[Q] Map overlay trouble - Android Software Development

I have a problem with my Maps-application. I have the mapview in bottom in my layout, and above that a semitransparent image to give the map a specific look.
I also have a location overlay and another image overlay to mark out some interesting positions. The problem is that I don't want the semitransparent image to affect my overlay markers. They seem to be drawn directly on the map by default.
Is there a way to change something somehow so that the markers will be drawn above the semitransparent image (if they are visible on screen of course)?


Landscape Theme Generator?

Are there any Theme Generators that will do landscape mode out there? I'd like to make some.
Have a look at this site:
It'll show you a way to create landscape (& portrait) themes.
try this
Loaded with Imaging features no other Theme making program has:
Theme Making features that allow you to create great themes faster and easier!
A Multi Document Interface that allows you to have as many images as you need opened to create your theme.
Image editing capabilities including:
Paste to new image
Shear New
Canvas Resize
Remove Redeye New
Numerous ways to select image data and modify the selection including:
Select All
Rounded Rectangle
Magic Wand
Invert Selection
Expand and Contract
Image Effects including:
Add Noise...
Gradient Filter...
Edge Detect New
Oil Paint Effect
Stitch New
Picturize New
Color adjustments including:
Histogram Contrast...
Gamma Correction
Remap New
Balance Colors New
Colored Gray New
Fundamental Paint functions including:
Gradient Fill
Color Picker
Transfer themes to PocketThemes.com web site if you are a registered author.
The ability to show or hide the theme you are currently working on to allow more room for the images you are using.
NEW Ability to create themes for the new WM 2003 SE devices in both Portrait and Landscape orientation!
NEW Ability to create VGA size themes that will work in the VGA SE devices and modified VGA devices.
NEW Print function an Print Preview!
NEW Theme Browser allows you to browse your themes on the PC and see thumbnails of the main images. Click here to view this new feature!
Four primary ways of importing images into your theme gives you unparalleled versatility.
Load directly from file
Directly from an active image in the editor.
Directly from a selected area of an image.
From a unique pan-window function.
The ability to adjust Today Screen text for screen captures to post on web sites.
Transparency adjustments for menu and main image that allows you to set the color of the transparency! No other Theme program does this!
Ability to define your own default colors for your themes.
A Color Picker tool for the theme that allows you to accurately and easily set the colors of the Command Bar and Title bar to the colors in the Theme.
The ability to set colors in the Information Dialog box to the same colors as the main Title bar with one click!
A setting that makes the Information Dialog box Title bar the same colors as the main Title Bar automatically! Or in reverse of the main Title Bar!
With one click reverse the colors of the Title Bar!
Set colors of theme by either selecting the item form the menu or just clicking on the item in the theme.
The Auto Color feature automatically sets the colors for the Title bar, Title bar Text, Command bar, Today Screen Text and lines and the Menu Transparency to match the basic colors of the Main Image with the click of a button!
NEW Web Tuned image save where you can adjust the properties of the image for quality or size.
The ability to capture frames from video sources. AVI, MPG, WMV and MOV video files. Video capture devices.
NEW Predefined image resizing for rapid theme creation.
NEW SE image preview screen showing areas of image that is used for Portrait and Landscape modes to see the areas of the image that is used for each orientation.
NEW Stitching functions allow arranging of images on pages for printing and display.
NEW Screen capture function allows the capture of any portion of the screen you define with the mouse.
ThemeMakerPro also has numerous I/O features no other Theme Making program has:
Screen captures of Themes for web posting.
Saving the images of an opened Theme, both main and menu.
The ability to acquire an image from any TWAIN compliant device such as a scanner or digital camera!
The ability to transfer themes to and from a Pocket PC that is Synced with the computer that has ThemeMakerPro installed on. Requires ActiveSync to be installed first.

[Q] Custom View question

Apparently XDA thinks my code is a link to an outside website ??? so it's attached in a .txt
Here's my problem. I finally figured out how to get my custom view
working, but discovered that "canvas.drawCircle(..)" draws based on
the screens dimensions and not the bitmap drawn to the canvas (I may be
misusing some terms/concepts here, still a little iffy on the whole
custom view).
Basically, I have a bitmap of a map image (decoded from a .jpg resource), and I want to be able to draw relative to the bitmap's pixel dimensions, and to the bitmap if possible, so that when it's panned/zoomed, it stays in its respective
place. Here is the code for my custom view. I x'd out my latitude and
longitude. The touch handling is code adapted from a Hello, Android
(3e) excerpt.
I'm currently working with "MAP" mode, but it will also come into
play for NAV. But I basically need to draw relative to the bitmap, which is
scaled and manipulated through the canvas(?) so that the current
location dot will stay in the same spot when the bitmap is panned or
zoomed, instead of staying in a static location based on the screen's
dimensions. Any advice?

Precise image rendering in AppWidget

Since SDK 4.2, Google has a way to retrieve the dimension of an existing appwidget. You can use the bundle in onAppWidgetOptionsChanged callback to retrieve the upper and lower bound of the widget. But I need to scale a bitmap precisely to fit the widget. Anyone knows if it's technical possible in existing SDK to get the pixel-correct dimension of the appwidget?
What's more, I found that the stock launcher in JB (as well as Apex) returns incorrect values for the upper and lower bound. For example, if the widget is in portrait, it may return a rectangular dimension in landscape. Nova, however, doesn't has this issue.

Ball game - chaning ball position

I am making simple ball game and l have problem.I can't change position of Ball. I tried:
1. SetX() and setY() but lower APIs aren't supported.
2. Params and margins but when I move it left or right, the whole activity content is moving with it. Up and down moving is working fine. (Activity will have 10 ImageViews)
3. Android animations - Problem is that I can't get coorinates (getLeft(), getTop()) during the animation.
4. Canvas and draw elements - I change position of image with onDraw() and invalidate() functions but when I but backgorund and all other images (as bitmaps) it is very slow.
Can you give to me any ideas or suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Can you post the code? What do you exactly want to be done, there can be many different "ball games". You want to change the position of a bitmap or circle on the screen create x and y variables, draw bitmap or circle using them and if they change, the object will be drawn elsewhere

[Q] How to make a vertically movable splash screen for game

Hello everyone. I want to make a splash screen for my game. I need the image to fit the screen's width but I want the height to be larger than the screen's. Than, I will have an animation moving the image vertically, hiding the top part and showing the bottom one.
I have searched a lot and I am more puzzled now on how I should do this.
Firstly the only solution I found for the fitting part was a combination of java and xml. But the problem here is that the java class doesn't produce a bigger than the screen image, but a cropped image. So, I can't make the animation later on.
Than i figured out that I could use a scrollview. And after combining some solutions I found on the web, I managed to have the right dimensions for my image and avoid any cropping. But now I can't do the animation because I am using the "fromYDelta ... toYDelta" and I can't find a way to calculate how much to put in the "toYDelta" value. And it cannot be a fixed value because every screen is different and so the dimensions of my splash screen.
Can anyone tell me a way to do this? Should I do it only in java and don't use xml at all? Or is it possible to do this through xml only (which would be better I think)?

