[Q] Touch MDA won't boot - Touch GSM General

Hello, although I am aware that this question has been asked a lot of times, none of the threads seem to offer a solution for my problem.
I have a T-Mobile branded MDA Touch/HTC Touch which won't boot anymore.
Also, my battery won't charge anymore.
It gets to the T-Mobile Screen and just freezes, and sometimes it doesn't even start up.
I tried hardreset, and the screen became coloured a bit, but then it just got black and froze.
All I did in the last time was install Opera Mobile and delete an Opera Mini folder, nothing else!
I didn't change ROM nor change anything connected to the system, it just went like that when it froze and I took out the battery and wanted to reboot it.
Do you have any solution?
Also, it doesn't do anything as I write this, maybe the battery is empty and since I can't charge it, it won't do anything, no hardreset, no bootloader, nothing.
Is there a way to charge the battery for so short that I can simply try getting in the bootloader?
Please help me, I'm desperately trying since 3 days or so

If you have a battery problem there's no way to enter bootloader, either get a battery charger or someone with another device. Don't ever think of flashing (if this is why you want to enter bootloader) without a fully charged battery.
Good luck

Thanks for the reply, ordered a new battery yesterday, I hope that that solves the problem.

I hope too, but how will you charge the new battery if your device is not charging? That's why I suggested a battery charger to rule out a software problem by hard resetting or flashing a new rom.
Let's hope the old one was faulty and with the new battery the problem will resolve by itself


My Jasjar is dead!

Dear Experts
my jasjar show no life. when I connect the charging cable no lights come up. when i take the battery off the light turns red. I cant get into the bootable screen nor any other screen. Any ideas???? Please help
Very little help I'm afraid
I have the same problem with my JasJar, dead, no bootscreen (I have a Qtek9000 as well, I know what that dim screen looks like).
Upon reboot and a USB-connection windows said there was an unknown USB-unit. However, it said nothing more than that, so I booted up linux and keept an eye on 'tail -f /var/log/messages' as I hooked the poor little thing up. There is a hint of a connection, but it is broken. It doesn't even state what type of unit it is, nothing.
What you (and I) need is something called a J-TAG.
That is a special connection to the BIOS that is able to reset it by connecting to it directly instead of through all the ports that it doesn't know until it has booted.
I am, however, curious as to wether there is some type of life on the IR-port. My laptop doesn't have any IR-port, so if someone with a similarly bricked HTC Uni-unit could try that? However I suppose that there is no life on that port. (I'm even surprised by the fact that there is life at the USB-port in spite of it not really having booted. Hmh)
Also, would be nice if someone could tell us a bit about the J-TAG-points on the Uni, as well as what we can do to hack this thing back to life.
Suggestions anyone?
Hi f315al !
First, how old is your battery?
After hard utilisation during months, battery gets weak on universal.....bad thing...
You should try with a new one before beeing sure it's dead
Tell us if it works
Dead Jasjar
Dear Cocaman
I bought a new battery and indeed it did start, you are a Geneus. the problem I have now with this stupid device is that every time I touch the screen or the keyboard it hangs and the screen start flickering. I soft reset and hard reset at least 50 times a day. I am really getting anoyed as I am spending more money to waste more time. I notice when the battery is fully charge I reset less than when the battery is <75% charged.
Any ideas?????

Athena dead or dying........any miracle workers out there?

I have had MANY PPC's (so many I can't even count them) and I've loaded many different cooked ROMS and such on most of them so I'm not a complete noob on these things (don't claim to be an expert either).
However, my most recent acquisition is an HTC Advantage bought at CompUSA. I've read most of these came with a test ROM and mine was no different except for the fact that when I attempted to update the ROM to the "official" one provided to me by HTC it would not work. I always got the error "Connection lost" about half way through the process. I tried it numerous times and it never worked. On some occasions it would get stuck on the bootloader screen but I was able to get it back to working status (still on the test ROM).
I decided to try installing step 1 of Ollipro's SPL to see if that would help loading the HTC ROM. Turns out that wouldn't work either. It would get stuck at step 1 where it would ask if "PPC gone idle and didn't work or to wait 30 seconds". Tried it many times and would try to get it to keep going but the grey box on the bottom left would say the "parameters were incorrect" and would give me the option to quit, which I would. No problem, at least my 7501 was still working.
After that I tried the official HTC ROM again and I got the same "connection lost" error I had previously, except this time I didn't get anything on my PPC screen, just a black screen, not even the battery charging light behind the joystick lights up anymore. Soft reset...........nothing. Bootloader reset....................nothing. Hard reset.......................nothing. No lights, nada. The only flicker I get is if I try a reset wheen the power cord is connected. A red light flickers behind the joystick whenever I click the reset button. Any ideas or any help?
Sounds to me like the battery is just dead. I bought one at CompUSA (had the test ROM also) and I got the red ring around the joystick too when I tried to turn it on in the store. I left it plugged in awhile and it finally booted up okay. I then replaced the test ROM with the one and only available for the X7501 on HTC USA's web site. Good luck and I hope you get it working!
I think it could be battery related as well but it had a full charge when this happened. For some reason the unit has lost communication with the battery. I'm at a loss.
I got the same problem like you man !!! but i bad luck and so stupid man , i did with HTC X7501 then it dead after that i bought the X7500 then did it again , holy "... " it dead again....man ...So how your phone now bro ????
I left out the battery a half day and tried it again but still dead. Then I left it charging overnight and tried it again but still dead.
I can't believe this. I've never had a bricked device that can't be revived but after so many have seen this post and still no solutions I'm guessing it's no hope.
I met the same situation when I started to unlock Athena ( TMobile Ameo) within not fully charged battery ( less then 70%).
Solution ( try to make BL mode) with connected wallsocket charger ( not connected to PC USB slot) or find 100% charged battery. It helped me two times.
After many tries it changed to BL mode .
Now I didn't start unlock/change ROM without 100% charged battery.
I have the same BIG Problem, only red fliker when soft reset when AC conected. I wanted to update rom from russian to english and phone stoped working (black screen), and battery heats when inserted in phone . nothing to do? i read everything but i have not got any solution. I think it may be bios dead. helap us please
Lobstrick said:
I have the same BIG Problem, only red fliker when soft reset when AC conected. I wanted to update rom from russian to english and phone stoped working (black screen), and battery heats when inserted in phone . nothing to do? i read everything but i have not got any solution. I think it may be bios dead. helap us please
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"heating battery" (i.e. discharging when inserted, you mean?), no charge led = dead bootloader indeed.
I get the same problem. My device is work, but not charge. Also like yours i have red ring around the joystick when the battery is taked out. And if battery inside, when i make a softreset it blink one time, continued to load but not charge.
You`r speaking all wonderful. But have anybody found the solution?
Hearing these stories makes me nervous. I'm on the stock ROM (mine came from CompUSA with the latest ROM and I don't have an urge to try the cooked ROM yet). I've been using my Athena daily for 4 months, it charges correctly from several different chargers I have (car, computer USB, stock wall charger, aftermarket wall charger).
However, one day 2 weeks ago I went to make a call in the middle of the day and my Athena was dead. D-e-a-d. Usually I can make it back home at night and still have 90-100% on the battery meter, so with no use in the middle of the day and a dead battery, this was weird. It wouldn't turn on, no soft boot, took the battery out and put it back in, and always got nothing.
I bring this up here because when I plugged it in, I encountered similar problems that others here are describing. It wouldn't turn on, and it didn't give me the orange charging light behind the joystick. I ended up leaving it plugged in for a while and finally I got a red ring, not the usual orange. I've only seen red when the battery was almost dead and the unit was on. Then after some more time the ring turned orange and at this point it would turn on again. I still have no idea why my battery died so fast and hard.
So, is there a problem with the battery charging system that is starting to crop up in units that have been used a while???
miha_conan said:
I get the same problem. My device is work, but not charge. Also like yours i have red ring around the joystick when the battery is taked out. And if battery inside, when i make a softreset it blink one time, continued to load but not charge.
You`r speaking all wonderful. But have anybody found the solution?
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Hi i am no expert but i had simaler problem no display or no lights round ring no responce to any commands (ie hard reset and bootloader ) only red light flickred on reset button all i did was removed battery while pressing reset button and placed new battery and left it on wall charger for couple of hours and before doing hard reset i pressed reset button 2 to 3 times and green light round the battery came up so i tryed bootloader and it worked and insted of flashing it with pc i just loaded the img in sd card and flashed it while whole thing was on charge (i had tmob test rom before ) which i think is best way to do no hassle of losing connection or failing in half way and it works like a charm
hope this helps
and ya if you have a spare battery it dose help
New battery?
I'm a wizard user (and lots of former PDAs) looking to buy and Athena, maybe.
Has anyone tried a new, right out of the envelope, battery? these issues sound like worn out Li-Ion batteries to me. I've had them completely conk (won't take a charge at all) if I let them go completely down, and I've had them wear out and stop taking a full charge (down to maxing out at about %20, but sometimes showing %100 depending on ROM status) when I kept charging them while they're already charged.
Li-Ion batts don't sit for long periods too well, either, so if they're sitting on the shelf at the store/warehouse, they may be suffering even more than one that has been used since earlier in its childhood.
Perhaps the answer is a switched charger that stops charging when the battery (not the ROM/unit reading) gets to %100. ???
I didn't see anything like this posted. I'm terribly curious to see if anyone can resolve it.
nother AMEO dead
Red ring comes for a sec only try to RESET the device with Charger connected
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same here,
i am afraid i got a dead athena too, did you guys found any solution?? i tried switching batteries. this is my first experience with a windows mobile device not powering on, in inrepairable condition.
found another member with similar problems- http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1639311&postcount=24
No genius,s on here,just insults
i have read every page on the advantage x7500,being such an old phone you would thin the genius,s on here could sort it out in seconds,but all they do is insult you.i tried to update from windows 6 on radio 1.20 to michys radio 6.5
it got to 94 percent then crashed, now when i boot up i just get a black and white screen,which then turns white,if it try to reinstall advantage 6.0 the phone reets after 2 or 3 percent..will anyboby help by giving simple term advice to unbrick it? NO.will they provide links to there advice no.THEY JUST INSULT YOU AND SAY ITS IN ONE OF THE THREADS.well im a computer tech and if anybody wants there pc or laptop fixing.guess what i will return the favour with computer speak,THAT YOU CANT UNDERSTAND

8125 stuck in Charge Mode. Overheating

I've been working on my friends 8125. First the original battery died and he couldn't charge it with the phone, so I performed the "jump start" trick with the 9v battery. That resolved the issue, but then he let it die again, and he jump start trick didn't work. SO the diagnosis was to replace the battery...
Well now that I have a new battery that works, the phone has somehow gotten stuck in "Charge Mode" and the moment I insert the battery it starts to overheat. This occurs before even turning the phone on. Once turned on the battery indicator shows that it is charging, even though its not plugged in.
I'm wondering if this is due to a hardware problem with the mini-USB port or something.
I searched the forums, but didn't find anything close to this issue so any idea will be much appreciated.
I'd say
that it was the battery. Try another one.
Overheating Issue
Being that it was already tested with a new battery and still didnt work, I would try to go into bootloader and reflash with original att or tmobile rom for the 8125.
I have the same problem, I've already re flashed the original ROM but still have the problem, any suggestions?

WIZ don`t power up

I though my battery died so I bought new one, but it doesn`t respond also.
On friday there was problem with display and device automaticaly restarted
I opened it and something like this is not connected anywhere. I can`t see anything in service manual like that. Do you know what is it and where it suppose to be connected ?
That's a holder for the stylus.
There's a small screw that goes through it when it's in place and it holds the stylus from falling. It's very easy to place it back!
xusso said:
That's a holder for the stylus.
There's a small screw that goes through it when it's in place and it holds the stylus from falling. It's very easy to place it back!
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Ok, thanks, so it`s not for battery so my wizard is dead definitely
It may not be your battery!
I had my wizard die in much the same manner as your's. I thought it was a gonner until I ran across a site somewhere with a whole group of people with the same problem with their wizard. I'm only guessing, but I think you let your battery run very low and the device shut down, which is alright, until you consider that it cannot charge without the operating system (Windows)
up and running! I had to cut the mini end of a usb to mini usb cable, strip the black and red wires and hold the black to the negative pole of the battery and the red to the positive pole while it was plugged into the usb port on the desktop computer for about 20-30 seconds. Then replaced the battery in the phone, booted windows and recharged with the home charger. It worked great, but now I carry a fully charged battery with me, in case it happens again and I,m out somewhere where I can't jump start the battery with the cable trick. I think this method is also mentioned somwhere on this site. Good luck and let me know if it works.......
Oh. I also though it is the problem with charging, but the night before my battery was fully loaded and in the morning the phone died without possibility to boot up. two days later I`ve buy the new battery and put into the Wiz...nothing.
I asked salesmen if it`s possible that the new battery is charged under possibility of the phone, but he said it`s definitely not. So I suspect that something happened to the hardware.
I`ve tried connecting USB directly to the battery also, before I buing new one, but it also didn`t worked for me.
Before it completely died there was several hangups on today screen and once even on the booting splash screen, with the strange situation where the radio ROM was not displayed at all :/ ??
After this several reboot sesions it has not started again.
I didn't catch the whole story from the beginning, but did you drop the Wiz? I dropped mine, and I am going through the same exact thing with the Radio not showing up. Mine only gets to the first splash screen, and enters an endless reboot loop.
If we can find a solution to this problem, I'd DEFINITELY love it. Until then, I'll still be sad.
esselite said:
Oh. I also though it is the problem with charging, but the night before my battery was fully loaded and in the morning the phone died without possibility to boot up. two days later I`ve buy the new battery and put into the Wiz...nothing.
I asked salesmen if it`s possible that the new battery is charged under possibility of the phone, but he said it`s definitely not. So I suspect that something happened to the hardware.
I`ve tried connecting USB directly to the battery also, before I buing new one, but it also didn`t worked for me.
Before it completely died there was several hangups on today screen and once even on the booting splash screen, with the strange situation where the radio ROM was not displayed at all :/ ??
After this several reboot sesions it has not started again.
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Hi there,
As you can see I'm very new to this forum but I too have just come across this problem this morning.
My battery was fully charged yesterday and I had my alarm set to wake me up this morning but it did not go off. I checked and it was all set ok so I did a soft reboot. It hasn't come on since. A took out the battery for a while and it managed to boot up to the WM6 screen but then switched off.
Now it seems the device doesnt even switch on
IPL/SPL 2.22.002 (I think from memory)
OS 6.0xxx
Running the TNT rom not sure what version (was ebayed)
Have you plugged it in through the wall, and not the PC? Somehow mine came back to life this morning, all I did was plug it into the wall AC power WITHOUT a SIM card, and it booted like normal first try.
Madlew said:
Hi there,
As you can see I'm very new to this forum but I too have just come across this problem this morning.
My battery was fully charged yesterday and I had my alarm set to wake me up this morning but it did not go off. I checked and it was all set ok so I did a soft reboot. It hasn't come on since. A took out the battery for a while and it managed to boot up to the WM6 screen but then switched off.
Now it seems the device doesnt even switch on
IPL/SPL 2.22.002 (I think from memory)
OS 6.0xxx
Running the TNT rom not sure what version (was ebayed)
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Phone wont lasted 10 seconds without plugging in ,But not battery problem.

Hello guys, this is my first time posting up in XDA and I am encountering a very weird problem with my N4
Disclaimer, the following is a long write but please bear with me and give a read.
Here's my problem after flashing the simple asop 29/5 build for mako. I come from same rom build 21/5 but i did a clean flash for the latest build. As soon as success flashing the latest build with gapps, then as usual will proceed reboot the system. Just right before the boot animation, the phone immediately went dead. I am sure that the phone is still left with 50%+ of battery at the moment.
Anyhow, I decided to plug it into charger. And voila, the phone now able to go through the boot animation and everything just fine. After setting up and restoring backups, I unplugged the charger, its 75%+ on the battery. Within 10-15 seconds, the phone immediately go dead again. I hit the power button and tried to boot up. Again, right after the Google logo screen, the phone went dead.
Commonly this indicate a problem with the battery. Yeah, but I went into recovery twrp and disabled the screen timeout & max the brightness. Guess what, surprisingly it lasted more than an hour which proves that this wasn't battery fault.
What had I tried so far, is just switched off the phone and plugged into charge for 2 hours. And obviously it doesnt solve the problem. I am backing up all the data at the moment and plans to drain the battery all the way down just leaving it screen on at recovery.
Anyone who know what happening with my n4 or encounter similar experience, please feel free to share the solution. Many thanks 
Jz Chong said:
Hello guys, this is my first time posting up in XDA and I am encountering a very weird problem with my N4
Disclaimer, the following is a long write but please bear with me and give a read.
Here's my problem after flashing the simple asop 29/5 build for mako. I come from same rom build 21/5 but i did a clean flash for the latest build. As soon as success flashing the latest build with gapps, then as usual will proceed reboot the system. Just right before the boot animation, the phone immediately went dead. I am sure that the phone is still left with 50%+ of battery at the moment.
Anyhow, I decided to plug it into charger. And voila, the phone now able to go through the boot animation and everything just fine. After setting up and restoring backups, I unplugged the charger, its 75%+ on the battery. Within 10-15 seconds, the phone immediately go dead again. I hit the power button and tried to boot up. Again, right after the Google logo screen, the phone went dead.
Commonly this indicate a problem with the battery. Yeah, but I went into recovery twrp and disabled the screen timeout & max the brightness. Guess what, surprisingly it lasted more than an hour which proves that this wasn't battery fault.
What had I tried so far, is just switched off the phone and plugged into charge for 2 hours. And obviously it doesnt solve the problem. I am backing up all the data at the moment and plans to drain the battery all the way down just leaving it screen on at recovery.
Anyone who know what happening with my n4 or encounter similar experience, please feel free to share the solution. Many thanks 
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Have you tried making a clean wipe and trying either stock or another ROM, to see if it works then?
Your test doesn't prove it's not the battery's fault. Flash back to stock, see if the problem persists and if it does then you know you have a hardware problem. Could be the battery.
DrFredPhD said:
Your test doesn't prove it's not the battery's fault. Flash back to stock, see if the problem persists and if it does then you know you have a hardware problem. Could be the battery.
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Hello, much appreciate your reply. I flashed back to stock 5.1.1 now and yet this problem is still persisting. Thus pretty obvious thats an hardware faulty.
In another forum, a guy with Nexus 7 had similar situation as me, and he suggests that its the battery or the circuit board at the charging port went kaput.
Guess nothing else I could do right now, gonna send in the phone for repair and hope the bill wont cost as much as a used nexus 4
