Using Disk Drive Mode - Avoiding potential issues. - HD2 General

Hi everyone,
I am hoping to save you all headaches and the pain of hardware resets. I finally figured this out and wanted to share it with you as I know how much time we all spend customizing our HD2's and how long it takes after a hardware reset.
The problem:
HTC Sense will not load. Hardware reset required. This happened to be 7-8 times before I realised what caused it.
You either shutdown or reset your phone and HTC Sense fails to load. ALso get certificate errors, and most apps/programs file to load
What was causing it:
There could be many causes. For me it was the following. Each time:
I connect my phone to my PC in 'Disk Drive' mode. All works fine. Once I disconnect the phone from the pc, or when I rest. I get the problem mentioned above. Nothing I can do, simply have to hardware reset.
Why it happens:
If you have apps/tweaks/programs or anything else for that matter installed on the SD card. When you connect the phone to your pc in 'Disk Drive' mode, it locks the SD card exclusively by the pc. Therefore WM and Sense cannot access the SD card. If you go to your phone and use file explorer, you will see that the SD card is not visible/available.
Somehow this damages the registry/apps/programs causing the problems outlined above.
This happened to me several times. Each time I had installed apps and though it was that particular app. The last time I did nothing. Just transferred some movies and the problem happened. Thats when I did another test. Again, same problem.
I have always connect my phone in ActiveSync mode now, never had this problem again.
BEWARE - DO NOT connect your phone in 'Disk Drive' mode to your PC.

I also had this problem, but I never used diskdrive mode

This is the truth about disk drive mode, not the above!!
hgalanos said:
Hi everyone,
I am hoping to save you all headaches and the pain of hardware resets. I finally figured this out and wanted to share it with you as I know how much time we all spend customizing our HD2's and how long it takes after a hardware reset.
The problem:
HTC Sense will not load. Hardware reset required. This happened to be 7-8 times before I realised what caused it.
You either shutdown or reset your phone and HTC Sense fails to load. ALso get certificate errors, and most apps/programs file to load
What was causing it:
There could be many causes. For me it was the following. Each time:
I connect my phone to my PC in 'Disk Drive' mode. All works fine. Once I disconnect the phone from the pc, or when I rest. I get the problem mentioned above. Nothing I can do, simply have to hardware reset.
Why it happens:
If you have apps/tweaks/programs or anything else for that matter installed on the SD card. When you connect the phone to your pc in 'Disk Drive' mode, it locks the SD card exclusively by the pc. Therefore WM and Sense cannot access the SD card. If you go to your phone and use file explorer, you will see that the SD card is not visible/available.
Somehow this damages the registry/apps/programs causing the problems outlined above.
This happened to me several times. Each time I had installed apps and though it was that particular app. The last time I did nothing. Just transferred some movies and the problem happened. Thats when I did another test. Again, same problem.
I have always connect my phone in ActiveSync mode now, never had this problem again.
BEWARE - DO NOT connect your phone in 'Disk Drive' mode to your PC.
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All you have to do to avoid these issues is use a little common sense ....
Disk drive mode is a lot faster than Active Sync so for , syncing large files, or a lot of music Disk drive mode does it in half the time ...
Now some of the points you made are true, if you connect in disk drive mode, your phone does not have access to the SD for the duration of your connection ...
Now here is where the common sense comes in .... Follow along ....
1.) Connect your phone via disk drive mode, lay it down, and DON'T TOUCH IT TILL YOUR DONE, and are going to unplug it ...
That is about it ....
If you want to be really really safe(read paranoid), you can switch to airplane mode for the duration ..
I use my phone about 85% of the time in disk drive mode and have had none of the "problems" above ...
So again treat it like you are supposed to , treat it like a removable drive, you don't try to run programs or make calls on your thumb drive, or you external hard drive do you(this does not mean run programs from , wanted to add this to eliminate the obvious)?
Now with all that said, Disk Drive mode is much faster if you use it like you are supposed.
p.s. And it is just safe to unplug your phone from the USB if you need to reset it, saves power spikes, driver load time, and just a bunch of headaches, like the fact it is a usb drive that you just UN-safely removed from your PC because you reset it and that caused it to hard disconnect.
One more thing, it is not a good thing to make statements like you have made to be, FACT, to the community, if you work for HTC or a hardware manufacturer and are pointing out a defect then that is good, but your points are not really FACT , they are your experience.​

hgalanos said:
If you have apps/tweaks/programs or anything else for that matter installed on the SD card.
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well theres your problem, tweaks on the sd card? just asking for trouble.
any program that either interacts with the system, or runs in the background, or tweaks should always go on device.

watcher64 said:
All you have to do to avoid these issues is use a little common sense ....
Disk drive mode is a lot faster than Active Sync so for , syncing large files, or a lot of music Disk drive mode does it in half the time ...
Now some of the points you made are true, if you connect in disk drive mode, your phone does not have access to the SD for the duration of your connection ...
Now here is where the common sense comes in .... Follow along ....
1.) Connect your phone via disk drive mode, lay it down, and DON'T TOUCH IT TILL YOUR DONE, and are going to unplug it ...
That is about it ....
If you want to be really really safe(read paranoid), you can switch to airplane mode for the duration ..
I use my phone about 85% of the time in disk drive mode and have had none of the "problems" above ...
So again treat it like you are supposed to , treat it like a removable drive, you don't try to run programs or make calls on your thumb drive, or you external hard drive do you(this does not mean run programs from , wanted to add this to eliminate the obvious)?
Now with all that said, Disk Drive mode is much faster if you use it like you are supposed.
p.s. And it is just safe to unplug your phone from the USB if you need to reset it, saves power spikes, driver load time, and just a bunch of headaches, like the fact it is a usb drive that you just UN-safely removed from your PC because you reset it and that caused it to hard disconnect.
One more thing, it is not a good thing to make statements like you have made to be, FACT, to the community, if you work for HTC or a hardware manufacturer and are pointing out a defect then that is good, but your points are not really FACT , they are your experience.​
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totally agree with that! the disk drive mode is EXTREMELY valuable. my kaiser didn't have it, and so i carried around a microsd card reader in my pocket along with the phone.
with the hd2, i don't have to carry the card reader anymore (though the card reader is even faster).
in my use, i have never been forced to do a hard reset as an outcome of daily use of the phone and its advertised features. this includes almost daily use of the disk drive mode.
during this time, sense has remained stable...with CHT DEVICE memory of course. which leads me to my final point. install all your programs to device memory, especially services and background applications or start up applications. keep your active wallpapers and ring tones and message tones and theme related stuff on device memory. games and documents and media and the like can go on the storage card. heck i even install games to my device memory because i can...the HD2 has 2-3 times more device memory than the windows mobile devices of the past 3 years!
perhaps the more appropriate warning for everyone is:

Seems like a lot of sensationalism in the OP, but the point is valid. Installing apps/tweaks/etc to the SD card and then attempting to use elements which access those resources while they're not available is bound to create issues.
Simply install those applications/tweaks to the internal memory. I've done this, use disk mode 95% of the time and have not had any issues with Sense crapping itself.

chuck232 said:
Seems like a lot of sensationalism in the OP, but the point is valid. Installing apps/tweaks/etc to the SD card and then attempting to use elements which access those resources while they're not available is bound to create issues.
Simply install those applications/tweaks to the internal memory. I've done this, use disk mode 95% of the time and have not had any issues with Sense crapping itself.
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My Fear with the title of this post is , those that do not know any better, will not actually read the thread, but only the opening post ...
Things like "DO NOT" and "MUST READ" in the title imply facts not in evidence.
And to be honest, and trying not to hurt anybodies feelings(yeah right!), there are enough misconceptions by newbe's , we do not need more ....

hgalanos said:
The problem:
HTC Sense will not load. Hardware reset required. This happened to be 7-8 times before I realised what caused it.
You either shutdown or reset your phone and HTC Sense fails to load. ALso get certificate errors, and most apps/programs file to load
What was causing it:
There could be many causes. For me it was the following. Each time:
I connect my phone to my PC in 'Disk Drive' mode. All works fine. Once I disconnect the phone from the pc, or when I rest. I get the problem mentioned above. Nothing I can do, simply have to hardware reset.
Why it happens:
If you have apps/tweaks/programs or anything else for that matter installed on the SD card. When you connect the phone to your pc in 'Disk Drive' mode, it locks the SD card exclusively by the pc. Therefore WM and Sense cannot access the SD card. If you go to your phone and use file explorer, you will see that the SD card is not visible/available.
BEWARE - DO NOT connect your phone in 'Disk Drive' mode to your PC.
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Alright time to settle this once and for all. I literally JUST did what you expressly warned us all not to do and I can say for a FACT that the Mass Storage/Disk Drive works absolutely fine.
Steps to avoid your problem -
1. After connecting to Mass Storage mode, lay the phone down and LEAVE IT ALONE. Like watcher said earlier, you don't pick up your portable hard drive and play with it while it's connected to your PC so why would you do this to your phone when it's acting as a portable hard drive?
2. Don't run apps installed to SD card while the phone is connected in Mass Storage mode. When in Mass Storage mode, your device CANNOT access the SD card. Your phone is acting as an SD card reader. Therefore if you try to run an app that is installed to the SD card while connected in this method, you will get an error. No brainer.
3. You know that neat little system tray in the bottom right hand corner of your Windows computer? Down there is a "Safely remove hardware" button. Get used to using this button. It's the only way to remove the hardware from without risking damage to the data on the card. If you just unplug the phone from the PC, you're not giving either the phone or the PC any warning about what you're about to do. If you use the "Safely remove hardware" feature on your PC, it stops the drivers on a software level, making it safe to unplug the device without the risk of damage to the files. NO BRAINER.
4. Follow my advice - It'll save you future headaches while continuing to use the Mass Storage mode on your phone.
Cheers -

Title of the thread changed:
DO NOT Use Disk Drive mode - MUST READ
Using Disk Drive Mode - Avoiding potential issues.
I fear that the original title of the thread could be misleading to some and so it was changed to something more "informative" as opposed to what it was, a warning.

c'mon, man. just like others said, it's just sensationalism and if you used common sense you wouldn't post this thread. have you tried copying big files via active sync? apparently not.

dan138zig said:
c'mon, man. just like others said, it's just sensationalism and if you used common sense you wouldn't post this thread. have you tried copying big files via active sync? apparently not.
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Who might I ask is your post targeting? In examples like this, when specifically targeting your message to a single person and not as a general statement, it's best to quote at least part of the message you're replying to.

dharvey4651 said:
Who might I ask is your post targeting? In examples like this, when specifically targeting your message to a single person and not as a general statement, it's best to quote at least part of the message you're replying to.
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sorry. i was speaking to the OP

question about the disk drive mode and double twist. Anytime I try to use disk drive mode, double twist tries to run. So I have been using active sync only.
Question 1: Do I need double twist?
Question 2: If I let it run, what is gonna happen?
Used disk drive mode on my tp2 all the time (well, when transfering certain converted movies....) and had no problems.

nrfitchett4 said:
question about the disk drive mode and double twist. Anytime I try to use disk drive mode, double twist tries to run. So I have been using active sync only.
Question 1: Do I need double twist?
Question 2: If I let it run, what is gonna happen?
Used disk drive mode on my tp2 all the time (well, when transfering certain converted movies....) and had no problems.
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just delete the autorun.inf off your sd card ...
It is just a media sync app that sucks IMHO ...

Good to see all the feedback.
I can tell you for a FACT that I tested this again.
I connected it to the pc, did nothing. Disconnected the phone, all ok.
I did a soft reset after a few mins. Same thing. Sense crapped itself.
I have BSB Tweaks, CHT, and various other UI tweaks installed on phone memory. I have various apps on the SD card.
Anyways, another question.
The size displayed for the phone memory under windows when the phone is connected. Is this the total space left on internal memory, or only space left to install apps?
Reason I am asking is that if I install everything on the internal mem, won't it kill performance and cause other issues?

dan138zig said:
c'mon, man. just like others said, it's just sensationalism and if you used common sense you wouldn't post this thread. have you tried copying big files via active sync? apparently not.
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Of course I have copie dlarge files. Why else would I buy a phone with SD storage available.
I have a 16GB SD card and copy movies to it all the time. I use Windows explorer, takes a little longer, but regardless of any other opinions, I will not be using Disk Drive mode ever again. I have been burnt too many times.

I've always used disk drive mode, pulled the phone out without doing safely remove, taken phone calls, run apps which are installed on the phone not the SD and never had a problem.
Perhaps you've got a duff phone that's a little bit sensitive, or a duff app which is causing it?

watcher64 said:
just delete the autorun.inf off your sd card ...
It is just a media sync app that sucks IMHO ...
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thanks. I wasn't sure if the autorun.inf was for that or something else. I need to transfer over some psx games to the storage card and I don't like taking the back off the phone more than necessary.


Mini SD trouble.

Just trying to upload a few files to my 1gb sandisk and found that some files and directories had just become a jumble of characters and after a soft reset my programs that were stored on the card refused to work.
I had the phone reasonably close to my monitor at work on the desk, could that have been the prob or is my card going to die ?
Formatted it on the PC and its back to normal for now. Just re installing everything.
i got the same thing just now. all my games and programs stored on my miniSD card dont work! what the heck?
Is it some form of magnetism interference or power surge or what ? I was plugging my phone into the usb attached to the computer at the time when I first noticed it. Everything had been runnning fine before that.
Hope its not going to keep happening on a regular basis.
It happened to me too, I think it is due to two programs trying to write to the storage card at once, or something reading while some else is writing, or similar.
I wiped mine and fortunately was able to replace most of what was on there (mostly music) but found out afterwards that there was a good chance of recovery.
Try checking out EasyRecovery Professional, there is a free trial I beleive and you should be able to recover files on your card (even if they have been deleted and not yet overwritten).
Hope this helps

Micro Drive LOCKED!! No Access! Help request!

Hi all.
Got a problem I hope you all get help me with. It's not directly my problem as my device is OK. My cousin's Ameo has a fault/problem with his Micro Drive.
I have hard reset his WM5 based Ameo but cannot format the hard drive (MD). I've even flashed the WM6 T-Mob005 ROM to it (doesn't need unlocking before flashing). That all went to plan, but still cannot format the MD. The types of error messages I get are:
1) Unable to access Micro drive...there has been a sharing violation
2) Ensure the Micro drive is not in use...
And many other messages relating to the same thing...the MD is somehow locked and will not allow anything to be deleted from it or written to it. It's similar I suppose to a SD card being manually locked by the little slide button on it.
Anyway I've tried Flash Format, Ontrack Easy Recovery and several other 3rd party apps including SKTools and Pocket Mechanic Pro...all have the same problem but display different messages which mean the same thing...cannot access the MD..or exclusive access denied..please ensure the drive is not in use etc etc...I've tried through various apps to shut down any running processes that relate to any activity on the MD, but as the device was hard reset and flashed with a new ROM, there can be no apps running from the MD as none have been installed to it.
Finally of some importance I believe; It takes along time to delete even the smallest file from the Micro Drive even though a message pops up that access is deletes it nonetheless. However on resetting the device..all is back on the MD as if nothing had ever been deleted!
Also tried Recover MD and Format MD from the built-in app and tried formatting using the Resco Explorer version. Oh yeah tried various PC tools to format the MD via WM5torage, but to no avail.
I think the MD is screwed (physically), God knows this device of my cousins has been dropped numerous times. LoL, but seriously, if it's not due to misuse, then it can potentially happen to any one of us who have the spinning mechanical MD, hence my determination to resolve it before it happens to me or anyone else.
Anybody here knowledgeable in the area of Micro Drives or even hard drives to shed some light on this problem?
Thanks for any feedback.
More developments!
Another interesting point is that the Micro Drive folder is dated 1/1/98.....under Resco Explorer. Go figure!??!
Still at a loss. Meanwhile Olipro's Athena Unlocker worked a treat from beginning to end and it now has the Dopod U1000 WM6 it's fully unlocked...yet the MD issue remains..hmmmmm.
if the microdrive is anything like a hard drive, with spining platters, it wouldnt last very long for day to day use, ive heard of hard drives getting goosed very easily, with a slight knock. I know the ameo is ment to have a fail safe if you drop it. but if yove tried everything you say I would have to guess it was f*ck*d.
I read your post again, I assume the on board software is the same as doing a hard reset with formating the drive!
when you run wm5torage I assume you can see the drive, if youve tried to delete files I assume you can access the drive. Just cant format.
I had the opposite 2 nights ago copying 2 films 1 copyed the other one went through the motion but never got copyed.
a program for the pc that helped me a couple of times was called Swisknife, its like partition magic only free.
I cant think of anything else, ive been out of computers to long now.
Can you copy files from the drive!
Oh well...the journey continues..
johnwalk said:
if the microdrive is anything like a hard drive, with spinning platters, it wouldn't last very long for day to day use, I've heard of hard drives getting goosed very easily, with a slight knock. I know the ameo is meant to have a fail safe if you drop it. but if you've tried everything you say I would have to guess it was f*ck*d.
I read your post again, I assume the on board software is the same as doing a hard reset with formating the drive!
when you run wm5torage I assume you can see the drive, if you've tried to delete files I assume you can access the drive. Just cant format.
I had the opposite 2 nights ago copying 2 films 1 copied the other one went through the motion but never got copied.
a program for the pc that helped me a couple of times was called Swissknife, its like partition magic only free.
I cant think of anything else, ive been out of computers to long now.
Can you copy files from the drive!
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Hi johnwalk & thanks for your reply.
All of your assumptions were correct. I can even copy from the MD but not copy to it and it's very slow indeed.
I tried the swissknife app but none of the versions would start up on my PC..hmmm somethings a miss with my PC me thinks.
I managed to delete 'ALL' the files of the MD through WM5torage, but a soft reset of the device puts it all back again. Here I've included a screen-shot of some the crap I saw for the first time today (look at the dates of the files!??! Weird ah?), but it's all gone again now and returned to the normal looking files that I'm trying to get rid of.
Don't worry, I have no expectations, but do appreciate the help you've given me.
if you can see the microdrive in windows try and run a program called killdisk on it if you dont care about the data that is on there and after that try and format it. killdisk will write all zero's to the drive killing any data on it. You could also try running scandisk and making it check every sector and try to repair bad sectors if it finds any.
c0mput0r said:
if you can see the microdrive in windows try and run a program called killdisk on it if you dont care about the data that is on there and after that try and format it. killdisk will write all zero's to the drive killing any data on it. You could also try running scandisk and making it check every sector and try to repair bad sectors if it finds any.
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that won't work. and can't.
what I suggest doing is holding the volume slider down and pushing in the reset hole, first perform the device reset, then the microdrive reset.
if that does nothing, go into bootloader and use mtty to issue the following commands;
task 28 55aa
task 28 55aa abcd
task 28 abcd
task 8
see if that gets you anywhere
c0mput0r said:
if you can see the microdrive in windows try and run a program called killdisk on it if you dont care about the data that is on there and after that try and format it. killdisk will write all zero's to the drive killing any data on it. You could also try running scandisk and making it check every sector and try to repair bad sectors if it finds any.
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Thanks for the help mate, but no software can write to the darn MD.
Olipro said:
that won't work. and can't.
what I suggest doing is holding the volume slider down and pushing in the reset hole, first perform the device reset, then the microdrive reset.
if that does nothing, go into bootloader and use mtty to issue the following commands;
task 28 55aa
task 28 55aa abcd
task 28 abcd
task 8
see if that gets you anywhere
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Much appreciate the help Olipro...didn't wanna bother you for a few.....
Nonetheless, it didn't work in formatting the hard drive, only the device.
I swear the things possessed.
The message I get all to frequently after trying to format it is: The Microdrive cannot be formatted, there has been a sharing violation. The Microdrive may be in use.
The picture of your screen shot is what I've had several times on mini sd cards. I can't remember how it happened. im sure it was copying files. of course I could just take out the card. which is of no help here. the first time it happened I was convinced it was the magnet.
Looking at you screenshot, i can say that ive seen this on my own advantage. I wasn't trying to add/remove any files, just browse the drive. I remember it was bloody slow, too. It wad taking a good minute to show the folder tree every time I browsed to a new folder. Im not sure what caused it, but thankfully, a soft-reset solved the problem.
I know that's not much help to you, but thought it may be a story worth sharing. Hope you get it sorted
Thanks for all your feedback guys, I appreciate it.
Unfortunately, nothing I have tried so far has even come close to working. Well I've got until Saturday to fix it, then my cousin will take it back fixed or otherwise.
Suppose he'll have to invest in a 4GB miniSDHC card until this MD issue can be resolved. Still got to call Hitachi as they have some tools on their website that might help restore the MD.
I'll keep you informed of any developments. Hopefully this is not a common occurrence on Athenas.
Does anyone know if the 8GB miniSDHC cards are available yet? I can only find the 4gig ones.
Same Issue, Same device
Yeh, I've had the same error message but I fortunately had a program on the device that will format the MD. The error message occured when attempting this so I reset the device and went back to the same program and selected the "Restore MicroDrive" function which rebooted the PDA then asked if I want to format the storage card. Tapped "Yes" and all was well.
I have had quite a few problems with this device as I know of at least 20 people who use it and have had either the same problem or similar. For example sometimes, for no reason, all the critical data on the MD becomes corrupt and shows just the "Voices" folder from TomTom6 with "collected.ini" and an obviously corrupted file with a weird filename. Sometimes a few soft resets and fully turning off and on will bring it to a point where simply creating a new folder will bring back all lost folders.
Go figure...hope this post helps.

HD Crashes/hangs when charging!!

I have been charging my HD via cable (plug charger is broken) on my mac laptop with no problems. Now i have been trying to charge it from my computer at work and everytime I plug it in the whole phone just hangs and nothing works, I can't even switch it off!! I have to take the battery out of the back of the phone.
I have tried this on both a Windows XP Proffesional and Windows 2000 pc and on both they have crashed. I have had this happen when activesync is both active and when I have turned it off on the phone. Is this happening because I have not installed activesync from the disc onto this pc? If this is the case that sucks as I thought you could just plug this phone into any pc and charge it?
Is it worth doing a hard reset?
When you connect to your PC via USB cable, besides the charging, it also try to establish connection one of which is to make your storage card a disk drive. This process will always result in the hanging and crashing and it is normal.
To avoid this, use the normal AC charger for charging, and USB cable for making connection, during which time it is assumed that you will be controlling the coyping or sync process via the PC hence the device should not be working at the same time. Not sure if this makes sense to you.
It is a way to protect the storage card from being corrupted. Only one guy should do the writing of files at a time.
Yes... Steve above is quite correct.
When selecting the phone as a storage device this locks the device and allows the phones SD Mini card to act as a removable hard drive.
If it didn't lock it down the card would get screwed up if doing anything other than operating as a storage medium.
DOH!! Ok I feel stupid now Was worrying there for a bit. Problem solved, I had the default option of it using the phone as a disk drive when plugged in, I have now set it to Activesync and also I chose Activesync when I connected it and touch wood all is fine, no freezing!!
Many thanks guys its much appreciated.
No problem Mate.... We are all entitled to a bit of 'DOHH' every now and then.
Ok so I now can charge my phone using the pc and the phone doesn't freeze. But I have just linked up the phone in Disk Drive mode as I had something I needed to transfer. The transfer went well but when I unplug the phone (and I have done the safely remove hardware thing) the phone is frozen and I have to yank the battery?? Surely this isn't right?
No... that's not right.
Is this with Vista?
I have found when using my Vista laptop my phone 'occasionally' hangs and I have to switch it off and restart but using Win XP on my other laptop it's fine.
AFK_Matrix said:
Ok so I now can charge my phone using the pc and the phone doesn't freeze. But I have just linked up the phone in Disk Drive mode as I had something I needed to transfer. The transfer went well but when I unplug the phone (and I have done the safely remove hardware thing) the phone is frozen and I have to yank the battery?? Surely this isn't right?
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No, it's not right, it's a bug. I'm amazed to read what you've been told so far - I mean just analyze this:
eaglesteve said:
When you connect to your PC via USB cable, besides the charging, it also try to establish connection one of which is to make your storage card a disk drive. This process will always result in the hanging and crashing and it is normal.
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I mean honestly. How can that possibly be normal or correct behaviour?
I don't know if this is a Windows Mobile bug, or an HD bug, or a possibly a problem SD card you've got in the slot - but there is no way that any process should result in "hanging and crashing" without something being quite wrong somewhere.
You should be able to charge from any USB socket without having to worry about any of this, the advice about only using the AC adaptor etc is complete nonsense.
I am no computer jockey by any means - but I have noticed that my computer (running XP) tries to connect to my phone, as an external device and not as a phone using activesync, if I have windows media player running. With WMP (11) off, it uses activesync as normal - might this be causing this issue?
Boinng said:
No, it's not right, it's a bug. I'm amazed to read what you've been told so far - I mean just analyze this:
I mean honestly. How can that possibly be normal or correct behaviour?
I don't know if this is a Windows Mobile bug, or an HD bug, or a possibly a problem SD card you've got in the slot - but there is no way that any process should result in "hanging and crashing" without something being quite wrong somewhere.
You should be able to charge from any USB socket without having to worry about any of this, the advice about only using the AC adaptor etc is complete nonsense.
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I don't think Steve meant it crashes the device and is normal.....
I think what he meant was when the device is connected as a disk drive it locks out the device (as if it's crashed).
It's normal for the phone not to be able to do anything other than transfer data when acting as a mass storage device.
I am using Windows 2000 on this PC so its not a Vista issue. And I did think it very weird, can understand it not wanting you to fiddle with the SD Card while you have it plugged in but it should release the phone when I safely remove hardware.
I am assuming no one else has this problem then? I might fish out an old 2gb mico sd card I have and see if it does the same thing, if it doesn't then its the SD card.
I will test this at home as well to see if its just the PC's here that are causing it. Mighty annoying as I have pulled the battery like 8 times now lol.
Yes... the only answer I can think of is it being the SD card that is not releasing itself.
Again it's normal for it to be locked out whilst it's connected but as soon as you 'pull the plug' you should be able to instantaneously use the phone again.
Tried this one?:
Disable charging when phone is ON and connected to PC.Works great for me!
Yeah I will try and find the 2GB card I have and see if that works.
And luckyuser I want my phone to be charged while it is connected though. Also my problem is that my phone crashes when I try and disconnect from the computer in disk mode, meaning I have to yank the battery.

SD card disappears

since I purchased the HD, every day or so (sometimes more frequently, sometimes less) the SD card disappears (in file explorer list there is no storage card icon, files are not accessible etc.) both when the phone is in stand-by or during normal operation.
To restore working I have to take out and reinsert the card and this is of course quite annoying. I have not noticed any corruption in the files, simply it is as the entire card is not present.
I am running the factory rom but not using TF3D. Did anybody else experience the same? Any possible explanation or is just a problem of faulty phone?
The only time my Memory Card "disappears" is when I have the USB Cable plugged in from my PC and I select "Disk Mode".
Same for me, the "Disk Mode" gives the PC exclusive access to the SD card, that disappears from the resources accessible directly from the phone, but re-appears as soon as I unplug the usb cable.
cxar71 said:
Same for me, the "Disk Mode" gives the PC exclusive access to the SD card, that disappears from the resources accessible directly from the phone, but re-appears as soon as I unplug the usb cable.
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Thx for your reply. I am familiar with this, the behaviour I am mentioning occurs randomly, even when phone is in sleep mode (e.g. I push power and no sd card....), writing messages, etc. I am not even sure it happens when it is accessing the card...
Of course I have already tried with a brand new card with same results. If nobody else noticed this I really suspect a fault in the equipment.
I'm having the same problem every now and then the card disappears and then i have to reboot to get it back.
try it perhaps it will help
perhaps this helps
Use ADVANCED CONFIG and change under "Performances the PNP unload delay or the PNP wait I/O delay to a higher value .
xdawis said:
perhaps this helps
Use ADVANCED CONFIG and change under "Performances the PNP unload delay or the PNP wait I/O delay to a higher value .
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Thx, will try. On the other hand I assume that everybody else is on standard values so there must be another cause why I am the only (or one of the few) to report this problem (apart for an hardware fault of course).
I have the same problem here. Ive been rebooting to get the card back, never thought about just taking the card out and putting it back in again.
Same problem with Touch Pro once a month or so. Reinserting the card without reset also works
Here is an application I heard about today, it might help:
"StorageTools for Windows Mobile"
I'm not too sure if the unregistered version does correction.
But, I have used it to do a verify (found a few errors on my 16 gig) card.

[Q] Phone restarting all the time when USB connected to PC

Sick and tired of this.
50% of time it's acting normally, other 50% it turns itself off and on continously, basically giving me a limited time span to copy files onto the SD card.
Also, another question - is it possible to turn off the automatic widget/program rearrange thing ? When you're on the homescreen or on programs listing screen, and when you hold your finger a bit longer, the phone automatically opens a "mode" which lets you rearrange your icons/widgets/etc, is there a possibility to turn that off ? Getting tired of sometimes holding my finger on the phone for a brief second more to have that rearrangement crap activated.
The problem is not your phone, but the cable or the computer.. Try to unistall your drivers and then reinstall or use another cable..
About disable screen widget option, i don't if it's possible, but try to use another launcher.. i recommend launcherpro..
Sent from my E15i using XDA App
tried with a different cable, didn't work, same **** as always ( the moment PC recognizes the phone and pops autoplay message for the SD card to browse it or w/e, phone freezes, then restarts, then works for like 20 seconds after first reboot, then shuts down entirely and starts rebooting slower and slower after each reboot, and when I take the cable out, the phone suddenly starts acting normal )
will try on a different PC, doubt it it's going to make a difference
yep, same **** on different PC - so far 3 PCs and 2 different cables causing this problem, so yeah, I think it's safe to say that it's a problem with my mobile phone, or the SD card at least, cause when the Autoplay option pops up on my PC screen, the phone blocks
aye, it's the SD card, just tested with another one and I have no problems whatsoever
so.. does anyone have the original content of the Sony Ericsson shipped SD card that I could use to restore my SD card to it's original state ?
I can post mines..
Sent from my E15i using XDA App
refract said:
aye, it's the SD card, just tested with another one and I have no problems whatsoever
so.. does anyone have the original content of the Sony Ericsson shipped SD card that I could use to restore my SD card to it's original state ?
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Send me a mail
I'll send it to you. Who knows what they ship on SD card in other countries.
it's little less then 200mb so it'll take some time to upload it. I'll send you the link by private message once it does.
Please inform me once you've downloaded it, so I can remove it from my server.
Xperia Bonbon je u pitanju! /i've deleted all mi personal **** from it, but if you find anything I missed such as my nude pictures and sex videos plase don't put it on youtube or flickr.
i experinenced the same problem when i root the phone.then connected via usb to pc companion and repaired and reinstall the phone os.
i had the problem after updating to official 2.1. found out that it didnt occur when i pressed "charge phone" on the display after plugging in and activating the usb drive afterwards.
maybe you'll find different drivers in this board, i installed something at some time and its gone now
refract said:
Sick and tired of this.
50% of time it's acting normally, other 50% it turns itself off and on continously, basically giving me a limited time span to copy files onto the SD card.
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Try this, it worked for me: (I wanted to give the link to SE forum where they talked about this, but I'm not allowed, not enough posts, they say)
This seems to be quite a common problem in X's, there has been some bug in notification tone in the device in regard to the PC companion, some sort of confrontation which makes the phone to reboot all the time. So, I went to the settings, "sound and display", "notification ringtone", change to "thinkerbell"
Also, uncheck the "SD card notification"!
My phone does not reboot now, hope it will stay that way!
cheers, doesn't reboot anymore !

