will lack of memory card support stop you buying? - Nexus S General

I had very high expectation to buy it until I realize NS doesn't have memory card support. I have to think twice before buying it (I have two 32GB microSD in both nexus one and MT4 and I have used 23-25GB).
If it had 32GB storage, it's OK, but 16GB isn't enough for me.

well for you yeah i'd say you should skip it.
For me, i'm only using 3.5GB of an 8GB card. Assuming the NS is setup like the GS phones it'll have 2GB for apps, and about 13GB for storage.
So for me, thats good enough... but i sure would like to have the 8GB card as well for a total of 24.
Now i doubt i'd ever use that but it would be nice. I keep thinking i'm going to use my phone for lots of music and movies, but it just dosn't really happen.
However, with apps like hulu plus and netflix coming in 2011, and current apps like last.fm and pandora you can pretty much stream everything, and for video probaby better quality than what clonedvdmobile will do.
So for me, it was a deal breaker, but i'm kinda okay with it now. still want to play around with the phone first before i decide anything.

If everything else ends up PERFECT, then it won't be a dealbreaker. Otherwise, it'll be yet another straw that broke the camel's back.
Everything in the NS will have to function just right. The battery life, heat, antenna performance,GPS, etc. all must function without any glitch at all.

The limited storage isn't a dealbreaker for me... I'm surviving fine now with my N1 and an 8GB card.
Lack of HSPA+ though, I'm not so sure.

RaQHoliday said:
The limited storage isn't a dealbreaker for me... I'm surviving fine now with my N1 and an 8GB card.
Lack of HSPA+ though, I'm not so sure.
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My thoughts exactly.

Not sure if I'm gonna buy it, but lack SD-card won't be a big deal. 16gb is more than enough for me

I'm currently using 0.5GB of my 4GB card. I could put my entire MP3 collection of 2175 songs on the Nexus S with plenty of room to spare.
Would be nice to have a card slot, but I don't need to have it.
I'm totally getting one, and probably before they are officially for sale in my country.

morfy50 said:
My thoughts exactly.
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not only lack of 3g+ but they removed bt3.0 as well
with bt3.0 3g+ and a mem card it would have been the perfect power phone. nothing exceptional or ground breaking, just a very well rounded package. Right now its just another alternative to the galaxy or droid 2.

The absence of a LED notification is fr sure a deal breaker...

morfy50 said:
My thoughts exactly.
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RaQHoliday said:
The limited storage isn't a dealbreaker for me... I'm surviving fine now with my N1 and an 8GB card.
Lack of HSPA+ though, I'm not so sure.
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It still supports up to 7.2Mb/s down. Granted thats only a third of what T-Mobiles HSPA+ will be able to do, but it sure as hell isn't bad.
I've been doing just fine on 2Mb/s down on my nexus one, and 3Mb/s over wi-fi at my school and home so honestly i'd be good with the 7.
Though i'm not gonna lie, full HSPA+ would of been nice though.

no. all i have in my N1 is a 16GB card..

Not even close to a deal breaker.
Also if you guys want a led notification down NoLed in the market. Really nice app that takes advantage of the unreal SAMOLED display.
7.2 HSPA for the Nexus is good enough. I bet you guys are all near wifi most of the time anyway.

I use up a 16gb card on my hero so I'd love to be able to make use of the all the 16gb on the phone or be able to add my own card.
Its not a huge deal breaker because I'm coming from a hero and I want something faster. But I'm secretly hoping that there will be an sd card slot like those in the winmo 7 phones.

Perhaps Google is putting more emphasis on cloud storage.
Anyways I should have a Nexus S by Wednesday of next week.

What about when custom ROMs come out, and wiping & flashing are a part of our daily lives?!

No, it will NOT!

The biggest deal breaker for me is the price. The Nexus S is $529 while the MyTouch 4G is $450. After taxes the Nexus S ends up being about $87 more. I don't know if thats worth it... Oh and the lack of an LED notification sucks too. =/

Something you should know about the "available storage". It claims 16GB, but you have to expect around 4-5GB will be used for system, image, and applications.
I think some may know "storage gate" happened on G2 (claimed 4GB, but actually 1.5GB is available for applications), so make sure you check the available storage for applications and user.

mingkee said:
Something you should know about the "available storage". It claims 16GB, but you have to expect around 4-5GB will be used for system, image, and applications.
I think some may know "storage gate" happened on G2 (claimed 4GB, but actually 1.5GB is available for applications), so make sure you check the available storage for applications and user.
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assuming it's done like the Galaxy S Phones. 2GB for apps, 13GB for storage (SD card)

ArcticWolf91 said:
The biggest deal breaker for me is the price. The Nexus S is $529 while the MyTouch 4G is $450. After taxes the Nexus S ends up being about $87 more. I don't know if thats worth it... Oh and the lack of an LED notification sucks too. =/
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The price is far greater when you consider the lack of HSPA+ support (especially when thinking about the Nexus S going into the year 2011...), the lack of a dual-core (again, in respect to where phones are headed in 2011 - as early as Jan/Feb.), the downgrades of the HD video recording, bluetooth, and the aforementioned lack of expandable SD card slot. Suddenly, you're not just forking over money. You're giving up a lot more.
Related: Is NFC just a glorified bar code scanner? NFC in Gingerbread is Crippled!
It seems more and more like you're essentially paying these prices for direct and clean Google updates. To some, this may be worth it.
I'm not sure if Google/Sammy should get away with what I belief was a rushed Nexus branded product.


Is the internal memory a big negative? People found it limiting apps?

Hi guys - I've been waiting on the Magic to arrive for quite to aus and now that its about to I've just read about being unable to install apps to the SD card. I note that its possible with some hacks but I imagine this might be a pain in the ass.
So: Am I likely to run into problems with the 512meg internal storage? Would it be wiser that I wait for something with more internal storage (I7500 for instance)? I imagine it could be messy if I wanted to install a local encyclopedia for instance or, more likely, large medical resources, one of which for WinMo is over a gig.
Also a little worried about all this variation between included and available apps between carriers. How easy is it to switch to the original HTC build? Does that break the marketplace?
Yea this is to stop piracy I think.
I reckon they will make some changes in the future to allow us to install programs onto the SD card but not the whole thing so this way people cant just copy it from the SD and have a functioning version of the app. The G2 has 512mb internal as apposed to the g1 with 128mb (i think). This is a lot more but still not enough IMO. I think they should have bumped it up to 2gb or at least 1gb considering it will be the only place we can install applications (well at least for now).
I plan to get this phone anyway and hope that the 512mb manages to be enough for most stuff. And if its not I'll just prey for Google to make some changes.
From my reading it looks like apps-on-sd support is still quite a way down on google's agenda, which is unfortunate. Because of this I was considering waiting for the Samsung Galaxy which has an 8 gig harddrive but then was put off by the 128mb ram it has. We have such an odd constellation of design decisions being made. Wish there was more info available on aussie release dates on the "18 to 20" android phones google expects to be released this year.
rahux said:
From my reading it looks like apps-on-sd support is still quite a way down on google's agenda, which is unfortunate. Because of this I was considering waiting for the Samsung Galaxy which has an 8 gig harddrive but then was put off by the 128mb ram it has. We have such an odd constellation of design decisions being made. Wish there was more info available on aussie release dates on the "18 to 20" android phones google expects to be released this year.
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We're already half way through the year and only about 3 have come out so that means they got over 20 left for the rest of the year lol. I really don't know whether to just get the Magic now.
Yeah I'm really torn too - the decision between a crippled vodafone edition and 3 plan which won't include roaming is a difficult choice. I might just have to wait.. I want it so much too though! bah.
Well - the HTC Hero and Lancaster are rumored to be getting announced soon at an upcoming HTC event in the UK - though I doubt we'll find out any information about Aussie releases there.
Most of these programs are really small, like less than 1MB, at least what I've seen, so there should be room for lots of apps. I haven't installed to many myself at the moment because I have found anything I want yet. But don't some apps use data? For example, if you were to download an encyclopedia, its just basically a shortcut to quickly look up something using data? I think that's how an app on this device should be since I have 6GB worth of data. I understand it might be an inconvience for some people who go out of the country and would have to pay crazy roaming charges. I live in Canada btw. Correct me if I am wrong about the apps using data.
unfortunately, coverage and the amount of data that you get in australia is not as great.... we need offline program support....
The is unfortunate, I just downloaded quickpedia onto my phone which is onyl 181kb, but like I said, it uses data to search your requests. Not sure if there are any apps that does not use data from the andriod market.
Maybe the whole deal with the limited memory is related to Google (and as a consequence Android) being net-centric, meaning they want apps to download their data from the net as much as possible.
An ideal Android app (think Google Maps) would be not much more than a user-interface and a tiny application layer that ferries data to and from the net, like the ideal Google app (think Gmail) is just a Webpage (with all the javascript stuff in it) in a browser window that ferries data to and from Google.
Yeah the web-centricism is great and mitigates the problem somewhat - I suppose the real trouble is that the carriers offering the Magic in australia are 3 and Vodafone - Voda obviously has the crippled version so I want the HTC version released by 3.. but the 3 network is kind of weak and often roams on Telstra where the rates are higher. That would be fine if it was included in the cap and just eat through the credit faster but roaming charges are on top of the cap. So if I pay $99, whenever I jump on roaming it'll all be additional. This would be incredible frustrating. Hmm.. I think I'll wait till July and wait for feedback and news on other handsets. Although I imagine it'd be mitigated by putting big E-books in the SD...
rahux said:
Yeah the web-centricism is great and mitigates the problem somewhat - I suppose the real trouble is that the carriers offering the Magic in australia are 3 and Vodafone - Voda obviously has the crippled version so I want the HTC version released by 3.. but the 3 network is kind of weak and often roams on Telstra where the rates are higher. That would be fine if it was included in the cap and just eat through the credit faster but roaming charges are on top of the cap. So if I pay $99, whenever I jump on roaming it'll all be additional. This would be incredible frustrating. Hmm.. I think I'll wait till July and wait for feedback and news on other handsets. Although I imagine it'd be mitigated by putting big E-books in the SD...
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I'm in the same boat as you, 3 are being dogs about roaming. And where I live is a roaming area.
Anything about 3 offering it outright? Then I can chunk in my Telstra SIM...
I'm glad you all see my reply in a positive light, actually I meant it to have a slightly sarcastic undertone (hail the Google Empire and such ).
If implemented well, having limited memory but good performance networking would be a good compromise as far as consumer price (fewer and cheaper electronics parts), battery life (less memory = less power drain) and sync advantages (centralized storage in a datacenter: access and sync anywhere, Web access, enterprise-class backup strategy, etc.).
Now if only the carriers would start lowering their data rates...
Maybe by caching app data like Google Maps, Wikipedia, popular websites and such on their own servers instead of sucking it down a large pipe, carriers could lower rates for accessing stuff like that.
Imagine having a very cheap, multi-Terabyte harddrive in your phone to store your encyclopedias, dictionaries etc. (with no need to manually sync or back it up to mountains of DVD's or other harddrives everytime), while still having your really private stuff on SD card.
(whoa, I'm starting to sound like a Google rep )
hah I wish I could get 512 megs... the G1 only has 96 megs of internal memory, talk about being cramped, with 512 you'll have excessive amounts of storage and you can just run apps2sd since it's android
Sounds like paradise miki. Don't worry, I'm obsessed with cloud computing too. My entire life lives in Zoho.com (awesome web-app suite), gmail and rememberthemilk. haha yesterday I went to bed thinking that I'll wait till something comes on another carrier.. then woke up this morning thinking I'll just bite the bullet and buy it on 3
Damn the sex appeal of this phone. I know a lot of people love the I7500 Galaxy but I really don't.. and it has less ram too (128)..
rahux said:
Sounds like paradise miki. Don't worry, I'm obsessed with cloud computing too. My entire life lives in Zoho.com (awesome web-app suite), gmail and rememberthemilk. haha yesterday I went to bed thinking that I'll wait till something comes on another carrier.. then woke up this morning thinking I'll just bite the bullet and buy it on 3
Damn the sex appeal of this phone. I know a lot of people love the I7500 Galaxy but I really don't.. and it has less ram too (128)..
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Agreed, mine is black absolutely love it. Pure sex
miki4242 said:
I'm glad you all see my reply in a positive light, actually I meant it to have a slightly sarcastic undertone (hail the Google Empire and such ).
If implemented well, having limited memory but good performance networking would be a good compromise as far as consumer price (fewer and cheaper electronics parts), battery life (less memory = less power drain) and sync advantages (centralized storage in a datacenter: access and sync anywhere, Web access, enterprise-class backup strategy, etc.).
Now if only the carriers would start lowering their data rates...
Maybe by caching app data like Google Maps, Wikipedia, popular websites and such on their own servers instead of sucking it down a large pipe, carriers could lower rates for accessing stuff like that.
Imagine having a very cheap, multi-Terabyte harddrive in your phone to store your encyclopedias, dictionaries etc. (with no need to manually sync or back it up to mountains of DVD's or other harddrives everytime), while still having your really private stuff on SD card.
(whoa, I'm starting to sound like a Google rep )
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That does sound pretty sweet but I think I would still prefer to have the ability to have certain things like my apps saved onto my phone. But then again, as long as it would be error free and fast to download the data I wouldn't mind so much.
Yeah, there are a couple of things I'd definitely want to access locally and one of them is a solid GPS program. Data-centricism is all well and good but if you're travelling (both in rural Australia and overseas), roaming charges would be too high to make web-based GPS navigation feasible. Similarly with a translation app.
rahux said:
Yeah, there are a couple of things I'd definitely want to access locally and one of them is a solid GPS program. Data-centricism is all well and good but if you're travelling (both in rural Australia and overseas), roaming charges would be too high to make web-based GPS navigation feasible. Similarly with a translation app.
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I agree a data free GPS program definitely interests me. Problem is who is gonna develop one knowing that Android wont run(natively) Apps from SD??
You never know.. TomTom just released a version for the iPhone I believe (granted it took them a hell of a long time to get to it).. and some of the WinMo mapping software are comparatively small - destinator is ~80megs with Aussie maps which isn't tooooooo bad to fit on the Magic.
Fingers crossed
What is the diff between the voda and 3? I mean I'm with Voda, so wat u mean 'crippled'.. I'm thinking on getting this by june 30 to get the 3mths free access..

Why buy the 32GB?

I've noticed on the threads here that it seems like most people who preordered went for the 32GB model. I was just curious, why? The only thing that used to take up any real space on my Android phone was music, but with Google music now I really can't see a need for more than even 4 or 8GB, so 16 seems like overkill.
What am I missing?
Sent from my ADR6400L using XDA App
Movies, fool lol
For when I go on trips
With Google music, Picasa and Netflix, there really is not need for all that storage. I went with the 16GB, would have even gone with 8 if they offered it.
On my phone, the only thing that takes up any real space is ROM backups, everything else is in the cloud.
Why not?
You don't know if people would like to put photos, documents, offline GPS maps (like CoPilot or Sygic, that can take 2GB easily), "files" (Win32 apps installer, probably you are PC helpdesk / tech support technician), etc.
Streaming music is good and better for space, but probably not all people has "unlimited data" subscription, especially if you are going abroad. 3G would be expensive!
Other strong reason is to be able to "sell" it in the future easier than 16GB, it would be more interesting. Suppose in 2012, there is new Galaxy Tab 3, then it would be easier to sell 32GB at 50%? I don't know, something like that.
Blaine12 said:
I've noticed on the threads here that it seems like most people who preordered went for the 32GB model. I was just curious, why? The only thing that used to take up any real space on my Android phone was music, but with Google music now I really can't see a need for more than even 4 or 8GB, so 16 seems like overkill.
What am I missing?
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I keep full seasons of The Mighty Boosh and It's Always Sunny on hand at all times. Everything else I can watch on Netflix. But occasionally there will be a few movies I want with me when I'm out of town that aren't on Netflix. I agree about the music though. With 20000 songs I can put in the cloud, that'll save me several gigs of space. I got the 32gb version just because you can never have too much space. I wish the UPS man would hurry up and get here lol
Do you guys know if google is going to release something like google music but for movies and videos?
gogol said:
Streaming music is good and better for space, but probably not all people has "unlimited data" subscription, especially if you are going abroad. 3G would be expensive!
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This is definitely true. If you're tethering with your phone's data plan, Although you can download once and store music in your cache, you can only cache as much music as you have space on your internal memory. Even if you download via wifi, space will be an issue
Blaine12 said:
I've noticed on the threads here that it seems like most people who preordered went for the 32GB model. I was just curious, why? The only thing that used to take up any real space on my Android phone was music, but with Google music now I really can't see a need for more than even 4 or 8GB, so 16 seems like overkill.
What am I missing?
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Why buy an SUV when all you do is drive back and forth to the supermarket? Why buy a 5 carat diamond when you can buy 4?
Because you can! And mainly because there is no microSD card.
I still like storing stuff on my device. Not a big cloud person too much to go wrong.
16 GB is enough for me. After 2 SDcards crashed on me, I'm putting everything in the Cloud. As for trips, it will come in handy for watching movies, but I will most likely put no more than 5 movies on it at a time. If I go on a trip to sit and watch movies on my Tab all day, then I could have stayed at home.
If I do walk around the house listening to music, I will most likely do it from my phone. I don't see myself walking around the house listening to music, while holding a Tab.
Good answers guys! Just realized I may be the exception but I've got the Thunderbolt with unlimited hotspot, so streaming isn't an issue. I also stream anything I can't get from Netflix from my Windows Home Server via Orb.
With all that said, I'd probably spend an extra $50 to go to 32GB, but $100 more for an extra 16GB of flash memory just feels like a cash grab to me.
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ericlmccormick said:
With Google music, Picasa and Netflix, there really is not need for all that storage. I went with the 16GB, would have even gone with 8 if they offered it.
On my phone, the only thing that takes up any real space is ROM backups, everything else is in the cloud.
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A few of us are importing these which means no Google Music (US only) and no Netflix (US, Canada, other?). Either way I'm pretty sure 32GB will be overkill for me.
There is no such thing as unlimited phone data in Australia
All my data will be stored on the device
For a device with no memory card slot makes sence to get the biggest one possible
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Blaine12 said:
Good answers guys! Just realized I may be the exception but I've got the Thunderbolt with unlimited hotspot, so streaming isn't an issue. I also stream anything I can't get from Netflix from my Windows Home Server via Orb.
With all that said, I'd probably spend an extra $50 to go to 32GB, but $100 more for an extra 16GB of flash memory just feels like a cash grab to me.
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I go camping. I still like my toys when I'm out in the woods... I also spend about 5 months a year in Japan for work. My work phone does not have wifi tether. The cloud ain't always available.
Because I accidently clicked the wrong pre-order button?
one other thing you need to realize is that if you plan on putting the tegra 2 to the test with all the new games like ShadowGun, you may need some space since I am pretty sure they wont be so tiny of files
For me the 32GB will be overkill most of the time. But when I travel for work I want to be able to tv episodes with me ... 32GB should get me enough TV to be well worth the $100 premium over a 16GB model.
I filled up my 16GB iPad, so I decided I needed a 32GB Galaxy Tab 10.1 this time.
The cloud is nice, but I'm not always on wifi. And sometimes the cloud is just too slow. I'd much rather have my content local, so it's always there, instantly ready.
I'm with the OP on the lack of need for the extra storage space (also have unlimited wifi tether on the phone), but to each her own I suppose.
Interesting to hear other folks reasoning though....
"640K ought to be enough for anybody"
These devices don't have slots for expandable storage so I think most people are trying to make sure that they don't run into space problems in the future.
Bukem75 said:
I go camping. I still like my toys when I'm out in the woods... I also spend about 5 months a year in Japan for work. My work phone does not have wifi tether. The cloud ain't always available.
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You can get an USB adapter and use as many flash drives as you need and for $100 extra you can get not additional 16GB but 64GB flash stick

thinking about exchanging my 16gb grey one for 32gb

i originally wanted the metallic grey 32gb version, but at the time of launch.. there were none to be found. a local best buy just got a shipment in today, and at the moment, i have 12gb left in my 16gb. that's without any media. i'm planning on putting at least 5gb of music stored locally, 1gb of photos, no movies, a few documents, and ebooks stored locally. i was gonna rely mostly on cloud storage, but thinking about it now.. i'd like to be able to not worry about when/if i am ever not around wifi access or my phone's hotspot signal is weak. do you think i'd be ok with sticking with the 16gb or should i just make the switch to 32gb now, while i'm still within the return/exchange window?
I'm kinda in the same boat. I don't think I will load up mine with too much because I am more of a streaming kind of person but being wifi only I know I am going to need to get some stuff stored locally for traveling and such.
I got the 16 GB version because I'm using the cloud. As for music, I will most likely place my music on my phone's sdcard. That way I can have my music with me even when I don't have my Tab. 9 times out of 10, if my Tab is near me, my phone is near as well.
i am planning to keep this device for a while, so hence why i'm rethinking about the 32gb for a bit more future proofing. at the moment, it is my only computer at home as well..
damn you samsung for not including a micro sd slot!
what do you guys use for cloud storage? i have amazon set up, but haven't used dropbox or google's.. which one do you guys like and any reason why? i'm looking to store mostly my music in the cloud.. and i already buy all my music on amazon, so i think their cloud service is best for me.
i am exchanging mine from 32 to 16. i have cloud music from google and downloaded the equalizer and they sounded amazing!
I bought a 16GB iPad a year ago and thought, this will be enough space. And it was for a few months. But eventually I did fill it up. It wasn't that I filled it all with music or movies. It was just lots of little things, some music, some movies, lots of apps, some big games, lots of small games, manga books, photos. After months and months of use, all this and that starts adding up.
Sure, I don't have to keep everything on there and did have to start uninstall games, removings apps, deleting movies, to make room for new stuff. And my world didn't end. But still, this time I decided I'd rather have more space so I didn't have to make sacrifices.
Cloud is nice, but not everything is in the cloud yet. And some of the iPad game sizes were getting quite big, I imagine Android games will be getting pretty big too.
i would def take it back for the 32 gb. If your questioning yourself about it than you should do it. And yes, you can when they release it buy the adaptor but its just better to have it all on board if you can imo.
I think the 32gb would also have higher resale value too, if you decide to sell it in the future.
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Why bother, they will have a quad core 1.5 gig with a 3d screen this fall any ways so I dont think the average life span of owning a tablet will last over 6 months. Might as well keep buying the cheaper models since you wont own it long enough to fill up all the disc space...
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
radiohead14 said:
i am planning to keep this device for a while, so hence why i'm rethinking about the 32gb for a bit more future proofing. at the moment, it is my only computer at home as well..
damn you samsung for not including a micro sd slot!
what do you guys use for cloud storage? i have amazon set up, but haven't used dropbox or google's.. which one do you guys like and any reason why? i'm looking to store mostly my music in the cloud.. and i already buy all my music on amazon, so i think their cloud service is best for me.
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As for documents I use DropBox, SugarSync, & GoogleDocs.
I like DropBox because I can easily upload files to their server using the mobile app as well as Android's share feature. It also syncs to the DropBox folder on my laptop.
I like SugarSync because it allows me to select any folder on my laptop, phone, & tablet. It will keep those folders in sync. I can only upload a file using the app. There's no option to upload a file using Andriod's share feature.
I use GoogleDocs but not as much, because it's very picky in regards to uploading files. 50% of the time it reject files I'm uploading from my computer. The thing that gets me is that they're all just basic Word & Excel files.
upperkingjr said:
Why bother, they will have a quad core 1.5 gig with a 3d screen this fall any ways so I dont think the average life span of owning a tablet will last over 6 months. Might as well keep buying the cheaper models since you wont own it long enough to fill up all the disc space...
Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk
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I agree. The way their steady upgrading specs and increasing performance for up and coming tablets, the life span of this device will probably be 2-3 years, if that.
If someone plans to use 32 GB, then it may be worth the investment. If someone uses less than 16 GB for a 32 GB model, they've just gave Samsung $100 free money. $100 is half the price of a new netbook, which I still could use because tablets can't do everything.
upperkingjr said:
Why bother, they will have a quad core 1.5 gig with a 3d screen this fall any ways so I dont think the average life span of owning a tablet will last over 6 months. Might as well keep buying the cheaper models since you wont own it long enough to fill up all the disc space...
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That's like saying: why bother getting a Sandy Bridge computer now when you know Ivy Bridge is around the corner. There's always something better that will come along. You just have to realize when something is right for you at the moment, or else it'll be a never ending cycle and you will never get anything in the end.
Anyway, I did end up exchanging the 16gb for the 32gb, as I do see myself needing the extra storage space in the long run. Thanks everyone for your input!

64GB Model Production Pushed Up, 16GB Pushed Back

If anyone is paying attention to the main production thread, the post has been edited.
What we've done is dramatically increase the amount of 64GB Sandstone Black models in our production plans, while producing 16GB Silk White as long as they don't delay the time to market for Sandstone Black.
Our production schedule is as follows:
Ready now - 100 for phone smashers
Mid to late May - Larger batch 16GB Silk White for the first batch of invites
Late May to early June - Larger batch 64GB Sandstone Black
Later in June - Increased general availability, people who want it should be able to get an invite without much trouble in June
Update May 6: After seeing how popular the 64GB version was compared to the 16GB, we have pushed back the production of the 16GB Silk White in favor of getting the 64GB Sandstone Black out quicker.
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So, good news for those of you who want to get your hands on the 64.
Great news!! :good: :good: :good:
Quite honestly, I'm angry about the delay of the 16 GB model. However, OnePlus is appealing to the majority of their customers, who want their 64 GB model. But in all honesty, this doesn't make a bit of difference. Chances are incredibly slim that any of us will get one of the early invites in late May/early June. We're all most likely going to get the phone in late June when it is finally given "general availability". And by that time, they should have 16 GB and 64 GB to sell to us. In all likelihood, this is just a marketing tactic to make the company seem more consumer-oriented (which isn't to say they aren't; they're still great in my eyes.) Just my two cents on the situation. The people on the OnePlus forums are practically going to war over which version should be released first. Just keep a level head, and we should all be happy and satisfied by late June
treChoy said:
Quite honestly, I'm angry about the delay of the 16 GB model. However, OnePlus is appealing to the majority of their customers, who want their 64 GB model. But in all honesty, this doesn't make a bit of difference. Chances are incredibly slim that any of us will get one of the early invites in late May/early June. We're all most likely going to get the phone in late June when it is finally given "general availability". And by that time, they should have 16 GB and 64 GB to sell to us. In all likelihood, this is just a marketing tactic to make the company seem more consumer-oriented (which isn't to say they aren't; they're still great in my eyes.) Just my two cents on the situation. The people on the OnePlus forums are practically going to war over which version should be released first. Just keep a level head, and we should all be happy and satisfied by late June
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I agree with you 100% all this is just a strategy from Oneplus and I have my hopes for late June. The early invites will be very difficult to get unless something very odd happens like Oneplus delivering high availability. But I understand that it's a new company with a different marketing approach to what we are used to here in the west.
My gut feeling is it will be screwed initially like it was during initial nexus 4 launch.. Fingers crossed!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
u would still need an invite to buy the 64gb
vineet381 said:
My gut feeling is it will be screwed initially like it was during initial nexus 4 launch.. Fingers crossed!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk
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Nexus 4 debacle all over again.
Sent from my LG-E980 using xda app-developers app
They should've had one version with 32 GB internal storage and a micro SD card slot to avoid these kind of problems.
no they shouldnt have. the production cost between 16gb and 64gb is about $50. if they did a 32gb model, there would be even less of a reason to get that as the price would be closer to the 64gb. since their goal was to get a model phone below $300, having 16gb model alongside the 64gb makes sense. the nexus 5 doesnt have an sd card card reader, and you shouldnt expect a less expensive phone to have it. if you want that functionality, buy an otg adapter. otg exists on phones for a reason.
The Jack of Clubs said:
no they shouldnt have. the production cost between 16gb and 64gb is about $50. if they did a 32gb model, there would be even less of a reason to get that as the price would be closer to the 64gb. since their goal was to get a model phone below $300, having 16gb model alongside the 64gb makes sense. the nexus 5 doesnt have an sd card card reader, and you shouldnt expect a less expensive phone to have it. if you want that functionality, buy an otg adapter. otg exists on phones for a reason.
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I believe what Invalid-GR is saying is that instead of having 2 models (16 and 64GB) they should have just produced one (32GB with uSD slot.) I would agree. 64GB is good enough for me at this point, but the option of expanding is great to have. Reason I haven't updated to the Moto X, or the G2, or the M7, is the fixed storage mostly. I'm not interested in storing my media files in the cloud and streaming it on demand since I don't always have good cellular access. But this dang SGS2 is on its deathbed!
Personally I feel people need to quit with the complaining, you're getting 64GB for only $50 more. That's still a far better deal than even a Nexus 5 with just 32GB in it. They are a SMALL company, so going with what is more popular and more in demand is the best thing they can do. Why produce a mountain of 16GB when the majority wants the 64GB? I'd understand your complaints if it were against Samsung for not putting out a 32GB S5 for the US ( Which they haven't ). For me I'm going 64GB because it's a better deal all the way around. I wouldn't touch ANY phone with 16GB and no microSD, because that's just too little storage overall anymore. Far as I'm concerned they really should start making the low end storage start at 32GB instead of 16GB.
theyre not going to make a 32gb version cause then it would be about $325-$330 and there would be even less of a reason to buy one. and they are not going to add an sdcard reader for the same reason the nexus's and iphones dont have one.
RTWright said:
Personally I feel people need to quit with the complaining, you're getting 64GB for only $50 more. That's still a far better deal than even a Nexus 5 with just 32GB in it. They are a SMALL company, so going with what is more popular and more in demand is the best thing they can do. Why produce a mountain of 16GB when the majority wants the 64GB? I'd understand your complaints if it were against Samsung for not putting out a 32GB S5 for the US ( Which they haven't ). For me I'm going 64GB because it's a better deal all the way around. I wouldn't touch ANY phone with 16GB and no microSD, because that's just too little storage overall anymore. Far as I'm concerned they really should start making the low end storage start at 32GB instead of 16GB.
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Everything you told is correct. But since one of their major investors is OPPO, they are not small let alone "SMALL". They should ramp up their production and make it available worldwide.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
shubh_007 said:
Everything you told is correct. But since one of their major investors is OPPO, they are not small let alone "SMALL". They should ramp up their production and make it available worldwide.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
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Investors mean they are backing them financially, doesn't mean we know how much and to what extent. Investors put their money behind you to do what you can with how much they give. They don't do your work, production, shipping, orders, etc. That's all on you, it's a sink or swim deal there. So if they don't wish to drive the cost of the device up, which it would if everyone here got their way and they did everything a lot of you think they should. Instead of $349 it would be more like $549 or even higher. They're doing everything they can to keep out third party companies, distributors and the like. This keeps the device's cost down considerably. So what they need to do, is continue with what they're doing.
They've already stated that in late June ( Which is just around the corner here ) they will begin to roll out invites much faster as they ramp up production based on demand. Remember, Google had a major disaster on their hands with the Nexus 4. Look how much money that company has, how big they are and yet they still had one of the biggest pre-order muck ups in recent history. So I can understand OnePlus wanting to tread lightly. Problem is, so many people have this me me me disorder. Everything has to be right now, right then or I wont do business with you. You'd think after all this time, we'd learned to have at least a little patience and give others a chance to see if this works or not. Just because a few people get their panties in a bunch, doesn't mean their system doesn't work.
RTWright said:
Investors mean they are backing them financially, doesn't mean we know how much and to what extent. Investors put their money behind you to do what you can with how much they give. They don't do your work, production, shipping, orders, etc. That's all on you, it's a sink or swim deal there. So if they don't wish to drive the cost of the device up, which it would if everyone here got their way and they did everything a lot of you think they should. Instead of $349 it would be more like $549 or even higher. They're doing everything they can to keep out third party companies, distributors and the like. This keeps the device's cost down considerably. So what they need to do, is continue with what they're doing.
They've already stated that in late June ( Which is just around the corner here ) they will begin to roll out invites much faster as they ramp up production based on demand. Remember, Google had a major disaster on their hands with the Nexus 4. Look how much money that company has, how big they are and yet they still had one of the biggest pre-order muck ups in recent history. So I can understand OnePlus wanting to tread lightly. Problem is, so many people have this me me me disorder. Everything has to be right now, right then or I wont do business with you. You'd think after all this time, we'd learned to have at least a little patience and give others a chance to see if this works or not. Just because a few people get their panties in a bunch, doesn't mean their system doesn't work.
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Maybe you got offended. First thing I am happy the way they are working because at least they came up with an idea of a cheap phone with great hardware. They are doing a fair job. Secondly Oneplus is more of a subsidiary company to oppo, that is how much they own it. And I am just a little disappointed that my country did not make it to the first list in spite of it being such a huge market. And people who are complaining have no right to complain since it's all the company's decision to whether launch a phone in a particular market or not or at what price and in what way. I am just hopeful of it's earliest availability to everyone in the future and not just the already listed countries.
No offence bro if I again wrote something offensive.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
shubh_007 said:
Maybe you got offended. First thing I am happy the way they are working because at least they came up with an idea of a cheap phone with great hardware. They are doing a fair job. Secondly Oneplus is more of a subsidiary company to oppo, that is how much they own it. And I am just a little disappointed that my country did not make it to the first list in spite of it being such a huge market. And people who are complaining have no right to complain since it's all the company's decision to whether launch a phone in a particular market or not or at what price and in what way. I am just hopeful of it's earliest availability to everyone in the future and not just the already listed countries.
No offence bro if I again wrote something offensive.
Sent from my MT11i using xda premium
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No no, not offended at all man. Seriously lol it's all good
NinoDolce1 said:
I agree with you 100% all this is just a strategy from Oneplus and I have my hopes for late June. The early invites will be very difficult to get unless something very odd happens like Oneplus delivering high availability. But I understand that it's a new company with a different marketing approach to what we are used to here in the west.
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Between mobile carriers, manufacturers and whoever/whatever marketing strategies; I"m sick of all of them...I could not find any specifications in regards to a microSD expansion slot but at first glance it looks to be pretty good at the $349 price mark for the 64GB device, a solid $300 cheaper than any other 64GB device out there. I'm beginning to believe there is no such thing as a perfect device; too many hands in the cookie jar.
berrywr said:
Between mobile carriers, manufacturers and whoever/whatever marketing strategies; I"m sick of all of them...I could not find any specifications in regards to a microSD expansion slot but at first glance it looks to be pretty good at the $349 price mark for the 64GB device, a solid $300 cheaper than any other 64GB device out there. I'm beginning to believe there is no such thing as a perfect device; too many hands in the cookie jar.
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Yes, you are right like on everything else in life there is no perfect device. This one is really good for this price. I hope this becomes a trend.
Nothing is perfect!
berrywr said:
Between mobile carriers, manufacturers and whoever/whatever marketing strategies; I"m sick of all of them...I could not find any specifications in regards to a microSD expansion slot but at first glance it looks to be pretty good at the $349 price mark for the 64GB device, a solid $300 cheaper than any other 64GB device out there. I'm beginning to believe there is no such thing as a perfect device; too many hands in the cookie jar.
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NinoDolce1 said:
Yes, you are right like on everything else in life there is no perfect device. This one is really good for this price. I hope this becomes a trend.
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If this phone had a replaceable battery and microSD it'd be perfect to me, even if it cost $100 or 200 more. But these days, it's like most things - there's trade-offs, so nothing's perfect. I'll be looking to get this one and hand down my Nexus 5 to the better-half.
I had hoped to break the root/ROM cycle with the Nexus 5, but alas, it didn't have OTG capability unless it was rooted. I figured, if I've rooted it, might as well go all the way. With the OnePlus One, it should have all I want/need without all the trouble to root and find a good ROM for it.
And those specs for the price is makes it a better value than the Nexus 5! I think a lot of crying about the 16/64GB versions would disappear if they had a white 64GB version for the same price at the black one! I prefer black myself, but some want the white one. Also, the backs are replaceable so there will be some customization there as well. I just hope there's one with a kick-stand!
That's my 2¢!
DownloadBob :laugh:
downloadbob said:
If this phone had a replaceable battery and microSD it'd be perfect to me, even if it cost $100 or 200 more. But these days, it's like most things - there's trade-offs, so nothing's perfect.
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It's too bad the Oppo Find 7a or 7 won't play nice with T-Mobile or AT&T USA networks.

No micro SD slot - considerations.

I will just say that I was disappointed to hear that the micro SD slot is excluded in the S6. At first, this was a huge detractor if not game over in my mind. Then I got to considering. One reason (not the only reason mind you) that I can't stand Apple (yes I owned and used an iPhone for 2 years), is that you are stuck with 16gb of storage, and it costs literally 100 bucks to upgrade higher in exponential increments.
When I first heard no micro SD in s6, my mind immediately assumed Samsung would follow this model, which is borderline extortion. Then it occurred to me. The price on the S6 is not yet known. There is no reason to assume Samsung will opt to gouge us for a $100 just to get a lousy 32 extra gb, or worse, $200 to get up to 128. They may not choose to follow such a brutal course. The extra gb may only cost an extra 25-50 bucks, which is priced similar to what it might cost to get an SD card. If so, no micro SD really becomes no big deal at all... I could not find any pricing figures online though.
Anyone have any idea what this device is going to cost relative to storage capacity?
musiclover7 said:
I will just say that I was disappointed to hear that the micro SD slot is excluded in the S6. At first, this was a huge detractor if not game over in my mind. Then I got to considering. One reason (not the only reason mind you) that I can't stand Apple (yes I owned and used an iPhone for 2 years), is that you are stuck with 16gb of storage, and it costs literally 100 bucks to upgrade higher in exponential increments.
When I first heard no micro SD in s6, my mind immediately assumed Samsung would follow this model, which is borderline extortion. Then it occurred to me. The price on the S6 is not yet known. There is no reason to assume Samsung will opt to gouge us for a $100 just to get a lousy 32 extra gb, or worse, $200 to get up to 128. They may not choose to follow such a brutal course. The extra gb may only cost an extra 25-50 bucks, which is priced similar to what it might cost to get an SD card. If so, no micro SD really becomes no big deal at all... I could not find any pricing figures online though.
Anyone have any idea what this device is going to cost relative to storage capacity?
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You can always use otg pendrive to expand your memory....
Lol extortion.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
MacTheRipperr said:
Lol extortion.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
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Well.. what would you call it?
There is certainly no extortion going on between the Samsung camp and you, the consumer. There are no threats being made, and no one is forcing anyone to do anything, since the HTC, LG, Sony, and Motorola are offering devices that have expandable storage. You can just choose to pass on the S6, and go with a competitor. I have zero brand loyalty, because I want to go with what suits my needs the best. But, I digress...
I hope Samsung uses the Google strategy when pricing out their storage capacities. There is usually a $50 gap between each bump in storage. With carrier subsidies, I could easily see this going for $200-300 on contract, depending on capacity. What we will find, as was the case with the unlocked versions, is the US branded models will retail for a lower price than the unlocked versions that will be available soon.
It's business man. That's what it boils down to. Am I bummed about the no sd card? Yeah I am. But in my s5 I only have an old ass 16 gb sd card. The only time I use any vast amount of storage is when I'm backing up and downloading roms. I get the a lot of android and Samsung enthusiasts are pretty hurt right now. But to be honest they don't care, they have made their decisions. It's irreversible until they decide to change their mind. All this *****ing and moaning is not accomplishing anything but clogging the forum up with displeased with would be purchasers.
Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk
tokuzumi said:
There is certainly no extortion going on between the Samsung camp and you, the consumer. There are no threats being made, and no one is forcing anyone to do anything, since the HTC, LG, Sony, and Motorola are offering devices that have expandable storage. You can just choose to pass on the S6, and go with a competitor. I have zero brand loyalty, because I want to go with what suits my needs the best. But, I digress...
I hope Samsung uses the Google strategy when pricing out their storage capacities. There is usually a $50 gap between each bump in storage. With carrier subsidies, I could easily see this going for $200-300 on contract, depending on capacity. What we will find, as was the case with the unlocked versions, is the US branded models will retail for a lower price than the unlocked versions that will be available soon.
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I was not calling it extortion on Samsung's part, more so on Apples, but yeah, extortion is too big of a word. Price gouging is better. Bottom line, charging 100 bucks for something that should cost 15, just because you can, is a bit bully-ish and as a consumer I can say it is a huge turn off. Put another way, when I'm standing in Disneyland eating a 7 dollar corn dog, I don't tip my hat touché to Disney as a company for their brilliant business model. Yes, I chose to enter into their magic kingdom, no one forced me. It still pisses me off though, gives the corn dog a bad after taste, and well.. #[email protected] you know what I am saying.
If you read my OP correctly, what I was basically saying is that it is not necessarily the end just yet. We still do not know how much these things are going to cost. Samsung could still surprise us and elect to only charge a fair margin for the extra storage. Yes, that does not fix everything. You still don't have separate storage for loading ROMS, etc., but as Sunny pointed out, there are some ways around that via external usb storage. If Samsung prices their models fairly, based on current market prices, then I'm saying that I am still in the game with this device. If they follow Apple's practice of charging 100 bucks extra for a lousy 16gb, then I'll be looking for greener pastures...
For instance.. If Samsung comes out with the 32gb S6 for 200 bucks like other companies, but... they elect to only charge 250 for the 64gb model, and maybe 299 for the 128, then I believe they will win over the masses.
musiclover7 said:
For instance.. If Samsung comes out with the 32gb S6 for 200 bucks like other companies, but... they elect to only charge 250 for the 64gb model, and maybe 299 for the 128, then I believe they will win over the masses.
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musiclover7 said:
There is no reason to assume Samsung will opt to gouge us for a $100 just to get a lousy 32 extra gb, or worse, $200 to get up to 128. They may not choose to follow such a brutal course. The extra gb may only cost an extra 25-50 bucks, which is priced similar to what it might cost to get an SD card. If so, no micro SD really becomes no big deal at all... I could not find any pricing figures online though.
Anyone have any idea what this device is going to cost relative to storage capacity?
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Actually, there is. There are a few elements called history, capitalism, and big business.
Now what we actually don't have is any reason to assume they WON'T milk every dollar out of this. That would be the abnormal path.
So while they may not, the reality is that they probably will.
I agree!
Damn.. you have a point there.
Poetique said:
Actually, there is. There are a few elements called history, capitalism, and big business.
Now what we actually don't have is any reason to assume they WON'T milk every dollar out of this. That would be the abnormal path.
So while they may not, the reality is that they probably will.
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Corps are evil... this is (I thought) widely known.
S6, sd-card, removable battery - petition
musiclover7 said:
I will just say that I was disappointed to hear that the micro SD slot is excluded in the S6. At first, this was a huge detractor if not game over in my mind. Then I got to considering. One reason (not the only reason mind you) that I can't stand Apple (yes I owned and used an iPhone for 2 years), is that you are stuck with 16gb of storage, and it costs literally 100 bucks to upgrade higher in exponential increments.
When I first heard no micro SD in s6, my mind immediately assumed Samsung would follow this model, which is borderline extortion. Then it occurred to me. The price on the S6 is not yet known. There is no reason to assume Samsung will opt to gouge us for a $100 just to get a lousy 32 extra gb, or worse, $200 to get up to 128. They may not choose to follow such a brutal course. The extra gb may only cost an extra 25-50 bucks, which is priced similar to what it might cost to get an SD card. If so, no micro SD really becomes no big deal at all... I could not find any pricing figures online though.
Anyone have any idea what this device is going to cost relative to storage capacity?
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We should start a petition on Change.org and see how many people really want these features back. From all the forums, it appears people really miss those features, but the feedback is really scattered. Consolidating them to one spot would be interesting.
---------- Post added at 08:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 AM ----------
inetquestion said:
We should start a petition on Change.org and see how many people really want these features back. From all the forums, it appears people really miss those features, but the feedback is really scattered. Consolidating them to one spot would be interesting.
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It is exactly apple model, 100 euro difference per memory configuration
I use a lot of gig on my device 64 gigs already used up. If you have a little kid and a parent we tend to take pictures of everything so not everyone use a lot of storage but most parents do and having a SD card does give you options. The only way I could get this device is if sprint offer the 128 gig model which I'm not sure if they will . worse case I'll just grab the g4, of gflex 2 until the note 5 comes out. My nexus6 64 gig can't keep storage for nothing fills up fast .
24 Hours usage review with the HTC One M9.
The most viable option at the moment. Imagine that 128 GB + of storage potential plus whichever size you buy at the start.
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 12:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------
New device means insane prices, hopefully the price wars between the different places that are offering them will give the people that are still getting the S6 a good deal.
.: Sent from my 'ANDROID til I die' Phone or Tablet :.
When I had a Nexus 5 as my daily driver, I purchased an USB OTG cable as a way of adding expandable storage (I purchased the necessary app to allow the usage of OTG cables....I was not rooted). I never ended up using it. Not because I didn't want to, but because I didn't have a need to. I know my usage patterns are different than others, but I know if I were worried about running out of space, and I absolutely had to have a galaxy s device, I'd go with USB OTG.
I still don't understand brand loyalty, though. If the M9 takes great pictures with the final release software, I'll probably get that (the LG G series excites me as well). Plus, I prefer on screen buttons, with the exception of the home button on the samsung devices. I use that to wake the phone almost exclusively. But if the camera on the S6 is really as amazing as Samsung is touting it to be, I'll get that and make due with the shortcomings.
It's a big difference
Big big problem.... i think the note edge is the way to go instead.... bigger screen and and an SD card.
