Confused, What's the latest stock rom? - HD2 General

Currently I have the following installed:
ROM: 1.66.405.2 (76641) WWE
UK unbranded HD2 on o2
Now, a while back I'm sure the HTC support section had a new upgrade. I downloaded it but never bothered to install.
That file is called:
_HTC HD2_RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship.exe
Which seems to be the same as what I've got! Yet when i run that file it says:
PDA Phone ROM Update Utility (is the 3.27 the rom or the version of the update utility?)
Additionaly the date on the HTC site of the update is 2010-01-25 which can't be the one i got before. I'm sure there is a 3. something rom.. ??? Have they taken the newer one down opr something?
Someone please, sort my brain out!! thanks!

3.14 is latest
go back to and look again at rom updates (support - pick hd2 in phone list - downloads)
The first one listed is an o2 specific update, but that wont work on yours because as you mentioned you actually have an unbranded hd2 (because o2 couldnt buy them and brand them quick enough for demand early 2010)

samsamuel said:
3.14 is latest
go back to and look again at rom updates (support - pick hd2 in phone list - downloads)
The first one listed is an o2 specific update, but that wont work on yours because as you mentioned you actually have an unbranded hd2 (because o2 couldnt buy them and brand them quick enough for demand early 2010)
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The only ROM upgrade listed for HTC HD2 is:
ROM Upgrade for HTC HD2
Release Date: 2010-01-25 Category: ROM Upgrade
An updated ROM is now available for HTC HD2 users to download. As always, HTC is committed to providing customers with the best possible mobile experience.
Installation Instructions:
Note: This update is not intended for use on T-Mobile(US) HTC HD2, and doing so may have undesired side effects.
ROM Version:
Norway:1.66.409.1, Spain :1.66.412.1, Denmark:1.66.403.1, France :1.66.406.1,
Sweden:1.66.413.2, Italy:1.66.408.1, WWE:1.66.405.2, France Bouygues: 1.66.483.0
Can't see any o2 update that you mentioned (not that i need it, like you say) but 3.14 is not there??

u want seventh one down on this page
dated 2010-10-11

samsamuel said:
u want seventh one down on this page
dated 2010-10-11
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yeah thanks mate, i managed to find it on my pc from before, was in a different folder!! already flashed it, hope it's an improvement, was getting sick and tired of things hanging etc...

jonbaker76 said:
Currently I have the following installed:
ROM: 1.66.405.2 (76641) WWE
UK unbranded HD2 on o2
Now, a while back I'm sure the HTC support section had a new upgrade. I downloaded it but never bothered to install.
That file is called:
_HTC HD2_RUU_Leo_HTC_WWE_1.66.405.2_Radio_Signed_15.30.50.07U_2.06.51.07_Ship.exe
Which seems to be the same as what I've got! Yet when i run that file it says:
PDA Phone ROM Update Utility (is the 3.27 the rom or the version of the update utility?)
Additionaly the date on the HTC site of the update is 2010-01-25 which can't be the one i got before. I'm sure there is a 3. something rom.. ??? Have they taken the newer one down opr something?
Someone please, sort my brain out!! thanks!
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sorry to charge in here with what may seem a very daft question but how to tell if your hd2 is branded..or not. Do you mean the actual device casing is Unbranded (as is mine) but i still have the 02 splashscreen when the device boots up. Again sorry for my ignorance but is my splashscreen indicitive of my phone being o2 branded or is it (should be) printed to the casing of the phone?

it has the o2 splash so its almost certainly branded. its the rom thats branded not the casing, and by branded we mean you get your updates through your provider (or select the provider branded rom on the HTC website, to be more accurate). Your phone will only accept roms signed by your provider, unless you use sspl/hspl, and vice versa, an unbranded phone wont take provider roms.
Some providers dont brand them, virgin, i believe dont brand them.
Also called rom lock or rom locked, or provider locked.
to be sure, go HERE (assuming you're uk) and try download teh top entry using your real serial number. its a branded 3.14 o2 rom, so if it lets you, your phone is branded. if it doesnt let you, its not, and you should use the one pointed out above, the generic wwe.
just as extra info, before 3.14, if your phone was branded you got different versions, so a generic 1.66 rom was 1.72 for branded phones. Same rom, just with o2 junk.

I don't have any branding to the case OR the software, to be honest i don't think i could stand either.. I've always bought my contracts from carphonewarehouse and every phone they have supplied me with is unbranded.
Always on O2, all my previous Nokia handsets were the same.
Perhaps like the previous poster said i don't give them a chance to get their software on, i'm always straight off the mark with brand new releases

jonbaker76 said:
I've always bought my contracts from carphonewarehouse and every phone they have supplied me with is unbranded.
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all yea thats why you use generic wwe roms. cpw sell unbranded phones, and sometimes lock them to a carrier, often dont. But either way, the phone would still use generic non branded roms. rom lock and carrier lock/sim lock are unconnected.


Trying to get Orange UK to give me NEW Rom update

As any one tried the new ROM update from HTC in the UK ?
Changed the title to reflect better the subject matter
dgattenb said:
As any one tried the new ROM update from HTC in the UK ?
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Bit outdated mate. Dated 7th April 2009. Looks most likely like version 1.56 which has been incorporated into a lot of WM6.1 roms. However newer releases including 1.57 & 1.59 have been released. Latest cooked roms already include either 1.57 or 1.59
Shipped roms can be found in wiki here mate
not in date ?
Mine's rom 1.14.405.3 ( 22273m ) WWE
when I can put in my serial number into HTC it says the patch is not fro my phone .
I'm with Orange UK
BTW My serial is HT849KD09700 ...
dgattenb said:
BTW My serial is HT849KD09700 ...
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You can download same shipped rom from wiki no problem. I provided link in previous post.
dgattenb said:
Mine's rom 1.14.405.3 ( 22273m ) WWE
when I can put in my serial number into HTC it says the patch is not fro my phone .
I'm with Orange UK
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If your phone if orange branded then this is the reason why HTC says the firmware update is not for your phone.
dgattenb said:
As any one tried the new ROM update from HTC in the UK ?
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My new Touch HD came last week with this ROM on it - it's on T-Mobile but SIM unlocked. very stable, no major problems other than the fact I could do with a better radio support since the T-Mobile coverage where I am is lousy, but the Touch is still worse than my SonyEricsson W950i.
Will 1.57 or 1.59 ROMs help on the radio side ?
answer from HTC
Dear Customer, Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. An IMEI check of your device indicated that it is an exclusive product, branded to the HT849KD09700 mobile network. SN :HT849KD09700 IMEI :3539xxxxxxxxxx Part Number :99HHCxxxxxxx Part Description :SKU,ORANGE,English-WWE,GBR,HTC,UMTS 900/2100,Regional_ID_Low,Sophisticate Black,w/SIM Lock,BLACKSTONE-A2 Customer Name :Orange P.C.S Limited We can only offer limited technical support for network branded handsets, as both software and hardware can be altered by the network provider. For this reason, contact your provider for any support that you might need, including repairs and software updates. As your handset is an exclusive product from a distributor, you will also not be able to get the HTC website support files as this is only for genuine original HTC branded devices.
Im asking orange now for more infomation
Please let us know how Orange responds. I too would like to try a new ROM update on my Orange TOuch HD.
I just changed the title to refelct the subject mater better.
You are facing the same problem as most of us which is why this site is loved so much.
In my case I have 1.14 German rom sold by sunrise.
My S/N also does not work on the 1.56 shipped roms from HTC.
They will also not sell me a WWE version of Blackstone.
So the only choice I have is to USPL / HSPL the device and get myself either a cooked or shiiped rom.
Now I am lucky as the branding of the device (flash screen, ect) is on no intrest to me, on top of that Sunrise gives me no add on Cabs that I need or even want.
My aprroaching sunrise has got me no were.
My hope is that you might get somewere and that we might beable to get a shipped rom that we can add to our collection.
Good luck
slightly off topic, but what is the difference between the WWE and European versions of the ROM available on the Wiki ? I'm currently on WWE 1.56 (T-Mobile UK) and have upgraded the radio from 1.13 to 1.14 without any effect. Wondering if the Europe version is any different, also wondering if it would help any of you locked onto Orange ?
no responce from orange
No responce from orange yet , will keep you guys upto date , chnaging the radio wont work on the Orange ROM , in the forum there are loads of folk who have kiled there phone and had to go back to " factory " settings .
I have written a letter of complaint to orange as they have said that there are no plans to release any updated ROM versions in the future. I await a call from orange complaints department. Im not expecting anything. If you put a non-orange ROM on your phone then you void your warranty. Great service me thinks not!
This is the latest rom from orange. check this post:
still nothign
still nothing from orange, I cant see wht orange wont " upgrade " the rom , even HTC this fixes certain problems... I will ask them again and get back to you ..
This reminds me so much of a past experience I had with a phone network company. Yes it maybe Orange!!!
Same thing as you I wrote and wrote. In the end I got so fed up I upgraded with a custom rom that suited my needs. I DID however take note that by doing a custom rom/radio upgrade screwed the warrenty...HOWEVER I read on xda dev many threads on backing up the original rom along (and more importantly) HOW TO downgrade back incase the phone needed replacing via the Networks Warrenty.
Orange IMHO are the best network out there for many reasons. But I guess they are of the opinion, that as the rom that come with it works without too many customers complaining, then they won't and need not offer an update.
For the record. I updated to Miri v12 and have followed this rom genious for months. My Blackstone runs like a bullet from a gun, and is as reliable as I want. Everything works on it and I now know exactly HOW to downgrade the phone should it happen to go wrong and need to be shipped back to Orange for replacement....or repair. and read some more...and you'll end up loving you Blackstone more than you would have.
I have just spoken to customer support. They are now saying that the first year of warranty is with HTC and that in her opinion they would not void the warranty if you install the official rom, even though HTC say the ROM upgrade is not compatible !?!
Yea I am having exactly the same problem, I did try two updated roms from the wiki, The WWE 1.59 and the EU 1.59 both worked as far as resetting my phone got to 1% and then came up on the PC screen to say it was not supported by my provider? Would I be able to use one of these roms and flash it using another method? I have seen a few other methods of doing it?
Also would it be benificial to just use a cooked rom if I can't get one from Orange? Would I still be able to connect into their network afterwards or would I need to input a whole lot of settings?
mwaldi3 said:
Yea I am having exactly the same problem, I did try two updated roms from the wiki, The WWE 1.59 and the EU 1.59 both worked as far as resetting my phone got to 1% and then came up on the PC screen to say it was not supported by my provider? Would I be able to use one of these roms and flash it using another method? I have seen a few other methods of doing it?
Also would it be benificial to just use a cooked rom if I can't get one from Orange? Would I still be able to connect into their network afterwards or would I need to input a whole lot of settings?
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may be worth checking my posts at the end of the "Dummys guide...." in the ROM section and adding your voice
Cool thanks will do

How to find shipped rom?

I tried to google it... i tried to look into Leo Official ROMs... tried here Leo shipped roms couldnt find my rom anywhere... and before i flash hspl i wanna have chance to go back if something goes wrong...
my rom is (70315) CSY radio and protocol
its from czech t-mobile... could anyone help me out? HTC website doesnt accept my serial number and on t-mobile website is nothing...
go to the Czech HTC support site and it should be there...
i tried but it doesnt accept my serial number... i guess becuase its t-mobile branded
more than likely...but if peeps on Vodafone UK put there's in they get to the download page of their VF ROM...
on tmobile website they have just upgrade for nokia and sony ericsson... i think ill email them, thanks for help anyway
EddyOS said:
more than likely...but if peeps on Vodafone UK put there's in they get to the download page of their VF ROM...
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no they dont cos there isnt one released by voda.... yet
no, but it should give you the first 1.43 ROM shouldn't it? I have an unbranded HD2 on 1.48 out the box so I'm assuming as I have access to 1.48 and 1.66 if I go on the support page...
EddyOS said:
no, but it should give you the first 1.43 ROM shouldn't it?
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if your handset is unbranded you can download whatever you want from the HTC website and it will work.
If it is locked down by the network then you will not be able to download any version of their roms officially.... until they release one. Even then you will only be able to download and install the latest.
However... network operator roms are posted all over xda... just search and ye shall find.
I assumed putting in your S/N would bring up what's been released already - bit backwards but I suppose it's to discourage people pissing about with their phones and just flash it back - another form of control!

Vodafone NL branded rom (1.72)

Updated2: There has been an ROM update from HTC itself. See this post.
I need to send my Vodafone NLD branded* HTC HD2 in for repairs (see this thread). Problem is I've HSPL'ed it and installed a newer unbranded rom -1.48.404.2 (71294) NLD with radio, still wanted to upgrade to a newer ROM bud didn't bother because everything worked fine and I had to erase everything. 'T was the newest when I got the HD2...
I only did this because the unbranded ROM was stuck at 1.43 (and still is!)
So, does anyone know where I can find the official branded Vodafone NL 1.43 (or newer!) rom so I can restore my SPL with a MicroSD card flash?
Alternatively, does anyone know either:
Another solution/suggestion?
How I can create a goldcard (I won't mind to pay a few bucks) which will restore the SPL and will restore the ROM to a version that has a high/99,9% chance to fool the repair centre?
Know how I can dump a ROM of a HD2? (I couldn't find it anywhere). I might be able to find someone who has a branded Vodafone NL HD2 and didn't "hack" it. I could then dump the rom and use it to flash my device. Ofcourse if that is succesful I'll also make the ROM available for download!
Any help found be appreciated!
* Actually its pretty stupid they branded it, they even promised they wouldn't do it anymore. The only change I could detect was the Vodafone logo and sound that was visible during boot (instead of the normal HTC screen with ROM info etc.)
To clarify: this is about a branded Dutch version by Vodafone (NL branch). If you have Vodafone UK or ordered the English version from Vodafone NL (which is exactly the same as the Vodafone UK version) you can use one of these roms:
Vodafone UK Official signed 1.43 (origional ROM)
Vodafone UK Official signed 1.66) (1.66 ROM released on 22 Feb 2010)
Hmm if this is correct I could do what I want with a goldcard right? I would create a goldcard with the official unbranded 1.43 ROM and restore the origional SPL, radio and ROM. Thus the only difference they would notice is the unbranded ROM/OS/Splashscreen, but if I'm correct they mainly check if a HSPL is installed right?
dtechnology said:
2. How I can create a goldcard (I won't mind to pay a few bucks) which will restore the SPL and will restore the ROM to a version that has a high/99,9% chance to fool the repair centre?
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I think this should work. Will it fool Vodafone?
Okay, so I found webpatrick who was willing to dump his ROM
But how do I now make a flashable rom out of it? (e.g. the standard flashable .exe installer or a flashable leoimg.nbh)
I've found some information on how to do it (for thopaz and rhodium), but I can't get it clear enough for me to work.
So to clarify, I would like
1. As close to the origional as possible
2. At least the origional SPL (1.42 I think)
3. Splashscreen would be a pré
3. OS Rom would be fine, but I think it is 100% the same from the official HTC
4. Radio doesn't really matter to me, but to get the origional I would like it
Can anyone help me make it or make it for me?
ROM information:
- Busturingssysteem: 5.2.21864 (21864.5.0.81)
- Manila versie: 2.5.19202525.0
- ROM versie: (70494) NLD
- ROM Datum: 11/12/09
- Radioversie:
- Protocolversie:
Parts 0-3 can be downloaded here (no waiting time as long as I still have credit)
Ow cmon, with all the ROM builders out there there must be someone who knows?
I see you got started...
Maybe good good to know HSPL2 is out, now it can revert to original SPL, so maybe bepe can help you reverting to NLD Vodafone SPL.
edit: Sorry the release notes say that you can only flash an original SPL using an official ROM.
I saw it, and it's good news. The only thing I'd like is the vodafone splash screen back, which is in te ROM. Otherwise I'm just going to return it saturdat with the SPL reverted to 1.42 through HSPL2
Startup Shutdown Animations
Here are the Startup and Shutdown Animation files + reg settings.
Official Vodafone NLD ROM finally here
To be honest im glad i got my HD2 before it was officially available in the Netherlands, if i break it, i can send it straight to HTC, also, it didn't have any crappy branding or anything.
Then again i had to pay (quite some) for it, where as you new NLD hd2 users prolly didn't (or only a little)
Great news: HTC has released an upgrade for Vodafone branded HD2's itself
The version is branded
I'm flashing it right now.
Uploading it to rapidshare right now.
Rapidshare mirror here
S/N free mirror on Vodafone NL site

Please Explain the ROM Updates and WinMo updates

Hey guys,
I have a copuple of questions concerning the updates for my HD2.
First of all, I am mainly interested in updating ROM with the ship versions, and my only wish is to be up to date.
Currently I am using the ship version of the rom 1.66.405.2 WWE edition and I think that it is the latest one, correct me if I am wrong?
Now for the real question, I see that in most cooked rooms the WM version is 6.5, but, when I go to the software info on my phone I can see that OS version is 5.2.21869 and manilla is 2.5.19211619.0.
Does this mean that I have some old version of the WinMo??
I will repeat that I am interested in SHIP versions of ROMs, but I would like to have the latest versions of the ROM and Win Mo...
The latest shipped ROM is the 2.10 US T-Mobile ROM. Should you wish to use it you'll have to first install HSPL and then you can do what you want
EddyOS said:
The latest shipped ROM is the 2.10 US T-Mobile ROM. Should you wish to use it you'll have to first install HSPL and then you can do what you want
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Thanks for the answer I have already installed HSPL as I had a German language Leo and I wanted the English one.
A question concerning the 2.19 US T-Mobile ROM, is it only intended for the US mobile networks or it can be also used for European one's?
What about the WM, do i have really the 5.2 version or I am missing something?
Thanks again..
Hi. Here is my take on things. There are two types of shipped ROMS on the HD2. the ones published by HTC (1.66.4052 WWE is the latest one of these - in the UK at least) and the ones shipped by mobile service providers (apparently the new T-Mobile in the US ships with 2.10, but doesn't in the UK).
When you refer to the OS version on your phone I'm not sure how that number equates to the the Microsoft base operating system (which is 6.5 I believe, maybe there is a list somewhere that shows what the HTC OS code means). You are not out of date however for a shipped ROM.
Manilla is another name for the User Interface on the HTC (also called sense, it you want to pretend to be technical you call products by generations old names instead of the real one LOL).
cMMY69 said:
Hi. Here is my take on things. There are two types of shipped ROMS on the HD2. the ones published by HTC (1.66.4052 WWE is the latest one of these - in the UK at least) and the ones shipped by mobile service providers (apparently the new T-Mobile in the US ships with 2.10, but doesn't in the UK).
When you refer to the OS version on your phone I'm not sure how that number equates to the the Microsoft base operating system (which is 6.5 I believe, maybe there is a list somewhere that shows what the HTC OS code means). You are not out of date however for a shipped ROM.
Manilla is another name for the User Interface on the HTC (also called sense, it you want to pretend to be technical you call products by generations old names instead of the real one LOL).
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Thanks for explaining
But, can the US T-Mobile be used with the European phones/networks?
Can you tell me maybe what does it say for your OS version at About Phone> Software information?
My mission is to be up to date )
Thanks again..
mkozlica said:
Thanks for explaining
But, can the US T-Mobile be used with the European phones/networks?
Can you tell me maybe what does it say for your OS version at About Phone> Software information?
My mission is to be up to date )
Thanks again..
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I think that perhaps you might need to keep (or reinstall) the radio version for your country or region If you get hold of a US T-Mobile ROM. I haven't heard of anyone installing this ROM in europe.
I am on the same ROM as you, that is the latest HTC stock ROM in Europe I believe. That comes the Radio and I dont believe there has been any official update to that in europe.
The OS Version is Windows CE 5.22 which is 6.5

Can't download rom upgrade

Hey everyone!!
Today I got my HD2
I saw a ROM update on the HTC site. It was posted on 02-02-2010.
When I enter my serial number it says the update is not for me (I'm sure I filled in the correct one).
Is this because my phone is from Vodafone (splash screen en shutdown screen show Vodafone logo)?
Is it possible to install this official ROM? (I don't mind to lose the Vodafone screens) How could I do this.
I want to keep my phone in dutch.
Let me know, I know you could help me!!!
has your phone already got an up to date rom? you can download official rom's in the leo rom development forum
golles said:
When I enter my serial number it says the update is not for me (I'm sure I filled in the correct one).
Is this because my phone is from Vodafone (splash screen en shutdown screen show Vodafone logo)?
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Hi, yes, you are correct. You should get your rom upgrades from Vodafone.
However we all know how bad carriers are at releasing upgrades, so consider hspl2 and then you can flash the rom of your choice. (official or not)
But isn't it possible to get an official HTC rom?
At this moment I prefer to have an official rom on my new phone.
For an official Vodafone ROM update, ask them. The ROM on the HTC site is also official. Not for your phone tho.
golles said:
But isn't it possible to get an official HTC rom?
At this moment I prefer to have an official rom on my new phone.
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no because your handset is branded to vodafone, the offical updates are for non branded phones
I had a same problem!
Just bought an HTC HD2, in hungary, but it has a "hungarian rom 1.48.479.1" on it, with SPL 1.42.0000
But, i cant upgrade any roms, my PN number last 3 number is 042, so this htc hd2 is came from a german vodafone. (htc . com says, no upgarde for this pdaphone yet)
Still have 2 years of warranty.
So is it possible, to get an 1.66 official rom on it, with hspl2? and if i need my warranty, can i "un/install" to 1.42 SPL to not lose my warranty? If is it possible, i will use hspl2 if i need my warranty, and i will use that german 1.66 rom that just came out (vodafone . de)
Answer pls, and yea, i know my english is sucks.
samsamuel said:
Hi, yes, you are correct. You should get your rom upgrades from Vodafone.
However we all know how bad carriers are at releasing upgrades, so consider
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