Change relationship & File transfer on Zune - Focus General

Alright, I have problem changing my phone relationship. Currently it is set to "Guest" and I do not know how to change it to something else.
My second question is I have problem transferring files from my phone to Zune. I want to transfer some videos and pictures from the phone to my computer, but it always failed and give me the error code C00D1197(80070003)
I really appreciate it if anyone can help me on this problems.

Never mind guys, I found the solution for it.
This is the solution for it
None of the things about registry settings or Zune database files fixed my issue. I even did a hard reset of my phone to try and get things working (not that big of a deal now that contacts are all pulled from my live account and pictures upload by default). No dice.
But the brief mention of remote drives above lead me to the solution. I do have a network drive, but it was connected just fine, so I didn't think anything of it.
But then I remembered that I used to have another hard drive in this machine way back when I first setup the Zune software, and I set my Pictures in the Zune software to come off that drive. It was V:\images, but without that hard drive in my computer now, there is no V: drive. The problem is that the Zune software seems to break in a rather unpredictable way when one of the paths for your collection libraries isn't valid. The larger problem is that from the Settings->Software->Collection screen, there's actually no indication that there are any problems. It's a silent failure occuring somewhere in the Zune software that leads to this nasty behavior of being stuck in Guest mode. Worse is that if you try to remove the offending entry, but don't add a new one, and just click OK back through the windows without looking too closely, the Zune software doesn't make any changes. If you don't provide a valid path to replace the invalid one that it had, it just leaves things as they were before you removed the bad entry.
So, I removed the entry that I knew was bad (even though the Zune software wasn't complaining about it), and added a new entry that I knew was good. I clicked OK back out through the windows, then clicked on that "change sync relationship" button again, and followed the steps, and BAM! No more guest relationship!
Just to test it out (because I am a tester after all) I "forgot" the device in the software, messed up my library locations again with a temporary mapped network drive, and replicated the bad behavior and the fix again.
Thx to Liatham

Hey I am having the same issue I guess.. I try to connect zune it says guest relationship.. Doesn't let me sync anything on zune. And if I try to change the relationship it shows me the setting up and naming of the phone and bypasses update screen to go straight to the screen where it shows the phone but again guest relationship.. I have no effing clue what to do.. I did try what u said.. no avail.

Are you using a remote drive for your sync location?
Sent from my SGH-i917 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App


Activesync....keeps running...(NOW CURED 30-12-05..sort of)

For some strange reason, Activesync keeps running on my XDA Mini S, I have no idea why can anyone help?
Basically after a soft reset if I check the memory no programs are running, but after sometime if I have done nothing with the phone, and check, it is running again, I close it down and then again after a while it is there.
This is not whilst or after connecting to my PC it is strange...
Is it because u have a wifi connection over which is constantly trying to sync with your pc?
Believe this is a known bug (sure I've seen something mentioned on here before)
try a search over this forum
Can't find anything in previous posts...
I mean the only thing my phone syncs is my is not set up for any other sync, except for schedule nothing, so why activsync keeps launching is a mystery to me...
Any further help will be much appreciated...
Are you using any weather plugins etc? Anything that might request a remote sync? Use something like memmaid to check your services to see if you've got anything hidden like this.
Nothing at all...
Will try to see what is going on with memmaid
I also have the same thing happening. It only syncs over usb but as someone said must be when I connect over wifi its kicking in.
Thing is when I shut it down my wizard seems to show a better turn of speed. Wish I could get it to stop trying to connect only when hooked with usb to be honest. The less programs running the speedier the wizard will be.
Creat a dummy server sync in activesync. Put anything as server address and that shd be fine. Ignore unresolved .... message after syncing.
MemMaid has done it...I think...
Thanks to Vijay555 for suggesting using MemMaid.
Checking the running PROCESSES on MemMaid I found something called repllog.exe which I deleted and it stopped the ActiveSync running.
Then I did a soft reset and synced. The file is back where it should be but no unexpected incidences of ActiveSync running. I guess the repllog.exe file had become corrupted.
Be warned that the unit might seem to run a little slower after the soft reset, but within a few clicks it is back to normal.
Thanks for your time & help guys
Create a fake new ActiveSync connection. I say fake because you just need to make up the server name... put anything you want there. After you have created the connection, look at the scheduling options and make sure that it is not set to automatically synch. Once you have disabled automatic synching, you can remove that fake connection and your problem will be solved. I found this on .
replog should know what it's doing. Glad it sorted your problem out though!
Not so cured...
OK it now only kicks in every 4-5 hours so I will try the fake server route...
JesseRPI said:
Create a fake new ActiveSync connection. I say fake because you just need to make up the server name... put anything you want there. After you have created the connection, look at the scheduling options and make sure that it is not set to automatically synch. Once you have disabled automatic synching, you can remove that fake connection and your problem will be solved. I found this on .
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Just tried that and hopefully it works. Active really does seem to be one of the main reasons the Wizard slows up.
When you have synced with a pc ie to install a program ( only reason I use AS ) will I then have to close the app down on my wizard in running programs or will it dissapear itself and not return ?
The fake server technique works by not starting ActiveSync on its own. However, if you start it in order to sync via bluetooth/usb, you will still have to manually end task it in order to close it again. The good thing is that you won't have to worry about it starting by itself, which will save you both memory and processing power, as well as the fact that you don't have to install any third-party tools for this solution.
Good stuff. I could always tell when it was running by the speed of my Wizard. Another gr8 tip.

FIXED: ActiveSync Trouble - won't connect

Today my ActiveSync connection stopped working.
It tries to connect for a while then it comes up with "ActiveSync cannot connect to the Windows Mobile powered device. ..."
WM5torage works, so does pinging the Wizard.
Things I tried:
-Using the repair option from Active Sync setup
-Reverting the Wizard to a 3 day old backup made with SPB
Nothing worked :-(
What else (other than a hard reset) could I try?
See below for solution. And don't touch the notification queue if you don't know what you're doing
check if you firewall is blocking the activesync connection
if this is not the case ... good luck
try reinstalling activesync..
or get the latest one..
Install this cab application and select serial instead of RNDIS, just tap at YES button, and activesync will work perfect
Activesync gone mad
I am having the same problem with activesync not actually syncing my contacts and calender despite making all the noises I usually associate with a successful sync. My contacts are not updated and my calender has none of the appointments from outlook uploaded to it.
I have done a soft reset. a hard reset, gone back to activesync 4.2 and nothing works. I have also tried the usb switch that is mentioned elsewhere and no joy. I have other ppc's running PPC2003 and these are fine and update almost immediately, its only my xda mini s that is being a sod. I never had a problem before activesync 4 and several other machines before the mini s. I should also mention that my outlook files are fine and work on all other machines.
It is bad business that the world is becoming dependant on such bad software as this. It is not progress to make things worse and Mr Gates should be held to task for the problems caused from forcing us onto unreliable software in the name of progress. I was happy enough on activesync 3.8 and WM2003 and never had problems.
Please, Please someone give me an answer before hammer and xda meet in heated discussion.
I have the same problem with my MDA and both my PC and Laptop. I have been trying to resolve this problem for months. It is unbelievable that it is so hard to resolve this issue. I have been posting on this forum and on others and still am looking for a resolution. Maybe someday, someone will resolve this issue. Thanks for your postings and help in trying to resolve this issue. Frustrated beyond belief.
Sorry, this did not work either: Install this cab application and select serial instead of RNDIS, just tap at YES button, and activesync will work perfect
Update to previous
Just an update. I have tried this on another machine using the pst file from my machine and it syncs fine. Clearly, there is some problem on my machine with my software.
I have also removed outlook and reinstalled it. Also removed all profiles on main machine. At present, my calendar will sync but my contacts will not. Outlook tests say there is nothing wrong. Short of a complete software install I can not see another way to cure this other than the big hammer.
Go figure.
If I had a hammer and Mr Gates was in front of me I would not be held responsible for my actions.
I found a corporate firewall that was preventing sync, I have to shut down the service and then it worked. Strangly, it would sync over bluetooth without stopping the service. A bit OT, but I can't seem to browse while synced. It asks for proxy info which I type in but it says bad user name/password. I KNOW I'm putting in the right proxy info (it defaulted it from my PC which browses fine) and correct user name/pw/domain. Any ideas?
No firewall, no ActiveSync, no connection problems at all.
Fixed it by reverting my database to a backup.
When i had the well known alarm clock troubles i accidentially (= out of ignorance) deleted the whole notification queue.
Word of advice: Don't do that, it'll screw everything up
shadow# said:
No firewall, no ActiveSync, no connection problems at all.
Fixed it by reverting my database to a backup.
When i had the well known alarm clock troubles i accidentially (= out of ignorance) deleted the whole notification queue.
Word of advice: Don't do that, it'll screw everything up
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1. What is the purpose of the Notification queue?
2.What does it have to do with ActiveSync connectivity?
3.How is Notification queue set to make AS work?
Still cannot resolve my connectivity problem with my MDA. Thanks in advance.
asctony said:
1. What is the purpose of the Notification queue?
Manages the Operating System's list of scheduled actions.
2.What does it have to do with ActiveSync connectivity?
Still have no idea of how to get this back inot Notification queue.
3.How is Notification queue set to make AS work?
Still cannot resolve my connectivity problem with my MDA. Thanks in advance.
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Still looking for some help on this.
check this solution:
Is this related to the inability to pass-through browse while on activesync? I am able to sync fine, but when I try to browse I get an error saying bad proxy info (which I've check 1000 times). Or sometimes when I'm messing around with the settings I get a "lost connection" message rather than the invalid login/password. So frustrating! Will switching to the serial type of connection help me?
ActiveSync must be one of the most frustrating applications out there. I have tried all recommended fixes and still cannot get ActiveSync to recognize my MDA. The last time I did a sync was 9/06. Too much BS using this application. I have searched all over the web and cannot find any application that will allow me to update my PIM file without ActiveSync. So, I guess I will finally give up on this. Thanks to all of you who have tried to help me. Thank You!!

ActiveSync doesn't work anymore

Until this morning, ActiveSync was working fine - now, out of a sudden, it actually starts a synch job but then aborts. What is wrong with it?
nagging said:
Until this morning, ActiveSync was working fine - now, out of a sudden, it actually starts a synch job but then aborts. What is wrong with it?
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A little more information might have been helpful as the psychic interface on the site is down at the moment!
As a very first step, restart your device and restart your PC and try again.
Let's see what if anything that achieves
iain.fraser said: the psychic interface on the site is down at the moment!...As a very first step, restart your device and restart your PC and try again.
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What pychic interface on the site is down...?
Resarting both the device and the PC didn't do what we're expecting.
Tell me what more info you wish, I'm only to happy to provide it if it helps.
Problem solved
Problem solved after hard reset - I thought.
I searched and found this: Microsoft says that setting another value in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Activesync\BodyTruncation increases the size of Calendar and Contacts entries. I had chosen 50000, but this obviousely was too much for Vista/ActiveSync. Reducing the value to 20480 solved the problem, ActiveSync was again executable.
nagging said:
Until this morning, ActiveSync was working fine - now, out of a sudden, it actually starts a synch job but then aborts. What is wrong with it?
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Although this is an ageing thread. I find my self asking the same question. Having recently flashed my device everything has worked so much better. I did find a load of entries duplicated though so I synchronised all my contacts back on to my PC - the one I've used for the last 12 months, and de-duped them. I then deleted the contacts off of my phone, set the PC as the controlling source of info for the synch, and re-synchronised.
My first attempt looked fine until I realised that there were only 25 of 150 or so contacts now on my phone, upon further attempts to re-synch I can't seem to get any on my phone.
I've tried unticking the enable faster data synch - no change
Can anyone offer any advice on what else I could try.
I've finally found the answer -
1: uninstall MS Activesync
2: Reinstall MS Activesync
3: Run through new connection wizard
4: Sync
Solution found, thread closed

Activesync not working suddenly

Need some help. Computer does not detect the phone anymore when connected. When i tried to launch activesync on the phone itself, It will start and shutdown immediately.
This is the second time it happened... First time, called up the service centre they told me the only option is to do a hard reset. Which I did... I really dun wish to do that again.
Anyone encountered the same problem?
I had the same problem, after some searching I discovered that if you open up the active sync on your HD2 (tools folder), click on menu, then on option, at this point you have a list of all the items you can sync with your windows outlook. As odd as this seems unclick the "task" and/or "notes", reset your HD2 and try to sync. That was the problem with mine and hopefully it's the same with yours. Hand it over to M$ for yet another glitch in there OS.
Hope it works out.
nope.. i can't even launch activesync from my phone...
Well that is beyond my knowledge a this point, if you can't even access the activesync prompt from the phone even when it's not plugged in, then I think you might have bigger problem than just a glitch. May I suggest flashing the phone... only other option I can think of besides a hard reset; which you say you've already done. Have you tried using a different pc?
Had same problem, had to disable fast usb on phone!!
just try a soft reset? has happened a couple of times to me and the soft reset fixed it.
soft reset doesnt help... its not with the " enable faster data sync " also.. other computers does not activate active sync too..
Seems like the activesync software on the phone is busted... it will start halfway and terminate itself before the program is fully loaded.
I have the same problem. I had to change outlook profiles on my computer (different issue) and when I tried to sync them, error. So deleted the PC set up on both PCs, and active sync would hang. So tried to remove the PIM file (rename it actually) and now AS will flash briefly and disappear, won't start. Woudl LOVE if someone had an answer...
try creating a new windows account with administrator access that's what do it for me
OK, figured this out, and now that I did I remember going through something previously with my TYTN II just like this. If you need to (bad program exit, Outlook locked, etc) reboot your PC. Also soft reset your phone. Use some file explorer to go to your root directory and rename PIM.VOL to something else. DONT RESET, Pim will reconstitute somehow...
Delete your autosync profile on your PC.
Connect the USB
You will have to go through all the stuff of a new sync, but at least it gets things reconnected. And it beats a hard reset.
PS, as other mentioned, notes can be problematic, best if you can delete all pwi files in your phone\my docs and resync. If some HAVE to be kept, move them elsewhere and sync, then move them back.

Can't Sync my Samsung focus

I am having a problem with the Sync relationship when I plug my WP7 into the Zune PC software. The Sync Relationship is set to Guest, I would like to change this to being a linked device to do wireless syncing ect. I have try going through the “Change Sync Relationship” steps a number of times but it always stays on Guest. I have also try renaming the device and using the “forget this phone” but neither have worked.
I also try to reset my phone and reinstall my software. Everything I try does not work. Am i the only person who is having this problem
Any help would be great.
I remember when I first connected my Focus to my PC, the Zune software told me that the association wasn't completed and that I had to disconnect/reconnect my Zune from the PC. Once I did that, everything seemed fine. Did you experience/try that?
didn't work
I just won't let me sync. it tell me to change my relationship from guest but when I try to do that it just goes back to the sync screen and tells me to do it again.
ddrizel said:
I just won't let me sync. it tell me to change my relationship from guest but when I try to do that it just goes back to the sync screen and tells me to do it again.
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I think what you need to do is set up your Zune account...when you open Zune on the top right by the close X there is a a user profile that says sign in..if you have not created one do that...everything else should automatically configure once you log in and plug in your device.
Also make sure you have your phone fully set up with all your accounts on your phone such as when you wipe your device you provide a windows live email account is hotmail, MSN, yahoo. Keep that consistent with your Zune account.
My samsung focus wont sync to my computer or the zune software. I tried to uninstall and reinstall the zune software but all my phone does when i plug it in is search for the drivers. once it installs the drivers it tells me to resart. when i restart my computer and plug the phone back in it starts to search for the drivers again. i tried this all day yesterday but nothing worked?? not sue what to do now
same problem,
I have having a similar issue.
Does any one have a fix? I spent hours on the phone with tech support and no luck.
Nobody has anything
Need more info.
ddrizel said:
Nobody has anything
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The vast majority of us are not having this issue. If you can answer these questions, maybe one of us can help.
What are you trying to sync? Contacts, photos, apps, calendar?
What OS are you using on your PC?
What version of Zune software are you using?
Do you sync other devices with your PC?
Do you, or do you not, have a Windows Live ID set up as your main account on the phone?
Found the fix
here is the solution, I tried it and it WORKED perfectly: No more "guest" in Zune on my laptop!!!
I've been trying to sort out the same problem with my Samsung Focus for about 4 hours.
None of the things about registry settings or Zune database files fixed my issue. I even did a hard reset of my phone to try and get things working (not that big of a deal now that contacts are all pulled from my live account and pictures upload by default). No dice.
But the brief mention of remote drives above lead me to the solution. I do have a network drive, but it was connected just fine, so I didn't think anything of it.
But then I remembered that I used to have another hard drive in this machine way back when I first setup the Zune software, and I set my Pictures in the Zune software to come off that drive. It was V:\images, but without that hard drive in my computer now, there is no V: drive. The problem is that the Zune software seems to break in a rather unpredictable way when one of the paths for your collection libraries isn't valid. The larger problem is that from the Settings->Software->Collection screen, there's actually no indication that there are any problems. It's a silent failure occuring somewhere in the Zune software that leads to this nasty behavior of being stuck in Guest mode. Worse is that if you try to remove the offending entry, but don't add a new one, and just click OK back through the windows without looking too closely, the Zune software doesn't make any changes. If you don't provide a valid path to replace the invalid one that it had, it just leaves things as they were before you removed the bad entry.
So, I removed the entry that I knew was bad (even though the Zune software wasn't complaining about it), and added a new entry that I knew was good. I clicked OK back out through the windows, then clicked on that "change sync relationship" button again, and followed the steps, and BAM! No more guest relationship!
Just to test it out (because I am a tester after all) I "forgot" the device in the software, messed up my library locations again with a temporary mapped network drive, and replicated the bad behavior and the fix again.
ddrizel said:
here is the solution, I tried it and it WORKED perfectly: No more "guest" in Zune on my laptop!!!
I've been trying to sort out the same problem with my Samsung Focus for about 4 hours.
None of the things about registry settings or Zune database files fixed my issue. I even did a hard reset of my phone to try and get things working (not that big of a deal now that contacts are all pulled from my live account and pictures upload by default). No dice.
But the brief mention of remote drives above lead me to the solution. I do have a network drive, but it was connected just fine, so I didn't think anything of it.
But then I remembered that I used to have another hard drive in this machine way back when I first setup the Zune software, and I set my Pictures in the Zune software to come off that drive. It was V:\images, but without that hard drive in my computer now, there is no V: drive. The problem is that the Zune software seems to break in a rather unpredictable way when one of the paths for your collection libraries isn't valid. The larger problem is that from the Settings->Software->Collection screen, there's actually no indication that there are any problems. It's a silent failure occuring somewhere in the Zune software that leads to this nasty behavior of being stuck in Guest mode. Worse is that if you try to remove the offending entry, but don't add a new one, and just click OK back through the windows without looking too closely, the Zune software doesn't make any changes. If you don't provide a valid path to replace the invalid one that it had, it just leaves things as they were before you removed the bad entry.
So, I removed the entry that I knew was bad (even though the Zune software wasn't complaining about it), and added a new entry that I knew was good. I clicked OK back out through the windows, then clicked on that "change sync relationship" button again, and followed the steps, and BAM! No more guest relationship!
Just to test it out (because I am a tester after all) I "forgot" the device in the software, messed up my library locations again with a temporary mapped network drive, and replicated the bad behavior and the fix again.
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I can't believe this wasn't discovered/fixed after uninstalling and reinstalling the Zune software. The set up dialogue really should prompt you to set up these libraries...
I had many folders that no longer exist in my libraries when I set up my Focus and didn't have an issue. I should probably clean them up, though.
Yeah i know its pretty annoying.
Problem still exists with Focus S - fix worked perfectly
same problem syncing my new Focus S. Checked folders and default Podcast folder didn't exist. Changed and problem solved !

