[Q] Droid survived dunk- Now no vibration/ haptic feedback - Droid 2 General

Hello. I hate to even make the post, but I do so love XDA-developers, and maybe somebody can help me out.
I managed to dunk the phone, lets not discuss how, in some pond water. I scoured the int3rwebz for solutions and seemed best advice was to dry with desiccant and a suggestion of an alcohol wash or use of electrical contact cleaner.
The phone was on when dropped, off when recovered. Water damage indicator on the phone was tripped, but the battery still shows red x's. Waited the requisite amount of days and the phone works! everything works.
Now the problem- I get a bit worried about the left over pond scum and I decide I'd be the mad scientist to use electrical contact cleaner on it. Sprayed the suspect areas and immediately blew out the phone with compressed air, let it sit a few nights in desiccant. Now I have some small bubbles in the screen( which was NOT sprayed...) . FML. figure they may be trapped cleaner and eventually evaporate. Not a huge deal, just a bit annoying.
THEN I realize my vibration now does not work. I attribute this to either the water or contact cleaner.
I am now one of a million posting "PHONE GOT WET HALP!!!" and I apologize for such a newbie post, but is there any hope for the vibration to begin working again magically?
Haptic feedback is a fairly big part of this phones operation, and I use silent mode at work with vibration.
If I am screwed on the vibration I have another newbie question:
Can you set different ring tones or sms tones to certain contacts? I have had phones that do this in the past but I cant seem to find anything on this one. I am using the newest version of fission at the moment- 2.6.1.
THANKS for any help/ useful information!

If you look in the battery compartment, I think in the lower left, you can actually see the vibration motor. I would check and make sure that nothing is blocking it. However, I would venture to say that being that it is the only (powered) moving part and being it being so exposed, I would imagine that it would be the most likely to get short circuited or otherwise damaged by the water.

-Gilgamesh- said:
If you look in the battery compartment, I think in the lower left, you can actually see the vibration motor. I would check and make sure that nothing is blocking it. However, I would venture to say that being that it is the only (powered) moving part and being it being so exposed, I would imagine that it would be the most likely to get short circuited or otherwise damaged by the water.
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I would concur that it was probably short circuited. Do you have insurance?

I agree. I absolutely did not purchase insurance. Live and learn. That's why I don't mind using it as is.
On to the second question- any way to select varying tones for different contacts in phone ringer/ sms tones? Would I just find something on the market for this? again using fission ROM.
Can you change the green missed call/ sms received LED?
I should have left the phone as it was after drying and not gotten paranoid about the "left over pond scum mineral residue" Oh well.. again live and learn.
Thanks again for the replies.

Open the contact that you wanna change, hit menu and select "options" and it's obvious from there. As for the LED, try an app called Missed Call.
Sorry I missed those to begin with.

atothec said:
Hello. I hate to even make the post, but I do so love XDA-developers, and maybe somebody can help me out.
I managed to dunk the phone, lets not discuss how, in some pond water. I scoured the int3rwebz for solutions and seemed best advice was to dry with desiccant and a suggestion of an alcohol wash or use of electrical contact cleaner.
The phone was on when dropped, off when recovered. Water damage indicator on the phone was tripped, but the battery still shows red x's. Waited the requisite amount of days and the phone works! everything works.
Now the problem- I get a bit worried about the left over pond scum and I decide I'd be the mad scientist to use electrical contact cleaner on it. Sprayed the suspect areas and immediately blew out the phone with compressed air, let it sit a few nights in desiccant. Now I have some small bubbles in the screen( which was NOT sprayed...) . FML. figure they may be trapped cleaner and eventually evaporate. Not a huge deal, just a bit annoying.
THEN I realize my vibration now does not work. I attribute this to either the water or contact cleaner.
I am now one of a million posting "PHONE GOT WET HALP!!!" and I apologize for such a newbie post, but is there any hope for the vibration to begin working again magically?
Haptic feedback is a fairly big part of this phones operation, and I use silent mode at work with vibration.
If I am screwed on the vibration I have another newbie question:
Can you set different ring tones or sms tones to certain contacts? I have had phones that do this in the past but I cant seem to find anything on this one. I am using the newest version of fission at the moment- 2.6.1.
THANKS for any help/ useful information!
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First off, this isn't really a newb post. Not once have I seen "is there any to trick Verizon into sending me a new phone blah blah blah"
Second, I think you got really lucky here especially for the phone having been on, and ESPECIALLY that the battery didn't get wet or damaged. For what happened, the vibration being gone is pretty minor damage.

orkillakilla said:
Second, I think you got really lucky here especially for the phone having been on, and ESPECIALLY that the battery didn't get wet or damaged. For what happened, the vibration being gone is pretty minor damage.
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I agree. I guess mad at myself because it was ok before the contact cleaner (d'oh). Oh well, maybe it will reduce some corrosion.
And thank you -Gilgamesh- Don't know how I missed that. I'll try that app as well.

I have a hard time contact cleaner as being the culprit. If it damaged electronics, then it would kind of defy the whole point? Not trying to argue, just seems like it would be the least likely thing to do it. Was it powdery or foamy or something? Maybe it clogged up mechanism, maybe try poking at it with a quetip or something to dislodge it? Or maybe the air pressure pushed some moisture further inside where it could do some damage? Either way, guess I'll make sure to stay away from using it myself anyway. >.<

WELL.. the electrical cleaner in question does say to re-lubricate any movable parts as the cleaner will most likely dissolve oil/lubrication. My guess is that this vibration motor was lubricated if only in a small way.
I agree, unless the phone was submerged in something KNOWN caustic or corrosive, then I would just dry it, and be done with it. (I do also have the new screen bubbles/ dead pixels after the cleaner too.) I read the stories of people submerging in high grade alcohol after the water based dunk so I thought what the heck and the mentioned area in the lower left- looked like a board to me- was sprayed (of course with battery out). I tested the stuff on paper and it was dry within seconds just from air. I sprayed the phone out with compressed air afterward and another few nights in industrial strength desiccant.
So now I'm wondering if I spray some lube (WD-40 just a drop?) into this area in the lower left (Vibration motor?) of course with battery out and adequate dry time?
Thanks for staying with me. I installed a few LED applications and now at least know how to set different ring tones for different contacts.
Of course I'm ecstatic that the display even works after the submersion. I was already pricing 6-700 phones and even thought of...dare I say it... downgrading.

I really wouldn't. WD-40 is high pressure, thus when the tiniest little squirt would prob end up coating most of the inside of the phone. With the battery out I doubt it would cause any shorts, but it may still cause via corrosion because of the chemicals. IF I were to use any type of lube on it, I'd use something made for moving parts, such as the little thing of oil/lubricant you get with a hair trimmers. That way you can easily just put a small drop. That being said, I have no idea what effect using such a product might cause. May fix it, or could permanently damage the phone. Never really tried anything like that.

Personally I would just cut my loses now. There isn't very much damage, and you don't know how much more damaged could be caused by doing something like this. Just my opinion.

Yeah probably best to leave well enough alone at this point. Working screen for the most part, everything else working, just a dead vibration mechanism.
Lesson to be learned for anyone searching- if you have no real reason to beleive the device will be corroded by the substance the device was submerged in... JUST DRY IT WITH DESICCANT! Like I said mine was on and streaming music when dropped, completely off when recovered. I thought it was shorted out for sure, or at least would have tripped some kind of fuse only to be known by verizon/ motorolla techs to be cheaply replaced for refurbished units.
Anyway... just glad to still have a working device. Now to live this down as the GF got a $0.01 droid 2 at the same time as i did, but hers works perfectly fine (I smell a sabotage in the near future.....)

HAHA good luck with that.

atothec said:
Hello. I hate to even make the post, but I do so love XDA-developers, and maybe somebody can help me out.I
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cant help you on the vibration part but for the contacts, try going to the contact hitting menu button-->options-->ringtone
edit: i was beat to it, my internet was slow to load and saw no other posts but he OP lol.

-Gilgamesh- said:
If you look in the battery compartment, I think in the lower left, you can actually see the vibration motor. I would check and make sure that nothing is blocking it. However, I would venture to say that being that it is the only (powered) moving part and being it being so exposed, I would imagine that it would be the most likely to get short circuited or otherwise damaged by the water.
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HA! Decided that id add a drop of wd-40 to the vibration motor. After re-reading gilgamesh's post here I remembered seeing a turbine like piece of metal spinning with the compressed air. I was thinking the very lower left where the main board is exposed, but this is pretty much to the left of the middle of the battery. You can see a white motor with gears on the output shaft and the "spinning metal fan blade...thingy"
so, I pull my battery and.... blue silica desiccant ball! Dunno how I missed it. Removed it with a pencil, battery back in, fire it up, success!
So now I just have what im guessing is some left over cleaner under the plastic screen, but it could actually be lcd damage. Ill just have to see if it ever evaporates.
Still in the running for luckiest unlucky droid 2 user 2011!
thanks again guys,

Oops- double posted. Anyway moral of the story is use desiccant, but block all passages (I used cotton on the audio jack and port at lower left that goes to mainboard, but forgot the vibration motor.) And don't get any cleaner anywhere near the screen as it seems to have messed up my lcd a bit.
Also- if your vibrate stops working make sure that metal fan spins freely when you blow on it/ use compressed air.

Congratulations!! Glad to hear it's fixed now!!

Yeah I think that award is going to you lol. Glad to hear you fix it.

Damn you're one lucky mofo...for being unlucky that is...
Sent from my Evo "Z" unit on xda app.

Actually, I would say the opposite. One of the luckiest. Dropped it in a pond and came out working perfectly, in the end.


myTouch Doubles as a Sex Toy

I've had my myTouch for about a month now and have been lurking around the forums for about the same amount of time. With adequate research, I've been able to successfully root, install and run my phone with Maxismo's HERO rom. Successfully meaning have done all that can be with a 4GB class 2 SDHC.
Now to the title. Yesterday morning after a quick McDonalds run, a friend and I decided to post and enjoy our 600 calorie breakfast in the car while I had Pandora running on my Magic through the car audio jack. To no surprise, friend decides that it is a good idea to slide my phone off the armrest, onto the cupholder where a half-filled cup of McD's orange juice parked itself with no cover.. I blame the lady at the drive-thru for not giving us straws. It was in there for a good 5 seconds.
A **** load of used Kleenex's later, I examined the phone and found that the water-damage indicator was still solid white. Aside from the apparent stickier feel, everything seemed fine.. Until I got home. A couple hours later, I reached for my phone to find that it was vibrating. No call, no vmail, not even a text from homegirl to see how my phone was doing. I had tried all the "phone-drying" methods, from Dust-Off to submerging your phone into a bowl of uncooked rice and I still sit here writing this, with my month-old myTouch dancing around my desk like it was happy to see me.
My first question is, has anybody encountered such a problem? If so, has anyone devised a way to remedy this? Second, I have PHP through T-Mobile (phone insurance for those overseas).. Should I just un-root, suck it up and pay the $130 deductible?
I met up with homegirl later on that night and yes, she was happily myTouched.
I shall await replies if any. Thanks for reading.
does the phone still work besides that. cuz if you are going to pay the deductible, i say just report it stolen and pay the fee to get a new one and use the water damaged one as a back up to flash test roms. the only reason you would unroot it and return it is if you are going through warranty, but it would fail, because though the indicator is still white, they open it up and check for water damage there, so you would still have to pay an out of warranty fee, which is like 400 when I had to return my mytouch for warranty purposes.
Just out of curiosity, where is the water indicator?
Also you should leave the phone submerged (cover off and battery off) in rice or packs of silica if you kept those from packaging of electronics for about 2 days. The longer the better. Then see if the phone still works.
Taknarosh said:
Just out of curiosity, where is the water indicator?
Also you should leave the phone submerged (cover off and battery off) in rice or packs of silica if you kept those from packaging of electronics for about 2 days. The longer the better. Then see if the phone still works.
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Water level indicator is on the lower right hand corner of the battery compartment. It's a round white sticker.
Phone was left (battery and cover off) in a bowl of rice as I mentioned in my post. I think it's the dried up sugar stuck on the board that's causing the phone to act up.. Gives a whole new meaning to "sweet phone".
tazz9690 said:
does the phone still work besides that. cuz if you are going to pay the deductible, i say just report it stolen and pay the fee to get a new one and use the water damaged one as a back up to flash test roms. the only reason you would unroot it and return it is if you are going through warranty, but it would fail, because though the indicator is still white, they open it up and check for water damage there, so you would still have to pay an out of warranty fee, which is like 400 when I had to return my mytouch for warranty purposes.
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Phone is still running fine aside from being stuck on vibrate.. The volume button seems to be the only other that's acting up but it's sporadic. If I do end up keeping the phone I'll open it up and have a look-see. I imagine it isn't gonna be a walk in the park like my N95.
Good point on the warranty, my friend who works for T-Mobile said I could return it at her store though.. Will they crack it open later on and possibly bill me?
Thanks for the input.
mausheezy said:
Phone is still running fine aside from being stuck on vibrate.. The volume button seems to be the only other that's acting up but it's sporadic. If I do end up keeping the phone I'll open it up and have a look-see. I imagine it isn't gonna be a walk in the park like my N95.
Good point on the warranty, my friend who works for T-Mobile said I could return it at her store though.. Will they crack it open later on and possibly bill me?
Thanks for the input.
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they send it to their return center and there they open it up. it happened to me on my sidekick. My trackball on it wasn't working so i returned it to warranty. They billed me 3 months later because they said it was an out of warranty product because they found water damage on the inside of the phone and the water damage indicator was still white. I didn't even know that it had water damage when I returned it. It must have gotten water in it when my hands were wet or when I had it in the rain.
Have you tried to turn off the vibrate feature from the settings to see if that turned off the vibrations?
All stickied up is what your volume button is. That is why it is vibrating and why the volume is acting up. The trick would be to get the sticky orange juice out from under your volume rocker. My menu button was sticking so I used a tiny piece of paper to stick in the very tiny gap between button and phone, maybe you will be able to dislodge the sticky stuff. Its a thought.
But insurance wise I think I'd say I lost it at Mcdonalds (snicker).
mausheezy said:
I met up with homegirl later on that night and yes, she was happily myTouched.
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I agree. Keep the phone and report it stolen.
Had the same thing happen with cranberry and vodka. pull the battery. Get the assembly manual off of the forum. Dissasemble and clean any and all boards with 90% isoproyl alcohol and a childs soft bristle tooth brush. Do not blow on the boards to dry them as condensation can occur. Just use a fan at room temperature. Make sure you don't get a bunch of alcohol in places it won't come out of (speakers, Microphones, any type of button, USE COMMON SENSE), and only use as much as absolutely necesary. I did mine about 24 hours after it happened and it is still working 3 months later. Sugar will kill it eventualy if left inside so it needs to come out. I have had not one single issue since iI cleaned mine. BE VERY GENTLE. There are a total of FOUR liquid indicators on the unit. One in the battery compartment, and two you cant see, and yet another behind the tab for holding a lanyard. If you need better instructions shoot me an e-mail. [email protected]
tazz9690 said:
they send it to their return center and there they open it up. it happened to me on my sidekick. My trackball on it wasn't working so i returned it to warranty. They billed me 3 months later because they said it was an out of warranty product because they found water damage on the inside of the phone and the water damage indicator was still white. I didn't even know that it had water damage when I returned it. It must have gotten water in it when my hands were wet or when I had it in the rain.
Have you tried to turn off the vibrate feature from the settings to see if that turned off the vibrations?
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Yeah I did and it still did it. I guess warranty exchange is out of the question then.. Thanks again.
Tech no logy said:
All stickied up is what your volume button is. That is why it is vibrating and why the volume is acting up. The trick would be to get the sticky orange juice out from under your volume rocker. My menu button was sticking so I used a tiny piece of paper to stick in the very tiny gap between button and phone, maybe you will be able to dislodge the sticky stuff. Its a thought.
But insurance wise I think I'd say I lost it at Mcdonalds (snicker).
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Haha. I tried it out with a bunch of post-its and it seems to have alleviated the volume issue slightly. I think I do have to open it up though coz it's still acting up. Thanks for the tips.. Maybe I should blame it on a McDonalds staff member.
softbanksucks said:
I agree. Keep the phone and report it stolen.
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Haha I think I will.
donepate said:
Had the same thing happen with cranberry and vodka. pull the battery. Get the assembly manual off of the forum. Dissasemble and clean any and all boards with 90% isoproyl alcohol and a childs soft bristle tooth brush. Do not blow on the boards to dry them as condensation can occur. Just use a fan at room temperature. Make sure you don't get a bunch of alcohol in places it won't come out of (speakers, Microphones, any type of button, USE COMMON SENSE), and only use as much as absolutely necesary. I did mine about 24 hours after it happened and it is still working 3 months later. Sugar will kill it eventualy if left inside so it needs to come out. I have had not one single issue since iI cleaned mine. BE VERY GENTLE. There are a total of FOUR liquid indicators on the unit. One in the battery compartment, and two you cant see, and yet another behind the tab for holding a lanyard. If you need better instructions shoot me an e-mail. [email protected]
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Thanks. You might expect an email from me pretty soon.
mausheezy said:
Yeah I did and it still did it. I guess warranty exchange is out of the question then.. Thanks again.
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it's a good thing you have insurance then and you told them that you "lost" it or it was "stolen"

Digitizer Non Responsive

Hey guys.
Owned the phone for a few months now and have started to notice a really odd problem. For a while the screen was being fairly unresponsive to touches and I couldn't figure out why. Taking the screen protector off fixed it temporarily but now the issue is back.
I finally realised that the issue was a black smudge that would appear whenever I pushed too hard on the screen. I'm assuming this registers as a touch on the screen and prevents it from working. Rubbing the stylus over the area usually makes it dissipate and the screen becomes responsive again, but it would come back not long later after general use.
Also there's some fairly odd rainbowing underneath the digitizer that moves around when you press on the screen. It circles around the smudges when they appear.
I know that all sounds fairly vague, but any help on the issue would be great. Is a new digitizer in order or could it be fixed by just dissassembling it? I've tried using a suction cap to make the problem go away, the rainbowing disappears but slowly comes back again. Also I haven't dropped the phone, left it near anything etc, besides the digitizer problem the phone works fine.
Thanks in advance!
(On a side note, I bought the phone off eBay and had to use a serial number locater to determine the region of the phone. Found out it was destined for India when I'm in Australia. Fairly odd, but what are the warranty implications? Is it still covered?)
Same problem here!
I've sent it to HTC for repair, since my Diamond2 has 1 year warranty and I only bought it in May/09. HTC said that screen issues are excluded of the warranty and that I have to pay about €70 for the screen repair, because, they say, the problem is due to misuse - wich I don't think is true.
Daisjun said:
Hey guys.
Owned the phone for a few months now and have started to notice a really odd problem. For a while the screen was being fairly unresponsive to touches and I couldn't figure out why. Taking the screen protector off fixed it temporarily but now the issue is back.
I finally realised that the issue was a black smudge that would appear whenever I pushed too hard on the screen. I'm assuming this registers as a touch on the screen and prevents it from working. Rubbing the stylus over the area usually makes it dissipate and the screen becomes responsive again, but it would come back not long later after general use.
Also there's some fairly odd rainbowing underneath the digitizer that moves around when you press on the screen. It circles around the smudges when they appear.
I know that all sounds fairly vague, but any help on the issue would be great. Is a new digitizer in order or could it be fixed by just dissassembling it? I've tried using a suction cap to make the problem go away, the rainbowing disappears but slowly comes back again. Also I haven't dropped the phone, left it near anything etc, besides the digitizer problem the phone works fine.
Thanks in advance!
(On a side note, I bought the phone off eBay and had to use a serial number locater to determine the region of the phone. Found out it was destined for India when I'm in Australia. Fairly odd, but what are the warranty implications? Is it still covered?)
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You have collapsed your layers between lcd and digitizer.
Some folks here use duct tape to repeatedly pull the layers apart and it fixes their issue for a while.
Thought it'd be something along those lines. I'll give the duct tape trick a try, can you point me to some other threads? I tried searching but was probably using the wrong terms.
Also vasco that's complete bollocks. I've kept my phone in its case the whole time I've had it, never put any pressure on it or had it in a rough environment. I'd throw a few customer complaints their way, especially if other people have had the same issue. Nice to know I'm not alone at least.
Daisjun said:
Thought it'd be something along those lines. I'll give the duct tape trick a try, can you point me to some other threads? I tried searching but was probably using the wrong terms.
Also vasco that's complete bollocks. I've kept my phone in its case the whole time I've had it, never put any pressure on it or had it in a rough environment. I'd throw a few customer complaints their way, especially if other people have had the same issue. Nice to know I'm not alone at least.
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search for "newton rings"
Daisjun said:
Thought it'd be something along those lines. I'll give the duct tape trick a try, can you point me to some other threads? I tried searching but was probably using the wrong terms.
Also vasco that's complete bollocks. I've kept my phone in its case the whole time I've had it, never put any pressure on it or had it in a rough environment. I'd throw a few customer complaints their way, especially if other people have had the same issue. Nice to know I'm not alone at least.
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The issue is being discussed here:
I've already filed a complaint to the comm's regulation office. I'me presently waiting for their response.
had the same issue.. I just replaced the digitizer, it's a bit tricky but certainly possible.. yours is not that old so it should be repaired under warranty if you can have that done (have no clue about your situation there..)
digitizers are cheap on ebay
Daisjun said:
Thought it'd be something along those lines. I'll give the duct tape trick a try, can you point me to some other threads? I tried searching but was probably using the wrong terms.
Also vasco that's complete bollocks. I've kept my phone in its case the whole time I've had it, never put any pressure on it or had it in a rough environment. I'd throw a few customer complaints their way, especially if other people have had the same issue. Nice to know I'm not alone at least.
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Here is my thread about this.
I am in the same boat as you - phone was destined for somewhere in Asia, and I am in Australia. I contacted HTC, and they also told me that the problem could be caused by misuse, even though I KNOW it wasn't, as my phone is always in it's case unless being used, never dropped etc. It sucks, but I think I will just replace the digitizer myself.

Weird problems. Whats your opinion?

Thought I'd share my story. I recently got a swap out for a "dusty" screen. My new phone seemed OK. A few days passed by and my camera flash started acting up and not working... Today I woke up and NOTHING on the top half of my phone works. Meaning my ear peice, my 3.5mm jack, my camera, or flash, or proximity/light sensors... nothing. But the speakerphone works, my screen is fine. and my microphone works. kinda odd!
It almost like the top PC board got disconnected internally or something.
Just thought this was a strange issue. Already requested yet ANOTHER swap from HTC. Hopefully this next one can make me beleive this phone was worth it.
On another note. I did get my phone "ghost armored" at a cart in the mall pretty much immediately upon receiving it from fedex. And they do spray a small amount of soapy liquid on the outside of the phone to apply the skins. Do you think this could be enough to cause water damage? I'm afraid HTC is going to charge me for "non warranty problems" if the guys at ghost armor caused this! Its a very "fine mist" they use so I think it would be hard to penetrate the phones seals. But who knows? Whats your opinion?
dills84 said:
Thought I'd share my story. I recently got a swap out for a "dusty" screen. My new phone seemed OK. A few days passed by and my camera flash started acting up and not working... Today I woke up and NOTHING on the top half of my phone works. Meaning my ear peice, my 3.5mm jack, my camera, or flash, or proximity/light sensors... nothing. But the speakerphone works, my screen is fine. and my microphone works. kinda odd!
It almost like the top PC board got disconnected internally or something.
Just thought this was a strange issue. Already requested yet ANOTHER swap from HTC. Hopefully this next one can make me beleive this phone was worth it.
On another note. I did get my phone "ghost armored" at a cart in the mall pretty much immediately upon receiving it from fedex. And they do spray a small amount of soapy liquid on the outside of the phone to apply the skins. Do you think this could be enough to cause water damage? I'm afraid HTC is going to charge me for "non warranty problems" if the guys at ghost armor caused this! Its a very "fine mist" they use so I think it would be hard to penetrate the phones seals. But who knows? Whats your opinion?
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water can literally penetrate the smallest most microscopic points. but i dont know think "mist" could do any harm. i think it sucks that you're having bad luck with all these though man.
I like straweberries, they taste good. When eaten slightly chilled they are refreshing as well. And the things you can do with them... fresh fruit topping for cereal, pancakes, yogurt, or you can make them into jam/jelly/compo(sp?)
Anyways, yes, it is possible for your device to have received water damage, this is why I have not and will never put something on my phone that requires the use of water in the application process. And it might even be probable given that on the top of the phone you have a 3.5mm jack, speaker housing, and when you take the back off this gets exposed... and I am guessing they removed the back before misting it, so even more water can get into that area causing major issues.
pjcforpres said:
I like straweberries, they taste good. When eaten slightly chilled they are refreshing as well. And the things you can do with them... fresh fruit topping for cereal, pancakes, yogurt, or you can make them into jam/jelly/compo(sp?)
Anyways, yes, it is possible for your device to have received water damage, this is why I have not and will never put something on my phone that requires the use of water in the application process. And it might even be probable given that on the top of the phone you have a 3.5mm jack, speaker housing, and when you take the back off this gets exposed... and I am guessing they removed the back before misting it, so even more water can get into that area causing major issues.
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Haha, thanks for your opinion on strawberrys.
I believe they remove the battery, but put the battery cover back on before misting. They also leave the device off while they do this and tell you to leave it off for an additional 2 hours (i left mine off for 6 or 7 hours.)
Even leaving it off, if water gets it, it gets in, and starts causing the circuits and what not to corrode.
I will say, I think it is highly unlikely that you do have water damage causing this problem. If HTC says no go, water damage, those misty dudes are responsible and liable to replace your device/pay for repairs. But, I do highly doubt it.
Still, there is a chance of there being water damage, and even if it isn't causing the problem, HTC won't care.
All in all, I would put money that the swap goes just fine, and hopefull 3rd time is the charm for you. It seems some people, no offense, just have really bad luck with these, while others (not to brag), have bought 5 of them without a single problem.
pjcforpres said:
Even leaving it off, if water gets it, it gets in, and starts causing the circuits and what not to corrode.
I will say, I think it is highly unlikely that you do have water damage causing this problem. If HTC says no go, water damage, those misty dudes are responsible and liable to replace your device/pay for repairs. But, I do highly doubt it.
Still, there is a chance of there being water damage, and even if it isn't causing the problem, HTC won't care.
All in all, I would put money that the swap goes just fine, and hopefull 3rd time is the charm for you. It seems some people, no offense, just have really bad luck with these, while others (not to brag), have bought 5 of them without a single problem.
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5 of them?! jeez!
I agree, I'm having really bad luck. I LOVE this phone. Its just getting annoying having to swap it out every other week.
I'm also angry that this broken one has the best screen I've seen on any nexus, no dust, no pink tint. its perfect! and i have to return it
Oh well. thanks for the advice. I feel a little better about the swap now, I cant really afford to lose another 530$.
One for me, and 4 others for friends that had me help them buy one...

Button light leakage easy permanent fix

This fix might sound crazy but it works
i have 2 evo's version 002 both with pretty bad light leakage under the buttons. One has 3 buttons and the second 2. In the dark they are very visible and i was getting annoying ready to return both. I tried the blowdryer trick but that did not work.
This is what i did about a week a ago, it only takes a minute.
Go get one of this which you might have laying around your house.
Go to a dark area where you are able to see the leakage and start painting let line between the plastic and leakage. try pushing down the plastic to and using the pen to paint some of of the inner cover. Get a towel and remove the ink that got into the screen and bottom cover.
After doing this my phone have not shown any leakage. i have tried water in a towel to see if it would remove the ink and show light leakage but no leakage what so ever (do not try alcohol). This fix is invisible to the naked eyes, i have 4 friends with evo's and they could not tell what i did, even after telling them they still did not know where was painted
This is an easy cheap fix, it takes about 2 minutes and anyone (and i mean anyone) can do it.
So please if it make you feel better returning bu
eduardmc said:
This fix might sound crazy but it works?
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Are you asking us? i dunno, did you try it?
i dunno....seems ghetto, seems htc should have used done better r&d.
Hmm, I'd just like a $200 phone to work in the first place, not start falling apart 7 days in. :|
skoobz said:
Are you asking us? i dunno, did you try it?
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sorry, i fixed it. English is not my native language so i do make alot of mistake in my writings.
Hrshycro said:
Hmm, I'd just like a $200 phone to work in the first place, not start falling apart 7 days in. :|
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I don't believe i have had a phone that did not have any kind of problems related to software and hardware. The palm pre was a mess every new one i got had dead pixels, after 6 unit i finally got one that had 2 dead pixels. My diamonds phone use to get boiling hot. i could go on. all my friends iphones had drop calls like 20 calls a days (most switch to evo with me).
now the evil have a few problems, like the back cover not been flush and that was solved with a peace of small paper on top of the battery.
You will fine defect, nothing is perfect.
Interesting fix but it doesn't eliminate the fact the leak is happening because the screen is separating. Pushing the screen down will eliminate the leaking. The best fix will be to make sure the screen is sitting all the way down. So far I've only seen one guy do it on androidforums by pushing the screen down with clamps and heating it with a hair dryer. After letting it sit over night he didn't have any more leaking or lifting after two days. We have yet to hear from him on the progress (I think he ended up exchanging it anyway). Another guy said he tried the same fix and ended up making his phone worse.
thanks this is a nice cosmetic band aid If i don't see it, it doesn't bother me as much
coolguy949 said:
Interesting fix but it doesn't eliminate the fact the leak is happening because the screen is separating. Pushing the screen down will eliminate the leaking. The best fix will be to make sure the screen is sitting all the way down. So far I've only seen one guy do it on androidforums by pushing the screen down with clamps and heating it with a hair dryer. After letting it sit over night he didn't have any more leaking or lifting after two days. We have yet to hear from him on the progress (I think he ended up exchanging it anyway). Another guy said he tried the same fix and ended up making his phone worse.
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yeah but it seems the screen separation on happens the first few days of using the device and the progress stop. my device did not progress after i notice the leakage and was looking for a fix. This kind of fix the problem since you won't see the light leakage at all. The screen separation is wasn't really a problem since i only notice it when the light leakage is visible.
Again the point is missed. This does not prevent the fact that in time the leakage will evolve into screen separating from the base. The light is leaking because the adhesive used during rush manufacturing wad improperly sealed around the face of the device. This was a huge problem for the iphone (didn't think it would happen to me but here I am with my evo)
This worked like a charm I've already exchanged my EVO twice (on my 3rd evo). The first two had dead pixels, and all three have had the light leak. I'm not in the mood to go through the RMA process with HTC, so this fix was a perfect solution for me. I tried a similar fix using superglue on one of the other EVOs I had, but it left an unsightly white residue in the crack of the screen.
While this may not be a permanent solution to the problem with the screen coming unglued, I'm ecstatic that I no longer have to see light coming from the bottom of my screen.
Thanks a lot.
This thread. ... with that Expo 2 ... funny.
I found my own fix after trying several different things including tightening the torx screws, using a hair driver and clamps, and an expo dry erase marker. I read a post about using plastidip which I had, but unfortunately it was dried out. I then decided to use something else I had around. A fine tip black paint maker (Decocolor - LINK). I dabbed the tip on a piece of paper several times to get a little paint on the tip. I then carefully ran it across the edge where the light was leaking which allowed a very small amount of it to drip down in the crevice. I then ran a q-tip and a paper towel along the edge to make sure any that got outside of the crevice was removed. Now I have no light leakage. The paint is permanent, waterproof (not that I will be testing that) and will be easy to reapply if I ever need to. It also takes very little skill and the markers can be found at a local Michaels or arts/crafts store.
On a side note, the hairdryer/clamp method did help a little, but this paint maker did the job the rest of the way.

This many be the last straw for me.

I noticed this after i used it for a few days, it happens RIGHT where it gets hot on the back, it sticks to something inside and then comes off, hence the click/sticky sound. This is ridiculous. Anyone else have this issue?
On the phone with HTC, they tried to turn it into something I DAMAGED on the device, i wasn't having that. They shuffled me off to the tech support and there i demanded to speak to a supervisor. Finally I got an RMA and shipping instructions. Shipping this guy back tomorrow, so so so mad and disappointed at this device.
reinert012 said:
I noticed this after i used it for a few days, it happens RIGHT where it gets hot on the back, it sticks to something inside and then comes off, hence the click/sticky sound. This is ridiculous. Anyone else have this issue?
On the phone with HTC, they tried to turn it into something I DAMAGED on the device, i wasn't having that. They shuffled me off to the tech support and there i demanded to speak to a supervisor. Finally I got an RMA and shipping instructions. Shipping this guy back tomorrow, so so so mad and disappointed at this device.
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same here at the same spot. I think I will RMA tomorrow
Not happening here, thank goodness. I have the very same model, granted just had it for 1 day (and not planning on "keep exploring" until I might actually reproduce the issue). :fingers-crossed:
Same issue new 32 gb white just got it hours ago. Also it is taking 10 hours to charge... really?
Now I finally understand what everyone means by a clicking sound... I'm on a black 32,nothing at all like that. Bummer bro
That definitely sounds like a defect. Thank God mine doesn't make that sound.
I bet after it gets really hot it might be melting something structural in the back. I don't have the issue, but maybe I haven't warmed it up enough.
Sent from the future...
The mine doesn't make that sound
I noticed that mine made the same noise, but it sounds like some adhesive is trying to stick, but is not strong enough. That would also explain why the sound comes when letting go instead of when pressing the device. So I pressed the back firmly. Now the sound is gone and I think the flex has become smaller too (could be placebo)
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I agree with Gormsen. Sounds like double sided tape that is just not sticking. The back seem super thin and that probably all that keeps it flat in the middle. I do have the flex but no noise yet...
It must be some adhesive melting when it gets hot, which causes it to unstick.. pretty pathetic.
jaju123 said:
It must be some adhesive melting when it gets hot, which causes it to unstick.. pretty pathetic.
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Or, it could be that it's thoroughly pressed upon manufacturing. Pathetic? Nah, all products have some production errors.
The good thing is that we should be able to fix this, if we pull of the back cover, apply some stronger double sided tape and the put the back cover back.
We can do some hardware modifications, am I the only one who's excited about it?
Also with the extra space (due to the flexing) we will be able to fit a bigger battery, if one is made
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Gormsen said:
I noticed that mine made the same noise, but it sounds like some adhesive is trying to stick, but is not strong enough. That would also explain why the sound comes when letting go instead of when pressing the device. So I pressed the back firmly. Now the sound is gone and I think the flex has become smaller too (could be placebo)
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Not placebo. Mine was very bad to begin with. Several places on the back could be pressed in with a light finger and under the camera I had that sticky click. I did as you and literally pressed the tablet together firmly at all places. During this process there were several clicks as if the whole thing settled properly. Result. Zero flex and it now feels totally solid all around the back. I'm totally happy with it now since I have no noticeable lightbleed and everything works as expected. Good times! ?
Laz35 said:
Not placebo. Mine was very bad to begin with. Several places on the back could be pressed in with a light finger and under the camera I had that sticky click. I did as you and literally pressed the tablet together firmly at all places. During this process there were several clicks as if the whole thing settled properly. Result. Zero flex and it now feels totally solid all around the back. I'm totally happy with it now since I have no noticeable lightbleed and everything works as expected. Good times! ?
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Sweet Ladies and gentlemen.. We have a cure
Anybody else who can confirm this?
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Gormsen said:
Sweet Ladies and gentlemen.. We have a cure
Anybody else who can confirm this?
Message has been Baconized
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I noticed the sound when i unboxed it. Have tried to do so. But seems like my stick is not strong enough, and the sound remains. If this is really a stick issue. Then maybe try to heat it up and push the back hard to stick properly may solve the problem. Anyway I have initiated RMA so really dont want to fix it lol. fingercrossed to get a good device.
This isn't really anything new as my Nexus 7 was the same back in 2012. I gave it a good squeeze and its still creak free to this day. I did the same with my Nexus 9 and can confirm that I don't have any creaking, although mine didn't have that much creaking to begin with anyway.
Sent from my Nexus 9 using Tapatalk
I'm glad the op doesn't have the nexus 9 anymore.
chefdave12118 said:
I'm glad the op doesn't have the nexus 9 anymore.
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reinert012 said:
I noticed this after i used it for a few days, it happens RIGHT where it gets hot on the back, it sticks to something inside and then comes off, hence the click/sticky sound. This is ridiculous. Anyone else have this issue?
On the phone with HTC, they tried to turn it into something I DAMAGED on the device, i wasn't having that. They shuffled me off to the tech support and there i demanded to speak to a supervisor. Finally I got an RMA and shipping instructions. Shipping this guy back tomorrow, so so so mad and disappointed at this device.
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Yes the exact same thing happens here, I've not played any games or had the device become hot, just expect it was like it from the start. This is typical HTC build quality, reminds me very much of the HTC One X and it's plastic back, just all done a bit cheaply.
In the iFixIt pictures there doesn't appear to be any sticky pads in the location this is happening, so it is probably just sticking unintentionally to the smooth plastic of the stick on NFC antenna in that location. As the whole back cover seems to default to be floating away from the internal chassis by a couple of millimetres, again typical HTC lack of attention to detail, then the back is going to do this, become depressed and sometimes stick to pop out again making a noise.
I'll personally live with it, it is a bit annoying, and I'd expected better at this price point, but it doesn't affect the functionality.
Firm press between both hands is the fix. You will hear and feel it lock. There are back clips that are not seated. Mine is solid and click/creak free now.

