early (official) gingerbread build leaked to galaxy s - Epic 4G General

Just a matter of time...
Sent from my fully armed and operational epic battle station

and first. yeah

Soon oh soon!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App

androidpolice.com said:
Beware, though, as rumor has it that Samsung is moving towards locked bootloaders
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if they do this, it would be a travesty :/
anyone else read that part ?

daddymikey1975 said:
if they do this, it would be a travesty :/
anyone else read that part ?
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I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure Samsung is tired of being shown up by a bunch of dev's on a forum who don't get paid for what they do. I'm not worried though because even if they go to a locked bootloader, give it a week or two and someone will find a way to unlock it or just get around it. I have full confidence in the dev's here...

This is a leak for the International version of the Galaxy S....this might not mean anything for us just yet...

At least it's a start. Given that the International versions got their Froyo in November (?), maybe we'll get ours in roughly 3 months after that due to conversions to CDMA and all the other stuff our unique Epics have.

daddymikey1975 said:
if they do this, it would be a travesty :/
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Who cares? I'm pretty sure the Epic is going to be my last Samsung phone anyway.

drizek said:
Who cares? I'm pretty sure the Epic is going to be my last Samsung phone anyway.
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With Moto already locking bootloaders and HTC fiddling with the idea, I think a lot of people in the scene are a bit concerned.
I can totally see the entire hobby marginalizing itself to Nexus devices some day. It's not like any major vendor is going to step up just to appeal to a tiny community of hackers any more than carriers are stepping up to make their networks strong enough for that 2% of customers sucking up bandwidth. :/

How can they legally lock the bootloaders? Wasn't it ruled that once we purchase these devices, they're OURS and we can hack/root/jailbreak them all we want?
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk

SwimDrewid said:
Just a matter of time...
Sent from my fully armed and operational epic battle station
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matter of time for what? all bets seem to be off when it comes to epic development.

SubnetMask said:
How can they legally lock the bootloaders? Wasn't it ruled that once we purchase these devices, they're OURS and we can hack/root/jailbreak them all we want?
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Yes but they can develop it as they see fit and put any protections they want in. What was decided was its legal to break their protections.

austin420 said:
matter of time for what? all bets seem to be off when it comes to epic development.
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Exactly. :smh:

SubnetMask said:
How can they legally lock the bootloaders? Wasn't it ruled that once we purchase these devices, they're OURS and we can hack/root/jailbreak them all we want?
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You can hack it all you want and void your warranty, but they are not required to ALLOW you the ability to do it. They just can't do anything about it other than void your warranty.

yea its nexus or lg for me, source code on day 1 of sales, unlocked everything... and almost aosp system.. oh and their android phones are pretty frikken nice

I can't wait
SwimDrewid said:
Just a matter of time...
Sent from my fully armed and operational epic battle station
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That is going to make Cyanogenmod 7 a little easier I would think.
Syndicate Frozen 1.1

daddymikey1975 said:
if they do this, it would be a travesty :/
anyone else read that part ?
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I read it as "locked battletoads"

lancelane said:
That is going to make Cyanogenmod 7 a little easier I would think.
Syndicate Frozen 1.1
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I seen a devs response to that claim earlier and he said no cuz it was gsm.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App

It might help a bit with the camera and GPS though.
I think the Nexus S 4G source code is what is going to be the most likely to help us.

jbadboy2007 said:
I seen a devs response to that claim earlier and he said no cuz it was gsm.
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No offense to the devs,but does it really make a huge deal if its gsm/cdma? I know the difference between the 2 networks.I've had the epic since nov. Or dec. ,and coming from the htc hero the devs in that forum kicked ass(no offense to the ones here).but I noticed they'd make roms for the htc hero(cdma) from gsm roms.I belive they even got gingerbread fully working for that phone,haven't checked.sorry if it sounds like I'm pissed or something,not pointing fingers.really appreciate the work y'all done for this phone,for real.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App


Forget froyo can we get sum gingerbread already??

Samsung already has us waiting forever so they might as well skip froyo
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
been running Honeycomb for weeks now...
Its T-Mobile not samsung anymore that's taking forever
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
No. No you may not.
demo23019 said:
Its T-Mobile not samsung anymore that's taking forever
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So it's t mobile, verizon, sprint AND att, but not samsung? Ok, yeah that makes sense.
Why is it taking all these lazy slow "devs" so long... 4 other phones have gingerbread ports.... I guess they are too busy asking for donations
Zylograth said:
been running Honeycomb for weeks now...
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samsung has changed their plan.
We're gonna get WP7 instead of Android in the next FW update.
grennis said:
Why is it taking all these lazy slow "devs" so long... 4 other phones have gingerbread ports.... I guess they are too busy asking for donations
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Oh shut up. Our developers here are no different than other devices in regards to donations. It is more difficult to port ROMs to Galaxy S phones then most other devices.
grennis said:
Why is it taking all these lazy slow "devs" so long... 4 other phones have gingerbread ports.... I guess they are too busy asking for donations
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You're certainly welcome to show these "slow devs" how it's done. C'mon what are you waiting for? What? Can't do better? Didn't think so.
lucky for us, the Nexus S is close close to our SGS that it will help alot with porting. I caught someone's twitter last night that had Gingerbread running on their Vibrant.
If you can't do this stuff yourself, you have no right making the statement that the people that are doing it are slow. If you could do it, you wouldn't be here bashing the ones that can.
rsfaze said:
lucky for us, the Nexus S is close close to our SGS that it will help alot with porting. I caught someone's twitter last night that had Gingerbread running on their Vibrant.
If you can't do this stuff yourself, you have no right making the statement that the people that are doing it are slow. If you could do it, you wouldn't be here bashing the ones that can.
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Who had gingerbread running on their vibrant? Would love to get more details about that.
lexluthor said:
So it's t mobile, verizon, sprint AND att, but not samsung? Ok, yeah that makes sense.
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No, see, it makes perfect sense because see t mobile, verizon, sprint, AND att don't like having upgrades before one another, so now they are teaming up and releasing the upgrades at the same exact time.
vapotrini said:
Who had gingerbread running on their vibrant? Would love to get more details about that.
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I'm not 100% sure, but I believe Eugene had 2.3 running on his Vibrant. It's a bit early for me so I'm not entirely sure I'm remembering correctly, but you can check his twitter to be sure.
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Generic112 said:
I'm not 100% sure, but I believe Eugene had 2.3 running on his Vibrant. It's a bit early for me so I'm not entirely sure I'm remembering correctly, but you can check his twitter to be sure.
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bingo.. please don't bug him about it, that guy gives us everything when he can, have patience grasshopper
lexluthor said:
So it's t mobile, verizon, sprint AND att, but not samsung? Ok, yeah that makes sense.
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like i said tmobile not samsung
makes allot of sense
guess ill blame samsung because i never officially got ji6 update that was released over a month ago
So eugene installed nero 2? cool
grennis said:
So eugene installed nero 2? cool
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lol i keep thanking people for no reason but yea this is cool if its real which its from Eugene so im sure its legit
and not nero 2
grennis said:
Why is it taking all these lazy slow "devs" so long... 4 other phones have gingerbread ports.... I guess they are too busy asking for donations
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They are working for free in their spare time. They owe you nothing.
No phone has a fully function version of Gingerbread. It will be a while before you can use it for everyday use.
And finally, GTFO.
Obi_Kwiet said:
They are working for free in their spare time. They owe you nothing.
No phone has a fully function version of Gingerbread. It will be a while before you can use it for everyday use.
And finally, GTFO.
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And to the person you quoted, they aren't even ports. They are base ROMs made from the SDK. They have no Kernel source for drivers to work either.
rsfaze said:
bingo.. please don't bug him about it, that guy gives us everything when he can, have patience grasshopper
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I love him so much. No homo lol
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App

Why no Gingerbread roms yet

no GB roms for epic 4g yet why
We're waiting for u to cook one, hurry up before Windows Phone 7 comes out on Sprint.
we dont even have official froyo yet. QUIT WORRYING ABOUT GINGERBREAD.
*EDIT: i need to change my sig
Because you touch yourself at night
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Sh0wNuF said:
Because you touch yourself at night
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Samsung sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake. Knows if you've been bad or good so stop touching yourself for goodness sake.
muyoso said:
Samsung sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake. Knows if you've been bad or good so stop touching yourself for goodness sake.
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lol nice glad to see some comedy on this forum
I'm already on 2.2 rom and rooted
There is no official froyo, and Ginger just came out in the recent past. Keep your panties and take some deep breathes. It will be put soon enough...just have to wait
Sent from my Samsung-SPH-D700 using XDA App
tmacgarris6727 said:
no GB roms for epic 4g yet why
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Im already on honeycomb buddy your late!
sent from my Epic 4G
jeffyv2 said:
Im already on honeycomb buddy your late!
sent from my Epic 4G
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Seriously...this joke was funny a month ago. C'mon people try to be at least a little original.
Actually they just recently dumped the nexus s source.... I'm surevit could be done pretty easily since they are both galaxy s phones
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dfitzpatrick said:
Actually they just recently dumped the nexus s source.... I'm surevit could be done pretty easily since they are both galaxy s phones
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Wow, if you're sure it can be done easily from the Nexus S dump then it must be true. Someone who can make a statement like that must have the expertise to whip up some drivers for our CDMA radio, wimax, and all the other stuff that is different in the Epic from the Nexus S. Let me know when all this "pretty easy" work is done so I can flash it.
it can be done easily all we need is cm7 source done
noobnl said:
it can be done easily all we need is cm7 source done
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Sure, if easy means that you and all the other super smart guys on the CM teams spend time working on it. As for the OP, I'm guessing he hasn't been committing any code.
dizidi said:
We're waiting for u to cook one, hurry up before Windows Phone 7 comes out on Sprint.
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Wp7?? No thanks. That OS is worse than the original Edge only iPhone...that's pretty bad.
jeffyv2 said:
Im already on honeycomb buddy your late!
sent from my Epic 4G
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I was on honeycomb when it was on vinyl.
Worst thread of 2010?
DiGi760 said:
I was on honeycomb when it was on vinyl.
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richse said:
Wow, if you're sure it can be done easily from the Nexus S dump then it must be true. Someone who can make a statement like that must have the expertise to whip up some drivers for our CDMA radio, wimax, and all the other stuff that is different in the Epic from the Nexus S. Let me know when all this "pretty easy" work is done so I can flash it.
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Angry much?
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stir fry a lot said:
Worst thread of 2010?
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this is already the worst thread of 2011

I highly EXPECT Samsung to give us Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0

They will do it. I promise...
They promised to give the galaxy s line updates as long as the hardware allows them to. They will also not lock their phones unless goofed makes them...
Sanding to give is?
I don't speak your lingo boy
silver03wrx said:
I don't speak your lingo boy
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Hope you ain't stroking out on us before v7 is released
Sent from my fully armed and operational epic battle station
You gotta love Swype and auto correct... "sanding" haha
Samsung learned their lesson. We all know that from their recent attempts to reach out to the community. The deserve to have the developer device. No LG (stupid ns 3).
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Art2Fly said:
You gotta love Swype and auto correct... "sanding" haha
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At least ir works in v7
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Lol I knew what u ment was only. Joking around
marcusant said:
At least ir works in v7
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You sure about that? Or just been hitting the fire water? :-D
Sent from my fully armed and operational epic battle station
I'd honestly bet against the Epic getting Ice cream sandwhich. Hope I'm wrong though, obviously.
I too am highly confident that it will. If they announce that it won't. Let's all do what we did too get htc too stop locking bootloaders
I expect it 6months in after our "SGSII Within."
marcusant said:
Samsung learned their lesson. We all know that from their recent attempts to reach out to the community. The deserve to have the developer device. No LG (stupid ns 3).
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are you the new me?
I HIGHLY expect Michael Scott to give us Ice Cream Sandwiches
noobnl said:
are you the new me?
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Always Find great timing don't you?
SOOOO is it just me or does marcusant seem like he's got some inside the dl peeps?
noobnl said:
are you the new me?
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LoL, really, I thought we all became noobnl once you left...
Help support autism awareness,it only takes 2 seconds to help make a difference...
Shoulon said:
Always Find great timing don't you?
SOOOO is it just me or does marcusant seem like he's got some inside the dl peeps?
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Since for some reason ypu are so intreasted to downloading peeps... Right click, save image.
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marcusant said:
Since for some reason you are so intreasted to downloading peeps... Right click, save image.
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lol fool, I meant inside people!!! like sources!
Oh and you got swypd again?
I frankly don't really care if they give us ICS or not. I want the Nexus S 4g kernel to work on our phones so that we can run AOSP, CM7 and MIUI. If that happens then I don't care if Samsung abandons it completely.
muyoso said:
I frankly don't really care if they give us ICS or not. I want the Nexus S 4g kernel to work on our phones so that we can run AOSP, CM7 and MIUI. If that happens then I don't care if Samsung abandons it completely.
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YES...I agree 100%...once we get those 3 majo ROM'S ill be confident that our Epics have had their full potential released....anything after that would be a hell of a treat
Sent from my rooted, suited, & booted Epic 4G kno dat!

Cyanogenmod 7

Where can I find updates? The cm7 thread was locked, and the closest I could find was a how-to for building it from souce. But it says that compiling now will brick the phone.
Sent from my Samsung-SPH-D700 using XDA App
There aren't any updates. When there are there will be a new thread.
You probably won't see anything major until official Gingerbread drops sometime this or next month.
Having like-source makes the whole porting process easier.
jnadke said:
You probably won't see anything major until official Gingerbread drops sometime this or next month.
Having like-source makes the whole porting process easier.
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Ya, that's what they said about Froyo and CM6. Fact is, is that we aren't gonna see CM7 most likely. We have good dev's, but I think they have moved to another phone.
heathmcabee said:
Ya, that's what they said about Froyo and CM6. Fact is, is that we aren't gonna see CM7 most likely. We have good dev's, but I think they have moved to another phone.
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This post wasn't helpfulfull at all so why post it?
There still working on it, maybe you don't understand how long this kinda stuff takes , try it for yourself to get an idea.
Sent from my SPH-D700
Ok.. I just wanst sure where to look. I'm running cyanogenmod 6 and the only problem I see is 4g...which I don't get where I live. Other than that its butter smooth. And I thought the froyo source was never released?
Sent from my cyanogenmod-ed 6.2 beta Epic
ac16313 said:
This post wasn't helpfulfull at all so why post it?
There still working on it, maybe you don't understand how long this kinda stuff takes , try it for yourself to get an idea.
Sent from my SPH-D700
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Okay, if you say so. Not like I don't want CM7 also, but the thread got locked, there aren't any updates anymore made public and you are pipe dreaming if you think the source code is going to be that big miracle to push CM7 to our phones. It will come eventually, but I wouldn't bet on it anytime soon. Most of us will have moved on by the time it releases and makes this phone what it should have been since last year.
heathmcabee said:
Okay, if you say so. Not like I don't want CM7 also, but the thread got locked, there aren't any updates anymore made public and you are pipe dreaming if you think the source code is going to be that big miracle to push CM7 to our phones. It will come eventually, but I wouldn't bet on it anytime soon. Most of us will have moved on by the time it releases and makes this phone what it should have been since last year.
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I disagree. Maybe you and others will move on, but there will be new users and devs after you're gone. There are still active devs for the Moment. I don't see this phone dying any time soon.
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rygran87 said:
I disagree. Maybe you and others will move on, but there will be new users and devs after you're gone. There are still active devs for the Moment. I don't see this phone dying any time soon.
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we may not die soon but we have cancer and we dont have that many devs anymore as far as i see it its been getting slower and slower i just hope something boosts us though cause my contract doesnt end till 2013 lol
heathmcabee said:
Ya, that's what they said about Froyo and CM6. Fact is, is that we aren't gonna see CM7 most likely. We have good dev's, but I think they have moved to another phone.
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You'll see CM7.
Decad3nce said:
You'll see CM7.
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Sounds like a confirmation to me.
Decad3nce said:
You'll see CM7.
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The man has spoken.
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rygran87 said:
I disagree. Maybe you and others will move on, but there will be new users and devs after you're gone. There are still active devs for the Moment. I don't see this phone dying any time soon.
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Yes some will actually stay with the Epic, I will.
Sent from my SPH-D700
Decad3nce said:
You'll see CM7.
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My heart skipped a beat when I read this <3
Decad3nce said:
You'll see CM7.
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This made my day much better!
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That made me smile, Dec.
And yes -- I think the Epic has a long life ahead of it. It's a great device and one of the last phones to really have everything and be free of a bootloader (aside from HTC's stuff). The dev's are doing a great job rebuilding an entire layer of software to get this phone supported -- basically like being a very clever caveman trying to build a car. Totally can't wait until we get a release! Thanks for all your hard work, devs!
As soon as work settles down (soon), I'll hop on the dev bandwagon.
No matter what, CM7 will be out.
I plan on having this phone for 2 years. No way I'm spending $400 on a new phone.
heathmcabee said:
Okay, if you say so. Not like I don't want CM7 also, but the thread got locked, there aren't any updates anymore made public and you are pipe dreaming if you think the source code is going to be that big miracle to push CM7 to our phones. It will come eventually, but I wouldn't bet on it anytime soon. Most of us will have moved on by the time it releases and makes this phone what it should have been since last year.
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If you read any of the posts in the thread you'd realize that about 90% of them were useless 'spam' that didn't need to be there. Hence, why it was closed.
Trying to find the wrong line of code that's messing it all up like like finding a needle in a hay stack that's a mile across...especially without the source code to compare it to.
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rygran87 said:
I disagree. Maybe you and others will move on, but there will be new users and devs after you're gone. There are still active devs for the Moment. I don't see this phone dying any time soon.
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Fo sho. I haven't ben on the touch pro 2 for 9 months, and when I strolll by their forum, I don't even recognize the names of new roms and the devs and posters. This phone may have two or three waves of owners. The early adopters, then the late adopters, then the second hand era in another year or so on ours.
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That's great news decadence thank you. Also this phone is awesome especially with a fully functional cm7. I still haven't really seen a phone that compares with this epic yet. I might even have this for 2 years from now. Dual cores will prolly be more buggy at first and they won't really be optimized for android or apps for atleast another year or so. So I'm good with this phone.

BOUNTY!!! 4G for Cyanogenmod 7.

Since Cyanogenmod 7.2 is nearing its completion. I recommend we put up a bounty to get 4g working. This will probably be an unofficial build of the official build if that makes sense. Since 4g will not be supported. I am will to start off with $25.00. I would pledge more but I am hurting financially. I believe putting up a bounty is fair because not everybody can enjoy 4g coverage.
Click thanks if you support this or make a pledge.
jamice4u $25.00
flastnoles11 $100.00
Total $125.00
jamice4u said:
Since Cyanogenmod 7.2 is nearing its completion. I recommend we put up a bounty to get 4g working. This will probably be an unofficial build of the official build if that makes sense. Since 4g will not be supported. I am will to start off with $25.00. I would pledge more but I am hurting financially. I believe putting up a bounty is fair because not everybody can enjoy 4g coverage.
Click thanks if you support this or make a pledge.
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If somebody can get 4g working on cm7 I am fully prepared to donate at least $100
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Uh oh' not another bounty thread lol
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I wonder if all the people in the Cyanogenmod 7 bounty thread have paid now that the Epic is supported? WiMax for.Samsung are proprietary drivers with no released source. It seems unlikely since enough people do not have 4G in their area that this will be done.
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If the epic cm team can't do it, no one can.
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Please no bounties. Terrible way to motivate open source developers.
Decad3nce said:
Please no bounties. Terrible way to motivate open source developers.
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Why don't you pick a charity and the money will go to them? That way you are not insulted by even the slightest hint of a thought that you are doing this awesome work for the money AND a charity gets some money that might do some good.
Decad3nce said:
Please no bounties. Terrible way to motivate open source developers.
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And besides, CM9 is way more important. Wink wink, nudge nudge. How's that going by the way? Or has it not begun yet?
Decad3nce said:
Please no bounties. Terrible way to motivate open source developers.
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No it's not. Bounties are great for the (deservedly so) arrogant hax0rz who don't bother because there's no personal gain....
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xboxfanj said:
And besides, CM9 is way more important. Wink wink, nudge nudge. How's that going by the way? Or has it not begun yet?
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If it doesn't work on CM7, what makes you think it would on CM9?
HanMan5000 said:
If it doesn't work on CM7, what makes you think it would on CM9?
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He doesn't think it will... he wants cm9 more than 4g.
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As Decad3nce said earlier, this isn't the way to go about it. In the past our team of developers had said that WiMax is the furthest thing on their priority list for a reason, being that it is going to be hellish to do, just like MTD was hellish to do but MTD benefited us in a longer term than many understand now.
That being said you can't just buy your developers so they've an entitlement to get something done, if they decide to work on it they do, if not oh well. Perhaps you yourself can look into the issue and attempt it. And see exactly what it is which is making the topic of 4G such a disliked one. I don't mean to be rude but if it was really easy, or simple because another device has it, it would have been done already, it's been looked at forever, doesn't mean it'll happen. The EVO 4G's instance of it and ours are in no way the same story.
AproSamurai said:
As Decad3nce said earlier, this isn't the way to go about it. In the past our team of developers had said that WiMax is the furthest thing on their priority list for a reason, being that it is going to be hellish to do, just like MTD was hellish to do but MTD benefited us in a longer term than many understand now.
That being said you can't just buy your developers so they've an entitlement to get something done, if they decide to work on it they do, if not oh well. Perhaps you yourself can look into the issue and attempt it. And see exactly what it is which is making the topic of 4G such a disliked one. I don't mean to be rude but if it was really easy, or simple because another device has it, it would have been done already, it's been looked at forever, doesn't mean it'll happen. The EVO 4G's instance of it and ours are in no way the same story.
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I've been wondering how exactly did the EVO devs get 4G working
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masaidjet said:
I've been wondering how exactly did the EVO devs get 4G working
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Months and Months and Months of trial and error as well as Steve Kondik(Cyanogen) being one of it's maintainers. Wasn't simple wasn't easy and wasn't the fastest thing to happen. People need to understand that.
I wonder if the reversed engineered Linux driver for the Samsung CMC-730 chip called Madwimax will work for the Epic since it uses the CMC-730 Wimax chip? I know I saw some video of a guy running a "demo" of Madwimax on an Android 3.0 tab using a usb modem connected to the tab. Could it be modified to run on the Epic? He has tar of madwimax for android in his Youtube video for download. OK I found the video of it:
adelmundo said:
I wonder if the reversed engineered Linux driver for the Samsung CMC-730 chip called Madwimax will work for the Epic since it uses the CMC-730 Wimax chip? I know I saw some video of a guy running a "demo" of Madwimax on an Android 3.0 tab using a usb modem connected to the tab. Could it be modified to run on the Epic? He has tar of madwimax for android in his Youtube video for download. OK I found the video of it:
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Actually, that's not that bad, I'll pass along that you pointed this out. I don't know if it'll work but that's probably lol, the most realistic thing I've heard regarding wimax so far.
masaidjet said:
I've been wondering how exactly did the EVO devs get 4G working
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
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Because they actually worked on it... in no way was that a hit to the devs of epic cm7!!!! Trust me I know how tough it is to get it working. One of my friends worked on the evo cm7 and he said it was one of the most difficult things he has ever worked on... they spent a lot of time trying to get 4g working... its not an easy task and with wimax being a dying bread probably not worth their effort! I would love to see cm7 with 4g but it probably won't happen because it is more effort than it is worth!
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
AproSamurai said:
Actually, that's not that bad, I'll pass along that you pointed this out. I don't know if it'll work but that's probably lol, the most realistic thing I've heard regarding wimax so far.
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Cool thanks. I hope this info gets to the right people. Since the Samsung Wimax driver source has already has been reversed engineered by Madwimax already, that hopefully will save time for the CM dev crew to figure it out. I am no developer so I know absolutely zero if it'll work or not. I just happened to stumble on this video a couple months back when I did a search for wimax and tablet on youtube while I was researching a tablet purchase for Black Friday. Oh the random things you find while just surfing.
Okay no sweat. Cyanogenmod 9 is more important. I love the great work they did on cyanogenmod 7 this ROM is fantastic.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
This seems pretty obvious so I am sure you guys have thought about it ... but doesn't the Nexus S 4G have Wimax working in CM7? Doesn't it and our phones have virtually identical hardware? Is there a reason that you guys couldn't do whatever those guys did?
