why are people donating? - Atrix 4G General

does anyone else realize that a certain developer is just taking money from people and not producing any results?
and then he appears as this super mysterious person that says a few words on his so called "progress" and then more people donate but still nothing is happening.
he had an overclock thread that people donated to see completed but that didn't happen....
i understand that developing takes time, but seriously, every other developer explains a little better about what exactly they have accomplished and don't leave things to interpretation of the users.

TheLlamaGod said:
does anyone else realize that a certain developer is just taking money from people and not producing any results?
and then he appears as this super mysterious person that says a few words on his so called "progress" and then more people donate but still nothing is happening.
he had an overclock thread that people donated to see completed but that didn't happen....
i understand that developing takes time, but seriously, every other developer explains a little better about what exactly they have accomplished and don't leave things to interpretation of the users.
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listen if you are going to make accusations you need to say names, otherwise how are the admins gonna follow up. say either say someones name, or this is totally pointless!

samcripp said:
listen if you are going to make accusations you need to say names, otherwise how are the admins gonna follow up. say either say someones name, or this is totally pointless!
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Names, and give the people you are accusing a chance to defend themselves or STFU and GTFO!

The developer im referring to is kholk and if you don't realize that then you haven't really been paying attention to this forum.
Also, there is no chance he is going to defend himself because he is way to "busy"

LOL, Kholk never made anyone donate. Thats why its a donation. If you did before getting results thats your own fault. I only donate when there is a result, not when there is a theory like ive seen a lot of others do. Its not your place to tell people to donate or not or accuse anyone of not producing, they never said they could produce results anyways. Just that they are trying.

TheLlamaGod said:
The developer im referring to is kholk and if you don't realize that then you haven't really been paying attention to this forum.
Also, there is no chance he is going to defend himself because he is way to "busy"
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1. We're not fu*king mind readers, so no, I didn't realize that! There are a lot of devs here.
2. If you have a complaint, PM a moderator instead of starting a ****ty thread which will just incite flaming, (which I believe is all you want).
3. What the fu*k has it got to do with you if other people are donating?> Is it coming out of your bank account?
4. STFU!
5. GTFO!
Can a mod please close this before it gets out of hand.

He wasnt too busy to confirm the new GB build for unlocked devices is stable, just in the past 24 hours. He also offered to give anybody their donations back when he didnt have to do that. You ask the man to do the imposible and then complain he hasnt met your time frame? At least hes not holding it over your head telling you he can have an unlocked bootloader and you cant. This community is for sharing. Kholk has shared code and time, you have shared what? Maybe $20? And so you expect to be updated daily? Weekly? Not how it works. DG did take peeps money and run, kholk is here still.

you guys get mad easy.
i was just pointing something out.
"I can only officially say that there's a way. And I confirm the fact that I'm not sleeping "
This statement alone probably got him dozens more donations and for what?

by the way, kholk is also suffering from a broken pc. this was already discuss in a different thread on the dev section. no one ask you to donate. this people do it for free, to learn, to help. if you donated and feel is not worth it, theres a way to cancel your donation on paypal. im a dev myself, and i can tell you first hand that the work this guys are doing is difficult. breaking the security on a bootloader that a group of engineers created is difficult, and doing it by himself is even more difficult. this threads only serve as a way out for most devs. of course the atrix is getting no love, theres people that instead of helping, rather poop talk!

Nobody is forced to donate. Some of us donate during the process and others after the outcome or not at all.
Personally I gave up hope on anyone unlocking or bypassing the boot loader except moto. Kexec and 2nd initial and 2.3 previews are spaced evenly enough to keep us entertained tho.

Like everyone else said...
It's not like people are donating your money so why are you mad?
If you're not deving yourself, stop hating. Otherwise dev yourself.

im not mad. nothing i said was showing me as mad!
i never donated because i never saw a reason to.

Great another thread bashing one of the few developers who is still interested in the atrix at all!! Most devs ditched this phone a long time ago! Kholk doesn't deserve this!
So if a mod could delete this pointless thread before kholk actually sees it! It would be greatly appreciated by most on here I'm sure!

It seems the OP had a bad night with his transformer and GF... go back with ur barbecue
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Man this whole thread sucks
Sent from my MB860 using XDA Premium App

Exodus, is that you?
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App

Moderator was notified.
Please, don't feel the troll.

This won't lead to nothing, thread closed.


kkruse, I see in your sig you're running your own custom Kernel

What's it customized to do?
thread; the new pm
this ain't twitter
lock this please....
wow I thought this might be relevant to other people's interests. If you don't like the thread don't click on it.
you're not junior mods that get threads locked at your request so gtfo.
LOl Hilarious
akijikan said:
wow I thought this might be relevant to other people's interests. If you don't like the thread don't click on it.
you're not junior mods that get threads locked at your request so gtfo.
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not junior mods, not claiming to be... this isn't YOUR forum as much as it's not mine or anyone elses... and it is EXPECIALLY not your personal pm. If he responded then maybe you can put something of relevence here,
not a topic asking a specific person a specific question :facepalm:
make your own kernel
johnsongrantr said:
not junior mods, not claiming to be... this isn't YOUR forum as much as it's not mine or anyone elses... and it is EXPECIALLY not your personal pm. If he responded then maybe you can put something of relevence here,
not a topic asking a specific person a specific question :facepalm:
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facepalm yourself, there's nothing wrong with asking a specific person a question in a topic. You obviously don't care for the thread and you have nothing to add to it so stop posting in it just to thread crap.
david279 said:
make your own kernel
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Thanks, I already know how to do that though. This thread was started to ask if kkruse might share with us what he did since it might be useful to incorporate into our own kernels.
akijikan said:
facepalm yourself, there's nothing wrong with asking a specific person a question in a topic. You obviously don't care for the thread and you have nothing to add to it so stop posting in it just to thread crap.
Thanks, I already know how to do that though.
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You're just a damn moron, so I forgive you and I'll break it down like barney... (he's a big purple stuffed dinosaur geared for 5 year olds fyi)
I see the point you would be getting at in this topic, in fact, very interested in what it *could* potentially be about... hence why I clicked on it... but found absolutely nothing of importance inside.
I want my 5 seconds of my life back please.... they add up reading crap like this. And the 5 minutes explaining that to you... I accept visa or mastercard
johnsongrantr said:
You're just a damn moron, so I forgive you and I'll break it down like barney... (he's a big purple stuffed dinosaur geared for 5 year olds fyi)
I see the point you would be getting at in this topic, in fact, very interested in what it *could* potentially be about... hence why I clicked on it... but found absolutely nothing of importance inside.
I want my 5 seconds of my life back please.... they add up reading crap like this. And the 5 minutes explaining that to you... I accept visa or mastercard
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I'm not going to pay the time you wasted trying to bully me into doing things your way. Sorry you choose to see that as moronic.
johnsongrantr said:
You're just a damn moron, so I forgive you and I'll break it down like barney... (he's a big purple stuffed dinosaur geared for 5 year olds fyi)
I see the point you would be getting at in this topic, in fact, very interested in what it *could* potentially be about... hence why I clicked on it... but found absolutely nothing of importance inside.
I want my 5 seconds of my life back please.... they add up reading crap like this. And the 5 minutes explaining that to you... I accept visa or mastercard
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Wow... The pot calling the kettle black... You are just as retarded.. You're arguing like a little *****.. Shut your mouth... Leave the guy alone. If you don't like the thread, forget it exists..
It is not yours, nor anyone else's to say anything.. A forum is made to voice any concerns whatsoever that the users feel necessary... For you to reply as aggressively as you did, doesn't make your forum rep jump up, you actually just end up making yourself look like a bigger **** than we all already think you are...
Every time I see one of your posts, I wish you would just leave the community...
Maybe its below your asshole tolerance level, but he has every right to post whatever he wants. Go troll somewhere else.
Now, back to the original topic OP.....
^ heard that..what rom is this kat running with the kernal darch's 2.1?
johnsongrantr said:
not junior mods, not claiming to be... this isn't YOUR forum as much as it's not mine or anyone elses... and it is EXPECIALLY not your personal pm. If he responded then maybe you can put something of relevence here,
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It's 'ESPECIALLY'. There's no X in that word. Also 'relevance' not 'relevence'. I'm certain I'm missing one or two there, but this was just a quick glance. Since you seem to be all over propriety, I suggest learning to spell before criticizing others.
I like these forums, but GOD I'm getting sick of the self proclaimed topic police around here. The guy asked a legitimate question. There was no reason to jump all over him for it.
this is funny
I am not here to agree with johnson's approach to this thread but I have to agree that this thread should not have been created in such forum. PM's are exactly how you communicate with other members and if after PMing said Member, he received info that he felt relevant to the forum, then he should post it. Just starting a thread to ask someone something like that is just a little much.
Loud noises!!!!
I am just tired of threads like this... then people backing up the justification of it being there.... then people going after the ones that get on the ones that post stupid sh*t like this....
I've been reading xda for a very long time and it just goes on and on and on, but this particular handheld seems to attract a butt load of self richous know nothings... and not noobs.. but know nothings... the retard to technical person ratio is just totally f*cked currently, makes me want to go back to hacking winmo phones or something, at least there the idiots let you know they were idiots up front.
and I don't give a big flying f if I can spell or not.. that is the weakest type of argument ever... you obvioulsy know what I'm saying... so I don't really care if you correct me or leave it be, it makes you sound as pompous as you are suggesting I am is all.
@azyouthinkeyeiz I can be the biggest asshole on the face of the planet if I want... I can care less if you or anyone else likes me or not, a knowledgeable person is a knowledgeable person. My job and/or goal here isn't to make friends, it's to learn and to share knowledge. I can dish out whatever info I see fit however I see fit, you don't like it... tough sh*t
Bielinsk said:
Loud noises!!!!
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I love lamp.
johnsongrantr said:
I am just tired of threads like this... then people backing up the justification of it being there.... then people going after the ones that get on the ones that post stupid sh*t like this....
I've been reading xda for a very long time and it just goes on and on and on, but this particular handheld seems to attract a butt load of self richous know nothings... and not noobs.. but know nothings... the retard to technical person ratio is just totally f*cked currently, makes me want to go back to hacking winmo phones or something, at least there the idiots let you know they were idiots up front.
and I don't give a big flying f if I can spell or not.. that is the weakest type of argument ever... you obvioulsy know what I'm saying... so I don't really care if you correct me or leave it be, it makes you sound as pompous as you are suggesting I am is all.
@azyouthinkeyeiz I can be the biggest asshole on the face of the planet if I want... I can care less if you or anyone else likes me or not, a knowledgeable person is a knowledgeable person. My job and/or goal here isn't to make friends, it's to learn and to share knowledge. I can dish out whatever info I see fit however I see fit, you don't like it... tough sh*t
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How ironic that you tried to paint me as the 5 year old in the equation.
I'm here for the same thing, the sharing and development of knowledge surrounding this phone, and this thread as it was started (don't think the same could be said now) met that end in a direct manner.
The only one acting self-righteous though is you.
akijikan said:
The only one acting self-righteous though is you.
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given... but at least I know my sh*t

[poll] Is anyone interested in town hall meeting with mod participation?

OK u guys...I know everyone is tired of all the drama on here. I have been talking to one of the mods through pm and gave a suggestion for a town hall meeting to discuss the problems as of late. The mod agreed that he and hopefully other mods would be willing to open a thread where we can discuss these issues. There will be no banning for what is said in this meeting but with a mod present and engaging in convo the tone needs to stay clean or semi at least. Failure would result in post being deleted. There will be rules that the mods what followed but its to keep the pease.
Look this cdma community has been split for a little while now. U can feel the tention in some post. Its time to stop the flaming and the trolling. This is not just about the nebs/fixxxer thing even though that's what sent all of this overboard.
The mods only see part of this community and its the ugly side. They are harsh cause they are misinformed about certain people and certain actions. This is our opportunity to have a united voice and share how things really are and ideas on how to remedy them
Its time to reunite as the amazing community this used to be and get back to what really matters.
Feel free to comment. Please keep it clean. The more votes in the poll the better.
The meeting would be at a set time and heavily monitored then closed once alotted time had past. Please join and enjoy.
This is not the meeting. It is just a poll to let mods know we are serious and that we can behaive.
excellent idea
I say let by gones be by gones and drop the whole matter. I find it odd that two members and a bunch of trolls can stir up soo much controversy on this forum. I don't have much more to say other than lets just get back to developing and stop worrying about others and what they do or say.
markus_del_marko said:
I say let by gones be by gones and drop the whole matter. I find it odd that two members and a bunch of trolls can stir up soo much controversy on this forum. I don't have much more to say other than lets just get back to developing and stop worrying about others and what they do or say.
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Only someone who knows they were in the wrong and doesnt want to get called out on it would say that...
Seriously, whats the harm in having an open discussion about things?
If you don't want to participate then don't participate
phenicks said:
Only someone who knows they were in the wrong and doesnt want to get called out on it would say that...
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And your response is the exact reason we shouldn't even discuss it anymore. Just as you think im an impostor, i could say the same for you as you just joined up as well. Any one of us could be neb, fix or bad_dog along with a host of others that caused issues on here. If the mods don't care, than neither should we. That's my point of view, im sorry you don't agree but your right i will not be participating in another thread that will do nothing but finger point and get more members banned.
Can you please stick to the OP's request without fighting?
Did the maturity level around here drop when the price of the Hero did?
egzthunder1 said:
Can you please stick to the OP's request without fighting?
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Thanks for the help. I already spoke to one of them off the site and there will be no more fighting from them. Lets keep the pease and make it possitive. That is all.
gunnyman said:
Did the maturity level around here drop when the price of the Hero did?
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It's more along the lines of more people got the device & with a larger community, brings trolls more likely to pop up and/or friction due to difference of opinions between people. There isn't really anything that can be done, except to report issues ASAP & let the mods do their thing.
The Mods need to start locking threads and banning people on a more regular basis.
To me, this sounds like a great idea! I think we should all openly discuss our problems..
great idea and this is very needed.
Wonderful idea
They should call it HTC Hero CMDA BS General. The perfect fu forum. Bs gets put there and people hafta look for it rather than it showing up in a bunch of different places. People are gonna fight so we might as well make a place for it and the "real" developers will post where they are suppose too.
sent from my phone
dukeoflbg said:
They should call it HTC Hero CMDA BS General. The perfect fu forum. Bs gets put there and people hafta look for it rather than it showing up in a bunch of different places. People are gonna fight so we might as well make a place for it and the "real" developers will post where they are suppose too.
sent from my phone
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A very keen observation young Ladd
The same comment to my post from a different user. I know mods, or losers the way they act here, can check this. This **** NEVER HAPPENED at truckforum.org we were all friends. Not like here.
sent from my phone
Lmfao about the moderator closing the thread about overbearing moderators closing threads
dukeoflbg said:
The same comment to my post from a different user. I know mods, or losers the way they act here, can check this. This **** NEVER HAPPENED at truckforum.org we were all friends. Not like here.
sent from my phone
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I'd also be surprised if you had the same number of users at truckforum.com
This will be a flat out waste of time. I am so ****ing tired of this places dictatorship actions lately that I don't think anything but new moderators would fix. Take your power trip and shove it. We can't even bull **** around here without some ****ing mod with his panties shoved so far up his ass closing the thread for no reason. That's no way to run a site. Run it with some sense and handle things appropriately and you won't have nearly as many problems with it.
Sent from your mom!
The real problem is that there's way to many mods so any whiney twit can find and convince one to do his bidding . There seems to be more mods than members

Fight Thread

I can't believe I'm posting this on XDA, but we really need a fight thread so these young whipersnappers can come in and rant about things that amount to lack of research. In a week we've almost lost two devs, and our curse count is the highest in XDA.
I know most of the trolling is from first time Android owners who have been "lurking" for years. Only to sign up when they get a bad flash, wipe the sd, or some other common bug. They log on and cry, and moan in the development... DEVELOPMENT, section.
So Im going to post what to expect when trying new roms, modems, kernals, etc.
1) bootlooping
2)full wipe, everything is subject to erase
3)laggy programs
4)whack ass battery life
5)wake problems
6)banding on cam
7)computer with exclaimation point
9)"logcat or it didnt happen"
10)"read, read, read"
So if you are going to grow a pair and try to blame a dev for your flashing woesm save it. The vets here really dont give a damn cause the true vets know adb, odin, and terminal. Vet doesnt mean the amount of posts it meas we were smart enough to read the stickies. (they do say "read first" you know.
No one here is going to hold your hand and say "this is how you flash" for every fukken rom, modem, sys app, and kernal. We arent going to answer the same question a hundred times, hence the search button.
Bottom line, we may all major in engineering, but you have to know your classification. As a freshman its up to you to research and get the remedial answers. sophmores help out the freshmen without hendering your learning. Juniors and seniors answer questions but remember you dont know it all. 5th years, aka devs, make the effort without being an ass. Set the expectation and stick with it.
Make sense? Good. Know your roll and shut your mouths gibronis! Lol.
Edit: please allow 1-2 full days of testing before crying about the OP needs updating. If you have the kinda time to stare at a thread and update an OP instantly, then you already knew there was a problem. If you dont have that time, what makes you think a dev does? (poor saps)
Sent from my Sgh-T959 using XDA App
Nice write up. Sadly, its all true...
Sent from my SGH-T959
Unfortunately the only people that will see this is the ones that do any kind of research.
Personally Ive bricked a hardware locked phone, that I had to make a jig for after trying everything else under the sun.I read all the disclaimers and knew if anything happened it was my resposibility. The community took pity and took several man hours worth of effort trying to help and i've never been anything but grateful.
So instead of ranting about those that ruin it for us all (though I agree), I'd rather take the time to thank the rest of the community that shows patience and helps, and especially thank the devs that allow us to break our phones in new and exciting ways.
Keep up the good work, and thanks again.
iheartdroid said:
Unfortunately the only people that will see this is the ones that do any kind of research.
Personally Ive bricked a hardware locked phone, that I had to make a jig for after trying everything else under the sun.I read all the disclaimers and knew if anything happened it was my resposibility. The community took pity and took several man hours worth of effort trying to help and i've never been anything but grateful.
So instead of ranting about those that ruin it for us all (though I agree), I'd rather take the time to thank the rest of the community that shows patience and helps, and especially thank the devs that allow us to break our phones in new and exciting ways.
Keep up the good work, and thanks again.
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Awesome post, thats what I miss from the G1 forums
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Which devs were lost?
iheartdroid said:
Unfortunately the only people that will see this is the ones that do any kind of research.
Personally Ive bricked a hardware locked phone, that I had to make a jig for after trying everything else under the sun.I read all the disclaimers and knew if anything happened it was my resposibility. The community took pity and took several man hours worth of effort trying to help and i've never been anything but grateful.
So instead of ranting about those that ruin it for us all (though I agree), I'd rather take the time to thank the rest of the community that shows patience and helps, and especially thank the devs that allow us to break our phones in new and exciting ways.
Keep up the good work, and thanks again.
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Both the OP and your post have it both right +1........... There are a number of us who will help people just to help them understand, and what I find appalling is when you do, some are just so selfish they complain...... essentially, that you weren't willing to get on a plane/train or auto and drive over to their house and to a "home call" repair for them..... It's really comical to me that people get a real work of art (the custom ROM) and all they do is ***** that it didn't come with a a beer and fries..............go figure
Also, I see more hostility here than some of the other phone forums, must just be the popularity of this phone.
Both of you great posts.
Joshochoa187 said:
Which devs were lost?
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Pretty much every dev here has left in frustration at some point, fed up with the abuse and bad treatment. This recent episode of someone actually flat out insulting Eugene in his own thread is a new low though.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
Wtf are serious? What did he say to eugene and why? He just came back.
You know what I find hilarious? 90% of the ppl here who talk s**t to others on xda wouldn't have the balls to say it to that persons face
^ Ha! Ain't that the truth.
#1 rule about the fight thread, never talk about the fight thread!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

[ANNOUNCEMENT]Please stop putting down the Devs in these posts

Please stop with the dumb comments against the devs. This is totally uncalled for and should stop now. I am someone who really enjoy's coming to this site. I come here to read, learn and always am looking for new fun things to flash.
IMO all the devs here are amazing and remember they do this all for free, They dont have to give us nothing but they give us amazing Roms, Kernels and Themes to make our phones better and allows us to customize it how we like. You are all entitled to an opinion but if you have nothing nice to say then you should'nt say it. Dont start crap because your Rom hasnt been updated in a few days, you know the devs are working on it and will release it after its been tested. I know i want something tested before i flash it and i would think you would also. So lets remember we all are here for the same reasons and i would like to make sure the devs know we appreciate them and all they do for us. I dont want devs to start getting pissed and say forget you all so lets try being nicer to them.
Sorry for this but this is just my opinion and i hope you all would agree with me.
^^^Absolutely agree
Sent from my OTB Comm.Rominate
+2 absolutely agree. If you don't like how the devs are, STFU and go AWAY. They do amazing things for us. Period.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Not meant as a rant, just my POV
Why, Why would anyone who is a member or user of XDA, bash on the Developers?? This is ASININE!! The developers here have made your devices so much better than they are stock. they spend countless hours fixing what the carrier and manufacturer screwed up in the first place and pawned off on us as GOOD STUFF Every time I have Questions or Issues with something it has been a developer who helped me, so in return they get all my support. Then I take what I already knew and what I learn here and apply it to helping other who are not at the level i am yet. So if this forum is dedicated to making things better for your devices and your understanding of those devices and its OS, which they MOST definitely ARE, why not show support and ask for help if something is going wrong or you don't understand, most of us are truly here to help. Instead of complaining and bashing do some research and find out how to help yourself, who knows, you might get so addicted to it you become a developer yourself.
DaleV said:
Why, Why would anyone who is a member or user of XDA, bash on the Developers?? This is ASININE!! The developers here have made your devices so much better than they are stock. they spend countless hours fixing what the carrier and manufacturer screwed up in the first place and pawned off on us as GOOD STUFF Every time I have Questions or Issues with something it has been a developer who helped me, so in return they get all my support. Then I take what I already knew and what I learn here and apply it to helping other who are not at the level i am yet. So if this forum is dedicated to making things better for your devices and your understanding of those devices and its OS, which they MOST definitely ARE, why not show support and ask for help if something is going wrong or you don't understand, most of us are truly here to help. Instead of complaining and bashing do some research and find out how to help yourself, who knows, you might get so addicted to it you become a developer yourself.
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Thank you... It's nice to see people are agreeing with me on this.
Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Also, remember to not be frustrated when they can't instantly solve a problem. There is a reason that they make the roms, and you don't. Most people are busy.. maybe they have a job, family, and/or school. The fascinate really has talented people working on it. We are some of the lucky people that flash new toms and kernels without a locked bootloader.
Sent from my Samsung Superphone using XDA App
you know the sad thing about these people, is that they come back.
Could not agree more. There is no need for any slinging in here.
I also get bummed when I sere people *telling* themers what to change.
None of us has to be anything outside of stock. If you opt to participate in the progress, great, enjoy. But know that the guys that build out owe you nothing.
You have it because THEY are awesome.
And OP, I love that you made a thread for this. :thumbup:
Best post I've read in a long while.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA Premium App
Excellent post.
Sent from my SCH-I500 using XDA App
Wait, so I can't demand faster updates and better support for all the money that I'm NOT paying? You mean to tell me that I can't catch attitude with the devs who are doing all of this for free? Are you trying to suggest that I can't complain about the bleeding edge software/firmware and a**kicking mods that we get from them when Samsung and Verizon wouldn't walk across the street to piss on our heads if we were on fire? Are you implicating that I don't have the right to leave criticizing posts and berate the devs when this awesome stuff isn't exactly to my liking? Especially when it's user error and all my fault? To sum it all up you're basically saying that it's wrong for me to be an a**hole and totally ungrateul when I've contributed absolutely NOTHING to this community? That's it! I'm getting an iPhone and I'm leaving!
Lol! Great post man! For real! 100% AGREE!
Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Great post fitti...and on that note...remember to donate to those you use. It takes so much time to do this kinda stuff, we should at least buy em a beer.
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer?
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I've no idea what he's referring to either.
And the use of the prefix, "[ANNOUNCEMENT]" for this self-righteous rant seems rather pretentious.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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I think this thread was started in response to chronster's comments in your Crysis Revolution thread about Community ROM being broken and your theme not being made for other ROMs.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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Well there has been people coming into the posts and complaining that this Rom or theme hasnt been updated. i mean i am all for the newest updates to any of the Roms, themes, launchers and anything you all do for us. So basically i was just trying to put it out there that anyone who is not contributing to any dev or mods should just be patient and in time all their ROMS, Themes, CWM and everything that you all do will get done. I was just getting tired of people demanding stuff, i mean come on if you want something bad enough and you can't wait then oh well learn to do it yourself. There are plenty of people waiting for Comrom v 2.0 and they will have to wait until it has been tested and released, when it is it will be awesome b/c these good people who have jobs and lives outside of this posts are willing to do amazing stuff in their free time. I know your Tw4 is going to be awesome and you do amazing work.
I just want everyone to be nice to you all as they should be showing their appreciation instead of sometimes being asses to some of the devs. I didnt enjoy my phone when i first got it and now i love it because of all that you all do... I just wanted you all to know it and i hoped everyone else agrees with me.
landshark68 said:
I think this thread was started in response to chronster's comments in your Crysis Revolution thread about Community ROM being broken and your theme not being made for other ROMs.
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Landshark you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for that.
fitti28 said:
Landshark you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for that.
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Well, remember the troll from that thread blamed his lack of meds as the problem.... yeah I didn't buy it either.
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Our devs rule and everyone knows it. Anyone who would bash them is clearly a troll or an idiot, or both, and shouldn't be paid an ounce of attention.
thefunkbot said:
Just curious, but where did you see anyone bashing a developer? The only bashing i have ever seen in the fascinate forum was of people who post things that are obviously not their own work. A lot of comm rom supporters used to have bad attitudes towards nitro for including tsm parts in his rom, but he has gotten rid of those now so there is no reason to be mad at him.
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yeah it wasnt just chronster though....if you actually want to bang your head against the wall there are dozens of lousy comments in the com rom thread about "this rom is broken, why release this..blah blah"
really irritating

Kholk Quit by the looks of it.. thanks guys..

To all those wondering what Kholk has been up too lately, this is what I came back to find in the IRC chat after going AFK..
* kholk ([email protected] IP/kholk) has joined #moto-atrix
* ChanServ gives voice to kholk
<kholk> re.
<AstainHellbring> hi
<kholk> hi AstainHellbring
<kholk> I'm here only to say a fast thing
<kholk> about those morons that are constantly attacking me
<kholk> well, I hope in this channel there's still a logbot
<kholk> but if there isn't, someone'll make them to see what I'm writing
<kholk> anyway
<kholk> dedicated to the guys that are constantly attacking me:
<kholk> 1. You're only morons, if only you'd know 1/800 of the things that I've done, you'd be the king of the world now.
<kholk> 2. If that's a "Thank you for working on the Atrix for months, night and day", you should say it in a different way. Really.
<kholk> 3. Really, I don't know how to explain what I want to say to you, but.. only bad words.
<kholk> 4. Enjoy without me.
<kholk> Goodbye!
* kholk ([email protected] IP/kholk) has left #moto-atrix
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DarkRyoushii said:
To all those wondering what Kholk has been up too lately, this is what I came back to find in the IRC chat after going AFK..
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He has also tweeted he is working on other phones still naming the project eternity. I really never seen anything from him but words, no results. Im not sad.
Great! Now we have lost a great dev because of a few assholes! Yes, we do still have great devs and with those devs, we will be ok. However, kholk has put a lot of work into the atrix and this is how we thank him? By running him away. He would have been a great contributor to the atrix! Just look at some other phones he has made ROMs and kernels for! He truly is a great dev and now he won't even be helping us! And I hope kholk sees this and comes back. These devs need to know that we appreciate then or they leave, like this! Everyone who appreciates the things he has done so far, comment here, show him we appreciate it and maybe, just maybe hell come back.
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SMH to all those who just have negative comments about everything... Did you pay a membership fee to join XDA?.... Didn't think so, therefore there should be less complaining and moaning and more "Keep your mouth shut". This is not directed at just those who bad mouth Kholk but at those who bad mouth everything that happens on this site.
If you want something done and it is not happening in a manner in which you would "LIKE" it done, then become a developer you lazy moochers. Other then that you should have complete patience as the developers here owe no one person anything. If you donated and you feel it was a waste, then why did you donate? better off with out the lot of you IMO who are always saying, "whats the status on the bootloader?", "When is CM7 being ported?", Why did I donate to see zero results?".. I don't know, why did you donate? hahah
lyon21 said:
Great! Now we have lost a great dev because of a few assholes! Yes, we do still have great devs and with those devs, we will be ok. However, kholk has put a lot of work into the atrix and this is how we thank him? By running him away. He would have been a great contributor to the atrix! Just look at some other phones he has made ROMs and kernels for! He truly is a great dev and now he won't even be helping us! And I hope kholk sees this and comes back. These devs need to know that we appreciate then or they leave, like this! Everyone who appreciates the things he has done so far, comment here, show him we appreciate it and maybe, just maybe hell come back.
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Yes I have seen his other ROMS, but that does not help us here. I guess that tenfar, Sograth, eval_, unknown_, Edgan, The2dCour and many others have not done anything as amazing as kholk's work for the Atrix. O PLEASE COME BACK.
ClearFire said:
SMH to all those who just have negative comments about everything... Did you pay a membership fee to join XDA?.... Didn't think so, therefore there should be less complaining and moaning and more "Keep your mouth shut". This is not directed at just those who bad mouth Kholk but at those who bad mouth everything that happens on this site.
If you want something done and it is not happening in a manner in which you would "LIKE" it done, then become a developer you lazy moochers. Other then that you should have complete patience as the developers here owe no one person anything. If you donated and you feel it was a waste, then why did you donate? better off with out the lot of you IMO who are always saying, "whats the status on the bootloader?", "When is CM7 being ported?", Why did I donate to see zero results?".. I don't know, why did you donate? hahah
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Stated like a pro! Your exactly correct! Kholk is only going to be the first to go if people don't straighten up! The atrix has taken a long time to be unlocked. A lot of devs are already working on phones that came unlocked that are already out! Don't push the great devs that we have now away! Also, I do believe this belongs in the dev section, the general section and every other atrix section! People need to express their gratitude and the devs need to see that they are greatly appreciated!
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wow that really is too bad...
It's a shame a dev can be attacked like that by so many...its even more of a shame that a dev ( as hard as it can be ) can take all of those attacks to heart so much that they actually abandon their projects.
Sometimes dev forums can be like high school yes, however we are (mostly) adults here and insults and attacks should only be taken with a grain of salt... although some members can be huge troll's there does need to be some level of thick skinned'ness as an adult and some of us DO need to learn to let the majority of insults and attacks roll off of your back.
This is the real world folks and there are thousands of members in the Atrix community alone that don't understand how to code and program. As a result there will be harsh words spoken and as immature as they are you need to learn to let go.
There truly are more members here that aren't trolling and are extremely great-full for the work that devs put in since us (real) adults know that we would never be able to understand what and how you do things.
It's disappointing that he is no longer involved because of being perhaps a little sensitive to criticism and i hope kholk reads this so that he may come back with the understanding that there are just deuchbags in this world and there is nothing we can do about it and i think this goes for all dev's on any phone in any forum.
Kholk thank you for very much for your hard work that you put in. Know that it has not gone un-appreciated. There are just more people that appreciate it than don't.
On that note i end this rant in the hopes that more dev's don't jump ship due simply to the fact that there are people in this world that either simply don't have nice things to say, don't understand how difficult coding is and don't appreciate the hard work...
If you aren't good with criticism then perhaps you don't belong in a community where sharing your work is expected.
Well, as far as I can tell, kholk talked a lot about what he was working on but I don't know what he has accomplished. I'm not saying he accomplished nothing, I just have no idea what he actually did. From the results produced by the other devs for this phone, I am happy with the results and can suffer a tantrum.
sifon187 said:
Yes I have seen his other ROMS, but that does not help us here. I guess that tenfar, Sograth, eval_, unknown_, Edgan, The2dCour and many others have not done anything as amazing as kholk's work for the Atrix. O PLEASE COME BACK.
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I never said that! I have told every one of them that I appreciate what they have done! Everything each of them has done is great! I am saying that we need every dev we can get! I am not saying that kholk is any better than any of those guys. I am saying that we could have benefited from his developments. I, for one, don't want to see any of our devs go. EVERY ONE of then are great to have and do amazing things with such a complex device!
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lyon21 said:
I never said that! I have told every one of them that I appreciate what they have done! Everything each of them has done is great! I am saying that we need every dev we can get! I am not saying that kholk is any better than any of those guys. I am saying that we could have benefited from his developments. I, for one, don't want to see any of our devs go. EVERY ONE of then are great to have and do amazing things with such a complex device!
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My point being is this. Alot of our community has put Kholk on this high pedestal. He gave us tidbits of information on things he was working on, but no results. I know its free (blah blah blah), but when you offer anything up, you should except criticism.
Everyone please take note. The majority of the criticism directed towards kholk was not from the screaming masses and idiots on xda, but from very well respected people in this community. If you have been on IRC, you know who I am talking about. I don't know if that changes anything in your eyes, but this is not an example of trolls driving a dev out.
Kholks problem was that he simply promised too much and didn't deliver. He asked for money as though his projects were mostly or partially complete, but never actually published them. I don't doubt that he is intelligent, he simply overreached himself on the ATRIX, and the community after a very long time, did backlash against him.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Very sad indeed :-(
Yeah, I have no idea who this guy is... nuff' said?
I've been happy with the devs producing results in this forum. I tip my hat to you.
EDIT: I just did a little research and found his contributions. He was providing valuable information and I retract my earlier statement. We all hope you return Kholk.
He folded based on the words of morons.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Well, that's a bit disheartening.
We'll miss you Kholk.
One more reason for me to grab the Nexus "Prime" when it drops in the Fall. Don't get me wrong I love my Atrix (my first Android phone) & I like helping people on this forum and contributing where u can. But if the Nexus goes AT&T, then I go too... On topic now, I am sorry to see any dev leave b/c of petty remarks. Kholk, you will be missed.
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You wanna know what kholk was doing for the atrix community, ill show you!
(if you install any of this and break your phone please dont go bothering the devs that are ACTUALLY WORKING hard to get stuff for your atrix)
kholks OC kernels, and kexec kernels based on the oldest 1.2.6 source available.
kholks UART work! clearly unfinish, as well as clearly unwilling to help another dev to finish it, with his amazing, IM NOT AT HOME! excuse, everyone is so use to listening
kholks CM7 and Gentto webtop
oh yeah, he claimed to have it but never release it.
theres people daily, working there ass off, who never ask for donation, never claim nothing they coudnt do, all day everyday working their ass off, kholk is not needed! so stop whining kholk is gone, and wheep the money he stole from y'all. he may have done awesome on other phones, but here in the atrix comunity, he was a thief.
kholks < desingears, Edgan, eval-, The2dCour, Sogarth, fenrir, etc etc
I don't like the ingrates and morons, but the internet is the thunderdome. If you can't take the heat then leave. He can be melodramatic all he wants.
It's a shame that he was a great dev though. Maybe he'll man up in the future but I'm not going to lick his balls because he's having a big fuss fuss. We can all remember this in the future too. Be respectful to the devs rather than chasing them away. I don't even post in this section anymore unless I have a burning question. Everyone goes completely off topic and flames each other constantly.
I'm sick of seeing threads like this in the developer section. By all means this is a general section thread.
Yes, sad to see him go.
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Seriously, most of the attacks were fun **** talking between boredom on irc. Be a man kholk not a mouse. Never would of thought he was such a fragile little biznitch. Im besides myself. Kholk is a true hustler.
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