Motorola Atrix 4G vs. HTC Inspire 4G - Atrix 4G General

Motorola Atrix 4G vs. HTC Inspire 4G video/Image features review comparison​
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The Motorola Atrix 4G and HTC Inspire 4G are the two top Android Fighters on ATT right now. For those of you who are looking just for a highest end smartphone and not the accessory ecosystem that the Motorola offers, it can be a fastest race. Both the Motorla Atrix 4G and the HTC Inspire 4G are Android 2.2 (Froyo) devices at the time of announcement. The Motorola Atrix 4G uses a 1 GHz dual-core Tegra processor to drive a 4-inch screen displaying the Motoblur modification of Android 2.2. The HTC Inspire 4G uses a 1 GHz Snapdragon processor to drive a 4.3-inch screen displaying the Sense modification of Android 2.2. The HTC Inspire 4G has the larger display but the Motorola Atrix 4G has much higher resolution.
The processor speeds are same, but dual-core usually outdoes single-core when discussing processor performance. The HTC Inspire 4G has 4GBs of onboard storage and the Motorola Atrix 4G has 16GBs of onboard storage. The Motorola Atrix 4G has the larger 1930 mAh battery whereas the HTC Inspire 4G has a smaller 1230 mAh. Thus, the HTC Inspire 4G usually runs out of power before the Motorola Atrix 4G when subject to same usage patterns.
The Atrix costs $199 vs. the Inspire’s $99, but the added money gets you a dual core CPU on the Motorola and a front-facing camera. But HTC fights back with a larger 4.3″ display that’s a pleasure to use, and a higher resolution main camera that takes much better shots.
Comparison - HTC Inspire 4G vs Motorola Atrix 4G
​We also putting together a video comparing the two top contender Android phones on AT&T right now. We look at size, design, features and speed too on Video.
Watch Video Source: Motorola Atrix Vs HTC Inspire Video

# Arrow # Motorola Atrix 4G vs. HTC Inspire 4G
Great review thanks.It has helped me in choosing my new phone I’m about 95% sure i’m getting the atrix now. I was waiting for this showdown. i was just surfing the net for comparision like this

God, I'm so conflicted right now. Inspire has community roms(with Gingerbread!) and its half the price.
Atrix is dual core(should be more futureproof), higher resolution and has a better battery life.
What do I do!!!!!!!

AverageCanadian said:
God, I'm so conflicted right now. Inspire has community roms(with Gingerbread!) and its half the price.
Atrix is dual core(should be more futureproof), higher resolution and has a better battery life.
What do I do!!!!!!!
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Stop walking around annd ttalking in circles, look at your currennt phone, andthink about what you want more from it.
Don't get caught up in the hype or technical specs, right now software > hardware in mobile phones.
I got the Atrix and ended up taking it back because of a few things I didn't like; thhat isn't to say I didn't like the phone, it was very fast, but I just don't I need dual cores right now.
I ended up taking it back and I'm using a Nexus 1 right now.
Look at what you want inyour phone. If you aren't playing HD movies all day and you aren't streaming over HDMI or playing super high quality games, you do not need a dual core phone. People keep saying that stuff is being developed, what stuff? Why? There are going to be leas than 2 dual core phones for each carrier this summer, not enough to entice the majority of app maakers to code for that, most likely because there is no reason at this point.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App

FLAC Vest said:
Stop walking around annd ttalking in circles, look at your currennt phone, andthink about what you want more from it.
Don't get caught up in the hype or technical specs, right now software > hardware in mobile phones.
I got the Atrix and ended up taking it back because of a few things I didn't like; thhat isn't to say I didn't like the phone, it was very fast, but I just don't I need dual cores right now.
I ended up taking it back and I'm using a Nexus 1 right now.
Look at what you want inyour phone. If you aren't playing HD movies all day and you aren't streaming over HDMI or playing super high quality games, you do not need a dual core phone. People keep saying that stuff is being developed, what stuff? Why? There are going to be leas than 2 dual core phones for each carrier this summer, not enough to entice the majority of app maakers to code for that, most likely because there is no reason at this point.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App
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My phone came with a 2 YEAR contract not a 3 month contract. I'm not looking at what I need right now, or this summer, that's stupid. I'm looking for something that will still work OK 12-24 months from now.
So yes, this summer there will only be a few dual core phones. How about next summer? Besides, pretty much all the new tablets coming out are dual core, and that's where you're really going to see the fancy games. I'd much rather have my beastly dual 1GHz/1GB ram phone getting scaled down tablet apps than continuing to have to play crap designed to run well on a 550mhz Droid 1.

Realistically speaking though, applications developed next year are not going to require dual core processors.
That's why I was sqtibg, if you aren't going to be playing HD games, you don't need to get the Atrix.
I have nothing against the phone, hell I rushed to get it on day one. It's up to you on what you decide to get, I'm just offering my oppinions on what you should do.
I admit the post was a little harsh, but if you just stop and really think about whar is needed or necesary aalong with what you need, the process will be a lot easier.
The only thing stopping me is a locked bootloader that I don't know the progress or future of.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA Premium App


Outdated already?

is the Evo 4g basically outdated already? with the samsung galaxy s and the droid x coming out all i hear are better screen better processor pretty much better everything since even the 8 megapixel camera on the evo is lousy. really makes you think....
no phone will be the best for more than 3 months, ever
Not being the latest thing doesn't equal outdated. Frankly after having the CDMA Hero forum here be such an asset to me, I will follow the phone with the most developer pull.
Evo is it for me until Sprint drops the next flagship, then I will continue the never-ending game.
Huzzah for competition and technology!
The camera is actually fine, idk what problems your having with it but it will get better thanks to our amazing devs. yes it has a few quirks they are working out still, but im sure the droid x might or the samsung epic 4g. its apples and oranges, sprint vs verizon, 4.3" touchscreen to hardware qwerty. all clocked at 1GHz. i dropped $500 on the evo and dont regret it at all. plus we have the strongest dev community at xda, cant underestimate them either.
Mu5ic92 said:
is the Evo 4g basically outdated already? with the samsung galaxy s and the droid x coming out all i hear are better screen better processor pretty much better everything since even the 8 megapixel camera on the evo is lousy. really makes you think....
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There's always something better just around the corner. The EVO is a great phone, are there other phones that may be slightly better coming soon, yes. It happens every year in every industry as companies build toward christmas and then there's a lul during the winter months as they put the finishing touches on their spring/summer releases. It's just the way the industry works.
I don't like Samsung since they have a bad track record of handling their older devices. Plus the modification on the UI makes an update seem even more delayed. Evo is still the best bet IMO.
i personally like the evo alote. done some modding here and there and now im just really hoping that there able to break the fps cap on the 002 devices. it runs smooth never have i had to restart it unlike my old hd2 that needed atleast 3 restarts per day. its a great device and i guess like someone else said its a never ending cycle of better devices coming out.
droid x is missing a frontfacing camera and is on verizon which will cap data soon.
Its other hardware is definitly better, but i dont think it would noticable under 95% of the conditions you use your cellphone for.
Also motorolla locks there phones down making it much more unlikely it will have a large dev community.
The galaxy is also probably a little better and a version is even coming to sprint. But still not worth the hastle of trading in the evo now and waiting for it. By then something even better will have been announced.
I think the evo is still the best option for a year or so when the next iteration of smartphone comes out. probably dual core
Evo is Sprint's flagship phone for a while. I doubt they'll be dropping a new one anytime soon. I'm happy that newer Android devices tops another. It helps the overall goal of the 'Openness'. I welcome something better. Because I know that theyll get ported over to the Evo.
From the HTC Evo!!
engagedtosmile said:
I don't like Samsung since they have a bad track record of handling their older devices. Plus the modification on the UI makes an update seem even more delayed. Evo is still the best bet IMO.
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+1 for this
With all these new devices coming every month,I feel like goin back to regular flip phones again.
Mankind will NEVER be satisfied of what they have.that's in our nature.
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Sprint just announced the EPIC 4G . rofl.
oxeneers said:
Sprint just announced the EPIC 4G . rofl.
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Craptacular! LOL. That phone is a downgrade in multiple ways for me. Smaller screen, 5megapixel camera, manufactured by Samsung, slide out keyboard.. All features/specs I do not want.
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Except that AMOLED is awesome. There are a couple other good things about the phone as well. It's a solid choice for a phone.
danknee said:
Craptacular! LOL. That phone is a downgrade in multiple ways for me. Smaller screen, 5megapixel camera, manufactured by Samsung, slide out keyboard.. All features/specs I do not want.
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Samsung managed to fit a QERTY keyboard in a 14.2 mm phone. It is only a 1.5 mm thicker than the Evo (lot of wasted space inside).
The only thing that I'm not impressed with the Evo is how 'thick' it is. Galaxy S and i4 are both so much thinner.
Sprint was smart by releasing their device first. Now everyone is following suite. WE can say that all these other phones are "me too phones."
Definitely not outdated.
Droid is not 4g. But the Galaxy Pro is with Sprint so they have 2 4g phones now (if only they had the 4g network!)
The droid has the same TFT LED screen as the EVO (slight higher resolution, though not noticeable to the eye from what I can tell). Samsung is now withholding their AMOLED technology for their phones for the time being.
Each company needs a comparable phone to stay competitive.
Because all these phones are coming out within weeks of each other, the Evo is not getting the press anymore. Hell, now that the droid x is coming, the iphone4 has lost media attention too.
jerryparid said:
Samsung managed to fit a QERTY keyboard in a 14.2 mm phone. It is only a 1.5 mm thicker than the Evo (lot of wasted space inside).
The only thing that I'm not impressed with the Evo is how 'thick' it is. Galaxy S and i4 are both so much thinner.
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Wow I didnt know the Evo was that thick!
Hmmm well the epic might be the phone for me since it is similar to the Evo but you can play emulators on it due to the keyboard
droidx not interesting at all, motoblur sucks, htc sense blows it out of the water. Bet i can get better benchmarks on retired but legendary herolol
ap3604 said:
Hmmm well the epic might be the phone for me since it is similar to the Evo but you can play emulators on it due to the keyboard
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good luck with Emulators considering that Samsung devices do not recognize multiple keys at the same time. Try pressing forward and doesn't work.
Samsung may look Greener but don't be fooled into jumping the fence.
...Just my opinion from using too many Samsung Devices.
ramiss said:
good luck with Emulators considering that Samsung devices do not recognize multiple keys at the same time. Try pressing forward and doesn't work.
Samsung may look Greener but don't be fooled into jumping the fence.
...Just my opinion from using too many Samsung Devices.
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Your a good man ramiss. Thank you for letting me know!
I've never had a Samsung phone yet so I will DEF have to watch out now for this.

EVO2 Next June

I'm guessing weve seen the likely template for the Evo2 in the HTC Desire HD?
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No way. Thats what I heard to from this site. Its the new Evo in 2011
LOL... this thread is pathetic... I'm 150% sure that HTC is not planning on using the Desire HD as a template for a phone that is coming out 9 months from now (if even). There is no such thing as a phone being a template for another... period.
WHAAAT lol? Havent you wondered about the Evo2?
These choices of HTC in terms of Sense and especially Gui/processor (not the Desire hardware for Gods sake) to me begin to paint a picture.
Um...guys...the Desire HD is the world version of the EVO with HTC's latest software builds onboard, so no it is not in any way shape or form a successor device it is a sibling of the EVO. This is well known and publicized.
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I okaaaay! Template is wrong word.
Im interested in what kind of upgrades might be in store for an Evo2.... and these kind of improvements begin to help.
That ok?!
My guess would be a S/AMOLED, improved 4G radio, and of course better CPU/memory/ROM/cams.
dallashigh said:
My guess would be a S/AMOLED, improved 4G radio, and of course better CPU/memory/ROM/cams.
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I think it would probably be SLCD instead of AMOLED given what happened with the Incredible and Desire. Whatever it'll be, I'm looking forward to it.
Samsung has everyone locked out of super AMOLED screens for like 18 months or something so it won't be that.
I know this may be off topic a bit but I know my next phone will have to have a screen equal to or larger than the Evo.
Everytime I hold a different phone it's just sad. So hopefully the Evo 2 looks like an iPad with Android
sintricate said:
I know this may be off topic a bit but I know my next phone will have to have a screen equal to or larger than the Evo.
Everytime I hold a different phone it's just sad. So hopefully the Evo 2 looks like an iPad with Android
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That folds up in 4's to the size of the Evo. While its folded up it can be used for texting, phone calls, and things we already do. Unfold all sides and you have a tablet with android.. Oh and there is zero creases in the screen when unfolding/folding.
And I definitely agree, I want a phone of similar size now that Iv had the Evo.
The "EVO 2" will be nothing like what is currently available. I suspect that we'll see the "EVO 2" come with 768MB - 1GB of RAM, 4+ inch display, dual core processor with a crazy GPU, and hopefully (please), a higher resolution display to take advantage of the big screen.
HTC is big on constantly putting out gradual and incremental updates. The new Desires are a small bump up from the Evo in specs and probably by next year, the next Sprint phone along the lines of the Evo will probably be a small bump up from that. The nice thing is that every year, these little upgrades have added up to something worth buying to replace your current phone.
4.3 or 4.5" would be the limit of being portable. Look at the Dell Streak if you want a reality check. The screen resolution can go up and S-LCD will be the screen. Retina display or the likes will be the push. Aluminum bodies like the Desire HD seems likely. They will probably thin out the phone and push Dual Core processors. 32GB next year will be the standard with 64GB being the step up. Hopefully by then they will push the audio/video through micro-sd a little more to get that standard down. It's being worked on now.
neodorian said:
HTC is big on constantly putting out gradual and incremental updates. The new Desires are a small bump up from the Evo in specs and probably by next year, the next Sprint phone along the lines of the Evo will probably be a small bump up from that. The nice thing is that every year, these little upgrades have added up to something worth buying to replace your current phone.
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+ isn't as buggy as the other crap on the market. They learn from their mistakes and fix them in future releases. unlike samsung, who just releases and ditches.
The next EVO is going to be a 5" tube with a speaker on top and the mic at the bottom. It won't have a battery but will use a fuel cell that you only have to refill once a month. To see the screen you unroll the tube to use the 7x5 display. It will have 4GB of ram and a 1TB mem card, not to mention a Core i9 CPU.
wow...hilarius man...yeah...uhh really funny (that was Brian from Family Guy sorry)
In the process they also obviously have to address the two major criticisms of the Evo: 1. Battery life and 2. Fps cap.
GaryJ51 said:
The next EVO is going to be a 5" tube with a speaker on top and the mic at the bottom. It won't have a battery but will use a fuel cell that you only have to refill once a month. To see the screen you unroll the tube to use the 7x5 display. It will have 4GB of ram and a 1TB mem card, not to mention a Core i9 CPU.
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rockky said:
I'm guessing weve seen the likely template for the Evo2 in the HTC Desire HD?
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Your on one.
Sent From My HTC Evo Using Tapatalk Pro!

Samsung Galaxy S2 Specs (2GHz, 1GB RAM, etc.)

The current generation of smartphones – with their 1GHz processors and 512MB of RAM – are already very impressive at what they can do. But rumored specifications (along with a photo) are spreading of the next generation of Samsung’s Galaxy S smartphone – the Galaxy S2 – and its specs will. freaking. blow. your. head. off.
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It is supposedly scheduled for release sometime in early 2011 and will supposedly have the following specifications:
-A 2GHz Processor. Possibly the next-generation version of Samsung’s Hummingbird CPU.
-1GB RAM along with 4GB of ROM. This is, as with the CPU, twice the magnitude of current-gen hardware.
-32GB built-in flash memory. MicroSD card slot expandable to 32GB making the Galaxy S2 able to hold 64GB of data.
-8 megapixel camera with full HD (1920×1080) video recording. Current-gen smartphones record video at 720p (1280×720).
-A 4.3” 1280×720 Super AMOLED display
-GPS, Bluetooth 3.0, b/g/n Wi-Fi, accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity / ambient light sensors.
-Run on Android 3.0 “Gingerbread”
While all these specifications are well and sweet, I really, honestly believe smartphone manufacturers, especially of the Android variety, should focus on increasing battery life by optimizing hardware + software instead of just blindly increasing clock speeds and doubling RAM. My HTC Desire still doesn’t last more than 15-16 hours whereas Taimur’s iPhone 4 blows past the 24 hour category without even going below 50%.
And yes, these specs are rumored. But if HTC and Motorola’s intentions of releasing 2GHz smartphones are anything to go by, they aren’t unbelievable.
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What do you guys think the battery quality will be?
Jesus, its only 8 threads under this
Doubting this, especially if scheduled for early 2011.
Specs looks two gen ahead of current, but if for real, I like it...well, except for the 4.3in screen.
I fail. Delete thread please.
I don't care until they actually give me froyo.
I don't know it sounds more like someones dreams/wish someone had more then a matter of fact...can anyone confirm that Samsung will be releasing Galaxy S2 at all?
they do love dangling the proverbial carrot in front of us don't they?
seriously though, why would you ever need dual core phones? I understand it's the next logical step, but I don't plan on bit torrenting HD porn from my phone. The original Galaxy still seems plenty new and amazing enough for me to not care about another phone for at least a year.
SeanFloyd said:
they do love dangling the proverbial carrot in front of us don't they?
seriously though, why would you ever need dual core phones? I understand it's the next logical step, but I don't plan on bit torrenting HD porn from my phone. The original Galaxy still seems plenty new and amazing enough for me to not care about another phone for at least a year.
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Someone posted this elsewhere yesterday and those were my exact thoughts on it. I mean I get it but is that something necessary (if it were actually true) for the near future? We haven't even hit 6 months with this beast yet.
Sexy Vibrant featuring Sombionix 1.9.1, JAC's OC/UV, FFC installed
bdveteran18 said:
Someone posted this elsewhere yesterday and those were my exact thoughts on it. I mean I get it but is that something necessary (if it were actually true) for the near future? We haven't even hit 6 months with this beast yet.
Sexy Vibrant featuring Sombionix 1.9.1, JAC's OC/UV, FFC installed
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You can't never have too much speed on a phone. Flash contents need quite a bit of CPU and GPU power, emulators will benefit from this, Browsing Speed, Multitasking, etc.
It can't hurt to have the phone boot up faster either.
OMG this again....dud research its beeen posted few down from you......
its fake this rumor started July 5 and people are just blogging...ect of late for attention or they have been living under a rock last few months
Also you would think with these guys bringing up such an old rumor/news they would have something else to go on other than repeating what already been said almost 4 months prior.
You guys really think specs for a new galaxy S would "leak" just few weeks after its predecessor's release...just my opinion
I'd have to agree with the quote in the op though. Instead of doubling the specs, phone manufacturers should work on increasing battery life. The iphone doesn't have ridiculous specs but still manages to do nearly everything android phones do and do it smoother while still lasting a full day.
I don't really need my phone to do much more than it currently does. It matches the iphone in 3d smoothness which is great.. Now I just need it to open and close apps smoother and last a full day. The g2 does it with less ghz, so it should be possible with the vibrants current 1ghz processor.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
allthrottle said:
I'd have to agree with the quote in the op though. Instead of doubling the specs, phone manufacturers should work on increasing battery life. The iphone doesn't have ridiculous specs but still manages to do nearly everything android phones do and do it smoother while still lasting a full day.
I don't really need my phone to do much more than it currently does. It matches the iphone in 3d smoothness which is great.. Now I just need it to open and close apps smoother and last a full day. The g2 does it with less ghz, so it should be possible with the vibrants current 1ghz processor.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
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G2 does it with less mhz/ghz is because it is on a 45 nm fabrication vs. vibrant's 65 nm fabrication. The smaller the more efficient.
PaiPiePia said:
G2 does it with less mhz/ghz is because it is on a 45 nm fabrication vs. vibrant's 65 nm fabrication. The smaller the more efficient.
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The Hummingbird is 45nm also
CPU probably handles 800mhz at a really low voltages and found it to be the sweet spot that also conserves battery life
And to answer why its faster well maybe its designed better, such as better cache and maybe some type of "hyper threading" technique....that would explain the extra pipelines on the scorpion ...raw speed isn't always everything
BTW this is all just a guess so dont hold me to this..i know PC's not so much this

God Gimme a break!

This is just an onslaught of high end options! Thought this one had gone away.
How are we supposed to decide which phone to get next with all these choices!? Lol
And for the 'over $350' part... with a new contract? I honestly don't see that happening. I think $200 and maybe $250 will continue to be the price point for high end phones for a while.
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This is actually the same dual core family as the msm8660 dual core snapdragon, not sure what the difference is though. But the hercules only has 1gb of ram, even the Evo Shift has 2 gb.
link 404'ed

apparently the bold html he added threw it for a loop (remove the )
"It basically matches the HTC EVO 3D, HTC Sensation & Samsung Galaxy S2 in many ways but offers a larger display."
The new toys will always be better than the old toys in some ways . . . what other industry can pry hundreds of dollars from their customer's wallets every year or so, willingly, just by providing new eye candy . . ?
Sounds great... if it wasn't a Samsung ...
vbetts said:
This is actually the same dual core family as the msm8660 dual core snapdragon, not sure what the difference is though. But the hercules only has 1gb of ram, even the Evo Shift has 2 gb.
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Uh, what are you smoking? The Shift has 512 mb ram.
And the only difference with this phone and the EVO appears to be a .2 inch difference on the screen, and super amoled.
You'd still be trading in a higher resolution, 3D, and a dedicated camera button for this phone.
I look at it this way. I won't be due for upgrade til January, so I'll looking in December, at what's out there. My only mistake with the Evo was that it was already out 6 months when I got it, although it was good in that a LOT of development had already been done on it, still, my next upgrade will be a newer device.
Android 17 said:
Uh, what are you smoking? The Shift has 512 mb ram.
And the only difference with this phone and the EVO appears to be a .2 inch difference on the screen, and super amoled.
You'd still be trading in a higher resolution, 3D, and a dedicated camera button for this phone.
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Well losing 3D isnt really a big loss lol... at all. And as far as the resolution, the SAMOLED screen display is still the best there is anyways.
4.5"!!! Dear lord. After having an Evo, I want my next phone to be a 4"... of course it seems like the specs go up with screen size, which is stupid. I don't see awesome specs in anything less than a 4.3 these days.
The Evo 3d and Sensation will both have locked bootloaders(so the rumors say) plus the 3d has a ****ty 5mp camera(ok 2 of them but who the hell cares about taking 3d pics?) and the sensation has no 4G and only 1GB of internal memory(WTF HTC?).. Also this phone(as well as the Galaxy S 2) is made by Samsung. So, while you may be positively torn by this difficult decision, I assure you that I speak for many of us here when I say "MEH, I'm good with my Evo".
HipKat said:
I look at it this way. I won't be due for upgrade til January, so I'll looking in December, at what's out there. My only mistake with the Evo was that it was already out 6 months when I got it, although it was good in that a LOT of development had already been done on it, still, my next upgrade will be a newer device.
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I feel the opposite of you. I got my Evo in March of this year and I am glad I waited. My friend recently got a Thunderbolt when it was only out 2 weeks and there were barely any ROMS for it, it was a NIGHTMARE to root and he had hardware problems(which supposedly will be fixed in later versions). However when I got my phone, it had a TON of dev work done on it, and the hardware kinks were sorted out. Of course if you don't wanna root/flash etc then a brand new phone would do great. But I wouldn't want one. Not to mention you never know when the newest phone will be a success or not. Some phones never "take off" and so the Devs don't do much for them. But by getting a slightly older phone I was able to make sure that the there was a large DEV community devoted to it. Some of the device forums for android phones are down right depressing in their lack of goodies!!
Lol, to crush? Really?
robertroland said:
The Evo 3d and Sensation will both have locked bootloaders(so the rumors say) plus the 3d has a ****ty 5mp camera(ok 2 of them but who the hell cares about taking 3d pics?) and the sensation has no 4G and only 1GB of internal memory(WTF HTC?).. Also this phone(as well as the Galaxy S 2) is made by Samsung. So, while you may be positively torn by this difficult decision, I assure you that I speak for many of us here when I say "MEH, I'm good with my Evo".
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the new 5mp sensors should be better than our 8mp ones, just because of quality. iphone's 5mp KILLS our 8mp any day. so this to me says the 3d will be better than the evo in every way (minus kickstand, and maybe the dreaded bootloader lock, in which case the sgs2 will be the best probably)
Android 17 said:
Uh, what are you smoking? The Shift has 512 mb ram.
And the only difference with this phone and the EVO appears to be a .2 inch difference on the screen, and super amoled.
You'd still be trading in a higher resolution, 3D, and a dedicated camera button for this phone.
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My mistake, I was talking about the rom. Also, I was only speaking of the actual hardware of the 2 phones, not the features of them.
dkdude36 said:
the new 5mp sensors should be better than our 8mp ones, just because of quality. iphone's 5mp KILLS our 8mp any day. so this to me says the 3d will be better than the evo in every way (minus kickstand, and maybe the dreaded bootloader lock, in which case the sgs2 will be the best probably)
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That's really just an assumption tho. The reason(according to my google search) that we have crappy cameras isn't the sensor it's the fact that the video has to be compressed as it's recorded(even for stills) to the SD card. SD cards are slow. iPhones don't have them. They don't need the compression. The same manufacturer actually makes the cameras for both HTC Evo and Iphone 4. I'm not a DEV so if that's not true don't blame me that's just what I'm reading. Anyway, since the Evo3D has only 4g Internal it's a pretty safe bet that they will still be writing to an SD card. So unless HTC has figured out how to compress better(and that may not even be possible for all I know) then I'm very worried that the camera's won't be better at all. But if the 5mps look better than the 8mps we have now, and IF there is no locked bootloader then and only then would I even consider an Evo 3D. So here's hoping that they read this post and scrap them all and start over! We want our kickstand!
**** the Whales, Save Our Kickstands!
When will a andriod phone be developed with internal memory like a iphone?
sent from my evo, *****!

AT&T Announces Motorola Atrix 2 (Available 10/16 for $99)

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Motorola ATRIX™ 2
The Motorola ATRIX™ 2 combines “extreme power” with “life of the party” all at an affordable price. With its 1 GHz dual core processor and access to 4G speeds, entertainment lovers will revel in the ability to quickly download music and video and browse rich web pages in high-resolution on the 4.3-inch qHD display. Capture video in 1080p HD and display it on any size HD monitor with an HDMI cable using Mirror mode. With Motorola’s webtop application, you can browse the web with a full Firefox browser. Connect to the new Motorola Lapdock 100 or use the optional HD Station and browse the web on any size HD TV or monitor**.
While the ATRIX 2 boasts a great deal of entertainment value, features such as device and microSD card encryption, enterprise-grade VPN, enhanced Exchange options and personal information management and remote wipe make this device business-ready. Users will enjoy the new free ZumoCast app, giving users hassle-free access to their music, playlists, pictures and videos stored on their computer.
UMTS 850/1900/2100
GSM 850/900/1800/1900
4G HSPA+ 21 Mbps (Category 14)
1 GHz dual-core processor
Internal memory: 8 GB ROM, 1 GB RAM, 2 GB microSD™ card (expandable to 32GB)
Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)
4.3-inch qHD screen 960x540TFT, with more than 500,000 pixels for sharper, clearer display
8 MP camera and LED flash
Front-facing camera
1080p HD video capture, 30 frames per second playback
On Device Encryption (ODE) and Enhanced Exchange ActiveSync® (EAS)
Lapdock 100 Accessory
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So, it's the same CPU, same ram, same display, but +4G, +better camera, + new design, +locked bootloader?
Not worth upgrading imo.
Complete dissapointment. Worse than what apple does. It even looks like crap with the curved edges. See everyone acts like apple is dumb for releasing the same phone. I would be happy with the same looking atrix, faster cpu, 720p screen and better camera. Im done with Motorola.
It also only has 8gb storage which is a major downgrade. CRAP!
xploited said:
So, it's the same CPU, same ram, same display, but +4G, +better camera, + new design, +locked bootloader?
Not worth upgrading imo.
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its actually not a tegra 2 processor, screen is a little bigger and isnt a pentile display, no fingerprint scanner and they cut the internal memory in half. you also cant use the docks from the atrix 4g. definitely not worth the "upgrade"
JayRolla said:
Complete dissapointment. Worse than what apple does. It even looks like crap with the curved edges. See everyone acts like apple is dumb for releasing the same phone. I would be happy with the same looking atrix, faster cpu, 720p screen and better camera. Im done with Motorola.
It also only has 8gb storage which is a major downgrade. CRAP!
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WTF Motorola, adding mirror to a new phone that should have been added to the 8 month old one.
Definitely not giving up cm7 for this. In fact I feel it's a downgrade I many respects.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
they took away the fingerprint unlock ?
I agree with all the above, it is not worth the changing, especially since no word on the damn bootloader thing is being said. I guess that it will be locked as hell, with no easy unlockin in sight....
I prefer the photon on this crap any day, and wouldnt replace my Atrix for neither...
Boo Motorola! I like my Tegra and pudding thank you very much. not worth the downgrade. things in the original Atrix world are just starting to get interesting.
Where is our hdmi mirroring?!?!?!
I might as well pile on here as well and say LOL. Why the hell would they do this. Oh wait I know. MONEY. Greedy corporations make me vomit.
I cant help but wonder what went through the minds of the people who made this phone. It obviously was not meant as an Atrix replacement at first or it would match the internal storage and have a fingerprint scanner.
Also, no unlocked bootloader = no CM7. Atrix > Atrix 2.
I'm better off waiting for the Nexus Prime!
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
This is a slap in the face to all Atrix owners. iPhone 4s is a monumental leap forward compared to this.
Why so early ? the Atrix came out in April this year, now the Atrix 2 coming out in October ?
They should be waiting to next year and releasing it with ICS and with stronger CPU.
Well.... guess I'll be rooting and keeping my original Atrix.
ofek said:
Why so early ? the Atrix came out in April this year, now the Atrix 2 coming out in October ?
They should be waiting to next year and releasing it with ICS and with stronger CPU.
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it came out in february
phone's today have an average 6 months lifespan, our original atrix is about 8 months, a refresh seems to be a normal cycle.
facetubespam said:
phone's today have an average 6 months lifespan, our original atrix is about 8 months, a refresh seems to be a normal cycle.
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Maybe it's more noticeable since the iPhone comes out every year, and not 6 months...
Sent from my MB860 using xda premium
It really is depressing that this is what the wireless world is coming to. For a company to release a second version of such an impressive phone.. with LESS features and less memory is just ridiculous. I would never upgrade to such a phone, even for the 'faster' web access. With the Prime coming and ICS, this seems like a desperate attempt to lock more customers in to a contract with a gimmicky sequel. The original Atrix is leaps and bounds ahead of this new version with all the hacks that have been accomplished.. and with nightlies coming, and ICS potentially in the future, I'll be happy to keep my Atrix 1. The only thing that might convince me to change phones is an ICS Prime.
