[ROM] [Ger] DeeRom1 Build 29007 [alpha 28.01.2011] - TG01 ROM Development

First of all
Thanks cedesmith, miro and all other devs for there threads and tools
Fixed Download
This is an debranded o2 Rom wich is updated to build 29007 with radio 1600
ram 85mb
mem 250mb
i will share it only for testing users
pls do not use it as stable
if anyone found bugs pls submit
Build in
Livven Themes
Latest Facebook
Grid Scene 4 grids
TCPMP with subtitle support (from forum here)
windows mediaplayer
all Live Stuff

DeeJay05 said:
First of all
Thanks cedesmith, miro and all other devs for there threads and tools
This is an debranded o2 Rom wich is updated to build 29007 with radio 1600
ram 85mb
mem 250mb
i will share it only for testing users
pls do not use it as stable
if anyone found bugs pls submit
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How did You get such high XIP build ?

here is the full build information
lang 407 is only 23568
but sys and xip 29007 if u search xda u will find links to the new xips
Buglist: (here only for my brain)
tcpmp have to be fixed
no ring tone change or ringing i think :/
fixed in first post

DeeJay05 said:
here is the full build information
lang 407 is only 23568
but sys and xip 29007 if u search xda u will find links to the new xips
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Ok. Did You notice any positive differences in comparison with XIP that was in official ROM ?

for my feeling it is faster.
i do this only for playing around and learning
this is why i say only alpha ...
this is my real first play with winmo modding
i dont have a real clue about the differences in these builds
in my normal life i playing around with server2003/2008 some linux stuff and build/administrate networks

DeeJay05 said:
for my feeling it is faster.
i do this only for playing around and learning
this is why i say only alpha ...
this is my real first play with winmo modding
i dont have a real clue about the differences in these builds
in my normal life i playing around with server2003/2008 some linux stuff and build/administrate networks
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Could You give me any hint ? I have always wanted to check like You ( for learning - I work in computer science too ) other XIP and only XIP without new SYS. I utilze l3v5y kitchen for my works and created many different ROMs for myself but because TG downloader does not work with my tg01 I have never enough brave to port XIP. l3v5y kitchen seems to port new ( donor ) XIP without any problems. I checked whole the process but I am not sure that created XIP is in fact good and will not brick my tg01.

i have used ffboys kitchen , on last site of his realse miro posted a good tut how to work with it.
and then i have installed the osbuilder to edit the dsm files , for rgu files i used notepad++

DeeJay05 said:
i have used ffboys kitchen , on last site of his realse miro posted a good tut how to work with it.
and then i have installed the osbuilder to edit the dsm files , for rgu files i used notepad++
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I know ffboy kitchen . In virgin version it has more manual work than l3v5y so I stayed with l3v5y modyfing it a little bit ( added changing page pool and fixing it) .
It seems both kitchens diifers a little bit in XIP porting so I asked You about it.

DeeJay05 said:
i have used ffboys kitchen , on last site of his realse miro posted a good tut how to work with it.
and then i have installed the osbuilder to edit the dsm files , for rgu files i used notepad++
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yeeeah! really cool to see, your first tg01 ROM! RESPECT ! when i have a little bit more time, i will test it!

yea and i found out now after rebuild without mediaplayer i killed the tcpmp also *lol*
learning by try and error

Congrats DeeJay on your first ROM! its always nice to have more cooks for our community, well done!

yea this is the way to build own bugs which i can search
hope someone will test it.

DeeJay05 said:
yea this is the way to build own bugs which i can search
hope someone will test it.
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He Deejay05 - welcome! It is nice to have another German cook! Thank you!

Good to see a one cook more out there - carry on man

OK now i have upload an fixed version , link in first post

ok first post is updated ..
4 downloads for first version , no bugs?


[Release] [Kitchen] - SuperJustKitchen v0.7 - Shields up!

SuperJustKitchen v0.7 Released.
Go to my site: http://justkitchen.info to get the updates and the info. It takes to long to update every device's forum that is supported, and I plan to support all devices.
For more information on the kitchen, please read: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=4288668
Word of warning:
None of the new EXT's have been tested and fixed for the Herald, Opal, Hermes AND Artemis. Please test test and test and then let me know which packages don't work and what YOU've done to fix them. (I don't have time to fix ALL of them by myself.)
(I'm no longer updating each thread separately for each device but just updating my site and posting the release info here.)
ivanmmj said:
Now with Opal support!!
Wait until you see the announcement on my site to know that it's been updated/uploaded.
Word of warning:
SJK v.5 has had some major changes. None of the new EXT's have been tested and fixed for the Herald and Opal. Please test test and test and then let me know which packages don't work and what YOU've done to fix them. (I don't have time to fix ALL of them by myself.)
Take not that there are many versions of certain packages. Let me know if the older ones are close enough to the new ones so that I can delete the old ones.
Go to my site: http://justkitchen.info to get the updates and the info. It takes to long to update every device's forum that is supported, and I plan to support all devices.
At the moment, consider SJK v0.5 to be a test... Don't expect to have THAT many builds when it goes into v0.5.5
Right now it has the following builds available to you:
21054 (wm6.1)
21864 (COM2 - old style gui - wm6.5)
23064 (COM4 - newer gui - wm6.5)
5.5 will only have 21054, 21864, and 23064 unless something new gets released.
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Thanks for providing us a new kitchen for opal. Can u give me a tutorial on using this kitchen for opal. Full explaination plz
It works exactly the same as your other Ervius based kitchen. You can follow that tutorial as well.
The real difference is that I do the porting of new builds and the addition of new EXT packages for you.
(Granted, I've added more options under the Extra Buttons section, but you can go in there and figure out what most things are from their names and descriptions.)
Thanks BUT....
Thanks for your work man BUT: When i make my rom everything works Except the HOME settings and COMM manager,it is the same thing with BesFen kitchen,sometimes it works and then sometimes it does not.
I have tried and tried but nothing seems to help,i give up. I hope you guys can figure it out. Thanks.
What Home settings?
As far as the COMM Manager, don't choose the Comm manager in the EXT list. It's meant for older devices (like the Herald). Don't choose a Comm Manager at all. The OEM still has a comm manager built in. It will automatically insert a working comm manager.
Sorry i meant when you go to start/settings/Today does not work and i did not choose the comm manager, the one that comes with the oem does not work. Like i said sometimes they work and then it does not.
theglen35 said:
Sorry i meant when you go to start/settings/Today does not work and i did not choose the comm manager, the one that comes with the oem does not work. Like i said sometimes they work and then it does not.
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Weird... The Today works fine on the Herald and it's part of the SYS, not the OEM. Are adding or not adding the MyCPL?
So the Comm Manager, even the one that's made FOR the phone has problems?
No i left out MyCpl. What is that BTW. The same thing happens in BesFen kitchen but it works when you put the PP on 12,anything higher it will not work.But i tried it on 12 & 16 PP in your kitchen but it does not work at all.Also when using file explorer and when selecting a theme when Today is working i have to long press or hold down the stylus to select something.
theglen35 said:
No i left out MyCpl. What is that BTW. The same thing happens in BesFen kitchen but it works when you put the PP on 12,anything higher it will not work.But i tried it on 12 & 16 PP in your kitchen but it does not work at all.Also when using file explorer and when selecting a theme when Today is working i have to long press or hold down the stylus to select something.
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So it happens with BesFen's kitchen as well? The Opal is so strange and different than the other devices when it comes to cooking, I wonder what other changes I must make to the kitchen to get it work properly. At the moment, without an Opal, I can only make a kitchen as good as BesFen can when it comes to proper NB creation. Does anyone have a current WORKING kitchen for the Opal that doesn't have these problems? If so, point me to it and I will study the differences.
As a side note: Doesn't the Opal use myCPL by default? If it does, then you MUST choose it.
If you know PhamQuang you can ask him what kitchen he uses,his roms are usually buggy but i think the last one he made was good and everything works smooth.
You can find more detailed info on the kitchen in the main thread.
theglen35, I'll go ahead and try to contact PhamQuang. Thanks.
ivanmmj said:
As a side note: Doesn't the Opal use myCPL by default? If it does, then you MUST choose it.
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Official Opal's ROM have MyCPL, it should be include in ROM.
The reason I made opal's kitchen because no one share working kitchen here, some one asked me to make kitchen for Opal.
PhamQuang is from PDAVIET, and as we all know they always don't want to share the kitchen and source. You can try to contact him, maybe they change their mind now.
BesFen said:
Official Opal's ROM have MyCPL, it should be include in ROM.
The reason I made opal's kitchen because no one share working kitchen here, some one asked me to make kitchen for Opal.
PhamQuang is from PDAVIET, and as we all know they always don't want to share the kitchen and source. You can try to contact him, maybe they change their mind now.
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Hey BesFen THANKS very much for making a kitchen for the Opal,I have made many roms with it and except for a few problems it works good.But i think you should try and get all the bugs and problems worked out so we don't have to rely or wait for PhamQuang or PDAVIET to get any roms.
Because of the problems i am using Opals original WM 6.1 until you guys can figure it out.
theglen35 said:
Hey BesFen THANKS very much for making a kitchen for the Opal,I have made many roms with it and except for a few problems it works good.But i think you should try and get all the bugs and problems worked out so we don't have to rely or wait for PhamQuang or PDAVIET to get any roms.
Because of the problems i am using Opals original WM 6.1 until you guys can figure it out.
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If your ROM can boot, it mean the kitchen work great.
The problem that you figure is not causes by the kitchen, it's pure something in the ext or OEM or SYS, try to read more reference from others device thread, I can't fix it since I don't have opal for test it, I am sorry about that.
ivanmmj said:
Now with Opal support!!
Wait until you see the announcement on my site to know that it's been updated/uploaded.
Word of warning:
SJK v.5 has had some major changes. None of the new EXT's have been tested and fixed for the Herald and Opal. Please test test and test and then let me know which packages don't work and what YOU've done to fix them. (I don't have time to fix ALL of them by myself.)
Take not that there are many versions of certain packages. Let me know if the older ones are close enough to the new ones so that I can delete the old ones.
Go to my site: http://justkitchen.info to get the updates and the info. It takes to long to update every device's forum that is supported, and I plan to support all devices.
At the moment, consider SJK v0.5 to be a test... Don't expect to have THAT many builds when it goes into v0.5.5
Right now it has the following builds available to you:
21054 (wm6.1)
21864 (COM2 - old style gui - wm6.5)
23064 (COM4 - newer gui - wm6.5)
5.5 will only have 21054, 21864, and 23064 unless something new gets released.
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thanks ivan u've done great... thanks for having opal too in ur kitchen.. hopfully everything work great like the herald... ur the best... i thought i'll never see u since my phone is not the wing no more its touch viva now.. cuz i like wat u done for herald lots cooks already doing different roms... it is impressive... hopfully i'll start my own too... for here... thanks alot ivan keep it up...
BesFen said:
Official Opal's ROM have MyCPL, it should be include in ROM.
The reason I made opal's kitchen because no one share working kitchen here, some one asked me to make kitchen for Opal.
PhamQuang is from PDAVIET, and as we all know they always don't want to share the kitchen and source. You can try to contact him, maybe they change their mind now.
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Yea, if the Opal comes with the MyCPL and they don't choose it, then that's part of the problem.
I agree with you, though. Technically, the issue is not with the kitchen but with what you DO with the kitchen as a cook. Since I don't have an Opal either, I won't be able to look around and preemptively fix all the bugs by pre-packaging certain EXT's into the OEM.
I also appreciate you working on that Opal kitchen. It's what I used as an example to get the Opal compatibility on my own kitchen. I appreciate your advise about PDAVIET.
ob_izzy, now it's your turn to be a great cook. ^_^
I agree with you, though. Technically, the issue is not with the kitchen but with what you DO with the kitchen as a cook. Since I don't have an Opal either, I won't be able to look around and preemptively fix all the bugs by pre-packaging certain EXT's into the OEM.
Come on guys, what are you saying? Both of you are making a kitchen for a device that you don't have and can't test and you are saying it's not the kitchen! I beg to differ because believe me i have tried all sorts of ways to get the rom to work including reading alot, re-arranging files, adding, leaving out, different PP. Maybe it still has stuff to add or leave out that i don't know about, so that is where you guys come in. I need PLEH.
theglen35 said:
I agree with you, though. Technically, the issue is not with the kitchen but with what you DO with the kitchen as a cook. Since I don't have an Opal either, I won't be able to look around and preemptively fix all the bugs by pre-packaging certain EXT's into the OEM.
Come on guys, what are you saying? Both of you are making a kitchen for a device that you don't have and can't test and you are saying it's not the kitchen! I beg to differ because believe me i have tried all sorts of ways to get the rom to work including reading alot, re-arranging files, adding, leaving out, different PP. Maybe it still has stuff to add or leave out that i don't know about, so that is where you guys come in. I need PLEH.
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The kitchen only puts things together. What the stuff does depends on the OEM's and EXT's included. If you took all the EXT's that came with the official Opal ROM, you may not have any bugs because the manufacturer has worked out all those little bugs. If I had an Opal to play with, I'd probably find all the bugs myself and fix them (like I did with the Herald.) Unfortunately, we need the help of a very experienced Opal cook who HAS an Opal. (Or I need an Opal, which isn't happening since I have a G1 as my main phone and wouldn't buy an Opal to replace it (nothing wrong with the Opal, but I love android. )
theglen35 said:
Come on guys, what are you saying? Both of you are making a kitchen for a device that you don't have and can't test and you are saying it's not the kitchen! I beg to differ because believe me i have tried all sorts of ways to get the rom to work including reading alot, re-arranging files, adding, leaving out, different PP. Maybe it still has stuff to add or leave out that i don't know about, so that is where you guys come in. I need PLEH.
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You can make an experience, dump the official opal's ROM (ruusigned.nbh) with Visual kitchen from mine or ivanmmj, go to the official rom folder, there is a "dump" folder there with Ervius kitchen tools, then run that kitchen and build the rom, it will build ROM same as official that you dump. If it run well, no problem with the kitchen.
BesFen said:
You can make an experience, dump the official opal's ROM (ruusigned.nbh) with Visual kitchen from mine or ivanmmj, go to the official rom folder, there is a "dump" folder there with Ervius kitchen tools, then run that kitchen and build the rom, it will build ROM same as official that you dump. If it run well, no problem with the kitchen.
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Great suggestion man. I tried it and it did build the 6.1 rom without problems but it builds 6.1 good but not 6.5. When it builds wm 6.5 there are problems.

Kitchen Repository

Well, I guess I will contribute with something...
There are way too many kitchens out there (all scattered in the different device forums). Now, since this is "Chef Central", I figured that we needed the kitchens for the Chefs to cook. Without further ado, I present you with... the kitchens.
Easy to use for the beginner...
[highlight]Ivanmmj SuperJust Kitchen (thanks +QuePPC and kokotas):[/highlight]
Multi-Device Kitchen
New kitchen based on bepe's work (thanks mwalt2)
[highlight]Ervius Visual Kitchen (EVK)thanks mwalt2)[/highlight]
[highlight]Wallaby (Peter Poelman):[/highlight]
[highlight]Blue Angel:[/highlight]
Latest: 28230 by sun_dream
Swampy395 Porting Kitchen
Latest: 28230 by sun_dream
Not really a single kitchen but xda2_haseeb made a nice guide with links to some kitchens for the Wizard.
[highlight]Universal: (thanks orb3000)[/highlight]
ROM Kitchen v2.0 by Tomal: Next generation Kitchen for Universal
Resources and kitchens lumped together by hilaireg
Not really a single kitchen but cruiserrr made a nice guide with links to some kitchens for the Polaris.
Now, I am not going to scan the whole site for kitchens, so this is where we all have to pitch in. I know I am missing a few of the multi-device kitchens, but if we all contribute with kitchens for different devices, we can have a nice little resource for many new aspiring chefs...
Let's get cookin'!
I decided to make post #2 as an Opinions Page. I will link the posts from each and every one of you that talks good or bad about a kitchen over here.
[highlight]Visual Kitchen[/highlight]
[highlight]Polaris Chef Corner[/highlight]
One more for the road...
NRGZ28 said:
I think we'll need to neatly catergorize these kitchen collections later on. Maybe we'll them all in the first post of this thread, or we can create another one.
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I can update the first post as needed. I actually left two more posts after that just in case I run into space issues. I am thinking, one or two posts for device specific kitchens and one for generic kitchens. What do you think?
dXsL said:
excellent initiative, tnx!
wouldn't mind more pro's/con's per kitchen but also realize that is subject to personal experience and/or (strong) opinion
so perhaps only mention the pro's?
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+1 on this.
PRO's/CON's can be easily worded such that it isn't considered a personal attack.
I would rather know about the CON's and how to work-around them than spend hours in trial-and-error. If a member decides to select a certain kitchen, at least they know what they are "getting into".
M2C's Worth,
* EDIT *
BTW; if you need extra empty posts near the top of your thread, let me or another moderator know and we'll make it happen.
hilaireg said:
+1 on this.
PRO's/CON's can be easily worded such that it isn't considered a personal attack.
I would rather know about the CON's and how to work-around them than spend hours in trial-and-error. If a member decides to select a certain kitchen, at least they know what they are "getting into".
M2C's Worth,
* EDIT *
BTW; if you need extra empty posts near the top of your thread, let me or another moderator know and we'll make it happen.
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Thanks hilaireg, I might have to bother you regarding the extra posts if this grows as much as I fear it will .
As far as the pro/cons... well, we could do this in such a way that only people who have used the kitchens in question can post them in this thread, so they can give their points of view. I personally have had time to play with 3 of the kitchens that I have posted and used a few tools of another one, but I guess I can add this to the first post and you guys let me know what you think:
"If you are going to post a kitchen in this thread, please be kind enough to give your opinions on it (likes, dislikes, hard to use, buggy, best kitchen ever... well, you know what I mean). This way, new coming chefs will not have to go through the pain of trial and error"
egzthunder1 said:
Thanks hilaireg, I might have to bother you regarding the extra posts if this grows as much as I fear it will .
As far as the pro/cons... well, we could do this in such a way that only people who have used the kitchens in question can post them in this thread, so they can give their points of view. I personally have had time to play with 3 of the kitchens that I have posted and used a few tools of another one, but I guess I can add this to the first post and you guys let me know what you think:
"If you are going to post a kitchen in this thread, please be kind enough to give your opinions on it (likes, dislikes, hard to use, buggy, best kitchen ever... well, you know what I mean). This way, new coming chefs will not have to go through the pain of trial and error"
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No worries ... let me know once you decide on the format for this thread. Have a look at this thread; might give you some ideas of what could be done for this:
Sous-Chef's Kitchen Utensils & Appliances Review
I use Visual Kitchen
I chose visual kitchen because that was what Da_G used and started me out on. Here are my thoughts:
- GUI interface to visually select/deselect packages
- Expandable with Programmable Extra Buttons to ease sorting and cooking stuff
- Allows users to select multiple builds, Lanuages, packages, etc using drop down boxes
- Save/Load configurations and settings
- Robust, Organized and Complete
- File structure has to be intact or it will fail
- Have to know the building procedure to make sure custom files aren't overwritten
- Packages are in folders, so finding a specific file can be tedious
- Can be overwhelming and confusing to get it setup initially from scratch
I would recommend using this kitchen as it pretty nice. Now of course I say that without using any other kitchen to compare it to... but it does everything I need thus no need to look elsewhere.
EXT folder = Packages (Games/HTC Apps/HTC Dialer/Etc). Additional apps outside of stock MS stuff
OEM folder = Phone specific stuff, OEM customizations, tweaks (usually left alone)
ROM folder = Basic building blocks for WM builds. Has basic device and WM drivers (MSXipKernel updated when SYS gets updated)
SYS folder = WM Build. Contains all the stuff that is stock MS products (updated to change to newer builds)
- Starting out as a new chef... I would suggest that you find a Fully working kitchen designed for your device that is fairly new and updated. Once you can create a working rom, you can then slowly start to expand it by adding more packages and features.
- Don't add too much at once. If you do, and it fails... you'll have to troubleshoot what you added and that can be tedious. It helps to add new packages in groups of 5... so you can test specific parts of the rom before continuing. You'll be surprised that 1 screwed up file can keep your kitchen from completing the building process. Keep that in mind.
- The "EXT" folder is optional and gets updated the most. OEM, ROM, and SYS folders are the only folders really required. Knowing this can allow you to build a very very basic stock Windows build designed for your device. If you have any problems building or flashing, try disabling all of the packages in the EXT folder. If your very very very basic rom still doesn't work... then your "base" kitchen is screwed up. This can be harder to fix.
- Make frequent backups of your "Base" kitchen in the event you screwed something up. I usually will remove the EXT folder and ZIP up the rest in an archive on a memory stick. I update my backup archives after a successful upgrade/edit/tweak of the "base".
player911 said:
I use Visual Kitchen
I chose visual kitchen because that was what Da_G used and started me out on. Here are my thoughts:
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Updated post #2. Thanks player911!
Hi man!
I think you could add vistang's multidevice kitchen too :
I'm not the right person for a review, but I'm sure one of the guys who used it will be up to the task
Best Regards!
Hi, if you check the link in my signature (Polaris chef corner) you will find quite a few polaris specific kitchens
cruiserrr said:
Hi, if you check the link in my signature (Polaris chef corner) you will find quite a few polaris specific kitchens
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Thanks cruiserrr for the links. I updated the first post.
Can you give us some insights (in the format in the first page) of pros/cons for some of these kitchens? I don't have a Polaris, so I cannot write any comments about them. Thanks.
i dont have the link but there is a Superjust kitchen for sooo much devices in the net...
+ Que PPC said:
i dont have the link but there is a Superjust kitchen for sooo much devices in the net...
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Is that the name of the kitchen?
egzthunder1 said:
Is that the name of the kitchen?
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Here is the link : ivanmmj's SuperJustKitchen
(Supported devices : Artemis , Elfin , Herald , Hermes , Opal)
kokotas said:
Here is the link : ivanmmj's SuperJustKitchen
(Supported devices : Artemis , Elfin , Herald , Hermes , Opal)
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Thanks for the link. I will update the first post. Any pros/cons opinions about this?
egzthunder1 said:
Thanks for the link. I will update the first post. Any pros/cons opinions about this?
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Well it is a kitchen based on OsKitchen by OndraSter&airxtreme!
ps:check post #10 too
egzthunder1 said:
Thanks cruiserrr for the links. I updated the first post.
Can you give us some insights (in the format in the first page) of pros/cons for some of these kitchens? I don't have a Polaris, so I cannot write any comments about them. Thanks.
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Well, I am not a seasoned cooker but I have updated the polaris chef corner 1st post with my view of each kitchen. Please feel free to take the text if you find it interesting. Most of polaris kitchen's are 26016 EVK kitchens with old kernel, I guess based on gullum's kitchen the first one the share the polaris kitchen for wm6.5. Most of them are based on mega packages. There is one from amenatis based on leo packages but is not 100% completed in english since it is a french kitchen (however, is the one I used as the basis).
For the rest, there are a few other kitchens like vistangs but it seems ondraster kitchen is growing each day. The best one for me is TomAngel's Ondraster kitchen: like any Ondraster's kitchen it has an easy set up of splashscreen and this kinds of things and allows you to cook in several languages at a time. It also has a nice documentation of packages. Additionally TomAngel included a 6.5 native kernel that we are currently testing a few cookers in Polaris but that seems to work and my end with our recmodding hobby.
I personally like better EVK UI but I must say ondraster is also a good solution (and I have "stolen" the kernel from there). I would be glad to share my kitchen I use my own method of cooking shortcuts and tweaks with cmd and mortscript scripts both in the ppc and the pc, so my packages have no app.dat and no png and very few reg files.
cruiserrr said:
Well, I am not a seasoned cooker but I have updated the polaris chef corner 1st post with my view of each kitchen. Please feel free to take the text if you find it interesting. Most of polaris kitchen's are 26016 EVK kitchens with old kernel, I guess based on gullum's kitchen the first one the share the polaris kitchen for wm6.5. Most of them are based on mega packages. There is one from amenatis based on leo packages but is not 100% completed in english since it is a french kitchen (however, is the one I used as the basis).
For the rest, there are a few other kitchens like vistangs but it seems ondraster kitchen is growing each day. The best one for me is TomAngel's Ondraster kitchen: like any Ondraster's kitchen it has an easy set up of splashscreen and this kinds of things and allows you to cook in several languages at a time. It also has a nice documentation of packages. Additionally TomAngel included a 6.5 native kernel that we are currently testing a few cookers in Polaris but that seems to work and my end with our recmodding hobby.
I personally like better EVK UI but I must say ondraster is also a good solution (and I have "stolen" the kernel from there). I would be glad to share my kitchen I use my own method of cooking shortcuts and tweaks with cmd and mortscript scripts both in the ppc and the pc, so my packages have no app.dat and no png and very few reg files.
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I am putting your review with the others (not that it follows the format that I want, but it is good enough for me )
egzthunder1 said:
I am putting your review with the others (not that it follows the format that I want, but it is good enough for me )
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Hi, I think it is interesting to share: I can confirm that cooking for Polaris with the kernel shared by TomAngel requires not any recmodding at all !!!
Do not know if it works for other devices with old kernel, To try import in your kitchen and tell the machine is true kernel

How to update SYS

Here is a very very n0000000000000000b question for Chef Central, sorry if I annoy the masters .
I have Installed EVK 1.8.2 as well as osKithcen 1.25 and also dumped HTC Asia ROM (official) for my Touch2 T3320 its 21854 Build.
Now I want to make a ROM with a new build, so I have downloaded
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After unzipping the files, how should I incorporate them into my ROM using EVK (or osKitchen).
P.S. Please do not go by my number of posts, most of them were used in appreciating the great work from chefs of Vox & Gene.
Help please
this is not for gene or vogue or whatever... is for hermes but as an examnple to know wich pkgs goes where?? you can take a look in this pictures of this tutorial hope it can helps you the info is kinda old thats why I told you just see the pics...
And i know its not your languaje but take a look at this videos you will se the estructure perfectly for the EVK
part 1 http://www.youtube.com/user/moonspell83?feature=mhw5#p/u/12/wt5rdOrQ9_Y
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/user/moonspell83?feature=mhw5#p/u/11/724u0LKhvfo
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/user/moonspell83?feature=mhw5#p/u/10/j7FeQ7YFgP4
part 4 http://www.youtube.com/user/moonspell83?feature=mhw5#p/u/9/5uYye3uShSM
Any questions.. here please
+ Que PPC said:
this is not for gene or vogue or whatever.......
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Thanks a lot! You are really really very helpful .
Will have a look.... and bug you again
Yes no prob thats why i made that tutorials but because my english spoken is toooooo baaaaad i just do the videos in my native spanish lang
Where to find newer sys builds? I downloaded one from htcpedia, but its .dio file. Don't know what do do with it
Found it in Da_G's thread, just need to start from the last page .
here in the same sub forum http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=650783
ceesheim said:
here in the same sub forum http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=650783
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I guess they are not compatible with OSKitchen, I tried one of them using Import Sys option, and it said that it is not a valid dump to parse.
Any idea ?
OsKitchen? are you in oskitchen or ervius?
.dio file needs to be dumped with Xidump tool search there on the Da_G thread there are so many tools to dump .dio files
Addicted2xda said:
I guess they are not compatible with OSKitchen, I tried one of them using Import Sys option, and it said that it is not a valid dump to parse.
Any idea ?
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i think the OS kitchen import build feature is designed for the "rollup" builds...all pkgs inside a single folder. the ones you tried are divided into language, dpi, ect for ervius visual kitchen. all you have to do is open each of those folders and copy/paste all of them into one single folder, then run the import on OS kitchen i think it should work.
Are you in Erivius Kitchen or OS Kitchen
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Well I have downloaded both, since I am new to this stuff.. want to check out both. And will ultimately adapt to the one which I am more comfortable with (i.e. get more help on )
Now I have downloaded these three files
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from Da_G's thread
Now here is what I did:
1. Unzipped all the files in a single folder named 21898 , it had two folders SYS and XIP.
2. Copied the SYS folder under EVK and renamed it to 21898.
3. Copied the content of the XIP folder to "C:\Ervius\Tools\xip.bin_new"
Now the problem is when I am trying to cook a ROM with this (Oh that kitchen is based on WM 6.5 Stock ROM (WWE ASIA) for Mega, it stops saying that I am using 6.1 NK.exe with 6.5 XIP and since the number of modules are too many, it will make an unbootable ROM. But I guess WM 6.5 have 6.5 nk.exe?
Where did I do wrong?
Even after deleting the existing kitchen and re dumping the stock wwe asia ROM, it is still saying that nk.exe is of 6.1!
Addicted2xda said:
Are you in Erivius Kitchen or OS Kitchen
Well I have downloaded both, since I am new to this stuff.. want to check out both. And will ultimately adapt to the one which I am more comfortable with (i.e. get more help on )
Now I have downloaded these three files
from http://forum.xda-developers.com/report.php?p=6017583
Now here is what I did:
1. Unzipped all the files in a single folder named 21898 , it had two folders SYS and XIP.
2. Copied the SYS folder under EVK and renamed it to 21898.
3. Copied the content of the XIP folder to "C:\Ervius\Tools\xip.bin_new"
1.- Unzipped all files and put them togheter is just for oskitchen import sys feature... if you want it in EVK style you must to use the packer.jar... is floating arround is friendly to use and easy.
you dont need to modify nothing in Tools folder... dont touch it
From the pkgs you extract you just need to msxipkernel folder... that must be in C:\Ervius\ROM\shared\21898\
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Now the problem is when I am trying to cook a ROM with this (Oh that kitchen is based on WM 6.5 Stock ROM (WWE ASIA) for Mega, it stops saying that I am using 6.1 NK.exe with 6.5 XIP and since the number of modules are too many, it will make an unbootable ROM. But I guess WM 6.5 have 6.5 nk.exe?
Where did I do wrong?
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What is your device??? does it has native kernel 6.5???
tell us more about your device and if you can... upload your current EVK to give it a shot
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+ Que PPC said:
Addicted2xda said:
Are you in Erivius Kitchen or OS Kitchen
What is your device??? does it has native kernel 6.5???
tell us more about your device and if you can... upload your current EVK to give it a shot
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I have Touch2/ Mega T3320 (Not T3333), which have native 6.5 Kernel (it came preloaded with 6.5). The problem is I am constantly travelling ... So I have to use GPRS / Edge for surfing and browsing and ...... Bugging . so you can understand - I won't be able to upload the kitchen. Even to download the SYS etc, it takes me around 5-6 hours! But ... what to do??
I have even deleted the Existing EVK folder and redumped the HTC WWE Asia ROM for Touch2 / Mega but still EVK is telling me that nk is of 6.1!
But osKitchen says its 6.5 (which I guess is right)
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mmm in fact you must to say to the kitchen if is or not a 6.5 in OSK... well... in evk you just need to be sure where to put ROM cause i see you dont know how to arrange the XIP in EVK look in the tutorials
+ Que PPC said:
mmm in fact you must to say to the kitchen if is or not a 6.5 in OSK... well... in evk you just need to be sure where to put ROM cause i see you dont know how to arrange the XIP in EVK look in the tutorials
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Sorry, I am must be appearing to be lazy, but I am not . At the moment I am downloading the videos from Youtube and will check them out ASAP. Also have saved your tutorial and will take a printout to read it properly. Sorry I can not focus on Monitor .
Will study it tomorrow and revert back for clarifications .
Yeah no prob we know that this is just hobbies... we all had real life to attend firstly
+ Que PPC said:
Yeah no prob we know that this is just hobbies... we all had real life to attend firstly
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But it is becoming an Addiction
welcome to real XDA and late night and prepared to drink so much coffee
Finally finished your great tutorial... but the thing is even with the stock ROM of Mega as base, EVK says that nk.exe 6.1 and not 6.5.
I simply dumped the Stock ROM and recooked it, no changes nothing. BTW I did got the nbhutil.xml with mega settings though...
Is there any other setting that needs to be changed So that EVK recognizes the nk as a native 6.5???
P.S. clicking on the Native check box does have no effect
i guess it isnt another settings the kitchen reads what you have in the nk.exe
wich build is your Original rom?
is 6.5?
+ Que PPC said:
i guess it isnt another settings the kitchen reads what you have in the nk.exe
wich build is your Original rom?
is 6.5?
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Yeah, its WM 6.5 ROM,
downloaded from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=578915

[PROBLEM] WMP Skips videos and music fast

I Have This issue When cook any rom:
I can't play any video When build the rom in any kitchen
it skips mp3s fast and videos too
I've cooked mediaOs
builds Using :
23529 was working but now not
21898 was working but now not
23648 was working
23651 was working
cheers and thanks in advance
edit: changed this topic because it's my fault
magawa said:
I've moved to ervius kitchen because it better than Vistang kitchen
My friend port it to work with omnia and it works
roms boot without any problems BUT, see down \/ ...
This Is My Problem :
Some times , some app are corrupted and some times Microsoft app are corrupted.
in Vistang kitchen rom work and all apps are worked when I built the Rom
any body have any idea why some files are corrupted (when using ervius kitchen) in the rom but in fact they are working .
sorry , But I like ervius ( easy , simple and very fast )
builds Using in the ervius kitchen :
cheers and thanks in advance
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can u please tell me the setup for vistang kitchen??
i want to use it..
What setup ?
ahh I understand know see here http://www.modaco.com/content/i900-general-omnia-rom-discussion/295395/visual-kitchen-by-vistang/
you will find update in page 28 I think
I dont know how Vistang kitchen works but maybe the modules are corrupted for EVK like... No S000 file or bin or DSM or other issues... you must to tell us wich pkgs for wich apps dont works... what the issue in that apps and please if you can pack those apps and attach them we can see whats wrong maybe its just the PKG path not set right to the kitchen
+ Que PPC said:
I dont know how Vistang kitchen works but maybe the modules are corrupted for EVK like... No S000 file or bin or DSM or other issues... you must to tell us wich pkgs for wich apps dont works... what the issue in that apps and please if you can pack those apps and attach them we can see whats wrong maybe its just the PKG path not set right to the kitchen
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thanks for replay
the corrupted packages are random some sometimes all the rom not working and sometimes all app and sys are working
I don't like to build the rom 5-6 times to get it working 100%
magawa said:
thanks for replay
the corrupted packages are random some sometimes all the rom not working and sometimes all app and sys are working
I don't like to build the rom 5-6 times to get it working 100%
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hey dear have u ever read this fixes
saurabh88 said:
hey dear have u ever read this fixes
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YES .... Oh from long time
I didn't fully read it
thanks for reply
No Body Can help ................
What About playing videos issue ??
I really Want To solve this problem
BTW: Ive Solve ervius kitchen issue by removing all sys's , packages.txt , Not needed EXT packages , and move it to C:

[Q] Collection of all WM Build in one post

Greetings, I open the Threat to see if they agree to open a Threat containing all sys Builds on the first post in an orderly fashion, as always I spend many hours reviewing a thousand post looking for a particular build
For so also collect all the lang pack of each builds. also because I find it hard to get the lang pack of builds. so when you take out a new build or add lang pack to the first post to get everything easier
I have long been cooking rom for different phones I've had and I have over 30 and want to share it builds in a more easier and neat.
In this way I want to contribute in this great forum.
Best Regards
Collection of all WM Build in one post
iggord said:
Collection of all WM Build in one post
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Good, I Didnt Realize, someone have it, but i have a build he doesnt have, i have SYS 19xxx, 20xxx and other he doesnt have, how could i send it to him to add, and of course, my idea is to have an sticky thread with the links,, for someone who enter find it quickly, becouse i never knew for this links
The other problem is to find the lang pack (0c0a, 0410, etc.) for each build, do you know another link who has all the lang pack for each builds, or just to create a sticky thread with all the lang pack
Hi Guys, am just getting into the ROM Cooking thing, and i would like to know which are the 6.1 Builds ?
Thanks in advance =)
21056 and 21057 are the latest, basicly identicle but *7 is slightly faster
raving_nanza said:
21056 and 21057 are the latest, basicly identicle but *7 is slightly faster
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Okies, thanks =)
raving_nanza said:
21056 and 21057 are the latest, basicly identicle but *7 is slightly faster
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i have SYS 19588 - 19965 and 20xxx.
So, i wanna know if all of your are agree with a thread with all build, xip, and most important too the lang packages in the first post, just to not search in a lot of post in many threads.
So, i wanna know if all of your are agree with a thread with all build, xip, and most important too the lang packages in the first post, just to not search in a lot of post in many threads.
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+ 1
- Running HTC HD2 - MIUI Ginger
Good, I Didnt Realize, someone have it, but i have a build he doesnt have, i have SYS 19xxx, 20xxx and other he doesnt have, how could i send it to him to add, and of course, my idea is to have an sticky thread with the links,, for someone who enter find it quickly, becouse i never knew for this links
The other problem is to find the lang pack (0c0a, 0410, etc.) for each build, do you know another link who has all the lang pack for each builds, or just to create a sticky thread with all the lang pack
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Maybe you could update your OP to reference both the archives of JooJooBee666 as well as indagroove.
Best regards,
