hello everyone!
i am running wm06 for a while now and have to admit, its fckng great!
i upgraded from wm2003 directly to wm06, so its like two different worlds...
but when i was upgrading, i did not manage to merge the extrom with the rest of the storage, the unhide and unlock thing just didn't work!
but as i am now sure, that i wont need to roll back to 2003 again, merging the extrom with the rest of the storage would only make it better, no disadvantages, am i right?
or am i needing the extrom in wm06?
how is it used in wm06?
or is it just wasted space....?
as u can easily see, i am still a little confused about all that....
here are some specs from my device:
ROM Version: 5.60.00 WWE
ROM Date: 03/02/05
Radio Version: 1.15.00
Protocol Version: 1337.45
ExtROM Version: - (nothing here...??? is that bad??)
total: 42,92MB
in use: 28,26MB
free: 14,66MB
total: 109,12MB
in use: 40,23MB
free: 68,90MB
thx for any help,
ExtROM: Extended ROM - is the section of the ROM which the distributor of the phone (eg O2, T-Mobile, iMate, etc) store their customization (eg Today theme, ring tones, extra software) data.
In WM2003 you may found your phone having hardreset quite often - thats because WM2003 use RAM as program-storage (RAM lose everything when battery is drained)
In WM5/6 you are not using RAM as a storage anymore thus not performing hardreset often (typically once during flash)
By performing ExtROM merge, you're going to have extra MB in storage. There is NO DISADVANTAGE.
Those who prefer to have an ExtROM for whatever reason (they may HardReset their phone quite often because of testing/developing/whatever) place the "ExtROM" folder in Storage Card (Memory card/SD/MMC) and after HR it gets installed as usual. Or you can install fixes and addons "one by one".
Read more information here :
To sum it up :
You dont need to merge your ExtROM (it cost you some MB)
* How to merge / is here :
thx a lot for your answer, kerio...!!
if i understood you right, the EXTROM is of NO USE at all in WM06.
so if not merged before upgrading, it will be just invisible and unused space.... am i right?
if so, i would of course prefer to merge the EXTROM with the rest of the storage to gain more free megabytes....
will the total storage size be 60,3MB after merging, like i have seen in this thread: ?!?
is it possible to merge the EXTROM after having WM06 installed?
can i merge EXTROM without reinstalling WM06 and all programs?
btw: unhiding and unlocking is NOT working on my device....
when clicking UNHIDE, nothing happens,
when clicking UNLOCK i get the following error:
ERROR: FL_IOCTL_BDTL_HW_PROTECTION - The parameter is incorrect.
what am i doing wrong??
i know, that are a lot of questions, but i would be very thankful if someone could help me with that...
thx in advance!
bump bump
I would also be interested if somebody suuggests new solutions for "big storage" as my device does accept unlock and unhide, but when using "repart_DOC.exe" it gives me errors and eosn't repartition the ROM...
Downgrade to WM2003 , play da game and flash to wm6
Xeon's got the idea. You will need to to downgrade to WM2003, unlock, unhide and repartition the extrom. Once complete then flash up to the WM6.
I had to do the same thing, as I had not correctly repartitioned the extrom when I moved up too WM5. Good luck.
hello and thx a lot for all your ansers!
how many MBs will I gain from merging EXTROM?
and is there a way to use that space without merging?
anyone knows??
i have wm2003 and i can't unhide , unlock, or format doc, cos everytime i'm trying i can see , FL_IOCTL_BDTL_HW_PROTECTION the parameter is incorrect, can anyone help me?
Nicolfa said:
Xeon's got the idea. You will need to to downgrade to WM2003, unlock, unhide and repartition the extrom. Once complete then flash up to the WM6.
I had to do the same thing, as I had not correctly repartitioned the extrom when I moved up too WM5. Good luck.
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We got the point now.
Advise the wiki should be revised as so many people are confusing about the ExtROM.
Dear tangwd898,
Have you ever read the wiki? Could you give me the parts where "you must revert back to WM2003" is missing?
kerio said:
Dear tangwd898,
Have you ever read the wiki? Could you give me the parts where "you must revert back to WM2003" is missing?
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Dear kerio,
I did read the Wiki regarding the ExtROM for more than 3 three times, I can't get any informations that we can't modify the ExtROM in OS wm5.0 or wm6.0 from the thread - Understanding the Blue Angle Extended ROM:-
Understanding the Blue Angle Extended ROM
The Extended ROM is shipped as ms_.nbf and loaded with the BaUpgradeUt.exe
The ms_.nbf is extracted during the Upgrade and written to folder \Extended_Rom
The \Extended_Rom folder is hidden and read only
The Extended ROM can un hidden with the following tool Unlock tool
The Extended ROM is limited to 16MB in size
The Numbering of the Extended ROM is operator dependent:
Thus a QTEK version 1.22.225 might or might not have higher patches than a I-Mate version 1.22.62
Extended ROMs are built around the major OS release (1.22, 1.31)
It is NOT advisable to install cabs from a Extended ROM if the Windows Mobile 2003 Version are not the same
It is NOT advisable to install patches if the CE versions (1.22, 1.31) are different.
(They might have already been included in that CE version.)
Execution of the Extended ROM
CheckAutorun.exe (which is started from \Windows\Startup\CheckAutorun.lnk) executes the AutoRun.exe
AutoRun.exe is found in the \Extended_Rom Folder
AutoRun.exe reads the \Extended_Rom\Config.txt and executes the commnands in that file
The pointer for AutoRun.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\AutoRun is set to \Extended_ROM\AutoRun
The pointer for Config.txt HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\AutoRunCFG is set to \Extended_ROM\AutoRunCFG
The Touch screen is disabled by the first command (TPDisable.exe)in the Config.txt
The Touch screen is enabled by the 2nd to last command (TPEnable.exe)in the Config.txt
The last Command of the config.txt (RST) performs a soft reset
Content of the Extended ROM
The Extended ROM consists of System files (TPDisable.exe, TPEnable.exe, AutoRun.exe, Config.txt)
The Extended ROM consists of *.CAB installation files
The installation files fall into the following types
Applications: Album, Fax, Zip
Patches for the Hardware: Button9 on the Hardware Keyboard
Patches for the software: Blue tooth upgrade
Provider specific files and programs: Splash screen, Internet Explorer defaults, telco settings, etc.
Effects of a Hard Reset
A Hard Reset will NOT re-extract the ms_.nbf
A Hard Reset will reload the contents of the \Extended_Rom folder
A Hard Reset will reload the OS and thus also clean the registry
Why is this of interest to me?
The Extended ROM can be cooked (Customize the ROM to your own liking)
What ever you put in the \Extended_Rom folder will remain even after a Hard Reset
The \Storage will not be overwritten on a Hard Reset
Thus one is able to keep CAB files on \Storage for automatic reinstallation after a Hard Reset
You can keep your "customized" Extended ROM and only perform a OS or Radio Upgrade
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"you must revert back to WM2003" - may be found at other threads but i think this thread "Understanding the Blue Angle Extended ROM" should include this message.
Thank you.
I dont think so
When performing upgrade you should follow the instruction (WM5 and WM6 pages) when you dont - then you may find yourself in trouble.
1. The main page is only for WM2003
2. Error message -> google -> sollution (30sec)
3. You can add it to the wiki (anyone can)
Effects of a Hard Reset
A Hard Reset will NOT re-extract the ms_.nbf
A Hard Reset will reload the contents of the \Extended_Rom folder
A Hard Reset will reload the OS and thus also clean the registry
Why is this of interest to me?
The Extended ROM can be cooked (Customize the ROM to your own liking)
What ever you put in the \Extended_Rom folder will remain even after a Hard Reset The \Storage will not be overwritten on a Hard Reset
Thus one is able to keep CAB files on \Storage for automatic reinstallation after a Hard Reset
You can keep your "customized" Extended ROM and only perform a OS or Radio Upgrade
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I still have some questions:-
- Why my *.cab files in the extROM folder all missing after i done a hard Reset?
- How to keep all *.cab files in the ExtROM folder after the hard reset?
Thank you.
Guys and Gals
The BA Wiki was started over 2 years or more ago by a new guy on the forum who trying to work out how to get his German MDAIII flashed with an English rom.
He wrote it in order that the information was found in one place as he found it hard to find it in all the threads, this finding problem is still true today.
Well as you see times have changed and the porblems of WM5 and WM6 were not know at that time and as you also see not many people have bothered to invest time back into documneting in wiki. Its become more of a get and ***** about wiki not being updated than a give back some of the time in searching the threads and update wiki for the next person.
Some were in the begining it says if you don't like what you read then fix it.
This is best done by those people that are going through the learning curve as they read Wiki and they should beable to correct / add / embelish on what is written and what needs to be said.
Its a thought.
tangwd898 said:
I still have some questions:-
- Why my *.cab files in the extROM folder all missing after i done a hard Reset?
- How to keep all *.cab files in the ExtROM folder after the hard reset?
Thank you.
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Misson impossible is that type of Cab file that is no longer there after a hard reset (or when they are executed) as they delete themselves.
Change the properties to read only will solve that.
Check out the kitchen
So, getting a lot of help from keyx (thank you so much!) I just cooked a ROM with the latest HP update drivers (1.01.01) and the 21728 XIP and SYS from his 614 kitchen.
So consider this version only a test version for now. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, it has gotten very quiet around here about the 914c (except keyx, who does not own a 914c )
1) I do not take any responsibility. I am total newbie (noob) at cooking, this is one of my first ROMs actually.
2) I recommend you to update ALL the sections of the 914c before flashing this ROM. Check here how to do it:
(go to and start update - remember to backup your data before and also your original language ROM using pdocread - plenty of tutorials around here!)
3) get an SD-Card (2GB or lower) and format it to FAT32. Then put the flash.dio on it, hold the sidebuttons VOL-UP and OK, keep holding them and press RESET. When SDloader appears, release. After a few seconds, update progress shows. Wait for about 10minutes until update is finished.
4) after quite a long time, a "tap-screen-to-setup" appears.
Known problems:
- the keyboard is not working at all
If you have read all of the above, download the FLASH.DIO file here:
reserved for more.....
I posted in Montecristo thread already but I post here again, you need to use 91x .rom and .vm folder in SYS, I am not sure if they are xip related but you should try using those two folders from Montecristo 21500 rom
I exchanged .ROM and .VM in SYS folder, but the keyboard is still not working.
The driver name for the keyboard is mainstoneii_keypad_Us.dll. Also in the HKLM/HARDWARE/DEVICEMAP/KEYBD the drivername is correct... strange...
new WM6.1 based on latest build...for the pure enthusiasts
Olio v5.10 Naked German ROM
You will find the download link at the end of this posting.
Olio v5.10 Lite German ROM
You will find the download link at the end of this posting.
Below is a list of what applications are included in this ROMs.
The GREEN COLORED items are only available in LITE ROM and not in Naked.
Please be aware, that both (Naked/Lite) versions of this ROM do
not contain Cube and/or Manila2D/3D interface.
Credits go to: bepe, olipro, cmonex, Da_G, epimazzo, shayder, chavonbravo, M-Amine, pcarvalho, whitealien
and all beta testers that helped to iron out (hopefully) most of the bugs.
This is/was really hard work and there are many hours of hard work in it, so
If YOU like my work, you may consider buying me a BEER
The Donators List - (MANY thanks for your appreciated support):
chpelle (2x)
Bertram B.
Christian S.
Sascha K.
Rainer H.
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Olio v5.10 Lite Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~61MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~65MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~127MB
Olio v5.10 Naked Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~65,2MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~69,7MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~142MB
Only downside of this patched 3.19 drivers is, it's unfortunately not 3D drivers capable.
Sorry for that. Radio recommendation: (though any 1.59.xx / 1.65.xx version should do)
1.58.xx / 1.64.xx radios NOT compatible, if you use those please update your Radio seperately.
Standard Apps included:
HTC Home Olio Style (Root Dir Version)*
Office German
HTC Audio Manager
HTC Album (iolite 2.5)
HTC AudioBooster
Streaming Media (iolite 3.0)
Bubble Breaker, Solitär
HTC Camera
HTC Large Titlebar
HTC Large Start Menu
HTC Endkey
Microsoft Dotnet 3.7
FM Radio
Internet Explorer
Additional Tools/Programs included:
Chess (additional Game)
Adobe Reader 2.5 LE
ClearTemp 1.2.2
PHM Registry Editor
dotfred PIMBackup 2.8
dotfred FDC TaskManager 3.1
Schaps Advanced Config 3.3 German
Windows Live/Messenger
Many Registry Tweaks and speed enhancements
HTC EZInput German SIP (only QWERTZ)
HTC CommManager 6 button black
Mark all as Read Extension for Outlook
Connection Setup Manager
SMS Chat Toggler
Elf Calculator Skin
Orbit2 Button1 Icon Fix
Outlook Enhancement
Picture Enancement
Power Off Warning (Mega 2.10)
GreenBattery Fix (1 percent battery)
*HTC Home can be activated by copying the attached
HTCHome folder WITH the png files inide into the
ROOT of your device (not in Programs or Windows folder)
and activate it after that in Settings/Today.
I decided to do this that way to save some more memory
in standard ROM for those which do not need Home.
This works only in Lite ROM not in Naked.
Additional program recommendations are
inside ROM file readme.txt
Download count of earlier versions:
4.71 Lite (49 times) - deleted from RS now.
4.73 Lite (30 times) - deleted from RS now
4.75 Lite (37 times) - deleted from RS now
4.77 Lite (127 times) - deleted from RS now
5.00 Lite (193 times) - deleted from RS now
5.00 Naked (31 times) - deleted from RS now
5.10 Lite (226 times) recent version - still available
5.10 Naked (93 times) recent version - still available
Disclaimer (read carefully before trying to flash):
Although this ROM is well tested I absolutely decline all responsibility for misflashed and bricked phones.
So be sure that you are aware of these terms and know what you are doing and how to unbrick your device if it happens to fail after this update.
HardSPL is absolute obligatory for flashing cooked ROMs to be able to return to any other ROM version.
Download Olio v5.10 Lite final German WM6.1 ROM
7Z Archive Password: Olioaglio_XDAdevs
Download Olio v5.10 Naked final German WM6.1 ROM
7Z Archive Password (if needed): Olioaglio_XDAdevs
You will find known bugs and fixes in the 3rd post
General flash instructions (recommended to minimize problems)
0. Turn off all or at least as much as possible unneeded services on your PC like Antivirus, Firewall, Tools, Messenger etc. etc.
1. Flash from Bootloader Tricolor Mode (press and Hold Camera Button and stick stylus in Softreset to get into Bootloader)
2. Be sure to have at least 50% of battery left
3. ALWAYS remove your SD Card while flashing.
4. After successful flash and customizing, do a SECOND hardreset, sometimes first time some weird problems occur,
such as greyed out WLAN in CommManager and such.
5. Be happy with a successful flash
Additional/Optional useful downloads:
Recommended Radio for this ROM:
Polaris Radio
Genuine HTC smart mobility Splash Screen:
HTC Smart Mobility Splash Screen
HTC Iolite Phone Canvas (Dialer)
Iolite Dialer (no Video)
HTC EZInput Full version with all Input Methods (only install if you really need this):
HTC EZInput Fix
Olio v5.10 M2D only German ROM
No longer available
These are both based on the Lite ROM, but
with Manila2D interface and some more tiny apps.
Olio v5.10 M2D Full German ROM
You will find the download link at the end of this posting.
Below is a list of what applications are included in this ROMs.
The GREEN COLORED items are only available in M2D Full ROM and not in M2D only.
Credits go to: bepe, olipro, cmonex, Da_G, epimazzo, shayder, chavonbravo, M-Amine, pcarvalho, whitealien
and all beta testers that helped to iron out (hopefully) most of the bugs.
This is/was really hard work and there's hundreds of hours of work in it, so
If YOU like my work, you may consider buying me a BEER
The Donators List - (MANY thanks for your appreciated support):
chpelle (2x)
Bertram B.
Christian S.
Sascha K.
Rainer H.
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Olio v5.10 M2D only Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~58MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~62MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~112MB
Olio v5.10 M2D Full Polaris ROM specification:
XIP: CE OS 5.2.21054
SYS: WM6.1 build 21054.1.6.7 german
OEM: 3.19 patched to 101MB RAM
Available Device Memory: 100,95MB (-> 16MB increase over standard 3.13/3.18./3.19 drivers)
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~58MB with SDCard inserted
Free Program Memory after first boot: ~62MB without SDCard inserted
Free Storage Memory after first boot: ~99MB
Apps included:
HTC Manila2D 1.2 (/w Graphics 2.0 Mega) Weather patched
HTC PhoneCanvas 4.0 (mega 4.0)
HTC Album (Mega 3.0)
HTC Audio Manager (Jade 2.2)
HTC Audiobooster (Jade 2.1)
HTC Streaming Media (iolite 3.0)
HTC YouTube Player fixed (iolite 1.6)
HTC Power Off Warning (Mega 2.10)
HTC Volume Control (Opal 1.6)
HTC EZInput 1.5 German SIP (only QWERTZ)
HTC CommManager 6 button black
HTC TaskManager 2.1
HTC Camera
HTC Large Titlebar
HTC Large Start Menu
HTC Endkey
Microsoft Office Mobile German
Microsoft Dotnet 3.7
Microsoft Windows Live/Messenger
FM Radio
Internet Explorer
Games: Bubble Breaker, Solitär, Chess
FingerSuite 1.11
GoogleMaps 3.2.1 deutsch
Adobe Reader 2.5 LE
Connection Setup Manager
Mark all as Read Extension for Outlook
ClearTemp 1.2.2
Opera Mobile 9.7 Build 35461 (/w M2D Default Browser)
Opera Wheel Zoom Patch
Opera Zoom Slider Enabled
Opera Resize Text Area Patch
TouchResponse 0.3.2
TotalCommander 2.52b1
TRE Regedit 0.90
dotfred PIMBackup 2.8
dotfred FDC TaskManager 3.1
Schaps Advanced Config 3.3 German
SMS Chat Toggler
.NetCF Config
Outlook Enhancement
Picture Enhancement
Orbit2 Button1 Icon Fix
Elf Calculator Skin
GreenBattery Fix (1 percent battery)
Many Registry Tweaks and speed enhancements
Additional program recommendations are
inside ROM file readme.txt
Download count of earlier versions:
4.77 M2D only (122 times) - deleted from RS now
4.79v4 M2D Full (559 times) - - deleted from RS now
5.00 M2D only (101 times) - deleted from RS now
5.00 M2D Full (139 times) - deleted from RS now
5.10 M2D only (35 times) - deleted from RS now
5.10 M2D Full (352 times) recent version - still available
Disclaimer (read carefully before trying to flash):
Although this ROM is well tested I absolutely decline all responsibility for misflashed and bricked phones.
So be sure that you are aware of these terms and know what you are doing and how to unbrick your device if it happens to fail after this update.
HardSPL is absolute obligatory for flashing cooked ROMs to be able to return to any other ROM version.
Download Olio v5.10 M2D Full German WM6.1 ROM
7Z Archive Password: Olioaglio_XDAdevs
You will find known bugs and fixes in the 3rd post
General flash instructions (recommended to minimize problems)
0. Turn off all or at least as much as possible unneeded services on your PC like Antivirus, Firewall, Tools, Messenger etc. etc.
1. Flash from Bootloader Tricolor Mode (press and Hold Camera Button and stick stylus in Softreset to get into Bootloader)
2. Be sure to have at least 50% of battery left
3. ALWAYS remove your SD Card while flashing.
4. After successful flash and customizing, do a SECOND hardreset, sometimes first time some weird problems occur,
such as greyed out WLAN in CommManager and such.
5. Be happy with a successful flash
Additional/Optional useful downloads:
Recommended Radio for this ROM:
Polaris Radio
Genuine HTC smart mobility Splash Screen:
HTC Smart Mobility Splash Screen
HTC EZInput Full version with all Input Methods (only install if you really need this):
HTC EZInput Fix
HTC Hero Digital Flip Clock (like in Olio V4.7 Manila ROMs)
HTC Hero Digital Clock
Known bugs and issues in ROM version 5.00 (if fixed click onto red **Fixed** to be redirected to solution)
Multiple Message and File Select by Tap and Drag not possible **FIXED**
ActiveSync freezes device at some (very few) peoples devices (Workaround for most people: Do NOT uncheck "Erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen aktivieren" in Verbindungen -> USBtoPC
"Töne" for changing Soundprofile is not working/brings failed message (unresolved yet)
Bug in M2D only and M2D Full: With SMS Chat Enabled tmail.exe is freezing with message (Nachricht wird geladen) when you want to access it in "Messaging" to answer. Workaround: Disable SMS Chat
ActiveSync is constantly open or reoopining itself **FIXED**
MMS and Voice Mail do not work (MMS Composer does not start on clicking) **FIXED**
Bluetooth state Taskbar icons do not show up **FIXED**
Known bugs and issues in ROM version 5.10 (if fixed click onto red **Fixed** to be redirected to solution)
Multiple Message Select by Tap and Drag not possible **FIXED**
"Töne" for changing Soundprofile is not working/brings failed message (unresolved yet)
ActiveSync is constantly open or reoopining itself **FIXED**
Bluetooth state Taskbar icons do not show up **FIXED**
Ok, folks, as this is my last ROM for Polaris due to soon platform change I will hereby release my kitchen for public use.
If you use it to create an own ROM please give me some credits
Download WM6.1 Olio v5.10 M2D Full KITCHEN German
great thx
Why not ,make another on in WWE please.
Why not ,make another one in WWE please.
I cannot expect it!
vg Dr-death
Great! thx!!!
i donate a beer for the Wurstkugel!
Release status updated, will upload finished Lite ROM within the next 24 hours.
Cheers, Olioaglio
WWE edition? Is possible?
It's like waiting for christmas. ;-)
Great, thank you!
Released ROM!! Have fun!
I really like this ROM so far!!!
Fast, stable, no bugs up to now.
But I have one question:
Is it possible to get the same Notification Manager as in pcarvalhos ROMs.
I found Topaz Notification Manager or Rhodium, but none of them worked.
Hi Olioaglio (really not an easy name ;-) What does it mean?)
Can we hope for a ROM in M2D only and M2D Full version?? I think I'm not able to find and install the right packages myself. So I would prefer to wait a little bit - or use the 4.79-ROM, which works great.
I will test this rom tomorrow, when i'm back from work!
It´s not what most of you want to hear, but this ROM freezes.
I had those freezes with the 4.79 full rom, too.
The system with what I flashed was Windows XP.
I had installed the recommended radio version
I´m now trying if it´s active sync which causes the freezing.
I did a hardreset and only connected my Orbit 2 to active sync (and I entered my PIN) and it freezes.
I think I´ll try to flash from another computer.
I will update here if there are news.
Edit 2:
Today, I´m going to reflash the original o2 rom, after that I´ll flash Olios and the radio rom again but all from another computer where I am able to deactivate all unneeded processes.
Maybe a hint, if you flash the rom, first get your phone connected to active sync and disconnect, check if it freezes when you turn off your screen.
If not, you probably have no problems.
Flashing Olio´s rom now.
First, I flashed o2 rom, then HTC splash screen, then radio to
Testing if active sync makes the device freeze in a few minutes.
Edit 3:
Flashed rom, did a hardreset and connected device to active sync as a guest, it seems to be working.
Testing today.
Did NOT work. Performing a hardreset now and testing again.
Edit 4:
Did a hardreset, connected to AS but did NOT uncheck option "erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen aktivieren" (don´t know what´s it in english, sorry, it´s options - connections - USB to PC)
Now, it seems to be working since 5 minutes.
I´ll update later.
It runs up to now. Probably, it´s the option "erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen aktivieren" that causes the freezing.
If somebody needs help, I´m happy trying to help him!
Sorry for my english, it´s not the best
Hmm. I use 4.79 Full Rom too. Flashed with Windows7RC 64bit. Absolute no problems/freezes. In my job I use ActiveSync with WinXP64bit for contacts and calender, no e-mail. No problems. Everything works perfect.
caesium2 said:
It´s not what most of you want to hear, but this ROM freezes.
I had those freezes with the 4.79 Full Rom too.
The system with what i flashed was Windows XP.
I had installed the recommended radio version
I´m now trying if it is Active Sync which causes the freezing.
I did a hardreset and only connected my Orbit 2 to Active sync (and I entered my PIN) and it freezes. I think I try to flash from another computer.
I will update here if there are news.
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You know, this problem seem to appear in all the latest of my ROMs so
far, always it seems to be related to ActiveSync and/or the function
Erweiterte Netzwerkfunktionen. But it gets more and more mystical,
at least now, where this ROM may look not too different from the former
ones, but indeed it is completely new. I use new SYS, new XIP and
even new OEM (drivers). The only things left from former versions
is the two 1.60 drivers (pcem and ddi.dll) which are needed to achieve
the 100MB RAM. But I cannot imagine that these are the culprits,
because lots of cooks like pcarvalho or epimazzo use them also.
Moreover it is VERY interesting that this problem seems to affect only
some people, by far not all. I did not have it once on my test devices.
So I cannot help you with this, other than giving you some hints.
Rookie69 said:
Can we hope for a ROM in M2D only and M2D Full version??
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I plan to cook them, but as I don't use M2D myself this is something
I will do whenever it is some really lazy spare time so don't
expect it/them within the next few days. Maybe in some weeks or so.
I know that most of you prefer M2D full ROM as I can easily see at
the download count of the ROM versions. But it is a lot more difficult
to perfectly cook a ROM with lots of apps and enhancements than
a light ROM like the one which is out right now. I will take a look at it.
The device is Pharos137 with 512M ROM.
I am trying to cook a ROM for this device and it fails to boot if add any file larger than 5Mb to OEM folder.
When Google Map cab(which is less than 4Mb) is added to OEM with out any changes to XIP and SYS every thing goes well. Device boots up and installs the cab.
But when I try just adding Skype cab or Copilot or any other cab larger than 6Mb, device fails to boot and struck at spalsh screen!
Is there a setting for IMGFS size? Where is it stored and how do I change it?
Having ROM size of 512M and unable to cook IMGFS larger than 90M is stupid I think. But such is my problem!
Can any one please point me to a solution?
BTW I have gathered various tools and put together into a kitchen. So I might not be having all the tools! I have also ported XIP and SYS and successfully created a ROM that boots. But when I try adding larger files to OEM it fails to boot.
Not even a single reply!
Am I really stupid asking this question or no one knows the answer to my problem. So which one is it folks?
Now that we are officially started hosting discussions on non-HTC phones, may I ask you to at least post your thoughts on this issue please?
BTW I've read in some place that IMGFS size information some times coded into NK.EXE module. Is this true?
Many thanks.
I have the same Q..
device rom 128M,cooked rom limit 48.9M .when cooked rom more than 48.9M,device halt on the first splash screen.
You have to take in to account things like the radio ROM, XIP, etc when looking at the size of the OS.
What kitchen are you using to build the OS? Many of the tools can resize the IMGFS partition. You may be using up space that's reserved for ImageUpdate, which will be hard coded, but can be resized (tadzios bigstoreagemode resizes the reserved space).
hahahh said:
I have the same Q..
device rom 128M,cooked rom limit 48.9M .when cooked rom more than 48.9M,device halt on the first splash screen.
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l3v5y said:
You have to take in to account things like the radio ROM, XIP, etc when looking at the size of the OS.
What kitchen are you using to build the OS? Many of the tools can resize the IMGFS partition. You may be using up space that's reserved for ImageUpdate, which will be hard coded, but can be resized (tadzios bigstoreagemode resizes the reserved space).
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I am not using any kitchen per say since it does not exist for Pahros137. I have put together one my own by using OSNBTOOL, and other IMGFS and XIP port etc.
My device has 512M rom size and when I cook any thing larger than 98M device fails to go beyond flash screen!!!
This is more of a quick fix, but just split the bigger cabs like skype into smaller packages. Or, don't use cabs and see which apps you can run straight out of windows. It will save storage memory.
Yes I can split the cabs and/or install them once windows loads. But my main aim is to cook new TouchFlo into the rom.
So what are my choices now?
Why do you need to put it into a cab? Can't you just cook the manila files (you're talking about manila, right?) straight into the rom?
yes that is exactly what I want to do but ran into size limit. So i was experimenting with various cab sizes to figure out the limit.
I do not think new Manila can be made into a cab!! I have heard many people saying there are many dependencies in creating a cab and has be cooked into ROM unfortunately. Did you try making a cab of manila?
I've decided to switch my ROMs back to 1.72 from 2.10 as I'm fed up with terrible phone call quality.
Ive swapped over from 1.72 to my 2.10 kitchen OEMDrivers, OEMDriversHigh and OEMMisc folders in OEM and carried over rgu entries from OEM Drivers. Also OEMXIPKernel has been copied from 1.72 to my 2.10 base.
This wors great but when I use 2.09.51 radio it works ok on first boot. But if I soft reset the phone hangs on the HTC boot screen and I need to hard reset.
Does anyone know what is stopping the 2.09 radio from working on soft reboot?
the_scotsman said:
I've decided to switch my ROMs back to 1.72 from 2.10 as I'm fed up with terrible phone call quality.
Ive swapped over from 1.72 to my 2.10 kitchen OEMDrivers, OEMDriversHigh and OEMMisc folders in OEM and carried over rgu entries from OEM Drivers. Also OEMXIPKernel has been copied from 1.72 to my 2.10 base.
This wors great but when I use 2.09.51 radio it works ok on first boot. But if I soft reset the phone hangs on the HTC boot screen and I need to hard reset.
Does anyone know what is stopping the 2.09 radio from working on soft reboot?
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When I change a core base I always copy the os.nb.payload, romhdr.bin, xip.bin as well as the OEMXIPKerenl from the base I want to use. When copying the OEM folders copy the entire folders QEMDrivers, OEMDriversJigh, OEMMisc.
This has always worked for me. It may not all be necessary but it works.
I thing that if you use ROM OS 2.07... you must use Radio 2.07 0r 2.08 that avoid conflict between Radio&OS.
longnguyen30 said:
I thing that if you use ROM OS 2.07... you must use Radio 2.07 0r 2.08 that avoid conflict between Radio&OS.
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Yes but he says he is using 1.72 which is not a TMOUS so any Radio with a 2.xx.51.xx.xx should work.
Maybe im stating the obvious, but did you try including the 2.09 rilphone.dll?
bobsbbq said:
When I change a core base I always copy the os.nb.payload, romhdr.bin, xip.bin as well as the OEMXIPKerenl from the base I want to use. When copying the OEM folders copy the entire folders QEMDrivers, OEMDriversJigh, OEMMisc.
This has always worked for me. It may not all be necessary but it works.
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Hmmm...thanks for the reply. I never thought about those other 3 files in the XIP...I'll try copying them over too.
Thanks again, I'll post back with results.
Mikenif said:
Maybe im stating the obvious, but did you try including the 2.09 rilphone.dll?
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I didn't think this would be necessary for the 2.09 radio to work.
Well that worked...must have been those other 3 XIP files I didn't copy over.
Thanks bob!