[Q] Battery won't charge - Wing, P4350 General

Hi! I have a HTC P4350 with a big problem. He don't want to charge the battery. Actually when i plug in the charger he say that it's charging until the green light apears. Let's say that i've plug in the charger at 51%; the phone it's charging until 100% but when i'll disconnect it the battery will decrease again percent by percent and in five minutes or something the level will be again 51%. I have an external charger which it's charging corectly my battery but it's annoying to change the battery to the charger, and when it's full back to the phone over and over again.
So, the battery it's fine, i can connect the phone to the PC and i can sync it so the USB it's fine...
One more thing: the phone was started to do that 2 years ago. I bought that external charger and i used it for 6 months after I've don't use it(the phone) until 2 days ago. So, i've put it in charger and it worked at the first push of the button. I've left it in charger by the night but in the morning i've got an RLOD. So i've use the old external charger and the phone works, only with this problem... he won't charge.
Any ideas? Thanks and sorry for my English


Charging problem

I have a problem with my SPV C500. When the battery runs down to 50% I'm not able to charge it by wall charger. It starts to charge but after a while the led goes green and battery indicator says the phone is full charged. When I plug the charger out, the battery indicator will tell the thruth - it's not been charged. Even letting the phone with wall charger plugged in for several hours doesn't help. The only way is to use USB connector and connect it to PC. In this case the "point of no return" is around 20% (I did a test with spare battery). Did you experience such a problem?
I've also had second SPV C500 which stopped to charge at all. Even USB charging didn't help. I had to sell it as faulty :-(
BTW 6.1 ROM seems to save battery life. With WM 2003 SE it took one day to drop to 50%, now it takes more than two days. .-)

touch HD battery questions

the first battery charge on the HD is supposed to be a 8 or 10 or 12 hour charge? or on its not necesary
also the time used to charge it to the pc via usb cable is same as if ud plug it in the electric socket?
how long dose it take for u to charge ur phone.....
mine had 4 lines out of 10 and after 3 hours of it beeing conected to my pc and not in use its still got 4 lines....
opinions seem to vary on how long for 1st charge - personally I left mine on (mains) overnight, but that's just because I've had mobiles since year dot, and you used to have to!
But charging via PC doesn't seem to work as well as from the mains charger - depends a lot on the PC and how much juice it kicks out, some are a lot better than others.
Modern phones/batteries do not need "overnight" charging. My Touch HD even came with a little note saying you don't need to charge for 16hrs/overnight. Just charge until it's full...
Better to charge with wall socket because not all USB ports provide enough current. Some can't charge through the USB port while some can.
I can charge through my notebook but it takes a lot longer than the wall socket.
thanks bouth of u for the fast anwsers....
When I set WiFi settings to max performance, my HTC HD will not charge at all, actually it will loose charge during night, display is off, just WiFi, GSM and GPS is active, connected to provided wall charger. Back side of phone is really hot, I measured over 54°C
Problems charging.
guys(and lady's) Just got my HD. been running it for some time to drain the battery, while on my laptop the battery starts charging. I wanted to drain the battery to give it a good charge afterwords so I turnd off the option of charging while unit is active( in batt. menu) but When I got to 5% batt.cap. an tried to charge the unit (batt. option enabled again) it doesn't charge. now my batt. is empty and can't get in the phone. while on power my battery charging led gives a couple of seconds of charge indication then it turns off.
Any suggestions or is my battery dead. (charging unit is oke, and when on power the HD does give sufficient power to the battery (measured with mulitmeter) thx guys edit - Als when on power green and amber lights blink.
Could that be that your battery is too hot ? There is some safety protection that prevent the batyery to charge when it is over a temperature level.
battery not charging properly
My touch hd not charge the battery more then 50% i change the battery but same as before.
any suggestion
funstuffalex said:
also the time used to charge it to the pc via usb cable is same as if id plug it in the electric socket?
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Power socket gives about 1amp - USB 500mA (.5 amp)
Touch HD Battery Charging Problem
The rom i am using is Energy 3 Rom
and try to use both sources wall socket and pc usb both are same.
if i charge the battery on usb cradle and put the phone it shoes 100% but after some use of the phone the charging start again and never show's full even left it over night.
Best regards
Not sure what's going on there,but try draining the battery to almost empty each time and then turn your phone off before charging it. Do this a few times and see if it helps. Mine took about a month beforeit came good.
Dear samlives
Thanks for helping
I will try it
Best Regards
HTC Touch Battery Charging Problem
I got a solution its not 100% but for time being its working for me.
Long press the power button and put the device in sleep mode.
All Done now charging 80 to 90% quite better then before.
Thanks a lot

Charging issue ? Plugged but not charging...

Anyone having the same issue ?
It's very strange because it happens somedays, someothers not at all.
Basically I plug the note to charge, it displays charging, but when I come back an hour later or so... the note is at 1% charge, like it just depleted itself and is just living out of juice sucked out of the charger...
This happens when I plug it in the wall charger most of the time.
When I plug it through USB on my computer (lower charging output) it never does this. And that's also how I managed to recharge my battery to 100% after the first time it did that.
But a week later, now it's the second time and it start to get annoying.
Anyone has any idea ? Is the charger defective or the battery ? Or worse the battery controler ? Anyone knows how to reset battery stats on the galaxy note ? Thanks.
I had the same problem on another type of phone with a usb charger
Would charge sometimes, sometimes not fully charge and then sometimes not at all.
Turned out to be the charger, just get another charger from somewhere
(I find the 10Watt/2.1amp IPad Apple chargers are good quality and provide heaps of juice for quick charging)

Battery Charge Time

I got my G2 like amonth ago, lost the USB cable that came with phone the first day. Bought long cable off ebay and I am using it with wall charger that came with the phone. The problem is yesterday when I got up (I usually leave my phone charging overnight) it was at 75%. This morning when I got up it was 27% and it was charging all night. Checked battery usage graph and it shows like phone was not charging at all tho there is a sing in notification bar that it is charging. Tried few other chargers from S3 and S4. Doesn't matter what charger I plug in it estimates that battery will be charged to full in 30 HOURS. Can anyone help me how to fix this ?

Nexus 7 Charging Problems

Few days ago I used my tablet and got low battery warning I decided to plug it to wall socket so I did it. I heard puff sound two times I unplugged it as soon as possible from what i saw that usb cable was not pushed fully into adapter and adapter burned. Same night i plugged it to original asus charger and left it charger over night it charged perfectly other day i used it without any problem untill it decharged so i plugged it again at evening with 8% remaining charging icon appeared. So i woke up next morning and unplugged tablet but I noticed it had same 8% remaining so i thought we had no power at night plugged it again, charging icon appeared but percentage won't rise it decharged. Than i tryied other cables and adapters nothing seems to help. Searched on google and found suggestions to open back cover and unplug battery for 2 mins I did that. Tryied charging from pc it worked !. So i thought I will move to wall charger for faster charging nope it still don't charge but show charging icon. So i used remaining 15% and flashed android 5.0.2 but it still didin't charge. Installed battery charge info it showing 367mA-500mA with wall and pc charging. So I need your help android users. Do I need new usb cable capable of 2.0A charging and adapter or something other? Sorry for bad english

