Just wondering as it seems it's much better out of the box than what we have!
I was also reading the moment forums and it seems there still convinced that we will get the update before them, seemed kinda strange to me!
Roman G said:
Just wondering as it seems it's much better out of the box than what we have!
I was also reading the moment forums and it seems there still convinced that we will get the update before them, seemed kinda strange to me!
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Is like to use the instant messenger from the moment. The one in the hero sucks
Yes possible, I'm downloading it now and will mess with it tonight.
obelisk79 said:
Yes possible, I'm downloading it now and will mess with it tonight.
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I thought about flashing to see what would happen, but it seems the process is a bit different than on our heros!
don't just flash the leak, you'll very possibly wind up with a nice brick.
LOL Flash the leak and tell us what happens.
Ya I kinda figured that, but I like to take one for the team!
Plus I am so tired of 1.5 and bluetooth crap on 2.1!
Where is the Moment leak?
jonnythan said:
Where is the Moment leak?
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Tell me how to flash it and I will!
Roman G said:
Ya I kinda figured that, but I like to take one for the team!
Plus I am so tired of 1.5 and bluetooth crap on 2.1!
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What bluetooth crap? I've been running 2.1 since I got my hero (only ran 1.5 long enough to drive home from Best Buy. Already had the rom downloaded and my pc set up for rooting before I even went to buy the phone).
I've never experienced one single problem with bluetooth, across at least 10 different 2.1 roms I've tried.
You'll be giving up a lot of standard features... like pinch to zoom (although I hear they finally got touble tap to zoom). Just FYI
subliminalurge said:
What bluetooth crap? I've been running 2.1 since I got my hero (only ran 1.5 long enough to drive home from Best Buy. Already had the rom downloaded and my pc set up for rooting before I even went to buy the phone).
I've never experienced one single problem with bluetooth, across at least 10 different 2.1 roms I've tried.
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Bluetooth problems seem to be about 50/50 with hero owners!
I seem to be in the 50% that bluetooth sucks ass on any 2.xx rom, and works flawless on 1.5.
Sometimes I wonder if all heros were hand built, it would explain all the different problems some have and some don't!
Roman G said:
Bluetooth problems seem to be about 50/50 with hero owners!
I seem to be in the 50% that bluetooth sucks ass on any 2.xx rom, and works flawless on 1.5.
Sometimes I wonder if all heros were hand built, it would explain all the different problems some have and some don't!
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no i think that everyone uses the BT diffrently ... my BT on the hero suckss ass on 2.1 and works great on 1.5 .. i have a car radio that i can play music form my phone and at the same time do navigation voice ( from the phone also ) ..on 1.5 it works great ..on 2.1 it works for 5min and then both sounds are gone and i get a FC on BT driver , my audio BT headsets on 1.5 works great on 2.1 it just craps out every couple mins ... cant even use it at all...
I guess that explains it. I only use bluetooth for a small headset and file transfers. Both work flawlessly.
I don't use a2dp at all, which now that I think about it, is what I've heard most people say they've had trouble with....
I can do this. Expect a port in 10 minutes, or whenever it's done downloading.
subliminalurge said:
I guess that explains it. I only use bluetooth for a small headset and file transfers. Both work flawlessly.
I don't use a2dp at all, which now that I think about it, is what I've heard most people say they've had trouble with....
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By small headset I assume you mean just a single ear piece?
If thats the case it works great on any Rom I have tried, it just streaming music where it cuts out and skips a minimum of 5 times per minute of song, and forget doing anything else on your phone!
bikcmp said:
I can do this. Expect a port in 10 minutes, or whenever it's done downloading.
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Wow I would love to try it out when you get done!
From what I hear there are supposed to be BT enhancements in the update!
I've used stereo bluetooth on dc v1.0 and flipz2.0d without a problem... was only for about ten minutes, but was still longer than 5
Roman G said:
By small headset I assume you mean just a single ear piece?
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Yep, the single earpiece with a mic used for phone calls, not headphones for listening to music.
Even though both uses are transferring audio, they actually use completely different bluetooth profiles, which I suppose explains why one works well and the other doesn't.
danaff37 said:
I've used stereo bluetooth on dc v1.0 and flipz2.0d without a problem... was only for about ten minutes, but was still longer than 5
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Like I said it's 50/50 across the board!
Hi there people,
GPS! It works great with the stock rom like everything else but I want Apps2SD, Live Wallpapers, Overclocking and Higher Res so what shall we do?
I've tried the custom roms available, Touch screen didn't work on CM, Puzzle's GPS is way off so makes some of androids greatest features useless.
I see so many satisfied people out there, please advise me...
I need GPS to work and I would like Apps2SD and overclocking... I feel like I'm missing out a little.
So anyone else on the same page as me? Any advise from others? Thanks!
Hi there people,
GPS! It works great with the stock rom like everything else but I want Apps2SD, Live Wallpapers, Overclocking and Higher Res so what shall we do?
I've tried the custom roms available, Touch screen didn't work on CM, Puzzle's GPS is way off so makes some of androids greatest features useless.
I see so many satisfied people out there, please advise me...
I need GPS to work and I would like Apps2SD and overclocking... I feel like I'm missing out a little.
So anyone else on the same page as me? Any advise from others? Thanks!
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try cyanogenmod, only problem i have so far is some apps layout aren't proper, like the default phone dialer, but there are alternatives.
I'm interested in the feedback here as well. All of the modded ROM's are way off what I'd like my Wildfire to be.
i agree kevin2516, try cyanogenmod, i tried the wildpuzzle and openfire before but had only problems with gps and show me the wrong position. it was always 10-15m away from my real position but with cyanogenmod it work properly. only the first fix for your position takes about 1-2 Minuten, but only the first time.
kevin2516 said:
try cyanogenmod, only problem i have so far is some apps layout aren't proper, like the default phone dialer, but there are alternatives.
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But Jacob have fixed the layouts! Will be in next release.
Hi there people,
GPS! It works great with the stock rom like everything else but I want Apps2SD, Live Wallpapers, Overclocking and Higher Res so what shall we do?
I've tried the custom roms available, Touch screen didn't work on CM, Puzzle's GPS is way off so makes some of androids greatest features useless.
I see so many satisfied people out there, please advise me...
I need GPS to work and I would like Apps2SD and overclocking... I feel like I'm missing out a little.
So anyone else on the same page as me? Any advise from others? Thanks!
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Try flashing the V4 kernal when you flashing CM on that should fix the touchscreen problems.
imlgl said:
Try flashing the V4 kernal when you flashing CM on that should fix the touchscreen problems.
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Hi thanks for all responses. I tried CM and got it working, I was impressed at first but the real test was everyday usage. I love listening to mp3s and browsing web at the same time, unfortunately the performance went stupid when trying to multitask, listening to mp3s and playing with the phone was no where near fast enough, infact terrible and crashing.
I did already set the cpu to a good range. I ended up going back to stock rom, which is just as good as I need. If there was a way to get stock rom onto Apps to ext and overclocked it would be cool.
a1exander said:
But Jacob have fixed the layouts! Will be in next release.
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I know that... i was telling him about the current bug
In this thread we will do the discussion of this ROM so we don't bother the developers anymore!
Sorry for this question, I am in good faith, but I want to understand if Drewis is developing this kernel alone or collaborating with the team CyanogenMod (or other). I guess the first hypotesis, but maybe they are sharing progress. Repeat, I am gratefully, it's only a curiosity
paolo-red1 said:
Sorry for this question, I am in good faith, but I want to understand if Drewis is developing this kernel alone or collaborating with the team CyanogenMod (or other). I guess the first hypotesis, but maybe they are sharing progress. Repeat, I am gratefully, it's only a curiosity
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This is the discussion thread of the evervolv ROM and you're free to ask whatever you want. It's only a question and can't hur
If I'm not mistaken, texasice, drewis and the rest of the evervolv crew are working on the new kernel alone.
Theshawty said:
In this thread we will do the discussion of this ROM so we don't bother the developers anymore!
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which part of evevolv do you want discuss?
j00m said:
which part of evevolv do you want discuss?
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Anything mate. Abt ur experience, what you like,what you dont like, what features u want and miss, etc.
This way it will be better for devs and also it will be good for us too
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
j00m said:
which part of evevolv do you want discuss?
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Anything, really. Better to discuss here than to bother texasice.
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
Can anyone post a youtube of the newest version running with HWA to see how it compares with MIUI?
I am curious to see if it's worth installing...
Really appreciate it!!
Markdental said:
Can anyone post a youtube of the newest version running with HWA to see how it compares with MIUI?
I am curious to see if it's worth installing...
Really appreciate it!!
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I can tell you that the latest version is running pretty smooth for me, the UI just seems faster and I can run the Chrome Beta which I couldn't even load up using MeDroid. HWA even at this early stage is giving my N1 a whole new life.
Very promising ROM but far too buggy for me to leave MIUI for it. :/
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
I flashed the P9 release yesterday (my first ICS release)... pretty smooth in general, Quadrant scores are not far behind the scores I had with CM7.1 (998 with evervolv P9 VS 1039 with CM 7.1)...
Got the same issues as stated in the "not working" section, plus the clock crashes (to set alarms) but that could be just a question of wiping cache/dalvik again.
Coming from CM, I miss all the customizations options in this ROM. Dont get me wrong, texasice did a fantastic job with the ROM and kernel development, especially in figuring out the HWA part...
But I will surely try MeDroid Remix (as soon as it's new release with HWA comes out this weekend) to see what it offers... looking at samuaz's thread, it looks a lot more customizable and coming from CM, it might be just what I'm looking for.
I will surely donate to both texasice and samuaz as well for a fantastic job done on their part, otherwise, we'd be probably stuck with Gingerbread forever.
I know plenty of much newer phones than ours that don't have a mod that can run chrome properly.
That said, if people are playing around with older (more stable?) versions and want to give some of the reboot fixes a try, look up market id com.jrummy.sysctl.config to set the memory without the new kernel or messing with scripts.
A lot of the CM stuff you might be used to is available from other programs. I mostly miss the brightness hacking and night mode filters, but I found a separate program that can make my screen dimmer to use as a night mode. The way the notification toolbar works is slightly different too. And Trebuchet is nice, but not that much different that I can tell.
I have an issue with p4 through p9.
I used trackball wake on build p3 it worked like a charm, but now when I press the trackball, pwr or vol buttons, the soft buttons are lighting but the screen remains black, I have loaded p4, p6, p7, and p9. All Roms work fine initially and appear trouble free up until the phone goes to sleep. After the phone goes to sleep the screen won't wake no matter what I do.
I have tried several SD cards, tried to turn off wifi, tried to change swap sizes from none to 256.... Not sure what else could be causing this???
Any ideas anyone?
ezoliver said:
I have an issue with p4 through p9.
I used trackball wake on build p3 it worked like a charm, but now when I press the trackball, pwr or vol buttons, the soft buttons are lighting but the screen remains black, I have loaded p4, p6, p7, and p9. All Roms work fine initially and appear trouble free up until the phone goes to sleep. After the phone goes to sleep the screen won't wake no matter what I do.
I have tried several SD cards, tried to turn off wifi, tried to change swap sizes from none to 256.... Not sure what else could be causing this???
Any ideas anyone?
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So I got my phone running on the latest p11 finally. It works great, has been running for days, no reboots, pretty fast and seems stable so far... AND battery life has been awesome!
What I found was the CWM recovery was jacking my sd card when I partitioned it. I tried 4EXT recovery and all has been well after that.
No obvious issues other than camera preview...
Sometimes while on call the mic stops responding.. People calling me are not able to hear me..
I'm running p11 and not facing any other issues except the known one like camera preview etc ...
Anybody else facing similar issue?
*le bump*
Please do not let this topic die.
New rom is out. I had problems with wifi. No work around seem to work. I wait till the next version which I believe or hope to be stable one. Have to thank texasice, the rom is super smooth. ;-)
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA
i think he posted a rebuilt p12 in the thread. it might be on the op page by now.
I just installed p13 today, it seems to work fine. The interface is a bit sluggish in places, for example Google Play is quite slow, and buttons don't always respond immediately. Is that normal for this rom?
Jacotb said:
I just installed p13 today, it seems to work fine. The interface is a bit sluggish in places, for example Google Play is quite slow, and buttons don't always respond immediately. Is that normal for this rom?
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Try to flash a standalone Tiamat ICS kernel and see if that helps. Download it here:
taodan said:
Try to flash a standalone Tiamat ICS kernel and see if that helps. Download it here:
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Thanks, I tried the 0314-kernel and got slightly better results in the Quadrant benchmark (1004 as opposed to 937). But it didn't make a noticable difference in interface responsiveness.
It's not dreadful, but just not nearly as good as FroYo. But I'm not gonna expect any better since this is just a community work-in-progress rather than an official release.
Hi all. So I found a ROM that I really like and am comfortable with. It has everything I want, acts the way I want, and especially LOOKS the way I want.
There's only one problem; the wifi calling does not work! Well, it does, but here's the problem. I can establish a phone call using the wifi and can hear the person just fine, but they complain they can barely hear me. I literally have to scream for them to hear me. I tried different wifi areas; ie. Starbucks, different routers, friends routers, etc., and all have the same problem.
When I flash a different ROM, this feature works just fine!
Anyone heard of this?
Why not try one of the newer versions of that rom to see if it was fixed....
ronin178 said:
Why not try one of the newer versions of that rom to see if it was fixed....
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Looks like v2.2 is the latest version for Darkside Runny
Sounds like it may be your kernel
alexmdz said:
Sounds like it may be your kernel
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Hmmmm, I've never messed with the kernel. Any good places I can start?
Chicago T said:
Looks like v2.2 is the latest version for Darkside Runny
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Uuuh, unless you're talking about a different ROM, the latest version is 4.0. Wifi calling works just fine on that version.
estallings15 said:
Uuuh, unless you're talking about a different ROM, the latest version is 4.0. Wifi calling works just fine on that version.
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Just loaded 4.0. It's actually called Darkside Sense, so it's not Runny. The fonts are all different, when I add a text shortcut to a contact on my home screen, it adds the little text-logo in the bottom of the picture (very annoying, Runny does not alter the picture), I can't seem to change the fonts for the life of me using the built-in tweaks.
So no, they're def different versions...
Chicago T said:
Just loaded 4.0. It's actually called Darkside Sense, so it's not Runny. The fonts are all different, when I add a text shortcut to a contact on my home screen, it adds the little text-logo in the bottom of the picture (very annoying, Runny does not alter the picture), I can't seem to change the fonts for the life of me using the built-in tweaks.
So no, they're def different versions...
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Even though they were released by the same dev in the same thread? He changed it to his liking. If you don't like the updates, run the old broken version or try another ROM. There are, like, 10 runnymede ROMs.
Try the 3.3 version...4.0 was taken on by royal knight and had quite a few changes....3.3 was pure tdj tweaking and improving the 2.x version...a far as changing font, use font changer in the market, works great...
ronin178 said:
Try the 3.3 version...4.0 was taken on by royal knight and had quite a few changes....3.3 was pure tdj tweaking and improving the 2.x version...a far as changing font, use font changer in the market, works great...
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Thanks Ronin, your response was a lot gentler than the previous...
Chicago T said:
Thanks Ronin, your response was a lot gentler than the previous...
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I apologize for my gruff tone. I get annoyed easily when I try to help someone and they are like "uh, no." I'm not trying to pick a fight. That's an actual apology. I promise.
estallings15 said:
I apologize for my gruff tone. I get annoyed easily when I try to help someone and they are like "uh, no." I'm not trying to pick a fight. That's an actual apology. I promise.
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No problem. I hear ya...
I did go ahead and flash 4.0 and my wifi calling works now...
Additional Tweak...
Chicago T said:
No problem. I hear ya...
I did go ahead and flash 4.0 and my wifi calling works now...
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Let me ask you, is there a way to remove the little txt-icon on the bottom of a contacts shortcut? I created a direct-txt icon on my homescreen, but it has the little txt icon overlayed on the picture of my contact. Can i change that?
In Runny 2.2, it didn't have the icon, just the whole picture of the person....
Hey guys, recently just picked up an S4 from a friend after my HTC One battery kicked it. I have a random problem with the phone that I'm hoping someone here can help with.
When using a stock or TouchWiz ROM, I have zero problems with both the top and bottom microphones. I can speak to people in calls or record voice using apps and it's loud and clear. When I install a Cyanogenmod of any version (I have tried 10, 11, 12, 12.1, and 13) the bottom mic drops it and becomes very muffled to the point where you can't hear anything on the other end or in a recording. Speaking in to the top mic works perfectly though. Bluetooth works fine too and I have no issue speaking to or using A2DP with it.
Has anyone seen this before, and if so, has anyone fixed this? I'd much rather use a Cyanogenmod ROM instead of TouchWiz but at the moment it seems I have no choice ...
Try other roms. CM based or AOSP roms.
GDReaper said:
Try other roms. CM based or AOSP roms.
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I've tried a few other CM roms, I'll find an AOSP rom and give it a go now!
EDIT: Just tried two AOSP roms, same deal. Top mic is loud, bottom mic is quiet ... No good!
I'm running CM13 without issues.
Try this one and see if the issue exists.
whiteduck89 said:
I've tried a few other CM roms, I'll find an AOSP rom and give it a go now!
EDIT: Just tried two AOSP roms, same deal. Top mic is loud, bottom mic is quiet ... No good!
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Try a rom that has alucard kernel (either flash optimized cm12.1 or jdc team aosp) and go into stweaks and in the sound tab change the microphone gain sliders.
GDReaper said:
Try a rom that has alucard kernel (either flash optimized cm12.1 or jdc team aosp) and go into stweaks and in the sound tab change the microphone gain sliders.
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Tried CM13, same issue carries on.
I now have CM12.1 with Alucard kernel and STweaks. I've turned the Camera Mic Gain up to 60 and people can hear me now, but they say it sounds slightly quiet still. Is there anyway to go past the max setting in the STweaks?
Not that I know of.
whiteduck89 said:
Tried CM13, same issue carries on.
I now have CM12.1 with Alucard kernel and STweaks. I've turned the Camera Mic Gain up to 60 and people can hear me now, but they say it sounds slightly quiet still. Is there anyway to go past the max setting in the STweaks?
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Are you sure you don't got dust in the two holes? Sound to me you have to clean the two holes.
Nope, I had the phone apart and cleaned both holes, no difference.
The confusing part is that on a TouchWiz ROM the microphones work as they should. It's not until I'm running CM or AOSP that I get this problem.
It's almost as if the microphones have been switched and the top becomes the voice mic and the bottom becomes the noise cancelling one.
whiteduck89 said:
Hey guys, recently just picked up an S4 from a friend after my HTC One battery kicked it. I have a random problem with the phone that I'm hoping someone here can help with.
When using a stock or TouchWiz ROM, I have zero problems with both the top and bottom microphones. I can speak to people in calls or record voice using apps and it's loud and clear. When I install a Cyanogenmod of any version (I have tried 10, 11, 12, 12.1, and 13) the bottom mic drops it and becomes very muffled to the point where you can't hear anything on the other end or in a recording. Speaking in to the top mic works perfectly though. Bluetooth works fine too and I have no issue speaking to or using A2DP with it.
Has anyone seen this before, and if so, has anyone fixed this? I'd much rather use a Cyanogenmod ROM instead of TouchWiz but at the moment it seems I have no choice ...
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I've lost count of how many times I've pointed out this problem. No, changing gain value will not solve the problem. This has been a truly dealbreaker for me, as this affects every cm based rom. @AntaresOne said that this problem comes from using caf drivers and I think it cannot be fixed unless Samsung releases its own source codes.
whiteduck89 said:
Nope, I had the phone apart and cleaned both holes, no difference.
The confusing part is that on a TouchWiz ROM the microphones work as they should. It's not until I'm running CM or AOSP that I get this problem.
It's almost as if the microphones have been switched and the top becomes the voice mic and the bottom becomes the noise cancelling one.
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It's strange because on my I9505 I never experienced this problem.
What bootloader and modem are you running?
amandreamartino said:
I've lost count of how many times I've pointed out this problem. No, changing gain value will not solve the problem. This has been a truly dealbreaker for me, as this affects every cm based rom. @AntaresOne said that this problem comes from using caf drivers and I think it cannot be fixed unless Samsung releases its own source codes.
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Well that is crap ... I guess I'll have to go back to TouchWiz which is a damn shame. Have you had any success with AOSP ROMs?
whiteduck89 said:
Well that is crap ... I guess I'll have to go back to TouchWiz which is a damn shame. Have you had any success with AOSP ROMs?
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They are all in the same boat. To solve all problems you have to stay with TouchWiz ROMs
whiteduck89 said:
Well that is crap ... I guess I'll have to go back to TouchWiz which is a damn shame. Have you had any success with AOSP ROMs?
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I find it hard to believe that I never had those problems with my I9505 yet you have them. What's your modem and bootloader version?
Lennyz1988 said:
I find it hard to believe that I never had those problems with my I9505 yet you have them. What's your modem and bootloader version?
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It's not that hard to believe, seeing as there are over 40 different S4 models. You just can't make a rom to work perfectly on all.
I never had any major problems with any of the roms I flashed, yet other people seemed to have serious issues with the same rom.
I don't know why Samsung can't make just one model. It splits the user base, it gives them more headaches because of updates and such.
GDReaper said:
It's not that hard to believe, seeing as there are over 40 different S4 models. You just can't make a rom to work perfectly on all.
I never had any major problems with any of the roms I flashed, yet other people seemed to have serious issues with the same rom.
I don't know why Samsung can't make just one model. It splits the user base, it gives them more headaches because of updates and such.
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Yes, I agree on that. It's crazy to make that many models. I made the assumption that he has an i9505 but maybe he has a different model.
Try to record a voice message with Whatsapp using TW/GE rom and then with CM/AOSP rom, you will clearly hear the difference. jfltexx here.
---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------
whiteduck89 said:
Well that is crap ... I guess I'll have to go back to TouchWiz which is a damn shame. Have you had any success with AOSP ROMs?
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Yes, I've tried AOSP roms but no differences. AOSP based roms for S4 share some sources with CM.
Lennyz1988 said:
I find it hard to believe that I never had those problems with my I9505 yet you have them. What's your modem and bootloader version?
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Bootloader/baseband is I9505XXUGNG2
Going to try updating to the latest baseband soon and see if that has any effect.
Pain in the ass but see how we go!
whiteduck89 said:
Bootloader/baseband is I9505XXUGNG2
Going to try updating to the latest baseband soon and see if that has any effect.
Pain in the ass but see how we go!
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Update bootloader and modem to Lollipop. Update both not only the modem.
Lennyz1988 said:
Update bootloader and modem to Lollipop. Update both not only the modem.
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Roger that, I'm downloading the latest files from SamMobile now. Will report back after it's done!