Phone keeps rebooting on Auto-Update Time/Date - Vibrant General

If I boot my phone up, go to the home screen, my phone will get the little soft popup s aying "Auto Update of Time/Date" and then everything pauses, and the phone "soft" reboots itself. Meaning it doesnt do a full reboot, but it comes back searching for a network, performing the media scan, etc.
I did a factory reset to get rid of this, and now it's back again. It's MAD annoying. Anyone else having this issue?

Yep I noticed the same thing with mine. I thought it was normal but I'm beginning to think otherwise. I'm getting some connecting to dm server thing as well.

Sucks, the phone's awesome but if it keeps doing this then it won't even matter.
One thing I noticed is if I let the phone sit, and load up it's usually okay. If I try to go into the phone settings while it's booting up, thats when I'll see the auto update note and bam, restart. It'll keep doing this until I either leave it alone or pull the battery.
Good to hear it's not something im doing.

deng this just started happening to me like 5 minutes ago
its getting a bit of annoyed
my phone was rooted and then i unrooted it and it still has the same problem

Do you folks have any Task-kill app running in the background?
I had the same issue as well when I had a Task Killer app running in the background. It seems the app is killing some service that is causing soft reset. I turned off the auto mode last week and this hasn't happened since then.
Hope this helps..

if u download any gameloft games thats your problem my phone was doing that then i took the games from gameloft off and now it works great hope that helps

Certain apps can cause it, I also had a gameloft game cause it. If you need to get access to uninstall apps the phone should boot fine without a sim in it.
Sent from my SGH-T959

I am having the same problem, The phone keeps doing a soft reset. I noticed this happening after I tried to download a song from an app I installed on my phone. I deleted the app, and the problem still exists, it is REALLY ANNOYING



Hey everyone, I'm not sure whats going on with my HD2. Last night I was transferring my stuff from my fuze to my HD2 with PIMbackup, and it went well but after a little while it started acting a little weird. I transferred about 1200 sms messages, which I'm thinking makes it act a little weird because of the amount but I'm not sure. Then I started getting an error report saying a problem has occured with services.exe, and after that it froze and would not turn off, so I had to take the battery out and put it back in, but then the same problem happened again ten minutes later and I did the same thing again. And just now about 20 mins ago it froze and I did the battery thing again, but when it started back up it was very sluggish and I checked task manager but there were no programs running. I am confused about this because I got this phone yesterday and since then I havent really used it since I havent unlocked it yet, I have at&t, but I did install a program from the marketplace called wallpapers, but I'm not sure if thats the issue
I appreciate any help
did you transfer programs and registry settings? cos tarts not a good idea even between roms on the same phone, let alone across different phones.
no all I did was use the PIM backup and restore utility to transfer over appointments,call logs, contacts,messages,speed dials, and tasks. I dont think it transferred any registry files or anything
anyone know a fix to this? If not, will hard resetting my device do the trick?
Also, if I hard reset the device, will i lose all the stuff the phone came with like the transformers movie and programs, should I also remove the sd card while doing the reset?
any help is appreciated
The transfer of backed up SMS files, on occasion, can have a seriously negative effect on a "new" or different device from which they came and/or originated.
Try downloading an application called, MemMaid, and run the "Advanced Cleaner" which can run quite the detailed scan of all your system files, various cache folders, and much, much more.
Your device is fine, just a little cluttered I'm sure.
Ok, now I'm scared. I dont know wtf is going on, for some reason my phone wont turn on, I did a soft reset and the phone came on and it was sluggish, so I left it alone and it went on standby, then I pushed the lock button and it didnt turn on, the buttons just lit up, nothing else. So I took out the battery and put it back in and loaded it up and it was sluggish again, so I pushed the lock button to put it in standby and pressed the lock button again and the screen didnt turn on, but after a minute or two it turned back on, weird The weird thing is that after the error report for services.exe comes up and then the phone goes back to normal, no sluggishness.
So I just wanna know if I should hard reset it, or return it or what?
Definitely do a hard reset before trying to return it.
Money2g said:
Ok, now I'm scared. I dont know wtf is going on, for some reason my phone wont turn on, I did a soft reset and the phone came on and it was sluggish, so I left it alone and it went on standby, then I pushed the lock button and it didnt turn on, the buttons just lit up, nothing else. So I took out the battery and put it back in and loaded it up and it was sluggish again, so I pushed the lock button to put it in standby and pressed the lock button again and the screen didnt turn on, but after a minute or two it turned back on, weird The weird thing is that after the error report for services.exe comes up and then the phone goes back to normal, no sluggishness.
So I just wanna know if I should hard reset it, or return it or what?
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Try a hard reset and let us know how it goes. Don't worry, I've never actually heard of anyone bricking their device with PIM before
only the buttons lighting up when you press power is well known and called "sleep of death"
theres a thread in normal hd2 section called "hd2 died....or did it?"
have a read of that.
well i did a hard reset and everything went back to normal, it mustve been one of the programs i had installed, which were the bn ereader,marketplace,those games.
Seems like the SMS client likes to barf all over itself when people get a lot of texts going. I had about 2k texts going and my phone acted all kinds of crazy. I deleted most of them and it works fine again.
thats what i was thinking too. So does anyone here know how I can transfer all my text messages without it messing up my phone?

Constant Phone/Touchwiz reboots - help if you can

Hello everyone, I've got an interesting problem that I want the experts here at XDA to help me troubleshoot. Feel free to ask questions as I know there's probably a million variables at this point with stuff installed, uninstalled, gps, root, task killers, etc.
alrighty with that said, I did the e-wrecked gps fix (changing the operation mode and server location+port). That seems to work great in terms of time to lock on my position as well as improved accuracy. Over the next couple of days I noticed some really choppy and lengthy phone start ups after the fix.
Eventually it got to (and currently is at) a point where it kept rebooting the phone, or at least touchwiz. It would load up, scan media, search for the network, do all the start up stuff, then lock up, and turn the screen off. Hitting the lock button/power button does nothing while it resets itself. Then it resets to the lock screen, the screen lights up and it goes into "searching" for the tmo network while doing the storage preparations, and other boot up stuff. It does not restart from cold (with the vibrant, tmo, and galaxy animations, only the lock screen and OS boot process)
Anyone else got any funky restarts going on, for whatever reason? I basically want to start seeing what would trigger this behavior. I started uninstalling stuff one by one trying to figure out why its doing that but sometimes it boots up fine, sometimes it boots but doesn't ever find tmo's network, and sometimes it just does the above.
1. It will always boot up fine if the SIM card is out.
2. The last time it did it was today while I was at work, listening to music while the phone was charging. Im noticing that the phone gets pretty hot while charging and really hot if you're using while its charging (getting apps, surfing the web, playing games, etc)
So any thoughts from the tech gurus here? anyone have similar behavior in the past on other phones? is the heat affecting the sim card negatively? I can (and have) put my simcard back in my treo 680 backup phone with no issues whatsoever.
New observation, it consistently does the reset process as soon as the "Adjust Time and Date" as it registers/syncs with the network.
UPDATE: so, i did some research, ended up at the setCPU thread and saw that when set to OnDemand some people's phones experienced similar tendencies. Problem is, mine was already set to auto-detect and "Conservative". I un-checked start at boot, and tried again. Same problem. I uninstalled setCPU completely and my phone appears to be back to normal.
I'll update again if anything changes.
so one of the things that i removed during my troubleshooting was my corporate exchange account. When i added it back. it did its initial sync fine and gave me my calendar and contacts. I then rebooted and the problem came back.
I removed the account and rebooted. it went through two cycles of the restarts and on the third one, it worked. I left it alone after that.
I then was showing my friend some things (browser differences) and had 3 browsers open. It froze as i went to close Dolphin HD. Rebooted and now its back to the cycle.
Mine did this also. Installed several apps, woke up to find a slow phone. Resets galore. A quick reset to defaults and app restore fixed it, sans setcpu of course.
From XDA App on SGS-Vibrant
my phone resets itself also as described above, but not really doing anything in particular. i dont have a whole lot of apps installed. i even was using google maps the other day and after it started up the screen went black and the device was unresponsive until the screen came back and it said searching and the media scanner was running.
well first off thanks for responding lol. i thought i was by myself out here.
secondly, i found that if i leave it alone and let it go through its cycle, it does eventually boot up ok (this is recently, before, it was endless). i havent restarted my phone (im afraid to lol) since it did it on its own yesterday (showing my friend the browsers).
since yesterday, i've used it for navigation (motonav), serveral installs, downloaded podcasts, rss feeds, etc and its been ok (even while charging and wifi on). again, havent actually restarted it since yesterday because its actually functioning for once.
Lastly, i unchecked the auto update time and date from network in the settings just to see if that makes a difference because based on previous expereience that is the point where it freezes and resets. Thanks for chiming in and let me know if there's any other advice you have
I'd suggest a reset as mentioned above.
Been checking out this site for awhile but this is my first time posting, today my phone started to have this problem and it just bootloops touchwiz if i have a simcard in the phone.
It works fine without a simcard but my problem is it will not let me turn of auto update of time and date, i have tried disabling this setting and it just enables itself again. I have also noticed that if I started messing around with time and date settings even without a sim touchwiz reloads once. I guess im gonna give a reset a go.
martin0641 said:
Mine did this also. Installed several apps, woke up to find a slow phone. Resets galore. A quick reset to defaults and app restore fixed it, sans setcpu of course.
From XDA App on SGS-Vibrant
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heygrl said:
I'd suggest a reset as mentioned above.
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sorry, noob question (i came from winmo and a touch pro 2), what does "a quick reset to defaults" mean? is that like a factory wipe i.e. phone will be brand new again, gotta root again and reinstall everything, change settings, etc?
jblade1000 said:
sorry, noob question (i came from winmo and a touch pro 2), what does "a quick reset to defaults" mean? is that like a factory wipe i.e. phone will be brand new again, gotta root again and reinstall everything, change settings, etc?
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Root will stick but settings and apps/app data will be gone. It briefs you on what is and isn't lost when you do a factory reset.
Smae problem, its setcpu!
SetCPU with any settings will do this.
It needs an update, the auto detect some how loses and
will set the cpu to 19mhz max and min.
This is too slow to process. I rebooted and pressed settings and uninstalled it
while I could. Seems to behave once out of touchwiz.
For me it was another app not setcpu I never used it. After i did a reset i restored all my apps with titanium backup and once i restarted my phone it looped again. So i did another restore and left off all the apps that i installed right before the problem started and so far i think for me at least one of these caused it
Google maps update
google translate
the extra language pack for translate
barnacle wifi tether
hero of sparta
these are apps that I installed right before the problem happened and without these my phone works fine I am going to see if i can find that one that caused my problem.
It's not the maps update because my phone works fine with it.
It was hero of sparta a gameloft game from there web market funny thing is its suppose to work on the vibrant while dungeon hunter which works fine would only give nexus as a check out option. Anyway im going to try to get a refund tomorrow.
I get the same touchwiz reboot but for me it has only ever happened while using google maps. I do not use set cpu, but I have applied the gps fix. It is more than a little annoying. I have done a system wipe but the problem persists.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
yes, if you have setcpu, uninstall it - its buggy with the galaxys
- sometimes you can't wake your phone (if you set a screen off profile), forcing you to do a battery pull
- constant launcher restarts
Judgement5 said:
For me it was another app not setcpu I never used it. After i did a reset i restored all my apps with titanium backup and once i restarted my phone it looped again. So i did another restore and left off all the apps that i installed right before the problem started and so far i think for me at least one of these caused it
Google maps update
google translate
the extra language pack for translate
barnacle wifi tether
hero of sparta
these are apps that I installed right before the problem happened and without these my phone works fine I am going to see if i can find that one that caused my problem.
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and this is why i started the thread, to make sure i wasnt all alone. i have everything you have installed as well, but it was doing it before i picked up hero of sparta (and nova, and asphalt 5, man those guys make some good phone game lol).
anyways i just installed barnacle wifi tether yesterday so thats not it either (at least for me). That leaves the google stuff, out of the apps in your list, all of which were installed when i first got the problem, and are still on there after I've removed setCPU
heygrl said:
Root will stick but settings and apps/app data will be gone. It briefs you on what is and isn't lost when you do a factory reset.
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ok so, contacts, text messages, etc stay? Meaning if i do a factory reset, root stays, and all app stuff can be taken care of by, say, AppBrain since it has a running list of everything installed and knows where to get it to install it again? I apprecicate the advice, but this would still be a last resort sort of thing. my phone has worked fine for the past few days but I also havent restarted it yet either
just a quick update, my phone still does this if i reboot my phone (which is never now that i got my 32gb sd card), but for the first time ever hero of sparta caused it to happen while the phone is on. I uninstalled it so we'll see.

Phone restarting randomly

Every once in awhile, I will look over and notice the Roger logo popped back up on my phone which means its restarting. No idea how much this does in a day but I have caught it a couple times in the past few days. Anyone have this problem? An excuse to get a phone replaced?
yup..happens to me on average around 3 times a week.
i launch an app..the screen goes blank..suddenly i notice the phone has restarted.
maybe low on RAM or too high temperature
Me phone has only done this once to me after I cleaned too many built in apps from my phone.
Other than that my phone has never rebooted.
Swyped from my rooted X10i using XDA.
My phone had restarting problem when i used aHome home launcher. After unistalling it, never happened again
Weird. My phone has never done it while i am using it. Its always done it when sitting by itself on a table, not running anything.
If you guys read the SE support site, you'll know that it has to do with the phone running out of memory because of too many apps running at the same time.
I know that there is a group here who does not believe in Advance Task Killer app, but I haven't had this issue after starting using this app. And, I'll repeat again, it helps me conserve the battery, not matter whoever who keeps saying that it is useless for that purpose.
visitador02 said:
If you guys read the SE support site, you'll know that it has to do with the phone running out of memory because of too many apps running at the same time.
I know that there is a group here who does not believe in Advance Task Killer app, but I haven't had this issue after starting using this app. And, I'll repeat again, it helps me conserve the battery, not matter whoever who keeps saying that it is useless for that purpose.
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It reboots even if you have a lot of memory free. This morning it rebooted after 30 min from the first boot and I didn't use it.
Ciao Angelo
noticed this happening quite a bit over last 2-3 days, not sure if its been caused by program update, possibly adw home.
today has been the worst, disconnecting and reconnecting almost every minute or so.
gonna try switching 3g off see if that helps. really annoying, makes browsing a PITA.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Mine restarted itself about 20 minutes ago haha.
Is this a problem for rooted phones mostly?
Ballfuzz said:
Mine restarted itself about 20 minutes ago haha.
Is this a problem for rooted phones mostly?
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mines not rooted, I'm on baseband .31 fw:r2ba026
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
This morning it rebooted 3 times.
Ciao Angelo
I personally found that it happen when I connected to Wifi.
That's for myself.
X10 Restarting
you showld try to turn off the WCDMA mode, after turning only GSM mode it never restarted again, and if i turn it on goes back to restarting every once in a wille, especialy when connected to my car's bluetooth.
try it and give feed back.
Started happening to me after I stopped using advanced task killer... maybe it happens when it runs out of ram?
Don't your phones get extremely laggy without ATK? I usually don't exit apps when I'm done with them, I just press the home button, and open up more apps, so I can't go without it...
As far as I can recall, my phone's never restarted on me...
In the last couple of days it is happening to me too.
I stop using the phone for some time, and then it just restarts itself.
i just bought an x10 yerstday and ever since the recent update it has continuously rebooted on its own when browsing the net and playing music.
This really bugged me since i didnt know whether it was a faulty set or the new update was the problem. after going through various threads on various forums i realised the problem is very common.(unrooted before and fully factory unlocked)
So here is my Solution. it has not restarted yet after doing the following
1. Rooting and updating to latest firmware R2BA026
2. Installing Auto memory manager
> Setting it as follows
FA... 2MB
VA... 2MB
SS... 4MB
HA... 5MB
CP... 6MB
EA... 6MB
3. Installing Advanced Task Killer (Using it as normally as u could do)
> Untick Superuser permission
> Untick Auto Memory Manager
Dont let the memory fall below 15mb always check Auto Memory Manager and then use ATK.
Please tell me if this worked for you. it worked for me
I solved my reboot problem with Reset to factory defaults.
berbecverde said:
I solved my reboot problem with Reset to factory defaults.
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Tried this, also tried resetting using seus and still it continues, think my phone has a fault now, I'm now running latest o2 uk fw (26).
If I'm on 3g it will cycle being connected and disconnected almost constantly, makes using net impossible, if I set it to use gsm only everything is fine. Could be o2 screwing with 3g where I live but I don't think so some how, not for this length of time!
Any one have any ideas? Failing that its gonna have to be sent away :-(
Sent from my X10i using XDA App
Ok so I wasnt a believer in all this r/s crap, but I alsmost shat my pants last night when my phone r/s on me during a call. Now at that time its wasnt on wifi but it r/s on me...i dialed again and after a few mins it r/s again. This is pissing me off. Any solutions.???
I guess if it continues then imma jump ona new phone.

[Q] sudden failure

hey guys
was using my nexus 4 5.0.1 (stock, bootloader unlocked, not rooted) with no issues this morning. then suddenly i can launch google music. the app launches and i get a white screen with nothing on it. so eventually the app crashes. then i try launching messenger, good play, and many other apps with the same result. my phone begins to get very slow and laggy, nearly non responsive. i restart my phone and i get no service. restart my phone again and a few apps like chrome will launch, and whatsapp aparently, but ive tried so many other apps that will not launch or hang on launch. any ideas? is it a failure of sorts or will a wipe fix the issue?
edit: i think its helpful to note this is a refurb phone. there have been times when my phone suddenly restarts (normal for android) and other times when the screen just goes off and i have to hold the power button till i get red blinks or sometimes i have to plug the phone into the wall for it to restart.
edit2: just restarted my phone connected to the wall. wifi wont even turn on. i waited 60s and it finally switched on. its like the phone has gone limp lol. it wont connect to my mac anymore either ("try reconnecting or restarting your device").
It sounds like your memory chip is failing. I would advise you to extract as much valuable data off of the device while you still can. Then we can troubleshoot to see what the problem really is without having to worry about important data loss.
lolcakes203 said:
It sounds like your memory chip is failing. I would advise you to extract as much valuable data off of the device while you still can. Then we can troubleshoot to see what the problem really is without having to worry about important data loss.
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i did a full factory reset from terminal. im not having any issues anymore.... yet. however im still concerned about potential imminent memory/storage failure.
Alright that's good to hear. Keep us posted.

Crashing & Restarting

Anyone having any issues with their phone crashing/restarting quite a bit?
A few times my phone wouldn't wake from sleep, so I've had to hold down the power and volume keys. Lots of times when I go to unlock the phone, it says that can't use biometrics as it has restarted, probably in my pocket without me noticing. It's also crashed once whilst I was actually using it, opening YouTube app.
I did a full Smart Switch restore from my S7, so that might have something to do with it. What's the best way to debug this to try and work out whether it's an app causing me problems or whether there's something with the phone?
Your phone might be defective, is it lagdragon or exynos? My S8+ is exynos and I've had no such problems with it, and nobody else that i talked to that also have exynos.
Nick676 said:
Anyone having any issues with their phone crashing/restarting quite a bit?
A few times my phone wouldn't wake from sleep, so I've had to hold down the power and volume keys. Lots of times when I go to unlock the phone, it says that can't use biometrics as it has restarted, probably in my pocket without me noticing. It's also crashed once whilst I was actually using it, opening YouTube app.
I did a full Smart Switch restore from my S7, so that might have something to do with it. What's the best way to debug this to try and work out whether it's an app causing me problems or whether there's something with the phone?
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You could try settings>apps>reset app preferences. It'll obviously wipe out some stuff but if it is related to smart switch then it might solve it. This is the sort of thing restoring backups from smart switch/helium/titanium can do, and it ends up damn hard to diagnose. If all else fails I would factory reset it and let google play download and restore as many of the apps as it can and then manually reinstall the others from play store. If it still keeps crashing after than then it is probably faulty.
I just had one random restart after i had connected to the pc to transfer some stuff over, unplugged it and next thing i hear is a beep as it was rebooting. That is only the second time i have seen a random reboot since I got it though and I am putting a certain number of reboots down to being new/having a few bugs but it shouldn't be doing it very often.
Thanks, might have to try resetting app prefences. The only thing I really care about keeping is my SMS history and my launcher setup, both of which are backed up anyways.

