[Q] I will buy adam and i need answers !!!hi - Adam General

if i watch a movie in adam which the best ? Pixel Qi or LCD ?
Adam Tablet have original android market ?
Adam Tablet support arabic ?
when adam tablet will got android 3.0 ?
adam tablet support just 2 finger in multi-touch ! how i can make 5 or more ?

Use search. All answers are there. Except noone know when honycomb will be availiable.

Not too many people have their units yet to answer these questions.
Those that have received theirs have been nice enough to share their reviews and thoughts via several mediums, video is one tool you can use to make this judgment call, here is a thread on such videos;
After you have made your decision you can follow go to the main website and subscribe for the next wave of pre-orders or orders..

when the next pre order will be available ?
and how much take to reach me ?
i don't speak english good

As you didn't say where you live, there is a good thread here with currency conversions into local currency from US dollars, shipping charges and relevant tax for each country.

-juanito- said:
if i watch a movie in adam which the best ? Pixel Qi or LCD ?
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If you want an E-ink screen, buy pixel qi version.
If you don't care e-ink screen, buy lcd version that cost less.
Adam Tablet have original android market ?
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No, but you can install gapps (gmail, market...) manually.
Anyway, with Android 3.0 update, it will have the market.
when adam tablet will got android 3.0 ?
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We don't know. Final honeycoomb source codes are not released yet, but notion ink said several times that they will update Adam.
adam tablet support just 2 finger in multi-touch ! how i can make 5 or more ?
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It is a kernel bug. We hope notion ink will fix it with an update.

thx Metallaro
but when the next pre order will be available ?
and how much for shipping ?
how much take to i get him ?
i'am from bahrain

-juanito- said:
thx Metallaro
but when the next pre order will be available ?
and how much for shipping ?
how much take to i get him ?
i'am from bahrain
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1. Not announced yet but I would guess the next round will be in the first 2 weeks of March
2. $50 US dollars for shipping
3. I ordered mine on February 9 and my estimated ship date is 25th February to 10th March 2011. Probably another week to get delivered to me.

Oh men I hope not! I also order Feb 11 shipping date is Feb 25- MARCH 10.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App


Any 29th batchers get confirmations yet?

Anyone in the 29th batch get a confirmation yet. I haven't.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
Nope..honestly speaking my hopes are not high either.
No Yet,
Let's hope there is no more delays
tokyobreeze said:
Nope..honestly speaking my hopes are not high either.
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You're in Japan as well? I hope it takes only 2 days to get here. The wait is killing me.
Chinese new year starts I think today, if they wait to ship it will be 3 weeks.
Sent from my EVO using XDA App
I was one of those 50 un-fortunate guys whose shipping date changed from 9th Jan to 15-22 Jan and to 29th Jan, its already 3:00 p.m in U.A.E and no news from NI or factory. I'm not asking for any tracking no, just need a confirmation at moment that its shipped. I really don't know what to talk about this company at the moment. We all have waited so long with false hope. At-least NI don't fails us again.
Well, it is almost 8 pm in China at the moment, so I lost my faith in it at this moment...
why why why???
All i can say is HAVE FAITH IN GOD.
imtiyazee said:
All i can say is HAVE FAITH IN GOD.
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Keep your faith, but I think, fairytale figures are not sending any tablets.
You will wait in vain, I'm afraid.
Hope is what - the world lives on...
ljansens said:
Well, it is almost 8 pm in China at the moment, so I lost my faith in it at this moment...
why why why???
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Think positive. Better to get adam in March, than next year.
Honestly, I am ok with it being delayed, but in all honesty its bad form to post a sarcastic blog about how everything is not delayed, and then have it delayed:
imtiyazee said:
I was one of those 50 un-fortunate guys whose shipping date changed from 9th Jan to 15-22 Jan and to 29th Jan, its already 3:00 p.m in U.A.E and no news from NI or factory. I'm not asking for any tracking no, just need a confirmation at moment that its shipped. I really don't know what to talk about this company at the moment. We all have waited so long with false hope. At-least NI don't fails us again.
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So was I, I don't know how much longer I am willing to wait either. This is becoming a little much
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spaceKomet said:
Think positive. Better to get adam in March, than next year.
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Better to have a Xoom in February than an Adam in March.
...all kidding aside, I'm really hoping they got the shipments out and just haven't updated things. With the holidays going in in China right now, it could REALLY slow things down and I'm not interested in waiting any longer.
And to the topic of the thread, there hasn't been any change in my order status lately. (Moved from the 9th to the 15th-22nd window to the 29th.)
joshua.lyon said:
Better to have a Xoom in February than an Adam in March.
...all kidding aside, I'm really hoping they got the shipments out and just haven't updated things. With the holidays going in in China right now, it could REALLY slow things down and I'm not interested in waiting any longer.
And to the topic of the thread, there hasn't been any change in my order status lately. (Moved from the 9th to the 15th-22nd window to the 29th.)
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Yeah, I am not going to wait if my order gets pushed back again. This is getting rediculous. Their are so many great tablets coming out and if I can't get my Adam soon I am going to go else where. Don't get me wrong, I really want the Adam but I feel add if notion ink thinks that everyone is going to put up with continual delays without giving us any info as to what's going on. They should at least give us an update as it is the 29th.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I honestly cannot see us (the 9th > 15th-22nd > 29th club) getting their Adams for at least 2 weeks - Chinese New Year.
A shameful lack of communication from NI and hve you guys realised the "cancel your order has been removed from the NI preorder update page.
I have been a loyal follower for 9 months, I'm just disappointed to say I no longer believe anything posted by Rohan regarding hardware specs and especially shipping dates.
Rohan Shravan just outright refuses to update on shipping which is an enormous worry. The last he said was "2nd and 3rd" batches would ship on time and then slips in the Chinese New Year problem.
I don't even have a pre-order so i am thinking April+ for me(and many others) to have a chance to get one.
I don't envy Mr. Shravan to much, he must be under much stress from all directions.
Well, maybe........
- I read somewhere that a notification will be send only after it arrived in Hong Kong, not out of the fabric
- The cancellation link from our preordersite has been removed
- Rohan said in his blog the 2nd batch will be in time
- There is no statement of delay such as the last delay (12 seconds before end of day)
- Chinese New Year starts on tuesday?
So maybe, just maybe we will get our trackingmail on monday, the last day before Chinese New Year???
Fingers crossed :-o
I read someone in NotionAddicts requested a cancellation on the shipping date, and was told (s)he could still cancel as his (her) Adam was not shipped.
So, I rather assume the shipment was delayed without any notice / a change in the estimated shipping date on the NI site than get disappointed.
I'm pretty sure Rohan stated on the blog that all the Adams would be shipped out even during the chinese new year. And that a small batch of screens got busted on their way over, but the company that makes them will stay and fix the ones that got broken before they leave for the new year.
Here's his quote taken from the blog:
"The second & third phase of shipments will start on time.
Little bad and good news, one of our shipments for the touch screens got damaged while transportation which is going to effect a fraction of our customers. To make things worse, its New Year in China and every manufacturing plant is closed. But our touch-screen partners, Sinotek (also known as Sintek), will stay open for the Chinese New Year and re-manufacture all the remaining touch screens to deliver. I am making this special note, because we are really overwhelm at their response and want to thank all the employees at their firm who are going to miss their New Year celebrations and home visits."
So have hope! At least you made it into the pre orders. I have to wait until they open it up to the public.

Elocity A10 official release announcement

So the above link shows the new tabs available on pre-order feb 15th and will ship with Froyo 2.2 not Gingerbread. These tablets all have the multi-touch screens we wish for and wireless n. The 10.1" screen is the first available. No mention of when the the a7x will be available to order or price point. The cheapest is the 4gb model 10.1" screen for a "discounted" price of $399. So I assume as soon as these actually come out they will raise the price which seems right to me. The $399 is a really attractive price for this device!!
I just thought I would post the official link as I thought it was interesting. If they had the 7x for $399 pre-order I would certainly seriously consider buying. In fact, I probably would just buy it. It is more than I can afford but what a nice device. I can't do the 10.1 " model. I really like the 7" form factor. It is so portable but still so usable!! Still though the original a7 for $299 is a pretty good deal.
Well with two weeks left to decide whether or not I am going to keep my a7 I think I will. The color Nook looks like a great device and it is nice to upgrade to 3.0 but I just have a hard time going backwards hardware wise. The a7 is so snappy and I like that. The screen and wireless n are the only issues I have with the device. argh!! I really want 3.0!!
robbbzilla said:
I just thought I would post the official link as I thought it was interesting.
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What I posted last week was the official press release. They released it out on Feb 4th which you see on the notice there. I find it strange it took them about a week to finally get it posted on their website. But you will see its the same release we put on the site last week.
No Thanks!
No official Android Market again! so have to buy it and wait for Dexter's Mod! or we have to do our mod again.
rogconnect said:
No Thanks!
No official Android Market again! so have to buy it and wait for Dexter's Mod! or we have to do our mod again.
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Of course not.... That is not up to them.

Honeycomb 3.1 update on 1st July

Just got the following from twitter:
"Attention to fans / owners of Acer Iconia Tab A500 in Malaysia: Honeycomb 3.1 update is scheduled to be available by 1st week of July. You can download through your device under Settings > About Tablet > System Update. - Announcement by Acer Malaysia."
Here's the link:
nasimdejai said:
Just got the following from twitter:
"Attention to fans / owners of Acer Iconia Tab A500 in Malaysia: Honeycomb 3.1 update is scheduled to be available by 1st week of July. You can download through your device under Settings > About Tablet > System Update. - Announcement by Acer Malaysia."
Here's the link:
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wow is it true??nice one bro....
He got it from Twitter so it must be true!
nice... another reason why i should buy this
Sent from my LG-P920 using XDA App
Acer Malaysia
Attention to fans / owners of Acer Iconia Tab A500: Honeycomb 3.1 update is scheduled to be available by 1st week of July. You can download through your device under Settings > About Tablet > System Update.
lucky malaysia
tonyblack said:
He got it from Twitter so it must be true!
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HAHAH - that one just MADE my day, thank you!!!
(I almost wet myself last week; the exact same wording about Facebook and a camera I'm interested in.. having this here is brilliant)
except that from facebook and not twitter, and from the official page of ACER MALAYSIA, nothing funny so far.
Anyone who believes anything on twitter or facebook needs their head examined..
HAHA - I still think that twitter comment was great!
Fluffbutt said:
Anyone who believes anything on twitter or facebook needs their head examined..
HAHA - I still think that twitter comment was great!
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As opposed to reading it elsewhere?
Look, if it's coming from Acer themselves--and it does seem like the FB Acer Malaysia page is legit, I don't see what the hate's all about.
edgie168 said:
As opposed to reading it elsewhere?
Look, if it's coming from Acer themselves--and it does seem like the FB Acer Malaysia page is legit, I don't see what the hate's all about.
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What hate??
I was laughing at his comment, and agreeing with it.
If you want to believe anything you read, go ahead, it doesn't affect me in the slightest..
why you are laughthing ?
it's like a mocking not an aggreement...
Guys, lighten up. The initial thread starter clearly states that his info was from Twitter. I've seen enough Tweets from people claiming to be 'in the know' with information that is as far from legit as it's possible to be.
Anyone can start a FB page and claim it's official. The only source that should be taken as gospel is Acer.com.
july ??????? !!!!!!!!
Well I do hope its pushed to the us before then it Acer will be breaking promise of mid to end of June.as many people including myself were told.if I tell my boss im going to be in at 10 I better be there.I know its not far off rather it comes this week or 3 week.don't promise something then put it off longer.But it will come soon if we have to wait longer it better be worth it.or eBay here comes my tab.Maybe
sanaell said:
why you are laughthing ?
it's like a mocking not an aggreement...
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I was laughing BECAUSE he was mocking.
Like tonyblack says, anyone can make a twitty/facebooky page over any subject.
Official logos are available anywhere - you can Google Image search for, FFS.
Just because it's online does not make it true or real - damn, are you adults or what, you should KNOW this already!!
facepalm.... sight
sanaell said:
facepalm.... sight
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- blow me..
Update confirmed for July 5th from Acer Germany
see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=14996228#post14996228
Germany gets it on the 5th of July (That's not end of June, acer !!)
From Facebook: "Der Update Cycle beginnt am 5. Juli und funktioniert via FOTA (Footage over the Air)"
Update for 3.1 already available for download in the development section
Some people take dates way too literally.
The exact quote from Facebook is:
"Great news for the lucky owners of Acer Iconia Tab A500! The update to Android 3.1 will be available at the end of June! Stay tuned for the date of release, in the meantime see the new features in the official Android developers’ blog"
If it's not out between June 25 and 30, are you really going to die? If they release it the first week in July is that really worth your ire?
I have a feeling the update will hit between today and the July 1, but if not I don't think I'll be TOO upset if it lands in July, as long as it lands.

Smartq smart watch P1 Available May 4th for $159.95 USD WITH VID*** UPDATED 5/5/14***

Thanks kenharmsfl10
With heart sensor
and direct call feature
Smartq smart watch P1
Available May 4th
Price: $159.95
- Thanks JarlSX
"Hong Kong Electronics Fair, which is generally regarded as the most influential digit technology event in Asia, will be held in Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo from Apr.12th to Apr.15th. SmartDevices will be there with a variety of new smart wearable devices. The new smart watch with features such as call functions and heart rate monitor is well worth your time.
SmartDevices is looking forward to your visit the Booth 3F37 in Hong Kong AsiaWorld-Expo."
Credits goes to KingYee for the pictures.
One Reseller has additional details
enyceckk said:
the site www.iProTablet.com -- has additional details on the new Smart Devices P1 model smart watch.
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It seems nice except that it looks like it will need a proprietary replacement band like the Pebble Steel. Why would any company limit themselves like that?!?
JimSmith94 said:
It seems nice except that it looks like it will need a proprietary replacement band like the Pebble Steel. Why would any company limit themselves like that?!?
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Is this really a new SmartQ watch?
I don't see this on Smart Devices home page?
English page
Chinese page
I sent an email over to Sherry at SmartQ about the band. They say it will be replaceable. I also inquired about the overall color as I don't believe having one model that's polished steel would satisfy the market. They said that they haven't made up their minds about that yet.
"Good day!
About the P1, we will release it in May or June, now i still not got the detail launch schedule yet. Of course, the watch band can be changed, but now we did not have final decision on the color issue. So i'm afraid that i will answer your concerning questions later. Sorry!"
So, if you want to see this watch in more than polished steel, time to fire off some emails over to SmartQ.
This looks very interesting. Personally I would choose this over the original just because it IS polished steel.
Two New Smart Devices models
Smart Devices is actually releasing two new models - the H1 model that is very similar looking to the original Smart Devices Z-Watch -- plus the new P1 Model, with the stainless steel design
pics of the H1?
the P1 looks nice, how thin is it?
3.5mm jack
Does it still come with a 3.5mm port?
price for the H1?
blacline said:
price for the H1?
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4th May 2014 for $159.95
Let us know if anyone places an order please.
where can you order? other colors besides silver?
might be good looking in black
---------- Post added at 12:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:24 AM ----------
it's called the Z2?
I've emailed and sent a Skype message to SmartQ asking about the P1 and Z2.
Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
They replied back
" They are not ready yet."
Skype: smartqme
According to http://www.iprotablet.com/ the new release date will be 14th May now.
enyceckk said:
Youtube video player isn't working for me... if some1 can help me, it would be nice.
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you need to put the HpFS7hhANIQ in the youtube tags, not the entire link
paste HpFS7hhANIQ, select it, then click the youtube icon
may 4th and may 14th have passed, still not available?
http://www.iprotablet.com - at least they've bothered to update their date ...now to 28th [emoji16] maybe they are waiting for LG to show their watch on the 27th at 6pm UK time.
When I emailed SmartQ, Alien (that's right he's email sig' was Alien) said not ready yet.
New date, June 12th [emoji20][emoji20]
Enviado desde mi GT-I9100 mediante Tapatalk
I emailed them today and he Alien guy told me it's coming out at the end of June..

Project Ara Release

I've been waiting for this phone to launch since the Phoneblocks project started and it gets delayed every year. So, does anyone have any idea about when it's going to release? Should I wait for it or buy another phone? I also heard that google is making a 13 inch tablet instead of the phone, is that true? Is the phone not gonna be made???
I have to decide:
-Project ara
Already emailed them: no answer
TomTomcrafter001 said:
I have to decide:
-Project ara
Already emailed them: no answer
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I can say you can go with project ara
Sent from my GT-I9505 using XDA Labs
next month?
There is a news report today that the phone (yes, it's a phone) is scheduled to release next month. Personally, I think ahead of Google IO.
The report also says that the device would take a display of 13.8 cm (not inch), quoting some company insider. There's no tablet, it looks like. I'm too new to use hyperlinks around here. This is the url rtn.asia /t-t/18497/google-release-modular-ara-phone-not-tablet-next-month-price-150
Akshat2100 said:
I've been waiting for this phone to launch since the Phoneblocks project started and it gets delayed every year. So, does anyone have any idea about when it's going to release? Should I wait for it or buy another phone? I also heard that google is making a 13 inch tablet instead of the phone, is that true? Is the phone not gonna be made???
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atap .google .com /ara now shows developer edition shipping in fall 2016
