Need french ROM pls - HD Mini General

HI, im a newbie to the world of HTC HD Mini phones and need rom for mini with french language. Someone pls guide, thank you.

look here

nek46 said:
look here
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Thank, just need one more help. I read this in the forum:
If soemthing goes Reset the device and go to Boot loader, then flash a ship rom to the device (Must be the right rom, with the right CID)
How do i reset the device and go to bootloader and how to flash a ship rom? Also, which ROM should i flash if something goes wrong? MY device info is:
OS version: 5.2.23103
Manuila version: 2.5.201318254
ROM version:1.36.721.3

Please need help on this then im all sure someone can help me

andrew21 said:
Please need help on this then im all sure someone can help me
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Have a look here
Do not forget, "Search Button" is your friend !!!!!
Regards, JBS68


What can you make out of this info

i stupidly falsh my set with one of Jester rom. now my set is starting in bootloader mode and i get this screen
IPL 1.00
SPL 2.20.0001
what can you make out of it. and how do i fix it. please help
Evidently something went wrong with the flash...
The good news is that you are still able to get into bootloader mode. What's left? try to reflash with an image that you are certain is compatible with your set.
Good luck!
the bad news is that you have now ipl from a g3 and spl from a g4 now you need to flash your carrier ROM ....if you lucky you device may live again.
thansk a lot but need some more help
Dear Rayan!
Thanks for your help. But please be more specific about carrier rom.
Is any way to revive it.
thornofcarrion said:
Dear Rayan!
Thanks for your help. But please be more specific about carrier rom.
Is any way to revive it.
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See my post in your other thread for a link to your carrier ROM.

can someone dump the english rom of T-mobile

Is it so hard to do it?
Please guys help me out here i have German version i can really use your help
Thanks alot
dizel1024 said:
Is it so hard to do it?
Please guys help me out here i have German version i can really use your help
Thanks alot
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yeah me too...
can any one get the T-Mobile AMEO ROM!!
hi i'm sorry to ask this question again. how could we dump the complete english rom from existing english rom device?
Check this article -
Would the same procedure work on the Ameo?
rom dumping.
hi guys,
thats me that wrote the article,
I'm sure it will work, but the addressing will be different, if you leave a comment I'll email you, or you can PM me here.
(btw, i can't remember my old password, hence the inanet rather than inane)

Dopod C800 stuck in boot screen.... plz Help

Hi Can anyone please help me how to overcome my problem? My device is stuck in the boot screen . Things don't change even after hard reset...Can anyone upload the original shipped rom for Dopod C800 1.09 rom?
hey my friend the same just happend to meee ;(
Do you found a solution ?
murali509 said:
Hi Can anyone please help me how to overcome my problem? My device is stuck in the boot screen . Things don't change even after hard reset...
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put the phone in bootloader and flash the original rom
I have the same problem. No matter what rom code I flashed, always update error 300. Is there any idea to get rid of this problem? Thanks!
Strange... Isn't error 300 about using a RUU flasher on the wrong device?
Got my device to life after going to the service centre.... Successfully changed my Rom this time after using Hard spl by Canonyang and now I had flashed Touch IT V4.40....
My sincere advice from my experience...
Please read the instructions thoroghly before you attempt anything..
Happy flashing
murali509 said:
Got my device to life after going to the service centre.... Successfully changed my Rom this time after using Hard spl by Canonyang and now I had flashed Touch IT V4.40....
My sincere advice from my experience...
Please read the instructions thoroghly before you attempt anything..
Happy flashing
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We tell it soooooo often. But it is good to hear that your device is back to life.
And it is GOOD to hear that the instructions we are giving - are helpful...
Hey dude, thanks a lot for your new rom... I'm a novice in this field and dont know anything..Does ur rom touchit4.4 have keyboard issues on Dopod C800?
murali509 said:
Hey dude, thanks a lot for your new rom... I'm a novice in this field and dont know anything..Does ur rom touchit4.4 have keyboard issues on Dopod C800?
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it´s NOT mine. it is ITJE!!!
please ask in this thread. and please find out keyboardissues by flashing. i guess there is noone else with dopod running it...
Thank u for the quick reply....

[Q] hi guys help plz

i have htc t8282 phone it's in french i want to change it into english i've been reading how to flash a new rom on the website i think i can do it but i have couple of questions
1= how do know the exact rom for htc 8282 phone?
2= my phone is currently locked do i need to unlock the phone first before flashing or cooking the new rom?
sorry for my english , this is by far the best website i have seen the people on here are very helpful god bless you all
thanks in advance
T8282 is an HD/Blackstone, it does not need to be unlocked but check this guide to make sure you don't brick your device.
and this ROM is a good place to start... but try a few to see which you like best.
i'll read the guide carefully so that i don't brick my device thanks for your help really appreciated if i face any problem i'll post on here
plz how can solve this problem sspl-manual-touchhd.exe is not a valid win 32 application?
thanks in advance

ELFO100 rom problem help

i try to change my language to English so i use ELF_USPL to flash the phone and it gave me error 270 and now my phone is in three colour mode is there any help that can someone help me with.
IPL 2.24.0002
SPL 2.28.0000
gyebi said:
i try to change my language to English so i use ELF_USPL to flash the phone and it gave me error 270 and now my phone is in three colour mode is there any help that can someone help me with.
IPL 2.24.0002
SPL 2.28.0000
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ERROR [270]= IMAGE IS broken !! Looks like you need to downgrade to IPL 1:17 or 1:19 before
thx sir for the reply,i dont have the rom that i can use it to downgrade it to IPL 1.17 or 1.19 so if u can help me pls
gyebi said:
thx sir for the reply,i dont have the rom that i can use it to downgrade it to IPL 1.17 or 1.19 so if u can help me pls
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u have to make a gold card, this way you can flash a new rom. i had the same error like u, with that uspl.. gold card fixed it, but it was really complicated, i dont remember exactly how i did it.. if anyone can share some gold card experience, would be nice , but if there is anyway to unbrick ur elf, thats the way - a gold card
thx for sharing your experience,but hey i still need help so can someone pls help me pleace
try out
gyebi said:
thx for sharing your experience,but hey i still need help so can someone pls help me pleace
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try this post ""
Let me know is this work for you, in just read it for interest, but not use it.

