Can't find network at neighborhood, downgrade 2.2 to 2.1 is possible? - Vibrant General

Hi guys!
I live in Brazil and I got a Vibrant in USA in January. The phone was ok until I update the phone to Froyo 2.2, official from t-mobile website.
After this, strange things started happening when I am at my mother house that didnt happen at 2.1 Eclair. I can't call or receive calls when I am there because of no signal, and it only happens there.
Its very strange, because I changed the sim cards from the same phone company, and still didnt work. But when i inserted them at another cell phone, they worked normally, good signal, I could call and receive calls.
Even more strange because I inserted a sim card from another mobile operator, and the phone worked. I cant imagine what is the problem for this. It started after the froyo update, so i think maybe the new firmware isnt compatible with the network at this specific area.
So I would like to know if there is a way I can return my phone to Eclair 2.1, when things were ok. Or maybe another solution.
I really appreciate your help, sorry for the bad english.

You can downgrade to 2.1 using Odin but could be a problem with your sim card.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Could be modem. You could try and flash a new modem and see if that fixes your problem
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Thanks for replying guys.
Well, i asked for another sim card, and the problem remained, only at this specific neighborhood the phone is impossible to reach or make phone calls.
i don't know what is Odin, but i will look for it.
bfranklin1986, how can i flash a new modem?
thanks for your time.
You have here everything you need...just read few times and check on youtube not very difficult

edgarzin said:
Thanks for replying guys.
Well, i asked for another sim card, and the problem remained, only at this specific neighborhood the phone is impossible to reach or make phone calls.
i don't know what is Odin, but i will look for it.
bfranklin1986, how can i flash a new modem?
thanks for your time.
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You can flash through recovery or Odin.


[Q] Please help! I may have ruined my phone

Hi all,
I've recently bought an HTC Legend from Virgin mobile, unlocked it, and now trying to get it to work on Rogers. After I unlocked it, I tested the phone by placing a call. It worked.
Then I got excited and decided to root it and load a custom ROM. I did not read the comments about the ROM and it turns out, the ROM changed my radio. When I go Network Operators on the phone it now says, "Your SIM card does not allow a connection to this network".
The ROM I used was Rodriguezstyle MoDaCoMoDrOm V2.3
I thought I lucked out and found the Bell RUU from Shipped ROMs but that didn't help at all.
I got too excited when I first received the phone and didn't take down the radio info before I starting messing about, which was stupid on my part.
I am freaking out a little and not sure what else to do. I had asked a friend to bring this phone over from Calgary, AB for me because they don't sell them in Winnipeg, MB where I live so bringing it back to the retail outlet is going to be pretty difficult.
Please, please, please help me. I apologize in advance if I am posting in the wrong spot.
You may be able to return for "warranty" purposes. Just lie through your teeth
Or you can do it the hard way. Just flash all the radio that was released. Try one by one and you might hit the spot. Try
TheGrammarFreak said:
You may be able to return for "warranty" purposes. Just lie through your teeth
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Haha! I wish I could. The retail outlet where the phone was purchased is in another province and is about a day's drive. They don't sell the device in the city I live in.
...although I could give it a shot here and ask them to ship one over? I'll save that as a last resort
rajasyaitan said:
Or you can do it the hard way. Just flash all the radio that was released. Try one by one and you might hit the spot. Try
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I think I might have to try this method. Do you know if there is a repository of all the radio released for the Legend?
I've flashed the radio suggested,, still nothing. I was reading in another thread that it could be my SIM card? Strange how I was able to place a call when the phone was first unlocked. ...but it IS about 3 years old.
I'm not sure what else to do. I just may have to plead with the retail stores here. Hopefully they can ship me a new one
m_wong01 said:
...but it IS about 3 years old.
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The legend hasn't been around that long???
chansthename said:
The legend hasn't been around that long???
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Whoops! I meant the SIM card. Sorry about the mix up.
I just got off the phone with Rogers Tech Support to see if there was anything wrong with my SIM. He said that the symptoms I am having seemed similar to that of a locked device ("Error while searching for networks" and "Your SIM card does not allow a connection to this network" when in Settings > Wireless & networks > Mobile network > Network Operators).
He mentioned that by flashing a new ROM, that could have re-locked the device. Sounds strange to me but if this is true, how do I find out which carrier the device is now locked to? I am now running the rooted ROM found at the root tutorial
The phone is not prompting me with an unlock code input like it did the first time around. Is there a way to bring up that prompt again?
Please and thanks
Hi all,
I hope everyone had a great holiday.
A few updates:
- tried flashing different ROMs
- tried toggling radio and autosync
- tried flashing a new radio
- tried using stock Bell Mobility RUU
- contacted Rogers and got them to reset me on the network
Still nothing, not even voice. I've been obsessing over this and it's driving me a little nuts.
rajasyaitan has suggested flashing all the radios that were released until I hit something that worked. Is there a repository out there?
I don't know why, but it never occurred to me to ask for the stock Virgin Mobile Canada RUU until now. Does anyone have it lying around somewhere or knows where I can get my hands on it? I can't find it online anywhere. If not, is there a way to pull it from a phone that is running the stock ROM? I'm not sure if it is the same as the Bell Mobility one but I thought I should start from the very beginning.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Please my phone is having the same exact problem, it's not working! I'm with Virgin Mobile Canada and I cannot connect to my carrier telling me my SIM card is not allowing me to connect to them! Please someone help! I used this Rom called Stock Froyo ROM for the HTC Legend with Online Kitchen from Modaco.
And when I loaded it, it wouldn't let me access my settings and then I loaded my backed up Rom, and now I can't connect to my Mobile Carrier. (Virgin Mobile Canada) what should I do?
Just a thought here, but is it possible that the phone is SIM locked again? When you unlocked it, did you have to flash another radio FW? Did you try "unlocking" it again?
do you have the phone set to gsm only or something like that? should be set to wcdma only (for bell/virgin/telus)
nolook said:
do you have the phone set to gsm only or something like that? should be set to wcdma only (for bell/virgin/telus)
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Actually my phone is connected now, I had the same problem, I did something with the recovery before the problem was magically fixed, I went into recovery, and went down to "Backup/Restore" and I went to "Restore Google something sys..." (Restore NOT backup) and when it was done, my phone was working again, but I was on a different Rom other then the one that caused the trouble. That's what I did and it might have worked because of that I really don't know. And my phone is on "GSM/WCDMA auto", and it's connecting just fine.

[q] invalid sim error

Ok so since nobody wishes to answer in direct rom forums, I'm going to ask my question here. I was very successful with Android as that's easy. Installing WP7 was also a breeze and the whole unlock thing cool. Problem is no matter what WP7 rom I try I always have an "Invalid Sim" error emergency call only. I am in canada with my provider being WIND mobile. Am I correct in saying that windmobile sims just dont work with windows mobile? or is anyone else having the same issue or is there a fix for this. All i am asking for is a simple "proper" response without the flaming. I've searched. I'm not new to xda but i am new to wp7. thank you
WOW Ok..
Can you borrow a different carriers SIM (from friends / family / colleagues) to test with, see if that works? That would help to understand if it is your SIM or the install of WP7. TBH it does sound like it is the SIM that is at issue.
edit: I just checked and the HTC connection setup app (from the market) does list both Canada and WIND, try it
Hey first of all thanks for a response. I'm also thinking it's not the sim (i'll try my wife's rogers sim card when she gets in from work.) because it works perfect with winmo 6.5 and Android without issue. I tried 3 WP7 roms and none worked with the sim..which boggles me
OK so after using my wife's rogers sim card it worked perfectly so it IS the wind mobile card that is not compatible with wp7. I guess i need to find a way to make it compatible if there is one.
I've gotten sim errors on my real hd7. To fix it, I have pulled the battery and reseated the sim. You might try to get a new sim from your carrier, just tell them your old one is acting up.
Tried that a few times and figure it may just be my SIM period although it's strange that it works without error with the android roms. But yeah imma go into Wind and grab a replacement and see how that goes
daeshawn said:
Tried that a few times and figure it may just be my SIM period although it's strange that it works without error with the android roms. But yeah imma go into Wind and grab a replacement and see how that goes
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Did a new SIM help you, or did you do anything else?
After I have entered my PIN my sim is working fine, but after some time it says Invalid SIM.
/Regards Lars
I think it's an issue with the Roms. I think there are a lot of people getting the invalid sim error. I use the BlackSideSeven rom and I've seen several posts about it in the thread. There are also several other threads started about possible fixes and stuff.
Here's a link.
The easiest way to resolve is to turn on airplane mode and then switch it off. It doesn't stop it from happening, but at least you don't need to reboot.
Error in Android as well
I am having the same problem with MDJ Froyo 2.2. When I reboot into winmo 6.5 great signal all fine. I did notice that the simm card did move in the slot possibly bad connection. Now that I reseated the Simm all is fine. I also just read about antenna issue with the HD2 going to open and fix it to see if that helps.

[Q] {HELP PLEASE}Mytouch 4G wont read my sim card?

hi i have a rooted mytouch 4G..for some odd reason it wont read my sim card or even identify if their is one.i cant even get a 3g or 4g symbol. I have flashed rom after rom and im using a new radio i flashed another radio prior to that...could it be sim locked? or has the antenna died or idk..please any help will do thanks
Does it say Emergency Calls Only or No Service in the notification bar? Or does it show T-Mobile, and you have no bars?
GazaIan said:
Does it say Emergency Calls Only or No Service in the notification bar? Or does it show T-Mobile, and you have no bars?
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You are combining numerous issues into one. The SD, radio, and ROM are all separate issues.
I would check the SD card and see if its still good. Second, I would check your APN settings. Some ROMs do not come with them installed and you have to manually input them.
If all else fails, flash a new ROM and try that.
dubie76 said:
You are combining numerous issues into one. The SD, radio, and ROM are all separate issues.
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Well yes, that's troubleshooting
Sent from my HTC Glacier
Dear experts,
I just bought the Mytouch 4G off Ebay for my wife's birthday (unlocked so no contract). I have rooted an LG Optimus T before so I thought I could do the same to this phone. My only problem is that I did not have a sim card in hand so I rooted and upgraded the Royal Ginger Rom without the sim card. Now my phone is working perfectly but there is an error of "no sim card, emergency calls only," even after I insert a sim card that works with another phone. I am running out of ideas, the only thing to try is to somehow load the factory default which I did not back up. At the moment with gfree, s=off, please help :-(...
Two questions... Are you inserting the sim card as the symbol where u insert it shows? Second, is the sim card activated with a carrier?
Sent from my My Touch 4G using XDA Premium App
i have same problem please help ........................
Fixed my problem after hours and research and restored the original rom. Please make sure you have the sim card in the correct way as well, easy to miss on this phone...
if its not to much trouble could you help me out with the steps. i currently rooted my mytouch 4g as well and i'm getting the same error message. it says no sim card emergency calls only
lol i inserted my sim wrongly on my phone first time i tried and was embarrassed when my wife showed me the correct way, felt like such an idiot haha
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
d12unk13astard said:
lol i inserted my sim wrongly on my phone first time i tried and was embarrassed when my wife showed me the correct way, felt like such an idiot haha
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
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any one fix this yet?

No SIM detected - Stock Rom 4.2.2

Hi guys, came here to ask for your help and advices as im really desperate. Im a common reader of this forums but sadly this is my first post.
My N4 stop detecting my MicroSIM, i went to my carrier to ask for a replacement (they cut a SIM into a MicroSIM) and the problem still remain.
Im on stock rom 4.2.2, never rooted.
Im from Argentina (the new Pope country , and a friend bring me the N4 for me. Since i have it (begining of february) everything works fine, lose signal every now and then but nothing to worry about. But suddenly, the last monday stop detecting my SIM and there is no way i can make it work.
When i look for available networks in my phone after a while the 3 carriers of my country appears but when i tap on my carrier and after a while of thinking this messages pop up: Your SIM doesn't allow the connection to that network
In the APN section of my N4 there is nothing, and i can't create a new one. Before this happen i could do it.
Here's the things i've already tried:
- Switch on/off and Airplane mode on/off
- Replace the MicroSim with another of the same carrier
- Factory Reset from configuration options in the device (with and without the SIM on it)
- Factory Image Reset from Google 4.2.2 JDQ39 (with Google Nexus 4 Toolkit v1.3.0, thanks to mskip for that piece of work)
Here's the things im not tried yet:
- Put a working MicroSim from another carrier (it's really hard to fin someone whit a microsim here, that's why i couldn't do it yet)
- Change baseband (in another forum told me that but i don't know how to do that)
I really don't know what to think, it's the IMEI? the radio? the baseband? the 4.2.2 update? the carrier?
Hope someone could throw me a bone, a lead, something that help me solve this problem.
Thanks in advance and sorry for my poor writing.
question: if i flash a custom rom (like PA), that will help in any way?
luchoitu said:
question: if i flash a custom rom (like PA), that will help in any way?
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Most of the problems I read like this are solved by using a real micro sim. The N4 doesn't like cut sims.
Correct, flashing a rom will do nothing but replace a kernel. Think of ROMS like an OS of sorts. But what you are describing, will require an uncut micro sim to verify if it is indeed your sim or not.
xda6969 said:
Most of the problems I read like this are solved by using a real micro sim. The N4 doesn't like cut sims.
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I really hope so, tomorrow i´ll go to my carrier to ask for a real micro sim.
kpjimmy said:
Correct, flashing a rom will do nothing but replace a kernel. Think of ROMS like an OS of sorts. But what you are describing, will require an uncut micro sim to verify if it is indeed your sim or not.
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Yes, you are right. I'll try to verify with a real micro sim first, but if i do that and the problem persist what would you recommend me to do? considering the things i've already tried.
thanks for your responses guys.
luchoitu said:
I really hope so, tomorrow i´ll go to my carrier to ask for a real micro sim.
Yes, you are right. I'll try to verify with a real micro sim first, but if i do that and the problem persist what would you recommend me to do? considering the things i've already tried.
thanks for your responses guys.
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The N4 is known to have issues with cut down SIM cards. Most likely they are not seated correctly and not making proper contact.
If an actual MicroSIM does not work, you would need to RMA the phone (bad SIM slot).
FINALLY!!!! all of you were right. I went to my carrier this morning and requested for a real micro sim, that simple solution solved my problem.
That's what i should have done in the first place, i feel like a noob right now but i do not care, im a happy noob today !!!
Im really greatful to all of you guys, thank you very much.
luchoitu said:
FINALLY!!!! all of you were right. I went to my carrier this morning and requested for a real micro sim, that simple solution solved my problem.
That's what i should have done in the first place, i feel like a noob right now but i do not care, im a happy noob today !!!
Im really greatful to all of you guys, thank you very much.
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Glad you got it working!

No signal on stock rom

I was using my XT-1563 on a CyanogenMod in one of my local carriers. I bought a new phone and decided to sell this one, so I went back and installed stock rom. So far everything was ok.
The problem came when the person that was buying it tried to use her simcard. The phone didn't show any error, but it never connected to that network. Then I tried another sim from different carrier and it didn't work either (but it does work using my old simcard). It recognizes there's a new simcard, but fails to connect, only allowing emergency calls.
I've been trying all day to fix this. I have flashed nearly half of all the stock roms available, obviously starting with those from my zone, but so far none has worked.
I also tried the simcard into my new phone and it works just fine.
So, I know the following:
- The simcard is ok.
- It's not a signal problem (I have tested it in different parts of the city and zones I know have very good signal).
- The phone works using a simcard from one carrier, but not the others (and it doesn't ask me for some unlock code).
Thanks in advance for any help, it'll be greatly appreciated.
DemianStark said:
I was using my XT-1563 on a CyanogenMod in one of my local carriers. I bought a new phone and decided to sell this one, so I went back and installed stock rom. So far everything was ok.
The problem came when the person that was buying it tried to use her simcard. The phone didn't show any error, but it never connected to that network. Then I tried another sim from different carrier and it didn't work either (but it does work using my old simcard). It recognizes there's a new simcard, but fails to connect, only allowing emergency calls.
I've been trying all day to fix this. I have flashed nearly half of all the stock roms available, obviously starting with those from my zone, but so far none has worked.
I also tried the simcard into my new phone and it works just fine.
So, I know the following:
- The simcard is ok.
- It's not a signal problem (I have tested it in different parts of the city and zones I know have very good signal).
- The phone works using a simcard from one carrier, but not the others (and it doesn't ask me for some unlock code).
Thanks in advance for any help, it'll be greatly appreciated.
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So, did you ever carrier unlock the phone? I realize it's not asking for a code, but you never said you actually unlocked it.
Sent from my XT1563 using XDA-Developers mobile app
scottdanpor said:
So, did you ever carrier unlock the phone? I realize it's not asking for a code, but you never said you actually unlocked it.
Sent from my XT1563 using ...
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At this point I'm not 100% sure.
When I bought the phone it was supposed to be unlocked (I got it from someone else) and I'm pretty sure it was, because it was originally bought for one carrier (Entel Chile) and then I used it with another one (Wom Chile). By law, every phone sold in Chile since a few years is mandatory unlocked and this one is not that old (2015).
Right now it only works with Wom Chile, even tho I've installed Entel's stock rom. I think it's some baseband issue from what I've read, but I can't be sure.
P.S: Sorry for bad english.
Yes u r right
i used cm14 on xt1562, i'v feel my network was drop around 30-40% specially on Reliance JIO 4G VOILET.
Over all - rom is good for enjoy but not for stability

