[Q] Software fix for power button issue I'm having? - G2 and Desire Z General

Okay, so I am having issues with my power button, mainly because when I go to put my phone to sleep or wake up, it very oftenly pushes the button twice, thus I sometimes have to push it several times to get it to turn the screen off or on.
My question thus being (the reason I put this in the developer forum) is there a way to fix it via putting a delay on how often the button recognizes being pushed?
Pretty much putting a 100ms delay on each press so it can't wake up and put it self back to sleep in a split second.
And if this IS possible, is it possible without needing a custom ROM? or could I put in a fix via temp-root and push it through with ADB?

Man I thought I was the only one with this problem, thank god im not it wasnt a biggie, but it starts to get annoying after a while :/

mrpandainc said:
Man I thought I was the only one with this problem, thank god im not it wasnt a biggie, but it starts to get annoying after a while :/
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Yeah, it seems like it would be an easy software fix. But no1 has address the issue that I've seen D:

sometimes i have problem also, issue cant be replicated but it happens....

I don't know. I just pushed my power button several times in a row and I don't see a problem. Never had since day one. Could be the way you're holding it. The button is kinda back a little compared to other devices.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

mdayjr said:
I don't know. I just pushed my power button several times in a row and I don't see a problem. Never had since day one. Could be the way you're holding it. The button is kinda back a little compared to other devices.
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Thats the crazy part, when you realize it happens, you try to replicate it and it works flawlessly, but if you happen to be just using the phone and you click the button it sometimes skips randomly.

Border-line being locked

mdayjr said:
I don't know. I just pushed my power button several times in a row and I don't see a problem. Never had since day one. Could be the way you're holding it. The button is kinda back a little compared to other devices.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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I can actually replicate it, mine must be really sensitive. And yes, I have tried holding it many ways. I see it most often when its on my desk and I'm using it tho. but its not uncommon at all for me.
It wouldn't bother me if it wasn't all the time, but its pretty much every other time for me :[

Never had the problem until few days ago, and it's starting to happen quite often now. I'm a little bit worry being a hardware problem rather than a software problem.

Well? Whatever problem, just remember, you have 1yr warranty
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

I think it wouldn't be so much of a problem if we had trackpad wake embedded already, but if ur using visionary isn't there some trackpad wake/or maybe trackball wake for the nexus that will work?
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

demallic said:
Never had the problem until few days ago, and it's starting to happen quite often now. I'm a little bit worry being a hardware problem rather than a software problem.
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Well I am sure its a hardware problem that can be fixed with software. If the hardware is sending multiple presses then software can compensate and tell it to only actually register lock presses once every few milliseconds.
My question is it possible to do it with a minor tweak to the code?

TMo already has a replacement in the mail for me because of this exact reason...The guy said I was the only person who said something like this was happening. Guess he was wrong, seeing other people with this issue makes me happy.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

JRG1392 said:
TMo already has a replacement in the mail for me because of this exact reason...The guy said I was the only person who said something like this was happening. Guess he was wrong, seeing other people with this issue makes me happy.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App
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Yeah, I did the same thing. However, if my new one can't overclock to 1.42ghz at least, I will probably ask for another one
I want my G2 more future proof.

ditto. bump.
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

Yeah same here....sometimes freaks me out cuz I'm like oh no my screens black...I feel my heart fall a lil lolz
Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using XDA App

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Too bad no1 knows if this can be fixed in software.

I believe this issue is with people who did the temp root and OC'ed it to 1.42ghz. I noticed when I press power to unlock the screen, the screen will not light up right away, than it does for a faint second and shuts back off. I have to press the power button again and the unlock screen shows up. I hope this does not cause any other issues with the phone. Otherwise ill have to leave it at the stock speed.

I have had this issue since I got the phone, so it's not anything to do with overclocking.


How many people have problems with the back button

This is the only thing stopping me from getting this phone.. I'm trying to determine how wide spread the issue is. I figured a poll was the best way to see how wide spread the issue was, and whether its worth it to shop around to try and find a working phone
Mine seems to work fine Its not as sensitive as say my girlfriends Incredible buttons, the ones on the Epic seem to work more like physical buttons but they aren't. You have to use a little force for it to recognize and I actually prefer that because I always found myself coincidently hitting the buttons on my girlfriends Incredible when i didn't mean to/meant to press another button
It is really a non issue for me. Haven't noticed it.
I think if you used one of the defective phones, it would have been obvious.. All the other buttons worked without issue. The back button on the one I tried wouldn't register no matter how hard or how long you pressed it - some times. Some times it would register for a light little hit, other times I'd be pressing down pretty hard and nothing. By the second or third time, you'd feel the feedback buzz (which was pretty cool), and it would actually work..
It was sort of funny, the rep who was trying to sell me the phone started off to try and down play it and say "I'd just have to get used to it"... until I gave it to him. In the end, he agreed there was something wrong.
I didn't want to make the guy try other phones because I was planning on purchasing the phone from my business' phone retailer... It would have been sort of wrong to make the guy go through 3 phones and just leave if I found one that worked..
Not sure if it matters, but what state are you guys in? I'd imagine that similar batches ship to the same region.. I'm in LI, NY
Absolutely never had a problem with the backbutton.
All 4 of my capacative buttons work with light taps AND full presses.
Its hard to tell wherethe buttons are when the lights time out, and you have to hit the button in the right spot for it to register. My nexus was the same with its capacatives.
beamed from the stars on a Epic 4G
While I don't think there is an issue with the buttons persay. I was doing some testing and seems there might be some "lag" I was having this issue more with the home button at times. One time after i knew i clicked it i let is sit. took a few seconds but continued to do its thing... So maybe its the same with the back button as well. Next time after you click it once let is sit and see if it proceeds.. that way we know its a lag issue vs button issue. A lag issue would be easier to fix I would think.
First of all NeonMonster, thank you for being awesome with the Nexus One back in the day of rooting it and changing things! Haha.
I had a defective Epic 4G. The back button was the worst of the bunch. I would have to hit it 10-15 times to get it to work. But it wasn't the only faulty button. All of the capactive buttons seemed to falter just about anytime I went to use them.
I went to Sprint the next day and explained the problem and she said I was the first to bring it to their attention. But long story short, she exchanged it and the buttoms work perfectly. There aren't as sensitive as say the EVO or Incredible but they work as intended and the phone I once thought was hopeless and I hated, is now a phone I'm contemplating keeping.
So there are definitely defective devices out there but it is as simple as going in and getting a replacement.
Thanks for everything you guys do!
I picked my Epic on launch day and all was well..my brother on the other hand just got one this afternoon and after we got it activated i hvae noticed his has this same problem.
lithid-cm said:
While I don't think there is an issue with the buttons persay. I was doing some testing and seems there might be some "lag" I was having this issue more with the home button at times. One time after i knew i clicked it i let is sit. took a few seconds but continued to do its thing... So maybe its the same with the back button as well. Next time after you click it once let is sit and see if it proceeds.. that way we know its a lag issue vs button issue. A lag issue would be easier to fix I would think.
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I didn't notice any lag... Again, I think if you have a defective phone, it would be obvious. A press just didn't register, even if you'd wait..
Yeah, there isn't a lag. It just straight up does not register any contact. You have a defective phone. I took mine back and got a new one and it works EXACTLY like it should. Night and Day!
Buttons work great.
I bought the cheap screen protecter at RS and had it put on in store, my button presses were instant. When I got home and decided I didn't like or really need the screen protector, I took it off and then my button presses didn't register as smoothly may be a quick fix for some that want to use a screen protector.
asiana_jones said:
First of all NeonMonster, thank you for being awesome with the Nexus One back in the day of rooting it and changing things! Haha.
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Aww from the nexus forum?? That was such a fun time! The nexus is truly a phone meant to be rooted. kinda miss that thing but the keyboard on the epic is too good.
But yes, there will always be phones that are defective and need to be replaced.
yeah i noticed some lag on mine. i also tripped out when then home and menu buttons were switched (compared to the evo) and kept pressing the wrong buttons.
its looking like a 50/50 so far on getting a phone without tis problem :-\
nicknomo said:
its looking like a 50/50 so far on getting a phone without tis problem :-\
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That logic doesn't work.
1. Most people that don't have the problem won't vote.
2. Remove the people on the last option and it's 70/30 (at the time I write this).
You might be right with #1 (I don't know), but as for #2 it is 15-14 for people who are and aren't having some sort of problem with the back button (or other buttons)..
I do agree that this is far from scientific, as people who have never used the phone are likely to be voting..
Only read because I had the issue
Yep. I think you might just skip over this thread all together unless you've had the issue. Personally, I got one phone with the issue, exchanged it, and got another with the same problem - although not as bad as the first. However, I haven't returned the second one yet and the problem seems to have gone away. I'm not sure exactly how these buttons are engineered, but I'm wondering if more people with this problem will simply see it go away. FYI: the first phone I had was getting better but it started out as more of a 70% fail/only work with hard mashing.
My back button has a mind of its own :-( it presses itself when it wants to. Very annoying.
Sent from my Epic 4G - Rooted for My Pleasure!!
My first phone didn't have a working 4g radio. The second had this problem and it is very annoying if your used to a working button I returned it to radio shack. My third phone is perfect in every way.(hardware wise) this was all in the first week of the phone release. I would deffinetly go back and return it.
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Touch screen w/o touching?

I've noticed that on my NS, I don't have to actually touch the screen to tap keys. I can keep my finger slightly hovering over the glass and it still recognizes my input. Sometimes it actually causes me to mistype at a higher rate than other phones.
Are you guys seeing this too?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Glad to see I'm not the only one who's experienced this....I thought I was going crazy. It's sporadic at best, but when it happens it is annoying. I can't say for sure what causes it, but I'd love to hear other people's opinions.
I've been getting this as well.
same here. Guess they have the capacitance set a bit too high.....
yup, me too. infact. my home button gets phatom long pressed and the light is off on it...have to power it off/ turn the screen off and on muliple times. that insanity has occured about 4 times thought.
Thanks for the replies. I went back into Best Buy and tried their demo phone. So either it's supposed to be this way or they messed up a whole batch of phones. I wish I could remember whether the vibrant did this or not, but it's not standing out.
Sometimes touchscreen nonresponsive too. This is not relating to partial outer border touching either.
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
kjy112 said:
Sometimes touchscreen nonresponsive too. This is not relating to partial outer border touching either.
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I believe Engadget did mention did this during their review @ http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/10/nexus-s-review/.
Their exact quote: "One other thing of note -- we noticed a few missed or latent presses on the touchscreen which occasionally led to stuttery behavior or an opened item that we didn't mean to tap. It's hard to say if this was a software or hardware issue (and we know that sometimes Android devices can be particularly finicky when syncing). It wasn't a deal-breaker by any means, but we saw the issue rear its head a handful of times, and felt it was worth mentioning."
it's nothing ,, the Samsung galaxy S does that too D:
that happens due to the static on your finger.
I opened a thread (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=879872) because I definitely have a problem on the back capacitive button, just wondering how many people are affected?
In fact I have seen this in four devices now, it looks that there is a batch of defective Nexus S phones out there affected by this problem?
It's normal. My Nexus One is like that too. It's magic.
So, it is normal to have un-responsive back button after some times?
Damn ... this is bad. I hope I can cope with it. I really hate hardware problem.
And still could not understand why Google cannot fix it.
Last time from HTC ...
And now from Samsung ...
*Still waiting Nexus S from UK*
nxt said:
It's normal. My Nexus One is like that too. It's magic.
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gogol said:
So, it is normal to have un-responsive back button after some times?
Damn ... this is bad. I hope I can cope with it. I really hate hardware problem.
And still could not understand why Google cannot fix it.
Last time from HTC ...
And now from Samsung ...
*Still waiting Nexus S from UK*
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There's a thread for the back button, that's a real issue. Some people have the Back button issue, some the Home button issue. Both of those buttons are on the outer edge of the phone, so something may be messed up when the phone was being assembled.

MT4G Turned Itself Off & Power Button Won't Work

Ok.. so this is the second time this has happened..
My phone was fully charged and for no apparent reason turned itself off. Then when I attempted to turn it back on, the power button would not do ANYTHING at all.. even after multiple presses (like 20).
I plugged the charger back into my phone, and the light wouldn't even come on indicating that it was connected to the charger.
Finally pulled the battery, put it back in, and viola - it powered up.
Then I was talking to my buddy and the same thing has happened to his MT4G. Except he never pulled that battery - but he said it took 15 minutes before the power button worked.
I think this is a BIG problem, because when I started searching the net for similar situations, I found one.. with the G2. Now that's TWO T-Mobile phones with the same problem.. Both made by HTC.. both with several Quality Control issues
Anyone else have this problem? I'm starting to think about going with a different phone now, which is crazy because I was absolutely in love with this phone... but I am not about to have a phone that decides to shut itself off and won't power up. Especially since my friend has the same problem which tells me this isn't something specific to my phone only which means potentially any device I get can have this issue.
I was deeply saddened to read the G2 has the same problem. What's going on HTC????!
Are you rooted? Overclocked? It really sounds like phone couldn't handle amount of OC (which happened to me several times). However, if it's a stock phone - hurry up and bring it back to T-mo and ask for replacement. This is not a common issue for these phones, first time I hear about it. Of course, there always will be cases of QC but, once again, this is not a common behavior.
I can say this has never happened to me so it sounds like an issue with your setup. Do you have anything modded ie overclocking is the one I'm thinking. Maybe pushing phone to hard.
Edit: sorry just realized I was in the general section.
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borodin1 said:
Are you rooted? Overclocked? It really sounds like phone couldn't handle amount of OC (which happened to me several times). However, if it's a stock phone - hurry up and bring it back to T-mo and ask for replacement. This is not a common issue for these phones, first time I hear about it. Of course, there always will be cases of QC but, once again, this is not a common behavior.
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No, I am not rooted. Stock running Launcher Pro Plus and Live Wallpaper.
After checking around, it appears this has been an issue for many G1, G2 and even a few Nexus Ones.
It appears the general consensus is that either the contact pins for the battery are not making firm contact when the battery shifts (supposedly on some phones the battery prongs not protruding enough, I have not checked mine yet but I intend to shortly)
I really don't want to return my phone.. my screen is the good one and my FFC is centered..
This happened to me just an hour ago. Only had the phone since friday and had this happen for the first time. Wouldn't respond at all. Everthing stock on phone.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Well I would return it because you chances of getting another good one are pretty good.
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jjjackson56 said:
Well I would return it because you chances of getting another good one are pretty good.
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Yeah, but what are the chances of getting one with the good screen, a centered FFC and no gaps in the metal bezel/side of the phone?
I'll wait it out and see what happens. There's always the warranty.
Same thing happened to mine. I took it back. It wouldn't charge and the power button didn't work.
I pulled the battery and it still wouldn't cut on or charge.
Phone was stock.
It magically came on by itself 5 minutes later without me touching it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using Tapatalk
Please post questions in Q&A section.

Sketchy Power Button

I just used a case for a few days and thought the case was acting funny with the power button, but now that I removed it the button is kind of depressed and not as responsive as usual. It's not a huge deal, but something that bugs with such ”high quality” electronics.
Anyone else notice this? And has anyone talked to tmobile or htc with any luck? Thanks.
And I'm on the app and looked through the topics trying to find something like this, I apologize if this is a repeat.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
The same thing happened to me about a month after I got the phone because my friend was a bit too rough with. Same has happened to like 1 or 2 other people I know with the phone as well. None of us have ever used a case btw, so I doubt that was the cause of it.
The MT4G just seems to have a sensitive power button. One of my friends told me his jammed at one point too, and all I could do was tell him to shove a card into the little gap and unjam it. Once it gets messed up it seems to stay slightly depressed all the time too, never to the point that it activates on its own(at least not for me), but it definitely isn't as responsive.
Yea, it seemed it was coincidence it happened after I used a case. Have you or anyone you know tried to get a replacement due to it? I assume they'd just tell us we should've been easier on our phone, even if we were easy with it.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
Had the same problem with my MT4G I got off eBay. Not even 48 hours of having it, the power button went on me (due to repeated power cycling trying to root it). I called HTC about the problem and I sent it in under warranty.
They say that if you've modded it in any way (rooting included) it voids the warranty but I sent in my phone rooted and they sent it back (upgraded to GB) with a 1-day turnaround. I've read people who sent in their phones with CM7 got theirs back.
I try to not use the power button at all now. To put the phone to sleep I use a software app lock and to wake I push the optical pad. Once someone figures out a root for GB, I'll probably re-map the genius button to wake and sleep.
Unfortunately power button issues are pretty common with the mytouch 4g samething happened to me like 3 mytouches ago lol um u can simply call tmobile n get a warranty exchange for that if your still under warranty thats what i did i had actually called cause i had the bad screen which apperantly isnt reason enough for them to change the phone but as soon as i mentioned the power button issue the sent a new phone right away. the one i have now ive had for quite some time and i havent had any issues with it. thats a hardware issue mostly so not much u can do with a factory reset or anything another option is to just use the trackball wake for turning phone on n off frequent and use power button only for powering phone on in off usually what i do . hope this helps

[Q] Touchscreen Issues Presses keys by itself etc...

Hi guys...Just bought a N7 for my GF as a X-Mas gift and while it's great when working, there is a major touchscreen issue going on.
Let me first say I have searched and searched and came up with a lot, unfortunately it seems the problem was "fixed" by google with official updates. Well not in this case. I am on latest 4.2.1.
The issue is, the touchscreen will completely rearrange itself somehow. Example- if you click on something in the upper end it will click something randomly at the bottom of the screen. Another issue it, if you click on search/browser address bar and start typing, there is a ton of lag , and any number of things happen like, again, something else will get pressed at the bottom, or it will do nothing, and then suddenly start hitting a key (again, with the keyboard popped up at the bottom) like x over and over again, filling the page with 10-20 X's...
As soon as I put it to sleep and wake it up/unlock...it immediately goes away, just to come right back in a few minutes.
She does have a case on it with a magnet to auto wake, so I told her to take it off and see if it keeps doing it. It does...so no go there...
I want to call google for support, but am scared of getting a dumb rep that will tell me to power off the device etc...you know the drill...by the book pre-written crap they tell you to do, that solves nothing.
Any help would be much appreciated...and again sorry if this is something well known and simple to fix, but again, all my research dates back to june posts about issues already fixed via updates.
Thanks in advance!
Have you already tried a factory reset as after most recent update? You will lose all data but worth a shot. May need to RMA.
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Ill try it
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Factory reset...ok for a while..then it started again...
Got it all figured out tho....if you ever so slightly twist the body to the left the screen will not respond at the bottom and will start pressing itself randomly....sometimes even touching the bezel will do something. ..then twist it a bit to the right and all is well...
Sh*t built product obviously. Had it in a case before even turning it on.
Going back...hopefully replacement will be better.
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accordex said:
Factory reset...ok for a while..then it started again...
Got it all figured out tho....if you ever so slightly twist the body to the left the screen will not respond at the bottom and will start pressing itself randomly....sometimes even touching the bezel will do something. ..then twist it a bit to the right and all is well...
Sh*t built product obviously. Had it in a case before even turning it on.
Going back...hopefully replacement will be better.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
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Ahh. You got the floating screen issue. Asus knows of it and will fix it.
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