Music player randomly starting, stuttering when i plug my headphones in. - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

I have this problem not just with android, but wp7 also. Whenever i plug my headphone in the music player would randomly start, stutter, and skip songs. The only way to stop this is to pull my headphone out. This happens with every android build i have flashed for the past year. How can i fix this?

I have one set of in-ear phones that cause skipping (and false calls on winmo) during playback, and I can't explain it. My best guess is that the 3.5mm jack is leaking signal into the connector for the stock headphone controls, sending false signals that the phone thinks are commands from the remote.
Try some other earphones,if it doesn't happen then it's something along those lines.

I also get this with my sennheiser cx270's, sometimes its fine, other times it goes berserk.

Same, no other earphones seem to fix this, so I'm thinking it's the jack. It happens every once in a while.
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Headphone Jack Stops working

Hey all, I know a lot of people have had problems with the jack doing goofy things, however my problem is a little different. I'm having an issue where i'll be listening to music just fine on my headphones, unplug them, a bit later plug them back in and it no longer plays though the headphones. It will play though the external speaker just fine, but when you plug it in, you head music for about 400ms then it goes silent. Upon rebooting the phone the audio will work again. Sounds almost like a software glitch but not sure how to fix it. The HTC support rep suggested a "hard reset" I really don't want to do that, but it may come to it for testing purposes.
Anyone else run into this problem? I would really like to fix it without wiping the phone.
No headphone problems here my friend. Good luck.
Just a heads up. The evo can sense a mic'd headset inserted or a standard 3.5mm headphone or aux cable. When it senses a standard cable it will run off the headphones and let you do commands or talk trough the built in mic. I had a "headphone" issue that many talk of with diffent things poping up or music not playing. All i had to do was push until I heard a locking click with the headset and with the standard headphones I have. Everything has worked great since then
This just might work for you

[Q] Headphone/Speaker

Does anyone else have this issue where sometimes when you plug in headphones the sound still comes through the speaker? I have the headphones plugged all the way in. I usually have to restart the phone to get it to work properly.
[Edit]: When this happens the sound comes out from the speaker as well as through the headphones.
Mine is more of when I bump the headphone jack it either plays through the speaker or pauses the song. It seems very sensitive
My first Vibrant had a faulty headphone jack, that would short out with even the slightest touch. You guys might be in the same boat.
Overall, yes, I would agree that the headphone jack is 'cheap'. It seems as if it could be easily broken, and having one arrive DOA is not a great sign.
If you're still able to, I'd take your phones in for a swap. You're not going crazy.
Same issue here. It's especially an issue when you're sitting in your quite cube at work about to watch The Bed Intruder video on YouTube and it comes blaring out of the speaker when you thought is was going to come out of your headphones.
I think the third connection point for the video causes the problem since the device has 3 contacts instead of just left and right audio like most devices.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

hd2 3,5 jack problem

Hi guys, i have an hd2 with nand android, and i have a problem when i plug in the aux cable or earphones: the phone during the play of a track sometimes changes automatically the song or it restart the song a lot of time without that i touch the phone. I already had the plug in problem too when i had wm 6.5 on the phone, but the problem were not the "music shuffling", but the problem were that the phone autodialed the last number called by me.
Someone has the same issue? Any solutions?
I've had audio jack problems as well.
I use a mp3 player from the Android Market called Tiny Player.
Occasionally while playing songs in Tiny Player through headphones or an FM transmitter, the Android music player will start up and begin playing a random song while Tiny Player is still playing.
It must be something about the way that the audio jack is designed to work with the HTC headphones that have the in-line mic built into them for calling. Some regular headphones must be causing a connection to be made which makes the phone think that a button on the HTC headphones has been pressed.
I can usually solve this problem by unplugging and re-plugging the headphones, or turning the plugh in the jack a little bit.
this has come up fairly often over the yrs, to a greater or lesser extent. I have a pair of senheissers which do exactly what you describe, but only on winmo roms. My other phones (tested four or five pairs, cheap and expensive) all work fine. the senheissers work fine on wp7 and android.
Odly enough two (that i can think of) other threads like this also mentioned senheisers, , , what you using, OP?
@samsamuel: i'm using android MIUI.
@huggs: sometimes i do like you, i unplug and replug the cable to solve the problem, but i want to permanently solve this problem, even at the cost of replacing the input jack, you say that it solves?
Its also worth removing the battery and then looking into the jack to see it there is any debris in there, remove with a pin
Same problem, except my Android powered HD2 also likes to randomly dial the last person I talked to when I have the headphones connected. These are the original HTC phones that came with the device. Today it managed to leave my boss eight voicemails. Nice. Fortunately, my boss has a sense of humor and it'll probably be OK. What can I do to prevent this from happening again?
I have a problem with 3.5 mm jack. When I turn on the headset, the phone restarts. And the problem is not with all handsets
I think I found a fix for misbehaving headphones:
If anyone has used this please comment.
@imrazor : Thank you very much, I'm using it for two days and since I installed it I've had no problems.

[Q] headphone audio randomly stops and plays out of the speakers

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this - I will play some music using Power amp or double twist and randomly the headphone audio will stop and will start playing through the speakers. It seems to be related to notifications I believe which try to play through the speakers which then steals the audio away from the headphones and back to the speakers.
TristianX said:
I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this - I will play some music using Power amp or double twist and randomly the headphone audio will stop and will start playing through the speakers. It seems to be related to notifications I believe which try to play through the speakers which then steals the audio away from the headphones and back to the speakers.
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Haven't had the problem, but you need to isolate the problem to software/hardware first if no one else has reported this type of error. A loose plug, loose wire, cheap or faulty headphones as well as sweat in earbuds could all false signal the plug into thinking the headphones are not plugged in. Try switching them out to a new pair and check for loose plug after you insert them. Then, I since you said it is random, but try and find a situation where it can be repeated to see if it is on the hardware side.
A couple suggestions. Faulty headphones can cause all type of hardware and software bugs with the 'smart' devices that detect when they are plugged in (voltage sensing not just a mechanical switch like the good old days...). Hope you can use something..

Music playback pauses for no reason

I'm having an issue with pretty much every N rom I've tried - when I play music using wired headphones or with an AUX cable hooked up to my car, the music will stop randomly, usually every few minutes. Sometimes I'll get lucky and it won't do it for a while, but regardless, it still happens. I've tried a handful of different apps, AUX cables and headphones, and it always happens. Playing music using Bluetooth or the phone speaker causes no problems. Also, I disabled battery optimization for every app I've tried and still get pauses, and I've cleaned the headphone jack with rolled up tape to make sure there's no dirt or lint in there. I'm out of ideas and couldn't really find anything here on XDA or searching on Google. Please help, and thanks!
have you tried with another headphone? your headphone's cable might be little bit broke, so ur phone detect that the jack is unplugged, and it stopped automatically. (bad english srry, im trying to help)
Thanks for the reply, but I already said I tried different headphones and AUX cables
I can't be the only one experiencing this issue
I am facing the same issue as you do.
Yep, same here. Happened on pretty much every Nougat Rom out there.
I just looked through the settings on my phone and poweramp (Beta, don't know about the stable version) has a setting for this exact problem and it seems to work
