Sporatic signal issue - Windows Mobile

Ok, so I'm cooking for Rhodium.
Of course, Rhodium 2.10 base rilphone.dll has issues, so I replaced it with the 2.07 rilphone.dll
However, now I am experiencing and getting reports of random signal behavior.
For instance: Will have full bars, then drop to zero, randomly, then will fill up again.
This is consistent across many different radios.
Any ideas?
PS The rilphone comes specifically from the RUU_Rhodium_S2_HTC_Europe_2.07.401.1_Radio_Rhodium_4.49.25.91_Signed_Ship.exe

Anyone have any ideas as to why this might be happening??


Signal problem with imate

I am using the Imate PPCPE with the latest ROM and Radio Stack. The phone has been working fine ever since I've had it (few months now) but since two or three days ago, I have noticed that if I have been in an area where the phone can not find a signal or has very low signal strength (basement or elevator etc.) when I come out into the area where there should be normal (strong) signal strength, even then the phone doesnt automatically find a signal and come back online... instead i still get the antenna with no signal bars until i reset the device.
As far as I can remember I haven't installed any new software in the last week to have caused this.. otherwise I am running Wisbar Advance 2 and Spb Plus and Pocket Breeze and stuff... but all this has been on there for many months but this issue only started in the past couple of days.
Has anyone experienced this with their device? Is it software related or is it hardware? Will a hard reset fix it? Any other experiences?
This was a not uncommon problem with early XDA II's with the ROM V1.03, but recent ROM updates seemed to have cured it.
It got so bad with some users, that the continuous signal seek drained both the main and backup batteries, causing a hard reset. From ROM 1.60 this was "cured" as the phone module now powers off once the battery gets critical.
It could be a hardware fault in your case, especially if you are experiencing the problem in areas that used to be OK. May be worth trying a hard reset? What ROM/Radio are you using?
Rom: 1.72.00WWE
Well a hard reset seems to have fixed the issue. Now let me try to notice if adding new software affects this.
Signal strength still very low
Its still not fixed.
The signal strength is very poor in general. In areas where its supposed to have a FULL signal, its less than full and where the signal is already not so strong, there's no signal. All i get is "SEARCHING" (for signal). Why is this happening? everything was just fine a few weeks ago.
Its very annoying because frequently when i look at my phone, I see a "searching" message and everyone's complaining why my phone is always off.
Is this something that can just happen out of the blue in a fully normal phone? It this software related or a hardware issue?
Any similar experiences? any recommendations?
Ive recently started getting this too.
I upgraded to the latest 1.72 o2 rom, maybe its an issue with the radio stack in that?
I didnt used to get it at all.
Its a problem when you come out of a lift, or from the tube. You have to reset it everytime!
For me, I dont think its related to the new ROM. Because my device always had the latest ROM (1.72WWE) and the radio stack but it never happened until recently.
And I upgraded my ROM to the newest WM2003SE (2.06WWE) and Radio but the issue is still there.
I am beginning to think its a hardware related issue.
What did you do about it Pyrofer? Is it fixed on your device now? What device do you have? Mine is an Imate.
could be hardware bro...... how about trying on 1.08 radio rom? when i reverted back to 1.08 my signal level increased... i was also annoyed by that signal searching stuff.. goodluck
Z-man said:
could be hardware bro...... how about trying on 1.08 radio rom? when i reverted back to 1.08 my signal level increased... i was also annoyed by that signal searching stuff.. goodluck
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i was trying to do the same, i wanted to use radio 1.10 with OS 2.02t1 but i got error code :123! it seems i can't use older radio stack!
how did you do it? i can jump between radio 1.14, 1.14a, 1.18 but i could not go older version!
one more thing should i reflash every thing to update only radio?and could you post your radio stack?
thanx man.
Iput together the upgrde to wMSE in one folder, then replaced the orig. radio rom with 1.08..
I used er2003edit to check if the language and operator was the same as i have in my unit... e.g. WWE and O2.
then i plug the charger in the cradle clicked on the upgrde prgram
then all went well.. i have 1.06 bootloader....
I have tried radio roms 1.14, 1.17 but i eventually reverted to 1.08
thanks to am-imate for the radio rom
OK I'll also try the new (I mean older, 1.08 Radio).
How do I know what version of bootloader I have?
More importantly, what role does the boot loader play in this whole ROM upgrading thing?
When we upgrade from WM2003 to WM2003SE we know we are doing it for some new features and stuff... when we upgrade radio, it must be the same, so what are the differences between the 1.08 and 1.18 Radio? why would an older one be more stable?
the boot loader version 1.06 they say does not allow downgrade.....maybe of o/s rom.
to check for boot loader version, push navi key+power button+reset button. be warned though, this would equal a hard reset....
radio roms had their revisions... hence, 1.08,1.14,1.17,1.18...
i monitored the my signal levels using 1.08 through 1.17 and observed that 1.08 is better for my unit.. goodluck dude
No problem... I was on a quest earlier on in the year to get as many radio ROM's as possible, but couldn't get anything earlier than 1.08.
I have the same problem, I actually had a 1.06 Radio ROM that I blasted away by accident that used to work really well. I'm on 1.18 and have difficulties, so I'll probably drop back down to 1.08 on my next hard reset.
What appears to be happening in my case is the phone searches out a 900Mhz signal first (which in my case is another carrier and is stronger than the 1800/1900Mhz) and sits there and doesn't go on to scan the 1800 and 1900Mhz bands.
cool bro!... I'll se if i find 1.06 and maybe post it here
Ive done nothing about it.
I just put up with frequent resets at the moment.
Ive unticked ALL other carriers in the networks settings now to see if that helps. I have the latest o2 rom with the latest radio version in that.
I dont think its hardware as I havent done anything that would damage it in any way.
Unless it breaks itself from just being in my pocket.

Better radio version than 1.15?

Hi I am in fringe area reception. Find that this ROM seems to lock its AGC high eg after reasonable signal, then reduced, it seems to sometimes lose signal altogether, needing a reboot. Yesterday even in a strong signal area, and reboot a few times it took 3 reboots until the radio came 'unstuck' and started to receive again.
Question is for WM6, is there a radio rom that is more reliable than this one?
If so, url pse.
Thanks vm.
All U can do is to test also 1.13 version. There is also possibility of faulty GSM module.
Alistair George said:
Hi I am in fringe area reception. Find that this ROM seems to lock its AGC high eg after reasonable signal, then reduced, it seems to sometimes lose signal altogether, needing a reboot. Yesterday even in a strong signal area, and reboot a few times it took 3 reboots until the radio came 'unstuck' and started to receive again.
Question is for WM6, is there a radio rom that is more reliable than this one?
If so, url pse.
Thanks vm.
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I had problems with the radio that were caused by the old battery.
replacing a new battery, fixed many of my BA's strange problems.
If your BA's battery is old, too, then give it a shot by changing it.
True True, i had some weird problems which were solved by purchasing new battery
xplode said:
True True, i had some weird problems which were solved by purchasing new battery
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Can understand that, because the power saving mode would lock down on radio activity, however, the battery in this unit lasts at least 3 days, and the problem occurs regardless of battery level; eg it can be on the charger when it loses signal.
Why I asked is there was a thread a while back on various radio problems and I thought some indicated a different rom was the cure. Unfortunately, could not find the thread or url for the radio roms.
yep, i used to experience faulty battery stuffed up the radio big time.
Dain your battery completely.
I was having the same issues on my BA, so that when i dropped it (5" onto a desk) and cracked the digitizer, i went out and purchased an elfin.
But i couldn't abandon my BA, so i fitted a new digitizer last night, recharged the battery which was completely drained, installed a new rom "Black Diamond Manila2D", then loaded my sim card, i had signal straight away, where i was getting none at all. I would have to drive 5 K's away from where i live to be able to get the phone to "lock on" once it lost signal, so it was a bit of a shock.
Anyway give it a go and see if it works for you.
I usually get "no signal" when I restore "pim.vol" from previous rom, it resolves when I change the above file with original one.
I did try different radio versions with same result.
pls check if this is not your case as well.
I m on fido network in canada, and 1.13 work better according to my exprience.
pkcn said:
I usually get "no signal" when I restore "pim.vol" from previous rom, it resolves when I change the above file with original one.
I did try different radio versions with same result.
pls check if this is not your case as well.
I m on fido network in canada, and 1.13 work better according to my exprience.
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Can any body help me I cant get the signal I need 800/1900 frequenc in my pda2k wtih wm6.5 please reply to [email protected]
aliraza747 said:
Can any body help me I cant get the signal I need 800/1900 frequenc in my pda2k wtih wm6.5 please reply to [email protected]
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which radio version are you using (and also which 6.5 rom)?

So, big up to HTC for ONCE from me ... but radio?

OK, so for the first time ever in all the HTC phone's i've had, this is the FIRST one i'm truley impressed with. Fast, responsive and easy to use for an experience winmo person such as myself. I had a couple of lock-ups to start with but soon found the errant programs and removed them... back to the land of stability!
I can't help but notice though that I can sit here with a full signal and yet people can ring me and get sent to voice mail (as if I had no signal). This is sadly, a major flaw, if the only one I can find with the device.
Im running XannyTechs Rom - EVO Final, based on CE OS 5.2.28205 (23518.5.5.0) with Radio and protocol
Have you guys heard of this? Is this a common issue or just one i'm experiencing?
this has been mentioned before, you can update just the radio without affecting the installed rom. go read the radio roms sticky thread in rom development section.
Thanks for pointing me in that direction. I've just upgraded x.02 levels.... hope that solves my only issue. Wonder if it also solves the mildly irritating 3g data connection issue as well......?

Telstra T9193 - Energy Rom [Radio]

I've got a telstra T9193 and using the recomended energy radio from:
Energy.Leo.23563.Sense2.5.Cookie.HomeTab.Apr.23 is currently running.
I'm experiencing quick battery drainage with push activated, data always on.
The phone freezes, and have to remove the back cover to reset quite often. Screen freezes with backlight on, no buttons work.
The phone freezes just by browsing xda with IE. This is pretty frustrating when you'd think a simple train ride to or from work with browsing IE would just work. 45 minutes of browsing forums on the train will waste 20% of the battery [half of the browsing includes waiting for proper reception].
I don't have crap installed, and most apps are installed on storage card.
Cleanram and cleantemp don't seem to help with reducing suprising freezes.
CHT contact links on home screen ramdomly doesn't load/show contact pics when loading. Every reboot a different contact pic is hidden. Manila reset resolves it sometimes.
Arkswitch displays an error before manila loads so i've got it working as an app, and not from top taskbar.
I was thinking of maxsense but it looks ugly compared to CHT.
Telstra HD2 users that have energy installed:
What radio are you using?
What problems are you experiencing?
Have you fixed any of your problems?
Is your HD2 constantly freezing?
Has any experienced simliar difficulties and they have been resolved with an updated rom?
re telstra T9193 and radio
Hi there,
I am using T9193 in Sydney as well.
Actually, I have found that the is the best radio so far. I have tried,, 2.09, 2.10, and 2.11 as well. 2.07 give me the best reception/ battery and the sound is more natural compared to 2.11, which sounds like a robot with echo sometime.
I am using 19Jun10 energy rom, downloading 22Jun10 right now. From the update log, it seemed that 22Jun10 is a good bulid and with alot of people already tested and reported it's a good one.
So, a few check points to try to solve your myths.
1. Have you changed setting for auto backlight level? This eat up battery.
2. Have you applied 2100/850MHz fix? this is important if you're with telstra next G network.
3. err... that's all I can think of, but i would suggest you to stay with 2.07.
good luck mate!
im on vodafone 900/2100..
backlight is on 65%. might try 22June =/ cbf recustomising to my liking..
I dn't think there alot of vodafone hd2 users in australia.. If there is give us some feedback on data speeds aswel.
Dude, for the ABSOLUTE BEST experience with your Telstra T9193 model HD2, I IMPLORE you to PLEASE flash ROM in the thread below! You will have NO issues I promise! Energy ROM's are OKAY at best, but he cooks too fast and... well I'll just say I prefer QUALITY over QUANTITY... at least in this case
***BTW, I'm using this radio as well...
b84 said:
im on vodafone 900/2100..
backlight is on 65%. might try 22June =/ cbf recustomising to my liking..
I dn't think there alot of vodafone hd2 users in australia.. If there is give us some feedback on data speeds aswel.
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I am on Vodafone and I use Dutty's HG with radio and I have excellent data speeds and fairly good battery life. I am on a corporate plan for work and I have no problems. The latest radio 2.12xxx seems to give me poor battery life and 2.11xx is not too bad - but seems best at the moment.
My Phone
T9193 in Brisbane
Energy ROM CHT (19 June)
Radio -
I have flashed quite a number of ROMS. This one uses a bit of juice but I find is quick and stable. I have had no issues with it whatsoever. It does not freeze.
I would consider:
1. Flashing Task 29
2. Flash either a fresh download of ENERGY CHT or consider flashing EVOLUTION.
Good luck
ray_mond said:
Hi there,
I am using T9193 in Sydney as well.
Actually, I have found that the is the best radio so far. I have tried,, 2.09, 2.10, and 2.11 as well. 2.07 give me the best reception/ battery and the sound is more natural compared to 2.11, which sounds like a robot with echo sometime.
I am using 19Jun10 energy rom, downloading 22Jun10 right now. From the update log, it seemed that 22Jun10 is a good bulid and with alot of people already tested and reported it's a good one.
So, a few check points to try to solve your myths.
1. Have you changed setting for auto backlight level? This eat up battery.
2. Have you applied 2100/850MHz fix? this is important if you're with telstra next G network.
3. err... that's all I can think of, but i would suggest you to stay with 2.07.
good luck mate!
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what is this "2100/850MHz fix" you are talking about??
kit0515 said:
what is this "2100/850MHz fix" you are talking about??
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telstra band.
i've got a 2gb plan which is enuf for me...
Pablo11 what's your average/max speeds on vodafone
I'm mostly in sydney cbd with excellent reception max 200KB/s
yeah i'd like to know about this fix as well......not that i have any problems with energy rom and radio 2.12!
is there a cab that us telstra customers need to apply?
Here is the Telstra band cab.
Also, you'll find battery usage depends a LOT on your location...ie how good a signal you get. 2 people on the same ROM/radio can have very different results. If you are on the edge of a 3G network where the reception comesd and goes, you'll have higher battery usage as the phone keeps searching for a signal.
I'm on Telstra, and with my ROM I get several days usage.
If you're having freezing/other issues, I'd suggest you post in NRG's thread to request help.
I have also got this phone and am wih vodafone in melbourne and am using the radio and this gives the best battery life so far, usually for 10 hours of standby I only loose 4%. I tried the other day but the battery life isn't as good as 2.14. Thought I might mention this incase those people in Aus want to be kept up to date with their radio.
ajt320 said:
T9193 in Brisbane
Energy ROM CHT (19 June)
Radio -
I have flashed quite a number of ROMS. This one uses a bit of juice but I find is quick and stable. I have had no issues with it whatsoever. It does not freeze.
I would consider:
1. Flashing Task 29
2. Flash either a fresh download of ENERGY CHT or consider flashing EVOLUTION.
Good luck
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can I have to link for this ROM 19 june. plus the Radio
b84 said:
I'm experiencing quick battery drainage with push activated, data always on.
The phone freezes, and have to remove the back cover to reset quite often. Screen freezes with backlight on, no buttons work.
The phone freezes just by browsing xda with IE. This is pretty frustrating when you'd think a simple train ride to or from work with browsing IE would just work. 45 minutes of browsing forums on the train will waste 20% of the battery [half of the browsing includes waiting for proper reception].
I don't have crap installed, and most apps are installed on storage card.
Cleanram and cleantemp don't seem to help with reducing suprising freezes.
CHT contact links on home screen ramdomly doesn't load/show contact pics when loading. Every reboot a different contact pic is hidden. Manila reset resolves it sometimes.
Telstra HD2 users that have energy installed:
What radio are you using?
What problems are you experiencing?
Have you fixed any of your problems?
Is your HD2 constantly freezing?
Has any experienced simliar difficulties and they have been resolved with an updated rom?
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Hi, i know this is old, but its relevant.
Your issue is a faulty motherboard. Get it replaced under warranty. But do not send it to the Telstra Repair Centre, because they dont test it long enough to see the fault. Try Fonebiz in your state! Trust me, mine 2 HD2s went to Telstra Repair Centre twice and came back saying no fault found.
then within 10mins of leaving the store it would lock up.
I use Energy Roms and radio 2.15.xx.xx
the_scotsman said:
If you're having freezing/other issues, I'd suggest you post in NRG's thread to request help.
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Posting there wont help, as its a device issue. Plus its a mamoth thread now.
which phone systems are telestra compatible with?
khali34374 said:
can I have to link for this ROM 19 june. plus the Radio
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You might want to try the newer roms, those are quite old.
GLO said:
Hi, i know this is old, but its relevant.
Your issue is a faulty motherboard. Get it replaced under warranty. But do not send it to the Telstra Repair Centre, because they dont test it long enough to see the fault. Try Fonebiz in your state! Trust me, mine 2 HD2s went to Telstra Repair Centre twice and came back saying no fault found.
then within 10mins of leaving the store it would lock up.
I use Energy Roms and radio 2.15.xx.xx
Posting there wont help, as its a device issue. Plus its a mamoth thread now.
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I had the same problem, couldn't even charge the phone while backlight was on without it overheating.
Decided to avoid the run around and flashed a radio I knew would brick my phone. Then played stupid (I'm good at that).

Frequent WiFi disconnects with New ROM 3.14

After upgrading to ROM 3.14.531.1 my wifi connection disconnects frequently.
Anyone have this problem or know of updated wireless drivers?
I am having the exact same problem.
I used to get connection to the router throughout my house and now it is spotty at best with the new update.
I also noticed that my range is cut by 1/4 and signal strength is very sporadic
tjensen said:
I also noticed that my range is cut by 1/4 and signal strength is very sporadic
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Someone suggested flashing to the radio that you were using before. Anyone tried that?
I haven't (I have not even installed HPSL), but here is the rub...my phone signal seems better...my connection to the router is worse!
Not sure if that is an equal trade-off or not (also not sure if I am accurate on the phone signal though)...(what's my name again?_)
Camusa said:
I haven't (I have not even installed HPSL), but here is the rub...my phone signal seems better...my connection to the router is worse!
Not sure if that is an equal trade-off or not (also not sure if I am accurate on the phone signal though)...(what's my name again?_)
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Or just try a completely different radio all together. Just make sure it's compatible... HSPL3 is easy as hell.
I observed the exact same problem with WIFI and reverted back to 2.13 ROM.... WIFI worked fine since!
shirreer said:
I observed the exact same problem with WIFI and reverted back to 2.13 ROM.... WIFI worked fine since!
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I am seriously debating this.
The WIFI is ridiculous now.
The device does seem smoother though and battery life is greatly increased. Where I would usually be around 30% in the day I am at 50%!
Maybe I should just install an earlier radio, but I am nervous about doing that!
Battery life question
Fit those reporting implement in battery life, do you all keep all your radios on (bluetooth, wifi and 3g) all the time? I generally keep bluetooth off because it haas been giving me an additional half day of usage and, staying with this, I am not seeing any improvements in battery life. if anything, my battery life may actually be slightly worse with the new ROM.
I do have direct push email set to deliver instantaneously.
Also, with regards wifi, not seeing a signal issue but wifi drops after some period of inactivity. This was not the case with the previous radio. Like others, I am also very interested to see if anyone has rolled back to the previous radio with favorable results .
Camusa said:
I am seriously debating this.
The WIFI is ridiculous now.
The device does seem smoother though and battery life is greatly increased. Where I would usually be around 30% in the day I am at 50%!
Maybe I should just install an earlier radio, but I am nervous about doing that!
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HardSPL3 and flashing the radio is so simple. I promise... Don't go back to 2.13, just HSPL and flash a radio. There is a thread in rom development that has all of the TMOUS radios... Just flash the radio back to That's the stock radio from 2.13 Rom. If you want to private message me, I'd be glad to give you the step by step, but I learned what I know from reading threads on this site.
bugmenever said:
Fit those reporting implement in battery life, do you all keep all your radios on (bluetooth, wifi and 3g) all the time? I generally keep bluetooth off because it haas been giving me an additional half day of usage and, staying with this, I am not seeing any improvements in battery life. if anything, my battery life may actually be slightly worse with the new ROM.
I do have direct push email set to deliver instantaneously.
Also, with regards wifi, not seeing a signal issue but wifi drops after some period of inactivity. This was not the case with the previous radio. Like others, I am also very interested to see if anyone has rolled back to the previous radio with favorable results .
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I do think the 2.15 radio is setup to disable your data if you are using wifi, and maybe as you suggested, turn off wifi if it's been idle for a while. Probably a way to save battery life... I had switched to the radio that comes with the 2.13 ROM because the battery life wasn't great with the 2.15 Radio, but then I had also noticed before I flashed back to 2.10 Radio that I was getting full Edge at my buddy's house, where I normally have no signal at all. I decided to switch back to 2.15 radio and test the theory that the battery life gets better as the Rom "settles"... I'm not totally buying it because logically it doesn't make sense to me, but I'll try anything. That's how you learn stuff.
Thanks for the informative post, crisisinthecity! Keep its posted on erhart you find.
I have tried to adjust the power savings in advanced settings hoping that more power would keep the signal from disconnecting and give me better signal strength. Did not seem to have any effect
Hey guys.
I've got exactly same problem with the new ROM here in Holland. I am not T-mobile user.
I've posted my message on forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=8709630&posted=1#post8709630[/url] but apparently nobody had similar issue there.
I've also contacted HTC support. Of course they started from giving me instructions how to setup WiFi. Finally after several iterations they realized what problem is about. Just today I had long conversation with them and they said that this issue is happened with only me but "they really want to understand the issue and try to help".
They were suggesting me to install the new ROM again and try to test in on different WiFi network - apparently they reluctant to do it themselves properly. I said I don't wan't do it as I don't wan't to waste my time on that and I want them figure it out themselves iby having more complains about new ROM.
I've bought theory that the issue is in radio and tried to install new ROM on top of old ROM with SSPL_RUU. It worked but even with old radio+new ROM ("only flash Splashe and OS image") WiFi issue was not fixed.
I am not going to do any experiments with my device until I will be sure the issue is completely resolved. Very disappointed indeed. Very happy with old good ROM 1.66.
I was having this problem until a few minutes ago since I flashed the 3.14 rom. When I flashed the ROm from january 25 ... UK ... It's the 1.66 ... the issue with my HD2 stopped ... just finsihing the setup of my phone again ... and the wifi is working perfectly.
I was just about to adopt the first procedures to send my the goddam hd2 to
fix by htc, when i decided to do this test.
man, I can't wait to get rid of this phone
Juliette said:
Hey guys.
I've got exactly same problem with the new ROM here in Holland. I am not T-mobile user.
I've posted my message on forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=8709630&posted=1#post8709630[/url] but apparently nobody had similar issue there.
I've also contacted HTC support. Of course they started from giving me instructions how to setup WiFi. Finally after several iterations they realized what problem is about. Just today I had long conversation with them and they said that this issue is happened with only me but "they really want to understand the issue and try to help".
They were suggesting me to install the new ROM again and try to test in on different WiFi network - apparently they reluctant to do it themselves properly. I said I don't wan't do it as I don't wan't to waste my time on that and I want them figure it out themselves iby having more complains about new ROM.
I've bought theory that the issue is in radio and tried to install new ROM on top of old ROM with SSPL_RUU. It worked but even with old radio+new ROM ("only flash Splashe and OS image") WiFi issue was not fixed.
I am not going to do any experiments with my device until I will be sure the issue is completely resolved. Very disappointed indeed. Very happy with old good ROM 1.66.
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Odd...I have been having the same issue and in contacting T-mo and HTC they both admit that this is a known issue and that they are working on it (no mention of whetehr or not they will release a new ROM to address and I doubt that they will).
yep, been having the same issue with 3.14 ROM, WiFi disconnects frequently.
this is not seen in previous versions of ROM. must be a botched job from HTC on the WiFi drivers.
this problem only happens with certain WiFi Access Points. So not everyone will experience this problem. that's why a lot of people can't relate to what we are experiencing.
Damn HTC.
I'm pretty sure this is not a problem of Radio, but rather the WiFi drivers in the ROM.

