too.
Let's keep in mind that the Galaxy S has basically the same specs as the Nexus S. It's pretty much a layup to make a Galaxy S version if they are going to make a Nexus S version...
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ccrows said:
Nexus S is getting ICS, and there have been reports that even the NEXUS 1 will get it too.
Let's keep in mind that the Galaxy S has basically the same specs as the Nexus S. It's pretty much a layup to make a Galaxy S version if they are going to make a Nexus S version...
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Yeah, but don't forget Samsung can fool us with their launcher that "will probably require more RAM than available", just like Sense needed to much RAM on HTC Desire and Desire never got official 2.3, although Nexus One will probably go even to 4.0.
Btw. Nexus S received official 2.3 OTA the same day as N1, on 23 February 2011, so we can expect CM8 much before that, I'm just hoping for GPU enabled browser in ICS, only thing that keeps me from CM7 now.
Fremen567 said:
I to do not think we'll get it from Samsung but do hope CM hooks us up with CM9 soon after source code is out.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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well said
i'd not expect much from Samsung, they did however step up a lot on their customer facing upgrades and source codes
so chances are we'll see it from CM9 before we see the official one from Samsung
With google and samsung working together dont you think they will have all ready got ics working on nexus s and may be the galaxy s so hopefully we might get ics
- 666
1) first gingerbread (leaked) for sgs1 was 28th February 2011 - 2.3.2
2) it is officialy confirmed that i9000 will get an update
3) nexuss=sgs1 -> one more reason that i9000 will get it wo memory problems of any sort
3a)first bulids that infos about was leaked from nexuss
4) galaxy nexus premiere = november = source release confirmed officialy
5) sgs1 update process speeded up (not to mention leaks) but the source codes stays outdated basicly
expect ics leak at february or maybe we get even more lucky
as there already are nexuss builds but just not public
and do not expect anything leaked till galaxy samsung premiere
leaker would get his heaad cut of and even his grand children would have to work for samsung
$omator said:
1) first gingerbread (leaked) for sgs1 was 28th February 2011 - 2.3.2
2) it is officialy confirmed that i9000 will get an update
3) nexuss=sgs1 -> one more reason that i9000 will get it wo memory problems of any sort
3a)first bulids that infos about was leaked from nexuss
4) galaxy nexus premiere = november = source release confirmed officialy
5) sgs1 update process speeded up (not to mention leaks) but the source codes stays outdated basicly
expect ics leak at february or maybe we get even more lucky
as there already are nexuss builds but just not public
and do not expect anything leaked till galaxy samsung premiere
leaker would get his heaad cut of and even his grand children would have to work for samsung
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2) url please
3) nexus means google support, and google must support device that came a year ago. Samsung came out with 10 android phones in the meantime that everyone is gonna ask for ics...
sgs2 will get a leak in february, and sgs1 prolly in april if ever...
jnr21 said:
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any relevant sources? that news is also wishfull thinking...
Right, I have never seen any official news confirming this. One more time we are waiting...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Galaid said:
just like Sense needed to much RAM on HTC Desire and Desire never got official 2.3, although Nexus One will probably go even to 4.0.
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Desire got 2.3 officially this summer..
Galaid said:
Yeah, but don't forget Samsung can fool us with their launcher that "will probably require more RAM than available", just like Sense needed to much RAM on HTC Desire and Desire never got official 2.3, although Nexus One will probably go even to 4.0.
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As i know there wasnt problem with RAM (desire has full 512MB) but with ROM, because new sense was too big for desire memory, thats why desire got old sense. If nexus s gets ICS and sgs dont, i will never ever buy another android phone (i had four of them, and i've been ****ed every time from htc and samsung), because i'm not money printing machine to buy new phone every year if i want to use new upgraded OS.
Do you realize that sgs is "old" as iPhone 4 and as you can see iPhone 4 already got iOS5 (even 3GS got iOS5 and that **** is older than nexus one) and will get iOS6, and i must to spend another 550-600 euros to buy new phone that will be abandoned after one year. Some will say that sgs dont have enough memory but i dont give a fu.k for that, they need to find a way to make things work, because apple can.
if SGS will dont get a ICS, I will be very sad, bcz Desire HD will get it... damn
There is no reason for SGS not to get it if Nexus S is getting it. It's same freaking phone for most part. Unless Samsung desides to f... us on this one.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
well, Nexus S hasn't got the official ICS yet
but there is already a working stable ICS port
so, if DEV were able to port the ICS to the Nexus S
they can definitely do the same for the SGS1
just get a good gang of DEVs to start cracking on it, it really just depends how motivated or not are the DEVs using SGS1
isc theme port i think mostly, not much can be doune wo aosp sources thats why cm guys are holding for that source release
AllGamer said:
well, Nexus S hasn't got the official ICS yet
but there is already a working stable ICS port
so, if DEV were able to port the ICS to the Nexus S
they can definitely do the same for the SGS1
just get a good gang of DEVs to start cracking on it, it really just depends how motivated or not are the DEVs using SGS1
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I hate ports, cm7 still isnt good enough as stock samsung gb (used it few times), ok its faster but thats that, only benefit. I gave money to samsung not to devs (dont want to be disrespectfull) in turn i expect software updates. Many people satisfies with ports but we need to demand from oems to update our expencive phones.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Ics port fully working
sent from my commodore 64
telep said:
I hate ports, cm7 still isnt good enough as stock samsung gb (used it few times), ok its faster but thats that, only benefit. I gave money to samsung not to devs (dont want to be disrespectfull) in turn i expect software updates. Many people satisfies with ports but we need to demand from oems to update our expencive phones.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
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If you're all about stock than why hang around here on xda?

ICS update coming in next few weeks

Engadget reports that ICS is coming to nexus s in next few weeks.
What do you think, This will be a new version or same 4.0.3 for nexus s 4g and i9023?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA
My money is on 4.0.4.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
I have a feeling (hint, IMM26) that Google will make 4.0.4 for the Nexus S 4G and possibly make that the new OEM standard like 4.0.3 is.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium HD app
I cant even follow this story anymore. It's too much. It's coming, it's not, it's coming. Ugh. As much as I have followed this story i'm likely just going to stay with CM9 anyway. But I can empathize with the stock users.
In retrospect I should have used different word above. Please no sex jokes.
I hope its 4.0.4 because 4.0.3 the Barrett is so bad after that update I bought a sensation.**
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using XDA
Hope it's 4.0.4 or 4.0.5.
I guess we're finally getting 4.0.4
Hope it is 4.0.5
I think it was a french carrier who mentioned mars for a ota of 4.0.5 to nexus s
Hope its 4.1!
Hope it's 5.0 (sarcasm)
What a mess Google made with Android.
Right now, ICS is becoming Android's Vista and if Google don't step up they will lose a lot.
I would expect, at least, some sort of official statement by Google or Android team this but I realize now Google is some mute giant.
I mean, even ZTE communicates better than the big G. Get this, they would talk directly with rom development community. I thought "if ZTE does this having a Nexus must be the balls!" I was wrong...
ykphuah said:
Hope its 4.1!
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+1... after 3 months they really should come out with something decent..
You guys realize this article means nothing?!
"It's coming in a few weeks" - that's how Google always announces any updates.
The only info you get from it is: "there will be an update, ics is not officially shelved on the nexus s." No reason to get agitated, anyone can "predict" this as long as Google doesn't let out an official statement.
Define "a few weeks"... it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
ICS, and Starcraft Ghost to be released 'in a few weeks'.
mELIANTE said:
What a mess Google made with Android.
Right now, ICS is becoming Android's Vista and if Google don't step up they will lose a lot.
I would expect, at least, some sort of official statement by Google or Android team
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Probably not....a good 80% of users probably aren't aware the Google has anything to do with the software on the phone....most probably think the manufacture does it and the rest likely assume the carrier everyone whose manufacture just said they are getting ics likely just discovered its existance and where completely surprised and happy...
8616v said:
Probably not....a good 80% of users probably aren't aware the Google has anything to do with the software on the phone....most probably think the manufacture does it and the rest likely assume the carrier everyone whose manufacture just said they are getting ics likely just discovered its existance and where completely surprised and happy...
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That is true, but all this ignoring the more "geeky" and update friendly community doesn't do them any good.
And at least for a Nexus phone, I believe people bought them for the clean Google experience and that experience is getting to feel ignored right now.
Few weeks means in a couple of months... in google time
I hope we get to see it this year
I doubt we will be getting any update soon. And if we do it doesn't matter because I'm not upgrading until milestone 5 (or a ROM with all the same features based on the upgrade) comes out.
Nexus S (GSM i9020a)
AOKP (Milestone 4)
Air Kernel (3.45)
OC 800/100 (Lionheart)
Live OC (100 - Noop)
v6 Supercharged
Hey guys, I got some great news on the eta of the ota, what my very close sources tell me that we WILL get an ota, when Google releases it. but till then fellas you are more than welcome to grab some sammiches from our dev section and save the internets bandwidth talking about when its released.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean

So Jelly Bean is coming. It has some really cool features. Looking forward to see it on our beloved G2. Is it even possible?
It will also be launched for the Nexus S so the G2 should be capable of running it smothly!
It doesn't seem like that big of a jump compared to the leap from Gingerbread to 4.0. I think the devs will sort it out quickly :good:
bogdan5844 said:
It doesn't seem like that big of a jump compared to the leap from Gingerbread to 4.0. I think the devs will sort it out quickly :good:
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I was thinking the same thing. I mean, that in no way is meant to imply it will be even slightly easy, but I think it will be easier than gingerbread to ICS Hopefully! I will be buying the Nexus 7 anyways so no big worries for a rush there, but I would still love to have it on my phone!
Project Butter improves Android 4.1's speed to a silky-smooth 60FPS
As part of its unveiling of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, Google has unveiled Project Butter, a major effort to squash Android's frequent problems with device lag, as well as Systrace to help diagnose performance. Project Butter lets the CPU and graphics run in parallel, rather than crash into each other, and has a big impact on both real and perceived speed: the entire interface runs at 60 frames per second on sufficiently fast hardware. Graphics are now triple-buffered to keep scrolling and transitions humming along, and the processor will swing into full gear the moment you touch the screen to keep input lag to a minimum. Systrace, in the meantime, will help developers stamp out what performance hiccups remain. The tracing tool will be a part of the Jelly Bean SDK, so every coder can get an app running in tip-top shape.
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If the G2 is not officially getting ICS it wont get this. We still dont even have the official drivers needed for ICS, probably won't (we're waiting for the ones from the Desire HD to be released).
If there is one thing I learned from this experience is to get a Nexus device.
Send From My Galaxy Gio and O2x
I'm really hoping that our talented G2 devs can at least get Jelly Bean on our devices. I'm not going to expect anything beyond that however, given the age of our phones. All that talk about Jelly Bean's "Project Butter" has me worried, though. The only major bugs left in our ICS roms are mostly graphics related (garbled text, random visual glitches), this may be a large roadblock for us.
For an "incremental" 0.1 update, they've packed quite a bit of improvements.
AndrewSP37 said:
I'm really hoping that our talented G2 devs can at least get Jelly Bean on our devices. I'm not going to expect anything beyond that however, given the age of our phones. All that talk about Jelly Bean's "Project Butter" has me worried, though. The only major bugs left in our ICS roms are mostly graphics related (garbled text, random visual glitches), this may be a large roadblock for us.
For an "incremental" 0.1 update, they've packed quite a bit of improvements.
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Wouldn't those updates be related to CPU scheduling stuff and other „interesting” parts like that ? I mean, if we get the graphics stack done for 4.0 (HTC, where is that goddamn Desire HD update ?!) it wouldn't be that much of a bother to add some optimizations here and there.
Alas, I am not a dev and no one has seen the source code yet. Better wait for the source to come out and someone to look at it before making assumptions
If the devs can get 4.0 working, 4.1 shouldn't be that big of a deal. We just REALLY need that Desire HD update to come out.
As someone else said, you would need the G2/Vision to get ICS officially before you can have much hope at all of it getting JellyBean. Though we got a lot of ICS roms for the G2 (With the exception of the camera working as well as GB) so who knows.
The Galaxy Nexus has already received an OTA for it :O
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xT4Z1N4TRx said:
The Galaxy Nexus has already received an OTA for it :O
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA
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Well, it was said that it is the first device to receive Jelly Bean.
bogdan5844 said:
Well, it was said that it is the first device to receive Jelly Bean.
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I thought it would take a month or two though
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA
xT4Z1N4TRx said:
The Galaxy Nexus has already received an OTA for it :O
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What about the source code? When do they release that, i only see things about galaxy nexus will get half july and stuff.
Sent from the Going Merry
xT4Z1N4TRx said:
The Galaxy Nexus has already received an OTA for it :O
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA
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Well it is a Nexus...
Afaik only google i/o galaxy nexus got the ota. I think that when every galaxy nexus gets the update the source code will be released
Don't you think it's a little bit too early? Cyanogen 10 when we don't have cyanogen 9 but for a few devices?
Sent from the last decent qwerty phone
virtualflyer said:
Afaik only google i/o galaxy nexus got the ota. I think that when every galaxy nexus gets the update the source code will be released
Don't you think it's a little bit too early? Cyanogen 10 when we don't have cyanogen 9 but for a few devices?
Sent from the last decent qwerty phone
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I think they will cal it cm9.1.
But since they named android 2.2 CM6 and 2.3 CM7 you maybe right.
To anwser your question: No it is not too early because devices with CM9 wont run any slower just because there is an beter and newer CM. So it will only speed up development. The only negative play here could be jealousy towards galaxy nexus users.
terrormattie said:
I think they will cal it cm9.1.
But since they named android 2.2 CM6 and 2.3 CM7 you maybe right.
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The CM team has officially stated that their numbering scheme is tied to the code name. That's why they skipped CM8. It corresponded to Honeycomb, which they never ported.
I was wondering if the devs would consider polishing our 4.0 roms? I heard linaro Rom is very good.
Sent from my HTC Vision using xda premium
virtualflyer said:
Afaik only google i/o galaxy nexus got the ota. I think that when every galaxy nexus gets the update the source code will be released
Don't you think it's a little bit too early? Cyanogen 10 when we don't have cyanogen 9 but for a few devices?
Sent from the last decent qwerty phone
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Yes I think you're right, but then i think they system dumped and then got a custom rom for all the others ?
Afaik only google i/o galaxy nexus got the ota. I think that when every galaxy nexus gets the update the source code will be released
Don't you think it's a little bit too early? Cyanogen 10 when we don't have cyanogen 9 but for a few devices?
Sent from the last decent qwerty phone
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Not necessarily. Android updates tends to be updated every 6 months or so if I recall. ICS was late last year, so it kind of makes sense. My guess is that development has seemed slow for several reason.
1) Drastic changes, especially in the camera, from 2.3 to 4.0
2) Honeycomb never was truly "released", thus a gap that allowed Gingerbread to be polished.
3) CM servers were down for a while, possibly cutting into early nightlies for CM9.
I had a fourth point and now I can't remember it. Maybe something about manufacturers being slow this time around. I remember reading that it typically took manufacturers 60 days on average to update their devices after a release. Seems longer now (again, possibly with changes).
Maybe I'm completely off. I didn't join the Android team until 2.2 so I never knew the older versions. :laugh:
Edit: I quoted the wrong post

Will Nexus S get 4.2?

I was just reading through tons of news on portals, and I can't find any info about Nexus S or Galaxy Nexus and 4.2 being rolled out. I mean, Google surely has already decided what to do with us.
I mean honestly, I know Cyanogen or AOKP, or hopefully Rasbean will keep updating my favourite phone ever (really, I have never had a phone this awesome. Pioneer of it's price range and specs!) but I want to know if Google still likes their Nexus S.
it cant be that hard, I mean there really isnt anything new.
I wondered how long it would take for a thread title like this would come up..HAHA! :laugh:
Can't see why not, it got 4.1 so should get 4.2 as it's not a huge update. Well, that's my wishful thinking anyway!
Still JB, will get
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
Yes, the Nexus S will get 4.2 officially. It will get 5.0 as well, if not officially then by CyanogenMod.
JavaJunkay said:
I was just reading through tons of news on portals, and I can't find any info about Nexus S or Galaxy Nexus and 4.2 being rolled out. I mean, Google surely has already decided what to do with us.
I mean honestly, I know Cyanogen or AOKP, or hopefully Rasbean will keep updating my favourite phone ever (really, I have never had a phone this awesome. Pioneer of it's price range and specs!) but I want to know if Google still likes their Nexus S.
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Question is not will the Nexus S get 4.2 but when As soon as sources come available.
kwbr said:
Question is not will the Nexus S get 4.2 but when As soon as sources come available.
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I'd say ^^ pretty much ends this convo. Right on target.
Nice to hear all that. Nexus S ftw
Why not
Our Nexus S it's untill powerfull...
It better! I just bought a used one yesterday!
I think the chances are pretty good that the NS will get 4.2, but beyond that I'm skeptical. We're coming up on the phone's two-year anniversary for one thing. It's also begun to chug a bit with Jelly Bean, and I doubt the next major update will be any less resource intensive. Between the age and the hardware limitations, I suspect we're in the twilight months of Google support for the Nexus S.
must will get 4.2.... not official no problem :laugh:
this will probably be the last update the Nexus S gets.
Good thing tho, you know most likely that XDA will have some form of port.
I'm getting the Nexus 4 tho!!! my contract is almost up. I might even get it off contract! (AU$400 for 32GB, thats dirt cheap compared to the iPhone 5 which is AU$900! That's less than half the price, for better specs... and android... and build quality is improved dramatically from the previous Nexusesss)
I think it will get 4.2 ... it an incremental upgrade, so anything 'jellybean' we should get
Can't wait to try 4.2
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
It will get official 4.2 for sure, but key lime pye will be here only unofficial.
Sent from SpeedMachine i9023
last year, when I bought my Nexus S, someone told me: "It's a year's old phone.. don't waste your money..."
I'm almost sure for 4.2 ...
I personally think about a Google "3 letters law" for Nexus devices. Nexus One went from E(Eclair) to G(Gingerbread), passing by Frojo, Nexus S will go from G to J passing by ICS, and GNex will "live" from I to L ... Officially speaking, I mean And, of course, I hope there will always be some clever group (like CyanogenMod, for example) or "one man band" who enjoy to develop ROM or kernel for our preferred devices :fingers-crossed:
gfinockio said:
It better! I just bought a used one yesterday!
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You made the right choice .
It remains to be seen if the Nexus S and Xoom will get 4.2 or if 4.1.2 was the last update. We won't know until 4.2 gets released to AOSP. I will say that since they seem to have axed the Honeycomb-style tablet interface from 4.2, the Xoom may be out. As for the Nexus S...historically Google has only maintained support for the current and previous phone generation, which would now be the Nexus 4 and Galaxy Nexus. That said, however, I don't see anything major that would lead me to believe that the Nexus S couldn't run 4.2...unless they tossed out support for capacitive buttons entirely.
Regardless of whether or not there is a stock 4.2 ROM for either device, I'm sure the developers here will have custom ROMs that have it baked in.
