I am itching...for a new build - Streak 5 General

Man when is a new build going to come out?
I am just about ready to release my own custom rom with a lot of new additions not seen before on the streak... don't want to spoil the features... would love to introduce them on a new build!
i am excited.

Man v r waiting for great work
Please release . I will definitely donate and will b my pleasure to b ur rom first tester
Sent from my Dell Streak using XDA App

What new build are u waiting for? DJ Steve's?
Sent from Dell Streak

new stock build... i know they are working on gingerbread...
It will be some time ( a few weeks ) for my rom to come out. I will want to iron out all the bugs.. still have a few I am dealing with on 354...
there hasn't been a leak or a release in awhile.

Glad to hear more and more people build custom on this nice device. What are the "new additions not seen before" features would you add-in into your custom rom?

Krad said:
new stock build... i know they are working on gingerbread...
It will be some time ( a few weeks ) for my rom to come out. I will want to iron out all the bugs.. still have a few I am dealing with on 354...
there hasn't been a leak or a release in awhile.
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KRAD I just got a phone of a friend back from service station cause it was bricked using QDL and the baseband says 355 - EU checked everywhere and no info on the same but the baseband is 355!! I mean WTF is that!!

Krad said:
new stock build... i know they are working on gingerbread...
It will be some time ( a few weeks ) for my rom to come out. I will want to iron out all the bugs.. still have a few I am dealing with on 354...
there hasn't been a leak or a release in awhile.
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I don't think there will be an official gingerbread build. =(

streak4m3 said:
I don't think there will be an official gingerbread build. =(
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Maybe thinking before speaking would be a start
there will be gingerbread, its coming.
Krad rather than just rearranging files, why not start actually creating your own rom from scratch. Source code is there it just needs work.

fards said:
Maybe thinking before speaking would be a start
there will be gingerbread, its coming.
Krad rather than just rearranging files, why not start actually creating your own rom from scratch. Source code is there it just needs work.
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I got a full time job and two young kids. My "roms" are what I make for myself... I just share what I got.
If I was 14 or had a crap job where I could put 30+ hours to source, I probably would have.
I am content with making adjustments to stock roms
Sent from my Dell Streak

fards said:
Maybe thinking before speaking would be a start
there will be gingerbread, its coming.
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First, I really appreciate what you've done to make our Streaks performing better, as the likes of DJ_Steve, Krad, Spidla, and others. Your dedication to the dev of this great device has been invaluable. I did think before posting my comment. I know there have been communications around gingerbread coming to Dell Streak during the winter and that the source code had been posted which DJ_Steve had utilized in this ROM, but having said that there is no definitive answer to this question until the update is pushed out to us. If you read my comment you will notice that I stated that I don't think that there will be an official GB build. I hope that we get it, obviously, I'm just "don't believe it til I see it" kind of guy.
I would like to state again that I really respect your work and hope you will see the slight difference in the point I was making.

Load up 1.9.1 beta 7.
Fuggin rocks!

cyapalmpos said:
Load up 1.9.1 beta 7.
Fuggin rocks!
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Can you post a link to that? Cause if you can't it might be because it's a closed beta that the dev has not released yet. So telling people to install something that isn't available isn't very useful.

marvin02 said:
Can you post a link to that? Cause if you can't it might be because it's a closed beta that the dev has not released yet. So telling people to install something that isn't available isn't very useful.
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+1 for that one lol

U can't post links to closed beta!
Sent from the SuperStreak!

borijess said:
U can't post links to closed beta!
Sent from the SuperStreak!
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Gee - that's my point. So why do people keep suggesting the Streakdroid betas as a fix to various problems?
I would recommend the version of Ice Cream Sandwich my Streak is running but i would get kicked out of the testing program. But it works really well, you should see the beta version of Google space maps it includes and it will stream music from any source within 50 miles in stealth mode!


So when the 2.1 from Sprint gets released what changes for us?

It seems to me thanks to the leak, we have everything an official release would have, except the bugs . Why is everyone anticipating it so much?
gunnyman said:
It seems to me thanks to the leak, we have everything an official release would have, except the bugs . Why is everyone anticipating it so much?
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1. fresh kitchen.
2. kernel source code for the .29 kernel.
I think it is more for the code guys, because once they release officially then leagally HTC has to release the source (which they probably wont without pestering again) but that will allow the code monkeys (no offence you guys are awesome) to work their magic and get things really improved.
That is a very good question. I am completely happy with what I have now. Fresh 2.0d is, IMO, as good as it gets.
gunnyman said:
What changes for us?
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We can start reading 5 new FroYo threads per day!
Thank you. That makes perfect sense. I had forgotten about the Kernel being OSS.
thedudejdog said:
kernel source code for the .29 kernel
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2.1 + Overclock + Working Camera = yes
illogic6 said:
2.1 + Overclock + Working Camera = yes
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All I care about is Fresh 2.1!
troyboytn said:
That is a very good question. I am completely happy with what I have now. Fresh 2.0d is, IMO, as good as it gets.
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I agree
TheBiles said:
All I care about is Fresh 2.1!
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gunnyman said:
It seems to me thanks to the leak, we have everything an official release would have, except the bugs . Why is everyone anticipating it so much?
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Some of you guys are completely delusional. The official release is going to fix an enormous number of bugs that currently exist in all 2.1-leak-based roms.
Sawawa said:
Some of you guys are completely delusional. The official release is going to fix an enormous number of bugs that currently exist in all 2.1-leak-based roms.
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And most likely create more bugs than it fixes.....just as the November MR did.
Sawawa said:
Some of you guys are completely delusional. The official release is going to fix an enormous number of bugs that currently exist in all 2.1-leak-based roms.
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im not sure what bugs you are refering to. I have 0 problems with my phone (except when I mess with stuff)
First the OFFICIAL version shouldn't have us running back and forth to FIX little things.
Loading a ROM after the release should be as smooth as say....Fresh 1.1
I haven't had to FIX anything in that ROM and everything works.
My 2 cents is that being able to find the thread you want with the ROM dev you like and then load that ROM would be sweet.
But sifting thru' 200 plus pages and being asked to fix the ROM is weird for me.
Seems the dev would ADD the fix and re-release?.....no?
But like everyone else, I'm waiting for the OFFICIAL release before jumping into making assorted changes which we ALL might have to re-change when the release comes about.
bubbacs1 said:
First the OFFICIAL version shouldn't have us running back and forth to FIX little things.
Loading a ROM after the release should be as smooth as say....Fresh 1.1
I haven't had to FIX anything in that ROM and everything works.
My 2 cents is that being able to find the thread you want with the ROM dev you like and then load that ROM would be sweet.
But sifting thru' 200 plus pages and being asked to fix the ROM is weird for me.
Seems the dev would ADD the fix and re-release?.....no?
But like everyone else, I'm waiting for the OFFICIAL release before jumping into making assorted changes which we ALL might have to re-change when the release comes about.
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The forums are called 'XDA DEVELOPERS'. If you (not you specifically but in general) are going to ***** and whine because the ROMs you're using aren't 100% flawless...you're in the wrong place. Sit down shut up and wait for the official release. These ROMs aren't perfect, nor are they intended to be...but by and large they're a hell of a lot better than the crap Sprint has consistently put out (both Android and WinMo).
As for 'fixing huge amount of bugs'....umm..I doubt it. I doubt Sprint would even be aware of most of them were it not for developers and testers like those here on XDA.
With the update to 2.1, Hero users will be able to activate an ancient supernatural power known as Voltron. We can either use it to better humanity...or destroy society.... I call dibs on the head.
With the update to 2.1, Hero users will be able to activate an ancient supernatural power known as Voltron. We can either use it to better humanity...or destroy society.... I call dibs on the head.
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lol I think apple is gonna do that. lol
Sent from my HERO200 using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
I wouldn't look for that .29 kernel source to be available when the office 2.1 drops. HTC's gonna **** around for a while before giving that up.
thedudejdog said:
2. kernel source code for the .29 kernel.
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Considering how long it took to get the source code for the .27 kernel, don't count on it.
bubbacs1 said:
First the OFFICIAL version shouldn't have us running back and forth to FIX little things.
Loading a ROM after the release should be as smooth as say....Fresh 1.1
I haven't had to FIX anything in that ROM and everything works.
My 2 cents is that being able to find the thread you want with the ROM dev you like and then load that ROM would be sweet.
But sifting thru' 200 plus pages and being asked to fix the ROM is weird for me.
Seems the dev would ADD the fix and re-release?.....no?
But like everyone else, I'm waiting for the OFFICIAL release before jumping into making assorted changes which we ALL might have to re-change when the release comes about.
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well i never really had any problems since i rooted and installed the roms that ive gotten from xda (damage 2.0r3 and now 2.07.2) to be honest they have been much more bug free than the stock rom 1.56 that i origionally had. so im sticking with xda and to go back and never be able to root again.... well thats scarry

Any Developer Interested in A Official Cyanogenmod Rom?

I noticed lately that the supported devices officially for cyanogenmod is getting bigger and bigger, so maybe one of you guys can talk to cyanogen bout joinin his team.. i remember from his website he had this to say recently:
"A lot of people ask me about adding support for their phone, but we can only support phones that we actually own. The CM team is always looking for new hackers to join up with us to add support for their favorite device. Get in touch with me if you’d like to help."
I know that there is roms pretty much quality and as up to date as an official cyanogenmod, but these roms are only limited by the website its on. unfortunately not everyone knows about xda (shocking thought, since im on here daily).
i hope the big devs for the eris reads this, for im sure its a good idea.....
Honestly the Roms that get handed out here are better than Cyanogen in that the people that make them implement their own tweaks inside the core of the rom that make them better. I personally WOULD use an official Cyanogen rom because who knows maybe its more stable and all, but still.
Since he already plays the role with his kernel and vendor tree, I vote for Canop
Canop for Cyanogenmod!
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
I vote Conap too! lol
I'm not really sure of much added benefit from "official" cm releases other than the ability to flash a nightly build every day. Most of the devs build their rom directly from cm source or port the nightles. With the way it is now you have a choice of many custom cm roms whereas some devices with "official" cm support only have the cm release.
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
I've wondered about this too, but like others have said... We are probably better off the way it is now or at least not any worse off. The Hero builds are relatively easy to port and building from source has been worked out pretty well, so it doesn't really matter if we have an 'official' one.
+1 for Conap.
I would like to see an official build.
I vote for Conap, gnarlyc, SikYou & me... let's take over the world guys!!! lmao
btw... Conap's rom... Sik's rom... My rom... are basically Pure CM already
Ok. I'll fix the camera.
workshed said:
I vote for Conap, gnarlyc, SikYou & me... let's take over the world guys!!! lmao
btw... Conap's rom... My rom... are basically Pure CM already
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gnarlyc said:
Ok. I'll fix the camera.
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lol, we have a working camera ... now if you'd just fix the aosp camera
Tazz.. my vote all the way
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
workshed said:
I vote for Conap, gnarlyc, SikYou & me... let's take over the world guys!!! lmao
btw... Conap's rom... Sik's rom... My rom... are basically Pure CM already
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I don't know what the big deal is, we've got pretty good roms already.
workshed said:
I vote for Conap, gnarlyc, SikYou & me... let's take over the world guys!!! lmao
btw... Conap's rom... Sik's rom... My rom... are basically Pure CM already
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btw shed so is mine
tazzpatriot said:
btw shed so is mine
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Damn, you must be from the south, sensitive much? lol (Classic tazz comeback)
You're never in the irc chan, so I'm not including you in my sentance
Stonent said:
I don't know what the big deal is, we've got pretty good roms already.
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And I'm not sure why you quoted me, then said that
My phone isn't powered by batteries. It's powered by Kaos
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Oh... I see why now lol
workshed said:
Damn, you must be from the south, sensitive much? lol (Classic tazz comeback)
You're never in the irc chan, so I'm not including you in my sentance
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its cool just wanted o see how u would responed
tazzpatriot said:
its cool just wanted o see how u would responed
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... go looking for trouble, and you'll definitely find it
the whole point of having it officially done is to not only have a way wider audience, but also to have all the setup for anyone to compile.. it really opens up the development of a device...
Wider audience? There are only 8 of us that still own the eris and 4 of us are upgrading in January lol
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
SikYou said:
Wider audience? There are only 8 of us that still own the eris and 4 of us are upgrading in January lol
Sent from my nonsensikal froyo
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lmao... ZING! I predict this forum will be a desert wasteland after x-mas this year. Kind of Bums me out, but it's gotta happen some time. I'll still be here though lol

Leaked 2.3 ROM FOR i9000 GALAXY S

This is a just leaked rom for the galaxy s. hopefully the devs can use it for the vibrant.
well even if not at least we know now that Samsung wasn't lying about March for the euro/Asian markets.
Nice, hopefully we will be able to use this to our advantage?
Also, couldn't we flash this since we now have the kernel that allow us to flash i900 ROMS? If we could just flash those files, then flash the kernel through Odin somehow it might work. Idk though, I'm no dev.
reddragon72 said:
well even if not at least we know now that Samsung wasn't lying about March for the euro/Asian markets.
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+1, Samsung might actually hold up to their promises this time around! Or, probably not.
more details - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=974117
damb, this is so great, im thinking maybe tonight we might have a port for the vibrant, and i wonder if eugene and krylon know about this considering, it just today got leaked, a few hours ago.............. anyways, everyone post on this, lets get the hype going, we want this baby ported ASAP.. always thanks so much eugene and krylon, my brothers of galaxy android
So far from what i've read over there...
Looks like quadrant scores are not improved over 2.2 which is what i'm sure most people are hoping for. It also appears that the screen off animation is not present in the rom. It's also using Touchwiz 3.0 and not 4. Market is broken, and gingerbread keyboard also not included. Looks like an early beta build from what i've read.
market is working, they have root access, and they are in the process of deodexing.
So far from what i've read over there...
damn double post. please delete
Sweet, hope we can get some cooked roms soon
The bad thing about it, it uses touchwiz 3.0, not stock.
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA App
hitman818 said:
The bad thing about it, it uses touchwiz 3.0, not stock.
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA App
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True but we have CM7 for that. I was looking forward to TW 4.0. Cant wait to try out both.
Paging Dr B said:
True but we have CM7 for that. I was looking forward to TW 4.0. Cant wait to try out both.
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Im using cm7 right now. Cant wait to be finished.
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA App
Paging Dr B said:
True but we have CM7 for that. I was looking forward to TW 4.0. Cant wait to try out both.
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did they do that much improvement on tw 4.0 to make it all exciting and everyone wanting it now.
dligon said:
did they do that much improvement on tw 4.0 to make it all exciting and everyone wanting it now.
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There are videos on youtube if you want to see.
Sent from my Vibrant using XDA App
Man how things have turned around for us Vibrant owners. Source... 2.2.1 roms/ports... unofficial CM7.. And now this. We can finally be proud Vibrant owners
nickdog670 said:
Nice, hopefully we will be able to use this to our advantage?
Also, couldn't we flash this since we now have the kernel that allow us to flash i900 ROMS? If we could just flash those files, then flash the kernel through Odin somehow it might work. Idk though, I'm no dev.
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The kernel that allows us to flash i9000 ROMs is only 2.2 and 2.2.1 compatible. I'm pretty sure someone would have to build a new kernel to let us flash that or port the ROM over.
The crowds are getting restless over there. They're in an uproar about "this is missing" and "that is missing". One of the complaints is about the gingerbread wallpaper being missing. But these guys forget that our 2.1 devices didn't come with stock 2.1 walls. They instead came with whatever wallpapers samsung gave us. Overall it's starting to sound more complete than the first froyo leaks that we used to have which is reassuring. Some of the guys say that the leak is stable and everything is working on their devices. One of the nice improvements they're reporting is functioning hardware acceleration.
No TV-off?! NOooOoO!
(not being sarcastic)
Paging Dr B said:
The crowds are getting restless over there. They're in an uproar about "this is missing" and "that is missing". One of the complaints is about the gingerbread wallpaper being missing. But these guys forget that our 2.1 devices didn't come with stock 2.1 walls. They instead came with whatever wallpapers samsung gave us. Overall it's starting to sound more complete than the first froyo leaks that we used to have which is reassuring. Some of the guys say that the leak is stable and everything is working on their devices. One of the nice improvements they're reporting is functioning hardware acceleration.
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Funny to see their behavior over it when we are just sinking our teeth into 2.2.1. Maybe its a good thing though.. I myself am so pleased with the performance boost of 2.2.1 that I'm in no rush to flash again but of course I'm in the minority on that.
regP said:
Funny to see their behavior over it when we are just sinking our teeth into 2.2.1. Maybe its a good thing though.. I myself am so pleased with the performance boost of 2.2.1 that I'm in no rush to flash again but of course I'm in the minority on that.
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Na I'm with you on that, running Bionix 1.3 and it really is just as fast as CM7 was for. Really the only thing that gingerbread had over this ROM is that the applications list loaded faster. Plus on this I have themes

Android 4.0 (ICS): F5 is getting bashed, which dev is gunna be first?

Hey guys/gals, Like many of you are probably doin im checking XDA every 10 mins or pressing F5 eagerly awaiting to see who is gunna be first to release a Alpha/Beta/Test port of ICS for our HD2.
I know its still too early and I need to be patient, but I'm like a kid on Xmas eve here
So any guesses as to who is gunna be first to release a ICS port from source?
I was just looking for the same thing lol
I think that the fate of this release, such as HoneyComb
badradine125 said:
I think that the fate of this release, such as HoneyComb
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English please
Haha, doing the same thing.
My F5 key will be severly used the coming days...
not bothered about it, if i do give it a go, it will be after a month or two of the first rom being released as there are bound to be loads of bugs/issues with it
TheATHEiST said:
English please
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I think he means that the chance of getting ICS on our HD2s is as remote as getting honeycomb.
Personally, reading other threads, I must agree. Where are we going to get drivers from?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I think there will be a good chance that CyanogenMod makes it work for the Desire, which has the same hardware as a Hd2
Maybe Imilka will..........
Lets keep our fingers crossed....
Well, if someone works on an ICS port to Nexus One, it'll have some drivers for HD2. We use the same chipset...
Richy99 said:
not bothered about it, if i do give it a go, it will be after a month or two of the first rom being released as there are bound to be loads of bugs/issues with it
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I agree, considering that gingerbread still has issues here and there, ICS might take a while before a stable version see the light.
I'm not worried much about drivers, Honeycomb was released for tablets mostly, so creating new drivers for the HD2 would take a lot of time, but since ICS is made for smartphones (and tablets) it would be easier to make it work on the HD2. but I may be a bit optimistic.
ICS will happen but its going to take some time. Even when its working it will take more time to polish into a every day rom.
I dont think there will be anything worth flashing until 2012.
me 呵呵呵 哈哈哈
man who stole my F5 key?
Dev's are working on it, patience.
I'm going to mess up my fn and f5.
hey do not wait just go to this site -> http://galnetmiui.co.uk/landing/ics-builds/ and enjoy ics miui rom for hd2 curently it is the best rom and fastest rom I tried for htc hd2!
Is this the real deal? It looks legit but didn't they just release the code not even 1 or 2 days ago? I'm downloading right now, what new features does ICS have?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using xda premium
Does anyone have tried it already? Fully working?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
incomer said:
Does anyone have tried it already? Fully working?
Sent from my HTC HD2 using Tapatalk
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Im about to install it
Its booting lol
I thinks its bullsh#t, nothing special about it, looks just like regular MIUI, it says its android version 4.0.1 but i dont see anything special on phone
DOnt waist your time, i just wasted 102mb of data through my wireless plan

Icecream Sandwhich beta sites down

So I figured today that I would install icecream sandwhich on my Evo Shift. There is a problem with this however:
The only download links I can find to the files required are from Multiupload, and Multiupload is being blocked. Does anyone know of an alternative source where I can get: Speedy ICS 4.0.3 AOSP – Evervolv Kang Build v1.1?
I have tried many searches and I am not having any luck. Any help that can be provided would be much appreciated.
http://www.evervolv.com/download/Artis thats his section for the evo shift from his website
YoungCorruptionV2.0 said:
thats his section for the evo shift from his website
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Thank you for your quick response. I went to the website you posted. I see he has listed different versions. The one listed as the most current version does my mention Icecream Sandwich in the log (his previous versions seem to list they are Gingerbread downloads). Also when I clicked the link he gives for the download, it says that he uploaded the file in June of last year, which suggests it isn't Icecream Sandwich. Do you know of a link that is for Android 4.0 (icecream sandwich)? Like I said, I can only find sites that list the Multiupload link, and that site is down. Thanks again for your time and help.
Kuroiyatsu said:
Thank you for your quick response. I went to the website you posted. I see he has listed different versions. The one listed as the most current version does my mention Icecream Sandwich in the log (his previous versions seem to list they are Gingerbread downloads). Also when I clicked the link he gives for the download, it says that he uploaded the file in June of last year, which suggests it isn't Icecream Sandwich. Do you know of a link that is for Android 4.0 (icecream sandwich)? Like I said, I can only find sites that list the Multiupload link, and that site is down. Thanks again for your time and help.
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Ah sorry let me check his twitter. I have an old version of ICS but not his newer one
Kuroiyatsu said:
Thank you for your quick response. I went to the website you posted. I see he has listed different versions. The one listed as the most current version does my mention Icecream Sandwich in the log (his previous versions seem to list they are Gingerbread downloads). Also when I clicked the link he gives for the download, it says that he uploaded the file in June of last year, which suggests it isn't Icecream Sandwich. Do you know of a link that is for Android 4.0 (icecream sandwich)? Like I said, I can only find sites that list the Multiupload link, and that site is down. Thanks again for your time and help.
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yeah that link is only for the his GB ROMs. Prewludedrew actually hasn't updated his ICS for the Shift in a minute AFAIK.. I would suggest trying Zenulators ZenMod9 or KushDeck's ICS ROM.. Both ROMs are a little bit farther along in development.
Here it is http://bit.ly/vhC1dk its Preview 3 but i would listen to crump
I would NOT flash ICS on shift at this time.
I would NOT flash ICS on shift at this time.
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Then don't.. but others may want to give it a shot if just to try out the latest and greatest..
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
Dread 7us said:
Then don't.. but others may want to give it a shot if just to try out the latest and greatest..
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
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Sure. That's a great point.
But keep in mind, when you go back to GB after the display corruption, broken camera, broken GPS, broken WiMax and you get FC's after restoring your nandroid, you'd agree with my opinion.
ics definately is not usable as a daily driver obviously. But it does help the developers for users to flash and report bugs/issues they are having and what may be causing the issues. Some people may not need 4G like people that use miui as their daily roms, so once a majority of the bugs are squashed I'm sure a lot of people will find it usable. I am going to miss things like theme chooser and built in tethering from cm7 though there's a lot of good things in gingerbread roms that I hope I can just let go of when it's time to move on.
sparksco said:
ics definately is not usable as a daily driver obviously. But it does help the developers for users to flash and report bugs/issues they are having and what may be causing the issues. Some people may not need 4g like people that use miui as their daily roms, so once a majority of the bugs are squashed i'm sure a lot of people will find it usable. I am going to miss things like theme chooser and built in tethering from cm7 though there's a lot of good things in gingerbread roms that i hope i can just let go of when it's time to move on.
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but the developers know all the bugs already! Don't report them! It's an alpha! Shutup noob!
but the developers know all the bugs already! Don't report them! It's an alpha! Shutup noob!
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Noob? Who the hell you calling a noob lol? They know all the bugs they had like one or two people test it before releasing it for the devs that don't have the device. We're lucky enough to have some experienced devs that do have the device and probably do know most of the major issues/bugs. Don't ever tell people to shutup, this is a discussion board remember?
Sure. That's a great point.
But keep in mind, when you go back to GB after the display corruption, broken camera, broken GPS, broken WiMax and you get FC's after restoring your nandroid, you'd agree with my opinion.
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Still there's no reason why people should'nt give it a try. Otherwise, what's the point or rooting and installing a custom recovery? You should encourage users to try new ROMs, if it doesn't work out, that's why we have nandroid backups. I was using ICS as a daily since I don't have 4G where I live and camera isn't a big concern for me. I'm currently on MikG to develop an app for tommytomatoe and once complete, I will be rocking it again. How about letting people form their own opinion without you always throwing your negativity and "expert" opinion into the mix?
Sent from my PG06100 using xda premium
Dread 7us said:
How about letting people form their own opinion without you always throwing your negativity and "expert" opinion into the mix?
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This is my reply to your troll. I'm holding back.
---------- Post added at 02:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------
sparksco said:
Noob? Who the hell you calling a noob lol? They know all the bugs they had like one or two people test it before releasing it for the devs that don't have the device. We're lucky enough to have some experienced devs that do have the device and probably do know most of the major issues/bugs. Don't ever tell people to shutup, this is a discussion board remember?
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I can't believe you took that personally and google chatted me about it. ROFL
Sorry for signing off, I was playing BF3.
<3 you sparky
crump84 said:
yeah that link is only for the his GB ROMs. Prewludedrew actually hasn't updated his ICS for the Shift in a minute AFAIK.. I would suggest trying Zenulators ZenMod9 or KushDeck's ICS ROM.. Both ROMs are a little bit farther along in development.
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Where might I find Zenmod 9 or Kushdeck's ICS ROMs?
I guess the only feature not working I would miss is the camera. Do you guys think there is any chance of the camera being fixed in the future?
Kuroiyatsu said:
I guess the only feature not working I would miss is the camera. Do you guys think there is any chance of the camera being fixed in the future?
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Camera partially works with Decks and Zens ROM. Both are in the development section.
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
I can't believe you took that personally and google chatted me about it. ROFL
Sorry for signing off, I was playing BF3.
<3 you sparky
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It was late and I had to go to bed
sparksco said:
It was late and I had to go to bed
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Sorry, you are limited to 8 thanks per day
crump84 said:
Camera partially works with Decks and Zens ROM. Both are in the development section.
Sent from my PG06100 using Tapatalk
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Oh cool. I will have to give it a try this weekend. Which of the two mods do you like more? And why?
Thanks for the info.
