Updating to CM - HTC Aria General

I noticed in the Thread for CM6 that someone said after the update, they lost more memory.
I received an update notification from Clockwork advising that there was an update to
Now being a newb to all of this... do I just run the update? or will I need to do a full recovery, wipe cache, wipe dalvik?
(by the way, sorry if this has been asked... how do you wipe Dalvik cache, and what is Dalvik cache?) once again... sorry if i r dumb!
Will I have less space? Will I have to reinstall all of my apps again? What are the pros and cons of updating to
Im currently running 6.0.0 without any issues other than the GPS taking a long time to locate.

You can just update from Rom Manager if you want. Just make sure that you have about 60-70 MB of free space before you upgrade, you will have stability issues and a low space warning if you have less. The update seems to run fine, but if you don't have the space and CM6 is running fine for you, I would say that you aren't missing a whole lot, just stay where you are.

If you end up installing, just wipe the cache and dalvik cache (in clockwork: advanced>wipe dalvik cache). After that you can just run the update and you shouldn't lose anything. I believe in the new update the dalvik cache is moved to the memory (or something like that lol), so if you're running severly low on memory, you should probably stick with what you have. If you have it, however, this new version is supposedly more stable, and might fix you gps problem.


Dalvik cache wipe. Now EVERYING FC

So I did this once before and had to nand restore. I just did it again on a new install of fresh 1.1 with apps2sd and it did the same thing. Instant FC on ALL apps at boot. I'm doing this from RA menu. why is this happening?!
*I noticed the typo in title but can't fix it*
not sure what the problem is I noticed that as well.
is there a reason you want to wipe the dev cache?
I just wanted to clean up the cache just incase there were any screwy entrees... It's not really a big problem, it just makes me a little nervous...
That always happened to me whenever I tried to do that. I'm not sure how you're "supposed" to do it, but I wipe the dalvik-cache before I load a new ROM.

Upgrading Roms MIUI 1.6.1 to 1.6.17

Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
pulazki said:
Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
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Doesn't Titanium Backup or Mybackup Pro work with MIUI?
pulazki said:
Hi i'm currently running MIUI 1.6.1 and i just finally got it completely setup exactly how i want it, took me like hours upon hours a day for a week getting all my apps and contacts and data set up along with themeing etc etc
I want to upgrade to the newer one that just came out today the 1.6.17 -- Do i have to do a FULL Factory reset/delvik cache and/ cache wipe?
or can i just wipe the delvik and cache and then flash overtop without losing everything?
Basically i dont want to have to go back in and re-fix my Sprint VVM and re-add Swype again as both those took me like 50 installs a piece to get working, along with like 50 apps i downloaded, and all my contacts, etc, etc do i have to do a full wipe and start from scratch again, or can i just flash and upgrade and keep all my stuff without doing a full factory reset and also without having a ton of errors and force closes?
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First backup using MIUI's built in backup. It had two parts: system and stuff, and apps. Back up all the apps. Then backup wifi and desktop at the very least. I don't backup contacts because then I get duplicates.
Reboot into recovery
Nand backup
Wipe just cache and dalvik cache.
Flash the update
Usually this is fine. But if you get fc's then you probably need to wipe clean everything and then restore via backup.
It's not.that bad. I've never had any problems re-installing swype and/or sprint voicemail. The only thing I usually have to redo is the theme.
Evo HW 003
MIUI 1.6.17
Cut Corners theme
I have been running MIUI for a couple of months now. Whenever I flash a new release (an update, in my situation) I just wipe cache & dalvik then flash. Once the rom has fully booted and settled, I'll reboot. I let it fully boot, then reboot into recovery (Amon 2.3) and "fix apk uid mismatches", then wipe cache and dalvik again, flash Tiamat since they started including the CM kernel instead, then reboot and I'm good to go. My theme sticks throughout and I haven't run into any problems doing it this way, other than broken themes from constant ui changes... which thankfully finally slowed down. Sometimes I'll skip on fixing permissions, it's more of a ritual than necessary.
Last week I decided it was probably time for a full wipe so I did. Between the MIUI Backup app & Titanium Backup Pro, setting back up took roughly 15-30 minutes (including flashing the rom and kernel). Just nandroid first to be safe, but I've always treated it as an update.
(from... Evo/MIUI/Tapatalk)

[Q] Internal memory problem need help!

Ok before u send me to another topic or tell me to install App2SD read first please!
So the problem - mainly i have problems with the low memory on the phone but... the last problem happend when i tried to install Google +. So the app is about 10 MB wich measn it needs around 20MB (download and install) so I freed around 27MB but still install failed saing not enough memory. After that the MB for the install went away the 10 MB for the install (I presume) went missing, meaning i have that 10MB less from my storage.
Well that problem hapened also before but not with so many MBs. Little by little i am losing memory and now I have very little. I tried 1click cashe cleaner, App2Sd and some other but those 10Mb went into the unknown.
So PLEASE!!! If someone knowes how to fix this (best without installing new rom or hacking my phone) please do tell me becouse I am getting really mad here. Thank U!
Btw i am using Android 2.2.1
Apparently this resolves itself after a reboot, because I had a broken install of Opera Mobile and didn't get the storage back. A couple of days later the battery died so it promptly got charged and rebooted. After it "settled" (all apps appear in the launcher, icons return to normal) I looked at the available storage and some 15MiB was freed so it was no longer hungry for available storage.
Didn't help. Also removed the battery and waited but still nothing!
Can you still uninstall any packages?
Yes I can but have removed almost everything from the phone as apps i have only youtube and gmail now everything else is on sd wich is not much at all
Do you have a nandroid backup? Titanium backup? Anything?
Wipe dalvik cache then reboot,
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
slymobi said:
Wipe dalvik cache then reboot,
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
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how to do that?
Boot into recovery, then depending on version it will be in wipe or advanced option. Wipe/clear dalvik cache.
?? are you rooted ?? With custom recovery??
If not then ignore my post cos dalvik can't be wiped this way on unrooted phone. Your gonna have to factory reset to totally clear,sorry.
sent from my wilderbeast:buzz
Well tx mate but as i sad i am using original sense rom i do not belive i have the option to
Check your HBOOT version, there's a chance you can still install CWM.
Well as it seems for everyone who has that problem - factory reset! Nothing else works

[Q] Dalvik Cache doesn't exist

I was flashing CM9 from CM7 on my Motorola Defy, botched it up intially due to a slip of my finger which led to me to Clear the cache first. But then I restarted the entire process by Clearing Data -> Installing -> Flashing Kernel and so on...
But when I tried to clear the Dalvik Cache, the phone didn't delete it. It didn't give me a message that it wiped the cache, but it didn't say otherwise either. This led me to believe that the cache just didn't exist anymore.
As a result, I'm unable to install apps - Says there is no memory and I need to make more. Also, everytime the phone comes on is treated as the first time. It takes me through the whole process of Setting up an account and everything. This has rendered my phone obsolete.
Please help me!
Thanks in advance.
~Bloo (newb) ^_^
EDIT: Solved, just flashed the stock SBF. But is that the only solution?

Update Just Pushed

Turned on my A500 just now and the Android Is Updating popup flashed... then the counting of updated processes... all the version numbers seem to be the same... anyone else get this or have an idea what they updated?
If it's any consolation, it isn't an update. I have no idea what the issue is. But my tablet does the same thing every so often. It's as if I cleared my cache or something...
The only time I've seen that was on a reboot after a major update. Oh well, no worries.
That occurs when the Dalvik Cache has been cleared. Before ICS you would just see the boot animation the whole time that was happening, in ICS they decided to show you the process. Don't know why your Dalvik is clearing when you power down though.
cruise350 said:
That occurs when the Dalvik Cache has been cleared. Before ICS you would just see the boot animation the whole time that was happening, in ICS they decided to show you the process. Don't know why your Dalvik is clearing when you power down though.
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Perhaps the OP should format /cache and wipe the dalvik-cache using recovery? Perhaps the permissions are messed up or the partition has gone awry.
Some odd things happened yesterday- All media on the storage card acted like the card was first plugged in. Everything had to index all over again. Then other little things that pretty much confirms some cache was cleared somehow. No idea... I'm probably going to back things up and do a hard reset.

