Should I Bother Trying HC for Repair? - HD2 General

Ok So I sent my HC H2 off under warranty to HC as I had lots of white marks on the screen display when surfing the net. They didn't repair it and said it would cost £198 to fix even though apart from seeing the spots mainly only a white back ground the phone was actaully in perfect working order and it cost me £20 to get it back. Now the ouchscreen has gone just suddenly and am debating on sending it back again. Now the postive thoughts from me is that if it is under warranty then they surely have to fix me phone for free. But my negative thoughts are they will just try to charge me for the repair or charge me £20 just to get my phone back. What would you do?
I get get the unit to turn on I can take calls using the buttons on the bottom but cannot use the touchscreen so can#t unlock it or do anything else with it. The phone is perfect never been near water and never been dropped.

Did you forget to remove hspl and return it to stock before you sent it to them? That voids warranty and makes the repair chargeable.

Yes sorry forgot to mention that I had indeed removed it and put the stock raido rom and removed HSPL. I assumed that the white marks were deemed as cosmetic but i will never know as I didn't get a report just an email with a link saying pay £198 for a repair or £20 to have it sent back unrepaired. I think if they don't fix it this time under warranty I will take them to the small claims court if needed.

hmm, could be water marks? is the water damage indicator red or white? if its even slightly pink, they wont cover it. Best of luck arguing your case.

water damage indicator red or white? It's never been near water opened the back can see a white circle looking sticker near top left if thats it?

There are 2 water markers i understand, and regardless of how close the phone may have been, it they says its water damage there is no movement from HTC on this
Sadly your best bet would have been to get full details of the issue before it was sent back. I suspect that it wil;l cost you the £200 to get it repaired.
You could replace it yourself for much less - if you have the skills as it not easy to do imho, or try the repair company's that advertise in the Sunday papers.
If it was mine, I'd have paid the first time

If you are good at following instructions, then you could probably replace the touchscreen and get it working. There's several disassembly videos on YouTube. Beware, the HD2 is a beast to take apart. There's several fragile ribbon cables that are extremely easy to tear, and many XDA users have made their phones worst off trying this. I mean, you could almost get a good condition HD2 for the 200 pounds HTC is trying to charge you.

Well it's good news, After 10 days of not hearing anything had a call to sall repair is being done under warranty and as a good will gesture of the delay they are going to email a link for all the accessories available for the phone that they sell and I can have anything up to the value of £50! I am well happy and this has restored my faith in HTC

Thats good news :0
The delays in UK HTC repairs have been up to 6 weeks and have been reported by the bbc


Imate JasJar - Warranty problems

I sent my Imate JasJar in to the repair company in the UK (SBE). The problem was an extremely loose screen hinge. It was so loose that the screen would move freely past the usual 180 degree stop. It would also click when opening and closing the screen.
I decided to email Imate and ask there opinion on what to do about this. They immediately responded saying that I should send it in for repair, and they duely issued me with an RMA number, and procedure for getting it shipped to SBE. All of which I did with no problem at all. so far so good.
7 days later, and I get a letter in the post from SBE, stating that they have found the screen to be dead and have replaced some screen connectors, and that it is not covered under warranty and that I now owe them £40 before they will repair and send it back to me. They have got to be kidding me..
There has never been any form of electrical problem with the device whatsoever. I only had a purely mechanical fault that I-Mate themselves agreed to fix under RMA conditions.
I am absolutely furious, as I have tried to get hold of the i-mate representatives on 4 occasions with no success. I think they are ignoring me now. And i cant even get through to SBE on the telephone..
What the hell is going on.......I bought this device at considerable cost, for the price of a small laptop, and it has lasted me less than 3 months, and now I have this to deal with....
Anyone have any contacts within Imate or SBE that I can talk to? Or any advice for me in progressing this further.
I dread to think what my JasJar will look like when and if I ever get it back. Not to mention the fact that I've been without it for 2 weeks now, and that is very hard to deal with in itself.
My advice to anyone who is considering buying one of these devices would be - what a great bit of kit, has its little quirks, but nothing you cant work around, well worth buying, only dont buy it from I-Mate, go for the Orange, O2 or T-Mobile versions, because at least you will be able to use there warranty channels.
I'd keep trying Imate. Be polite but firm in your emails, ask if they authorised the repair of the screen and state that as far as you were aware this has been done when there was no fault there in the first place with no authorisation from you...
It might not be a bad idea to write to SBE enclosing a copy of your original email to Imate describing the fault you had.
State very clearly in the letter that there was no screen fault when you sent the unit to them and that they have 7 days to repair the device and return it to you in a fully functioning state.
Copy everything you have on this then pass it all on to your local trading standards... you must give a company you have issues with reasonable time to respond, so 7 days should be fair enough.
I'm presuming here that you definitely didn't have a fault with the screen?
If Imate have told them to repair it under warranty I don't see why they are trying to charge you, if Imate or you didn't authorise the repair to the screen then the company doesn't really have a leg to stand on and trading standards should be involved. I can't see why dead screen wouldn't be covered by a warranty anyway..
It's concerning me, my MDA pro is currently away to fix this very issue (a dead screen).
Lots of people have problems with I-Mate support. Look here:
oh boy! this worries me too as my Jasjar was already shipped to be replaced.
If it's been damaged in transit, then presumably the next step is to claim on the postal insurance you used.
warranty claim honoured, arrives back tonight
I've managed to convince them (Imate and SBE) that this is indeed a warranty claim, and they have now agreed to repair it as such.
They're trying to tell me that normally this type of damage is not covered under warranty, but will make an exception - this time only. (can you believe it)
All I know is that when I sent it in to them it had a mechanical fault that they originally agreed to repair under warranty and duely issued an RMA number. There was never any type of dead display (this is what they claim).
I've fought hard to get them to agree to repair it, what a battle it's been.
I only hope that when I receive it tonight, it will be in good condition, and look as it did when I sent it in, except of course for a repaired hinge.
I'll report back tonight when I recieve it.....
good luck.
I received a replacement MDA pro yesterday, after my screen died, under warranty, however the space key is dodgy on the new one, I'll see how I get on with it for the next week and decide whether to return it or not!
faulty, sent it back...ggrrrrr
Unpacked and examined it thoroughly, first impressions were.....very good, they have actually replaced the whole display case and hinge, looks gr8, and hinge is now very tight, as it should be. so far so good, but wait.....
Installed battery and powered it up......the screen is displaying everything upside down and back to front......can't believe it.
I soft reset difference.. I hard reset success, still the same.
I even tried re flashing the firmware with factory imate release, but still the same......
I tried the screen in every possible position, but no matter what I do, still the same inverted bloody image.
I'm so pissed off. I've sent it back in to them for another round.
So much for quality control.
Will keep you guys updated.
I can add to this...
I do repair phones and there was one case in which Jasjar was rotating 360 deg and everything on the screen was looking as a mirror image..
If u carefully look at the manual u will see that there's a bunch of cable which pass thru a small hole and then again spread in the touch screen panel part...
the hinge is actually revetted and locked..but if somebody applies a bit of pressure the revet loses the grip and thus allows 360 deg rotation..
but by doing this it twists the wires so much that they get stressed and do not pass right info to the display..
What I did I untangled the bunch and I got back the screen working fine...only the switch outside(for taking and rejecting call when screen is shut) are not working....but everything is just fine...
so people at service center might not hv done their job perfectly
Re: faulty, sent it back...ggrrrrr
I sent an Imate sp3i to SBE and the hamfisted numptys cracked the aeriel cover when they removed it. Also, the chewed up the warranty sticker removing the screw and didn't apply a new one. Sadly I only noticed the cracked aeriel cover when taking it out of SBE's packing box 5 weeks later - I'd only done a cursory check on the fault repair when it arrived :-(
Warranty Issue
If you are going to check on jasjar when you buy it, it comes with a sticker in front giving you instruction to rotate the screen 180 degrees clockwise. When you try to rotate it the other way around, the coaxial cable that connects the lcd to the board panel will break giving you a white screen or sometimes display is there but touch screen is not responding. When the technician opens the device he will see it immidiately and from there they will consider it customer abuse meaning you voided the warranty and you will be charged for the repair
Warranty Issue
If you are going to check on jasjar when you buy it, it comes with a sticker in front giving you instruction to rotate the screen 180 degrees clockwise. When you try to rotate it the other way around, the coaxial cable that connects the lcd to the board panel will break giving you a white screen or sometimes display is there but touch screen is not responding. When the technician opens the device he will see it immidiately and from there they will consider it customer abuse meaning you voided the warranty and you will be charged for the repair
For the love of god....surely we dont have such stupid people in this world.
Latest Update: SBE say that the machine has failed quality control and is with the technicians.
They won't tell me anything more...I'll just to have wait and see what they blame it on this time. No doubt they'll come up with some **** and bull story blaming me in one way or another, and then try to charge me too.
Will keep you updated when I find out more. There is no sense of urgency with this company, so frustrating. At least my Sony Ericsson P900 is holding up perfectly while I wait.
I have to say the QC on these devices is very poor.
MDA #1: Clicking hinge, something to do with the plastic shell at the back where the USB port is I thought.
MDA #2: Metal plate not glued in correct and scaping my face during calls (it's quite a sharp edge)
MDA #3: Dodgy keyboard - keys sticking out and whole keyboard set at a rotated angle.
MDA #4: Dogdy hinge again, very loose, looked like a refurb to me
MDA #5: Camera fault - big white blown pixel in camera itself (not the screen)
Result? I got a Vario and took up the early Jan O2 Exec offer. Exec is fine by the way, but they creak more than MDA's (dunno why).
Vario is def. built more solidly. And the P900 you mentioned keeping you going just demonstrates the quality differences. A P900/910 is one of the few phones which will withstand a nuclear holocaust (probly) and is built like a brick sh*thouse.
Sony build em like Merc's and HTC build em like Vauxhalls (Holden for our antipodean friends, and Opel for our European friends).
I've just been told that they're(SBE) awaiting spares from Dubai, but they cant tell me what's wrong with it????? so who knows how long this will take.
This is so frustrating, but hey I've got my trusty P900.
I've been told that they are still awaiting spares which should arrive by the end of next week. ???????? (They tell me 6 weeks to get the shipment in)
Can't f&*%ing believe this, do they send the spares over via ship? how can they expect a customer to be without a device for 2 months....This is a complete joke. Why don't they send them airmail.
They tell me that they have to replace the complete system board. Surely it would be easier to simply send me a new device??? Surely I can demand a new device?
I'm certainly going to get in touch with I-Mate again (3 million'th time), I will demand a replacement device.
I received my JasJar tonight.......Yehaa, at last, only two months later...
Despite my reservations and lack of trust in SBE, I have to say that they got it right this time around.
They've replaced the complete system board and as a result I have a new IMEI number too. In addition to this, they had previously replaced the entire screen housing and hinge, so the phone is, and looks as good as new.
I'm in the process of putting it back to my liking with all upgrades/software/hacks, but so far all is functioning really well.
I'm happy again, i just hope it lasts this time around.
Thanks to all for listening to my problems
I received my JasJar tonight.......Yehaa, at last, only two months later...
Despite my reservations and lack of trust in SBE, I have to say that they got it right this time around.
They've replaced the complete system board and as a result I have a new IMEI number too. In addition to this, they had previously replaced the entire screen housing and hinge, so the phone is, and looks as good as new.
I'm in the process of putting it back to my liking with all upgrades/software/hacks, but so far all is functioning really well.
I'm happy again, i just hope it lasts this time around.
Thanks to all for listening to my problems
I too had a equally bad experince with SBE (7 weeks, 2 returns, 10 phone calls and the threat of reporting them to trading standards before my phone was repaired) . I can't imagine why Imate tarnish their image with their ongoing association with such a company.

[Q] strange oily look under screen. any ideas?

hi all, ever since i had my original Touch HD replaced by orange as it got damaged in work, the replacement has pretty much always had an oily looking substance visible under the screen. it causes no problems and is only visible when the screen is off but i was wondering what it might be and if i can get rid of it as i'm due my upgrade next month and want to maxmise the resale value of my phone.
any help would be great, thanks in advance
Anyone? 79 views and I'm the only one with this issue
If it was a replacement, it was probably a refurb unit. The oily substance might be some cleaning fluid used when reassembling the phone, and not removed properly.
It shouldn't be there, there's unlikely any way to get rid of it without disassembling the unit. Best bet is to send it back to Orange and complain.
handsomedog said:
If it was a replacement, it was probably a refurb unit. The oily substance might be some cleaning fluid used when reassembling the phone, and not removed properly.
It shouldn't be there, there's unlikely any way to get rid of it without disassembling the unit. Best bet is to send it back to Orange and complain.
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Thanks for the reply, same sort of lines along what I was thinking, either that or something like excess sweat getting held in the small layer of air trapped in the touchscreen used on these. I think my brother is going to buy it as it is as soon as I get a new phone so I doubt I'll bother going to Orange about it, and incur another £25 insurance excess. Thanks
Its a newton ring, where it's either overheated through use in the past or (if you believe HTC) it's from applying too much pressure to the screen.
It will show up more under flourescent light.
If you're still in the returns period of the phone, send it back and ask for another, if you're past that (thus giving them the ability to say it was fine when they sent you it) then there is a thread on here which describes clearing the rings using a lighter.
If you're going to try that, find the thread for the full instructions.
Both my blackstones developed the rings, neither of them had excessive pressure applied to the screen, but they do get very hot using tomtom while charging in the car.
Tried a warranty repair from HTC, they demanded £180 and denied it could be anything other than too much pressure, so tried a warranty repair through carphone warehouse (the shop was being refurbed when I first had the problem which is why they suggested I went direct to HTC).
The phone came back untouched, they'd sent it to HTC for repair, HTC sent it back saying "no pixel errors found" so the hadn't even read the fault description from CPWH. I ended up claiming for a new one on my insurance citing water damage at CPWH's advice.
The replacement also developed a long ring up the middle of the screen, managed to clear it with a screen protector as this flexes the layers of the screen and pulls them tightly together.
xaccers said:
Its a newton ring, where it's either overheated through use in the past or (if you believe HTC) it's from applying too much pressure to the screen.
It will show up more under flourescent light.
If you're still in the returns period of the phone, send it back and ask for another, if you're past that (thus giving them the ability to say it was fine when they sent you it) then there is a thread on here which describes clearing the rings using a lighter.
If you're going to try that, find the thread for the full instructions.
Both my blackstones developed the rings, neither of them had excessive pressure applied to the screen, but they do get very hot using tomtom while charging in the car.
Tried a warranty repair from HTC, they demanded £180 and denied it could be anything other than too much pressure, so tried a warranty repair through carphone warehouse (the shop was being refurbed when I first had the problem which is why they suggested I went direct to HTC).
The phone came back untouched, they'd sent it to HTC for repair, HTC sent it back saying "no pixel errors found" so the hadn't even read the fault description from CPWH. I ended up claiming for a new one on my insurance citing water damage at CPWH's advice.
The replacement also developed a long ring up the middle of the screen, managed to clear it with a screen protector as this flexes the layers of the screen and pulls them tightly together.
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Thats really helpful, thank you for clearing it up. Yes the oily substance on mine is right down the middle of the screen and moves when any pressure is applied to the screen. It doesn't hamper the phones performance in any way and cannot be seen at all when the screen is lit up and considering that claiming a replacement on my insurance will cost me £25 and I've been offered £100 for the phone as it is I'll probably just wait for my upgrade on the 13th. My dad has just passed away this week and I can't really be doing with any more hassle or bills so I'll make do, its been there for about 7 months without really bothering me.
If I leave it will it cause any major problems or have any side effects to the phones performance in any way as it is all working perfect at the moment?
Sorry for your loss.
If its not interfering with the screen's response (mine doesn't but my first HD was much worse and prevented typing) then I'd leave it be, get the upgrade (go for a HD2 unless you want android) and sell your HD.
Same crap with mine.... Newton rings? How about ring of death!
xaccers said:
Sorry for your loss.
If its not interfering with the screen's response (mine doesn't but my first HD was much worse and prevented typing) then I'd leave it be, get the upgrade (go for a HD2 unless you want android) and sell your HD.
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I would go for the HD2 but I fear WinMo is slowly on its way out, there's virtually no new games come out for it and everyone either seems to be jumping ship to the iphone (sorry to swear so openly on the forum) or android. I have been thinking of trying the Samsung Galaxy S or possibly HTC desire but I've still got a few weeks to work it out. What do HD's go for now used? Mine is fully unlocked and comes with a few accessories like the in car holder and charger and has an 8GB MicroSD card with it
Well, given the tech specs of the HD2, chances are it won't be long into WP7's life before a rom is released to work on that, otherwise you can run android on it.
Personally, I've kept mine stock other than installing SPB mobile shell 3.5
There's the star trek game, spider man, transformers, worms (oh that is so much fun).

My touchscreen died today - any warranty advice?

So as the title suggests, today my touchscreen stopped working . Inspecting it with a torch, it appear the flex cable between the screen and body may have slipped out.
So first things first - will flashing back to stock froyo with my original SBF using RSD lite remove all evidence of root/custom rom/over clock?
Secondly, has anyone ever experienced warranty claims with Motorola, and how did it go for you? Was it simple enough or did they give you grief throughout the whole process?
Thirdly, I have quite a few scuffs scratches in small dents around the corners etc. Does anyone have reason to believe that they would right it off as neglect damage? (even though it is just average wear and tear for the 10/11 months i've had it)
Lastly, if any of you have made a warranty claim, what servicing did it include? I am wondering if it will be fully factory refurbished - had my iPhone 3g sent off 3 times on insurance claim back in the day, and every time it would return sparkling with new casing. One could argue that the deterioration of the casing and slide chassis is the cause for the flex to come out, due to how old and loose it is getting; so I hope that if I were to make a successful claim, they would replace my sad old casing yet I wonder if they offer the same service as apple at moto. Or was your main issue in your claim the only thing fixed?
Thanks in advance for any who can give me some advice .
So as a quick update, flashing to stock froyo fixed it. Or so I thought, moments later it was dead again, it must have just been sitting in the right place to work briefly.
I'm pretty devo, cause it's gonna be a while till I can send it, and with all the public holidays and mail congestion from christmas, the postage is going to take ages. Then who knows how moto will go with it. bleehhh..

S7 Edge dead screen.. No reply from Samsung

So my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge broke after 3 months, I got it the day it came out in the UK. At first I opened Snapchat then all of a sudden a third of the screen went pink and flickery, so I contacted samsung and they said do a factory reset and get back to them.
This did nothing, so I went to contact Samsung again and whilst I was contacting them the screen completely went so it was sent off to Anovo I got an email with a image of my Micro USB port saying....
“We have located damage on your device and this damage is not covered under the manufacturer’s warranty.
Our engineers have found liquid damage and are therefore unable to further assess any faults you were experiencing.
Please see attached a picture of the damage.
This damage is considered too severe for us to proceed, and classes your product as Beyond Economical Repair. (BER)”
I've never put my phone in water as I've never wanted to risk it but it has been exposed to a bit of rain (the weather hasn't been the best in the UK). I phoned Anovo to find out what was going on. The man on the phone told me exactly what the email said, and when I went on to say “I thought it was water resistant” he put me on hold to speak to someone. He then came back and said the engineers found water in the charging port but didn't say how it got there and also didn't tell me why the water sensor in the USB port didn't work to prevent it from happening, I don't know if a message pops up on your phone when you try and charge it when it's wet or not warning you but if there is one then I've never seen it.
But what's even stranger to me is that the phone still functions, it charges, it vibrates for notifications and the little light comes on, it makes sounds when you press the volume buttons, you can double tap the home button and it opens the camera, you can press the volume buttons to take pictures. So I feel like it's not as broken as I'm being told. I've made a lot of phone calls, sent a formal letter and 2 emails starting on Friday 13th (when I got the email from Anovo) and I am still yet to hear anything back!
I can't post links yet so can't attach the youtube video and image
Just posting this to warn people that the S7e might not be as waterproof as they make out and I wanted to see if anyone else has had any similar problems and could please help!
My first S7 Edge screen was faulty aswell, screen gives purple smudges and streaking black when swiped, sent it my mobile provider and was too severe to fix, so I got a replacement.
here in Australia the mobile service providers have to provide warranty to the life of the 2 year contract and we have tough warranty laws to protect consumers from these kinds of problems.
Could you attach some image or video?
You can try post the URL like "google[dot]com" or something like this if you can't directly post URL.
Hey, I have somewhat the same problem as you, My phone suddenly didn't show anything anymore, as if the screen was off. but everything still worked. So my screen is dead but not the touchscreen/anything else. and it's really annoing, also have not been in touch with water, and the waterdetection thing in the microSD tray is clearly still totally clean. so it can't be water. gonna send my phone off to repair monday and hope they are nicer than you'r provider...
I lost a 3 day old S7 edge to a total water damage. I placed it in a bowl of water ... anyways, they claim it's IP87 so the phone should handle this.
This phone isnt waterproof, or at least not mine, but my provider says "following up to our test we performed with the given device its still waterproof" and so the warranty is just void.
They asked me if I submerged the phone with the SIM-tray open. Or, they claimed, as its obviously the only way for water to get into. (...)
I have a IT diploma so that is just nothing Im evening considering discussing.
Its with a lawyer now and everybody should be very aware about this situation and how Samsung defines IP87
Here a couple of official Italian Samsung S7 & S7E advertisements with their water resistance...
Then my S7E must be able to do the same without damages! Or Samsung is lying...
Jomari29 said:
My first S7 Edge screen was faulty aswell, screen gives purple smudges and streaking black when swiped, sent it my mobile provider and was too severe to fix, so I got a replacement.
here in Australia the mobile service providers have to provide warranty to the life of the 2 year contract and we have tough warranty laws to protect consumers from these kinds of problems.
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Oh really need to move to Australia haha. I have found that because my phone is less then 6 months old then they have to prove that the fault wasn't with the phone when I brought it
NonXtreme said:
Could you attach some image or video?
You can try post the URL like "google[dot]com" or something like this if you can't directly post URL.
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Yeah can do
youtu[dot]be/s5J9dzpMyrQ this is before the screen went
youtu[dot]be/LTCr4Lt7riw this proves it still functions
goo[dot]gl/mg8FDS image that I was sent by A Novo
donoboy97 said:
Hey, I have somewhat the same problem as you, My phone suddenly didn't show anything anymore, as if the screen was off. but everything still worked. So my screen is dead but not the touchscreen/anything else. and it's really annoing, also have not been in touch with water, and the waterdetection thing in the microSD tray is clearly still totally clean. so it can't be water. gonna send my phone off to repair monday and hope they are nicer than you'r provider...
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Sorry to hear that bud! Yeah I checked mine too and it's still white! let me know how you get on, good luck!
Komaandy said:
I lost a 3 day old S7 edge to a total water damage. I placed it in a bowl of water ... anyways, they claim it's IP87 so the phone should handle this.
This phone isnt waterproof, or at least not mine, but my provider says "following up to our test we performed with the given device its still waterproof" and so the warranty is just void.
They asked me if I submerged the phone with the SIM-tray open. Or, they claimed, as its obviously the only way for water to get into. (...)
I have a IT diploma so that is just nothing Im evening considering discussing.
Its with a lawyer now and everybody should be very aware about this situation and how Samsung defines IP87
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Sounds like a lot of people are having problems with the "water-resistance". Let us know how it goes, good luck
themissionimpossible said:
Here a couple of official Italian Samsung S7 & S7E advertisements with their water resistance...
Then my S7E must be able to do the same without damages! Or Samsung is lying...
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Yeah they are similar to ones here in the UK! I've seen ones with lil Wayne pouring champagne over it and putting it in a fish tank too...
Komaandy said:
I lost a 3 day old S7 edge to a total water damage. I placed it in a bowl of water ... anyways, they claim it's IP87 so the phone should handle this.
This phone isnt waterproof, or at least not mine, but my provider says "following up to our test we performed with the given device its still waterproof" and so the warranty is just void.
They asked me if I submerged the phone with the SIM-tray open. Or, they claimed, as its obviously the only way for water to get into. (...)
I have a IT diploma so that is just nothing Im evening considering discussing.
Its with a lawyer now and everybody should be very aware about this situation and how Samsung defines IP87
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I thought the IP rating was IP68?
Still, it should withstand upto 1.5M for 30mins as per the above link.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
trickie69r said:
I thought the IP rating was IP68?
Still, it should withstand upto 1.5M for 30mins as per the above link.
Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
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Yes, sorry, my bad. Stupid typo. IP87 doesnt even exist...
---------- Post added at 05:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 PM ----------
calum1904 said:
Oh really need to move to Australia haha. I have found that because my phone is less then 6 months old then they have to prove that the fault wasn't with the phone when I brought it
Yeah can do
goo[dot]gl/mg8FDS image that I was sent by A Novo
Sorry to hear that bud! Yeah I checked mine too and it's still white! let me know how you get on, good luck!
Sounds like a lot of people are having problems with the "water-resistance". Let us know how it goes, good luck
Yeah they are similar to ones here in the UK! I've seen ones with lil Wayne pouring champagne over it and putting it in a fish tank too...
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The fact is that IF something happens, they just claim its your fault, because (!sic) you probably didnt keep the Simslot properly tightly closed(!sic). End of story for Samsung.
My S7E have this exact same problem before (glitch screen then went completely black screen but everything else work including touch screen) and It was fixed by just a screen replacement by local Samsung service centre under the warranty. I live in Thailand by the way.
I don't think it's water damaged. I did put my phone underwater before but there's nothing wrong with it. The water damage indicator didn't turn red either which indicated no water entered the phone.
I think it's just faulty screen batch and the affected device is among the early batch S7E.
Anovo is the one who run the Samsung service centre, right?
If so, I think Anovo is just being irresponsible.
I see nothing in the image they sent. I can't see anything indicate that the phone was water damaged. It also too blurry to see anything else.
Also from what I thought, since the phone is water resistance showing the image of outside the phone shouldn't be able to tell anything about water damage since it's the part that won't get or allow the phone to get water damaged. If they really wanted to show the damage, they must show the component inside the phone that get damaged.
In conclusion, the image they sent is nonsense and useless.
I'm not sure but maybe filing a lawsuit can help you.
Hello all!
I got the same problem. My screen has now a big lign without pixels and the screen is blinking a lot.
I've bought it in belgium at Mediamarkt. I'll go today to post it to repair. I hope that I'll not take too long before get my repair.
I never try to put it in the water or anything like that. It's protected by a Spigen Case and the phone is perfect not even a single scratch on it or the screen.
I cross my finger also because I've root it so I hope that they not tell me that I lost my warranty for a hardware problem!
I have started to reading a lot and see that in my screen edges the touch is not so sensitive. It fails a lot of times.
And 3 or 4 times i have the turning on settings and apps by it self.
I have to reboot.
Im on btu latest version.

Frozen screen w/ horizontal green lines

My phone suddenly froze and started displaying horizontal green lines. They range from darker at top to lighter at the bottom. There isn't anything recognizable behind them, but swiping from the top does show motion as if the notification shade was moving.
No drops or sudden impacts
"OK Google" still responds with the confirmation tone that it is listening, but doesn't seem to respond to any further commands.
It can receive calls, sound quality is fine.
Doesn't seem to reboot from holding the power button
I don't have an authorized device to connect via ADB. It did recognize it at first, but didn't accept commands, but now it doesn't show up when listing ADB devices.
I recently had it repaired by Huawei to replace the battery, and i still have extended warranty coverage on it. Really hoping to avoid shipping it back though. Any ideas?
The photo is from my laptop webcam. Really crappy quality but its the best I can get at the moment.
I have the same problem although my screen has a tiny crack but it looks like it wouldn't effect it. Have you sent it in? If so what was their solution?
I eventually sent it in. I had the battery replaced a month before (yay for credit card extended warranty) so this was free due to the 90 warranty after the first repair. I suspect they just replaced the screen. So now I have a new battery and new screen free of charge. ?
No idea what they would charge out of pocket.
maghig said:
I eventually sent it in. I had the battery replaced a month before (yay for credit card extended warranty) so this was free due to the 90 warranty after the first repair. I suspect they just replaced the screen. So now I have a new battery and new screen free of charge.
No idea what they would charge out of pocket.
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Click to collapse
@maghig - i tried to do the credit card extended warranty on my nexus 6P battery - they refused to pay for it as they claimed it wasn't covered under the initial warranty. I couldn't find proof that it would of been covered under initial warranty. Did you need to prove that the initial battery issue was covered under the initial phone warranty? If so, what was the proof? For context - I had battery issues and just paid to have it repaired thinking CC extended warranty would cover (~$160) and then after the repair warranty expired my screen got the solid lines. Huawei wanted to charge me another $160.. so here I am looking at two solid lines on my screen...
I didn't have to give any proof that it would have been covered. They honored it without issue. Did you have it done by huawei or a third party? That might be the difference.
I gave up on it though. After getting it back for the screen replacement it lasted about a month before the lines came back. Not solid as before, but intermittently. Did the project fi trade in to get what I could out of it while it was still worth something.
Thanks for the response. I had it done by Huawei itself - but looks like my cc extended warranty is worthless and Huawei support sucks. I was hoping the to get a new battery and have my 6P last all the way to Pixel 3...I guess I do have a new battery but a crappy display...

