Remote Desktop Help - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

So I want to use remote desktop on my TP2 to connect to my laptop at home. I've done all the requirements to allow to use this feature; I've enabled port forwarding in my router settings and I have enabled remote desktop on my laptop's Windows 7 system properties. And on my TP2 I enter my ip address for the "computer" field, my Windows 7 account user name in the "user name" field (I only have 1 account on my laptop and it is admin), and the account password in the "password" field. After all of this, my TP2 will still not connect to my laptop. At this point I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Can anybody help?

Does your computer has public IP Address?

Yes. I go to and it displays my ip address. I've tried entering this address in the "computer" field as well and nothing.

you'll need to forward port 3389 through any router you may be using (check out
you'll also need to enable RDP connection on the machine through System>Remote.
there are 1001 guides you'll find with a quick google, its not a phone specific thing.
edit: ive previously found that the WM RDP client wont start a 'net connection itself. if you find the same, just do it manually through com manager or check ur mail etc.

Did you forward port 3389 to the internal ip address of your laptop?
Do you have a software firewall on the laptop that may be blocking access?

First try to figure out where the error occurs.
Try to connect to your pc, using an other pc ( from outside )
If it works, it must be a setting in your mobile device.
If pc also doesnt work, it should be a port problem, in that case, try using hamachi..
Oh, and check if you dont have a blocking program, or firewall .. like suggested above

Does my phone need to be connected to wi-fi in order to use remote desktop or will it just use my carrier's data service?

develop1 said:
Does my phone need to be connected to wi-fi in order to use remote desktop or will it just use my carrier's data service?
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it will use any data connection available, no need to connect to wifi if you have data plan activated.
some tips:
1. you must have NAT (port forwarding) configured in your router
2. If your router has public IP address on WAN port, then point 1. is just sufficient if you are on some routed network, than you need to ask your provider, maybe you will be lucky
2.1. (here are network ranges used as private, only for identification)
from to
from to
from to
3. point 1. specification - enable NAT from WAN port to local IP address of your computer, specific port is TCP 3389. Also is good to make a reservation on DHCP server for this PC.
4. you need to enable remote desktop on your PC
4.1. computer properties - remote desktop setup - and its middle line on remote desktop settings
4.2. click "choose users" and check if your account is listed

Thanks alot to everybody's help! Your advise allowed me to get this things working, I really appreciate it. I had the port open and had remote desktop enabled on my computer but the thing that was killing me was I had the windows firewall on and my ESET Smart Security firewall on as well. Once I disabled them I was able to make the connection. What a head ache those firewalls gave me. I thank you all once again for your assistance.

I want to remotely access my PC from TP2, what software do I need to install on my phone?

sheharyar said:
I want to remotely access my PC from TP2, what software do I need to install on my phone?
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The answer depends on what you have available to connect to. Your network (if any exists) and the machine/OS you want to connect to.
If you could let me know the following, I'll see if I can help:
How you machine's connected to the net. (for example, mines something like PC>Router>Cable modem>outside world).
The operating syustem in use on your PC. Specifically please, the edition and version is important to know. Mine's Windows 7 Ultimate, for example.
but, to cut a long story short: if you're not using a home edition of one of the recent windows OSs (XP and later), I'd suggest Remote desktop's the best way to go. There's a .cab knocking around here if you don't already have it on your phone and the PC end's described in the 'Configure Remote Desktop' and 'Configure Your Router' bits of this page: (ignore the other sections, they're not relevant unless you're running IIS)

I have a WIFI Router installed, have a laptop with VISTA ULTIMATE and PC with XP Professional.
I am already able to RD my laptop from my PC.
I want to RDS my laptop from my phone via the same network/WIFI. I think it is pretty simple.
This is what I am doing
I have installed Remote Desktop Mobile
I have connected to WIFI
when I run Remote Desktop Mobile & enter my laptop's name, with username and password and click connect, connecting remains on top and is not connecting it. I am not in any domain, do i have to leave the domain name empty?

if you're not using a domain, leaving it blank's right.
Does it just time out on your phone?
Do you get the same if you try connecting via IP instead of your machine's name?

mad_tunes said:
if you're not using a domain, leaving it blank's right.
Does it just time out on your phone?
Do you get the same if you try connecting via IP instead of your machine's name?
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I am able to connect from my pc.
When I try to connect from my phone either by IP or computer name, it does not even time out, it just remains stuck at Connecting...
Nothing happens after 5 minutes, even no error message appears.

sheharyar said:
I am able to connect from my pc.
When I try to connect from my phone either by IP or computer name, it does not even time out, it just remains stuck at Connecting...
Nothing happens after 5 minutes, even no error message appears.
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Your laptop seems to be configured well ( you can access it using the pc )
So it must be a setting in the phone. You sure it is connected to wifi , maybe it stays on 3g ) Or maybe your laptop only allowes 1 ip to connect ( the pc's ip )

I am even able to connect to my laptop over internet as the port 3389 is fwd.
Do I have to configure anything on my phone other than installing that cab file?
Or maybe the cab file I've installed is corrupt or something, can someone please share the cab file?


Can my jasjar and Centrino communicate?

G'day all,
Well I got my jasjar today, and essentially I was originally under the impression that with this I would be able to use the wireless technologies of my laptop and jasjar to sync outlook, and browse the fiels on the notebook etc.
Then reality hit me.
You cannot sync via wireless. Then as it turns out I have no clue on how to setup a wireless network..
So im just wondering if anyone can inform me, is it possible for my jasjar and centrino notebook to communicate with each other wirelessly? If so what do I need to do in order to do that.
Thanks in advance
a very confused wireless enthusiast.
ActiveSync will not work on wi-fi, but you can setup a device-to-device network and use files on a share on your computer. If your Centrino has Bluetooth, you can use ActiveSync with that.
i have AS over bluetooth fine, and allows me to browse the internet etc
i have WIFI configured at home and work which allows me to browse shared folders with passwords and permission, run terminal server to my XP and our Terminal Server, and allows me to run Terminal Server over wireless over the internet direct to my remote work servers.
so it really depends on what you want to achieve, it will more than likely be a combination solution.
WIFI = Internet and Shares and Terminal Server
WIFI = Streaming music and videos
Bluetooth = AS
Bluetooth = Internet
Bluetooth <> Shares and Terminal Server
Well my laptop doesnt have bluetooth so that is no good to me.
Yeah I just want to access the laptops music, video or documents wirelessly. Im a little or completely lost as how to do this, I do not have broadband, and I have no networking experience really.
All I have is a Centrino laptop armed with the latest wifi components, and a jasjar.
I managed to make a device-to-device connection as someone suggested, and the devices appeared to connect, but I couldnt seem to do anything with them as such.
Try Resco Explorer ( It allows you to map network drives (once you have your device-to-device connection sorted)
Wiz - Off topic but can you share how you got your O2 Exec Blackberry Enabled? I'd like to do the same. Ta - philg
Got resco explorer, gotta say thats a handy lil feature packed app. But to my problem at hand....does anyone have or can anyone give me a run down of how to get a device-to-device networking happenng.
I can get the two devices to connect as such via wifi, both jasjar says connected as does XP, however when I go to map a network drive, in Resco or XP fo rthat matter, I just an a message saying no computer is connected or availbe. This despite the fact that it is right there!!
Any suggestions, tutorial recommendations?
r u using xp pro or home?
what sort of antivirus r u running?
firewall? ms or other
any other security settings imposed?
generally, go to pc, find folder u want to connect to, RMC, properties, sharing, enable with a name you like, apply security with password (nb sharinmg over wifi will allow others to access without security).
goto pda, resco, map drive, type in \\computername\sharename, enter your username to log onto pc and password (assuming these were the same pemissions you applied when setting up)
I had this working using a wifi access point via a local router, but norton screwed it up and been unable to fix....
Yes XP Pro
Default Network Security really, like I said ive never really used them or accessed the features so usually keep em closed.
and running NIS 2005. But yeah look im not a total noob, ie I disabled NIS at one point to see if that was hampering the connections, and even enabled it and enabled full access and that did nothing either.
what you suggested I pretty much did.
however, when ive set up the device to device connection it gives me security options ie WEP WPA etc, done these restrict other networks from using the shared folder?
I ask because there are a fare few wireless networks around me, wouldnt want to give any of them access to my stuff, even if it is only my music and some documents.
If you start your WIFI on your PPC and PC, does the WIFI icon on the PPC create the connection, ie the antennae and two arrows that remain still.
If so, then you have got the connection to the PC, we just then need to get the folders and access to each other. If not, then we cant get any further till we resolve this issue.
RMC My Computer or go to control panel system. Far right Tab allow remote connections, tick the box to allow. This should allow a Terminal Server connection from your PPC to your PC. So find out the IP of your PC, then open TSC and enter the same IP address and see if it connects. If it starts to get create a connection via GPRS/3G cancel it. This will be due to the "My Work" and "Internet" settings which we will have to come back to.
If it you can open a TSC then you have established the WIFI and can create and authenticate a connection, so it means we have a problem with the foler sharing.
So in summary, doing the above will:
1. Estabish that the WIFI connection using WEP is working
2. That you are connecting over the same common network using TSC to connect and control your PC from your PPC
3. THat the problems are folder sharing related
Let me know how you go.
I wont be able to try these suggestions until tomorrow but im pretty confident one of these will work, thanks for taking the time, I will definitely try em tomorrow.
But just for what information I have ATM, yes the wifi icon you described is there, so like I said the PPC is definitely connecting, just when its connected I dont seem to be able to do much.
Will let you know how I go
THanks again
I have resolved the problem that I have been having with connecting to a network share, when I could before and cant now....
The answer was simple, and I cant believe how simple.
The answer was found here, and posted by DUTCH
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."
If your not sure where this is let me know, but it provided and immediate fix for me. ...
Well, actually, I did two things simultaneously, so not sure which actually worked. I also went into the specific connectsion > Network Cards on the PPC, Network Adapter set to work, then Wireless tab, found the specific network opened this and changed this from internet to work.
So the combineation of the IP settings and the change from internet to work allows my ppc to connect to my computers folder shares.
well, i tested it furter.
If i left the work setting on my network, then when I used the internet, it opened and connected a gprs connection to open the web site.
so i changed the network connect back to "the internet", and was able to use the network card to connect to the internet and access the web.
I was also STILL able to access a network share whilst the network connected to "the internet", so the solution for me was
"Make sure you have "Enable Netbios over TCP/IP" checked in your TCP/IP Advanced settings."

How to configure Remote Desktop

What is the method for configure the remote desktop program on this device.?
The computer you want to control needs to be XP professional, W2K professional, Vista business or ultimate, or one of the various windows server versions.
On the computer, right click My Computer, select properties, go to the remote tab (on vista select Remote Properties on the left).
Select Allow remote connections.
If you're running a Home version, then as you're not a business user, you are deemed to not need this business function.
Look up RDP and MSTSC in google.
1)configure allow remote desktop connection as described in above post
2)now how is ur pc connected to net?
its recommended that u should not be behind firewall and ur pc should be directly connected to internet with its own ip and make sure ur antivirus firewall is also preferably disabled
3) today's dsl service providers usually allot dynamic public ip adresss to pc so just click the properties of ur dail up broadband connection and note down ur ip adress ( dsl modems are usually always online connection you have to check and modify ur dsl router settings to bridge connection mode and create a dail up connection on desktop ;before modifying any setting in dsl modem make sure u have ur username password for dsl connection and have a back up of dsl router settings)
4)just note down ip and write it in computer box in remote desk top connection in ur handheld
in username field put ur pc user name
in password field put ur pc password
5)just press connect hopefully its done
but some times it really sucks......
Definitely make sure you're behind a firewall! You usually are with your asdl router.
Open port 3389 and forward it to your PC.
For extra security, you can configure your PC to listen on a different port, and configure the router to use that of course.
As commando0 says, you're most likely to have a dynamic IP address, meaning whenever your router connection drops, you'll more than likely get a new address from your ISP, so do get around this, you can use dynamic dns (check
So use your dyndns address to connect via the internet, and your PC's name for when connecting at home via wifi.
xaccers said:
Definitely make sure you're behind a firewall! You usually are with your asdl router.
Open port 3389 and forward it to your PC.
For extra security, you can configure your PC to listen on a different port, and configure the router to use that of course.
As commando0 says, you're most likely to have a dynamic IP address, meaning whenever your router connection drops, you'll more than likely get a new address from your ISP, so do get around this, you can use dynamic dns (check
So use your dyndns address to connect via the internet, and your PC's name for when connecting at home via wifi.
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hi i forwarded port 3389 to my pc (
enabled the firewall to listen to that port,
enabled remote connection on vista
but its still not connecting.. i tried using my external as well as lan ip.. nothing seems to work
btw, yes ive been connecting using wifi
anyone uses logmein on here??
Just to confirm, what version of Vista are you running? Business or Ultimate?
On the remote tab of System properties, make sure you've selected "Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure)"
Click the "Select Users" button and make sure it says your username already has access, if not, add your username to the list.
Once you've done that, open a cmd window and type:
telnet localhost 3389
then press enter and you should get a blinking curser.
That means your computer is accepting remote desktop connections.
Hold down ctrl and press ] then at the prompt type exit to close the telnet session window.
Then try from your phone. works perfect over the internet to connect to your pc from a WM device, realy fast and smooth and you can customise the display settings to maximise your speed and refresh rate. 100% recommended
The best use I ever had with Logmein was using it with my HTC Universal, it was so good having VGA and a qwerty keyboard.....
I remember once sat in a pub I needed a file from my PC at home ASAP (to settle an alchole fueled argument, lol), I connected within 30 secs and E-mailed the file to my phone from home. Amasing, also works with any windows OS, I have been using it for about 4 years and its still 100% free.

Remote desktop

I'm trying to figure out how to set up remote desktop... I'm using Kumars rom... not that that makes a difference i dont think. anyways. I'm running Windows 7 on my computer.
start ->
right click on "My Computer" ->
Properties ->
remote settings (top left hand)
remote tab ->
Allow remote assistance connections to this computer box is checked
allow connections from computers running any version of remote desktop (less secure) is checked ->
on to my phone...
i go to remote desktop mobile on it... I've read online that for the Computer dialog box i input my computers IP address... now, is that the IPV4 address that i get from the CMD box after typing IPCONFIG... or is it the address that i get when i browse over to the website ??
what do i put for my user name and password? is it my PC's password and user name? also... my ISP (internet service provider) is Verizon. i currently have their built in wireless modem up and running. i've seen the tutorial on youtube of how to set up remote desktop by going in to my router and port forwarding numbers... but thats also something i am having trouble with.... ive been cracking my head at this for over 3 hours. can someone please help
Nano3 said:
I'm trying to figure out how to set up remote desktop... I'm using Kumars rom... not that that makes a difference i dont think. anyways. I'm running Windows 7 on my computer.
start ->
right click on "My Computer" ->
Properties ->
remote settings (top left hand)
remote tab ->
Allow remote assistance connections to this computer box is checked
allow connections from computers running any version of remote desktop (less secure) is checked ->
on to my phone...
i go to remote desktop mobile on it... I've read online that for the Computer dialog box i input my computers IP address... now, is that the IPV4 address that i get from the CMD box after typing IPCONFIG... or is it the address that i get when i browse over to the website ??
what do i put for my user name and password? is it my PC's password and user name? also... my ISP (internet service provider) is Verizon. i currently have their built in wireless modem up and running. i've seen the tutorial on youtube of how to set up remote desktop by going in to my router and port forwarding numbers... but thats also something i am having trouble with.... ive been cracking my head at this for over 3 hours. can someone please help
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For username and password, don't bother with them. You MUST have user logins setup on your PC for this to work. When you eventually do connect to your PC, you'll be presented with the login screen, so you can enter authentication information there instead. Yes, it's your login and password for your PC, but you don't need to worry about that to actually connect.
Without seeing your specific router setup, it's difficult to help with the next part. Go to start, run and type cmd. Type IPCONFIG - this will give you the IP address that your computer has. You need to allow all traffic on port 3389 to go to that IP address. There will be something about port forwarding in your router setup (which I have to assume you know how to access).
If you have trouble, google for the model number of your router and "port forwarding" and you're bound to find a how-to page.
Incidentally, that IP address is your "internal" IP address - the one that your router assigns to your PC so you can communicate with it. When you go to whatismyipaddress it tells you the IP address of your router. You need to connect to that from outside, and the port forwarding says "someone's connecting to me on port 3389 via my external IP address. I've got port forwarding set up to allow traffic on that port to go to an internal IP address." (You may not hear it say that )
this is the screen on my ip router set up
Looks fine. So did you try logging in?
These instructions won't work if you have more than one device in your house using that router and each device will get its own IP from the router, so when a request comes in from the outside network, it won't know which IP to send the request to.
**UNLESS** you're doing it over WIFI from your phone, which would already put you on the inside network so you don't need to worry about that.
Tell us, are you trying to connect using 3G, or are you trying to connect using your in-house WiFi using the router?
zdrux said:
These instructions won't work if you have more than one device in your house using that router and each device will get its own IP from the router, so when a request comes in from the outside network, it won't know which IP to send the request to.
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Good point - I didn't pick up on the fact that the port forwarding is not asking for an end IP address.
As zdrux says, if you're connecting your HD2 to your wireless network then you can connect to your PC directly, using the internal IP address, as mentioned in the post above.
Nope not working... im getting really irritated. i dont understand why it isnt working. do i need to be connected through my own wifi? or should i disable it?
You don't need to connect via your own wifi, as long as your router is doing it's job properly. It's easier to connect via wifi though, as you can rule out the router completely and at least get it working.
A few questions...
Do you have to log onto windows with a username and password?
Do you have windows firewall on?
What version of Windows 7 is it?
Nano3 said:
Nope not working... im getting really irritated. i dont understand why it isnt working. do i need to be connected through my own wifi? or should i disable it?
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Nobody will help if you can't answer our questions.
- Are you connecting through 3G, or through you WiFi at home? Where do you get your connection on your phone?! This is important.
- Turn off windows fire-wall completely until you solve this so you know its not getting in the way.
- Go to Control Panel > System and Security > System ..and click on "Remote Settings" in the left pane, once a new window opens up, make sure you check the box where it says "Allow assistance from other computers" and also a little lower where it says "Allow other versions of windows to connect to this computer".
- Go to your router and look for an option where you can set a computer as the DMZ, put in the IP of your computer in that box if you have one of those boxes as an option. This is the IP you see when you type "ipconfig" on your computer.
- Go to to test if your Remote Desktop port is open. Once you get to that webpage, type in port number 3389 and click "Check", this will confirm if it's an issue with your computer or your phone.
- Like the other person said, if this doesn't work, try connecting your computer without a router. Just get the cable running from the modem straight into your network card, unless you have one of those router/modem all-in-one things.
If you are connecting over the home wifi, then you shouldn't need to go near port forwarding, or indeed your router at all.
the target ip is the PC address you get from cmd - ipconfig (192.168.....) and as johnc said, you can leave user and pass blank and log in directly.
If you are wanting to connect over your phones data, then the target ip is found either by visiting whatismyip or in the router, look for the wan ip address. (Example
and in that case you set up in your router a port forward from external port 3389 to internal address (your pc address from ipconfig) on port 3389.
Hello Everyone,
Not to hijack the thread but, I am having problems using remote desktop also. Maybe you can help.
Host Computer: Notebook
OS: Win xp pro
Connectivity: T-Mobile USA PCM/CIA card gprs/edge/3G
User name has Admin Privileges
In Security Center, Firewall. I made exceptions for Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance.
When I goto on the notebook on the t-mobile wireless card, Error: I could not see your service on on port 3389 Reason: Connection refused
Client: HD2
Connectivity: T-Mobile USA 3G
On the HD2 I put:
Computer: IP address of the host computer
User name: Name of Admin Privileged User
Password: Password that corresponds to the user name
When I goto on the HD2, Error: I could not see your service on on port 3389 Reason: Connection refused
1) On the host computer, Must all users be logged off and the computer at the login screen or can I be logged in on an Admin User?
2) If users must be logged off, I can go to Task Manager and disconnect user that will be used to login with remote desktop?
3) T-Mobile USA Blocking ports 3389?
If I log out of the user, I go to the login screen but the wireles connection is terminated.
My Goal:
I have a notebook in my work vehicle on the T-mobile air card (Wireless ) and while I am in a building working, I would like to connect to the notebook in the vehicle with my HD2 instead of walking back and forth or having to carry my notebook with me.
If you need more information, I will do my best to give exact details.
Thank you,
You left out a step on the PC.
On the Remote screen setup on the PC you have to add the Login IDs that will be allowed to login remotely.
Hello Everyone,
I called T-mobile usa, spoke with their PDA/Smartphone Tech Support, They could not give me an answer that A) They are blocking ports 3389 or B) They are not blocking ports 3389.
The tech continued to asked me over and over again " did that application come on the phone or you installed it" I told him repeatedly " Remote desktop come loaded on the factory T-mobile ROM"
He then said, they are working with their network dept and directly with HTC
Just a heads up
Thank you,
tms02 said:
You left out a step on the PC.
On the Remote screen setup on the PC you have to add the Login IDs that will be allowed to login remotely.
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You have to connect first before you can even think of logging in. We still didn't get to that part.
MonnieRock said:
Hello Everyone,
I called T-mobile usa, spoke with their PDA/Smartphone Tech Support, They could not give me an answer that A) They are blocking ports 3389 or B) They are not blocking ports 3389.
The tech continued to asked me over and over again " did that application come on the phone or you installed it" I told him repeatedly " Remote desktop come loaded on the factory T-mobile ROM"
He then said, they are working with their network dept and directly with HTC
Just a heads up
Thank you,
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This is irrelevant, the website checks to see if the port on your PC is open, this has nothing to do with the phone (yet). If your port 3389 is open and accepting connections, the website should say so, nothing to do with the phone at this time.
This basically means your computer has port 3389 shut off/blocking, figure out what's doing that and then you can connect.
johncmolyneux said:
You don't need to connect via your own wifi, as long as your router is doing it's job properly. It's easier to connect via wifi though, as you can rule out the router completely and at least get it working.
A few questions...
Do you have to log onto windows with a username and password?
Do you have windows firewall on?
What version of Windows 7 is it?
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I do have a username and password
windows firewall is on
windows 7 ultimate 64 bit

TMOUS HD2 Remote Desktop over 3G

Not sure if I should post this question here or somewhere else but since I am using my TMOUS HD2 for remote desktop I decide to put this here.
I tried the remote desktop over my own wifi it works great but just wondering if I can use it over 3G... I tried but doesn't seem to be connecting.
Also does anybody know the list of ports that are blocked on tmous 3g? Thanks a lot!
over 3g don't forget you need to use your external ip address, (I.e not the 192.168.... addresses) and then in the router you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your chosen pc.
been looking for a solution to this for a while. Seems people give out solutions that never work.
I've just done this as a proof to myself, and yes you can do this.
Assuming you have a router, then you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your internal pc, port 3389 TCP.
On the PC, system properties - remote - make sure you choose the middle option.. ' allow connections from computers running any version..'
Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.
With data connection active, run remote desktop
give it your routers external IP address (not the address, , thats your internal address)
no need to fill in user and pass, it will give you the PC's login screen. Domain left blank too.
Note the connection in teh top bar, , edge in one, H in the other. No wifi.
EDIT - if your carrier blocks port 3389 which some apparently do, bypass it by using a different external port.
So in the routersettings you would forward port, say, 3456 external to 3389 internal, and then in remote desktop on the phone, you would put the ip address as (example)
samsamuel said:
I've just done this as a proof to myself, and yes you can do this.
Assuming you have a router, then you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your internal pc, port 3389 TCP.
On the PC, system properties - remote - make sure you choose the middle option.. ' allow connections from computers running any version..'
Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.
With data connection active, run remote desktop
give it your routers external IP address (not the address, , thats your internal address)
no need to fill in user and pass, it will give you the PC's login screen. Domain left blank too.
Note the connection in teh top bar, , edge in one, H in the other. No wifi.
EDIT - if your carrier blocks port 3389 which some apparently do, bypass it by using a different external port.
So in the routersettings you would forward port, say, 3456 external to 3389 internal, and then in remote desktop on the phone, you would put the ip address as (example)
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Ugh, I just can't get it. I have data connected at all times. I try this, but I use windows XP (which for some reason almost everyone who shows how to use this on the HD2 uses Windows 7). Port forward to my internal IP address. Set up to connect to my external IP address (yeah im on a network). Always gives me those 3 reasons why it can't connect and I never got it to work. I just dont get it.
what i changed from stock rom to get RDP to work
in settings/connection change your data access point from whatever it is currently (write it down) to and try (for me that also worked for skyfire). some ports/protocalls may be blocked from the default access piont.
Phenomenon said:
Ugh, I just can't get it. I have data connected at all times. I try this, but I use windows XP (which for some reason almost everyone who shows how to use this on the HD2 uses Windows 7). Port forward to my internal IP address. Set up to connect to my external IP address (yeah im on a network). Always gives me those 3 reasons why it can't connect and I never got it to work. I just dont get it.
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Works fine for me all the time. I have XP Pro.
I've set the IP on my computer to be static (
I changed my Remote desktop listening port to 3399 (changes in registry and windows firewall. Also change in Antivirus firewall if you have one.)
I have a linksys router. I've set the port forwarding in "Games and Applications" as all requests to port 3399 will be sent to
I open Remote Desktop on my HD2 and point to my external IP address with the port number.
example: 24.123.456.789:3399
Its been working fine for me for a month. Speed is good too.
samsamuel said:
I've just done this as a proof to myself, and yes you can do this.
Assuming you have a router, then you need to set up port forwarding from the router to your internal pc, port 3389 TCP.
On the PC, system properties - remote - make sure you choose the middle option.. ' allow connections from computers running any version..'
Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.
With data connection active, run remote desktop
give it your routers external IP address (not the address, , thats your internal address)
no need to fill in user and pass, it will give you the PC's login screen. Domain left blank too.
Note the connection in teh top bar, , edge in one, H in the other. No wifi.
EDIT - if your carrier blocks port 3389 which some apparently do, bypass it by using a different external port.
So in the routersettings you would forward port, say, 3456 external to 3389 internal, and then in remote desktop on the phone, you would put the ip address as (example)
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To you or anyone else who can do this, are yall using Professional Windows OS? or Home?
remote desktop isnt included in home. (Maybe in home premium, possibly)
there are work arounds, a 3rd party vpn for instance, or there are ways to get remote desktop onto certain home versions.
samsamuel said:
remote desktop isnt included in home. (Maybe in home premium, possibly)
there are work arounds, a 3rd party vpn for instance, or there are ways to get remote desktop onto certain home versions.
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I use this with Win7 Home Premium, which does not have RDC enabled. However, you can simply patch it to enable RDC:
I have no problem RDC to that machine from my HD2 from both in and outside of my network. As mentioned, you need to edit your router settings to enable port forwarding to the machine(s) you are trying to access remotely. I use 3389. The above utility that enables RDC on W7HP also enables port 3389 to get through windows firewall on that machine.
no, still can't get it to work right. Even with Remote VNC workarounds it's still not getting the connection. For some reason, any port checker (even when I configure the router to forward the port to my internal IP) says that the connection is refused. So I dunno wtf it is. I'm guessing either it's Comcast that's blocking this port or the router's messing up, or Tmobile is messing up, but damn it's aggravating as hell finding a solution.
it's not work,I need help
I tried some times Remote Desktop over 3G ,but it's not work,before I connected , Then on the phone, you need the data connection active before you start remote desktop, it wont start it itself.,I actived data connection by use opera browser,and the connection in the top bar,the icon "H" appeared in the top bar,does the Remote Desktop support the connection way of 3G ? please tell me what to do ?thanks a lot ! sorry for my poor english.
Phenomenon said:
no, still can't get it to work right. Even with Remote VNC workarounds it's still not getting the connection. For some reason, any port checker (even when I configure the router to forward the port to my internal IP) says that the connection is refused. So I dunno wtf it is. I'm guessing either it's Comcast that's blocking this port or the router's messing up, or Tmobile is messing up, but damn it's aggravating as hell finding a solution.
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Try connecting to your home computer from another computer outside. Seems to me that your home computer is not setup to allow RD from outside.
kcaj32 said:
Try connecting to your home computer from another computer outside. Seems to me that your home computer is not setup to allow RD from outside.
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Yes, and phenomenon you should really try to establish the connection first while connected to your home network with your phone, just to make sure everything internal is setup properly before you start messing with getting the external connection to work.
Phenomenon said:
no, still can't get it to work right. Even with Remote VNC workarounds it's still not getting the connection. For some reason, any port checker (even when I configure the router to forward the port to my internal IP) says that the connection is refused. So I dunno wtf it is. I'm guessing either it's Comcast that's blocking this port or the router's messing up, or Tmobile is messing up, but damn it's aggravating as hell finding a solution.
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Your router probably has it's own firewall. Can you connect to your computer through your own network?

[HowTo]: Remote desktop on HD2 for Win7 with WiFi and NO ROUTER or INTERNET!

If you want to set up a remote desktop from your HD2 to your laptop through WiFi, using NO ROUTER and NO INTERNET connection, you easily can. What will you use it for and why? It is up to you.. but it can come in handy considering this can be done anywhere as long as you have your laptop and your HD2 with you. This is how:
-Download 'Connectify' here and install it on your laptop
-connectify1.png: 1) The name of the WiFi-connetion that you will connect to from your phone2) Password (not needed, but if you choose none, anyone with a WiFi device can connect to your WiFi 3) Select your Wireless Network Connection4) Start the WiFi router (after this, connect to the WiFi network on your HD2!)
-connectify2.png: 5) and 6) Open your 'Network and Sharing Center' by clicking the link the image shows
-connectify3.png: Follow 7)
-connectify4.png: Follow 8)
-connectify5.png: 9) Write down this number
-RemoteDesktop1.jpg: You have connected to your new Wireless network on the HD2
-RemoteDesktop2.jpg: Open 'Remote Desktop' on your HD2 in [START] -> [Tools] -> [Remote Desktop], in the first field, fill in the 'IP'-address that you found in step 9) in 'connectify5.png'. In the second and third field, fill in the username and password for your laptop (the user-account you use to login to windows)
-RemoteDesktop3.jpg: Settings for your remote desktop.. choose as you please
--> Press 'Connect' and you're good to go!
Thanks to Leftkats for the solution:
leftkats said:
ok found something... There I don't know if its a demo but it didn't ask for any serials so I assume its freeware.. Download and install, and follow the easy to set up wizard... Worked for me...
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Original post:
I'm really having a hard time understanding how to connect to my Windows7 Pro-based laptop through WiFi with my HD2.
1) I don't understand how to set up a WiFi connection and if I'm supposed to find it on my HD2 and connect to it before trying the remote desktop connection
2) I don't understand how to set up a WiFi connection on my laptop that can be found from my phone
3) I don't understand how to find the IP (or any other settings like ports) that should be used trying to connect to the laptop from remote desktop on my HD2.
(I've read this: ..but did not come as far as to details, no kidding perhaps when I can't even set up a connection).
Anyone willing to give me a detailed guide, from first click to last, on my laptop and HD2? Please treat me like a 3yr-old when explaining.... /:
//Bear in mind that I have used the whole night searching for a guide on the net and the forums.. but none take me there from the absolute step one. Most of them just say "fill in the information and you're GO! " /:
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Ok so first I'm presuming you have a wireless network, dont no if it can be done without one (correct me if im wrong folks) so im on xp so might be different on 7 but nearly the same i guess
so have your pc and you're phone both running from the wifi
then on your pc go to my computer, right click and open properties, you wanna be on system properties by now and look for Remote, you wanna allow remote assistance and allows users to connect remotely,
then fire up RD on your HD2, where it says computer thats where the ip of the oc goes, you can look it up by clicking the network icon in the desktop of the pc, should be something like 192.168.x.x type that in you're phone (computer section in remote desktop)
the username is the same username as your pc is called or youre account
then click connect have a go if you need more help just reply mate
EDIT I will take some screen shots for you
Demon_man said:
Ok so first I'm presuming you have a wireless network, dont no if it can be done without one (correct me if im wrong folks) so im on xp so might be different on 7 but nearly the same i guess
so have your pc and you're phone both running from the wifi
then on your pc go to my computer, right click and open properties, you wanna be on system properties by now and look for Remote, you wanna allow remote assistance and allows users to connect remotely,
then fire up RD on your HD2, where it says computer thats where the ip of the oc goes, you can look it up by clicking the network icon in the desktop of the pc, should be something like 192.168.x.x type that in you're phone (computer section in remote desktop)
the username is the same username as your pc is called or youre account
then click connect have a go if you need more help just reply mate
EDIT I will take some screen shots for you
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I don't have a wireless network. I have a laptop with WiFi set to 'ON', and my HD2's WiFi set to 'ON'.. not router or anything like that.
I'm also using a Mobile Internet for my internet, so that connection comes up in my network and sharing centre as connected, and the IP is not standard like 192.168.0.x..
You'd think it would be possible to just connect the bastards like good old bluetooth.. well, wish at least.
I have allowed remote desktop in the settings of my laptop.
I believe the main issue here is setting up a WiFi network that I can connect to from my phone /:
ok so let me gey this right,
you wanna connect via Remote desktop to the laptop and you have no router?
Remote desktop allows you to view your computet on youre phone,
bit confused bout what you wanna do now
Demon_man said:
ok so let me gey this right,
you wanna connect via Remote desktop to the laptop and you have no router?
Remote desktop allows you to view your computet on youre phone,
bit confused bout what you wanna do now
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I want to lie in bed browsing my laptop from my phone.. The size of the phone is so much more attractive to me /:
Why is a router such a biggie? And if it is, can remote desktop be used via something more simple assay.. bluetooth? /:
as faw as im aware Remote desktop can only be done through the net i could be wrong,
did you say you are using your phones internet on the laptop to browse or a usb dongle thingy lol
Demon_man said:
as faw as im aware Remote desktop can only be done through the net i could be wrong,
did you say you are using your phones internet on the laptop to browse or a usb dongle thingy lol
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USB-dongle with seperate SIM dedicated for data use d:
So I've got internet from the comuter (lol, writing here hehe), but I don't want to use GPRS from my phone just to access my laptop /:
forgot password lock
forgot password lock micro max mobile model W900 pls help !!
Ok gothcya, then all you should have to do is have your laptop connected to the net, open Remote desktop on your phone and where it says computer type in your ip address from your laptop, type your username which should match the same as the laptop, and you may need a password on you're win 7 account might not though,
You're ip address can be found here on this site it will tell you you're IP address that's what goes in the computer bit in remote desktop mobile on your phone,
I dont think you will be able to do it over wifi as you're not got the laptop on a wireless network, so it will use your gprs data
EDIT = just found this detailed blog, might help you out but still dont think can be done over wifi the way you want it mate
Demon_man said:
Ok gothcya, then all you should have to do is have your laptop connected to the net, open Remote desktop on your phone and where it says computer type in your ip address from your laptop, type your username which should match the same as the laptop, and you may need a password on you're win 7 account might not though,
You're ip address can be found here on this site it will tell you you're IP address that's what goes in the computer bit in remote desktop mobile on your phone,
I dont think you will be able to do it over wifi as you're not got the laptop on a wireless network, so it will use your gprs data
EDIT = just found this detailed blog, might help you out but still dont think can be done over wifi the way you want it mate
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Ok, thanks mate, I'll try and see!
Tried the instructions on that blog, it didn't help though ):
Im struggling to figure out what you are stuck on now lol, I told you where the stuff is and what you need to do what are you struggling with ?
Demon_man said:
Im struggling to figure out what you are stuck on now lol, I told you where the stuff is and what you need to do what are you struggling with ?
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It worked (using GPRS).. too bad I can't do it with WiFi though (direct WiFi to my laptop). Strange though.. if I can share internet with my HD2 by making it a router, it should be possible with the laptop:
Mobile Broadband from laptop -> Laptop as WiFi router -> WiFi on HD2 now with internet -> HD2 on WiFi shared by laptop -> Remote desktop of laptop ):
Luggruff said:
It worked (using GPRS).. too bad I can't do it with WiFi though (direct WiFi to my laptop). Strange though.. if I can share internet with my HD2 by making it a router, it should be possible with the laptop:
Mobile Broadband from laptop -> Laptop as WiFi router -> WiFi on HD2 now with internet -> HD2 on WiFi shared by laptop -> Remote desktop of laptop ):
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so basically you want to be connected on your laptop, which will be set as a router, with your phones wifi connection... interesting... Something like an ad-hoc connection???
I will try that and let you know if it works...
leftkats said:
so basically you want to be connected on your laptop, which will be set as a router, with your phones wifi connection... interesting... Something like an ad-hoc connection???
I will try that and let you know if it works...
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Cool! ^^
(also if you can make the laptop a WiFi router that allows the HD2 to connect to it's WiFi and use remote desktop.. with no internet connection at all, that would be awesome!)
Luggruff said:
Cool! ^^
(also if you can make the laptop a WiFi router that allows the HD2 to connect to it's WiFi and use remote desktop.. with no internet connection at all, that would be awesome!)
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ok found something... There I don't know if its a demo but it didn't ask for any serials so I assume its freeware.. Download and install, and follow the easy to set up wizard... Worked for me...
leftkats said:
ok found something... There I don't know if its a demo but it didn't ask for any serials so I assume its freeware.. Download and install, and follow the easy to set up wizard... Worked for me...
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Thanks! That worked like a charm ^^
I haven't read through all of the post but there is a better way than gprs. If your laptop's wifi adaptor supports ad-hoc mode (tbh it should. i don't know of an adapter that doesn't) it will be possible to set the laptop up as the network wifi server and then connect the phone to it via wifi. Then, all you'll need to do is right click "computer" on the laptop then click "advanced system settings" and then "remote". Finally click "allow connection from any computer running remote desktop". Next, in the start search box look for "command prompt" and when it appears click it (you may need to run it in administrator mode). Run ip config and look for the ip address assigned to "Wireless LAN adapter wireless network connection".
This is where we move to the phone. Connect the phone to the ad-hoc network you made on the laptop and run remote desktop on the phone. Give the ip you just obtained from ipconfig and give it your username and password, hit connect and jobs done.
I'm not gonna tell you how to setup the ad-hoc network coz i think you need to do some research on google in order to learn the value of how good it is (plus i'm watching the post race from the Canadian F1 GP).
M3PH said:
I haven't read through all of the post but there is a better way than gprs. If your laptop's wifi adaptor supports ad-hoc mode (tbh it should. i don't know of an adapter that doesn't) it will be possible to set the laptop up as the network wifi server and then connect the phone to it via wifi. Then, all you'll need to do is right click "computer" on the laptop then click "advanced system settings" and then "remote". Finally click "allow connection from any computer running remote desktop". Next, in the start search box look for "command prompt" and when it appears click it (you may need to run it in administrator mode). Run ip config and look for the ip address assigned to "Wireless LAN adapter wireless network connection".
This is where we move to the phone. Connect the phone to the ad-hoc network you made on the laptop and run remote desktop on the phone. Give the ip you just obtained from ipconfig and give it your username and password, hit connect and jobs done.
I'm not gonna tell you how to setup the ad-hoc network coz i think you need to do some research on google in order to learn the value of how good it is (plus i'm watching the post race from the Canadian F1 GP).
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Okay d: There was a way easier answer, posting quote (easier):
leftkats said:
ok found something... There I don't know if its a demo but it didn't ask for any serials so I assume its freeware.. Download and install, and follow the easy to set up wizard... Worked for me...
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Luggruff said:
Okay d: There was a way easier answer, posting quote (easier):
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Nothing more than a front end for what is already in windows. It looks like it basically does what i was instructing you to do by hand. I won't have used it but i know what i'm doing and i have a wifi/wired domain network so my phone is actually joined to the server and the server treats it like a client. The same as it would the pc so i can use the internal dns to find any machine connected and not have to worry about the ip's (but i do know them all off of the top of my head)
M3PH said:
I haven't read through all of the post but there is a better way than gprs. If your laptop's wifi adaptor supports ad-hoc mode (tbh it should. i don't know of an adapter that doesn't) it will be possible to set the laptop up as the network wifi server and then connect the phone to it via wifi. Then, all you'll need to do is right click "computer" on the laptop then click "advanced system settings" and then "remote". Finally click "allow connection from any computer running remote desktop". Next, in the start search box look for "command prompt" and when it appears click it (you may need to run it in administrator mode). Run ip config and look for the ip address assigned to "Wireless LAN adapter wireless network connection".
This is where we move to the phone. Connect the phone to the ad-hoc network you made on the laptop and run remote desktop on the phone. Give the ip you just obtained from ipconfig and give it your username and password, hit connect and jobs done.
I'm not gonna tell you how to setup the ad-hoc network coz i think you need to do some research on google in order to learn the value of how good it is (plus i'm watching the post race from the Canadian F1 GP).
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hehe... was watching F1 as well..!! I did try the ad-hoc option but I couldn't get it to use my existing Wifi connection for some reason... what they do now, is only connecting to computers with wifi connection together... I didn't spend so much time with this to be honnest, but the other option I mentioned before is a lot easier for everybody...

