[Q] Every Soft-Reset sets my Phone back to Original Settings - Windows Mobile

Please help, this is very annoying... everytime i restart my phone, it sets my phone back to the original wallpaper i cooked in, and changes all my display settings back to default... For example, I set the screen to turn off after 2 minutes, and after restart, it has set itself back to 10 seconds......

Try with a task 29.

Will do.
Just for verification, you did note that this was occuring after soft resets, not hard resets, right?

Check your startup queue first.
Did you jack with your xip, and remove any modules you shouldn't? (Cachefilt on line 9, lol.)

Farmer Ted said:
Check your startup queue first.
Did you jack with your xip, and remove any modules you shouldn't? (Cachefilt on line 9, lol.)
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I dont believe so, but I will double check some things i had replaced from a newer ROM (HD2) and see if that fixes it.


Missing BT icon

Hi, guys.
All of a sudden, BT icon (the one that's located in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen) just dissapeard :x I didn't install any new software, didn't perform a reset, or something like that, it just dissapeard for no obvious reason. Any ideas how I could get it back on the screen?
it once did that to me a softreset got it back though
That was the first thing I tried but the situation is still the same
what if you go into settings->connections and choose bluetooth and change it from what ever it's set to and press ok
and maybe change it back again
If you have the last version of BTTools you can push in the new BT icon and, inmediately, make soft reset.
Of this form I have the old BT icon again.
Thanks a lot, mate. I did exactly what you told me, and the icon came back...
Ooops, here comes the problem again After gettin my BT icon back, I removed BTtools, and the icon dissapeard again. I tried the same trick again but with no results. So my question is open for your answers once again
I have the same problem, it was a day or two after I installed and removed GB-Soft Tweak, it went missing ... reinstalled the Tweak, after a few soft-reset, it's gone again until now. Do you have this Tweak installed?
Have you already tried to change \HKLM\Services\BTIcon\Keep or any of the other settings under this key?
Hope that helps
Hmm, a very strange thing happend. I synced it another computer (the one that I sync to maybe once or twice a week) and after that the icon just came back. So far, it's still there. Hopefully, it will stay that way :wink:
Anyway, tnx for all your replies...
Btw, I don't have GB-Soft tweak installed, and I was just about to start playing with the registry when the icon just appeared again.
the value for that registry key (keep) was set to 1. so, I set it to 0, soft reset, still no sign of BT icon.
then i set it back to 1, soft reset ... BT icon came back on!
however, in the next reset ... it's gone. something is messing with it in the background.
I also need my BT icon back.. I-Mate ROM 1.72 Any help, please?
I had the same problem. Days ago I installed skin for the keyboard and mysteriously icon BT returned.
I think there may be a link between the missing BT icon and the number of Today plugins installed or events being processed at startup. I think it is an Operating System issue.
For example.
If I soft reset my unit I can get the BT icon to vanish.
If I then deselect any today plug in and soft reset again the BT icon re appears. However if I do not deselect a today plug in and soft reset the BT icon does not reappear.
So perhaps it is related to a timing of events on load when starting?
This could be a good clue. The timing on startup sounds like a good theory to the problem.
If you look in the registry under [HKLM/Services/BTIcon] there are some interesting keys named: Index, Keep, Order and Context.
Anyone know how these are used???
(The keys "Order" and "Index" seems most interesting)
I just found a solution that worked for me
Read this:
Oggi said:
I just found a solution that worked for me
Read this:
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Similar to what I have said but that thread says to uncheck every today plug in. I have found you don't need to do that. For me just unckecking a single plug is in enough.
I'm pretty sure it is a loading issue.

O2 User Interface

I have a sim-free XDA II which as it happens is on 02. How can I get rid of that User Interface though - I really hate it, and want to remove it?
Can anybody help please?
goto ad remove programs and remove anything o2 related, then soft reset. Change the dialer skin then all your left with is the boot screens and the o2 logo on the case
I'd recommend chaning the dialer skin back to the default before uninstalling o2 active; there are some images stored in dlls that are difficult to find, but can be changed via the phone skinning applet in o2 active.
The correct order (IMHO that is), is as follows...
1 - Firstly, while you still have the Active interface, use the menu item on the navigation bar, I think it might be listed as 'view' to go in and change the dialler skin to the default one.
2 - Then soft reset.
3 - Next up, now go into File Explorer on either the phone, or via ActiveSync, and go to the Windows/Startup folder, and delete the shortcut for "Active"
4 - Reboot again, to get the phone to load without Active running.
5 - Go into Settings > System > Remove Programs, and remove the Active app, the V2R stff, and O2 Xmail if you never use it. You will get warnings that some files or folders still remain - no problem, this gets resolved later...
6 - Another soft reset.
7 - Now, go into File Explorer again, to the Windows Folder itself, and delete the folder for the V2R stuff.
8 - Change your Today theme to something better looking, do a re-boot, and voila...
If I have missed anything that I think of, I will come back and editt this post, but that's it for now...
EDIT - even if you change the dialler skin back to default before removing the O2 stuff, you will find a strange quirk with the talk/end button, whereby even with the default skin, after ending a call, the old flat red O2 style button will display.
This can be resolved by downloading the XDA Phone Skin Chooser application available from DesignLab (do a google), and then setting the skin to use (even though you might already be using it) to the Default Skin, and then resetting the device. This is the only way I have encountered, other than hard fiddling with hard to find .dll's, to get ALL the buttons to use the default skin, and thus have a proper 'pressed in' appearance when touched.
XDA Phone Skin Chooser will work on my xda2 ?
Nice one Shadamehr. Getting rid of all that speeds the system noticeably
XDA Phone Skin Chooser will work on my xda2 ?
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davidand1 said:
Nice one Shadamehr. Getting rid of all that speeds the system noticeably
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Better than just uninstalling it?
Will removing it in this way stop all o2 related programs reinstalling after a hard reset?
Not sure. I've never tried to uninstall everything.
z0mbi3 said:
davidand1 said:
Nice one Shadamehr. Getting rid of all that speeds the system noticeably
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Better than just uninstalling it?
Will removing it in this way stop all o2 related programs reinstalling after a hard reset?
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No, not by a long shot.
As the installation files etc, are stored in 'hidden' extended rom, and all a Hard Reset does is clear your phone, and then set about running and installing any files in the extended rom.
To remove it so that it is not installed after hard reset, is kind of achievable, but only if you know what you are doing.
You would have to use the Extended Rom Unlock tool on this site, to unhide and unlock your extended ROM, then you would have to remove any of the CAB install files from this folder for the O2 stuff you don't want (and its up to you to know what's what).
And then you would need to edit the config.txt file that 'calls' all of these installation routines, so that it no longer references any that you have deleted.
Then you could lock and hide the extended rom.
Thus, on a hard reset then, only the stuff you have left gets installed.

Problem with hacks working on US MDA...help

New here. I have been learning a lot from everyone here, Thanks!
I seem to have a problem though.... Every Hack so far that I try to implement won't work. Here are 2 examples:
Change Reg Keys for Left Soft button. I want it to point to my Agenda Fussion Calender instead of the Windows calender. So I change the Key to point to the AF exe location, being very careful to leave "" and to type path in precisely. I save the change and soft reset the device to see if it works...NOPE....When I go back into the registry to see what happened, the registry key is changed back to point to the microsoft calender. I have even closed the reg editor and reopend to check the change before the soft reset. Before the re-set my change is still there, but not after....
I have tried both PHMRegedit and TascalRegedit.
I have a US version of the MDA with ROM version# WWE
Next problem I wanted to stop the system tray from showing up. So I removed the shortcut for Init_Tray from the startup menu....Well the tray still shows up. Now looking in the startup menu the shortcut is no longer there, but it still launches the tray!
What Am I doing wrong here? I see people making these same hacks and they work for them.
A little background on me. I have been entrenched in computers since 1983. Doing my share of programming (though nothing since I was kid...). I have been using pocket pcs for the last 2 years. With Toshiba 740's and e800's. So I am capable of doing this stuff. But for some reason I can't get these things to work...
Any help? Sorry for being so long winded
on your registry problem.. after changing the value manually, let the phone sleep or just sit there for a few minutes before soft resetting.. There is a delay write to the registry...
Thanks ShogunMark
I need to be more patient. I did this just before I read your reply...The hack for the soft button is now working the way I want. Now to get rid of the bottom system tray.
Thanks again!!
im not sure if you can exactly get rid of the system try completely in WM5.. however i could be wrong... i think at most you can only get rid of the icons in it.. but it does prove very useful for placing shortcuts..

registry keys

Hi Everyone:
A small clarification is needed. My device is defaulting to Moscow GMT+3 everytime I restart it. I want to know actually 3 things if possible:
1- What's the registry key that allows you to select the regional settings?
2- How can I know the table code of countries like Moscow is 0x00FFXXX, etc... for the various time zones.
3- I noticed sometimes that whatever registry keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> nls, they are changed everytime the system restarts. I was assuming that nls\overrides is doing that but I altered everyting and yet after restart new values appear in nls keys and even in overrides. Is there any other place in registry that writes values on top of nls upon restart?
appreciate the help,
I have a similar problem where the backlight timeout setting (on battery power) resets to 10 seconds everytime I turn my MDA off. Really annoying.
I've tried changing the setting in the registry directly as well, but it still changes back.
Any ideas?
It is strange that something keeps changing the reg settings.
I had the 10 second thing on my Jamin and it seem to have something to do with the screen lock plugin.
Never did solve it.
Locale settings are in HKLM\nls DefaultLCID (dword) and you can find all possible values here.
But the time zone is set in HKLM\Time\TimeZoneInformation and its a bit complicated (its a whole data structure and not just a value)
I think you need to check your startup programs (HKLM\init and windows\startup).
levenum said:
It is strange that something keeps changing the reg settings.
I had the 10 second thing on my Jamin and it seem to have something to do with the screen lock plugin.
Never did solve it.
Locale settings are in HKLM\nls DefaultLCID (dword) and you can find all possible values here.
But the time zone is set in HKLM\Time\TimeZoneInformation and its a bit complicated (its a whole data structure and not just a value)
I think you need to check your startup programs (HKLM\init and windows\startup).
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Thank you for your reply and for the great link. I am starting to feel that this problem is related to HTC Home. Appreciate if anyone can comment on this issue.
Requesting Moderators / Admin to move this post to the appropriate board
I've been playing with the new PDAMobiz ROM and discovered that in Settings->Phone there is an option to sync time with the cellular network.
Unfortunately this will also force your time zone in to what ever the network is set to which at least in my case is incorrect because the network operator did not want to bother with DLS settings.
Perhaps you have this setting on as well?

set time zone popup

I am stuck on a problem. When I flash a ROM that I have cooked I am getting a popup right when the ROM loads the first time asking me to select the timezone. It would not be that big of an issue but it causes havoc on occasion with the startup customization and/or UC. It can cause these to hang. A soft reset usually clears the issue but it is an annoyance. The ROM I am working on is a 21898 build with Manila 2.1 built for the Tilt2.
Anyone know what package is causing this popup and/or how to disable it?
I think its oobe.
so... whats so oobe?
In one of NRG's threads, there's a link to a thread on welcome.exe. If this is occuring because of the welcome screen, there are reg entries in welcome that you can change to keep the time zone page from appearing (as well as other stuff, like email setup). If it's an htc bug, I can't help you.
I used to have customization freeze up on me all the time near the end. Another 'customization will start in 3 seconds' window would pop up, and it was all over at that point. I first just put my .tsk at the end of the queue, so if that got messed up, it was no big deal. But I found that removing sdautorun/UC from customization fixed everything (I don't used UC, anyway). Now, I end customization with sk tools backup popping up; I restore my pim data and then sk tools soft resets. It's pretty dang sweet, lol (not that it has anything to do with your issue).
+ Que PPC said:
so... whats so oobe?
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Out Of Box Experience package
Don't cook it, or remove the automatic startup...

