[Q] swype - entsperren nicht mehr möglich - Touch HD General

hallo, habe leider swype raufgezogen, neu gestartet und kann nicht mehr mein herkömmliches passwort zum entsperren verwenden, hard reset nicht möglich, wie kann ich das gerät nun starten? flashen? wenn nur diese möglichkeit, da bootloader angezeigt wird, welches rom sollte man nun in diesem modus verwenden?
originalsoftware, also rom war drauf

please respect the forum rules and post in english, or if you have to, post in your native language and at least attach an english version to that post.
and please explain your problem a little further, why exactly would installing swype prevent the device from accepting the right password or being able to hard reset?
btw. flashing the same rom again wouldn't really change anything, unless that flashing session comes with a hard reset.

thanks for writing. i´m sorry, but my english isn´t very good.
today morning i installed a program called swype. before i used finger keyboard??2, but i wanted to try this one. i wanted this program for a bigger keyboard. after installing i started the device again, but wasn´t able to enable. normally i used the windows device lock, but i am not able to use my phone. in different forums it was written, that this ca happen by installing swype, also if you don´t have activated the device lock.
i´ve tried hard reset, but i´m not able to reset for factory. happily i have a copy of my adresses an numbers, but i really would like to solve this problem.
in the bootloadermode it is written:
blac100 32m
microp-blackstone (led) v6
is it possible to flash the phone in the bootloader or to hard reset it without the unlock code, which perhaps changed itself. with my code i´m not able to get in.
thanks for answering.
lg dietmar

problem solved
thanks for helping anyway.


How to cook a German ROM in a kitchen

Hi XDA Freaks,
habe meinem XDA das deutsche 4.0033 verpasst.
Vieles ist für meine Zwecke unnötig, andererseits sollte der Flashspeicher
dann bereits mit den zusätzlich benötigten Tools gefüllt werden können.
DAS Projekt 'cook your own ROM in a kitchen' unter http://www.xda-developers.com/ROMkitchen/ beschreibt dies für die englischen ROM's. Das ist nicht das einzige Handikap. Das Projekt arbeitet zudem unter
LINUX/Unix, und da kann ich (noch) nicht mithalten.
Bis heute gibt es wohl keine deutsche ROM-kitchen/Tool, welches diesen Ansprüchen genügt.
Vielleicht ist das ja Ansporn für gleichesinnte dies zu tun, oder ihre Erfahrung damit hier weiter zugeben.
Damit man sich vorstellen kann, was ich meine hier einen link einer englischen
ROM-kitchen: http://cuba.calyx.nl/~jsummers/ROMkitchen oder http://kitchen.romanweb.com/kitchen/processor.php.
Thanks, Guten Rutsch und Danke für eure Hilfe
mfg Reiner
oh my god this is a test to translate it in englich by google-tools:
Dear XDA ROM Freaks,
I gave German Rom 4.0033 to my XDA. Much is unnecessary for my purposes, on the other hand one the Flashspeicher should be able to be filled with the additionally needed Tools. The project ' cook your own ROM in A kitchen ' under http://www.xda developers.com/ROMkitchen/describes this for the English ROM's. That is not the only Handikap. The project works besides under LINUX/Unix, and there I (still) cannot keep up. Until today there is probably no German Rome kitchen/Tool, which is sufficient for these requirements. Perhaps that is to be done stimulus for gleichesinnte this, or their experience thereby here continue to admit. So that one can introduce oneself, what I mean here one left an English Rome to kitchen: http://cuba.calyx.nl/~jsummers/ROMkitchen or http://kitchen.romanweb.com/kitchen/processor.php. Good slide and thanks for your assistance mfg pure
schneire said:
Dear XDA ROM Freaks,
I gave German Rom 4.0033 to my XDA. Much is unnecessary for my purposes, on the other hand one the Flashspeicher should be able to be filled with the additionally needed Tools. The project ' cook your own ROM in A kitchen ' under http://www.xda developers.com/ROMkitchen/describes this for the English ROM's. That is not the only Handikap. The project works besides under LINUX/Unix, and there I (still) cannot keep up. Until today there is probably no German Rome kitchen/Tool, which is sufficient for these requirements. Perhaps that is to be done stimulus for gleichesinnte this, or their experience thereby here continue to admit. So that one can introduce oneself, what I mean here one left an English Rome to kitchen: http://cuba.calyx.nl/~jsummers/ROMkitchen or http://kitchen.romanweb.com/kitchen/processor.php. Good slide and thanks for your assistance mfg pure
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Hy Reiner.
The Rom-Kitchen also works with the german ROMs.Only some files must be adapted to get it right working.
I´m also playing a bit with the rom kitchen and get it worked, so i´m using my own cooked rom.
With the Romkitchen your not able to rmove Programs from the rom, you only have the possibility to add software.
When you want to have a own cooked rom, you can sen me a email with the programms you want to have on it (only the programs you can add at the Demokitchen) and i can "cook" it for you....
Hey, youve really got it working? Can you already cook a german rom with the .33-image?
Or can you post how you made it working, for being able to cook a rom on my own?
Bye, Dennis.

dead Prophet ??'

Hi everybody,
i habv a probelm, i have upgraded my new Prohet, and now it is dead.
I have te logo.screen, then i become this information on the screen:
IPL 2.15.0001
SPL 2.15.001
GSM 2.47.21
after 20-30 sec i become e blank (white screen) thats all ;-)
USB connection i can not establis.
teraterm with USB rerout its nbot possible ???
i have do the hardreset (camera button - reset botton, then release, i become the same resultat as descripted before.
The Prohet i think is dead? or any ideas whart i can do ?
PS. Sorry about my bad bad english, i can describe in italian or german.
many thanks for any help or suggestions.
try to flash another rom. you will get the bootloader by pressing the camera button and do a softreset at the same time.
Und auf Deutsch:
noch ist nicht zu spät!
Du kannst den Bootloader erreichen indem du die Kamertaste drückst und zeitgleich einen Softreset durchführst - Der Prophet sollte jetzt den dreifarbigen Bildschirm zeigen, dann einfach das Updatetool am PC starten und es sollte wieder funktionieren.
Same Issue here, Need Help
Recently flashed my phone prophet G3 stuck at the same page as yours, the solution used to be in PDAmobiz but the page has since been altered doesn'tgive the steps on getting to the 3 color page (bootloader). Anuone please help.

Charmer hangs in Bootloader

can you help me please?
the charmer don't boot. It hangs at the bootscreen. at usb mode activesync dosent find the phone.
it shows.
ipl 2.06
spl 2.06.0000
gms 02.19.21
i want to flash the original firmware. how can i do?
greetings markus
Same problem pls an answer
Enter the bootloader mode and run official rom upgrade.
Bootloader Menu...
I can't make an update with the original firmware software. This Programm tolled me i must make a AktiveSync connetion. In Bootloader (CAM POWER Button) My computer find any USB device but activesync doesn't make a sync connection. Thats my problem. What can i do?
Greetings, Markus
Active sync wont make a connection when your in bootloader mode. The update program will work, it doesnt need active sync connection.
can you give me a link to the update?
I found it self. im so lucky because it do. sorry for my english. @ datenzwerg http://downloads.t-mobile.de/redire...ku3.3_38222_382117_026921_tmo_de_ger_ship.zip damit sollte es funktionieren auch wenn er eine sync verbindung haben will die brauch er aber nicht ein fach ins bootmenu und da dann usb an stecken und am computer starten ;-) bei mir hats geklappt
hoffe h mal das es funzt...
ich werde es probieren mehr als kaputt kann es eh net werden. hab halt a bisserl CID Panik da ich eine TMOBILE Austria sperre habe.
werde berichten wie es gegangen ist.
mfg markus
wrong ventor id
the german update doesn't run. the programm tells me wrong ventor id. i will dry the austrian one.
greetings, markus
Solved the Problem
i've solved the problem.
The German 3.3 Version can't be install by ventor check.
The Austria 2.0 Version can't be install by Active Sync check.
I used the ROM form The Austrian Update and the Software from the
German update Pack.
My Charmer have a useable ROM!!!
Greetings Markus
irgendwie klappt dat bei mir nich so recht
könnt ihr mir genau beschreiben was ich zu machen hab
ich hab das selbe problem mda2 Tmobile nach einem flash versuch geht es aus dem boot nicht raus usw
gibt es kein affengriff oder sowat damit er von alleine hoch bootet
dank an shayd
ua ich habs dank an shayd
Originally Posted by shayd
1. dowenload this t-mobile official rom
2. enter your Charmer into bootloader mode by pressing power + camera + reset, let go of the reset, but keep holding power + camera until the three colur screen will show up (that is bootloader mode).
3. connect the Charmer to your pc (make sure your battery is fully charged)
4. run the t-mobile rom.
5. good luck!
I had the same problem with the vendor Id and i tried to flash the austrian t-mob version ! It worked but at about 40% it saied error and now the bootloader goes on and within 5 sec it wents of! SO i cannot try to flash another time!
What can i do?

Problems with roms....

Now hello people, I simply opens sometimes nen new subject, because I really in despair am. So I begin at the beginning sometimes. I wanted to me how I have already written in the other Tread, the m amine 2.0 flashen. If this has also acted like in the instructions described. So HrdSPL has folded everything. Only when I wanted then Rome Flashen, nothing has happened and I had my normal O2 Rome on it again. Then ahbe I the shaking it tries out where I had then the problem which I had no more receipt what I wanted to repair by another radio Rome. If everything has used, however, nothing. Now I have downloaded to me \ " 3LIT3 \ " IV Rome. everything is also quite good so far, only everything is there, unfortunately, on in English and I have Tom Tom 7 where my old maps do not go any more. When I now tried ahe, over again the m amine 2.0 to flashen, came he to 100% and then went out. . it came fehlermeldung image \ " corruptet \ " is and on the orbit 2 then the boat screen with the SPL 2.20 and on the right odebn RUUNBH. wars came.... Now I know really nciht more what I should do .... everything an O2 Rome tries to flaschen also miss. I hope somebody can help me here as fast as possible. Thank you schonmal in prerau. Now Olli Having tries sometimes the M.Amine Lite to flaschen, however, WWE. There everything claps funny enough
Hi 'oliver12685'
Nice Post ! But the problem is can not understand one bit of it .. though you tried hard ..
sorry for my BAD english! it´s not so good.
can i write this in German??
oliver12685 said:
Hy, can i write this in German??
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Well, I don't know German, probably you can write in German and try to give an English translation, and hope for any German friends on the forum to help.
Hi, I´m from Germany, but I don't understand your problem in English
Hi, Ich bin Deutsch, aber kann dein Problem leider nicht auf Englisch verstehen. Schreib es bitte auf Deutsch und Englisch.
Ok I Try it in english
ok, now on my Handy I have the "3LIT3_VI_Full" Rom from this Forum.
The Problem is, its now in english.
I would the M.Amine 2.0 Rom in German, But its dosn´t work.
when i flash the Hard SPL its all fine. But when I Flash the M.Amine Rom it get to 100 % and than there comes an Error.
After a Restart comes the Reboot Screen . in the right corner is "RUUNBH" .
Why it dosn´t work?? Hard SPL 2.20 is flased.
So, I hope you understand me now
You needn't to re-Hard-SPL. When it's flashes once time, you needn't to do it a second time.
Have you tried it by another ROM? Is there the same problem?
Du musst Hard-SPL nicht flashen, wenn du es schon einmal gemacht hast, des seit denn du hast den originalen Bootloader wieder geflasht.
Hast du es schon einmal mit einem anderen ROM versucht? Also kein M-Amine oder 3LIT3? Tritt da dasselbe Problem auf?
mutant92 said:
You needn't to re-Hard-SPL. When it's flashes once time, you needn't to do it a second time.
Have you tried it by another ROM? Is there the same problem?
Du musst Hard-SPL nicht flashen, wenn du es schon einmal gemacht hast, des seit denn du hast den originalen Bootloader wieder geflasht.
Hast du es schon einmal mit einem anderen ROM versucht? Also kein M-Amine oder 3LIT3? Tritt da dasselbe Problem auf?
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Das ist ja das Koriose, ich habe das Light M-Amine Rom WWE geflasht und da ging alles einwandfrei. und vorher hatte ich Bepe´s Rom. Da hatte ich das Problem, das ich so gut wie keinen empfang mehr hatte.
I have tryed the M-Amine Lite WWE Rom and its worked fine. But the Full Rom doesn´t work
Hast du Skype ?
Do you have Skype?
How are your flashing? And what is the error at 100%. Check the corresponding error code in the readme.doc from OEM. If you are flashing using SD card, better run from Win-XP (preferably). Do a Hard Reset, connect to ActiveSync and run the RUU at 'align screen'. Good Luck . !
mutant92 said:
Hast du Skype ?
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Ja ich habe skype.
Could I get your Skype-Name (PM?!) please to help you?
Kannst du mir bitte deinen Skype-Namen geben, damit ich dir besser helfen kann?
mutant92 said:
Could I get your Skype-Name (PM?!) please to help you?
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At last there a German hand holding another. Enjoy ..
I think it's your Radio-Version that make problems. To solve the problem flash this
sorry for my poor english!!!
i have the same problem.
i have download an original rom : RUU_Polaris_HTC_WWE_1.25.405.1_radio_sign_25.65.30.04_1.58.21.23_Ship.exe
on xda
and install it.
after i sucessfull intall the amine in french...
It can be your Radio! Please look at the Link given in this Thread, there you can download the Radio and your problem should be solved
Good Luck!

Help with Bosion BX410 Android Headunit

Hi to all, I'm really desperate because I purchased this Bosion Android Headunit weeks ago and know everything apparently works but I have not Image of anything, even touchscreen works, and I don't think it's a hardware issue because everything started whit an "APP update". The problem I had like many users, was that I couldn't access to my Google Account, everytime when I've tried to sign-in, it took me out from the sign-in screen (like this
) Then the seller sent me a zip file with "os_update_KC1C0107-O01-" and mcu .img file "mcu-202007280001KC1-1650". When I completed installing the os_update I lost Image, then he sent me another os_update to burn via phoenix card on an sd card, but I've never gained image again. The radio boots, and works, even I can make Bluetooth calls but I don't see anything (even there's backlight on the display). Can someone help me whit this issue? I've tried to get in recovery mode, but there's no way to enter it. Here's how it's working
Not MTCB, have requested Mod moves to Android head units forum, but is unable to move this thread.
carlos_graniel said:
Hi to all, I'm really desperate because I purchased this Bosion Android Headunit weeks ago and know everything apparently works but I have not Image of anything, even touchscreen works, and I don't think it's a hardware issue because everything started whit an "APP update". The problem I had like many users, was that I couldn't access to my Google Account, everytime when I've tried to sign-in, it took me out from the sign-in screen (like this
) Then the seller sent me a zip file with "os_update_KC1C0107-O01-" and mcu .img file "mcu-202007280001KC1-1650". When I completed installing the os_update I lost Image, then he sent me another os_update to burn via phoenix card on an sd card, but I've never gained image again. The radio boots, and works, even I can make Bluetooth calls but I don't see anything (even there's backlight on the display). Can someone help me whit this issue? I've tried to get in recovery mode, but there's no way to enter it. Here's how it's working
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Hi mate. I have logging into Google problems. After many tries of many things I looked at online and no images of updates and no real help anywhere I decided to contact the seller and he sent me this image Maybe it will help you as well. The way I have installed updates before is by copying the files to an SD-Card unplug the power from the back of the HU put the SD-Card in the GPS SD-Card slot then plug the power back in and turn it on. The system should recognize the update and start loading. I have not done mine yet. I literally just got the files sent to me. I looked up the file names and found your post.
I did this tonight and now my unit boots with a white screen like yours
It was working fine only Google sign-in didn't work.
Oh well, I will keep this post updated if I find a fix. If I don't post an update
that just means I have not found a solution yet.
Do you have resolve?
carlos_graniel said:
Hallo an alle, ich bin wirklich verzweifelt, weil ich dieses Bosion Android Headunit vor Wochen gekauft habe und weiß, dass anscheinend alles funktioniert, aber ich habe kein Bild von irgendetwas, sogar der Touchscreen funktioniert, und ich glaube nicht, dass es ein Hardwareproblem ist, weil alles mit einem angefangen hat "APP-Update". Das Problem, das ich wie viele Nutzer hatte, war, dass ich nicht auf mein Google-Konto zugreifen konnte, jedes Mal, wenn ich versuchte, mich anzumelden, wurde ich aus dem Anmeldebildschirm herausgeholt (wie hier
) Daraufhin schickte mir der Verkäufer eine Zip-Datei mit „os_update_KC1C0107-O01-“ und mcu .img-Datei „mcu-202007280001KC1-1650“. Als ich die Installation des os_update abgeschlossen hatte, verlor ich das Image, dann schickte er mir ein weiteres os_update, um es per Phoenix-Karte auf eine SD-Karte zu brennen, aber ich habe nie wieder ein Image gewonnen. Das Radio bootet, und funktioniert, sogar ich kann Bluetooth-Anrufe tätigen, aber ich sehe nichts (auch wenn das Display hintergrundbeleuchtet ist). Kann mir jemand bei diesem Problem helfen? Ich habe versucht, in den Wiederherstellungsmodus zu gelangen, aber es gibt keine Möglichkeit, ihn aufzurufen. So funktioniert es
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Hellp,please you can send me the Software? I have the same and not work.

