[Q] Droid x tethering - Networking

Sorry im a complete Noob at this stuff but i have rooted my droid x and am able to connect to my phone via my laptop with great strength but am unable to get an internet connection. Is there a solution to this?

I've been able to wifi tether my ipad to my droid x using Barnacle. Set channel to Six and check the "skip wpa_supplicant" box. I also cleared out Lan and Wan.
Other than that, I don't know. I'm a n00b.


No need to tether Wifi... Bluetooth tether works

I have a droidX, and was syncing the two devices to push a file across them when I saw bluetooth tethering... it works flawlessly. I never even heard about this during all the "screw the data plan, I'll wifi tether my tablet" hoo-ha.
Basically: sync up a phone with the tablet so they see each other.
Then go into bluetooth settings on the Xoom: settings > wireless and networks > bluetooth settings > paired devices > (YOUR PHONE)... and click the wrench icon. There's a tether option right there sitting in broad daylight... no need to even have a rooted handset I guess?
works great for me.
baller status.
Cool! That's great for those of us with OG Droids who can't use infrastructure mode.
I'm curious though. If I'm tethering via bluetooth, will I simultaneously be able to use my bluetooth headset with the XOOM, or my Droid for that matter?
ixobelle said:
I have a droidX, and was syncing the two devices to push a file across them when I saw bluetooth tethering... it works flawlessly. I never even heard about this during all the "screw the data plan, I'll wifi tether my tablet" hoo-ha.
Basically: sync up a phone with the tablet so they see each other.
Then go into bluetooth settings on the Xoom: settings > wireless and networks > bluetooth settings > paired devices > (YOUR PHONE)... and click the wrench icon. There's a tether option right there sitting in broad daylight... no need to even have a rooted handset I guess?
works great for me.
baller status.
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Good lord! This actually freaking works! I'm typing this post from my Xoom that is bluetooth tethered to my droidx. Thank you google for this crazy easter egg
Ok, I may be dumb and not really familiar with bluetooth, but can I get some help with this? I've got them paired, but how do I get them to connect?
so does this mean anyone with a smartphone data plan should not need the pLAN for xoom?
I dont see a tether option.
Same with me, paired but not connected.
Verizon fascinate.
My Dx pairs but is unable to connect :-(
I'm trying to connect to my OG droid and I am having trouble connecting as well. It pairs just fine. To the users having trouble, are you rooted with a custom rom and kernel? I'm trying to narrow this issue since others on the same mobile device are having success.
This doest work on atrix
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
Do you have to be rooted (on the phone side) to be able to successfully do this? I have a Droid X and tried tethering my PSP the other night and no luck, might be a similar situation.
Droid Incredible. Which is rooted with a custom ROM.
Why not just use "wireless tether" form the market? Or does it not work on the Droid X? I was using it to tether my Xoom to my Evo running on Sprints 4G....
WiFi Tether doesn't work for some of us because Android doesn't connect through ad-hoc. The bluetooth solution sounds like our only option aside from wired tethering.
blozout said:
Why not just use "wireless tether" form the market? Or does it not work on the Droid X? I was using it to tether my Xoom to my Evo running on Sprints 4G....
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My Droid X works fine with my laptop, but not with certain devices. My Xoom is being delivered later today and I'll let you know how it goes. =P
arrtoodeetoo said:
WiFi Tether doesn't work for some of us because Android doesn't connect through ad-hoc. The bluetooth solution sounds like our only option aside from wired tethering.
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Is Bluetooth as relatively fast as WiFi?
Not sure.
Maybe someone who is able to do both could do a speed test.
Pair but can't connect with EVO.
Anyone wanna shed some light here? Is it just the Droid X this works with?
The DroidX has trouble with data connectivity(3g) with the current release Wireless Tether app. There is a prerelease 2.07 that fixes this. I am now wifi and bluetooth tethering without data disconnects. Download the release from the wireless tether website.
rquellet said:
The DroidX has trouble with data connectivity(3g) with the current release Wireless Tether app. There is a prerelease 2.07 that fixes this. I am now wifi and bluetooth tethering without data disconnects. Download the release from the wireless tether website.
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I tether my droidx to my Xoom to use its unlimited data. Works fine, most of the time, but I do have to stop/start wifi tether on my droidx occasionally.
Update: I downloaded the experimental apk on the wireless tether's site and installed it on my Droid. My Xoom is now able to use my Droid's data via bluetooth option. JACKPOT!
Droid4All said:
Update: I downloaded the experimental apk on the wireless tether's site and installed it on my Droid. My Xoom is now able to use my Droid's data via bluetooth option. JACKPOT!
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Ha, your welcome. Enjoy!
Cool! Got a link?

[Q] Blue Tooth tethering

I am trying Bluetooth tethering using PdaNet. It pairs up but the 3G still shows unlike when I'm using WiFi. I cant tell if its really tethered or not? Can the 3G be turned off independently of Bluetooth? Can't find a setting for that.
Trying not to burn up my horrendous Verizon data plan, would rather pair with my Droid X unlimited plan. Anyone else tried this?
You do realize that tethering uses your data right?
devonparrish said:
You do realize that tethering uses your data right?
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Yes I do, but I have the unlimited plan on the Droid X. Yes, I know it not trully 'unlimited' but they haven't messed with me yet and I tether my laptop all the time when on the road.
Rich W said:
Yes I do, but I have the unlimited plan on the Droid X. Yes, I know it not trully 'unlimited' but they haven't messed with me yet and I tether my laptop all the time when on the road.
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See this post which explains how to native tether via bluetooth: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=968801
I have tested this using my DroidX and it works great!
*Note: you do NOT need a special app to tether the Xoom to DroidX, you can do it all natively by pairing the devices then using the Tether profile that is on the Xoom, you don't need Wireless Tether or any other app to do it
jrfree said:
See this post which explains how to native tether via bluetooth: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=968801
I have tested this using my DroidX and it works great!
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THANKS!! THANKS!! (need 10 characters )
Does anybody know how to tether the original motorola droid with the motorola xoom? Wifi tethering with barnacle or wireless tether does not work. I also tried the bluetooth option with no luck. Can anyone help?
scottsdca said:
Does anybody know how to tether the original motorola droid with the motorola xoom? Wifi tethering with barnacle or wireless tether does not work. I also tried the bluetooth option with no luck. Can anyone help?
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been several threads on this. The original droid makes an Ad-Hoc wireless network for wifi tether, which the Xoom can't recognize. You're gonna have to do Bluetooth. Read the guides.
BlueTooth Tethering
martonikaj said:
been several threads on this. The original droid makes an ad-hoc wireless network for wifi tether, which the xoom can't recognize. You're gonna have to do bluetooth. Read the guides.
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after xoom 3.1 update
i go in to bluetooth -> ranch icon -> under profile i don't see the tether option anymore please help!!!!!

Wi/Fi Tether From Droid X --> Xoom Wi/Fi

My Droid X is rooted and I regularly use Wireless Tether for Root app. I purposely bought the Xoom Wi/fi instead of the 3g for this wonderful advantage. I've review steps for the Xoom 3G tether, but I'm thinking this is a little different for the Wi/Fi model. When i am tethering from my Droid X, my Xoom does not recognize my network? Dont know if anyone has had some success on this yet.
Forgot to add, my xoom is unlocked and rooted as well.
Make sure you are using Infrastructure mode on the Droid X.
EDIT: I can't seem to find that option at the moment...
Well i couldnt figure it out using the Wireless Tether for Root app, but it worked flawlessly using the 3G Hotspot app by verizon, using Team Blackhat's hack.
I don't know how it is on the Droid X, but my Wi-Fi Xoom tethers to my Captivate just fine.
miui on evo 4g tether works fine. set up my first boot in the parking lot with it.
I use the stock tethering app on MT4G and GS4G and it works great. When i try wifi tether i cant see the network either. I had this same problem on my ZuneHD.
Using an Eris right now and I'm having no luck with bluetooth or normal tether. Eris is rooted, Xoom WiFi model is not.
EDIT: Just found out that the Eris uses Ad-Hoc for tethering not AP. Looks like I may be screwed.
Just a followup, I setup the Wireless Tether for Root on my Droid X and my xoom connects to it no problem.
Ive been able to connect to both TBH hotspot hack and wireless tether with no issues.
chaz03 said:
My Droid X is rooted and I regularly use Wireless Tether for Root app. I purposely bought the Xoom Wi/fi instead of the 3g for this wonderful advantage. I've review steps for the Xoom 3G tether, but I'm thinking this is a little different for the Wi/Fi model. When i am tethering from my Droid X, my Xoom does not recognize my network? Dont know if anyone has had some success on this yet.
Forgot to add, my xoom is unlocked and rooted as well.
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Download Fission ROM Manager, install Fission ROM for DX, install tether patch and 3G Hotspot app. Tethering to Xoom should work...
Tether patch will modify NVRAM on DX and the 3G Hotspot is just a modified Verizon Hotspot app. Get all the tethering you want without having a tethering package
Fwiw : my Dinc running CM7 teathers fine with my Wifi Xoom just using the native teather feature. No downloads or setup required.
Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
My N1 tethers to my Xoom just peachy, no root or anything needed.
It appears that AdHoc mode on Droid X and Samsung Epic work fine with the Xoom? Maybe im nuts, but I thought Android wouldn't connect to ad hoc....im probably nuts.
I'm having no luck tethering my recently purchased wifi xoom. I am using a mytouch 3g with all variants of wireless tether.... i know my tether works because my rooted nook with CM7 can see it and LOGIN with no problems. I added the wpa variant that helped my nook see ad hoc wireless.
Please if someone has a solution i will be externally grateful.
Yeah my xoom wasn't reading my phones tether since its adhoc(Using WirelessTether from market), on their website they have a new thing called "wifi tether" and it works perfectly.
"WiFi Tether for Root Users 3.0-pre12 *** EXPERIMENTAL ***"
Then in setup method change it from adhoc to softap, so far so good..
phone: epic 4g (galaxy s)
p2flol said:
Yeah my xoom wasn't reading my phones tether since its adhoc(Using WirelessTether from market), on their website they have a new thing called "wifi tether" and it works perfectly.
"WiFi Tether for Root Users 3.0-pre12 *** EXPERIMENTAL ***"
Then in setup method change it from adhoc to softap, so far so good..
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Thanks but unfortunately my phone (mytouch magic) doesn't give me that option. I tried nexus one device and selected softap, but still no good.
Looks like I need to somehow tweak my wifi xoom to recognize ad hoc wireless router. I have just 6 months till my phone contract ends, but that's too long to wait.... if this doesn't work i may have to return my xoom
Anyone know how to unlock the ad hoc wireless on the zoom?
Chickenbutt20 said:
Using an Eris right now and I'm having no luck with bluetooth or normal tether. Eris is rooted, Xoom WiFi model is not.
EDIT: Just found out that the Eris uses Ad-Hoc for tethering not AP. Looks like I may be screwed.
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Has ANYONE found out ANYTHING about tethering w/ the ERIS? I can connect via bluetooth BUT then my Eris reboots and I lose the connection.
This is the only issue that probably will have me returning if I can't connect to internet on my phone when I'm away from wifi.
fabian29906 said:
Has ANYONE found out ANYTHING about tethering w/ the ERIS? I can connect via bluetooth BUT then my Eris reboots and I lose the connection.
This is the only issue that probably will have me returning if I can't connect to internet on my phone when I'm away from wifi.
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Sounds like we need to tweak the wpa file in system>app to make it accept ad hoc.
I have Samsung Captivate with mobile AP enabled. However i am not able to get good tethering speed on my xoom. I ran a speedtest on the captivate which has HSUPA enabled and i get 1.5MB download speed and 2MB upload but my xoom barely gets 100KB download. Any ideas?
purav17 said:
I have Samsung Captivate with mobile AP enabled. However i am not able to get good tethering speed on my xoom. I ran a speedtest on the captivate which has HSUPA enabled and i get 1.5MB download speed and 2MB upload but my xoom barely gets 100KB download. Any ideas?
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That's interesting, i tested HTC DHD stock hotspot app yesterday with my laptop (i don't have a Xoom yet). If i run a speed test on my phone, i get about 4,5mbit download speed but if i do a speed test on my laptop i only get about 2mbit. Why is that?

Foxfi issues on the Nexus 7 Need Help

Hello everyone I just got my Nexus 7 last night and am trying to tether it to my Motorola Milestone X to get internet when I am not by a wifi connection. I installed the program on my phone and tested it out before buying the Nexus 7 using another smartphone and that phone was able to connect to my foxfi connection and go onto the internet.
When I go into settings and look for foxfi under the wireless connections I do see foxfi and am able to connect to it but where it shows the signal strength is is all grey where as when I am at home connected to my wifi connection it is blue? I try to connect to the internet and nothing happens. I have tried looking on the internet on a solution but have not found any. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!
nmeurett said:
Hello everyone I just got my Nexus 7 last night and am trying to tether it to my Motorola Milestone X to get internet when I am not by a wifi connection. I installed the program on my phone and tested it out before buying the Nexus 7 using another smartphone and that phone was able to connect to my foxfi connection and go onto the internet.
When I go into settings and look for foxfi under the wireless connections I do see foxfi and am able to connect to it but where it shows the signal strength is is all grey where as when I am at home connected to my wifi connection it is blue? I try to connect to the internet and nothing happens. I have tried looking on the internet on a solution but have not found any. Any help anyone could give would be greatly appreciated!
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Are you sure you're getting an IP?
Have you tried using any other apps such as barnacle or WiFi tether?
are you able to connect to any other wireless networks via your nexus 7?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app while tethering from my RAZR Maxx using FoxFi

Downloaded tethers not working sorry about posting in wrong forum before

As some of you may know yesterday i went through he!! getting my Razr M rooted. I did it. The reason for the root was the built in tether on the Droid Razr M doesn't work with my Droid tablets both running ICS. So I figured if I root and then get a tether from Google Play then it might work. Problem now is I've downloaded all of them seems like (accept FoxFi it sucks now because it makes you install a screen lock password that can never be removed.) I set these things up start the tether and no device can see them. My laptop, tablet destop all nothing. As if it weren't there. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong if anything. I've used wifi tether on my rooted Droid X and it worked great. Now not so much. There seems to be extra settings like select lan network. The choices are ip addresses.,,,,,,,, what do they mean? Is this my roadblock? Frustrating as hell. Using 3rd party tethers for rooted devices has always been simple and effective. I used them on my Droid X because the built in version would drop out after 5-15 minutes and I'd have to turn it off and on to get it back. Now I just want to use my tablets. A USB tether would be fine with me if I could find one that worked on my tablet. I used to use PdaNet but it's bundled with FoxFi now. Suggestions?
Broke down installed Pdanet and Foxfi. Installed pdanet for tablets on tablet side. Made a connection to the phone via foxfi. The hope was foxfi would talk to the tablet where the stock tether wouldn't. No dice. Apparently the problem resides in the way to phone negotiates internet traffic. There's a connection there but no communicating is going on. I've spent too much time on this already. I can get us online through the phones via connectifyme installed on my wifes laptop. It seems a router between the phone and the tablet fixes the issue. Problem is there's no way to connect a router to a phone. While not perfect, it's better than nothing. It's just my wife likes being online during trips and that isn't possible now.

