Not understanding how contacts work... - XPERIA X10 General

I noticed that some of my contacts have their Facebook pictures associated with their info and there is a little Facebook icon on the contact.
Where are those contacts coming from? Is it pulling the contacts from my Gmail account and if an email address matches one of my Facebook friends it links them?
I'm just really confused. Also if I edit my Gmail contacts on my computer how do I get them to update on my phone? I deleted hundreds of "junk" contacts and they're still on the phone.

The facebook pics are pulled from facebook when the person has their number listed and u have the same number as a contact. To get rid of the junk contacts make sure every contact u need is synced to gmail then delete all ur contacts and resync from gmail.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

In contacts, click the icon in the upper left that looks like 3 people and disable your facebook contacts from showing in the contacts screen.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App


Keep facebook contacts from showing

I know there must be a setting for this but for the life of me I don't seem to be able to find it. I had to wipe my phone and flash it again today. Now when I go to make a call, it is not just showing my contacts that I sync with my pc but it is also showing my facebook contacts. Keep in mind this is in the phone app and not in the people app. How can I stop this from happening? I am on the fresh 2.1.2 rom.
In the address book, click menu, then view.
Assuming that you have your facebook contacts syncs checked, go to menu, settings, accounts and sync, and uncheck facebook sync. You should be good to go.
Dave I still see my facebook contacts in the phone app how about you OP?
cbarth3 said:
Dave I still see my facebook contacts in the phone app how about you OP?
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Try removing the facebook account altogether in manage account section (within the account and sync settings). That worked for me.
In the people app I have only the phone contacts selected. Where I see the facebook contacts is if I am in the phone app and I start scrolling through the list from the phone app or if I create a shortcut that is Direct Dial. In those 2 cases it shows the facebook contacts eventhough in the address book the google and facebook contacts are not checked.
In the people app I have only the phone contacts selected. Where I see the facebook contacts is if I am in the phone app and I start scrolling through the list from the phone app or if I create a shortcut that is Direct Dial. In those 2 cases it shows the facebook contacts eventhough in the address book the google and facebook contacts are not checked.
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What got rid of my facebook contacts is if you are looking at the main screen, you go to menu, then settings, then accounts and sync. If you have facebook at all in that menu, remove it completely. None of my facebook contacts comes up any more if I'm in the people menu or phone menu at all.
That's all I know.
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This worked for me also, now what i cant figure out is how to link the contacts in my people app, to facebook. I dont want hundreds of contacts in my phone when i dont give a rats @ss and dont plan on contacting them....
Syncing the contacts also sucks when you text. it list all the fb contacts in there....

Contact list

ok i have all my contacts linked to my Gmail account so i can transfer from phone to's been successful going from the BB 8900 to the HTC Tilt 2 and finally to the HTC Aria. 90% of them are contacts that are linked to my facebook friends contact pictures changes as they update their facebook profile pic.
but what i've recognized having this benefit is that when fwding or composing email in the Gmail pulls the email address and phone number of everyone in my facebook friends list. folks i don't care to or ever will contact, that are not in my Gmail contact list. this makes for even a longer list of names to scroll through..especially using common letters as A or C..etc.
is there a way to turn to this off? i mean only have the Gmail email app pull contacts from ONLY my gmail contact list/those contacts listed on my phone only.
Also interested if there is a working solution to this, for similar annoyance.

[Q] Facebook Sync with contacts issue

I have the facebook application syncing with my contact data.
When I pull up my contacts and look under the linked accounts, each user has 5 linked accounts.
How is this possible? Is this a glitch?
The only other contact sync I have is Google.
same here.. when I look, there are five icons "linked" one google, one facebook, and THREE little green icons (WTF are those?)
dq13 said:
same here.. when I look, there are five icons "linked" one google, one facebook, and THREE little green icons (WTF are those?)
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Yes, that is exactly what I have too. Very annoying.
I have noticed this issue as well. In my accounts and sync settings I somehow have two facebook accounts, which I think was caused by the last upgrade to the facebook app.
Unsyncing and/or deleting one of the facebook accounts solved the problem.
I am also showing lots of account sync icons in my contacts. Thought maybe I just did something wrong. If deleting them and then syncing them worked for you I'm going to try it and see what I come up with.
Sent from my awesome Vibrant using XDA App
Happens on mine too. If you set up your Facebook account from the Accounts and Sync settings, then you won't have any problems with multiple linked accounts. When you use the Facebook Android app and widget and login, it'll ask you if you want to sync your contacts and calendars. That's where I saw that all the duplicate linked accounts appear.
The big problem I've seen is that either way, if you go to your contacts and try to access their Facebook page it will only open your profile and not go to their page.
Kind of sucks.
superchi said:
Happens on mine too. If you set up your Facebook account from the Accounts and Sync settings, then you won't have any problems with multiple linked accounts. When you use the Facebook Android app and widget and login, it'll ask you if you want to sync your contacts and calendars. That's where I saw that all the duplicate linked accounts appear.
The big problem I've seen is that either way, if you go to your contacts and try to access their Facebook page it will only open your profile and not go to their page.
Kind of sucks.
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I get that too! Now because I have multiple links to each contact, I have 5 links to facebook profiles under each contact. Each time I click on any of them, it simply takes me to my own page. Great...
I Just double checks a few of mine and it shows 3 right now but I think that's because I have it showing on specific accounts. I have a Google, Facebook, and unknown account listed per person. The unknown one is the one I don't get. I can also see their recent updates, pics, and profile pics again. Idk wtf happened lol.
Sent from my awesome Vibrant using XDA App
sj_martin said:
I get that too! Now because I have multiple links to each contact, I have 5 links to facebook profiles under each contact. Each time I click on any of them, it simply takes me to my own page. Great...
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Yep, I meant to edit my post with how I got rid of them but because I'm a n00b here I get limited to one post every 5 minutes including editing :\
The way I found to get rid of the duplicate contacts is having to go into the Accounts and Sync settings and delete the Facebook Android account. If you're using the Facebook widget that will also log you out of it. You can then log back in using the widget or app and make sure to uncheck the contacts sync so that way it doesn't sync at all (especially since your phone already is doing so if you added your account using the Accounts and Sync setting). Reason I wanted to get rid of them is when you access your contacts through something like adding a new contact from an unknown text message, it pulls up all the synced contacts that are connected with your phone (duplicate entries stored on your phone/sim/facebook account(s)/twitter/etc)

Facebook contact integration

I have been using cm7 and loving it. Only thing I miss from original Tom is how facebook was tied together with Facebook and would provide updates and show recent picture.
Is there a way to have this on cm7?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
No. One of the trade offs
Install Facebook from Market and turn on contact sync for existing contacts. Make sure the contacts on your phone have an email address to match with an email address listed in Facebook.
Thanks. Also I have seen Facebook picture sync apps are they any good?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I tried doing that, downloading Facebook and hoping it would sync everything but it didn't.
So I downloaded an app called 'Contapps' and through the settings you can sync your contacts with your Facebook account, and if theres contacts that don't automatically sync, you can do it manually.
facebook app will aloso sync if the names match exactly. I have mine all set like that and they sync just fine.
Mine seem to be syncing. They all show up as being linked under the contact, but for some contacts their picture doesn't show even though it is linked. Any ideas? And also is there a way to make it so those facebook pics don't show up so blurry in the caller id?
just upgrade to google plus and kiss Facebook Bye Bye.
If you need to see what person look like prior to calling them, you don't know them well enough.
Just edit the contact, and if they're already linked to their Facebook account, click the Facebook photo and choose to "Use this photo."

Syncing Facebook with contacts: some dont work??

im trying to sync FB contacts with my regular contacts list. now, on Froyo there was a menu item to sync with FB. but now, on Gingerbread, that option is gone. most of my contacts are synced but some people who have different FB names, FB wont sync them and i cant do it manually. any way to do this??
i figured it out, disregard. in edit contact you need to select "join" then loacate their FB page. slow and silly, but it worked.
Wait you got the pics to sync with the contacts?
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
Facebook pics sync from FB to my contacts on my phone.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Motoblur should sync them
Andrew149 said:
Wait you got the pics to sync with the contacts?
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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yes. at first, FB synced like 95% of my contacts but left some not synced. i had to figure our how to manually sync them. you have to go into edit contacts, then "join" contacts to another contact (the FB one) then save it. more steps than it was on Froyo, but it worked.
I think this may solve the issue I'm having. Thanks.
I noticed I can't add any additional info to a facebook contact. I'm guessing the only way around this is to create a new contact and then join them?
Does this also update pictures as well? I see that fb has sync contact info but not pictures. Any insight is helpful.
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