Custom Rom App Removal - Desire HD General

hey guys,
how would i go about removing apps from an installed custom rom?
ive tried titanium back... doesnt work, tried pulling the apps from the pack nothing,
ive tried root exploits and it just sends your phone into an almost
like state,
any further moves i can do to remove various bits ? there as some things i just genuinely dont want.

Telling which rom and which apps might help

i cant list the apps i want to remove as im off to work, but can you do some background work into it for me??

fkofilee said:
i cant list the apps i want to remove as im off to work, but can you do some background work into it for me??
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Have you tried doing it from terminal?
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/app
ls *
adb pull is not for deleting apps. It is for copying the app to your computer.

when i say pull... lol. i mean removing them from the system completely

fkofilee said:
when i say pull... lol. i mean removing them from the system completely
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I've just discovered there are issues where /system isn't getting wiped correctly prior to a new rom being flashed. Keep getting apps from other roms and such sitting in my /system folder even after a wipe and flash - at this stage I assume CWM is bugged? Could be your issue is related.

nope the ADB coding doesnt work as its almost like there is a PERMANENT R/w lock on the section i need to remove apps from

unfortunately the issues AERNT related, as ive wiped everything before, these apps are pre installed on the ROM. What does me with this is that the root exploit to remove these apps as in Titanium backup ... just turns the phone into a very expensive paperweight till the battery is remove
weather apps (widgets etc,)
Twitter apps , teet and various other bits i want to remove

fkofilee said:
unfortunately the issues AERNT related, as ive wiped everything before, these apps are pre installed on the ROM. What does me with this is that the root exploit to remove these apps as in Titanium backup ... just turns the phone into a very expensive paperweight till the battery is remove
weather apps (widgets etc,)
Twitter apps , teet and various other bits i want to remove
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Get a new rom ???

hmm flash a new rom??this is the most refined rom i can find for DHD.
for that reason its more of a hassle to flash new roms
I would rather crack it, mind you i might be really thick asking this. that code you gave me have i got to get the adb.exe from android SDK and do this via a cmd.exe window on my pc or have i got to do it on my phone via termnial emulator.

how weird!!!... i used to terminal emulator to allow su (I.E to give system SU Permissions and now i can remove the apps ) haha
Admin Please close & Deleted Thread.

fkofilee said:
hmm flash a new rom??this is the most refined rom i can find for DHD.
for that reason its more of a hassle to flash new roms
I would rather crack it, mind you i might be really thick asking this. that code you gave me have i got to get the adb.exe from android SDK and do this via a cmd.exe window on my pc or have i got to do it on my phone via termnial emulator.
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Yes from the android sdk. It *should* work from a terminal emulator as well if you run these commands first to mount the /system/app directory as read/write:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
chmod 777 /system/app
Other option would be to use the root explorer app, it is a paid app though well worth it.

dr.m0x said:
Yes from the android sdk. It *should* work from a terminal emulator as well if you run these commands first to mount the /system/app directory as read/write:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
chmod 777 /system/app
Other option would be to use the root explorer app, it is a paid app though well worth it.
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Weird thing is i tried root explorer , and it still wouldnt R/W the app folder... but as i said now solved... slightly weird though that i completely missed that lil bit on the su permissions for the system directly.

fkofilee said:
Weird thing is i tried root explorer , and it still wouldnt R/W the app folder... but as i said now solved... slightly weird though that i completely missed that lil bit on the su permissions for the system directly.
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Yeah you ninja'd my last post
Glad to hear you're gtg now.

but mind you the mount script i ran and it didnt work lol.... maybe i did them the wrong way round, (Raise SU first then do mount cmd??)

dr.m0x said:
Have you tried doing it from terminal?
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/app
ls *
adb pull is not for deleting apps. It is for copying the app to your computer.
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Works. Thanks!


Can't delete Apps (A2SD)

Ive got a problem. Yesterday i did the update from Dude 1.1 to 1.2, first without wiping, but then the G1 reboot when i want to download an app.
So i wiped it and it works fine. INternal Memory is 355MB free.
Today i wanna delete the APP SMS/MMS because i use chompSMS, but the G1 says that it cant delete. ("Uninstall not successful" "SMS/MMS could not be uninstalled")
So what could i do?
Thanx for ya help
if im not wrong in saying this, the stock sms mms program needs to be on the phone. chomp doesnt get your messages
it gets them from the stock messaging app.
Not sure what you're trying to uninstall (haven't heard of an app called SMS/MMS). However, if you're trying to remove the application "Messaging", you can't. Just disable notifications in the Messaging program and use chomp as the default.
Its the same with this Amazon Mp3 app, i cant uninstall it, what do i wrong? Or how can i get this app off my phone( dude 1.2 full)
You can't uninstall those programs..
G1StefanG1 said:
Its the same with this Amazon Mp3 app, i cant uninstall it, what do i wrong? Or how can i get this app off my phone( dude 1.2 full)
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If you are using a G1 build, its in /system/app. Remount the system partition and delete it from that directory.
Yeah great, thanx for ya help.
But now I now i'll gonna be beaten for that question, but can you explain me what you mean with 'remount the system partition"?
I've looked it up with ASTRO Filemanager and its really in /system/app, but i cant delete it from there, if i want to it says again "error deleting file".
Just searched a bit around and found the remount command that i know from a2sd, so i think i have to go to Terminal at G1,
#mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
#rm /system/app
Is this right? So then i'm gonna eating my shoes But i think it isnt so i ask you before i delete complete G1
Or is it enough to remount with that command above and then go with ASTRO FIlemanager to that directory and delete it?
G1StefanG1 said:
Yeah great, thanx for ya help.
But now I now i'll gonna be beaten for that question, but can you explain me what you mean with 'remount the system partition"?
I've looked it up with ASTRO Filemanager and its really in /system/app, but i cant delete it from there, if i want to it says again "error deleting file".
Just searched a bit around and found the remount command that i know from a2sd, so i think i have to go to Terminal at G1,
#mount -o rw,remount /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
#rm /system/app
Is this right? So then i'm gonna eating my shoes But i think it isnt so i ask you before i delete complete G1
Or is it enough to remount with that command above and then go with ASTRO FIlemanager to that directory and delete it?
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Yes, you remount it that way (or with DroidSans) and rm the Amazon file. I would still recommend against deleting the messaging one though.
I tried it this way, but it says error "Read only file".
I think i just let it on the phone and try to ignore that app.
G1StefanG1 said:
I tried it this way, but it says error "Read only file".
I think i just let it on the phone and try to ignore that app.
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use this code to remove amazon
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
rm -r /system/app/
that will remove amazon but removing messaging will make your system EXTREMELY unstable and most likely unusable
The problem was that i don't add the Fileending ".apk"
Thanx for ya help, tubaking182. It worked with your Command with adding .apk
Got the next problem, now i want to delete the Messenger App 'IM' but even if i do the same with 'amazon mp3' it says rm: cannot remove '/system/app/': No such file or directory
So what i am doing wrong, i tried it with "rm -r /system/app/"
"rm -r /system/app/"
And many more but i get ever the same output -> No such file...
That means theres no such file...doesn't exist.
IT might be named IM.apk
Mh you're right!
I dont know how it tells me '' in ASTRO Filebrowser, and why i could delete it with IM.apk
With AmazonMP3 i have also to write:
Doesn't matter, THANK YOU for the fast help
spend a couple bucks and get root explorer, it is well worth it, and then its very easy to delete anything after that.
Wait wait let me get this right ... with root explorer i could avoid the whole going to terminal and typing all that code and just simply delete the apk from root explorer program and thats it >?
Can it really be that easy ... tell me thats the case
Also when you use the terminal code or the root explorer method ( if it can be done like that) when you go to applications in the phone menu to view list of apps you still see the amazon mp3 app in the system .. how do i remove that also
Chosen_on184 said:
Wait wait let me get this right ... with root explorer i could avoid the whole going to terminal and typing all that code and just simply delete the apk from root explorer program and thats it >?
Can it really be that easy ... tell me thats the case
Also when you use the terminal code or the root explorer method ( if it can be done like that) when you go to applications in the phone menu to view list of apps you still see the amazon mp3 app in the system .. how do i remove that also
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I'm testing right now..

Get Apk file from Market

When i download and install an App from the Android Market where the Apk installation file is temporary placed? Which path?
tnx in advance
the apk's are stored at /data/app and /data/app-private after you installed the app and will be removed if you uninstall it.
Tnx for the answer mopodo, but if i hard reset the device, can i will use theese files to reinstall them?
i'm sorry for my bad english...
sidvizioso said:
Tnx for the answer mopodo, but if i hard reset the device, can i will use theese files to reinstall them?
i'm sorry for my bad english...
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No, you can make a backup to your SD card with apps like MyBackup or Backup For Root Users.
So which is the temp path of the downloaded apk from market?
i want to grab them...
Pinesal said:
No, you can make a backup to your SD card with apps like MyBackup or Backup For Root Users.
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of course you can.
you just have to copy them to your sdcard or pc an install them again, with «adb install something.apk» or «Astro File Manager» (or a similar file managerapp)
a hard reset will delete everything on «/data»
If you have root copy the contents of both folders to your SD card.
mkdir /sdcard/apps
cp /data/app/* /sdcard/apps
cp /data/app-private/* /sdcard/apps
Then after you wipe (I've never heard anyone call it a 'hard reset' before) you can use an app like Astore or ApkInstaller to reinstall them.
If you don't have root then not only will you not be able to read app-private, but your ROM wont have busybox so you wont be able to bash in those commands. In that case use an app like Astro or AppManager to copy non-private apks to the sdcard, but for private apps you'll have to redownload them (without being charged of course.)
Pinesal said:
No, you can make a backup to your SD card with apps like MyBackup or Backup For Root Users.
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Only if they're non-private (reside in /app, private being /app-private).
He's probably coming from WinMo. We called a factory reset/wipe a hard reset.
mopodo said:
the apk's are stored at /data/app and /data/app-private after you installed the app and will be removed if you uninstall it.
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Slightly off topic lol But i see you said Private does that mean you could manually back up Private apps you buy off market by just copying them /w root access?
When I run the following from an adb shell, with or without SU root:
cp /data/app/* <my location on sd>
I always get:
cp: permission denied
In fact, no matter how or where I cp from or to, and no matter what I am trying to copy, even if I leave all arguments blank, I still get "cp: permission denied" -- I have busybox installed in /system/xbin from /data/local and as far as I can tell it installed ok. Phone is a rooted Sprint hero 1.56.651.2 running stock ROM.
I have also tried to 'adb pull /data/app' and it always find 0 files. None of this is a big deal for me, however, as I am just trying to backup a bunch of apks for free apps in case versions change too much. Mostly just curious...
Any ideas?
EDIT: Both Astro and AppManager handled the (non-private) apk backups fine -- so I have no real need for the cp method to work, but I am still wondering why it will not -- is it the adb shell? must I use a terminal emulator from on the phone instead? something else? Anyways, if I really want to pursue it, perhaps I should take it to a busybox thread at this point...
EDIT2: It appears as if the 'cp' command as I was running it wasn't getting passed through busybox (not sure why). From what I can piece together reading other threads, it seems that if you have installed busybox on top of a ROM that doesn't already have it (like stock, after rooting and recovery setup) than you must prefix commands with 'busybox' when entered, as in 'busybox cp /data/app/* <my location>' and it does work for me that way. Still cannot seem to copy /data/app-private which I thought having root access would allow -- I guess I just don't understand nearly enough about busybox implementation, linux permissions, and, well, linux in general.
You could try an app manager and back 'em up from there.
Just try the following command.
busybox cp /data/app/* /sdcard/<your backup loc>
askwhy said:
When I run the following from an adb shell, with or without SU root:
cp /data/app/* <my location on sd>
I always get:
cp: permission denied
In fact, no matter how or where I cp from or to, and no matter what I am trying to copy, even if I leave all arguments blank, I still get "cp: permission denied" -- I have busybox installed in /system/xbin from /data/local and as far as I can tell it installed ok. Phone is a rooted Sprint hero 1.56.651.2 running stock ROM.
I have also tried to 'adb pull /data/app' and it always find 0 files. None of this is a big deal for me, however, as I am just trying to backup a bunch of apks for free apps in case versions change too much. Mostly just curious...
Any ideas?
EDIT: Both Astro and AppManager handled the (non-private) apk backups fine -- so I have no real need for the cp method to work, but I am still wondering why it will not -- is it the adb shell? must I use a terminal emulator from on the phone instead? something else? Anyways, if I really want to pursue it, perhaps I should take it to a busybox thread at this point...
EDIT2: It appears as if the 'cp' command as I was running it wasn't getting passed through busybox (not sure why). From what I can piece together reading other threads, it seems that if you have installed busybox on top of a ROM that doesn't already have it (like stock, after rooting and recovery setup) than you must prefix commands with 'busybox' when entered, as in 'busybox cp /data/app/* <my location>' and it does work for me that way. Still cannot seem to copy /data/app-private which I thought having root access would allow -- I guess I just don't understand nearly enough about busybox implementation, linux permissions, and, well, linux in general.
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Well in windows
'adb pull' is used if that helps

Menu Unlock working on EVO

I managed to get the Menu Unlock from team douche to work on the EVO.
I removed the HtcLockScreen (before removing it didn't work) and have made other mods so it may not work straight away but if this is a feature you like as I do then you might be happy to know it does work.
Where do you disable HTC Lock Screen.
rscrobinmx99 said:
Where do you disable HTC Lock Screen.
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You need to remove completely, but it is a system app so you cannot simply uninstall.
You can remove this by:
If you installed the Android SDK you should be able to use ADB to remove system apps.
adb remount
adb shell
cd /system/app/
rm HtcLockScreen.apk
adb reboot
Terminal Emulator is a free app on the market that also works great. Here is the code to enter when in TE:
cd /system/app/
mount -o remount,rw /dev/mtdblock3 /system
rm HtcLockScreen.apk
Sounds difficult prolly not gonna do it.
joeavery2 said:
I managed to get the Menu Unlock from team douche to work on the EVO.
I removed the HtcLockScreen (before removing it didn't work) and have made other mods so it may not work straight away but if this is a feature you like as I do then you might be happy to know it does work.
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Can you share? Thx.
Bump for great justice

ADB Push

I searched around and couldn't get a clear answer. I'm a noob at anything command prompt/terminal related.
I was screwing around with adb last night after figuring out that I can remove program .apks with the rm <com.whatever.program> command. I got a little trigger happy and removed things that I don't use, just to test it out. I made a nandroid backup before I started. The phone runs fine, but now the Market won't download anything. It just sits on the Starting download... screen.
One of the .apks I removed was GmailProvider.apk. Whether this is the problem or not, I'd like to reinstall it for practice. I can always nand restore later.
So my question is... How can I use adb push to reinstall an apk?
I tried:
adb push C:\GmailProvider.apk
adb install C:\GmailProvider.apk
adb install C:\GmailProvider.apk \system\app
And about every variation of the 3, in and out of the adb shell.
It didn't work, and I'm at a loss to do anything else. So does anyone have any suggestions?
EDIT: I think my "\" should be "/". I got this
BusyBox v1.15.2 <2009-12-02 TIME EST> multi-call binary
Usage: install [-cdDsp] [-o USER] [-g GRP] [-m MODE] [source] dest|directory
Copy files and set attributes
Then some usage stuff here.
Then I looked at the command prompt and made a face like .
It might help to say that I'm using EvilEris 2.0.1, Windows 7.
Just reflash your ROM after doing a titanium backup. Easiest fix.
try this after putting GmailProvider.apk in your sdk\tools dir:
adb remount
adb push GmailProvider.apk /system/app
remount marks the system directory as read/write
silverramsrt said:
try this after putting GmailProvider.apk in your sdk\tools dir:
adb remount
adb push GmailProvider.apk /system/app
remount marks the system directory as read/write
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Beat me to it. ADB is powerful and pretty cool if you know some good commands, but you can really mess up your phone if you know what I mean. Not mess up like brick (unless you really try) but more like phone won't load gmail now, phone won't get past the htc screen. As long as you have a nandroid backup you SHOULD be fine, the push, pull and rm commands are really the first step of rom building. If you know what files you pushed and rm'd you can make your dream rom.
CPCookieMan said:
Beat me to it. ADB is powerful and pretty cool if you know some good commands, but you can really mess up your phone if you know what I mean. Not mess up like brick (unless you really try) but more like phone won't load gmail now, phone won't get past the htc screen. As long as you have a nandroid backup you SHOULD be fine, the push, pull and rm commands are really the first step of rom building. If you know what files you pushed and rm'd you can make your dream rom.[/QUOTE
i am installing htc facebook.apk on a rom that has had all the Bloat i need to do something after i have pushed a apk file into system/app?? i have tried rebooting the phone and the program isnt there,ive tried going in the phone with root explorer and tried installing while having it in r/w and r/o and still cant get it to not sure what im doing wrong.any help is apreciated
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i am installing htc facebook.apk on a rom that has had all the Bloat i need to do something after i have pushed a apk file into system/app?? i have tried rebooting the phone and the program isnt there,ive tried going in the phone with root explorer and tried installing while having it in r/w and r/o and still cant get it to not sure what im doing wrong.any help is apreciated
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You do not have to do anything after an adb push.
What rom? Some roms have been modified to the point some htc apps will not work. Addionally a copy of the htcfacebook.apk from an eris build may not work on a sprint based or g1 based roms do to signature variations
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zach.xtr said:
You do not have to do anything after an adb push.
What rom? Some roms have been modified to the point some htc apps will not work. Addionally a copy of the htcfacebook.apk from an eris build may not work on a sprint based or g1 based roms do to signature variations
Sent from my Eris using XDA App
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im running xtrom 3.0.......i just went ahead and installed the social app flash and deleted what the ones i dont uses,but thanks for the help anyways.i was looking into pushing friendstream into it but found out its only works in sprint base builds

Guys need help adb is driving me crazy!!!

Right guys,
Im trying to list the apk's in /data/app through adb so i can pull one of them!
I keep getting an error opendir failed permission denied!
BUT!!! I can get into /system/app fine with no problems.
Im running darkyy's 9.5 with his new kernel. Could this be a problem?
Its strange how i can get in system/app but not data/app
I have never had this problem in the past.
C:\Users\Paul>cd c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools
c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb shell ls /data/app
opendir failed, Permission denied
zolah said:
Right guys,
Im trying to list the apk's in /data/app through adb so i can pull one of them!
I keep getting an error opendir failed permission denied!
BUT!!! I can get into /system/app fine with no problems.
Im running darkyy's 9.5 with his new kernel. Could this be a problem?
Its strange how i can get in system/app but not data/app
I have never had this problem in the past.
C:\Users\Paul>cd c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools
c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb shell ls /data/app
opendir failed, Permission denied
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Either :
adb root
adb shell ls /data/app
adb shell
ls /data/app
Reason /system is accessible is because system is ro by default. So they allow you to browse it knowing u won't be able to do anything w/o root. Whereas /data is rw and hence they restrict you, unless you have root.
Fyi : Wrong section to ask questions.
Daneshm90 said:
Either :
adb root
adb shell ls /data/app
adb shell
ls /data/app
Reason /system is accessible is because system is ro by default. So they allow you to browse it knowing u won't be able to do anything w/o root. Whereas /data is rw and hence they restrict you, unless you have root.
Fyi : Wrong section to ask questions.
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I am rooted with superuser...
zolah said:
I am rooted with superuser...
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The default superuser timeout is 10 secs, either increase it or keep looking at your screen.
PS : Have you tried a an app called Mount R/W? works great.
zolah said:
I am rooted with superuser...
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Im confused, what are you implying by that response ?
To me that statement was equivalent to "The sky is blue"
Daneshm90 said:
Im confused, what are you implying by that response ?
To me that statement was equivalent to "The sky is blue"
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..... sigh
You was telling me that i have to have root and su to be able to poke around in /data... i said i am rooted with su obviously as im on custom rom...
zolah said:
..... sigh
You was telling me that i have to have root and su to be able to poke around in /data... i said i am rooted with su obviously as im on custom rom...
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Yes, but by default, if u dont run
adb root....ur not running the shell in root mode
Also on most roms if u run :
adb shel
u'll see $......
when u type su
u see #
So to enter # mode u need root but still need to execute either adb root or adb shell n then su.
Hope that clears it.
install android commander and forget about command line for simple listing and coping tasks
Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
This is what i get ...
C:\Users\Paul>cd c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools
c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb root
adbd cannot run as root in production builds
c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb shell
/ $ su
ls /data/app
ls /data/app
Permission denied
/ $ ls /data/app
opendir failed, Permission denied
/ $
zolah said:
This is what i get ...
C:\Users\Paul>cd c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools
c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb root
adbd cannot run as root in production builds
c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb shell
/ $ su
ls /data/app
ls /data/app
Permission denied
/ $ ls /data/app
opendir failed, Permission denied
/ $
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I dont see a # anywhere in there...
Are u accepting the dialog on ur phone when u type su ?
There shud b a popup on ur phone once u do that.
Am I being daft or is root explorer 10 times easier than using adb for this?
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woolf clubs said:
Am I being daft or is root explorer 10 times easier than using adb for this?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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Maybe he's trying to learn how to navigate using adb. Very useful skillset to acquire imho.
But yes for general purpose, a gui is better.
the plot thickens...
Ill fill you guys in from the start in a short story..
Updated to darkyy v9.5 from v9.3
I thought the phone went a bit funny when it loaded the first boot as on the boot animation it vibrated like crazy and the animation started again as it was going to loop but then the phone loaded...
Been using the phone a few days and everything fine and wanted to pull an app from /data/app
All the above stuff happened and it wouldnt let me.
I thought something wasnt right so i took out the battery for a few minutes and put it back in and went into download mode and plugged my phone into computer to see of odin would still recognise it ok...
My windows vista computer started installing device drivers???? ive had this phone 7 months and plugged in about 100,000,000 times lol
Odin recognised my phone so i rebooted and tried again and now it works fine...
Something weird going on there which is concerning me with it installing new drivers...
This is what i get now and used to get before when i used adb...
C:\Users\Paul>cd c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools
c:\AndroidSDK\platform-tools>adb shell ls /data/app
Thank you for all the responses by the way...
Any one have any idea what could have happened?
woolf clubs said:
Am I being daft or is root explorer 10 times easier than using adb for this?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
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For what i was doing no because i wanted to just quickly pull an apk, decompile it and edit something and compile it and push it back...
Daneshm90 said:
Maybe he's trying to learn how to navigate using adb. Very useful skillset to acquire imho.
But yes for general purpose, a gui is better.
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I know how to navigate with adb very well. I just couldnt figure out why i was being blocked from entering /data/app...
I even have a video tutorial in my sig that i made showing how to use adb and its commands...
Seems a quick battery pull did the trick although i still now dont know why new drivers where auto installed on reboot to my pc

