Tmobile USA hsdpa signal - G2 and Desire Z General

so before i updated to a new radio (
i ran speedtest and i was getting about 0.44Mbps
after the new radio update now im getting 0.37Mbps on HSDPA :/ how can i increase the crappy speed? I understand some 4g coverage isnt that good in the u.s but to get speeds that low on hsdpa.. theres gotta be something wrong

Yeah, that shouldn't be right. I can consistently pull 5-8mbps with an hspa signal, did you do the efs wipe after flashing the new radio and clear dalvik cache?
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App

dino310 said:
so before i updated to a new radio (
i ran speedtest and i was getting about 0.44Mbps
after the new radio update now im getting 0.37Mbps on HSDPA :/ how can i increase the crappy speed? I understand some 4g coverage isnt that good in the u.s but to get speeds that low on hsdpa.. theres gotta be something wrong
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Are you sure that you're not being throttled for going over your data cap? Those speeds are super low. Like the other reply I regularly pull 8mbps down and 3mbps up.

Sounds like your over your cap. No other reason that should be happening unless you have no bars and are in a basement.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App

No, that's not throttled speeds. I was throttled and consistently got around 0.07 Mbps down and up.
I can see these 8 Mbps down speeds being plausible if you live in a metropolitan area, but if you live out in the middle of nowhere like me, the best download speed I have gotten is around 3 Mbps, but typically around 1.3-1.5 Mbps.

c00ller said:
No, that's not throttled speeds. I was throttled and consistently got around 0.07 Mbps down and up.
I can see these 8 Mbps down speeds being plausible if you live in a metropolitan area, but if you live out in the middle of nowhere like me, the best download speed I have gotten is around 3 Mbps, but typically around 1.3-1.5 Mbps.
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I see my best speeds in the suburbs, with fewer users. My slower speeds happen in places like Seattle with tons of people on the network obviously. I believe just a generally slow area giving 1.5mbps ish, but there's something wrong when he's getting only 0.40mbps

I am now testing in the suburbs as I'm visiting home from college.
Also keep in mind signal also plays a large role. I was just downstairs where my signal was -103 dBm, and my download speed was about 1.8 Mbps. Just went upstairs, signal was about -89 dBm and download speed was about 4.0 Mbps (measured twice at each location). Interestingly, both were with UTMS connections.

Wow, -103! The phone has no connection at -113! Eek.
You've found your problem.
Try using the 3g turbocharged script
sent from my G2 running CM7 nightly

poormanq45 said:
Wow, -103! The phone has no connection at -113! Eek.
You've found your problem.
Try using the 3g turbocharged script
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That's not even OP... you're referring to the post above yours? He's aware of the lack of signal, which is why he's quoting it and saying that even at -103 he gets 1.8mbps.


tmobile 3g speeds

this is my first week using tmobile in the US with the nexus one.
I am not able to get download speeds more than 800kbps. it does not matter how good the reception is.
I have tried in various places in north CA and in cleveland OH.
I think that such speeds are pretty bad for 3g. with at&t I used to 2-3mbps at times.
my friend with the verizon droid is seeing 1.5mbps-2.5mbps download speed .
what are other users on tmobile are seeing?
seems like tmobile is rate limiting the speeds or their network is just really bad.
How are u measuring the speed? I use the speed test app and it used to have a server close by in San Jose (65 mi) now I have to use a server in new Mexico and I'm in CA so that makes it seem slower too
There are two apps in the market i test with: and extreme speed test.
I also checked with the laptop tethered to the phone. same pathetic speeds. i can hardly call it 3g comparing to the competitors.
Is it the phone or is it tmobiles network?
clubtech said:
There are two apps in the market i test with: and extreme speed test.
I also checked with the laptop tethered to the phone. same pathetic speeds. i can hardly call it 3g comparing to the competitors.
Is it the phone or is it tmobiles network?
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i just got 2MB/s up and 400 kb/s down
WOW thats whats im talking about best ive ever seen
still waiting for those 6mb/s up and 1mb/s down (a.k.a. my cable high speed enternet at home)
I have never seen verizon that fast in my area, generally 500 kbits to 1mbits but I would say that you are getting the norm for tmo as mine have never reached 1 mbit but can go past 10 mbit on wifi.
BGR did a test a while back although not scientific agrees with the tests I have done in my area.
BGR Carrier Wars
Average Download Speed
1. Sprint: 1361kbs
2. AT&T: 933kbps
3. T-Mobile: 786kbps
4. Verizon: 701kbps
Average Upload Speed
1. Verizon: 322kbps
2. Sprint: 267kbps
3. AT&T: 180kbps
4. T-Mobile: 177kbps
Try this speed test....
I usually see 1000 - 1200 kbps but quite often see 1700 - 2000 kbps using the app in the android market. Something to remember, your 3G connection is initially UMTS and will switch to HSDPA on demand and when available. You may notice that your first test will show a ping of ~300ms and speeds of 500 - 700 kbps (UMTS), but if you hit "test again" immediately after the first test completes you should see a ping of about ~175ms and approximately double the speed (HSDPA). I've noticed that the default server (closest server according to the app) is usually slow and doesn't give me proper results. I've had very good luck using the Chicago server. Try using the Chicago server and run back-to-back tests, let us know if your results change.
I would agree T-Mobile's 3G is crap. Using a Rogers G1 on AT&T using app, I was seeing over 2Mbit down and over 800kbit up consistently.
T-Mobile's so called "7.2 Mbit upgrade" is a joke. Kind of like their coverage maps. I want to like them, but at least in my area, AT&T obliterates them. It's too big of a different for me. If an AT&T 3G compatible nexus one is released, I will have to get one. I could probably live with the slower speeds if the coverage wasn't so spotty.
Your move T-Immobile.
jmacdonald801 said:
I would agree T-Mobile's 3G is crap. Using a Rogers G1 on AT&T using app, I was seeing over 2Mbit down and over 800kbit up consistently.
T-Mobile's so called "7.2 Mbit upgrade" is a joke. Kind of like their coverage maps. I want to like them, but at least in my area, AT&T obliterates them. It's too big of a different for me. If an AT&T 3G compatible nexus one is released, I will have to get one. I could probably live with the slower speeds if the coverage wasn't so spotty.
Your move T-Immobile.
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As a former T-Mo Wireless Engineer Intern, I can tell you that there is only a very very small roll out on 7.2 right now. They are testing the network before they enable more circuits. The original plan when I worked there was for a gradual 2 city per month rollout. Then slowly build the network to cope with added traffic. Its suppose to be a gradual process that will also involve using old equipment and expanding current 3g service. The high speed roll out was priority one, then is service expansion. Also contracts were involved last I saw that would expand coverage 2-fold, but negotiations for tower rights were falling through, so I don't know where thats going.
hamshu said:
As a former T-Mo Wireless Engineer Intern, I can tell you that there is only a very very small roll out on 7.2 right now. They are testing the network before they enable more circuits. The original plan when I worked there was for a gradual 2 city per month rollout. Then slowly build the network to cope with added traffic. Its suppose to be a gradual process that will also involve using old equipment and expanding current 3g service. The high speed roll out was priority one, then is service expansion. Also contracts were involved last I saw that would expand coverage 2-fold, but negotiations for tower rights were falling through, so I don't know where thats going.
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Wow, talk about an honest answer. If I could just get coverage at my house, I could support team Magenta
There is an issue with 3g on the nexus that has been commented on a number of times, and that is the flapping of UMTS and HSDPA. (not to be confused with those flapping between 2g and 3g). With my G1 I was able to get speeds as high as 3Mbit, but I too have only seen 800Kbit max on my nexus and I believe its due to this constant flapping of 3g technologies.
Today is my first day on tmobile with the N1, I've been running on Edge ATT.
I was worried about switching over because my gf has had tmobile and doesn't have great service at our house.
I was afraid mine would be worse with the 3g issues the N1 has been having but it appears to be almost identical to hers.
in my living room we get 1-2 bars 3g and I see test speeds of 50-300 down and 950-1250 up.
I go to my office right above the living room and get 3 bars and 700-900 down speeds with 700-900 up speeds.
No stoked about it but I havnt had any signal swapping issues so I'm going to use it for GPS to test out now and see how it does. GPS and mapping even on edge with ATT was super fast so I have high hopes.
bofslime said:
There is an issue with 3g on the nexus that has been commented on a number of times, and that is the flapping of UMTS and HSDPA. (not to be confused with those flapping between 2g and 3g). With my G1 I was able to get speeds as high as 3Mbit, but I too have only seen 800Kbit max on my nexus and I believe its due to this constant flapping of 3g technologies.
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So are you saying that if you pop in the SIM card from the N1 to the G1 in the same place you get 3Mbps vs. 800Kbps on the N1?
clubtech said:
So are you saying that if you pop in the SIM card from the N1 to the G1 in the same place you get 3Mbps vs. 800Kbps on the N1?
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Correct, I get full signal at my work (-63dBm 25asu). The G1 didn't skip around and stuck firmly to UMTS, and I was getting much better rates with it. My N1 however maxes out at no more than 800.
@jmcdonald what are you agreeing with LOL were talking about decent speeds then you say you agree with the low speeds??? LOL
Anyway I don't have 3g flopping problems neither did I on my g1
I am seeing speeds in most cases upward of 2.2 mbps... and am even averaging over 1mbps in upload speeds which is pretty good when I have full 3g reception in the Northern NJ area.
I get anywhere from 2.0 - 3.5Mbps down on average, and I have seen up to 4.5Mbps down on occasion. Up is always around 1 - 1.3Mbps.
However, I'm in Philadelphia, and we have HSPA+
Wow, I don't know how you guys are getting DL speeds upwards of 1.5mbps! Here in San Diego, the most I've seen anyone on ATT get is around 1.2mbps, and 1.1 on Sprint. Tmo is usually anywhere from 700-1mbps with some spikes over that now and then.
My G1 and N1 get the same speed range.
I'm in Maryland, just outside of D.C. I also just switched from AT&T to T-Mobile (yesterday actually). I'm also getting DL speeds of like 700-800 kbps. Hope it will someday be a little faster than that.
download - 137kbps
upload - 217kbps
From all the repots in this post it seems that tmob is just slower in some parts of the country and faster in others.
I hope they are planning on catching as 700-800kbps is a joke.

tmo US 3g data speeds

so im using a HD2, with the energy rom and tmo just announced that they are rolling out hspa+ in my city (honolulu) so i figured id do a speed test now just to see the difference when they "flip the switches" on 7/21 (my birthday)
so i pull up dsl reports and run the Iphone (bleh)/smartphone speed test choose 3g and........ 126kbps well maybe its a fluke i rerun it and 51kbps WTF!?!?!?!!?!
so i remember and i try there and..... 134kbps.....starting to get annoyed and when i compare with other tmo subscribers the average is 580~
so my question is is there something i can do to "fix" my speeds? ive got full signal im always showing "H" oh and im using opera 10.0
In Lexington, Ky I get about 400 kbps. In Cincinnati, like 800-900. I just think Tmob's network is really crappy.
hahaha well your crappy is still 4 times faster than me
just odd its SO slow here where hspa+ is going live in a week
before TMO threw the HSPA+ switch here in Tampa, i regularly saw 600-800kbps download speeds. Now with HSPA+ it seems to average about 3mbps-4mbps and Ive seen it reach as high as 5.5mbps.
I just got through with a road trip from Tampa to northern Mississippi where i lost the HSPA+ coverage after leaving Tampa, i saw around a 1mbps in outskirt areas north of Tampa that doesn't have HSPA+ yet, and once we hit the interstate it was GPRS coverage for a majority of the trip with some EDGE coverage here and there. God i forgot how slow GPRS was!
oh i also forgot to mention im using the stock radio rom.....maybe a different radio would improve data speeds?
strickzilla said:
oh i also forgot to mention im using the stock radio rom.....maybe a different radio would improve data speeds?
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not sure it would really make a difference, im still using the stock shipping winmo and radio rom on mine.
im getting 831 kbps here in Ewa beach, Hawaii
blakdenali said:
im getting 831 kbps here in Ewa beach, Hawaii
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WTF?!?!!?!?! im in town near HCC, care to provide details as far as rom? radio? variances in different places?
My birthday's on the 21st as well, you know what this calls for....SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTIES!!!!
soooo apparently its just my apartment that sucks, left the house fro work today and didnt get 50 yards and my speeds jump up to 400~
as i keep walking outdoors my speeds go as high as 1.4 and never went below 400. so when i get to work i figure my speeds will go down as im indoors, wrong i kept getting speeds around 500 tho i didnt see the huge jumps that i did outdoors
We're on the list to have HSPA+ flipped on here in Austin next week, but I'm already starting to see the signs...I can now hit 3-5MB downstream just about anywhere in town.
3mbps-4mbps here in ATL
we are getting an average of about 3mbps-4mbps with HSPA+ in Atlanta, GA
Funny thing when I tether I get 12-15 Mbps. only when I tether tho even if its another phone
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

[Q] Are these speeds terrible?

I ran tests with but I don't know enough to understand the results. Can someone point me to a good reference on EDGE/3G/wireless speeds? Or, just tell me, what do you think of these numbers. Is this slow, fast, average or what?
I'm in SF and chose the SF server:
3G Down: 979
3G Up: 1323
Wireless Down: 4402 kbps
Wireless Up: 3175 kbps
My 3g speed is actually better than your wireless speeds. Your location and of course how much the 3g network is being used in your area by others will contribute to slower speeds. But that still does seem fairly slow for 3g, maybe high traffic bogging down the network at the time you tested? Have you run any other tests?
I haven't run any other tests. Can you recommend any other tests?
Also, just for context, I ran the test from inside an old apartment building in a dense neighborhood between 8p and 10p.
that's pretty terrible
I get about 3.7meg consistantly down, 600k up in bentonville arkansas
speeds are alot lower than what i see in seattle, but on par with what i saw in most of O and Ca on a recent road trip.
I meant another speed test using the app, that would probably be the one of the worst times to run a test probably when theres the highest traffic. Just be sure you have a good signal when you run tests.
I just ran two more tests with, 10p PT. This time I made sure I had a decent signal (didn't pay attention last time).
3G up: 2226
3G down: 597
3G up: 1.04 Mbps
3G down: 1.05 Mbps
Honestly, the speed/performance has never bugged me or caught my attention because it was slow. But, what I'm gathering here is that I'm getting some pretty ****ty speeds, comparatively.
In Chicago we are only getting 1mb down 600-850 up....pisses me off...if tmobile doesnt raise it I need to consider att or sprint galaxy claims speed in Chicago way behind rest of network and will get much better...i dont know if I can trust tmobiles 3 mb common on tmobile 3g hspa like I have seen a few people claim in nj
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
trunkstar1 said:
I ran tests with but I don't know enough to understand the results. Can someone point me to a good reference on EDGE/3G/wireless speeds? Or, just tell me, what do you think of these numbers. Is this slow, fast, average or what?
I'm in SF and chose the SF server:
3G Down: 979
3G Up: 1323
Wireless Down: 4402 kbps
Wireless Up: 3175 kbps
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uh, thats fine for normal 3g i think. t-mobile new 3.5/4g network will show higher numbers, but i think those are pretty normal for 3g.
i just did a speedtest and got 948kbs down and 1320 up. im in so cal with normal 3g, not new network
Is it weird that my up speeds are always greater than my down speeds?
kboater said:
uh, thats fine for normal 3g i think. t-mobile new 3.5/4g network will show higher numbers, but i think those are pretty normal for 3g.
i just did a speedtest and got 948kbs down and 1320 up. im in so cal with normal 3g, not new network
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Ah, thanks for the reference. What's the "new network?" Is that the HSDPA+?
I get similar speeds on so. cal. as well.
Yes, the new network is HSDPA+. The coverage map for HSPDA+ is here,
I'm in Miami and I get an average of 2meg download and 1.5meg upload
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Parts of Jacksonville, FL have been upgraded to the "faster" 3G network. Other parts are still on regular 3G or even edge.
I'm on fast 3G right now. Just got 5087 kbps down and 1599 kbps up. Regular 3G usually give me around 1000 down, 600 up.
trunkstar1 said:
I ran tests with but I don't know enough to understand the results. Can someone point me to a good reference on EDGE/3G/wireless speeds? Or, just tell me, what do you think of these numbers. Is this slow, fast, average or what?
I'm in SF and chose the SF server:
3G Down: 979
3G Up: 1323
Wireless Down: 4402 kbps
Wireless Up: 3175 kbps
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I think your speed is fine. If you dont try to download a HD movie to your phone through 3g you will be fine with youtubing and web surfing.
elreason4 said:
In Chicago we are only getting 1mb down 600-850 up....pisses me off...if tmobile doesnt raise it I need to consider att or sprint galaxy claims speed in Chicago way behind rest of network and will get much better...i dont know if I can trust tmobiles 3 mb common on tmobile 3g hspa like I have seen a few people claim in nj
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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I'm in Chicago and I get speeds between 1.5-5mbps up and 700kbps-1.5mbps depending where in Chicago I am and but more constantly 2mbps up, 800kbps down.
Sent from Vibrant XDA app
I just got 192 down and 158 up inside the barracks at camp smith upstate ny... Back in long island I get 506 down 166 up
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Here in Sacramento California
When I use 3G I get the following average over three attempts:
149ms ping (145ms, 130ms, 174ms)
4891 kbps download (4922, 5212, 4539)
1322 kbps upload (1332, 1325, 1311)
When I use WiFi I get the following average over three attempts:
32 ms ping (31ms, 33ms, 31ms)
4179 kbps down (4130, 4049, 4359)
3163 kbps up (3338, 3019, 3133)
But, earlier when I was in the San Francisco bay area I was getting 1.6kbps down and .8 kbsp up.
I'm in the Suburbs of Seattle and I'm getting nearly 6mb/s download speed all the time.

hspa plus south florida

Ok, my hspa+ does not work, my top speeds have been 3.2 ....I was wondering if anyone else here in south florida is picking up quicker speeds, I'm using the quick speeds app to see what network speed I'm running also, If you guys know any other one I can use please let me know.
Its been really random for me. I dont think hspa+ is active in all of south florida.
However the other night I was getting 7-9 Mbps constantly. I use app.
Bbe1367 said:
Ok, my hspa+ does not work, my top speeds have been 3.2 ....I was wondering if anyone else here in south florida is picking up quicker speeds, I'm using the quick speeds app to see what network speed I'm running also, If you guys know any other one I can use please let me know.
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Miami or Ft Lauderdale? I know West Palm wont be active until the end of the year i think
I drove around today between Hollywood and boca - no H+ indicator at all. The best speed test I've seen was 7mbps on Hollywood Blvd. Thing is, my Nexus One supports HSDPA, so not a huge difference between the two devices in that regard.
I'm sick of T-Mo's bull**** on this, their coverage map is retarded and we can't get a clear idea of wtf service we are supposed to be getting.
That, among many other reasons (especially MMC write protection), is why my G2 goes back to T-Mo this week.
kcm117 said:
I'm using the quick speeds app to see what network speed I'm running
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I'd like to check out that app, but can't find it... What's the full name and/or developer?
I've been using this widget updates what type of service your getting and strength. Try it out. Hope this helps.
fRom Snugs G2 ^.^
Hey everyone,
Just to add, Im also in South FLA, miami to be exact and I too have been experiencing pretty odd signals on my G2. Sometimes my speeds are blazing fast then all of a sudden I'm running on edge with super low speeds.
It seems to me as the phone has trouble staying connected to one network and is constantly switching.
(I'm on my 2nd G2 btw since I thought it was a hardware related issue)
Esteef said:
Hey everyone,
Just to add, Im also in South FLA, miami to be exact and I too have been experiencing pretty odd signals on my G2. Sometimes my speeds are blazing fast then all of a sudden I'm running on edge with super low speeds.
It seems to me as the phone has trouble staying connected to one network and is constantly switching.
(I'm on my 2nd G2 btw since I thought it was a hardware related issue)
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Go into settings / about phone / status - you will see exactly what network type you are connected to (UMTS, HSDPA, etc) I'm not sure how + would show up, or if the indicator at the top changes, but you should be able to tell from that screen or the "Phone Information" screen (dial *#*#4636#*#*)
Esteef said:
Hey everyone,
Just to add, Im also in South FLA, miami to be exact and I too have been experiencing pretty odd signals on my G2. Sometimes my speeds are blazing fast then all of a sudden I'm running on edge with super low speeds.
It seems to me as the phone has trouble staying connected to one network and is constantly switching.
(I'm on my 2nd G2 btw since I thought it was a hardware related issue)
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It's crazy, in westchester I get pretty nice 3G speeds, but I go to kendall and I'm on edge. And it seems like its the most random switchoff too, because 5 steps in one direction I'm back on 3G, so I don't know if it's the phone or tmo's network. I expect edge in the middle of BFE, not in the middle of a pretty densely populated area.
add.: I've never seen my phone connect to the HSPA network, ever. The UMTS 3G has been enough to get me by I guess, it's just the random edge switching thats confusing me.
i live in miami, near the miami international airport. on average my nexus one would run about 1.5-2.5mb per second. with an occasional spike around the 4mb realm.
in contrast, my g2 is getting me 2-4.2 on average with spikes as high as 9mb per second.
Here in Boca the fastest i have gotten is around 3 Mbps in East Boca. In West Boca i only get edge at my house , i have to use wifi at home.
Side note: wow there are alot of South Floridians here, lol.
I live in palm city about 15 minutes from west palm and i get around 7 mbps and it says im on HSPDA network?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
ShaunMichael80 said:
I live in palm city about 15 minutes from west palm and i get around 7 mbps and it says im on HSPDA network?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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Froyo won't ever say HSPA or anything of that sort, it always will say HSDPA or UMTS, depending on where you're at.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
Try this widget out its awesome! I use it whenever I wanna speed test.
fRom Snugs G2 ^.^
You all need to understand the difference from 3G to HSPA+.
HSPA+ is not 4G network like sprint it is simply a boost to the 3G network. On 3G you would never ever achieve a download speed of 4mb down constantly there for H+ is working how it should. I am getting anywhere from 3mb to 7mb down in NYC and evryone should know that in the city the service kinda blows.
What we should be upset about is the fact they stated we will achieve up to 20mb down. Still I also believe that its too soon for H+ to get these speeds as these "towers" are fairly new and not everywhere yet.
Give it time people and figure out how far you are from your H+ towers. I reach what I do only from 4+ miles away. I still think it isn't bad as it is faster then regular 3G
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
TheMan42 said:
Froyo won't ever say HSPA or anything of that sort, it always will say HSDPA or UMTS, depending on where you're at.
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HSDPA is HSPA and HSPA+ - both appear as "H" in the signal indicator.
UMTS appears as "3G" in the signal indicator.
There is no distinction between HSPA and HSPA+ according to T-Mobile - the phone will display H/HSDPA for either.
elracing21 said:
You all need to understand the difference from 3G to HSPA+.
HSPA+ is not 4G network like sprint it is simply a boost to the 3G network. On 3G you would never ever achieve a download speed of 4mb down constantly there for H+ is working how it should. I am getting anywhere from 3mb to 7mb down in NYC and evryone should know that in the city the service kinda blows.
What we should be upset about is the fact they stated we will achieve up to 20mb down. Still I also believe that its too soon for H+ to get these speeds as these "towers" are fairly new and not everywhere yet.
Give it time people and figure out how far you are from your H+ towers. I reach what I do only from 4+ miles away. I still think it isn't bad as it is faster then regular 3G
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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Actually your'e wrong on a couple of points here...
First off, the G2 (and MyTouch HD) have only been advertised to do 14mbps. The 21mbps upgrade does not happen until next year.
Second, just because you have a certain connection, that doesn't mean you can pull that much bandwidth from the internet. There are many obstacles: Traffic on your local cell, insufficient backhaul bandwidth to the tower, any connectivity issues between your tower and the other end of the connection, etc.
This applies to any sort of service, cable, dsl, mobile, etc: Just because you have X mbps connection does not mean that you will see X mbps to every site on the web.
On DSL, for example, you are less limited by others in your area, you have a 1:1 connection that terminates at your local central office. But on Cable or Wireless, you are sharing the available bandwidth X:1 with all others in your "neighborhood" (cable) or cell (wireless).
So your actual speed depends on many factors. Take speed tests with a grain of salt, the bigger issue for mobile is latency, not bandwidth. All the bandwidth in the world still makes a 300ms round-trip time "feel" slow.
ZeroSX said:
It's crazy, in westchester I get pretty nice 3G speeds, but I go to kendall and I'm on edge. And it seems like its the most random switchoff too, because 5 steps in one direction I'm back on 3G, so I don't know if it's the phone or tmo's network. I expect edge in the middle of BFE, not in the middle of a pretty densely populated area.
add.: I've never seen my phone connect to the HSPA network, ever. The UMTS 3G has been enough to get me by I guess, it's just the random edge switching thats confusing me.
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Same here, I seem to get the best reception around 137th Ave and Coral way actually. (A go there alot to eat at some place)
And the speeds there are almost at 1MB/sec (Yes i'm saying 1MegaByte not megabit)
But a few hundred feet west of that spot and I'm already running on Edge. O_O
elracing21 said:
HSPA+ is not 4G network like sprint it is simply a boost to the 3G network. On 3G you would never ever achieve a download speed of 4mb down constantly there for H+ is working how it should. I am getting anywhere from 3mb to 7mb down in NYC and evryone should know that in the city the service kinda blows.
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Actually, there is no real 4G network yet. Sprint, like T-Mobile, have used the term 4G for marketing purposes.
Here's a good read on Sprint's forums:
With the HSPA+ infrastructure upgrades, T-Mobile also gained the ability for HSDPA to cap at 7.2mbps. So in reality, you might see 6+mbps.
As for the coverage in urban areas, Verizon's frequency is better suited to penetrate buildings and urban environments. This is why they have been so successful in cities like NYC, while GSM-based providers have trouble with weak spots around any given corner.
HamNCheese said:
HSDPA is HSPA and HSPA+ - both appear as "H" in the signal indicator.
UMTS appears as "3G" in the signal indicator.
There is no distinction between HSPA and HSPA+ according to T-Mobile - the phone will display H/HSDPA for either.
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The stock "signal indicator" on the notification bar will never display 3G on the G2.
I'm in the Tampa area, and I get 3-4Mbps d/l speeds. Occasionally I will get 8 or 9Mbps down. Upload speeds are consistently 1.5Mbps.

Download speeds and location?

Sorry if this has been asked but I was just wondering what everyone's getting for their download speeds and where are they located. Unfortunately coverage in my apartment is not great (but who cares with wifi), and at work I get varied coverage (from .2 mb/s to 2.2 mb/). I live in South/Central Jersey and my current project has me basically on the other side of Philadelphia. Then I randomly went out to a diner which isn't really near anything major (maybe 10-15 miles from Trenton) and pulled 4.2 mb/s which is only about 2 mb/s slower then my cable connection. Anyone pulling some really good speeds and where are you at? I'm using the app by the way.
Its been asked. Please use the search tool.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 running Cyanogenmod.
It varies by location and connection strength. At home I get like 0.7-0.9mbits. In the downtown area of my town, I can get 8mbits then go a block down and get 4mbits. Generally major city areas get better coverage and since our phones don't run off the 3g network, just tmobile's hspa network, it's generally a hit or miss with the data signal. Kinda sucks for the most part but sometimes you'll be in a coverage area with great signal and data speeds will be awesome. Hope this helps to explain things a little.
d0ugie said:****yeah.png
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DANG POOTIE!!! Thats some slow ass speeds... must be dial-up... or maybe isdn... poor fella...
