Gingerbread - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

How would I go about getting gingerbread on my new mt4g?
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download cm7 (cyanogen mod 7) or download nexus s...either one will work from the development section. to use gingerbread, you will need clockwork recovery 3. (2 is flashed from rom manager) directions to flash clockwork recovery can be found through a search.
here are the links
Nexus S

Thanks. Would I need to root my phone first? And would I need a comp doing al this?
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trofeo.08 said:
Thanks. Would I need to root my phone first? And would I need a comp doing al this?
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You don't NEED a computer to do this, but it GREATLY helps things along.
and YES you must be perma-rooted with s=off.

Ok. Thanks. How long would all this usually take. How do I go about rooting my phone.
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trofeo.08 said:
Thanks. Would I need to root my phone first? And would I need a comp doing al this?
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yes. to root your phone i suggest following the true permroot guide.
for the need of a is not required, but is recommended. it would easier to root your phone and flash your recovery with.
the true permroot guide can be found here
i also included some guides (credit goes to posters)
Guide to Flash CM7:
Also here is a guide to flashing recoveries(this needs to be done before flashing CM7):
if you need more guides:

Thanks. Ive been reading a lot of forums on it. And it seems difficult prob cuz I don't quite understand all the lingo just yet but im trying.
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You always need root to flash custom roms


Update recovery image?

Hey guys
I'm currently using an older version of RA-hero. How do I upgrade to the new version (v1.7.0.1)?
ADB for some reason won't work properly with my laptop, is there an alternative way to upgrade my recovery rom?
edit: oops my bad, I thought I was posting under Q&A. Sorry!
Try using the posted here:
Have a look at BTDAGs guide linked in my signature, there should be step by step instructions using Terminal Emulator, failing that you can also try Flashrec but that doesn't work on all roms for some reason.
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I've already got that ! Do I just flash it like I would do with a ROM? Or is there some other process?
... Oh, too late, the method posted above will be the easiest route to go.
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Yep, just like a ROM.
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No need to do any wipes though.
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ddotpatel said:
No need to do any wipes though.
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Thanks for your help mate ! aha

Root Nd update to 2.3

How do I root my mt4g , and what apps do I need to get before doing it to successfully install gingerbread . Plz help
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Mod Edit: If you're not going to be helpful, please don't post at all.
CBConsultation said:
Seriously? You FAIL.
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trofeo.08 said:
How do I root my mt4g , and what apps do I need to get before doing it to successfully install gingerbread . Plz help
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Dude, he was asking for HELP, not to be made fun of...
no, back to the question at hand. to root the mytouch 4g, you would need to follow one of the guides to rooting found here:
that link also has links to all the other things you will need, but Ill provide them here as well for time's sake.
once you do that and have s-off, you will need to flash an alternate recovery to flash a rom. Normally, you would need to install rom manager to do this, then flash clockwork recovery through there, but to install gingerbread, it requires a special version of the recovery which is not officially supported by rom manager yet, so you will need to either install through fastboot (follow the steps provided here: )
or else follow the instructions provided by TruBlue found here:
once you have the right recovery installed, youll need to wipe data and caches, and then flash the gingerbread rom of your choice.
As for what apps you will need for all this: ROM Manager, as I mentioned (the premium version if you'd like to take advantage of CM built in nightly build update notifications). Titanium Backup (for backing up all your apps so you dont have to manually redownload them all, and have your app data intact on the new rom), and Root explorer (optional) for a root-enabled file manager.
Any further questions, feel free to send me a PM. Thanks to Tiger013 for compiling the list of everything, grankin for his Root how-to's, and TrueBlueDrew for his how to on install CWM 3x.
trofeo.08 said:
How do I root my mt4g , and what apps do I need to get before doing it to successfully install gingerbread . Plz help
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For the flamer above...a quick check would tell you that this person is a newbie
to install gingerbread
1. root your device. check out this link
2. learn adb and how to flash recovery. check out this link
3. download cm7. (this is a beta, though i use it with no problems)...check out this link
4. flash using clockwork recovery
NOTE: flashing cm7 directions and some other tidbits can be found here
and a guide with all info on this phone (flashing, roms, how to's, themes, ect.)
Credit for Guides go to original posters
VibrantOwnr said:
For the flamer above...a quick check would tell you that this person is a newbie
to install gingerbread
1. root your device. check out this link
2. learn adb and how to flash recovery. check out this link
3. download cm7. (this is a beta, though i use it with no problems)...check out this link
4. flash using clockwork recovery
NOTE: flashing cm7 directions and some other tidbits can be found here
and a guide with all info on this phone (flashing, roms, how to's, themes, ect.)
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Thanks, bro much more concise than I was.
jmwils3 said:
Thanks, bro much more concise than I was.
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jmwils3...just realized you beat me too it, but thanks
Thanks . I tried several ways to root my phone but seems everytime I go to the recovery screen I still get s on.
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trofeo.08 said:
Thanks . I tried several ways to root my phone but seems everytime I go to the recovery screen I still get s on.
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well first of all, s-on is found in hboot, not recovery. and to get s-off, I found the easiest way was this one:
Yes I know I'm a noob but I got the hang of trying to root ny phone. But seems I can't get the perm to stick.
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I tried that one many times and yet I still get s on
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trofeo.08 said:
Yes I know I'm a noob but I got the hang of trying to root ny phone. But seems I can't get the perm to stick.
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dude, after it took me a month(ish) to figure out how to root my own phone (with generous help from mftek), I wouldnt call anyone a noob. do you have google talk? I can try to walk you through the rooting process, and thats generally faster than posting. My username there is the same one I use here.
Yea I do and thanks would be great to get help. Mines the same as my username as well
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trofeo.08 said:
Yea I do and thanks would be great to get help. Mines the same as my username as well
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just sent you an buddy request.
I didn't get anything. I sent one
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I just sent you an email too
trofeo.08 said:
I didn't get anything. I sent one
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have you tried the visionary app?
ive been using visionary but still it seems not to stick'

Unrooting from.....

I just traded some one an HD7 for this MyTouch 4G.... Yayyy, back to Android ! Well, they already have it rooted and everything, but I like to start from scratch when I am modding my phones. I am coming from a Cliq so I'm not familiar with HTC. How should I go about unrooting the phone? And where should I start in the forum while trying to get familiar with modding this phone?
If it's already rooted, why unroot it? I would just make sure the latest recovery is installed, wipe it, and flash whatever ROM you want.
I'd you are looking to mod it... then you want to keep it rooted.
Its a good thing. You can even run the stock rom and make backups of all your apps and settings.
Root is good!
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I think he just wants to unroot it to gain the experience on this platform...
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Nicgraner said:
I think he just wants to unroot it to gain the experience on this platform...
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Correct. I would like to start from root and unroot it and know what the whole entire process is for this phone.
Any help out there? =P
xxbbyxxgirlxx said:
Any help out there? =P
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Look in the development section... there are many threads with step by step instructions. Search is your friend.
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search PD15IMG. Sets you back to stock and unroot.
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rockstarar said:
search PD15IMG. Sets you back to stock and unroot.
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+1....As Rockstarar said, the pd15img makes you go back to being unrooted. The pd15img is the stock OS image and the thread will on that will explain how to flash it.
After that I'd say check out the "Guide to permaroot" thread, that will explain the process in getting rooted permanently. Next you should check out the thread for clockworkmod Recovery, thats a version that enables us to flash both 2.2 and 2.3 base roms. Alot of ppl miss that thread and end up using the wrong recovery to flash roms and as a result they get boot loops.
After that you're good to go! Got alot of options in the development section to choose from, so pick ur poison
I remember when I jus started this thing I had no clue where to start so that should give you a nice guideline on how to get going
Thanks!! I can't wait to get started =P.
Good luck!

How to flash back to stock?

I need to do a warranty on my phone, how do I unroot and go back to stock? I tried on way and it didn't work? what did you guys do?
Mercuri82 said:
I need to do a warranty on my phone, how do I unroot and go back to stock? I tried on way and it didn't work? what did you guys do?
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Do a search for
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Look in the development section. There are a ton of step by step guides if you search.
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To revert back all you need to is flash the original tmobile rom that is in the rom development and it will take u back to the original state without root
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Phateless said:
Do a search for
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Find the above file, have it saved to root of sdcard, boot into bootloader, bootloader will find the file on the card and prompt to install the stock image... follow prompts and done.
Nandroid first but really is easy.
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I first flashed the 2.2.1 OTA. Then I flashed the stock recovery. Afterwards, flashed the stock radio. That's what I did. All are available in the Development section.
hldc1 said:
I first flashed the 2.2.1 OTA. Then I flashed the stock recovery. Afterwards, flashed the stock radio. That's what I did. All are available in the Development section.
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You could have used to do all of that in one flash via hboot.
It's safer to flash back to the stock radio first to avoid getting stuck in a limbo situation in which attempting to flash back to stock results in "Main version older" with radio s-on rather than do it all in one step.
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crawler9 said:
It's safer to flash back to the stock radio first to avoid getting stuck in a limbo situation in which attempting to flash back to stock results in "Main version older" with radio s-on rather than do it all in one step.
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thats what im stuck in and cannot find a way out ! any advice?
Do you have root or are you on a stock unrooted ROM?
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I'm on cyqnogen 7.1.0 but with s on
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crawler9 said:
Do you have root or are you on a stock unrooted ROM?
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im s on since i tried to flash original rom but im still on cyanogen 7.1.0
emilianos said:
im s on since i tried to flash original rom but im still on cyanogen 7.1.0
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This guide should solve your problem. It involves hex editing the misc.img among other things to allow you to successfully flash back to stock.
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Mercuri82 said:
I need to do a warranty on my phone, how do I unroot and go back to stock? I tried on way and it didn't work? what did you guys do?
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If you used the gfree method of rooting, the following guide is pretty good:
Hope this helps.
this may help
conganhthuc said:
this may help
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Mhm, that's what I posted 2 posts above yours. Good idea btw!
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[Q] Possible to flash CMW after OTA GB update?

Is it possible to flash Clockwork Mod Recovery after applying the 2.3.4 update?
Yes if you have s-off
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How about for us people with s-off and stock 2.3.4? Are we stuck on this ROM until someone gets root?
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shilent said:
How about for us people with s-off and stock 2.3.4? Are we stuck on this ROM until someone gets root?
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no if you have s-off you can flash Clockwork Mod Recovery or you can downgrade
I meant s-on. So its still possible to downgrade?
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shilent said:
I meant s-on. So its still possible to downgrade?
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I believe that they are working on a way to break 2.3.4 still. I haven't noticed any post confirming a successful root of the OTA update.
There has been some talk about gingerbreak doing something but it was experimental and I didn't do a whole lot of digging so I wouldn't recommend even trying.
shilent said:
I meant s-on. So its still possible to downgrade?
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yes you can downgrade with s-on here you go
shilent said:
I meant s-on. So its still possible to downgrade?
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Follow the instructions on this thread and you should be able to downgrade then root.
I'm on stock 2. 3. 4 s -off and can't flash cw
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Does anyone know if there's an updated guide to downgrading? I think the links (like to download the JAVA JDK) needs to be updated. I've spent hours reading and trying to find exactly what I need to download. I've tried installing 3 different JDK and none of them will let me install the Android SDK.
Edit: I found a fix to my problem. The Android SDK wasn't detecting JDK, all I had to do was click back then next, WTF...
shilent said:
Edit: I found a fix to my problem. The Android SDK wasn't detecting JDK, all I had to do was click back then next, WTF...
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Isn't that maddening? That pissed me off so bad. I was like come on! Who uses the freaking back button? I mean really?
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dbm0361 said:
I'm on stock 2. 3. 4 s -off and can't flash cw
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Have you tried mark manning's mod located Here? I believe this would help you with your problem.
I flashed the. Bootloader but get permissions failed on cwm install
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