[Q] Which is the best ROM for battery life? - Blade General

Hi, this is my second day with ZTE Blade, and I want to know which is the best custom ROM for having great performance and great battery life.


Thanks, I'll try one of these

I think you could try both and then see for yourself what suits you better.

You should visit modaco forum as well... you will find an amazing number of ROM flavours. WBAW is doing a great job there with his gsf series, presently gsf26.
Also try Simple stir fry for a longer battery life.
You should also try BURSTLAM thread where in he comes up with kernel v2.5.2 which improves performance and battery



Hi guyz, i m using Dell XCD35 and i wanted to know what is 'battery calibration'
and which ROM has best battery life?
Sent from my Blade using XDA App
Here you can read about battery calibration.
Ginger Stir Fry b19+ or CyanogenMod 7 Nightly 160+ have both good battery life.
In the past GSF used to be better at this but now it is the same battery wise.
You should visit modaco forum as well... you will find an amazing number of ROM flavours. WBAW is doing a great job there with his gsf series, presently gsf26.
Also try Simple stir fry for a longer battery life.
You should also try BURSTLAM thread where in he comes up with kernel v2.5.2 which improves performance and battery

Most battery efficient ROM/kernel for i9000?

Hello follow XDAers!
I gave my old i9000 to my girlfriend, and now I'm looking for the most battery efficient ROM/kernel for it, since that's pretty much all she cares about.
Ideal would be if there was a pretty slimmed ROM already bundled with a good, battery friendly kernel.
Right now she's using SlimICS on it, but the battery life isn't very good at all. Haven't put too much time into it though, so might be configurable.
Anyways, opinions on best suited ROM/kernel for her?
Closed, there really isn't such a thing as a "best" rom, it very much depends on your usage, and wakelocks which is more of a user issues. (Download betterbatterystats and use that to check whats going on in the background).

best for battery

Which is the best Rom as far as battery is concerned.I personally think Biftor Rom is quite good.
Please read and try the ROMs for yourself.

OnePlus 2 battery

Plzz tell me the rom which has the best battery life means best screen on time.It should be nouget.I am not getting best rom for battery life plzz tell me help me...thanxx in advance.
There is no best rom, and you should never ask for one.
Asking for the best rom is incredibly rude to all the devs that are working hard.
You should try roms and see which one suits you because all of them are a solid choice thanks to the devs that are working hard for our device.
You can try Dirty Unicorns or Cosmic OS, both are excellent.This is my recommendation as to where you can start with custom roms.
And remember to be respectful/thankful to any developer/contributor as they are using their free time to give you something for free.
EDIT: You can also try a custom kernel to go with a rom to improve battery life.
Depending on usage, for me all the nougat rom always got 5 hours sot
I am not asking for best rom i am asking for rom which have good battery life srry because me English is not very good
If you are looking for battery life go for minimalistic/slim roms as they focus on battery but lack features....
In my opinion there is nothing as best ROM and it is subjective and varies from user to user.
Almost all ROMs give comparable battery backup.
To give you a headstart you can start testing by flashing aosp caf based ROMs eg cosmic os rather than Los based if you want better battery but that may not always be true.

Wich rom for great life battery?

Hello guys everything is in the title. I 'm looking for a rom wich give a very good life for battery.
Thanks for answer.
It's not a good thing to ask for best ROM for xxxx reason. Everyone has different usage patterns and different needs, so that different ROM will suit them or you better.
You can instead, open the main ROM threads (both in Android and Original Android Development for S7 Edge) and see what the latest posts are complaining and what they are talking about what's good and what's bad about the ROM. Usually some users even post screenshots of their battery usage screen.
Another option is to go to a "How's Battery Life" or something like that thread and check what usage is similar to yours and what ROM the person reporting the battery life used.
All the best,
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk Pro
Hello Lord. I ever test plenty rom. Batman, ambasadii, superman, project alice, superstock.
So, I finish to be loose in all of them. That's why i asking. Because for me battery life is important. And other things, we find some problems with Snapchat in some of theme.
So in fact i'm looking for the best rom for me.
