Official winmo 6.5.x - HD2 General

hi all,
will we ever get an official 6.5.x rom from htc or are they abandoning this once called flagship of theirs? it has been months already and we still have not received any rom updates from them.


Official 6.1 HTC Rom

Do you think there will ever be an Official 6.1 HTC Rom? 6.1 was released for the TYTNII months ago, and then came all the Diamond/Pro hype. Now that has died down, there's still nothing new for the TC. I suspect HTC has abandoned any dev on pre-Diamond/Pro devices now.
Rumors say, that it will be realeased this month.
For your refernece
It will help you
In a norwegian site "" they claim its probably in internal testing, and that it wont be long.
We all know HTC is not actually well known to be punctional..but they have anounced a wm6.1 rom for polaris, and im sure they will release it soon.
when you go to that link in the ELF/TOUCH forum, conserning a update to that device, note that there has never been a official anouncement, unlike the Polaris, about a wm6.1 upgrade for that device.
but hey..dont expect miracles with the shipped/official rom....
but we will have a new base for our roms...

Original HTC WM 6.5

does anyone know if htc will make an update for 6.5?
It will be great, i like a 6.5 ROM but no with so many changes such V24, i like a ROM that likes such Microsoft Original's OS.
It's very unlikely that they would.
If you were the head of HTC, would you rather support older phones or give people a motivation to go and buy newer models??
MusikMonk said:
It's very unlikely that they would.
If you were the head of HTC, would you rather support older phones or give people a motivation to go and buy newer models??
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but wouldn't be nice to support the newer models and the not so old models like the opal?
lets just wait and see...
Updating your phone to Windows Mobile 6.5:
that is right opal is not so old... one year i think... remember what happened from WM6 to WM6.1 they made an update for the htc touch...
lets hope they also make an update from 6.1 to 6.5 for touch viva
If Htc doesn't update, is is not possible for the crackers or ROM cookers to cook a new ROM based on the official release????

More official updates?

Do you think there will be any more updates from HTC for TD2, or do you think the upgrade to 6.5 was the last one?
Oskala said:
Do you think there will be any more updates from HTC for TD2, or do you think the upgrade to 6.5 was the last one?
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Click to collapse my opinion wm 6.5 was the last update provided by htc; but our chiefs @xda will provide more updates..I think!
Last major OS upgrade, but hopefully not the last update, they have got a lot of bugs to sort out after their WM6.5 release!!
Oskala said:
Do you think there will be any more updates from HTC for TD2, or do you think the upgrade to 6.5 was the last one?
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It has been mentioned that MS will release a 6.5.1 update to make 6.5 even more finger friendly (in February, I believe). Whether or not HTC or the carriers will provide this per handset is anyone's guess.

next official rom update for the HD2 Europe version?

Any news about that?
the next one should be with windows mobile 6.5.x
for more support of the capacitive screen
anxifer said:
the next one should be with windows mobile 6.5.x
for more support of the capacitive screen
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Because can it be that HTC have given up on updating the HD2 already?
Euroman28 said:
Because can it be that HTC have given up on updating the HD2 already?
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I don't think, that HTC has given up on the HD2, yet.
This tweet might be of interest.
to everyone asking about HD2 & Windows Phone 7 Series; nothing announced yet but there may be info coming next month
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...either there will be a statement about HD2 being "transformed" into a WP7S-device with an update, or HTC might tell us that they have prepared WM 6.5.x for the HD2
Nobody knows yet....but I don't think HTC has "left us"
The last update has been 2-3 weeks ago... what do you expect seriously? I also don't think that the next update will contain WM6.5.x-crap. If the HD2 is meant to get an WM7-update then I'm almost sure that HD2 won't get this version. But all we can do is speculating...
de Wolfe said:
The last update has been 2-3 weeks ago... what do you expect seriously? I also don't think that the next update will contain WM6.5.x-crap. If the HD2 is meant to get an WM7-update then I'm almost sure that HD2 won't get this version. But all we can do is speculating...
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What I seriously think is that there is a chance, that we will get a WM 6.5.3 update.
Yes, it's been 3 weeks since the last ROM, and so? The ROM before that was released in the beginning of December, so about 7 weeks.
...and when is MIX'10? In about a why does this sound so wrong? Especially if the US models get the 6.5.3 ROM, then it wouldn't be so hard to make a version for the unbranded HD2
But yes, we don't know what might og might not happen
if they want to update hd2 to 6.5.3 they would have updated it in the 1.66 roms i think the next update will not be 6.5.3
they really should make an update because there are still so many unsolved issues that really annoy us users (sms lag, ...). Maybe they are already working on it and it will be released when there is a stable version of the newest windows build.
What about win6.5.3 combine with the new version of sense ?
Arent we due WM6.6 soon?
Starfury said:
Arent we due WM6.6 soon?
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We will properly get a 2.00 Rom with Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and some updates included. Maybe a new Youtube Client? Which would allow you to access your youtube account like you can Iphone?
But in my opinion getting an official WM7 HD2 upgrade is a likely as me being invited home by some random woman on this or any friday(Which is very unlikely!)
Euroman28 said:
We will properly get a 2.00 Rom with Windows Mobile 6.5.3 and some updates included. Maybe a new Youtube Client? Which would allow you to access your youtube account like you can Iphone?
But in my opinion getting an official WM7 HD2 upgrade is a likely as me being invited home by some random woman on this or any friday(Which is very unlikely!)
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If we believe HTC on twitter:
'for Diamond 2 firmware is not planned. Of the existing communicators on the market, only the HD2 firmware to get WM7'
think you better keep your friday nights free towards the end of the year when the OS is eventually released!!!
i think that 6.5.3 update can be a concrete possibility....i don't want to believe that Htc could leave us without this update....

What HTC says about new official WM6.5.3 ROM

I send to HTC a mail with a question will and when will be a new ROM upgrade to a new WM6.5.3. for HD2.
Here is HTC answer:
"Dear QQQ,
Thank you for contacting us,
Kindly note that your device was manufactured for the Czech Republic. So regarding any updates or hotfixes for your phone it’ll be through the Czech Republic page. However, the compatible Rom Upgrade for your phone is not yet released on that page. But it should be released soon. Kindly check on our website from time to time regarding new releases for new softwares."
So does it mean it will be or it will be only a new ROM with "old" WM6.5?
What do you think?
The answer is not really and the guy from HTC who answered doesn't seem to know what you were talking about when you mentionned WM6.5.3...
I don't think we should wait for a 6.5.3 upgrade, 'cause even if it's a minor upgrade, it's the same situation than for the HD which was released with WM6.1 and never upgraded officially with WM6.5 :/
Roupette said:
it's the same situation than for the HD which was released with WM6.1 and never upgraded officially with WM6.5 :/
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Which is why I cant wait for WP7S at least then we'll get OTA updates straight away instead of having to wait for htc or phone operators to offer up a updated ROM
It would be very sad if they dont make compatabile 6.5.3 ROM for HD2. It's silly if they just stop in inventing in HD2
Smartmob said:
It's silly if they just stop in inventing in HD2
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Well lucky for us, we have XDA.
wow he was really talking out his a$$ it would of been announce one way or another through some blog. now and days its hard for some one to keep things in the low especially HTC now that their getting to be bigger and bigger by the minute. i would see that coming from palm or danger (sidekick) nobody even cares about them any more so if they release some update nobody would really care other than device owners. sorry for getting out of the topic a bit but 6.5.3 would see the light by the end of the end of year microsoft putting all their brains on windows 7. hd2 for t-mobile might be the last windows 6.5 of the year in a american carrier
I ask this question to HTC: "Is the HTC HD2 going to get a windows mobile 6.5.3 ROM upgrade?"
And this is their answer: "Dear Eric Lui, Thank you for choosing HTC! Regarding to ROM update issue, we are sorry to inform you that currently we do not have the information of the WM6.5.3 ROM upgrade for HTC HD2. If any update in future, HTC will release the news on the website once any update, Please pay attention to our Official website for the update. In addition, we had recorded your information, and we will inform you in advance once any update related with HTC HD2. Thanks a lot for your understanding and cooperation."
Hope this can help.
HTC releases too many devices and they actually don't care of upgrades for current devices. Even if it's hi-end device like HD2. They will rather release HD3 than make official WM6.5.3 ROM for HD2. You have to pay for anything
I'm using Samsung Omnia II. I like this phone and i like Samsung attitude to their products. It came originally with WM6.1. Then it got upgrade to WM6.5. Now it get another upgrade to WM6.5.3. Same phone - 2 major upgrades.
Yes, it's possible to make your own WM6.5.3 ROM, but alas you can not tweak all OEM applications to be compatible with 6.5.3. That's why official upgrade is the key point.
Without official upgrade to 6.5.3 from HTC, user won't get normal HTC dialer/callerID. They will stick either to 235xx builds or add workaround to fix incompatibility. I even don't mention about minor graphics issues after migrating from 6.5 to 6.5.3.
