keyboard? - Streak 5 General

What keyboard are you guys using with your streak? I like to use it, primarily, in landscape but at the same time i have small hands so it gets difficult to type at times =-/. I tried swift key x for tablets and it's pretty good that it splits the keyboard in landscape mode, but it's not very responsive and i find myself missing letters at times!!
what do you guys use?

I'm just using the Swype keyboard that came with StreakDroid 1.9.1...It's a bit different than the one that was on a previous version...Idr what version. It's nice, but I hit b or . instead of space too often. And I hit the damn microphone key too often.

Hands down thumb keyboard was made for the Streak!
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Thumb Keyboard with Split 5" layout.

+1 for ThumbKeyboard

Thumb Keyboard. I was actually going to switch to a slider phone before I found this, it has made a tremendous difference for me.

K so I'm using thumb keyboard as I type this. I'm liking it a lot better than any normal keyboard but what layout are you guys using for landscape and portrait modes? Landscape works great but I don't really like the default portrait view.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

Split compact for portrait, 5" layout for landscape.

I use thumb keyboard for landscape using the Tablet 7" layout. I use Ultra Keyboard for portrait. I use keyboard manager (requires root) to automatically switch them based on mode.
I use two thumbs to type in landscape and swipe typing in portrait with Ultra.

I use standard for both portrait and landscape.
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA Premium App

I switch between thumb keyboard and go keyboard. Go keyboard let's you have custom backgrounds, pretty cool.
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Hey Aaron.... Welcome to the Streak family Personally, I swear by, (and sometimes swear at, especially in portrait mode), the Thumb keyboard made by Beansoft. In landscape mode where the height of the keyboard covers too much of the screen, update #4 lets you adjust the height of the keyboard
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

thanks for the advice guys. i ended up with thumb keyboard for landscape and swift key for portrait, working great so far!!

I use hackers keyboard, has arrows to navigate inside text and can also send special chars for terminal use
Sent from my Dell Streak sd 1.8.1

leozolt said:
I use hackers keyboard, has arrows to navigate inside text
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I use, and love, Better Keyboard 8. I would LOVE to have arrows! I thought I had tried them all...
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk

SwiftKey X is my choice. The predictions save so much typing by this poor typist.
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slaydog said:
I use, and love, Better Keyboard 8. I would LOVE to have arrows! I thought I had tried them all...
Sent from my Dell Streak using Tapatalk
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Ultra keyboard has arrow (cursor) keys, they can be configured from the settings.
Edit: I just checked out Hacker's Keyboard and it looks like a very nice free alternative.

+1 for hackers keyboard here.. best keyboard ive ever used... and its free

yeah I'm playing with hacker's keyboard too. It's surprisingly accurate given the number of keys. Bit slow in Dolphin Browser but everywhere else I'm liking it.
I reduced the height in landscape a little too.
I was liking thumb keyboard but it refused to work in Copilot live. If that's been fixed I might try it again....

I use Better Keyboard 8, you can change the key size to suite yourself, seperate controls for landscape and portait.


[Q] Keyboard options that aren't buggy on the TAB?

I'm just not satisfied with the Tab's factory-shipped keyboard lauout, and I imagine that this being an android-based device, nothing is permanent.
Can we have a thread with user experiences and screen shots of alternative keyboards thay have been verified to work on both landscape and portrait for the Galaxy Tab? I have heard of one on here called "Gingerbread" but screen shots of that on a Tab both portrait and landscape ON A TAB would be helpful for everyone. And it would be nice to see more than just one option. Also, user experiences and opinion definitely encouraged!
Good idea! I'd also like to know if there are any keyboards that don't do the full-screen/extract thing in landscape mode. There's plenty of room to show both the keyboard and the UI on a tab (even more so with LCD Density Changer).
Smart Keyboard Pro has so many options for Landscape and Portrait mode it's ridiculous.....
Seriously, I'd have to take 200 screenshots to show them all.....
Give it a try and if you don't like it, you have 24 hours to uninstall and get a refund....
I am using SwiftKey and no problem.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
I am using Smart Keyboard and I love it. There's a trial version in the market as well.
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA App
Check out thumb keyboard. I use it for landscape mode and smart keyboard for portrait mode.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk
I also use the smart keyboard it works very well.
Sent from my GT-P1000 using XDA App
My Smart Keyboard doesn't enable even after I select it in the Locale and Text setrings. ? ?
EDIT: I figured it out... but so far it's not all that better than the Samsung one. Honestly it will be the keyboard that will ultimately help me to decide if I return this device to AT&T or not.

[Discuss]Which keyboard do you use?

Please make sure you post why you use it and what you think about it.
I've been using swift key for two months and it is extremely accurate and fast. Two says ago i've switched to Swype and now i'm addicted to typing in this forum.
Swype is really fun to use and also very accurate.although no matter which way you look at it,I don't think tracing with one finger can be faster then typing with two thumbs unless you are not familiar with the keyboard..
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if Play had better touch screen (say 10fingers,or like blackberry) SwiftKeyX would be GODMODE
i use SwiftkeyX
But with the very weak XPlays screen its not upto its full effect.
It's already God mode...or corrects you're words even if you miss the keys, so it's ultra fast when inputting something.
Sent from my XPlay using XDA App.
The HTC_Ime mod is my fave keybord. I could'nt live without it
I use swype beta, it's very nice.
Earthshine0 out-
I have been using Swype for the past few weeks and I got to say that its the best in my opinion, and once you get used to it is when you see the difference in speed + accuracy compared to touch keyboards.
The only thing it lacks for me is the support for arabic keyboard
Though my first choice was swype, but now I prefer Hacker's keyboard because it provides all the possible keys which are normally present on a generic computer keyboard in landscape mode. Prevents hassle to search through alternate keys to find special characters. And obviously it provides suggestions, corrections and many more features.
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Napstar said:
Though my first choice was swype, but now I prefer Hacker's keyboard because it provides all the possible keys which are normally present on a generic computer keyboard in landscape mode. Prevents hassle to search through alternate keys to find special characters. And obviously it provides suggestions, corrections and many more features.
I type way faster in portrait mode over landscape even though landscape has bigger size keys.I got so uses to typing portrait already.
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Deoxlar said:
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I agree. Both modes are equally efficient. (and the best part is suggestion for special characters present continuously in idle mode)
Sent from my CSL-MI410 using XDA App
I use slideIT it works great
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Smart Keyboard Pro is the best in my opinion!
Better keyboard 8.. I love the storm theme..
Yep, HTC_IME is a great keyboard.
Does anybody have any problems with sweat getting on screen and the keyboard going mental?
Swype is the best . Its fun to use and is miles faster then normal typing once you are used to it.
I'm a huge fan of Swype, but I am curious to try the others listed here.
replicant101 said:
Yep, HTC_IME is a great keyboard.
Does anybody have any problems with sweat getting on screen and the keyboard going mental?
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Definitely be careful about that. I ruined my Droid's digitizer from either sweat or a random raindrop. The far left side of the screen is completely unresponsive to touch, from the soft search key all the way up.
I guess I'm the only one here using Gingerbread Keyboard. Gets the job done, accurate word predictions.
Not only one, me too uses original GB keyboard, but I would use HTC ime, but it FC once its installed, so uninstall ...
Anyone using T9 Trace? I've been trying to install it using files from other phone roms. At the moment it seems to be installed, but after selecting the keyboard in "input method", bringing up the keyboard will force close it
my choice is iphone keyboard
SlideIT is a Swype knock off..
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Which Keyboard?

Anyone have any suggestions for a keyboard input that works and plays well with a full-size USB keyboard? the Samsung one is quirky.
Smart Keyboard Pro.
Thanks! I will give it a shot.
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Grommish said:
Thanks! I will give it a shot.
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I use that on all my android devices. Highly customizable.
I gotta say swiftkey x tablet.
Best keyboard for phones and tablets hands down. Once it adjust to your typing style you'll be cranking out messages in no time.
Touchpal for my phone. Supports both normal and swype writing. Here is a video of it:
Using Thumb Keyboard for my tab and love it.
rudolphe said:
I gotta say swiftkey x tablet.
Best keyboard for phones and tablets hands down. Once it adjust to your typing style you'll be cranking out messages in no time.
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Using this as well. Best keyboard i've tried.
Surprisingly, the Gingerbread keyboard is pretty awesome once you tweak the key size and such. Really awesome error correction. Been using it right from the get go. Happy with it ^^
I would suggest thumb keyboard, it's a really great keyboard and will make your typing flying. But not support for chinese typing
i have tried the thumb keyboard but there is a bug with it. i use it for thumb keyboardin, but hooking a fullsized hardware kb causes wierd glitches.
the smart kb pro works well. i will look at the others.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

Perfect Keyboard

Im not sure if this topic has been discussed here but wanted to mention it anyway.
I was amazed at how fast I was typing on the stock Samsung keyboard. The only thing I didnt really like was the settings key being on the layout. There were times that I was accidentaly pressing it which would disrupt what I was typing.
I consider myself as an Android newbie and didn't know there were alternative keyboards out there.
So I went ahead and tried Perfect Keyboard and wow, let me just tell you that I am typing with so much more accuracy and speed. I went ahead and purchased the full version.
I dont work for them or anything but I really recommend the app.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I personally prefer the Swype keyboard. I feel like its much faster than any typing keyboard.
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I like Swype. Swyping is relaxed typing compared to playing arcade game with others.
I agree Swype also can make me hold the phone with one hand more lol
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Can't stand Swype. I like thumb keyboard with the WP7 theme and sounds. Use standard layout. I've tried them all always return to thumb keyboard. Highly recommend.
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I use A.I. Type keyboard and love it. Loads of cool themes for it too.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note using XDA Premium app.
Prozac69 said:
I use A.I. Type keyboard and love it. Loads of cool themes for it too.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note using XDA Premium app.
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Gave it a two week trial. Couldn't forgive the lag when initially typing. Drove me up the wall waiting on it to catch up. Other than the lag it was decent but still loses to thumb keyboard IMO.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Using Hacker's Keyboard from the market.
tap*talked via GT-N7000 (GB.XXLA4)
Buy the latest version of SwiftKey X keyboard phone version....
It is as good as Swype & it is my personal alternative when I am not using Swype!
Tapashocked via my Galaxy Note with a SwiftKey X !
I also am using Hacker's Keyboard.
I love SwiftKey x predictions!
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I checked it but no Turkish support:-(
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eroracing said:
I love SwiftKey x predictions!
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I own Swift Key X and if you type slow the predictions are neat but it sucks when trying to type fast. Very inaccurate even with the fast typing setting.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
What I miss from Swype keyboard is the ability that Samsung one has to detect you are using the pen and switch to handwriting. Swype + hand writing when using the pen, that's what I want
I really like the swiftkey x predictions but the spacebar is too narrow and I keep hitting the period. I love the split 5 inch mode of thumb keyboard - much more comfortable for me.
side note - when handing your phone to others, its best to use a non predicting keyboard as it can really throw them off.
Ics keyboard for me with aggressive mode.
Its really easy to type and corrects any miss presses.
Its available from the market for free.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
anybody have FlexT9? i cant find it in my market?
I gave Swift Key a try as well. It seemed like it detected my Note as a tablet as an error prompt of some sort appeared when I initially ran it.
"Wrong version, this is a tablet. Please download the correct version" or something likr that. Worked fine but still ended up with Perfect Keyboard. Ü
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
Swiftkey TABLET keyboard people....TABLET...
Im using thumb keyboard for the split layout.

What soft keyboard do you use?

Obviously we already have this great dock (Well most of us), but what I have yet to find is a great soft keyboard to use when I want my tablet to be, well, a tablet.
I have tried the various Swype keyboards (Swype, TouchPal, SlideIT), also some regular keyboards (Stock android, smart, hacker), but sadly I have yet to find a keyboard that works well.
I don't really like the idea of a two hand keyboard, since usually when I am typing without my dock, I am holding the tablet in one hand and typing with the other. On the other hand the Swype keyboards work, but not very well. On my Galaxy Nexus I have gotten it to work really well, but, the Transformer in landscape is just too much real estate to use Swype effectively.
So post something about your favorite keyboard, what you use, and why you use it. I am really interested to hear what you guys (And gals) have come up with.
swiftkey works well for me
Funny you mention that as that is what I am trying right now. So far so good!
miketoasty said:
Funny you mention that as that is what I am trying right now. So far so good!
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haha i like the split keyboard
Thumb keyboard
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bkmo said:
Thumb keyboard
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda premium
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I actually already had this keyboard purchased (well I got it when it was free on the amazon app store), giving it a shot now.
Thumb Keyboard all the way!
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
Thumb keyboard ftw
TF101 Megatron 1.0.4 Guevor test 19.2
Thumb keyboard for me too.
For now sticking with thumb keyboard. Allows for great speed and accuracy while still allowing me to use my tablet as a tablet.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using XDA
I use stock on day to day and MultiLing Keyboard when using a different language. It is the easiest one I used for switching frequently between languages.
Try TSwipe pro in the play store, its free to download and supports many different languages and supports swipe and most of the features of hackers keyboard.
Hope you enjoy it
Sent from my Team-B CM7 Alpha Final Nook Tablet using XDA
I use smart keyboard
Envoyé depuis mon Nexus S avec Tapatalk
I like "Hacker's Keyboard". Great for ssh sessions etc.
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
rener78 said:
I use smart keyboard
Envoyé depuis mon Nexus S avec Tapatalk
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That's what I use on my phone and only tried it shortly on my tablet. May have to try it again...
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Forgot to mention that the keyboard allows you to switch languages through the keyboard with a touch of a button or swipe of a finger. It is the keyboard that I currently use and I too have tried all of those others and this is simply the best.
Try it I am sure it will solve your problems too.
Sent from my Team-B CM7 Alpha Final Nook Tablet using XDA
Using swift key 3 beta. It's the best I've seen yet. It really eliminates the space bar.
i love TouchPal.. . went to it from Swype. Swype was boring and white. TouchPal at least had a few skins abs i Lee dark themes. .. easier on battery
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Thumb Keyboard for the ease of use and Presets!
yud said:
I use stock on day to day and MultiLing Keyboard when using a different language. It is the easiest one I used for switching frequently between languages.
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Thumb keyboard works great for me with switching languages. The spacebar key has the current language and if you swipe the spacebar you can switch the language. Plus with its split design it is the balls in landscape mode.
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