Dell Streak Pre-Sale This Thursday August 12th - Streak 5 General

Here it is folks!!!
****Looks like launching with 1.6****

Let the ROM's begin......

Thank the gods...atleast every other day I will not have to read new threads about when it will be released or moaning that its not released...
And now might get some proper threads with some more roms!

Pleased for you guys,ITS ABOUT TIME

now you can all stop whingeing like little girly girls


Laptop Magazine March Smartphone Madness Game - Our HD2 vs. Palm Pre

I'm a little bit inclined to post this here instead on the news section since it's related directly to our device, but here goes:
Laptop Magazine is running a March Madness smartphone play-off, and the current contest pits the HTC HD2 against Palm Pre.
Palm Pre is currently in the lead with 5211 votes vs HD2 at 3619 votes as of 5:59PM CST. Votes are open till 9 a.m. EST tomorrow, April 1st, and of course the big question is whether you would wanna see your beloved HD2 gets knocked out by the uhhh, Palm Pre...?
I'm pretty sure if we can mobilize half of the ppl here at xda to vote we'll be able to knock out the race, so spread the news and vote!
*Oops sorry didn't mean to clutter the forum, I didn't realize there's been another thread for this. Mod please delete as necessary. Thanks.*

The Inventor of the Cell phone, favours Android :)
Watch it here
Great but there's been a thread a week ago and severel others has been posted in march
This is definately a Flashback

Anything Promising?

Well tomorrow i am going to pick up my G2 which is long overdue lol
Wanted to get it launch date but to my misfortune i couldn't..
Im just wondering before i drop the cash, are there anymore
promising phones that will be launched on T-Mobile that are closer or better to the G2?
Maybe after CES 2011 in january? I just need some peoples inputs
that are knowledgeable about phone releases and upto date tmobile phone launches..
Not looking to be flamed, neither do i care if you do..
But seeming how the android development section gets the most replies
(thats why im posting here and not elsewhere) I hope i can be helped out by the XDA community
Thread locked, not developmental

I had to laugh at this

I know its a sore subject around here. But thanks to a few of you, Dell appears to be close to making good a decent phone. We'll know by the end of the week.
In reviewing many of the threads here, especially the ones accusing Dell of fraud, Micheal Dell of being less than a man, and some basic Dell hates us stuff, I read a few lines by several people that mentioned every company and many phones go through this exact problem....of course, they were laughed off....some in anger...some in jest.
My time with the Venue Pro is almost over. 7 months with a single phone is a long time for me, and I've already purchased my next phone. I'll be looking for a Mango device near the end of the year....but in researching my new purchase I came across many of the things that were written here in the Venue Pro forum. I thought I would share one that just made me laugh.....this is for you Sparta....beware your next purchase...
" I think we all agree, T-Mobil knowingly sold product which they were fully aware was defective (whether the hardware or software). It's just NOTpossible this phone was released without them knowing about the problems. That said, I think they just crossed thier fingers, hoping we would not complaint too much; in the meantime they have made millions on us and when we complain they say "let them eat cake". Compare your experience with T-Mobil and a reputable department store; you walk into Best buy and say I just bought this and it does not work right.....ummm they giev you a new one, that works; think about it.
We're not alone.....the corporate world is evil.....
I understand him (and others) being angry. But at the end of the day you vote with your dollar, not your posts on a message board or on a twitter account. If you aren't happy don't give them your money next time.
Appreciate the info you've given in this section, enjoy that g2x!
venelar said:
I understand him (and others) being angry. But at the end of the day you vote with your dollar, not your posts on a message board or on a twitter account. If you aren't happy don't give them your money next time.
Appreciate the info you've given in this section, enjoy that g2x!
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Click to collapse
My Dell is not I have to work with it daily...I'll just take it less serious now.
Also, check this out. Android Forums review of the Dell Venue. Yes its a Droid...but the interesting thing is the wrap up. Skip to the end and read the conclusions about this Venue Pro knock off....just what most people in this forum as been saying for months....
Here's the Link

[POLL] Update on shipping or backordered?

So the last thread was a little depressing but I know many people have got theirs shipped after voting on the original poll. I would like to make a final poll (if mods don't mind) with the updated status of everyone.

