SEUS and SE companion can't repair - XPERIA X10 General

After flash to new firmware and want to go back to original Rogers fw, but unable to do it.
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both refuse to download files to reinstall fw to my phone.
There is no reinstall button anymore, it used to have it.
Tried uninstall and reinstall SEUS, still the same.

superprelude said:
After flash to new firmware and want to go back to original Rogers fw, but unable to do it.
both refuse to download files to reinstall fw to my phone.
There is no reinstall button anymore, it used to have it.
Tried uninstall and reinstall SEUS, still the same.
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Did u try using omnius? That's how I got back to Rogers fw. The other way I got back to stock was bricking my phone and using flash tool. Took me a couple hours to figure out but its doable. I have flashed from x10i to 10a to new 10a and back to original Rogers (but I have bricked my phone a few times, it happens )
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

There are too many omnius discussion in this forum.
Can you link me the right one?

I think I find the thread about it.
But where do I get the rogers fw files?
NVM , got it.

Davinci can get you back to Rogers
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

augie7107 said:
Davinci can get you back to Rogers
Sent from my X10a using XDA App
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Doesn't that cost money?
There are two ways I know of that don't cost anything:
Flash tool
Give that money to the dev team instead for accomplishing root.

Mod. edit: not dev related, moved to general


rogers owners how to unroot please

I have a rooted x10a that I want to unroot. I rooted using the Long was (not the one click). I tried to do a repair using SEUS and nothing, then I tried pc companion and it fails have way through downloading the file. What to do?
naz78 said:
I tried to do a repair using SEUS and nothing
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Can you elaborate?
XperiaX10iUser said:
Can you elaborate?
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I ran the check for updates then it says none found and there is no option to restore.
why don't u try the one click unroot... (why didn't you in the first place)
If that fails I guess re-flash the firmware
naz78 said:
I ran the check for updates then it says none found and there is no option to restore.
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So you don't see this screen in PCC when you click Start....
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or this screen when you connect in flash mode with SEUS?....
pngface said:
why don't u try the one click unroot... (why didn't you in the first place)
If that fails I guess re-flash the firmware
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I'M under impression that the one click unroot will only work if u rooted using the one click root method and I didn't use the one click root.
pngface said:
why don't u try the one click unroot... (why didn't you in the first place)
If that fails I guess re-flash the firmware
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XperiaX10iUser said:
So you don't see this screen in PCC when you click Start....
or this screen when you connect in flash mode with SEUS?....
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When o use PPC I see the option to repair. I click it then it starts a process to download and install and the Download fails half way.
When I use SESU it looks for an update then it tells me that I have the latest software and there isnt any mention of a repair, basically that text showing on your image under the your phone is up to date statement doesn't display for me.
Did it once long time ago, can't really remember the detail... but here it is.
1. Download X10a WWE_R1FA014 from the following web site.
2. Flash the phone back to R14.
3. Connect to SEUS and update to Rogers R20

bootloop issues

hello everyone
I have a bootloop problem and it is really frustrating!
i was on paranoidandroid rom and i wanted to go back to gingerbread 2.3.5
so i flashed using odin KK4 firmware and once it was complete the phone got stuck on the boot animation.. i had tried taking the battery out and waiting and still no luck.. i then thought to flash 2.3.6 so ive just done that in the form of LPA and I am again getting bootloop problems
on odin i had used phone pda and csc with repartition unchecked when installing 2.3.6 only
how should i go about fixing this??
all help is much appreciated
thank you
If you are still on GB. Reboot into recovery and factory reset.
I cant get into recovery for some odd reason even tho the 2.3.6 is a rooted rom
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
GB is safe. Do not worry. Perform factory reset.
Ive managed to get into recovery and do a factory reset im waiting for it to reboot now
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
Ok ive got through to the phone successfully but i want to be on 2.3.5..
When i downloaded KK4 i only had the single rom file in there.. is this all i need to flash to get it on 2.3.5?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
Let me make it a little clearer.. i have downloaded KK4 from samfirmware.. within the zip i just see the rom file.. is this all i need to flash to get on to 2.3.5? Or do i need to add a couple other files in odin also?
Sent from my GT-I9000 using xda app-developers app
Put it in PDA.
Do not select bootloader update, PIT, Flash Lock or efc clear option.
See the image below (thanks to Dr Ketan)
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[Q] Help Obtaining Sprint SGS4 Stock Rom

Please xda brethren, I need some help. My niece purchased a sgs4, which was rooted for like $150. She was in need of a phone. Anyway, the damn thing has been permanently frozen after a week of use. So i figured maybe flashing it back to stock rom. I found the links to download the stock rom, but its taking forever to get it down. I've been at this since 9:30 THIS MORNING and it hasn't downloaded fully yet. the download keeps stopping. I have to be back at work in 6 1/2 hours and i haven't even slept yet. Can someone please out of the kindness of your heart provide me with the latest stock rom for the sgs4. I'm dying over here for sleep. :crying::crying::crying::crying:
cocobrotha1 said:
Please xda brethren, I need some help. My niece purchased a sgs4, which was rooted for like $150. She was in need of a phone. Anyway, the damn thing has been permanently frozen after a week of use. So i figured maybe flashing it back to stock rom. I found the links to download the stock rom, but its taking forever to get it down. I've been at this since 9:30 THIS MORNING and it hasn't downloaded fully yet. the download keeps stopping. I have to be back at work in 6 1/2 hours and i haven't even slept yet. Can someone please out of the kindness of your heart provide me with the latest stock rom for the sgs4. I'm dying over here for sleep. :crying::crying::crying::crying:
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Use Samsung Kies
hyelton said:
Use Samsung Kies
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Uhhhh.....Hyelton, I need the firmware file for me to utilize kies. Otherwise, i wouldn't be looking for the stock rom of ICS for SGS4. This phone is rooted already. I need to UNDO the root.
cocobrotha1 said:
Uhhhh.....Hyelton, I need the firmware file for me to utilize kies. Otherwise, i wouldn't be looking for the stock rom of ICS for SGS4. This phone is rooted already. I need to UNDO the root.
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You cannot flash files with kies. You only flash latest. Which you use emergency recovery and enter your imei
Sent from my XT1528 using Tapatalk
cocobrotha1 said:
Uhhhh.....Hyelton, I need the firmware file for me to utilize kies. Otherwise, i wouldn't be looking for the stock rom of ICS for SGS4. This phone is rooted already. I need to UNDO the root.
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No need to look for an old file like this. He's the latest stock to run through Odin, it should get get all fixed up and unrooted.
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Looking for US Version BTV-W09C1289BXXX Full Rom or Stock Recovery.img

I am unlocked, TWRPed, and rooted but would like to restore stock everything. It appears that restoring stock recovery will be the most difficult as Huawei has not released the full firmware image that includes recovery.img. Can someone with stock recovery extract this and post it?
*Title should say BTW-W09C128BXXX*
I'm looking for the same thing if anyone has any incite as to where to find it or a link to it. I have tried the firmware finder tool posted on XDA and the one in the play store. They both only show update. I'm in need of full install. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I am trying to back my stock US version up right now. Currently unlocked and trying to figure out how to back up stock rom and recovery. If anyone has any ideas please let me know.
Have you tried Firmware Finder app?
You can find it in Playstore.
I used this app to upgrade to Android N (international version).
Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Anyone able to post a US firmware recovery? Firmware Finder only has OTA packages for this verison of w09c128xxx
Sent from my BTV-W09 using Tapatalk
I just updated the firmware finder app and it now shows the full ota for nougat.
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purple lady said:
I just updated the firmware finder app and it now shows the full ota for nougat.
View attachment 4189555
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have you installed it? which one did you install? is it beta? does it pass safetynet check?
ExTREmE99 said:
have you installed it? which one did you install? is it beta? does it pass safetynet check?
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I haven't installed it yet. There's another thread asking this, maybe someone will answer there if no one does here.

Need to get back to stock.

Hey all,
I am running one of JKRuze's ROMS and have been for over a year. It's basically a slightly modified, non-rooted version of Android 7.0. My spotify has quit working, and one of the final questions their support team asked me is if I am running a modified OS on my phone. ****. So, I need to go back to stock. I tried following a method on here, but it failed to Odin. Anyone know if there is a thread around here with best method to get back to stock?
ODIN is the only method i know,never failed for me. try downloading files again( personally using U firmware)
Where can I get the latest U firmware? I have not been able to find a reliable link.
musiclover7 said:
Where can I get the latest U firmware? I have not been able to find a reliable link.
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Yeah, I went to that link from another post last night, and for the life of me, could not figure out how to download. I hate when sites do that. Hide the download link in some obscure location with a bunch of other buttons with the word download in big letters that just lead you to some other bogus garbage...
musiclover7 said:
Yeah, I went to that link from another post last night, and for the life of me, could not figure out how to download. I hate when sites do that. Hide the download link in some obscure location with a bunch of other buttons with the word download in big letters that just lead you to some other bogus garbage...
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Try using an adblocker. Anyway it's in the top right, here's a screenshot:
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Thanks.. That link says it is for SM-G935U. I've got the SM-G935V, will it still work?
Please help. I thought I had installed stock, but now my phone will not connect to cellular data. Data link seems fine.
Update... Never mind, I believe I have it figured out. I did not add the BL, CP, and CSC slots via odin.
