New Kies, no firmware update on NEE - Galaxy S I9000 General

Finland, new Kies version. No firmware update -- still same offering: PDA:JVH / PHONE:JVO / CSC:JV3 (NEE)

I really hope they will give us something new. Like GTalk 2 with video support

I got the new Kies on Monday. In my experience that sometimes predates an Android update, which was promised for the end of September.

If you guys aren't using Odin, you may want to give it a try.
Once I learned about how to use Odin, I couldn't go back to Kies ever again...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

I've used Odin and tried all the custom ROMs. I decided I prefer to keep it stock. Waiting for OTA updates to kick in though...

I am in Serbia and I got the same update, but no ginger yet.. I don't want to do it myself because of the warranty,so I'm waiting for couple of months now..
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

amwebby said:
I've used Odin and tried all the custom ROMs. I decided I prefer to keep it stock. Waiting for OTA updates to kick in though...
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I'm on stock currently myself. You don't need Odin for custom ROMs, there's plenty of stock already on
Kies already bricked my i9000m twice using Samsung official firmware. Samsung's response was that the firmware wasn't available for my area yet. I told them that Kies gave me the green light, and their response was still the FW wasn't approved yet. That was a PITA to get resolved. has firmwares (including stock) that many have tried, and Odin takes the tedious waiting out too. Between waiting and 2 bricked phones from Kies, I am done with Kies forever!...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

Hmm, Samfirmwares may be stock but not necessarily official releases. I don't trust Kies although I've never had a really bad experience using it. I just want OTA updates like I used to have on my Nokia 4 years ago!

amwebby said:
Hmm, Samfirmwares may be stock but not necessarily official releases. I don't trust Kies although I've never had a really bad experience using it. I just want OTA updates like I used to have on my Nokia 4 years ago!
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There's a few that are 100% official. The rest are stock waiting for carriers to chop them up.
Honestly the only thing that you are waiting for is carrier bloatware.
BTW I used to be a Nokia e71/72 user myself...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

Luckily mine is carrier-free. Discerning the "final official" roms and installing them whilst retaining my current set up is what concerns me. Like I said, petitioning for OTA updates.

It would be best to work like google chrome browser auto update. It downloads the update, and next time you start it it installs. No questions asked... no time wasted... Always the newest firmware. OTA of course. It could work on android. Downloads update, waits for restart. When restarted if battery >60% installs. Piece of cake...

thurtig said:
Finland, new Kies version. No firmware update -- still same offering: PDA:JVH / PHONE:JVO / CSC:JV3 (NEE)
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Now I'm on JVS STOCK+ v1.5 and with this new Kies version , when I plug the phone and open the Kies, the message displayed is:
Firmware information
S/W version in your phone is not an official version.
Firmware upgrade of unofficial S/W version is not suported.
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Kies works ok but this message didn't apears in the old Kies version.
Lol does carry stock Samsung roms (it is not an official Samsung site) and they aren't official releases.
I have the 2.3.5 update from there and it is noticably quicker that the official 2.3.3. That being said kies detects the new version and says that its not official and that the upgrade service is not available for non-official versions. If samsung release an official update I might flash back to and older version then update through kies if I really had to which is no drama.

emilcioran99 said:
Now I'm on JVS STOCK+ v1.5 and with this new Kies version , when I plug the phone and open the Kies, the message displayed is:
Kies works ok but this message didn't apears in the old Kies version.
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For novice users, Samsung should just ditch Kies and go with OTAs...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium

ccrows said:
For novice users, Samsung should just ditch Kies and go with OTAs...
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I noticed today the UK Samsung site has full instructions for OTA updates, which they call FOTA, for Firmware Over The Air.
The instructions were posted just after the last official update in August. Hopefully a sign that OTA is on the way.

amwebby said:
I noticed today the UK Samsung site has full instructions for OTA updates, which they call FOTA, for Firmware Over The Air.
The instructions were posted just after the last official update in August. Hopefully a sign that OTA is on the way.
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If possible can you provide link to that instruction?
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androiderrr said:
If possible can you provide link to that instruction?
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amwebby said:
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Interesting,thanks for sharing the link
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Guys, i need some help/tips about updating my Firmware. I have a samsumsung GT-I9000 with Android 2.2 (Froyo). I know that there is a newer version (2.3 or so).
I downloaded Samsung Kies but on the general information screen it doesn´t give me the option to update the firmware version, it is only showing me my firmware version (not the latest version available, neither the chance of updaiting it).
I have tryed to install the Kies in differents PCs and I had the same issue.
My GF has a Samsung 5500 (Samsung Galaxy Europe) with Android 2.1, and we had the same problem trying to (or not having the chance to) update the firmware.
My first option is to try with Kies as it is an official source (I don´t want to have troubles with the warranty), but if it is not possible let me know any other way to update our phones.
I will really appreciate any help.

It sounds as if your SGS is tied to a carrier, in which case you are dependent on them for their version of the upgrade.
I would contact them first. If you get no joy there your only option is to "unlock" the phone from that carrier, thus enabling Kies to give you the generic upgrade.
This is what I did. I was locked to o2, here in the UK. Upon unlocking I get the latest generic update via Kies as soon as it becomes available, which is months before o2.


OTA for SGS announced

Hi There,
Samsung_Mobiles announced OTA Update for SGS phones - check this
and this
Can someone confirm? Is this a fake?
thts right...............
SamFirmware says, that Samsung is busy with updates over the air - sooooo.. who hat it? And from what firmware.
It should update to 2.2.1 - but which MODEM, PDA and CSC? Countries???
Please post you comments!
Isn't there a Software-Update option in settings under telephone information since the JPO firmware? You have to log in with your account and then it checks for updates.
Yeah i already debranded my handset a few weeks back from Orange UK (ORA) 2.1 to stock (XEU) 2.2.1.
I registered an account for the OTA updates. If there is an update available will i get stock ORA updates or the standard XEU ones?
I hope a window pops up giving info about the firmware update before it installs.
OTA Update allover the world via Kies?!
Samsung_Mobile says via Twitter:
OTA Froyo update for Galaxy S is being rolled out all around the world so till the time its available for most of us, please use Kies.
Does someone get it?
At a guess it is the same as the JPY update for XEU that those of us in the UK with unbranded S's have had since December.
I registered an account for the OTA updates. If there is an update available will i get stock ORA updates or the standard XEU ones?
Firmware is from your Product Code in your case from Orange so it the Orange updates you get .
This doesn't sound right at all. 2.2 does not have OTA option, so how can we have OTA updates when many countries doesn't even have 2.2.1??
P/s: not that I don't believe the OP, but more on samsung's word...
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Are there two threads about this? I have just posted on another to say that Facebook Samsung Mobiles is not an official Samsung web presence. It is also saying that the update is 2.2.1 but as you have to have 2.2.1 to access OTA (they were only enabled in 2.2.1) then it looks like a cockcup on the posting front or a deliberate mistruth.
Pfff.... its only a announcement for Vibrant...
keulieminogue said:
Samsung_Mobile says via Twitter:
OTA Froyo update for Galaxy S is being rolled out all around the world so till the time its available for most of us, please use Kies.
Does someone get it?
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Haha, I got misled by the above, as it has mentioned "being rolled out all around the world" ...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
Is there an update for Galaxy S I9000 or not? is it for Vibrant?
They says its for I9000, not for vibrant on their twitter.
Any idea?
I asked samsung_mobile india via twitter and they said there is no "eta" (estimated time of announcement or what.ever...) for an update. Im pissed of that non-communication of Samsung. Without hacking that cool phone its only good for making phone calls... almost... its a pity
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I'm using the official 2.2.1 and OTA updates are enabled but lately i get a lot of error messages stating connection failed.
+1 on the connection fail. I occasionaly have a quick check for any updates and the fail response has only been returned in the past week
Me Too
Also only had "connection failed" on checking for OTA updates recently (current firmware 2.2.1)
Yup, I'm having the same "Connection failed" stuff when it comes to the update menu.
I don't get Samsung... I asked via twitter and they sayed, that there is no OTA...
What is over the air and why it is better than Kies? Who produces ota google or samsung?
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[update]Kies update now available

Version number 2.0.011044_11 now available to update
Mine's just updating now. Hopefully this is a precursor to Gingerbread.
Updating mine also. (58 Meg)
Samsung KIES says JS5/JPY/JS3 is the lastest firmware.
I came from MIUI and now im on JPA/JPP/JP2.
Still no gingerbread with update
@amwebby I really hope it is a precursor to gingerbread. I've been trying to stick to stock rom until at least after gingerbread update but I'm getting a little sick of the wait. Let's hope when it comes that it's 2.3.4
I'm on version, in the UK and Keis tells me that I have the latest version installed.
Geryatrix said:
I'm on version, in the UK and Keis tells me that I have the latest version installed.
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Same thing in Norway.
I got the latest update in Sweden.
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berg82 said:
I got the latest update in Sweden.
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Is it Gingerbread? What is the firmware version if it is?
update availabe here but no phone FW update still....Hopefully the FW updates is just around the corner....still have the patience for official FW Gingerbread via Kies
omeryounos said:
Is it Gingerbread? What is the firmware version if it is?
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It is not GB. It is the latest Kies update.
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omeryounos said:
Is it Gingerbread? What is the firmware version if it is?
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It's a Keis update, not an update to SGS
Geryatrix said:
It's a Keis update, not an update to SGS
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Every major firmware update is preceded by a kies update. It would appear that a firmware update is imminent.....downloading now by the way
Sent from my GTI9000 using XDA App, gingerbread 2.2.3 jvk rooted, ADW launcher + gingerbread theme
Strange !!
i have tries to update the Kies, but showing me that i'm already running the latest version
Available here too - see the attachment.
mossy1963 said:
Every major firmware update is preceded by a kies update. It would appear that a firmware update is imminent
Sent from my GTI9000 using XDA App, gingerbread 2.2.3 jvk rooted, ADW launcher + gingerbread theme
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I rather think that this update is posted to support the Samsung galaxy s 2.
mossy1963 said:
Every major firmware update is preceded by a kies update. It would appear that a firmware update is imminent
Sent from my GTI9000 using XDA App, gingerbread 2.2.3 jvk rooted, ADW launcher + gingerbread theme
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No. Kies is updated when new phones are released or they fix/change any of the built-in (bloat) features. Kies supports galaxy S, ace, wave, galaxy 5 and a whole bunch of other phones. If they needed to update Kies every time they release a new firmware we'd be updating every day. The only time a Kies update has been needed for a firmware launch was when they changed the download servers.
Same same
I think it's the same.
We wont get Gingerbread before SGS2 is available.
One reason for me thinking this is that the bigest carrier in denmark has declared that is will release the SGS2 in week 19, same week as Gingerbread is comming to there branded SGS phones.
PS. Got the Kies update in Denmark as well.
I don't think they updated it for the GB release cause those were already online a while as we all know so I guess theres no update required for them.

New Kies Update out

Not sure what's different yet.
Not sure what's different yet.
Probably more of the same .
This needs a complete rewrite to match other Smartphone products its a big let down for Samsung users .
it's a update to enable the 2.3.4 update!
psp888 said:
it's a update to enable the 2.3.4 update!
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I was thinking that myself psp888 but I'm not too confident on that.
For some reason my says that already has the latest version which is Well it is not for some reason, it is for Kies reason..
Done the update and plugged in my phone (KE7) on the off chance of a further firmware upgrade but still states it's the latest one.
But it did connect to the phone right away which normally never happens.
Updated Kies but no new firmware.
In the SGS days (not that long ago) a new version of Kies was often just a few days before some nice new firmware releases.
Keeping the hope up, but we'll see..........
HarryRag said:
In the SGS days (not that long ago) a new version of Kies was often just a few days before some nice new firmware releases.
Keeping the hope up, but we'll see..........
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wht abt this ...
Version i Just Checked in Samsung India Site
Got the update, although I haven't been using Kies so I'm not sure why I bothered.
just updated !! still slow as ever!!
instilled new drivers, and added autoscan if im not wrong
The new Kies wan't recognize my SGS2?
Well... it now wants to add my contacts from my pc, and it starts with the add contacts-window. Contacts is also added in the sidebar.
Sent from my korean dual-core beast
Just upgraded my Kies and on connecting my SGS, my phone has supposedly got the latest firmware, so this upgrade does not come with a new firmware
JKM2247 said:
Just upgraded my Kies and on connecting my SGS, my phone has supposedly got the latest firmware, so this upgrade does not come with a new firmware
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No its a program update not firmware .
Just installed the update as well. KIES still says that my current firmware version (KE2) is the latest...
Can someone post a link pls? My Kies won't update
recklesslife85 said:
I was thinking that myself psp888 but I'm not too confident on that.
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2.3.4 does not require a kies update for it to be downloaded or installed. Kies uses a specific protocol to communicate with your phone. Update is usually to add features or speed up things, improvements etc.
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a67543210 said:
2.3.4 does not require a kies update for it to be downloaded or installed. Kies uses a specific protocol to communicate with your phone. Update is usually to add features or speed up things, improvements etc.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA Premium App
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I thought that for those like me still not ready to root their devices can only update to 2.3.4 can only do so through Kies or go to a Samsung service center, or is there any other means?
My Kies bugs out every time I try to update, says the internet is not connected.
It also downloads more files than it is expected whilst retrying internet connection (eg. 54000/40000 KB).
Can anyone post a link to directly download the install file instead of using the update feature?

10.1 3G DBT OTA updates

Since my Tab is no longer syncing with Kies anymore, and I'am no longer willing to reinstall Kies everytime I reboot my laptop( i've played that with my Sgs long enough-ok one week before discovering odin), I would like to know if there's a possibility of getting an OTA firmware update for a unbranded DBT tab or do I have to flash them the odin way and loose warranty? (no need to root my tab at the time and I'am getting sick flashing and rooting my sgs twice a month) never ever receiven an OTA update for any of my galaxy devices so I'am actualy asking if the tab updates are going to be distributed OTA or only via Kies.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
As far as i know there hasn't been a OTA update for the european 3G device, so i'm not waiting anymore. I flash updates with Odin. If you flash only official firmware, i don't see how this breaks your warranty.
Ok thanks for the info, so its back to odin for one more device. At least that way i can' thing of a single reason not to root. Guess with an DBT Tab, even outside Germany we won't get any support anyway after the Apple fiasco. So DBT sales code bye bye, EUR here I come flashin' again.
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Hi, I have baseband kg7 build number kg9. Is there any updates which i can via odin install please? if yes any link where to find? I am on a 10.1wifi 3G. ..... What a great tab! The apple ipad 2 seems 20 years old. .... i understand now why Apple, so jealous and scared of Samsung, suied and stopped the sale in several coutries of this outstanding
Same version over here. Sameone as bought. Haven't found a newer one yet. Are you able to connect with Kies or over Kies Air? Gettin always no device found. Had the same problem with my sgs with froyo, after an upgrade everything worked. My SGS is connecting without a problem.
Sent from my GT-P7500 using XDA App
I'm using KI1, you can find it there
Works great for me. As far as i know, this is the latest firmware available.
Thx, allshare in this one?
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le_novo said:
Thx, allshare in this one?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
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Yes, KI1 firmware includes AllShare app.

New Firmware out on Kies now

Have just been offered Kl4 on kies in uk, no hacks.
Kl4 Kl1 KH2 (XEU)
What network you on pal?
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
What network you on, is it KI4 2.3.4 or 2.3.5?
Just checked on my unbranded (XEU), Kies says my firmware - KI4 2.3.4 is the latest
From FUS Downloader
Product Code: GT-I9100LKAXEU
Latest firmware: I9100XWKI4/I9100XEUKH2/I9100XXKI1/I9100XWKI4
Modified: 16/09/2011 08:43:47
Its an unlocked phone from p4u unbranded and I'm on three, but theres no sim in the phone when I've connected. I've not downloaded it yet its still plugged in an showing. I didn't really want to be first trying it because my phone has no problems and I don't want to lose the 5x4 icon setup unless I'm forced too and I don't know whether this will do that to my phone. By the way its never been upgraded yet from its original rom of KE7 KE4 KD1.
Firstly Kies wont remove any of your apps/settings, if you have rooted the phone you will lose this. It sounds like you are being offered the upgrade to 2.3.4 which has been out a while. 2.3.5 is the one we are waiting on which is a different KI4.
Is there anyway I can check for you without going through with the full upgrade, the other day I handled a new galaxy w in p4u and that had 2.3.5 in it I took a photo of it, every write up and comment on that phone says 2.3.3. Lets hope things have moved on, but as I said in op didn't really want to try it first.
See attached
Thank you. I've been reading about the Kl4 in the discussion thread thats not officially out , I don't supposed you would care to comment on whether its worth my upgrading,whats the balance of losses and gains you find in this release as apposed to the one I've got.
It's up to you whether you want to upgrade the fw, if you're on 2.3.3 I would do it, we could new waiting a while for Samsung to release 2.3.5 on kies for unbranded phones.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Thank you again.
Sorry tried to delete this don't know how.
I have just been offered KI4 on XEO!! I was already on KI3 and don't know if there is any major difference. Does anyone know if there is a major difference or not?
AntonyL said:
I have just been offered KI4 on XEO!! I was already on KI3 and don't know if there is any major difference. Does anyone know if there is a major difference or not?
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Read this
It seems to me that it is faster than KI3 and with better battery life.
The only difference is that it is official now!
Happy flashing!
The XXKI4 is not the same as the XWKI4. Both have been available in the firmware thread in the dev forum a while now.
Thanks for that. I have flashed and had the fastest kies flash ever. Thanks for the info.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
Anyone in the Netherlands able to update trough keys without hacks to this firmware?
Here kies says that there is non available.?
-NRG- said:
Anyone in the Netherlands able to update trough keys without hacks to this firmware?
Here kies says that there is non available.?
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Yes did so the day it came out.
Have you updated your Kies?
Nyssa1104 said:
Yes did so the day it came out.
Have you updated your Kies?
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Yes, it's the latest according to the update inf, Kies. V2.0.3.11082_152.
Phone: PDA:KI2 / PHONE:KI1 / CSC:KH1 (XEN)
samsungwarrior said:
Have just been offered Kl4 on kies in uk, no hacks.
Kl4 Kl1 KH2 (XEU)
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mate this is old firmaware is been out for weeks read other posts before u open this one

