[Q] First app; Advice? Examples? Warnings? - Droid X General

Hey everyone; it wouldn't let me post in the development subforum due to the fact that I just joined, but I figured my topic would be just as relevant here.
I'm a sophomore CompSci major. Java is my strong point, but I'm far from a master. I know syntax, I know how to follow what's going on in more advanced programs, but writing them is the tough part. Anyway, I would like to create my first app; something simple. I was thinking a calculator with a small clipboard on the side (hold the button to store the number displayed in the window, hit it to place that value). It would be insanely helpful for my physics class.
So a few questions for you guys:
-Is there anything I should know beforehand? Anything to be careful of?
-Can I use Eclipse? I tried with App Inventor, and it's too limited.
-How do I obtain examples of more complex apps? Can I unpackage the apk files into java classes?
-Is there a site similar to the sun library, where it lists the available classes/objects/imports?
I'm sorry if I don't know the lingo just yet (of Droid or Java). Picking this all up is a little difficult for me, but I'm trying
Thank you in advance for even taking the time to read this. I understand rookies must aggravate you guys, but from what I've seen, the community has been nothing but welcoming!

You can definitely use Android SDK with Eclipse.
This guide will help you with install and set up process
SDK also contains sample projects that you can use for learning.
I don't remember about unpackaging apk files, but I'm pretty sure they contain already compiled .class files, which will be of no use to you.
And here's Android's reference page:
Also the dev guide is very useful for learning the basics:
Resources section has useful tutorials as well!
Hope that helps. Good luck with your app!

Thank you, meshdub! And all branching from the same site; sure made me look bad...but on the upside, you've introduced me to a source I will be able to use throughout my software development lifetime.
If there's any more you or anyone else could give me as far as what to expect or look out for, please let me know! I'm honestly a little intimidated by this; I'm not too familiar with forums, and I've heard how difficult app developing can be.
But this should keep me occupied for a while, and again, thank you very much


[Q] First Android Project

I'm looking to start my first Android but I'm not sure where to start. I want to make a launcher app. Is that a little over the top for someone who has never written in this language before?
Have you done any programming before?
A little bit of Java not much though and some Python but that doesn't seem to matter much.
Check out this thread I just made:
It could be a valuable experience for you. If we find the right people, you could learn a lot AND still work on a Homescreen-app. I don't now about your current ideas, but I'd be excited to hear them.
Check out Resources in Android Developer website.
You can start with a simple Hello World app, and move on from there.
Hello Android!
There are more examples in the left navigation.
Have fun
Actually Python helps a lot. Try to learn C#, it's structure is very similar to Java but easier to learn.

skill set required for android development!!

Hi all,
I want to start application development for android. Can anyone please let me know the requirements for this?
I know that I am asking very general question and please let me know if this is not the correct place to ask this query.
I know C/C++...what things I need to learn before starting application development for android?
Waiting for reply!!
From what I can tell:
Then hit the android developer's website and they'll teach you how to write for android platform.
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
Thanks skulk, but do I need to start learning Java from scratch for that?
Can anyone please guide me in this?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks skulk, but do I need to start learning Java from scratch for that?
Can anyone please guide me in this?
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Well, it's pretty hard to learn a new programming language from the middle!
Go to the Android devs site... There are plenty of tutorials there, as well as links to Eclipse (favoured Android development platform).
sorry to be so naive...but what is the link of android dev website?
Clicky the linky.
many thanks floating man. I didn't knew that this is different forum from any android developer forum...btw can you please let me know the difference between this forum and any android dev forum?
This is a general smartphone forum, mainly catering for HTC made devices, but covering "some" others as well.
Thanks floating man. I will subscribe to any of the android dev forum and ask the same query there. But there is one doubt: whether such a basic (and naive) query be resolved there?
Do you recommend any particular android dev forum?
since you already know c/c++ you already know the basics of programming which are the same for each language i guess.
in my opinion writing basic/simple apps for android is more easy than writing the same app in c/c++.
so for basic/simple apps you could start with some general java tutorials especially about OOP and then go on to Android ...
just simply Google search terms like "android development for beginners" or "android app development tutorial" and plenty of websites come up offering handy dandy hints =]
Thanks elgubbo,
I will try that and let u know if thwre is any issue...let me kbow if anyone else has any suggestions....
For me it always helps to try to understand other code samples. Thats why I am looking for a book wich explains a few basic (and some advanced) code samples.
Sent from my fishbowl...
Java was originally created as a successor to C++ and if you know C++ the syntax of Java should look very familiar. It was designed to make OOP concepts more accessible to C++. It was also set up to make pointers and memory management a thing of the past.
Actually in a lot of ways, knowing C++ will give you an advantage over devs who only know Java. Eventually you'll be able to use Android's NDK (Native Development Kit). Although you will have to use some Java as all apps require the use of some java and the SDK on Android. But even then, you'll have a better idea of what is happening "under the hood" due to your C++ knowledge.
As for where to get started I would suggesst learning applications fundamentals:
Especially the Activity lifecycle and Component lifecycles.
Do all the "Hello World!" tutorials and then you should be well on your way to becoming the next Angry Brid..... err Angry Bird dev.
Thanks alostpacket. That is a very useful link. I will read it and let u know if i have any queries. I just have a doubt, moreover, i am fearing because i have only written simple c++ programs till now. Will i be able to do it?
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks alostpacket. That is a very useful link. I will read it and let u know if i have any queries. I just have a doubt, moreover, i am fearing because i have only written simple c++ programs till now. Will i be able to do it?
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Instead of being scared by it, TRY it! Install Eclipse. Install the Android SDK. Try the tutorials. Only you can know if you can do it or not.
Thanks floating man for supporting me, however, can you please let me know the place to help me out regarding very basic queries regarding starting programming...like I want to know what eclipse is, what is SDK (I know the full form though: Software Development Kit)
Is the place...http://developer.android.com?
Actually, I have worked on C/C++ at very basic level where we write programs in IDE and save the file as either .c or .cpp
These seems to be very basic things.. that i should know..i can read if you have any link or doc..
vijay.gupta said:
Thanks floating man for supporting me, however, can you please let me know the place to help me out regarding very basic queries regarding starting programming...like I want to know what eclipse is, what is SDK (I know the full form though: Software Development Kit)
Is the place...http://developer.android.com?
Actually, I have worked on C/C++ at very basic level where we write programs in IDE and save the file as either .c or .cpp
These seems to be very basic things.. that i should know..i can read if you have any link or doc..
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Yup, That's the correct site. They have a whole section to get you started using eclipse there too.
This is a great place to start:

Where to start in Android application development?

Hello everybody, long time lurker, first time poster. I'm posting to ask about where to get started in developing Android applications? I have half a degree in computer science, am familiar with coding, and work in Android software QA, but I'm trying to get my skillset up to the next level and actually start developing applications on Android. Is there any specific books or literature I should read to get me started on my journey? I'm also a long time IT guy on both Windows and Unix-based systems, so I'm by no means computer illiterate. I'm also a long time phone modder as I've been tweaking Android phones since the original G1 running 1.0. Thanks in advance!
Take a look at the Android Developer guide. It has samples and tutorials. If you google, there are also several free PDFs on the subject.
A good Java book will also help a lot. Just start to write a few trial apps and you will get there quickly!
The best place to learn for me, is android web page:
Here you have everything to start:
And to set up the environment for developing:
If you want to learn from the scratch, the links I posted are your point. You can also take a look to the tutorials:
You can also start with java, if you want.. I reccomend you take a look to this:
and start from Java SE 6 (http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/)
I don't know what your college classes are like for CS, but you should have the basics of programming, why not start writing some Android apps?
Start with the basic "Hello World". Get used to working with main.xml and TextViews, EditViews, ListViews, Buttons and Listeners. Android is mostly JAVA, some Android-specific operations and your xml files.
Take some of your CS 101 type programs and try to write them on Android. The more programs you write, the more you learn.
Try to learn something new everyday and in no time at all you'll be impressed with how far you have come.
Rootstonian said:
I don't know what your college classes are like for CS, but you should have the basics of programming, why not start writing some Android apps?
Start with the basic "Hello World". Get used to working with main.xml and TextViews, EditViews, ListViews, Buttons and Listeners. Android is mostly JAVA, some Android-specific operations and your xml files.
Take some of your CS 101 type programs and try to write them on Android. The more programs you write, the more you learn.
Try to learn something new everyday and in no time at all you'll be impressed with how far you have come.
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Yes this is really a good advice
Just start writting little programs and you will go up soon
You could use the sample code that comes with the sdk, and start with different things: First, layout, xml and the like. You could then start with some othe things, like services, broadcast receivers, content providers, to get the feel of them. And finally, work with the hardware: Internet (wifi or 3g), bluetooth..
Hey guys, Sorry to get off Track but I've been trying to Complete my ROM for Everyone that's Currently using it. Anyways... Reading All the Posts in this Thread it seems to me that there Definitely are some Well-Seasoned Veteran Developers here, so Forgive Me but I have to ask, Is there Anyone that can maybe Help assist me with getting FlashLite Working on my Rom.... Please?
The link to my Rom Thread is in my Signature... and my phone is a (CDMA) Sprint Hero!
Thanx in Advance!!
*Sent on My*
Fast as its Ever Been....
"Sprint" Hero.... Running My, *ExEnHeroC* Rom, w/Kifno's Twist, Also The XDA-BLUE.apk!! "Page 10" of My Thread!!
At Barnes and Noble there is a book called Android App Development in 24 Hours. It is a freaking great book. Helped me a lot when I started. It breaks down the chapters in to hours with exercises and explanations. Being familiar with Java fundamentals would be good, but not necessary. The first couple hours(chapters) explains the a general overview of the history of the OS and helps you build your first app. My favorite part of the book is how it teaches you to build and app piece by piece over the rest of the chapters adding new features each hour. So, by the end you have and app with quite a bit of features that work and you actually understand how and why. At the end, you have an app that has a lot of Android features as well as knowledge of how they work and can be used. It doesn't go into the more advanced features, but it is well worth the money for beginners. I still use it as a reference because of the easy to understand instructions. Sometimes, the Internet guides assume you have been using Java for 10 years and skip how and why they are doing something. And even then I doubt every veteran Java programmer remembers everything. I am half asleep so forgive any grammar errors.
Sent from my iPhone with the bigger Gee Bees.
Really good tutorial for the first basic steps. In terms of installing eclipse/java and hello world. He continues with his tutorial in part 2, part 3 and so on.
Android/fruItphone app. idea needs help...
If there is anyone who has knowledge on building apps for Android, I would be extremely interested to share with them an idea for an app. I'd hope this app would be able to work on that other fruIt based dumbphone, too.
Well, there is planty of developers out here I'm one of them (thought not the smartest ) so, if you want to share the knowledge, feel free to PM me

Android app development help?

Hello, I am a computer science student and i need some help getting into android programming, i know a bit, but frankly it aint much.
I know C++, C#,Visual Basic,(I know C++ the most) and i am currently taking a class on Java, but I want to get into android programming too!(I made a game for android a while back using unity.)
I don't need a tutorial from the ground up.
I know how setup the environment, sdk, run, etc.
I want to learn how to work with layouts and make them look cool,
basic app functionality, work my way to internet connected apps, databases, apps with root, gestures, all that fun stuff.
I am just wondering if anyone would share any info or site that helped them.
I am not that much of a noob to programming but i am to the android sdk and a rookie with java.
if any mentor would step up or something i would really appreciate it.
Thank you.
btw if you're feeling bored check out my game!
Yes, i know its hard, i have a better version, i just haven't compiled and uploaded, i will soon.
I think best Website is always developer.android.com.
It hasn't only the API reference, but also Training section and much more.
Whenever I don't know sth I first visit this.
According to me you should go step wise step...Watch video tutorials on YT.
You can ping me for help.
then go to java website and start learning java. Loads of tutorial stuff is on their website
then go and download the Android SDK in about 2-3 months when you've completed the above.
how to convert Shell script to apk file?????
hello gud evening to all
i am a ECE student...anyone can tell me how can i make a apk file by the use of Shell script...i have a shell script and just want to make a apk of this...
need help please...:crying:
Okay so i have been reading a lot and programming for weeks.
I am getting very comfortable with the android api. i've built a few of my own ****ty apps..
now i'm looking for a project to work on, something simple but not too simple either.
I need a little help with fragments and layouts and such, so if anybody has an idea for a project i could work on
or could teach me about fragments, feel free to post please? xD

nook touchndevelopmemt toolchain Qs

Hi All,
I'm a software developer, reasonably comfortable with compiling apps in Linux, though still got more to learn on inner workings of the full system.
I've been thinking about following the Linux from Scratch book for a while - and also about converting my Nook e-reader into a useful device for developing on when out im the sun.
I guess there are some significant challenges here - device trees and commercial secrets, perhaps some crypto keys used for signing update images to boot (I'm familiar with these problems, but not solutions or good workarounds).
What I'd really like is a good understanding of:
- what tool chain I need to setup
- What has been tried already and what the problems were
- any further help/datasheets that can get me going
I'd have posted this in the 'android development' area as the closest forum for what l'm trying to do, but apparently I'm not allowed until I've got my post count up - so I'm being forced to post in 'general'. If someone agrees and can move it, that would be great.
P.s. I have searched the xda site, but I'm not finding what I'm looking for. I'm sure it must be here somewhere, so any pointers/links on where it is would be appreciated.
SimonSimpson said:
Hi All,
I'm a software developer, reasonably comfortable with compiling apps in Linux, though still got more to learn on inner workings of the full system.
I've been thinking about following the Linux from Scratch book for a while - and also about converting my Nook e-reader into a useful device for developing on when out im the sun.
I guess there are some significant challenges here - device trees and commercial secrets, perhaps some crypto keys used for signing update images to boot (I'm familiar with these problems, but not solutions or good workarounds).
What I'd really like is a good understanding of:
- what tool chain I need to setup
- What has been tried already and what the problems were
- any further help/datasheets that can get me going
I'd have posted this in the 'android development' area as the closest forum for what l'm trying to do, but apparently I'm not allowed until I've got my post count up - so I'm being forced to post in 'general'. If someone agrees and can move it, that would be great.
P.s. I have searched the xda site, but I'm not finding what I'm looking for. I'm sure it must be here somewhere, so any pointers/links on where it is would be appreciated.
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I have tried to get info on such things three times over 2 years for different devices, no one every seems to point me in the right direction, the most i have been able to find out is how to make compile cm and a little bit of how to customize roms, not to be a downer but i think the process is often so different for ever device and difficulties usually happen that the only people that build roms are people that have either have experience I n some form from their job, just edit existing source for cm(updating to a new version, customizing roms ect...) or have screwed with the stuff for years till the point that they just figured out alot of problems themselves. Wish a could find a good guide myself to atleast get the basic dependencies required for a device to boot together, if i could get something to boot the rest of the issues could be worked out with trial and error, boot noone on xda, Android authority, Reddit or cm's own forums goes into enough depth to make that possible.
Hi jaykoerner,
Thanks for your reply - good to know I'm not alone with my echo!
I've discovered some useful links if anyone wants to begin getting to grips with all this...
1. XDA Devs has a wiki (not sure how to find from the forum links...?)
2. There's a (atleast one) customized kernel (and probably a dev-tool chain) available on GitHub:
https://github.com/javifo/NST/tree/master/kernel -- including kernel compilation instructions
https://github.com/javifo/NST -- root of the repository.
3. Parallel to Raspberry Pi kernel compilation (so you may want to learn from that as it probably has more articles)
I'll post more when I next do something with the information (Still want to understand more on the android HAL)
Hope that helps someone!
SimonSimpson said:
Hi jaykoerner,
Thanks for your reply - good to know I'm not alone with my echo!
I've discovered some useful links if anyone wants to begin getting to grips with all this...
1. XDA Devs has a wiki (not sure how to find from the forum links...?)
2. There's a (atleast one) customized kernel (and probably a dev-tool chain) available on GitHub:
https://github.com/javifo/NST/tree/master/kernel -- including kernel compilation instructions
https://github.com/javifo/NST -- root of the repository.
3. Parallel to Raspberry Pi kernel compilation (so you may want to learn from that as it probably has more articles)
I'll post more when I next do something with the information (Still want to understand more on the android HAL)
Hope that helps someone!
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My initial thought was that toolchain should match the underlay Linux kernel of Eclair (2.6.x.y) for us to be sure it could be run on NST. This info that I still have to search through is certainly helpful. Thanks!
SimonSimpson said:
I guess there are some significant challenges here - device trees and commercial secrets, perhaps some crypto keys used for signing update images to boot...
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Neither the NST or the newer glows use device trees.
In the Glows this is all handled by the custom ntxconfig which allows simple configuration.
For building Android apps, you use the straight Android SDK, possibly also the Android NDK (for native code).
You'd also use the NDK for building command line utilities.
I've never built a kernel from scratch, but I have binary modified/patched them.
There is the simpler bit of patching system image ramdisks which can be conviently handled by my imgutil.exe in the signature.
If you want to do audio, you really are better off with the Glow4 (7.8") which actually supports it.

