Is this it? - Epic 4G General

Is the epic 4g going be the last smartphone with a full keyboard? I was kinda excited about the new epic 4g touch but without a keyboard I can't see myself getting it. A touch screen keyboard can never fully replace a real keyboard. I'm really hoping we a epic 4g 2 or a epic 3d.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

I'm sure some manufacturer will make another keyboard phone. That's the beauty of Android, you can have different phone choices to satisfy a market niche.
Other than that, there's always Blackberry.

Nvm /10char

masaidjet said:
I wouldn't say it would be the last keyboard smartphone, Sprint has the Photon which has a keyboard,so if people wanted a newer keyboard smartphone they could get that.
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The photon? This is the first I've heard of this phone. Who makes it and what are the specs?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

It's made by Motorola and here are some specs for it.
Edit: some pics too
My fault, there's no slide-out keyboard

Ok, unless i'm mistaken (and please prove me wrong) the Photon does NOT have a slide out keyboard like the Epic. The only keyboard the Photon has is the webtop dock, something very few people would take advantage of...

pvtjoker42 said:
Ok, unless i'm mistaken (and please prove me wrong) the Photon does NOT have a slide out keyboard like the Epic. The only keyboard the Photon has is the webtop dock, something very few people would take advantage of...
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Oops you're right I was thinking about another phone when the Photon came to mind

pvtjoker42 said:
Ok, unless i'm mistaken (and please prove me wrong) the Photon does NOT have a slide out keyboard like the Epic. The only keyboard the Photon has is the webtop dock, something very few people would take advantage of...
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It don't have a slide out keyboard just seen a few reviews on youtube. I guess the epic is the last slide out keyboard phone. Well I guess no upgrade for me
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

masaidjet said:
Oops you're right I was thinking about another phone when the Photon came to mind
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What phone was you thinking of?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

lol how can you assume it will be the last slide-out android phone?? they're still making them for other carriers, just not Sprint. But not much has come out yet for Sprint since the Epic, except for the Evo 3d. But I know they are coming out with the Droid 3 on Verizon, which has a slide-out. Don't give up hope. The true Epic upgrade will arrive someday. Let's hope with at least a 1.5Ghz processor and a LOT more internal memory and RAM.
EDIT: LG Optimus SLider is coming out this month for Sprint. SPH-M930 (slider) coming out in October.

Yea' I was thinking about the droid 3 then the photon commercial came on.

They cycle the releases of phones with kb and no kb to maximize sales. So don't worry in a few months there will be another samsung phone with a kb. I'm the same way I will not get a phone without a kb again

Rumor has it that an Epic 2 is coming out
Sent from my MIUI Powered device

I sure hope they continue the epic line with keyboards....the new one coming has no keyboard...but its called epic touch, so maybe they will go with a keyboard on the actual epic 2
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Yup, I like my phones with spring slide out kb. I dont ever use it but I love mocking the isheeps with its slide out noise. Ohhh yes.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Same here... a smartphone without a keyboard is like a smartphone with only a 2g radio. Oh already did that in 2007

jbadboy2007 said:
They cycle the releases of phones with kb and no kb to maximize sales. So don't worry in a few months there will be another samsung phone with a kb. I'm the same way I will not get a phone without a kb again
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Never again. This phone was the reason I traded my evo last year
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

I hope they come out with a new phone with a hardware keyboard before my next upgrade (march 2012).... I'll be waiting, epic in hand...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium

blackdragon79 said:
Never again. This phone was the reason I traded my evo last year
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Night and day between htc devices vs. samsung devices huh? Chrome dont peel on samsung. Screen actually last a full year without some weird shat like ghostly white dots with baby half bread cousin. Or just having the lcs crap out on the 31st day of purchase only to gave the CS repair boon give you a refurbished replacement. Or have a gpu with a hyper fance code,name that actually is the opposite of its true nature. (snapdragon = snapsnail). Yeah. Htc... Good job yu POS!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Krazycamel said:
Night and day between htc devices vs. samsung devices huh? Chrome dont peel on samsung. Screen actually last a full year without some weird shat like ghostly white dots with baby half bread cousin. Or just having the lcs crap out on the 31st day of purchase only to gave the CS repair boon give you a refurbished replacement. Or have a gpu with a hyper fance code,name that actually is the opposite of its true nature. (snapdragon = snapsnail). Yeah. Htc... Good job yu POS!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
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Care to explain what you are trolling about? I love my epic
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium


Anyone keeping the EPIC when the EVO 3D comes out?

I came from the EVO to epic so im very familiar with evos style and how its handles as a smartphone but damn that EVO 3D looks very temping to go back.. and just in time for my yearly upgrade in july when it looks to be dropping i might just go plung for it and do like i do all my other phones including the epic and EBAY It...
how about the rest of yall? Nexus S doesnt appeal to me
Yes. 10char
EDIT: That is, yes, I am keeping my Epic.
k0nane said:
Yes. 10char
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then comes to question am i willing to go without a keyboard again.. ill have to look deeper into the display once it does hit the store.
I've been buying AMOLED devices since 2008.
No AMOLED, no purchase.
definitely keeping the epic. it does everything and more I could possibly want from a phone. I'm not really buying into this whole 3d thing yet either.
It all depends on how good the screen & display looks.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
i'm not buying into the stereoscopic display.
Im sticking with the epic. Im pretty sure the 3d effect on the evo3d is going to be crap like the nintendo ds 3d. Garbage
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Nah. I'm good.
The epic does everything I want, so why change? 3D is a marketing scam...
Sent from Bonsai
SpicyBurrito said:
Nah. I'm good.
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Best answer ever lol simple and straight to the point
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Defintely. And stop hating on 3d. You dont have to use the 3d function. Its still a dual core phone with 1gb of ram qhd screen with super lcd
I'm switching... don't think I can go for another samsung phone again......
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
I'm definitely switching
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
The epic is the best smartphone they have right now. I do not consider a phone without a keyboard a smartphone. I can't stand when someone hands me a phone to type a message...setup some things etc...when it is a virtual keyboard.
Nothing to see here, move along. I'm keeping my Epic
I wonder how the 1.2 dual core does in quadrant scores and linpacks ............ lol with the extra boost of ram, thats what my main eyes on.. its a evo supercharged and i did miss my evo so i would love to see how it is.. samsung to me been a **** up, developers shouldnt work so hard to do what they shoulda had done right from first go around and im an all time htc fan...i love their quality hardware, never had a problem with em.. keyboard i will miss but, i can type better on glass than on samsungs skipped keyboard.... *even with the patches* :/
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I would never pay retail price for a phone and I don't get upgraded for another 14 months.
aka no.
Absolutely NO! Did you all see what happened to the Evo Shift? That thing benchedmark looooowwwww! And not to mention the down grade on the screen. Really? Htc, your doing it wrong.
And if the 3d looks like the nds, shot yourself in the nuts.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
I can't stand the Epic. Ideally, I'd go back to iOS but Sprint doesn't have an Iphone. Anyhow, the answer is no. I'll probably get an EVO 3D.

Galaxy S2 passes FCC. IM WET

Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
This should be nice.
cant wait!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Source: linky
Typically how long after a device passes FCC does it get released?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Can't Wait!
Will there be a physical keyboard?
Jayavarman said:
Will there be a physical keyboard?
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Didn't look like it to me... they talked about it only being a few mm bigger in places without a mention of the keyboard. Huge fail... Sprint has enough devices without keyboards to satisfy the people who like tapping away on glass.
digiblur said:
Didn't look like it to me... they talked about it only being a few mm bigger in places without a mention of the keyboard. Huge fail... Sprint has enough devices without keyboards to satisfy the people who like tapping away on glass.
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But not with a SAMOLED+ screen
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smark72 said:
Typically how long after a device passes FCC does it get released?
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Evo 3D was exactly 3 weeks after FCC, but the WiThin hasn't even been announced yet, so you never know.
digiblur said:
Didn't look like it to me... they talked about it only being a few mm bigger in places without a mention of the keyboard. Huge fail... Sprint has enough devices without keyboards to satisfy the people who like tapping away on glass.
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Why ruin one of the thinnest phones with extra unnecessary thickness? I thought I'd use the Epic keyboard, but I use Swype. Swype is faster for me. If the Nexus was out when I got my Epic, I'd have gotten that.
xboxfanj said:
Why ruin one of the thinnest phones with extra unnecessary thickness? I thought I'd use the Epic keyboard, but I use Swype. Swype is faster for me. If the Nexus was out when I got my Epic, I'd have gotten that.
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Agree, i bought the epic for the keyboard but like typing on screen more now. I just hope this thing isnt a tegra.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G.
tenaciousj said:
Agree, i bought the epic for the keyboard but like typing on screen more now. I just hope this thing isnt a tegra.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G.
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Here's to hoping for sammy's gpu
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squshy 7 said:
Here's to hoping for sammy's gpu
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& another + to that, I won't go near that thing with a 10 foot pole if it isn't packing a Exynos. Also noticed that it has a 1800mah battery with it too.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G using Tapatalk
piscesjoey said:
& another + to that, I won't go near that thing with a 10 foot pole if it isn't packing a Exynos. Also noticed that it has a 1800mah battery with it too.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G using Tapatalk
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That might just explain where the extra thickness came from.
I believe the original S2 was 1650mah
saweet! really looking forward to this
would love a keyboard on this thing. but probly wont happen.
tenaciousj said:
Agree, i bought the epic for the keyboard but like typing on screen more now. I just hope this thing isnt a tegra.
Sent from my Samsung Epic 4G.
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Well, can't say for sure, but if the current Galaxy S2 sold outside the US is any indication, this is what it should have...
Using the Android System Info app (available for free on the Android Market), we found confirmation that the Galaxy S II is indeed running a 1.2GHz ARMv7 dual-core processor
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Source: Engadget review
On another thread, rdf says arm 11. I don't know how to tell from that document exactly what the phone has inside though. Anyone else know how to decipher all that info?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
xboxfanj said:
Why ruin one of the thinnest phones with extra unnecessary thickness? I thought I'd use the Epic keyboard, but I use Swype. Swype is faster for me. If the Nexus was out when I got my Epic, I'd have gotten that.
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Agree. One of the reasons I went with the Epic was because of the keyboard (coming from TP2), but once I started using Swype I have never gone back to the keyboard. I occasionally slide it open to clean out the pocket lint, but thats about it.

Upcoming phones for sprint?

Anyone know what new phones are coming for sprintand if there worth getting rid of my evo for?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
There will be a new Samsung soon and also a couple new Blackberries. Havnt heard anything on SGII at all yet but I would think that will be pretty soon too.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Anything new about the Nexus Prime?
August 29th Samsung gs2 being announced for most if not all major carriers hopefully including sprint.
the new evo design aka kingdom its everything the 3d is w/o 3d
samsunghater said:
the new evo design aka kingdom its everything the 3d is w/o 3d
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Nice. That 3D stuff isn't for everyone.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Ewww Samsung. Where's HTC? Kingdom only phone in near future?
Sent from the Evo
I believe Sprint will be getting the Blackberry Bold Touch, can't wait to upgrade!
Sent From My UN-Rooted Evo!
samsunghater said:
the new evo design aka kingdom its everything the 3d is w/o 3d
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Not understanding is that it's only a single core processor. I'd rather have the 3D feature and not use it if I have to give dual core up.
OP, the only phone we know is coming soon that's in the same class as the new generation of phones is the Samsung Galaxy S II. HTC and Moto have both released top-end phones on Sprint in the last few months. My guess is that after the SGSII, the next high end phones we see on Sprint will be the next Nexus and other phones designed for ICS.
cocaineblunts said:
Anyone know what new phones are coming for sprintand if there worth getting rid of my evo for?
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Have you considered the Photon?
Photon has dual core..1gb ram!! What's not to like about that phone?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Blackberry Bold Touch and Blackerry Torch Touch on 8/21, Samsung Galaxy S II in the next month or so, the Nexus Prime within 3 months or so.
the conquer is lame, and if youre gonna get a kingdom, you might as well get a 3d...
photon and 3d are already out, and are most certainly superior in specifications to the evo.
mfknboss said:
Photon has dual core..1gb ram!! What's not to like about that phone?
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For me, the screen.
UCChemE05 said:
For me, the screen.
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And it only uses the 1gb when it is in the computer dock. Otherwise it runs on 512mb.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
Rem3Dy said:
And it only uses the 1gb when it is in the computer dock. Otherwise it runs on 512mb.
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Hrm I didn't know that. The screen was enough for me not to consider but this definitely puts the last nail in the coffin.
I wonder if that's a power saving "feature"...
Also a new LG coming out.
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cdszoke said:
August 29th Samsung gs2 being announced for most if not all major carriers hopefully including sprint.
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Is this an annoucement date or when the phone is actually going to be available?
I had planned on waiting a couple months to see what comes out but I left my EVO in a golf cart this past weekend and before I got back to the course the cart kid had rinsed out the cart and got a little water on it. It wasn't even a lot of water but the phone is acting crazy now and keeps hopping in and out of car mode and goes straight to speakerphone when I answer a call. Not sure if I can put up with it like it is and I not going to spend the $100 deductible to replace.
I'm hoping my 30 day trial will get me a look at the SGS2. If not, kinda leaning towards the photon but need to spend some time with it in store. Was a little underwhelmed by the 3D.
i have seen the Photon but i have not really considered it.
I really like HTC and want to stick with it.
How does the Motorola and Samsung stack up with HTC?
Rem3Dy said:
And it only uses the 1gb when it is in the computer dock. Otherwise it runs on 512mb.
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this statement is false..i personally went to sprint to pay my phone bill today and while i was there i gave the photon a test drive..there is absolutly no truth about the ram operating @512 off the dock. with that being said..the photon is a very nice phone speed wise..i imagine battery life is better cuz of dual core..i did not care for the screen or the phone as a whole...HTC are hard to compete with and i will continue to be a customer.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
So HTC won't be releasing any new phones any time soon?
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

I miss my epic

I just activated mu epic 4g touch and i already miss my epic
Dont get me wrong i love my et4g but you guys are like family to me and i do miss all you guys that are still here
Oh btw i order all you guys to get the gs3 i wanna see all you guys there
Itll be like the good old days
*****ing about not having android 10.0 on our phones
And all that other stuff we did
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I'm just anxious for CWM and root to work without any doubts of it ruining something in the process of flashing each. One thing that worries me is the back and forth about whether the phone will support Rev B or not, no one seems to know.
gtuansdiamm said:
I just activated mu epic 4g touch and i already miss my epic
Dont get me wrong i love my et4g but you guys are like family to me and i do miss all you guys that are still here
Oh btw i order all you guys to get the gs3 i wanna see all you guys there
Itll be like the good old days
*****ing about not having android 10.0 on our phones
And all that other stuff we did
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Hellz yea I got one more year with my epic (which I should be gettin by early next week) and by then the gsIII should be out and I'm definately getting one for sure, I have strong brand loyalty my last 4 smartphones have been samsung.
Sent from my spare Droid since my epic got jacked. Currently waiting on a guy to sell me his when his phone gets shipped
That quad core sounds good, but this ain't a computer yet, I wonder what all that power will really mean in real world use.
And I feel the same way about the community here...
My epic is now officially out of my hands
Its now my sister's
She is so frustrating
She wont let me root it and its on stock eco5
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Lol I feel you, I wanna root my friend's Evo but he doesnt understand the power of the XDA community and what it's capable of
Lol I practically own all 3 of the epic's in my house...
Brother: urban vendetta
mom: stock ec05 without bloat
me: urban vendetta with honeycomb fusion explosion half-baked cookie edition
gtuansdiamm said:
I just activated mu epic 4g touch and i already miss my epic
Dont get me wrong i love my et4g but you guys are like family to me and i do miss all you guys that are still here
Oh btw i order all you guys to get the gs3 i wanna see all you guys there
Itll be like the good old days
*****ing about not having android 10.0 on our phones
And all that other stuff we did
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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I'll let you have my epic and I'll take the epic touch off your hands ^^
I knew that joke was going to come up eventually and nty
I will eventually "steal" my epic back
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
gtuansdiamm said:
I knew that joke was going to come up eventually and nty
I will eventually "steal" my epic back
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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Haha nice!
Posted by Mr. Z's Epic 4G Touch+Keyboard
malcolmXman said:
That quad core sounds good, but this ain't a computer yet, I wonder what all that power will really mean in real world use.
And I feel the same way about the community here...
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I'd like to think we would have the capability to run real world applications and programs.....can you imagine making PowerPoint presentations on your cellphone/tablet??? I'm like school wayyyyy too much..lmao
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Qwallace70129 said:
I'd like to think we would have the capability to run real world applications and programs.....can you imagine making PowerPoint presentations on your cellphone/tablet??? I'm like school wayyyyy too much..lmao
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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Really that's all that's missing from our devices, they are made to be mainly informative and entertaining, but not productive. Now the asus transformer has productivity written all over it as long as right productivity apps (imagine open office on android) could definateley replace a laptop for school. Like 75% of my schoolwork requires my laptop lol
Sent from my spare Droid since my epic got jacked. Currently waiting on a guy to sell me his when his phone gets shipped
Remeber, these things you mention were ran on much slower pc's years ago, has the code gotten that bad you need 4 2ghz cores, I don't think so.
xopher.hunter said:
Really that's all that's missing from our devices, they are made to be mainly informative and entertaining, but not productive. Now the asus transformer has productivity written all over it as long as right productivity apps (imagine open office on android) could definateley replace a laptop for school. Like 75% of my schoolwork requires my laptop lol
Sent from my spare Droid since my epic got jacked. Currently waiting on a guy to sell me his when his phone gets shipped
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Well the ThinkSafe app (I think it called) that came free with the Epic let's you make word documents, spreadsheets, and 2 other things I can't think of. I used it to make a spreadsheet for work so I could do inventory.
Sent from my un-rooted Samsung Epic 4G with XDA Premium
Its think its called thinkfree
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I'm so jealous...I really fine think I can hold out until next year for the SGS3...I might jump on the first ICS nexus prime thus holiday season...I KNOW that's going to be plenty ASOP with no problems for ROMS like MIUI and oh boy the first CM8 builds!!!
Sent from my rooted, suited, & booted Epic 4G #knowdat!
R3537L1F3 said:
Well the ThinkSafe app (I think it called) that came free with the Epic let's you make word documents, spreadsheets, and 2 other things I can't think of. I used it to make a spreadsheet for work so I could do inventory.
Sent from my un-rooted Samsung Epic 4G with XDA Premium
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According to the app description it let's you view pptx (powerpoint) and almost any other ms office file....... BUT still no support for powerpoint presentation creation.... Are the spreadsheets fully featured like Excel is?
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
Qwallace70129 said:
According to the app description it let's you view pptx (powerpoint) and almost any other ms office file....... BUT still no support for powerpoint presentation creation.... Are the spreadsheets fully featured like Excel is?
Sent from my A500 using xda premium
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For the most part yes. There are some limitatons in formating I didn't really poke through everyting to see. It does save as an excel document though so you can finish te job later if need be.
Sent from my un-rooted Samsung Epic 4G with XDA Premium
I also switched from the epic to the epic 4g touch. So far I'm loving it, but I will miss the community from the epic....esp the diet coke dilemma we had at the start! haha
Yay i made a goodbye thread without being flamed
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium

Motorola Photon Q lte - full QWERTY shift replacement?
1.5 dual-core and 5 row keyboard!
Sent from my NookTablet using xda premium
jsp254 said:
1.5 dual-core and 5 row keyboard!
Sent from my NookTablet using xda premium
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Yup...looks good!
The new device will boast a five-row, PC-like QWERTY keyboard, international capabilities and a generous 4.3-inch ColorBoost™ display, as well as the ability to operate on Sprint’s new lightning-fast 4G LTE network
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NICE! :good:
Sent from my HTC Evo Shift using xda app-developers app
Saw that on the Android Police site HERE. Like almost everything about it, except for the fact that it's a Motorola :crying: . But I do believe that is the second QWERTY Keyboard device Sprint has announced. So there is hope for something from HTC :fingers-crossed: .
Wow! I agree. Everything about that is great except that its Motorolla. Not that they aren't great phones but I'm a big HTC fan myself.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
It's good except for Motorolas locked down bootloaders...
Sent from my HTC Evo Shift using xda premium
fayrarri said:
It's good except for Motorolas locked down bootloaders...
Sent from my HTC Evo Shift using xda premium
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Just read on twitter that its said to be unlocked
Sent from my HTC Evo Shift using Tapatalk 2
fayrarri said:
It's good except for Motorolas locked down bootloaders...
Sent from my HTC Evo Shift using xda premium
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Well supposedly on the new Photon Q it's supposed to be Unlocked. The article HERE mentions it. But that remains to be seen.
prboy1969 said:
Saw that on the Android Police site HERE. Like almost everything about it, except for the fact that it's a Motorola :crying: . But I do believe that is the second QWERTY Keyboard device Sprint has announced. So there is hope for something from HTC :fingers-crossed: .
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100% on you with that. HTC has to come out with something! I can't take all the drama over at the LTE. God those people are annoying and stupid at times
Sent from my EVO using Xparent Blue Tapatalk 2
My biggest issue is that I'm an HTC Fanboy. I've had a few devices : Motorola, Samsuck, LG, Nokia, Blackberry, Sony, and even a Sanyo ( don't ask ) . Hated them all after a few days. Some only took an hour for me not to like the device. So it's really difficult for me not to own an HTC Device.
I'm with you on that. HTC made the first device is truly enjoyed owning... At the same time if the moto comes with an unlocked bootloader then I may consider it... The new Motorola devices are pretty nice... mainly the razr line
Sent from my HTC Evo Shift using xda premium
I'm hopeing for a HTC EVO Shift LTE.
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
This is my next phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
prboy1969 said:
. But I do believe that is the second QWERTY Keyboard device Sprint has announced. So there is hope for something from HTC :fingers-crossed: .
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what was the first one they announced ? and does it work with LTE ?
gonna do some searching in the mean time
My last 3 phones have been HTC. A winmo 6 that I don't even remember the model #, a G1, and my shift. If HTC comes out with a full QWERTY slider I may still not be completely sold on it. I've come to the realization that either company's new phones will be powerhouses. My next phone must have a full slider, and give me a first impression of durability! And constructed so that otterbox can design a damned cover that will last more than a month! I'm with my shift until February anyway, so I'm giving both companies the needed time to appease me. Lol.
Is it just me or is Motorola's US site all dicked up?
Sent from my NookTablet using xda premium
jsp254 said:
My last 3 phones have been HTC. A winmo 6 that I don't even remember the model #, a G1, and my shift. If HTC comes out with a full QWERTY slider I may still not be completely sold on it. I've come to the realization that either company's new phones will be powerhouses. My next phone must have a full slider, and give me a first impression of durability! And constructed so that otterbox can design a damned cover that will last more than a month! I'm with my shift until February anyway, so I'm giving both companies the needed time to appease me. Lol.
Is it just me or is Motorola's US site all dicked up?
Sent from my NookTablet using xda premium
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Droid 4 is solid.
Droid 4 is solid.
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yeah, but it's with "big red"...
they actually have far greater coverage and speed around here, but they REALLY like peoples money. something which i do not have!
i've seen where some are saying the photon q is basically a droid 4 dressed differently. i'm still hoping htc doesn't cause me to break tradition. fingers are still crossed that they will listen and give us another slider.
jsp254 said:
yeah, but it's with "big red"...
they actually have far greater coverage and speed around here, but they REALLY like peoples money. something which i do not have!
i've seen where some are saying the photon q is basically a droid 4 dressed differently. i'm still hoping htc doesn't cause me to break tradition. fingers are still crossed that they will listen and give us another slider.
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Um.. every company likes people's money.
And I was comparing d4 to photon in terms of build quality.. it is solid.
Ma$etas said:
what was the first one they announced ? and does it work with LTE ?
gonna do some searching in the mean time
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I don't remember off hand. I'll try to find the article again. It was over a month and a half ago.
Um.. every company likes people's money.
And I was comparing d4 to photon in terms of build quality.. it is solid.
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Yes every carrier wants the money :silly: . I can just never again bring myself to be on Hellrizon .
You're talking to someone who paid $600 to cancel Verizon.
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